Conceptual approaches in logistics. Research methodology

In one of the latest materials, we cited the assurances of the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov that serious changes educational process will not undergo large-scale transformations in the general education system. But these are promises for the future. In the coming academic year The school is in for a truly fundamental innovation. For the first time after approval by the scientific and methodological council of the Ministry of Education and Science, on September 1, three lines of new history textbooks received the right to exist, in other words, these are the books that will be included in the federal list and will be recommended to schools. This means that a new era has come into its own. Russian education– the era of “Concepts”.

The scientific director of the team of authors of one of the lines, Rector of MGIMO, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Torkunov is convinced that the diversity of opinions will not disappear from the school, but only the approach will change, that is, the teaching methodology, which will become uniform. “History textbooks, even within the same series, present different assessments and points of view on a particular event. Moreover, very important meaningful quotes from various sources are given. At the same time, the approach to teaching history at school will now truly be uniform. It was formed within the framework of the concept developed by the Russian Historical Society, and this concept was approved by the public, including the pedagogical community,” the academician said. Rossiyskaya newspaper" By the way, a year ago, First Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Natalya Tretyak said that a unified concept of teaching history implies uniformity, but not unanimity.

The same opinion is shared by another developer of the idea, a member of the working group for the preparation unified concept teaching history head of department High school economics Igor Danilevsky. To the question “How can textbooks of a single concept differ from each other?” he gives the following answer: “Only by methodology!” By the way, a single textbook, as history teacher Andrei Lukutin rightly noted at a meeting of the Russian Historical Society, has long existed, although different options. The texts of all history textbooks that were included until recently in the federal list practically did not differ in content. “The only difference is the methodology: how the material is presented, how the questions are formulated, what the levels of tasks are. There were practically no errors there either: all textbooks passed an academic examination,” the historian believes.

So what is the purpose of the idea then? Why was it necessary to introduce a single “Concept”? Let us recall the history of the issue. In the recent past, the number of history textbooks reached 84, and if we talk about the series (textbooks from the 6th to the 11th grade), then 30, which, as it was stated, caused public discontent. For the first time, the need to develop a unified history textbook was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council on Interethnic Relations in February 2013. In July 2013, a historical and cultural standard and a new educational and methodological complex on Russian history appeared. In January 2014, Putin instructed the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, together with the Russian Historical Society, to organize the development of textbooks, teaching aids And teaching materials on national history. The talk was about creating a single textbook. In August 2014, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science reported that instead of unified textbooks, a unified concept would be developed, within which any number of manuals could exist. The Russian Historical Society, headed by State Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin, began work on the concept. As a result, on May 15, 2015, at a meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science, the results of a historical and cultural examination of Russian history textbooks were announced. After all, three publishing houses passed it, not just one. They were “Enlightenment”, “Bustard” for grades 6–11 and “ Russian word» for grades 6–9. According to experts, this decision, bypassing the president’s wishes, was made primarily because the authors of each of the three lines are not strangers to the Ministry of Education and Science.

As for the legal side of the matter, the next stage was the development by the Committee State Duma on education, a bill introducing rules on common concepts into the 2012 Federal Law "". According to GARANT.RU ( ) as of November 2014, the document has not yet been considered in the first reading.

Further - more interesting. Here is the resolution regarding the bill under consideration from the automated database of the State Duma ( ) as of June 29, 2015: “withdraw the bill from consideration of the State Duma in connection with the withdrawal of the legislative initiative by the subject of the right.” Having carefully studied the Federal Law “” (as amended on July 13, 2015) (as amended on July 24, 2015), we did not find a word there about the concepts of education or teaching.

Then we decided to “dig” deeper and see what a “concept” is in principle. Here is the definition from Wikipedia: “Concept (from - understanding, system) - a certain way of interpreting any phenomena, the main point of view guiding their coverage; a system of views on phenomena in the world, in nature, in society; leading concept, constructive in and other activities; a set of views interconnected and resulting from one another, a system of ways to solve a chosen problem. The concept determines the actions." And so on and so forth, everything is clear and logical.

“The New Philosophical Encyclopedia” in 4 volumes (M.: Mysl. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001) interprets this concept in its own way: “The concept - (from the Latin Conceptio - grasping) - of philosophical discourse that expresses or grasps , understanding and comprehension of meanings during speech discussion and conflict of interpretations, or them, presented in a variety of concepts that are not deposited in unambiguous and generally valid forms of concepts.” It is clear that the definition is intended for narrow specialists.

