Chinese rose indoor flower care. Chinese rose - care at home. Chinese rose blossom

Modern decorative Chinese roses require little care at home. Many people like it, since the plant has low requirements for itself and high survival rates in almost any conditions. Indoor hibiscus(another name for this flower) can delight with its flowers if handled correctly. Unlike many other crops, the Chinese rose easily adapts to any conditions, which is why many choose it to decorate their apartments.

This plant is distinguished by bright and large inflorescences with long stamens. The leaves are also sometimes colored red or White color(on green leaves there are dots or stripes of these colors). But in nature there are varieties of other colors too. Flowers can have different structures:

  • terry;
  • semi-double;
  • non-double.

Today Chinese rose grown on summer cottages and at home, as it is highly durable.

Indoor Chinese rose: various varieties

Most often, gardeners grow the most unpretentious varieties of this plant on their plots and at home. But there are those that are best suited for the home, since they do not exceed a height of one and a half meters.

VarietyShort description
Hibiscus variegated
The buds are bright and the leaves are variegated (green with white, yellow or pink tints). The flowers themselves can have different colors.
Hibiscus dissectata
The flowers are bright red, the pistil is long, and the petals are thin and curved at the ends.
Syrian hibiscus
The plant is slow growing, but can live up to 100 years. The first buds appear only in the 3rd – 4th year. They may be violet, lilac, pink, white or blue with small spots of color on the base. The leaves of the flower have a bright green color.
Sudanese rose
It has red or pink petals. Used in agriculture(the petals are collected, dried and tea is brewed from them). Also bred for decorative purposes.

These are the main varieties of this plant, which are used at home in Russia.

Important! Regardless of the variety, the pistil and stamens of the buds form a single whole. They are connected into a rod that extends beyond the bud itself.

In nature, the Chinese rose can reach four meters, but in an apartment its height rarely exceeds a meter.

Optimal conditions for indoor Chinese roses

This plant does not require much attention. A small amount of light and water is enough for him. If everything is done correctly, then it can bloom at an uncharacteristic time.

Depending on the time of year, the conditions for keeping the Chinese rose need to be changed slightly.

Season of the yearWhat is needed
SpringThe lighting should be bright. Periodically it is worth giving the flower access to direct sunlight. The southwest and southeast directions are best suited, and on the south side the plant should be slightly shaded. On the north side additional artificial lighting will be required.
The humidity level must be sure. It is recommended to spray the bush warm water. However, placing the pot next to heating devices not worth it.
The average air temperature is +20 - +23 degrees. Drafts are not allowed.
SummerAt this time of year it is worth taking the flower out onto the balcony. Fresh air will enhance flowering. However, you need to take care of protection from the wind. On hot days, the Chinese rose is shaded so that the leaves do not begin to fade. The bush needs to be sprayed every day. Optimal temperature air up to 25 degrees.
AutumnIt is necessary to continue to keep the flower in bright light, allowing it to be exposed to the sun for several hours. You need to spray periodically, maintaining humidity within 50%. Gradually you need to lower the room temperature to +16 degrees.
WinterBright light and the use of additional artificial lighting. The humidity level should not exceed 50%. Sometimes you need to refresh the bush by spraying. The air in the room should not be colder than 12 degrees. Cool wintering has a beneficial effect on the formation of buds. Placing the pot next to heating appliances or in a draft is not allowed.

Note! Must be followed simple rule: The colder the air in the room, the lower its humidity. Then the Chinese rose will be able to bloom at an uncharacteristic moment.

Rules for planting hibiscus: step-by-step instructions

It is customary to use cuttings or seeds. Additionally, you will need river sand, expanded clay and soil. It is best to use several types of soil: turf, leaf and humus. It is recommended to use cuttings to increase the likelihood that the plant will take root. And you won’t have to wait several years for the first buds. They can be purchased in specialized stores.

Step 1

Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot, the next layer is sand, and then leaf soil (all in a 1:1 ratio).

Step 2

This mixture is poured with water.

Step 3

The cuttings are deepened by 1.5 cm - 2 cm and covered glass jar, after which you need to wait for them to take root.

There is also Another landing option:

  • Expanded clay is laid out on the bottom;
  • a mixture is made of turf, leaf, humus soil and sand in a ratio of 4:3:3:1;
  • the cutting is planted;
  • abundant watering.

If you plan to grow using seeds, they must first be germinated. To do this, they are soaked overnight and then placed under damp gauze, waiting for shoots to appear. After this, you must use one of the above planting schemes.

When using cuttings, buds appear already on next year. A plant bred from seeds begins to bloom only at the age of 4.

Proper maintenance of Chinese roses at home

It is necessary to pay great attention to the maintenance of the flower at home so that it grows properly and pleases with its flowers. Despite the fact that the Chinese rose is quite unpretentious, a number of special rules must be followed.


Hibiscus does not tolerate shade; it needs bright lighting. Direct sunlight is necessary, but moderate amount. Yellow spots appear on the leaves if they are exposed to UV rays for a long time. These are burn marks that weaken the immune system, making the flower more susceptible to diseases and spider mites.

