When is the best time to move in the year? When can you move into a house? The most favorable days for moving to a new home. Signs. Preparing to move to a new home

CORRECT care for gloxinia after flowering. REMINDER. Deciding to decorate your home a wonderful flower"Gloxinia", many, due to inexperience, do not know what to do with the plant after it blooms for the first time. The main thing is to monitor the plant and care for it properly, in this case gloxinia will thank you with lush flowering! First flowering. Young gloxinia blooms very modestly for the first time. Only a few flowers can be seen on the plant. When they fade, you must immediately cut the stem. Only two pairs of the lowest leaves are left. This must be done so that new, young stepsons emerge from the leaves, or rather from those places where they sprout from the stem. The plant will thus become larger and larger, gradually its crown will become lush and large. During this period, the plant needs feeding. Usually it consists of nitrogen fertilizers. The stepsons will gradually grow and new flowers will bloom on them. As soon as the first buds begin to form, you should re-fertilize, this time with phosphorus. Fertilizers can be used for flowering plants. Second flowering. The second flowering lasts quite a long time and ends almost as soon as it begins. autumn period. When flowering begins to fade, it will be necessary to reduce watering. There is no need to fertilize anymore. After flowering, the plant will gradually begin to dry out, and its leaves will take on a yellowish tint. Out of ignorance, it may seem that the plant has begun to die and will soon die completely. This is not so, gloxinia begins a period of rest. Stop watering the plant and put it in a dark place. When flowering is completely completed, the stem is cut off as much as possible, leaving no more than two centimeters above the soil surface. The soil in which the plant grew will gradually begin to dry out, and with it the rest of the flower. When the ground is completely dry, it's time to remove the rest of the stem. The remains of the plant are simply twisted out, slowly turned in a circle, and thrown away. The plant tuber remained in flower pot, now you need to be able to save it. To do this, cover the pot with a thick cloth and put it in a cool place. It is necessary to constantly monitor the flower, namely, “modest” watering approximately once a month until spring. Abundant watering promotes the growth rate of gloxinia, and it can produce the first shoots long before spring. If this happens, and you are sure that the plant itself is strong and completely healthy, then you can break them off. With the arrival of spring, the tubers from old land released, placed in new ground. Water abundantly, and soon favorite plant will give new shoots. If the plant is young (up to about two years old) or sick, it means it is weak. It is better not to send such gloxinia for a period of rest, continuing normal care. When placing a flower in the cold, you must remember that the dormant period may end much earlier (before spring) and then the plant will begin to grow. That is why it is important not to miss the awakening and start caring for the flower as before!

The flowering period of gloxinia begins in mid-spring - early summer. If the plant fades at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, then. If gloxinia has bloomed earlier, you can achieve re-blooming.

The duration of the flowering period of gloxinia is determined by the variety, age and conditions of the plant.

You can find out why gloxinia does not bloom and how to make it produce buds.

Features of this period

When the number of leaves on gloxinia reaches three to four pairs, buds appear. Their number depends on the age of the plant, the mass of the tuber and the conditions of detention. The formation of buds occurs only with proper care. A striking feature of gloxinia is its cap flowering. Up to a dozen buds can form on one peduncle.

The flowers are large, oblong, and can sometimes have an irregular shape and be drooping. Based on the shape of the inflorescences, gloxinias are distinguished as bells and shoes. The second name for shoes is tidei. They look like bells, but are more elongated at the base. Depending on the type, flowers can be simple or double. Simple petals are arranged in one row, while double petals have several rows of petals.

Coloring is characterized by diversity. There are white, pink, red, blue and purple flowers. There are not only varieties with single-color buds, but also multi-colored varieties. Some gloxinias have small specks on the petals, and there may also be an additional contrasting border around the edges.

What to do with faded buds?

Faded buds must be removed immediately along with the peduncle(read about why gloxinia buds turn black, dry out, rot and do not open). Otherwise, they will prevent the appearance of new buds.

Plant care after flowering

Gloxinia is capable of repeated flowering, especially if the first one was early. The second flowering is less abundant and lush, and the flowers are smaller. If after the first flowering the plant has a visible growth point, after a month the gloxinia will produce buds a second time. If there is no growing point, you need to prune.

You can learn about the features of caring for “tropicana” gloxinia at home.

When and how to prune?

The pruning procedure is carried out in May or June, after flowering has ended.. Pruning involves several simple manipulations. Required:

  1. Cut off the above-ground part: the stem and almost all the leaves, first leaving two to four lower leaves. Leave a shoot two centimeters long.
  2. After some time, side shoots will appear in the axils of the gloxinia. It is necessary to leave one or two of the strongest ones, and pinch off the weak ones.
  3. Feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizer to stimulate the growth of green mass.
  4. After a month, buds begin to form on the shoots. During this period, the application of a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer complex is required.