However, we found another definition that interested us in the 2010 edition of the Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. It sounds like this: “A concept is a leading idea, a certain way of understanding, interpreting a phenomenon; sudden birth of an idea , artistic or other motive.” Have you guessed, dear readers, which word in this description attracted our attention? That's right, “sudden”, i.e. ill-considered.

No, of course, and before this, various concepts were developed in our country: from the Concept of Public Security, state family and migration policies to the latest - the creation of a fish cluster and the introduction of a system of food cards for the poor, presented to the public on September 14 and 15, respectively.

And in the field of education, such initiatives were also put forward and implemented. For example, in September 2014, it was developed and approved. It defines the main goals and objectives of the development of additional education for children, the state and problems of additional education, the main mechanisms and directions of its development, the expected results of the implementation of the Concept, and also establishes the basic principles public policy development of additional education for children, including the principle of the state’s social guarantee for high-quality and safe additional education, the principle of public-state partnership.

However, firstly, this concept touches on a slightly different area and is more of an organizational nature, and secondly, a year ago the time was different. Today, in conditions of catastrophic underfunding of all educational system, and secondary education in particular, when there are so many unresolved problems, the transition to a “conceptual” approach to teaching raises many questions. According to the scientific director of the Institute for Problems of Educational Policy "Eureka" Alexander Adamsky, all expenses, except salaries, are cut to the maximum. “Regional programs for the development of education have been curtailed. Business trips are cancelled. There is no longer enough money even for the construction of kindergartens to reduce the waiting list (...) The inexplicability of changes for the worse, coupled with unprecedented, almost prison-like administrative control and supervision, endless inspections and the horribly expected financial crisis have created a suffocating moral climate in the school environment,” here how he describes the situation in high school Adamsky.

And in these conditions, forcing the school to make additional expenses is, to say the least, unreasonable. The fact that the costs associated with the introduction of a new approach will be significant is recognized by many experts. Firstly, according to Part 1 of Article 35 of the notorious law "" "Students mastering basic educational programs at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities Russian Federation and local budgets within the limits of federal state educational standards, educational standards, organizations implementing educational activities, textbooks and teaching aids are provided for free use while receiving education, as well as educational materials, means of training and education". Schools have already received orders that the new textbooks will become compulsory. Where will the administration of most secondary educational institutions get the funds to purchase them, if in many Russian regions in the last twenty years, have they been teaching using textbooks that are long outdated, since there is simply no money to purchase new ones?

Secondly, considerable financial resources will be needed for the direct implementation of the most unified concept of teaching history. Igor Danilevsky is confident that this will not be possible from September, as additional expenses will be required. "But in in full Of course, this will not work: it is also necessary to organize methodological support and advanced training courses for teachers. And this is such a headache, such great job and such money! Switching to a ruler means additional costs: you need to reformat the entire course, the entire program, make a new approximate program with a timer,” he explains.

However, financial issues, although extremely important, are the concern of the adult participants educational process. The new approach promises to present many extremely serious problems to students.

Let's first figure out what the meaning of the “line” of textbooks is. Before that, the Soviets, and then Russian schoolchildren They studied history according to a concentric system: until the ninth grade the course was studied in its entirety, and in the two senior grades it was repeated in depth. New textbooks assume the use of a linear teaching methodology, designed for the sequential study of Russian history from 6th to 11th grade. “There will be no previous repetitions, as was the case with the concentric formation. This approach makes it possible to study the past more thoroughly. In addition, a later and controversial period is studied by high school students. It is clear that there are more opportunities for frank and in-depth conversations about our great and dramatic past,” Alexander Danilov, head of the Center for Humanitarian Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house and a member of the team of authors of a new line of history textbooks, told TASS.

Tatyana Repyakh, a teacher of history and social and humanitarian disciplines at the Logos-M school, has a different opinion: “It may happen that students, when moving to the next grade, will have to once again study the material they have already covered. And, although the linear principle radically changes the existing order of teaching history at school, this method is not new, since it has been known since Soviet times.” Thus, it will not be possible to cancel all previous textbooks and introduce one of the lines into teaching, since they do not continue the material covered chronologically.