When using artificial lighting, ultraviolet light is required. Its absence causes leaf shedding. It is recommended to cover the window with tulle or blinds to diffuse sunlight.

Important! If traces of burns are found, make a special solution from distilled water with added sugar. You need to wipe the damaged petals with this liquid 2 – 3 times a day. It is quickly absorbed, accelerating leaf regeneration.


IN summer period The flower requires a lot of water. Dry roots begin to rot quite quickly, which leads to the withering of the Chinese rose. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the soil is moist to a depth of 3 cm. It is necessary to use settled water, which is preheated to 30 - 35 degrees.

It is recommended to loosen the soil before watering to ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the roots. Since the plant does not tolerate dry air well, cups of distilled water are placed next to it.

It is important to spray the bush of the plant. It is better to do this in the morning, when the sun is still rising. Chinese rose quickly absorbs moisture. Sugar can be added to the water to protect the leaves and stem from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In the evenings, you need to wipe the plant from dust.

In winter, the flower needs watering twice a month. The exception is cases when the buds bloom at this time of year. Then you need to maintain abundant watering throughout flowering. Sweet water will add nutrients to strengthen the flowers.

Fertilizer and air temperature

Feeding is required only during the flowering period and during the appearance of buds. It will enhance the flowering process and make the buds stronger and more attractive. Fertilizers need to be applied 2 times a month. There are many different preparations that are created specifically for Chinese rose. However, gardeners often use a potassium-phosphorus mixture. The dosage must be read on the packaging. However, in winter it decreases by 4 times.

It is important to fertilize at 1.5 - 2 months to speed up the growth process and reduce the risk of disease. From November to March it is possible to refuse to feed hibiscus. During this period, the Chinese rose, as a rule, rests, preparing itself for the growing season.

The flower feels great at temperatures from +16 to +25 degrees. It is necessary that the amplitude be small. If this condition is not met, the leaves begin to gradually fade.

During the period when it is already cold outside, but heating has not yet been provided, hibiscus is insulated by wrapping it in paper. You can also place a flower pot near the heater. But then you need to pay increased attention to timely watering and spraying.

How to properly replant and prune a Chinese rose

Before reaching the age of five, the rose bush requires replanting into new containers once a year. Each new container must be larger than the previous one to ensure normal growth of the root system. However, you should not choose a pot that is too large. Then the foliage will grow greatly, and the flower buds will be small.

If you need a lot of bright and healthy flowers, then the Chinese rose should be in a relatively small container. Then root system cannot continue to grow. IN extreme conditions the plant tries to continue its life by reproducing. Therefore, many flowers appear on it.

Important!To prepare the plant for transplanting, stop watering it a week before the planned process. You need to periodically knock on the walls of the pot. When the soil separates from it, you need to turn the container over, pulling the hibiscus out of it. The flower itself must be held by the stem and gently turned to be pulled out of the pot. The earthen lump itself, which is located on the roots, is not touched.

If the flower has grown too much, then it should be trimmed. But this is done before transplantation, in the spring, until the buds appear. Then they will be stronger. Experts recommend cutting off the longest branches by 2/3. In this case, it is necessary to give the Chinese rose the shape of an even bush.

Why doesn't hibiscus bloom?

With proper maintenance, buds appear on the plant every year. But sometimes the Chinese rose does not bloom. There are several reasons for this:

  • sudden change in temperature;
  • lack of lighting;
  • dry soil;
  • lack of fertilizers;
  • excessive amount nitrogen fertilizers, which stimulate the growth of green mass;
  • dry air;
  • presence of drafts;
  • frequent change of location of the flower.

It is necessary to check whether the hibiscus is properly maintained. If any of the conditions are not met, then you should try to devote Special attention. Usually this helps and the buds appear. It may also happen that unexpectedly the Chinese rose begins to appear yellow leaves. Timely adoption of measures will quickly prevent the consequences and return the foliage to its previous appearance.

Thus, the Chinese rose is considered practically unpretentious flower. Its great advantage is the fact that there is no resting state. In the presence of favorable conditions The flowering period can begin at any time. Therefore, you can control when it is necessary, and when the flower needs to be “preserved” for replanting.

In an apartment, hibiscus can reach 1 meter in height. Therefore, it is often located not on the windowsill, but on the floor. In this case, they use specially additional lighting. In this case, the plant can receive enough ultraviolet radiation and light for stable growth and timely flowering.

Hibiscus, also called "Chinese rose", is quite common among floriculture lovers and gardeners. The plant has many varieties different types, and caring for it is easy. What is important is that this plant is resistant to weather changes, and if you take care of shelter for the winter, the hibiscus will be able to withstand thirty-degree frosts.

Hibiscus can be annual or perennial. It can grow as one flower, or as a huge bush. In nature, specimens were found twenty meters high and five meters wide. Many species, and there are about three hundred of them, are characterized by a long flowering period.