If gloxinia blooms throughout the summer and there is no energy left for a second flowering, there is no need to prune it. The plant will prepare for winter on its own.

How to continue caring at home?

After flowering is complete, the stem dies. Caring for gloxinia during this period is carried out according to the following algorithm of actions:

The period after flowering is a very important stage in the life of gloxinia. The plant must promptly.

We talked about how to properly water and feed gloxinia in order to achieve long-term flowering, and you can read about how not to destroy gloxinia when growing, and about the features of caring for it. If you care for gloxinia correctly, next spring it will delight you with its lush flowers with renewed vigor.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video on how to care for gloxinia after flowering:

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Having decided to decorate their home with a wonderful gloxinia flower, many, due to inexperience, do not know what to do with the plant after it blooms for the first time. In fact, everything is quite simple! The main thing is to monitor the plant and care for it properly, in this case gloxinia will thank you with lush flowering!

First flowering

Young gloxinia blooms modestly for the first time. Only a few flowers can be seen on the plant. When they fade, you must immediately cut the stem. Only two pairs of the lowest leaves are left.

This must be done so that new, young stepsons emerge from the leaves, or rather from those places where they sprout from the stem. The plant will thus become larger and larger, gradually its crown will become lush and large.

During this period, the plant needs feeding. It usually consists of nitrogen fertilizers. The stepsons will gradually grow and new flowers will bloom on them. As soon as the first buds begin to form, you should re-fertilize, this time with phosphorus.

Second bloom

The second flowering lasts quite a long time and ends almost with the beginning of the autumn period. When flowering begins to fade, you will need to reduce watering. There is no need to fertilize anymore.

After flowering, the plant will gradually begin to dry out, and its leaves will take on a yellowish tint. Out of ignorance, it may seem that the plant has begun to die and will soon die completely. This is not true, gloxinia needs time to rest.

The plant stops watering completely. When flowering is completely completed, the stem is cut off as much as possible, leaving no more than two centimeters above the soil surface. The soil in which the plant grew will gradually begin to dry out, and with it the rest of the flower. When the ground is completely dry, it's time to remove the rest of the stem.

The remains of the plant are simply twisted out, slowly turned in a circle, and thrown away. The plant tuber remained in the flower pot, now you need to be able to preserve it. To do this, cover the pot with a thick cloth and put it in a cool place.

You need to constantly monitor the flower, namely, “modest” watering approximately once a month until spring. Abundant watering promotes the growth rate of gloxinia, and it can produce the first shoots long before spring. If this happens, and you are sure that the plant itself is strong and completely healthy, then you can break them off. With the arrival of spring, the tubers are freed from the old soil and placed in new soil. Water abundantly, and soon your favorite plant will sprout new shoots.

If the plant is young (up to about two years old) or sick, it means it is weak. It is better not to remove such gloxinia anywhere at all, but to give it the opportunity to continue to grow, that is, water and care for it as before, by placing it in the light.

Once you put a flower in the cold, you shouldn’t think that it will stay there until spring. The rest period may end much earlier and then the plant will begin to grow. That is why it is important not to miss the awakening and start caring for the flower as before!

- a tuberous crop belonging to the Gesneriev genus. It is distinguished by fleshy leaves concentrated on short stems. Flowers and leaves are characterized by a velvety surface and bright color.

The flowers are presented in the shape of a bell. They measure 7 cm in diameter and 5 cm in length. In nature, there are about 25 of this amazing crop, but breeding work was carried out with only two representatives of the species - Gloxinia beautiful and royal.

Inflorescences can take on the following colors:

  • white;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • mottled;
  • violet;
  • bicolor flowers.

Royal gloxinia is distinguished by its high growth - 5 cm, drooping, broadly oval leaves with pronounced veins. Interior leaves purple with redness. The drooping inflorescences are lilac in color, the peduncles are elongated, the bells have a pronounced shape.

Gloxinia beautiful is characterized by a variety of shapes and shades of flowers, which can even be bicolor. Flowers with a snow-white border around the edges look very impressive.

When and how long does it bloom?

Gloxinia begins to bloom in March-April. The planting of buds is carried out as a result of compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. Buds begin to form immediately after the number of pairs of leaves on it reaches 3-4. The number of buds depends on the conditions in which the plant was kept (lighting, temperature, humidity). The flowering period is 5 months, that is, it ends in July.


Flowering is the most beautiful stage of a plant's annual cycle. At this time, the buds gain strength and bloom. Every gardener can admire the results of his work. But even during this period it is important to continue caring for the buds. During this process, try not to get water on the delicate petals.

Repeatedly gloxinia blooms provided that the first flowering was not too late. There are situations when gloxinia blooms last all summer. Before the first rosettes have time to bloom, new ones are already growing in the axils of the lower leaves.