But the main thing is not that schoolchildren will be bored in history lessons due to repetition; it has happened before. Certain questions arise. On the one hand, why was it necessary to start all this if little changes? On the other hand, many graduates will leave school without gaining a general understanding of the history of the country, because 2 out of 3 lines are designed for the period from 6th to 11th grade. It turns out that those children who decide to leave school after 9th grade will not know the history of the 20th and 21st centuries. Of course, some will be able to continue their education, including the study of history, in secondary institutions vocational education, however, objectively the number of children with only school education, hence, knowledgeable about history of his country only until the 20th century.

Moreover, now, when there is an inevitable reduction in budget places in universities and a reorientation from humanitarian to technical professions, even if a graduate enters there, his knowledge of history will not improve and expand. Experts warn: at least a quarter of schoolchildren will be deprived of an understanding of the connection between history and reality.

But school historians are concerned about more than just the decline in teaching quality. They really understand that given this balance of power, it is extremely difficult to talk about introducing new federal standards. After all, this year, primary schoolchildren who have studied under the new program will move to the middle level – fifth grade. Let us clarify that the so-called Federal State Educational Standards are federal state educational standards represent a set of mandatory requirements necessary for the implementation of general education programs. However, if teachers at the state level were prepared for a long time and thoroughly for the introduction of new standards in primary schools, then everyone says that subject teachers have a poor understanding of the goals of innovations and innovative approaches to their implementation. But what then to do with the leading principles of the Federal State Educational Standard - continuity and development?

However, this is a topic for a separate detailed discussion. Let us only add that the introduction of new educational standards will complicate the Unified State Exam for schoolchildren, which is not very easy for them, since the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards absolutely do not correspond to the requirements for the Unified State Exam. This is how Igor Danilevsky describes the situation: “They disagree conceptually! The federal standard lists the competencies that a schoolchild must master. But none of them are tested on the Unified State Exam, with one exception: 90% of the tasks, not only in parts “A” and “B”, but also in “C”, are memorization tests. But they practically don’t teach kids how to reason or read texts!”

Maybe that’s why the school history course runs from 6th to 10th grade and ends with studying the events of 2013. (About the battles scientists fought over the end date school course, we wrote). It is not clear what eleventh graders will study. It was supposed that this would be a course “Russia in a global context,” but so far they have not even begun to develop it. Will they really wean graduates from the independent search for knowledge and creativity (which is required by the new educational standards) and return to “training” them for the Unified State Exam?

Summarizing the conversation about a new approach to teaching history in school, we present another statement from a member of the working group on preparing a unified concept for teaching history, Igor Danilevsky. “In my opinion, the most important thing has failed - the answer to the question has not been given: why do we teach history at school, what do we want to get in the end? What is this, a propaganda course to manipulate public consciousness with the help of images and symbols? Or an educational course where you can cram whatever you want?” - the scientist asks questions. According to Danilevsky, “We need something else - to teach young man think historically: so that he knows where to get information from, how to process it and draw informed conclusions. Therefore, when teaching history at school or at a university, I always try to show the key points - what is called historical choice: when, why and how decisions were made that influenced the further development of events. And, of course, the consequences of the choice - so that the guys, when they make theirs, understand how it will affect the next one. This is the education of citizenship.” “Unfortunately, the concept does not imply this, but a huge volume of names, dates and events, almost twice as much as what is provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard, according to which tasks for the Unified State Exam are compiled,” he sums up. So why then was it necessary to “fence the garden”?

Moreover, it is to be continued. At the end of August, a regular meeting of the Working Group on developing a concept for teaching Russian language and literature was held, chaired by the same Sergei Naryshkin, who stated: “Work on the creation and implementation of a concept for teaching history can become a model for updating the entire school humanities education. I would suggest thinking about developing the same concept and creating, of course, other groups of authors, a concept for teaching literature at school.” To which Deputy Minister of Education Natalya Tretyak cheerfully reported on the release in two years of new, “unified” textbooks on the Russian language and literature. Earlier, Dmitry Livanov said that the very concept of teaching these subjects could be approved during 2015.