The first flowers appear in early spring and can last until autumn. Therefore, the attention of most novice gardeners is focused on the Chinese rose. After all, care by and large, comes down to providing sunlight and timely watering, and this bush gives beauty all summer long.

There are many different superstitions about the Chinese rose. In European culture they are entirely negative. In eastern countries, hibiscus is revered and proud of it. They say both good and bad about hibiscus, but first of all it is worth understanding the most ominous superstition. “Flower of Death” is the popular name given to the Chinese rose. But why?

It is believed that hibiscus at home feeds on human energy.

  1. Some say that the plant absorbs only negative energy.
  2. Others claim that it absorbs all a person's strength. Proponents of this theory vouch that when the owner of the flower, exhausted from its influence, dies, the hibiscus blooms profusely and unusually beautifully. This is explained by the fact that after the death of a person, the plant begins to emit all the energy that was stolen from the owner.
  3. Still others, on the contrary, argue that a Chinese rose in the house spreads negative energy, sows irritation and anger throughout the home, and even attracts serious illnesses, which result in death. It is believed that hibiscus has its strongest effect during flowering. It is at this time that the plant has its greatest strength.

Pay attention to whether you have enough vitality, whether you get up in the morning sluggish, whether you are sleepy all day, whether you have enough tolerance, or whether you can flare up in a situation that is absolutely not predisposing to this - perhaps this beautiful flower has already wrapped itself around you with its energy threads.

Life would be full of fear associated with this plant, because it blooms for quite a long period of time, but there is another opinion about the “deadly influence” of hibiscus. It is believed that one should be afraid of death only if the plant blooms at the wrong time.

For example, if hibiscus always bloomed in the spring, but flowers suddenly appeared in the middle of winter, this is a sign, go to the doctors. You should be wary of blackened leaves; in this case, the disease can overtake not only the owner of the house, but also his loved ones.

Chinese rose signs and superstitions

Signs about the Chinese rose in the house are very contradictory, especially for women. On the one hand, it is believed that the owner of the hibiscus becomes more attractive to men. On the other hand, they say that the relationship will not last long. It seems like the plant attracts male energy, then sucks it out and drives the man out in order to attract a new “victim”.

Signs are also contradictory for a married couple. Why you can’t keep hibiscus at home - it is often used to cast spells and spells to disrupt the lives of spouses. But, if you do not take into account the evil intent of others, this flower can not only improve relationships in the family, it can revive passion and arouse new strong love feelings.

In southern countries, where natural environment and hibiscus grows, it is believed that this plant is a family flower.

In China, hibiscus blooms for a wedding.

In India, a Chinese rose is given to the bride and her hair and dress are decorated with flowers - as it is a symbol of innocence.

In Brazil, hibiscus is presented to newlyweds as a symbol of childbirth.

The flower has the energy of movement - promotes rapid recovery and stimulates the desire for creativity. Perhaps this is why the Chinese rose can be found in many hospitals and schools.

Is it possible to plant Hibiscus in the garden?

Hibiscus came to us from afar, and our climate is not very suitable for it. But, thanks to breeders, varieties have been developed that are suitable for our latitudes. These specimens do not exceed three meters in height and can withstand frosts of up to 30 degrees.

Of course, in order to survive the winter, the plant will need to be helped - either by covering it well or bringing it into the house - after all, it’s a rare winter in Russia without the temperature dropping below thirty degrees.

There are several types of hibiscus that can be grown here, but the principle of care is the same for all. First, you need to choose appropriate place. The plant should be protected from bright sun. There should also be no threat of strong winds. Secondly, the soil should be quite loose and nutritious. Timely watering is necessary as the soil dries out.

Different species have their own care requirements. And a kind of pruning, and weeding, and mulching. But any species requires insulation for the winter, so don’t forget to try in the fall.

Chinese rose can be grown from seeds and cuttings. It is better to sow seeds in mid-winter. Do not forget to spray future bushes in a timely manner. They can be planted in open ground only when the threat of frost has passed.

When cutting, you need to remove almost all the leaves from the shoot and place it in water. When fairly long roots appear, you can plant the hibiscus in a pot with peat, from where you can transplant the bush into open ground when the plant gets stronger.

And don’t forget, young plants do not tolerate frosts so well, so insulation measures will have to be thought out especially carefully in the first year.

Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home?

Doubts arise whether it is possible to keep a Chinese rose at home, because hibiscus is called the flower of death. Let's think about it. Most people are accustomed to seeing the reasons for everything from the outside, and not from the inside.

For example, if others treat a person with hostility, this person will believe that he simply lives among bad and harmful people. And he won’t even pay attention to his actions, which may provoke such behavior. Same with plants.

If the flower began to fade, and the owner fell ill, of course, they will consider that the cause of the disease was a “harmful” flower. Meanwhile, it has long been known that it is humans who influence the environment.

If there is a good, kind atmosphere in the house, then the plants will also feel good. If you constantly hear swearing, there is tension and irritation, the residents of this house will feel bad, and this applies not only to people, but also to plants and animals.