You just need to remove the faded parts along with the stem, then new bushes will spread their leaves to replace the faded ones. No preparation is required for the next flowering. Apparently, you are comfortable with gloxinia, and it will delight you with its lush and bright flowering for a long time.

What to do next with the dried parts?

As soon as the flowers have faded, you need to immediately trim the stem, leaving only 1-2 pairs of lower leaves. After some time, stepsons will begin to appear at the place where the leaves join. They will grow and produce new flowers.

What do you need during the rest period?

After flowering completes, the plant begins to grow. At this time, the above-ground elements of gloxinia die off. Feed the plant with fertilizers for growth (Epin, Zircon), water moderately. In the near future, stepsons will grow in the axils of the remaining leaves. Of these, leave 2-3 of the strongest ones and cut off the rest.

In this state, remove the flower away from the light. You can choose a cabinet for this, only periodically moisten it to maintain the vital functions of the tuber. When new buds form on the plant, these are signs of awakening. This means that gloxinia has gained strength and is ready for a new flowering.


To activate re-flowering, you need to prune the plant. It is performed in June-July, immediately after flowering stops. The aerial part (leaves and stem) is cut off and a shoot is left, the length of which is 2 cm. After this, the second growth of the flower occurs, as a result of which lateral shoots are formed.

It is not at all necessary to leave all the side branches, 1-2 of the strongest ones are enough. Cut off the rest so as not to weaken the plants. In a month, new buds will develop on them.

Home care

Even after the plant has flowered, it needs to be looked after. This will allow the flower to fully “rest” and form buds again.
Care during the rest period is simple and includes the following activities:

  1. Compliance temperature regime. is a heat-loving crop, so optimal temperature 18-22 degrees remain for its cultivation. During tuber germination, the temperature should be increased to 25 degrees.

    This will allow young shoots to grow quickly. If the temperature is too low, this can lead to rotting of the root system.

  2. . IN last time feed the flower with fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen (for example, potassium monophosphate). After this, there is no need to add nutritional compounds until the spring awakens. Reduce watering sharply and wait until the leaves turn yellow and dry.
  3. Wait for the process of death of the above-ground parts of the plant to occur independently. At this time, the tuber is preparing for a period of rest and gaining strength for a long rest.

    The period of going to bed lasts until mid-September. After this, you can begin trimming the ground elements. Leave only a stump above the tuber, the height of which is 1-2 cm.

  4. Moisten this stump for 2-3 weeks, but do not apply any more fertilizing. Gloxinia should be in a state of complete dormancy until spring; only the flower tuber is alive and healthy.

Gloxinia needs constant care, even during dormancy. If you don’t follow these simple, but such important rules, then there will be no re-blooming, and the plant itself will simply die. But there is no need to overdo it. Everything should be in moderation, since even too careful “care” of a flower can have unpleasant consequences.

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Gloxinia bells - decoration of apartments and houses. Flowers are white, purple, blue and pink, as well as double and single. The owners are happy lush flowering. But this is only possible with proper care of the plant after the flower has bloomed. However, this is not so difficult to do at home. So, we’ll tell you what to do next if your gloxinia has faded.

Summer is the flowering period of gloxinia. The more bells, the more attractive she is. During this period, gloxinia requires special care. She does not like drafts; settled water is suitable for irrigation. room temperature. Leaves and flowers should not be wetted, so you should be careful and pour water onto the edge of the pot. Gloxinia loves her, so there is no need to save money, but there is no need to be zealous either. After getting the earthen ball wet, you can put a piece of cloth under the pot so that it absorbs excess moisture. Dampness can cause root rot. How often to water depends on the temperature in the room, but not before upper layer The soil in the pot is completely dry.

According to signs, white gloxinia is necessary in a house where there are small children. She radiates the energy of kindness and tenderness. Blue gives inspiration. Violet brings peace and tranquility to the home. Pink will help people who are concerned about making capital to achieve peace of mind.

All 25 varieties of gloxinia are extremely beautiful

Gradually, the interval between watering increases so that the plant enters a dormant period. Considering that it begins somewhere in mid-October, the last ten days of August is the time to reduce watering. Fertilize moderately once a week. Liquid complex fertilizers for flowering plants are suitable for this purpose. Study the composition: they should contain phosphorus and potassium, but not nitrogen, as this will cause the flowers to be small. The same will happen if gloxinia does not receive nutrients at all. In addition, the bells will not be so intensely colored.