And vigorous activity began. The Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature has begun to create a draft concept of school philological education, which, according to official sources, “should determine approaches to the study of Russian language and literature in Russian schools.” The main goal of teaching literature at school, according to the concept, the development of which was headed by the deputy chairman of the public council of the Ministry of Culture of Russia Pavel Pozhigailo, is “the education of a morally oriented personality in the system of traditional values ​​through the comprehension of ideas and artistic images in literature, the pursuit of the ideal, and a creative perception of life.” . The main practical skills that schoolchildren must master in literature lessons will be the development of imaginative thinking, aesthetic taste, strengthening family values ​​and “gaining a conscious civic position.”

After this, the developers of the concept of a unified textbook on literature were identified, who, on the initiative of Pavel Pozhigailo, were specialists from two Moscow institutes - the Gorky Literary Institute and the Moscow state university named after Sholokhov. The draft publication should be ready by 2018. The new textbook will formulate a unified interpretation works of art. “We need to raise the understanding of literature from the level of pulp fiction to the philosophical level. The greatest works that speak about the meaning of life and the place of man in the Universe, unfortunately, are taught in our school at the level of everyday realism. In addition, each textbook has its own interpretation of the works, which is completely wrong,” explained Pozhigailo.

Experts are wary, especially after problems with testing a single “historical” concept, regarding a single “literary” concept. Most of them are confident that teachers will be given a specific ideological directive from above on how they should interpret works and characters. However, there is also a minority who believe that students “would benefit from being taught according to one, generally accepted standard, with a single, scholarly accepted interpretation of fiction.”

According to former Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko, the main thing is that the future concept gives teachers freedom of creativity - as has already happened with the concept of teaching history. “This is a concept that motivates teachers to be creative in learning a subject. It seems to me that if we manage to go through this path again in the direction of studying Russian and literature, it will be a huge achievement,” he said. Where does such confidence come from that not only has it not happened yet, but the need for its implementation is in big question?

Despite the fact that to prepare this material we studied a huge amount of materials of a different nature - from interviews to legislative acts, there are still more questions than answers. And the main one is this: “Why don’t written laws apply in our country? Why should school teachers be required by the state? why teach schoolchildren (only recommended “graded” textbooks) and How this “what” to teach (mandatory methods).” After all, it is spelled out in Article 47 Federal Law 2012 “On education in the Russian Federation” “ Legal status teaching staff." In accordance with it, “Teaching staff enjoy the following academic rights and freedoms: 1) freedom teaching, free expression of one's opinion, freedom from interference in professional activity; 2) freedom of choice and use of pedagogically sound forms, means, methods of teaching and education; 3) the right to creative initiative, development and application original programs and teaching methods and education within the framework of the implemented educational program, a separate academic subject, course, discipline (module); 4) right a choice of textbooks, teaching aids, materials and other teaching aids and education in accordance with the educational program and in the manner established by the legislation on education; 5) right to participate in developing educational programs , including curricula, calendar educational schedules, working educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), teaching materials and other components of educational programs” and so on.

Why did the state take a course towards a consistent and systematic restriction of this right to freedom of choice, not only of teachers, but also through them of students - future citizens of a free (?) country? Who gave it the right to restrict rights that it itself only recently granted?

Meanwhile, according to some reports, the creation of three more educational concepts is planned for this year - teaching, geography, foreign languages and technology (our old labor lessons).

Methodology - is a logical organization of human activity consisting in determining the purpose and subject of research, approaches and guidelines in its implementation, selection of means and methods that determine the best result (Diagram 13).

Any human activity is characterized by methodology. But in success research activities methodology plays a decisive, determining role.

The purpose of the study is to find the most effective options for constructing a management system and organizing its functioning and development.

But this is a general idea of ​​the goal. In practice, conducting research pursues different goals, for example, monitoring the quality of management, creating an atmosphere of creativity and innovation in the management system, timely recognition of problems, the aggravation of which may complicate work in the future, improving the qualifications of management personnel, assessing strategies, etc.

Research objectives can be current and prospective, general and local, permanent and episodic (scheme 14).

The methodology of any research begins with the selection, formulation and formulation of its purpose.

Object of study is a control system. But from a methodological point of view, understanding and taking into account the class of this system is very important. It belongs to the class of socio-economic systems. This means that its fundamental element is man; human activity determines the characteristics of all processes of its functioning and development. The connections through which this system exists characterize complex and contradictory relationships between people, based on their interests, values, motives and attitudes.

No matter how perfect modern technical means, their role depends on human interests, motives for use and development.