The same can be said about hibiscus. Yes, he is often blamed for the owner’s illnesses. However, experts say that any plant absorbs the negativity that blows around. Naturally, this is not good for the flowers. Have you ever noticed that people who are sick with something become more irritable and conflict-ridden?

Even alone, a sick person will find something bad: either the weather is bad, or there are thieves in the government, or suspicious neighbors, and modern television does not add optimism.

So the plants absorb all this dirt, gradually withering. So it’s really worth paying attention to house flowers, because they can be an indicator of the atmosphere in the house, and therefore the health of the household.

Moreover, we should not forget that every plant can help us. For example, it is believed that the Chinese rose helps to gain willpower and get rid of laziness, increases the desire to achieve a goal, and also develops creativity.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, hibiscus also promotes closer relationships between a man and a woman, including strengthening marriage. To enhance the influence of the flower in this regard, it is recommended to place it in the bedroom next to the bed.

Hibiscus care rules

Hibiscus needs light; in the shade it will shed its leaves. But direct sunlight is harmful to the leaves, yellowish spots will appear - burns. It is better to place the pot on a southern or eastern window sill, covering the window with tulle for dispersion. sun rays.

Watering should be sufficient, but not excessive. Dry soil should not be allowed, but water should not stand. If upper layer dried out by about three centimeters, it’s time to water. Perfect option- use drip irrigation.

Hibiscus loves moisture, so you need to spray the plant periodically. It is better to do this in the morning so that excess water evaporates during the day. To moisturize, you can place glasses of water around the flower.

Like any plant, the Chinese rose needs fertilizer. Feed the flower a couple of times a month. This is especially important during the period of bud formation and flowering.

To make the flower grow more luxuriantly, you need to prune it in the spring. Be sure to remove dried and bare branches. And cut healthy ones by half. Trimmed healthy cuttings can be used for propagation.

Chinese roses (or hibiscus) - bright flowers. They will decorate any garden, room or office. Caring for Chinese roses is simple, and even novice gardeners or those who have little free time can handle it. However, you still need to follow certain rules.

Features of this plant

The Chinese rose flower is characterized by large petals, brightness, long stamens and sometimes even colored leaves. The color is usually red. There are also others (white, purple, etc.). According to their structure, flowers are divided into double, semi-double and simple non-double. The leaves are predominantly green, but they may have spots and streaks (red or white).

The Chinese rose grows in Southeast Asia. The persistence and unpretentiousness of the plant allow it to be planted even in summer cottages in our country. From a non-double variety you can get a whole tree. It will not be difficult to grow hibiscus in the house: dwarf varieties have been specially bred for this.

The most popular flowering species:

  • "Florida" (red-orange single flowers);
  • "Hamburg" (red terry);
  • "San Remo" (white non-double);
  • "Rose" (pink semi-double) and some others.

Growing Chinese roses at home does not take much time and effort. The main thing is to provide it with enough light and regular watering. Then flower plantings will delight you for a long time. It is even more pleasant when they are grown by their own labor.

Planting rules

The first question facing the future owner of hibiscus is: how to plant it. To do this, you need to purchase cuttings or seeds. You will need expanded clay, river sand and several types of soil - turf, leaf and humus. For growing at home, it is better to use cuttings. They can be cut from Chinese roses from friends or bought at a flower shop.

  • put expanded clay on the bottom of the container, on top of it - river sand and sheet soil (equal parts);
  • pour this mixture over;
  • plant the cuttings, bury them 1-1.5 cm;
  • cover with a glass jar and wait for it to take root.

Another option is to use water with activated carbon.

After the roots appear, you should plant the Chinese rose in a pot:

  • cover the bottom with expanded clay;
  • mix turf, leaf and humus soil with river sand (in a ratio of 4:3:3:1);
  • plant a sprouted cutting;
  • water well (watering is one of the main factors for successful growth).

If you decide to grow a flower from seeds, you should also prepare them before planting:

  • soak in a small amount of water overnight;
  • then place on damp gauze and place in a plastic bag with holes for air.

In such a container there will be a greenhouse effect - warm and humid. It is under these conditions that the seeds will grow. When the sprouts appear, they will need to be sprayed with warm water and ventilated.

The next stage after the leaves appear is planting the plants in small pots with humus and turf. At proper care for a Chinese rose at home it will bloom:

  • for 3-4 years when grown from seeds;
  • next year when grown from cuttings.

In order for a rose to grow and bloom successfully, it should be placed in a sufficiently lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Rooms with windows facing east or west, in front of which there is no tall trees or houses. In summer, it is better to take this plant out onto the balcony, but under a canopy so that the sun does not burn its leaves. Burns significantly reduce hibiscus resistance to disease. Therefore, it must be kept in the fresh air, but under protection.

Proper maintenance of the house

It is equally important to know how to care for Chinese roses. It requires pruning, watering, spraying, pinching, and fertilizing. A houseplant under 5 years old also needs to be replanted every spring.