How to achieve cap flowering

  • Consider the size of the tuber. It should be at least 3–4 cm. The larger it is, the higher the chances that gloxinia will bloom profusely.
  • Choose light, slightly acidic, nutritious soil: 2 parts each of leaf humus and chernozem, 1 part peat or greenhouse soil and 1 part sand.
  • Place pots of flowers on a spacious windowsill. A south or east window is suitable. Make sure that the plants do not touch leaves. If there is not enough space, they will stretch upward, and there will not be too many buds.
  • Good lighting is another condition. The light should be quite bright and diffused, daylight hours should be no shorter than 12 hours.

    Direct Sun rays This plant is contraindicated.

  • Proper care consists of timely watering, maintaining the required temperature during the formation of buds (18–20 degrees Celsius), fertilizing with complex fertilizers 3 times a month (dosage - 2 g per 1 l).

Those who prefer to propagate these houseplants by leaf cuttings can wait for the first flowers about three months after rooting. But keep in mind that not all varieties are able to bloom long and profusely. Gloxinia varieties Brokada, Cleopatra, Yesenia, Kaiser Wilhelm, Winter cherry, Eliza.

Abundantly flowering varieties of gloxinia - photo gallery

The Brocade variety blooms very profusely, producing about 25 large double inflorescences per season. Cleopatra's bush is low and compact, flowering is long and abundant Gloxinia Winter cherry looks very impressive Kaiser Wilhelm has large double buds, painted in a very dark blue or purple Gloxinia Eliza - these are large flowers with velvety petals Gloxinia Yesenia amazes with its extraordinary beauty

Care after flowering: dormant period is important

The dormant period of gloxinia begins in the fall, after the second flowering, which, as a rule, ends in early summer. Then the flower is cut off, leaving only lower leaves. New buds will appear soon. But it also happens that gloxinia blooms all summer without interruption. By the beginning of autumn, watering is reduced, the amount of fertilizing is reduced to once every two or even three weeks, or fertilizers are stopped.

How and where to store tubers

The leaves of the plant gradually turn yellow and dry out. At this time, cut off the stems, leaving one stump 2 cm high. It is better to cover the pot with film or glass and put it in a dark, cool room. An insulated loggia is suitable, an option is a place under the bathroom, or even better - a garage. Choose what suits you, but try to keep the room temperature no higher than 15 degrees Celsius. Do not forget to water the soil (do not wet the tuber). This should be done 1-2 times a month and little by little.

More tuber storage options:

  • V plastic bag, which can be kept in the refrigerator;
  • in a box of sand.

In the first case, vermiculite is placed in a bag filled with soil along with the tubers. Take a small bag for one tuber and fill a quarter of the volume with a mixture of soil + vermiculite in a 1:1 ratio. There is no need to close the bag tightly, you still have to inspect it planting material to see if it has deteriorated.

Gloxinia remains in this state until January - February. Then it is transplanted. If it wants to bloom ahead of time, it is better to remove the emerging shoot.

How to replant a flower in spring

Gloxinia is transplanted to a new location in early spring, when the length of daylight increases and the tubers begin to wake up. So:

  1. To replant the plant you will need a pot bigger size than the previous one. But try not to take a container more than 12 cm deep.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the flowerpot.
  3. Then - a layer of soil consisting of one part sand or humus and two parts leaf soil. You can buy a ready-made substrate for violets.
  4. Inspect the root, if necessary, remove rotten areas with a knife.

    Before planting, you can soak the washed tuber in a solution of potassium permanganate, then dry it for 24 hours.

  5. Place the tuber in the soil so that it is only half buried.
  6. Moisten the soil a little and cover with film.
  7. Ventilate for half an hour in the mornings and evenings.
  8. The first leaves will soon appear in a warm, bright place.
  9. After this, remove the film and cover the tuber with soil.

Why the plant may not bloom and what to do

Old plants usually bloom poorly. To correct the situation, that is, to achieve flowering, you need to water them more abundantly.

Is it too hot and dark in the room where the flower stands? The best temperature is 18–20 degrees Celsius. In addition, if there is insufficient humidity (in addition to watering, it is advisable to humidify the air with a spray bottle warm water) it blooms quite late.

Its leaves can “tell” how favorable the conditions are for a plant. Are you reaching for the light? This means that he is clearly missing. Are they located horizontally? Everything is fine. If the leaves are drooping, it means the flower is frozen. Strongly raised ones indicate overheating.

A pot that is too spacious also does not contribute to lush flowering. In this case, only the root feels great.

A lack or, conversely, an abundance of fertilizers has a bad effect on the development of the plant. And, of course, the appearance of pests or the presence of diseases can also be the reason for the lack of flowering. In this case, a transplant will be required.

In summer, gloxinias feel great on open balcony or loggias. But only if there is no strong temperature difference. And, of course, you need to make sure that they are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Gloxinia has faded, what to do next - video

Gloxinia is a perennial that proper care will please abundant flowering for a long time. Maintaining the required temperature, lighting and humidity conditions - the necessary conditions for this.