The management system is based on human activity. You can study technology, but you cannot study it in isolation from a person and from all the factors of its use in his activity.

Subject of research is the problem. Problem- this is a real contradiction that requires resolution. The functioning of the management system is characterized by a variety of different problems that act as a contradiction in management strategy and tactics, market conditions and company capabilities, personnel qualifications and needs for innovation, etc.

Research is needed to solve these problems, some of which are “eternal”, others are transitory or maturing.

Target is the basis for recognizing and selecting problems in research.

The next component in the content of the research methodology is approaches. An approach- this is the perspective of the research, it is like the starting position, the starting point (dancing from the stove - folk wisdom) from which the research begins and which determines its direction relative to the goal.

The approach can be aspectual, systemic and conceptual. The aspect approach is the selection of one facet of a problem based on the principle of relevance or on the principle of taking into account the resources allocated for research. For example, the problem of personnel development may have an economic, socio-psychological, educational, etc. aspect.

Systems approach reflects more high level research methodology. It requires the maximum possible consideration of all aspects of the problem in their interrelation and integrity, highlighting the main and essential, determining the nature of the connections between aspects, properties and characteristics.

Conceptual approach- involves the preliminary development of a research concept, i.e. a set of key provisions that determine the general direction, architectonics and continuity of the research.

The approach can be empirical, pragmatic and scientific. If it is mainly based on experience, then it is an empirical approach; if it is based on the task of obtaining the immediate result, then it is a pragmatic one. The most effective is, of course, the scientific approach, which is characterized by the scientific formulation of research goals and the use of scientific apparatus in its implementation.

Research methodology should also include the identification and formulation of guidelines and limitations. They allow research to be conducted more consistently and purposefully. Guidelines can be soft or hard, and restrictions can be explicit or implicit.

Main role Research tools and methods play a role in methodology, which can be divided into three groups: formal-logical, general scientific and specific.

Formal-logical- these are methods of human intellectual activity, which form the basis of management research.

General scientific methods reflect the scientific apparatus of research that determines the effectiveness of any type.

Specific- these are methods that are born by the specifics of management systems and reflect the peculiarities of management activities.

Conceptual methods are a special type of thinking that provides its research, design tools and methods of their application, which are based on a solid foundation of achievements of science and technology. Conceptual thinking must be possessed by the subject studying the problem (“analyst” or “designer”).

Conceptual methods are used in those (nowadays not rare) cases when there is confidence that the problematic nature or ineffectiveness of any area of ​​activity or approach is generated by their misunderstanding, inadequacy or vagueness of the applied conceptual systems. This is primarily due to the ever-increasing complexity of the activities of people and systems. organizational management ensuring the achievement of the general goals of this activity.

Thus, conceptual methods are intended to be used in constructing large systems concepts, problem solving for large areas of management, including government regulation.

Conceptual analysis and conceptual design allow one to overcome the complexity of the subject area and consist in the consistent iterative application of a set of operations, technologies and automated tools. In conceptual analysis subject areas ultimate goal is the theory of the subject area, and in conceptual design - the project of the organizational management system, in particular, legislation.

The conceptual analysis included and adapted such scientific achievements as systems theory and system analysis. The explication of systems of concepts in a formal, strict form is based on a specially mathematical apparatus of types of structures, which is based on the theory of structures of N. Bourbaki.

To develop solutions in the subject area, the conceptual analyst consistently moves from conceptual understanding and problematization of the subject area, explication and processing of expert knowledge, concepts through intensional (attributive) definitions of basic concepts to extensionalization (i.e., describing the subject area in terms of varieties and their relationships ), defining the management object in the subject area and disclosing subject diversity with the subsequent transition to the design of an organizational management system.

The application of conceptual methods includes the development of cognitive (cognitive) tools, partially or completely independent of subject terminology, allowing the processing of the “natural” language in which experts communicate into a strict (formally) logical language.

To work with large subject areas, automated means of explication, synthesis of theories and design of SOU have been developed. They significantly expand the ability to make decisions and make changes in large organizational management systems.

Based on the results of the work carried out on the conceptualization of subject areas and the design of SOUs, libraries of schemes, methods, subject theories and completed reports have been generated, used and supplemented.