This plant should be watered every 3 days in the summer and a little less often in winter. The main thing is not to let the soil in the pot dry out. The water must be settled and ensured that it is room temperature. At the same time, it is important not to overwater the hibiscus so that its roots do not rot. Also, to avoid this, there must be good drainage at the bottom of the pot. In hot summers and dry conditions from heating in winter, the plant should be sprayed. You will have to irrigate every leaf. It is important to ensure that water does not get on the flowers - this will cause stains on them. It is also worth placing containers with distilled water or pieces of ice next to the rose in a pot - this humidifies the air.

For feeding you need to use mineral fertilizers, which contain more phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen. The latter should be reduced to a minimum by the end of summer. Fertilizing should be done every 10 or 15 days in the morning or evening, fertilizers should be dissolved in warm water, strictly observing the dosage. In winter, fertilize should be done once every 1.5-2 months. To help hibiscus bloom better, you need to feed it with natural substances - for example, a sugar solution.

  • To obtain the first fertilizer, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of sugar (per glass) in water.
  • You can also feed the Chinese rose with water with pebbles and activated carbon: boil the pebbles with boiling water to disinfect, put in a tray, pour water, place under the pot and leave for 2-3 hours until the plant absorbs it. This complements watering well.

So that these indoor flowers have not turned into sloppily overgrown bushes, they need to be shaped: cut off the top, leave a stump 7-8 cm high.

  • In general, pruning according to the rules is carried out in the spring after replanting, as well as in the fall (by a third) or at the end of winter (by half).
  • You should always cut off shoots growing parallel to the main trunk and branches growing inside the crown.

The transplant itself is quite simple. The same mixture is prepared as for the first planting. A hibiscus with an earthen lump is placed in it. Another option is to mix turf, sand and peat or humus (2:1:1). After 5 years, when this indoor beauty has grown, it will be possible not to replant, but simply change the top layer of soil.

Hibiscus also needs to be bathed both in summer and winter. To do this you need to wrap the flowers and buds plastic film and hold for 10-15 minutes under a weak stream of cool (not cold) water. Then you need to leave it in the bathroom until it dries.

The Chinese rose is considered one of the most undemanding plants, but caring for it at home requires punctuality and attention.

Possible problems

When wondering how to properly care for any planted plants, you need to remember the need to monitor their condition and immediately take action if something is wrong.

Disturbances in hibiscus flowering:

  • bud drop due to lack of nutrients, cold or dry soil;
  • lack of flowering - the reasons are usually an excess of nitrogen in the soil or insufficient lighting;
  • brown edges of leaves - burn from the use of nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • yellowing and falling leaves due to excessive watering (roots rot), excess chlorine and calcium in water for irrigation and lack of nitrogen and iron in the soil;
  • light spots on the leaves are burns that appear if the plant is kept in direct sunlight;
  • pest infestation.

From the latest greatest harm caused by spider mites and greenhouse whiteflies. Mites cause leaves to become covered yellow spots, cobwebs appear on them. The whitefly carries various infections, and in addition, a sooty fungus develops on its feces (looks like a black coating), due to which the hibiscus dries out and may completely die.

Why the leaves turn yellow is a question that is asked by almost every owner of a houseplant, including the Chinese rose. And if such a problem occurs, you need to check:

  • Is the flower watered enough: the soil in the pot should not be dry or too wet, like a swamp;
  • Is the water for irrigation settled? Usually it comes from the tap too hard, its use leads to chlorosis of the soil;
  • whether it is standing directly in the sun and at the same time whether there is enough light in the room;
  • what is the room temperature: hibiscus – tropical plant, therefore, he is uncomfortable if the temperature around him is below +18˚C, but it should not be above +30˚C either;
  • whether dirty spots, cobwebs, or small mites have appeared on the leaves;
  • whether too much nitrogen or high-phosphate fertilizers have been applied.

Accordingly, if any irregularities in care are revealed, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate them: normalize watering, move the hibiscus to a lighted place under a canopy (but do not leave it in a draft), start spraying, bathing, adding to the soil necessary fertilizers, reduce the amount of nitrogen.

If the yellowing is caused by pests, you need to treat the flower with insecticides or soapy water. To make it bloom better, you can add a little phosphate fertilizer to the water for irrigation, but keep it in moderation. If the hibiscus turns yellow with proper care, an early transplant is needed: most likely, the soil is not suitable for it at all.

The problem of how to grow a Chinese rose is quite amenable to solution: it is necessary to observe light and temperature regime, water in time with settled water, apply the necessary fertilizers, prune, replant and monitor for pests.

One of the most common tree species in the world indoor plants- This is a hibiscus or Chinese rose. Caring for a Chinese rose at home is relatively simple, and it is sometimes said that all you need to do is water it. This is not entirely true, because it still imposes some requirements on light, fertilizing, crown formation and wintering to its owners, but in general, it is incredibly tenacious.

The plant can tolerate prolonged shading, being in the back of the room, and lack of feeding for many years, although in such extreme conditions it is not always possible to wait for it to bloom. But it has flowers that resemble red or white rose, extraordinarily beautiful. Hibiscus is often used to decorate offices, public places, corridors in various institutions and organizations.

The Chinese rose, despite its name, is not related to the rose family and belongs to the malvaceae family. Hibiscus grows wild in the subtropics of Africa, Asia, North America. Some species are even found in the forests of Transcaucasia, Crimea and the Far East.

How to tame this wonderful creation of nature? How to please a Chinese rose and make it bloom? What difficulties may a florist encounter when home growing? We will cover all this and much more in this review.

Temperature features, lighting, humidity

Caring for hibiscus consists of timely moderate watering, fertilizing and crown formation. Any gardener can cope with this.

  1. Indoor Chinese rose prefers a temperature of 20-22 degrees in the warm season and 13-16 degrees in winter. If in the summer it is not difficult to satisfy these requests of a green pet, then with wintering things may be different. The salvation of indoor gardeners is an insulated balcony. A pot of roses is brought there at the beginning of December and kept at least until mid-January, and preferably until the end of February.
  2. If a cool winter is not possible, the hibiscus should be placed on a bright windowsill, but away from heating radiators. It is highly recommended to spray it every day, as evaporating moisture cools the surface of the leaves.
  3. Apart from extreme growing conditions, hibiscus should be provided with good lighting at any time of the year. It is also not afraid of direct sunlight, so it can be placed near any window sills, unless, if possible, avoiding northern windows. If at the height of a hot summer afternoon there is slight wilting of the leaves, then the tree can be shaded with mesh material.
  4. Loves Chinese rose high humidity, although in offices I have to put up with dry air. It reacts positively to spraying, but even better is to sow moss on the surface of the soil, which is sold in gardening stores. An alternative is numerous containers of water around the plant. In general, the higher the temperature environment, especially humid air requires hibiscus.

Soil requirements

The Chinese rose is unpretentious, including to soils. If possible, it is better to use soil consisting of turf, leaf and humus soil, taken in equal proportions. The soil should always remain light, so you can add a small amount of coarse sand or vermiculite. On hot days, when a crust forms on the surface of the substrate after watering, loosening is required.

Watering and fertilizing

Hibiscus is able to survive a short period of drying out without serious losses. But it’s better not to let it get to this point, but to water it moderately, making sure that the water easily passes through the substrate, completely wets the earthen lump and barely passes through drainage hole.

To get the long-awaited flowers, the Chinese rose can be fed with complex fertilizers every 2-3 months. mineral fertilizers, among which those that contain more phosphorus and relatively little nitrogen are preferred. When overfeeding, only shoots will grow last.

Pruning and shaping the bush

Hibiscus can and should be shaped by pruning. Rose pruning is done at the end winter period and within a year after the completion of the flowering waves. In February, all shoots, including young ones, are shortened by 3-5 cm. During the growth period, every branch that successfully bears a flower is pruned. Soon it begins to branch, which will have a beneficial effect on flowering next year.

Fatty shoots growing vertically along the trunk - tops - are completely cut off. Branches growing inside the crown are also removed.

Thus, the formation of a bush comes down to only shortening the shoots, but this must be done in a timely manner.

Transplanting a plant

Plants purchased in stores always need replanting and some simple resuscitation measures. The point is that in industrial scale indoor crops grown on fertilizers and hormones. When their supply runs out, plants often die. Therefore, a purchased tree, especially one grown in Holland, is removed from the pot, shaken off the soil (without fanaticism) and replanted in light, breathable soil. After which the hibiscus is watered and covered plastic bag or a mini-greenhouse.

In this form, it lasts from 1 to 3 weeks depending on its condition: with satisfactory appearance You can begin to remove the cover step by step and vice versa.

To get rid of polyethylene, several holes are made in it. In the following days they expand. After 3-4 days, the film can be removed completely.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) grows quite quickly. Keeping its root system in a cramped pot can slow down this process.

You should not replant this tree until the roots tightly entwine the entire earthen ball and begin to show through the drainage hole. To a lesser extent, this applies to very young plants that can be replanted annually.

Chinese rose blossom

This wonderful tree blooms for the first time of the year in March-April. The first buds begin to grow soon after the beginning of the growing season. In the absence of proper attention to the plant, hibiscus produces single flowers throughout the year, and if good care its flowering is abundant and long-lasting. An additional factor that increases the chances of flower formation is the application of phosphorus fertilizers in the fall shortly before the Chinese rose goes into hibernation.


The easiest way to propagate hibiscus is by cuttings, which take root well even just in water. For this purpose, a shoot 8-15 cm long is cut off. The lower and largest leaves are removed from it. The cutting is placed either in water or in moist coarse sand or light sandy soil. The container is covered with a mini-greenhouse or polyethylene.

The roots appear in 25-30 days. After another 1-2 weeks, the young rose can be transplanted to permanent place residence in a pot.