Conceptual methods have their own area of ​​application. They do not replace or compete with model, optimization, statistical and other research methods; they do not replace the wisdom and intuition of managers. However, in a number of cases, conceptual and other methods are used together. This complementarity is sometimes fundamental in nature, since conceptual methods are focused on high-quality side of the matter, the study of which is a condition for understanding quantitative relationships that other research methods are usually focused on.

It must be especially emphasized that conceptual methods in themselves do not include worldviews or political views, they do not contain assessments of the historical past or forecasts of the future, they do not express any values. However, conceptual methods provide powerful tools for systemic qualification and assessment of presented views, assessments, decisions on their qualitative grounds, as well as tools for developing and implementing solutions.

Results of application of conceptual methods

  • Demythologization and revelation of justifications, grounds for certain statements and “subject truths” common in subject areas.
  • Development of models as the basis for technical specifications for the design of large information systems and organizational management systems.
  • Conceptual methods ensure integrity and completeness of changes, consistency and completeness of developed schemes and models.
  • Conceptual analysis and design in a controlled manner reveal the subject diversity in the management object and provide a transition from diagrams to activity design.
  • Conceptual design allows you to design multi-circuit, multi-connected, multi-subject control systems of any scale.

Methodology is a logical organization of human activity consisting in determining the purpose and subject of research, approaches and guidelines in its conduct, the choice of means and methods that determine best result. Any human activity is characterized by methodology. But in research activities, methodology plays a role decisive role in success.

The purpose of the study is to find the most effective options building a management system and organizing its functioning and development. But this is a general idea of ​​the goal. In reality, conducting research has many purposes, for example, monitoring the quality of management. creating an atmosphere of creativity and innovation in the management system, timely recognition of problems, the aggravation of which in the future may complicate work, improving the qualifications of management personnel, assessing strategies, etc.

Research objectives can be current and prospective, general and detailed, permanent and occasional.

The methodology of any research begins with the selection, formulation and formulation of its purpose. The object of study is the control system. But from a methodological point of view, it is very important to understand and take into account the class of this system. It belongs to the class of socio-economic systems. This means that its fundamental element is man; human activity determines the characteristics of all processes of its functioning and development. The connections through which this system exists characterize complex and contradictory relationships between people, based on their interests, values, motives and attitudes.

No matter how advanced modern technical means are, their role depends on human interests, motives for use and development. The management system is based on human activity. You can study technology, but you cannot study it in isolation from a person and all the factors of its use in his activities.

The subject of the study is a problem. A problem is a real contradiction that requires resolution. The functioning of the management system is characterized by many different problems that act as a contradiction between management strategy and tactics, market conditions and the company's capabilities, personnel qualifications and needs for innovation, etc. Research is needed to solve these problems, some of which are “eternal”, others are transitory or maturing .

Purpose is the basis for recognizing and selecting problems in research.

The next component in the content of the research methodology is approaches. An approach is a research perspective, it is like a starting position, a starting point (to dance from the stove - folk wisdom) from which the research begins and which determines its direction relative to the goal.

Approaches can be aspect-based, systemic and conceptual. The aspect approach represents the selection of one facet of a problem based on the principle of relevance, or taking into account the resources allocated for research. So. for example, the problem of personnel development may have an economic, socio-psychological, educational, etc. aspect. The systematic approach reflects a higher level of research methodology. It requires the maximum possible consideration of all aspects of the problem in their interrelation and integrity, highlighting the main and essential, determining the nature of the connections between aspects, properties and characteristics. The conceptual approach involves the preliminary development of the research concept, i.e. a set of key provisions that determine the direction, architectonics and continuity of the study.

Approaches can be empirical, pragmatic and scientific. If they rely mainly on experience - empirical, if - on the tasks of obtaining the nearest result - pragmatic. The most effective is, of course, the scientific approach, which is characterized by the scientific formulation of research goals and the use of scientific apparatus in its implementation.

The research methodology should also include the identification and formulation of guidelines and limitations. They allow you to conduct research more consistently and purposefully. Guidelines can be flexible or rigid, and restrictions can be explicit or implicit.

The main role in methodology is played by research tools and methods, which can be divided into three groups: formal - logical, general scientific and specific.

Formal - logical - these are methods of human intellectual activity, which form the basis of management research. General scientific methods reflect the scientific apparatus of research that determines the effectiveness of any type. Specific are methods that are born of the specifics of government systems and reflect the specifics of management activities.

I. Astashkina, V. Mishin

Control systems research,

Page 2

The conceptual approaches of professional economists to solving security problems are also interesting from a sociological point of view, firstly, as an example of systemic scientific understanding, which has not yet been presented in the special sociological literature, and secondly, as an indication of the most important social problems modern economic security.

Examples of the conceptual approach are distribution models chemical element in rocks, built by A. B. Vistelius, D. A. Rodionov and others. Other approaches to the procedure for choosing a theoretical probability distribution (mechanical, physical and other models) can be found in the works of J. General condition Using a theoretical distribution density to solve the above problems is a fairly good agreement between the selected distribution density and the empirically observed frequency distribution. It should, however, be remembered that sample data can satisfy several probability distribution densities at once, and therefore the adoption of one or another specific distribution law as a probabilistic model of the studied natural phenomenon almost always hypothetical. On the other hand, there are certain difficulties in checking the consistency of the theoretical distribution density, chosen on the basis of non-probabilistic considerations (for example, in the physicochemical analysis of a phenomenon), and the empirical frequency distribution. The fact is that sample data, as a rule, are burdened with various kinds of methodological errors. The latter can significantly distort the original distribution. Another difficulty is associated with the possible statistical heterogeneity of the object under study, which can, as in the previous case, lead to the appearance of mixed distributions.

A historically existing conceptual approach centered on the human factor, which also includes relationships between people in the process of work.

Within the framework of the conceptual approach, the process of transforming data structures (schemas) includes two (Fig. 2.2) classes of operations: conceptualization and deconceptualization.

Using the conceptual approach described above to assess the state of the scientific and technical equipment (see Fig. 1.3) makes it possible to develop a methodology for preventing accidents. Accounting and statistical processing of the obtained information can be significantly simplified by using, for example, a special code or marking of damage taking into account the consequences caused.

Using the conceptual approach described above to assess the state of the scientific and technical equipment (see Fig. 1.3) makes it possible to develop a methodology for preventing accidents. Accounting and statistical processing of the received information can be significantly simplified by using, for example, a special code or marking of damage taking into account the consequences caused.

Differences in conceptual approaches to accounting are primarily reflected in terminology, and this creates great difficulties in translation, because by replacing foreign words - concepts with Russian equivalents, we inevitably distort the meaning of the original, and the whole task of the translator is to ensure that these distortions are correct. minimal. And here, first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the same word, terms, concepts often cannot be translated in one word in Russian and always in the same way. Depending on the context, the translation can and should change.

The report provides conceptual approaches to how these tasks should be correctly posed, what methods can be used to solve them, and what useful advantages and economic effects we can expect in this case.

The conceptual approach substantiated in the System is further developed in Social Mobility. According to Sorokin, social mobility is natural state society and includes not only the social movements of individuals or groups, but also social objects (values), that is, everything that is created or modified by man. Mobility varies in direction (upward and downward), in form (collective and individual), in intensity and scale.

Their essence in detail conceptual approaches to the construction of a taxation system is discussed in the third section of the book.

There are a large number of different conceptual approaches to database design. It is obvious that the developer, depending on the characteristics of the database being designed, his level of qualifications and the nature of his professional tastes, will choose the design approach that seems most acceptable to him. However, for a significant number of people involved in the development of ALIS, the issues of designing factual databases (FDB) are (or may be) new. Taking into account the above, we present, although a very simplified, but for many cases, a sufficient version of the FBD design methodology.

Important In the conceptual approach to methods for treating the bottomhole zone of wells in carbonate reservoirs, there is the problem of choosing the sequence of application of one or another physical and chemical effect on the productive formation. This refers to the strategy of applying acidizing technologies to a well, from its commissioning to the late stage of reservoir development, to maintain profitable production levels and the highest possible oil recovery factor.

This report examines a conceptual approach to the formation of a regional development strategy, which makes it possible to activate investment mechanisms and expand the scale of innovation activities that form the basis for creating a viable economic system region. The approach is based on the ideas of changing the development paradigm and changing the regional economic policy. The need for such changes is caused, first of all, by the low rates of economic growth of the regional economy, and as a consequence, the low standard of living of the population in most regions of Russia.

There were and are many different conceptual approaches to management, on which great hopes were pinned, but which soon turned out to be forgotten. Only the future can confirm or reject our current assessments.