Pests and diseases of hibiscus - how to treat?

In practice, hibiscus is infected by two harmful insects: scale insects and spider mites. Scale insects can be easily destroyed with the drug "Aktara". To do this, treat the leaves, stems and trunks with the solution, after which the solution, diluted in accordance with the instructions, is poured into the soil. The roots absorb substances that are poisonous to the scale insect, after which it dies.

Spider mites are a more insidious enemy. Usually it is noticed only when the plant has already suffered sufficiently from its activity. The most common are red mites, which appear as small red dots covering the surface of leaves.

First, you can try to get rid of it with the help of Fitoverm.

If after three treatments at intervals of a week the mite still remains, then you will have to resort to more toxic drugs:

  • "Sunmaitu";
  • "Omaytu";
  • "Oberon"
  • "Neoron."

Their fumes cannot be breathed for a long time, therefore, after treating roses, leave them in indoors, where no one will need to enter for 10-12 hours.

Why does the Chinese rose turn yellow, fall off, dry out, wither, and not bloom?

Sometimes hibiscus still gets capricious. Some flower growers pay too much attention to it and “overlove” it, while others, on the contrary, do not care for it at all. What are the most common problems encountered when growing Chinese roses?

  • If the buds form successfully, but soon turn yellow and fall off, the reason may be insufficient watering, lack of nutrients in the soil, or low air temperature.
  • When they fall lower leaves, and new ones turn yellow, barely having time to appear, you can suspect an excess of calcium or chlorine in the soil or a lack of iron and nitrogen.
  • Hibiscus that are actively growing green mass, but stubbornly refuse to form buds, are probably overfed with nitrogen.
  • If the plant looks drooping and the roots appear dry, even despite sufficient watering, you should check to see if the pot is in an area with cold drafts. Such symptoms are typical when the root system is overcooled.
  • In winter, if the winter is warm, the leaves may dry out and fall off. The issue can be resolved either by moving the hibiscus to a cool place or by increasing its spraying. It is also worth making sure that heating batteries are located at a sufficient distance from the tree.

Why does the Chinese rose not bloom even with seemingly careful care? Most often, hibiscus does not produce buds due to improper maintenance in the cold season.

  • The fact is that flower buds on a tree are laid just in winter, and for their successful formation they need coolness around 13-15 degrees. A small amount of flower buds, of course, can appear during a warm winter, but in this case only single flowers can be expected.
  • Other reasons for the lack of buds in Chinese roses: lack of nutrients in the soil, excess nitrogen, poor aeration of the earthen coma, poor lighting or, conversely, excess direct sunlight.

As you can see, caring for hibiscus is not at all difficult, and the results of the work can attract the attention of even the most callous person who is far from the topic of plant growing. The Chinese rose pleases millions of gardeners around the world. Join the connoisseurs of this beautiful indoor plant!

The Chinese rose belongs to the Hibiscus genus, which is why it is called that in everyday life. The plant is unpretentious in care evergreen shrub, which reaches a height of 3 m. Its homeland is southern China, but the flower grows successfully in other regions with tropical and subtropical climates. Used in landscape design as ornamental plant. Today, many new varieties have been developed with interesting shapes and shades of colors - pink-porcelain, Ivory, lilac, rich crimson.


Hibiscus is essentially a tree, although some species are shrubs. Belongs to the Malvaceae family (in total it includes about 300 species). There are hibiscus of different origins- some of them were brought from the New World (the so-called “Floridians”). In Russian climatic conditions in open ground only two can grow beautifully flowering species- Syrian and trifoliate hibiscus, and the Chinese rose is grown at home or in a greenhouse. Many people confuse it with another plant - garden hibiscus. But the latter is a hybrid that was developed in the 1950s and can actually be grown in the garden, while the China rose in temperate latitudes can always be grown indoor variety.

Chinese hibiscus looks quite impressive due to its dark green leaves, smooth and shiny, and large flowers, which reach 16 cm in diameter. Despite the name, the plant has nothing to do with real roses. Its flower has an interesting shape, more reminiscent of mallow. Under natural conditions, it blooms in March, the plant blooms until October.

Nevertheless, Chinese hibiscus is quite picky about temperatures - in summer it feels comfortable only if it is more than +25 degrees outside, and in winter - at +12 °C.


Growing and propagating hibiscus at home is possible in several ways:

  1. 1. Seeds. This is not the most common method, but it is productive, since the seeds produce many shoots. It is recommended to plant them at the end of February. Before planting, the seeds must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and then washed with water. Afterwards you need to put them in a container with a growth stimulator for a day. The material is then kept in damp gauze and unfolded once a day to give access to fresh air. When the sprouts appear, they need to be planted in a mixture of soil, ash, sand and peat. In the future, you can plant the seedlings in separate containers or plant them on the site (the strongest specimens).
  2. 2. Cuttings. This is the most popular way to help propagate a plant at home. Cuttings are selected and pruned in the spring, then treated with a growth stimulator and placed in a container with water. When the roots appear, you can plant them in a container in which a mixture of soil, peat and humus has been previously prepared. Rooting occurs within a month. When young shoots grow, they are pinched to give the bush a beautiful shape.
  3. 3. By dividing the bush or layering. This is a rather complicated method. It is rarely used at home, but theoretically the procedure can be carried out when growing hibiscus in the garden, carefully separating the shoots from the main bush with a sharp tool.

Features of cultivation

To keep a Chinese rose at home, you need a pot that is large enough, but not too spacious. If there is too much space in the container, the grower will end up with a ton of leaves but few flowers. When grown in a pot, Chinese hibiscus is recommended to be replanted annually, choosing a new container a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one.

Chinese rose prefers slightly acidic soils with a pH of 6.8. The composition of the soil must include turf soil (4 parts), deciduous soil (2 parts), humus (1 part), sand (1 part).

At the bottom of the pot you need to lay out a drainage layer, for which clay shards, broken bricks or stones are suitable. This is necessary in order to prevent stagnation of water at the root system and avoid rotting.

If it is not possible to replant the hibiscus, you need to carefully trim its roots by a third, and then change the soil in the pot to a new one every 3 years.

Transplanting a Chinese rose does not cause any particular difficulties. The only caveat is that you need to do preliminary pruning, remove shoots without leaves and dried branches, and shorten the rest by half.


It is necessary to carefully care for hibiscus mainly on initial stages. For a young plant, the formation of beautiful bush. This is done by pruning. You need to remove weak shoots, leaving no more than a couple of centimeters from the buds. If a small hibiscus is grown for decorative purposes, pruning and shaping the bush will require a lot of effort, since you will have to trim almost the entire crown. Otherwise, the plant will direct all its energy to the growth of shoots, and not to flowering.

It is advisable to carry out pruning in the cold season - at the very end of winter or early March, before the hibiscus begins to grow. Spring pruning also has sanitary significance. Some gardeners prefer to do this in the fall, when the plant has finished blooming. You need to trim exactly those branches on which flowers bloomed this year.

When conducting spring pruning we must remember that flowers Chinese hibiscus They usually bloom on the tops of shoots that are at least three months old.

When a plant blooms, it needs more natural light. You need to find a place where the flower is not exposed to direct rays of the sun, otherwise the leaves of the bush will dry out. During the flowering period, it is recommended to feed hibiscus. It is not necessary to use fertilizers - you can take 1 tsp. sugar, dilute it with warm water (200-250 ml) and apply under the root.

In hot weather the plant needs additional moisture. Watering should be regular, but not too abundant. This means that you can water the Chinese rose only after the soil under the plant has completely dried. If the drought lasts long enough, the hibiscus will need to be watered daily.

In winter, the plant enters a dormant period. At home, it can be kept on an unheated, but insulated outside and glassed balcony- these are quite comfortable conditions for a flower. In the southern regions, some varieties remain overwintered in the ground, and they must be covered with special agrotextiles for the cold season. If there is no such fiber, you can use spruce branches.

Possible problems and pests

Hibiscus is very resistant to both insects and diseases. But if the summer is hot and dry, it may be attacked by aphids, spider mites and thrips. To get rid of pests, the owner of the site will have to subject the plant to double treatment with insecticides. For this purpose, drugs such as Fitoverm, Karbofos, Actellik are used, and the interval between their uses should be 7-10 days.

Hibiscus grown in the garden is susceptible to a disease called chlorosis. The lower leaves of the plant fall off, and those that grow in this place have a yellowish tint almost from the very beginning. The cause of the disease is that the soil in the garden contains too little iron and nitrogen, so they are added to the soil additionally by adding iron chelate to the water left for irrigation (in the dosage established by the manufacturer).

Gardeners who grow hibiscus may most often encounter the following problems:

  1. 1. Leaves turn yellow. This happens not only with chlorosis, but also in cases where the root system of the plant is injured (most often during transplantation). If the cause is mechanical damage, then drugs like Zircon or Kornevin are added to the water for irrigation - strictly observing the amount specified in the instructions. This composition can also be used with water to spray leaves, but no more than 2-3 drops of product per 0.5 liter of liquid. Sometimes hibiscus leaves turn yellow from the heat - in this case, you need to adjust the watering regime.
  2. 2. The plant does not bloom. This problem is most often associated with a lack of boron and phosphorus. This conclusion can be reached only if all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, the Chinese rose grows in a spacious, bright area, but there are still no flowers. If the shoots have slowed down, it means that there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. Timely application of fertilizing will ensure lush and long-lasting flowering.
  3. 3. Leaves are falling. It should be noted that this happens quite often in the fall and is considered a natural phenomenon. If the leaves fall in the summer, spring or autumn, this is a signal that the plant is suffering due to excessive watering or, conversely, from a lack of water. The problem may also be that the root of the plant is injured during transplantation. The most simple option Correcting the problem will involve adjusting the watering.