What windows to put in a wooden house. Which windows are better to install in a private house: plastic or wooden? Plastic windows for a wooden house: how to choose

In this material we will dwell in detail on how to choose and find out quality products how to properly install plastic windows in wooden house.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in wooden houses?

Plastic window frames are suitable for glazing wooden houses from rounded logs and log houses of all types of wood, subject to two basic rules:

  1. The window system is chosen correctly in accordance with the type of opening.
  2. The rules for constructing window openings in a house made of logs and timber were followed.

Features of PVC window systems for a wooden house

Advantages Flaws
Plastic windows class A

Durable reinforced frames
Thick-walled class A profiles have better welding strength at the corners, and there is a thick metal reinforcement inside square section, which gives the frame stability.

The plastic profile is guaranteed to last up to 50 years in a temperate climate without changing its appearance.

A metal-plastic window with maximum tensile strength and resistance to loads (class A) has thicker PVC walls, which makes the structure more expensive.

Plastic windows class B

A slight reduction in the thickness of the outer wall of the PVC frame makes such systems more affordable.

Tendency to deformation
Class B plastic is softer. Scratches and abrasions of the surface are likely to occur if handled carelessly.

Over time, the color of the windows may become faded or yellowish.

Class B plastic windows are suitable for small openings where the load on the frame is not so significant. In all other cases, choosing a class A profile will be more justified.

Class "A" Features

PVC windows VEKA profile class "A" can be used as burglar-resistant windows.

The thick outer wall of the profile (3 mm), reinforcement with a thickness of 1.5-2.0 mm - provide excellent resistance to mechanical stress and household loads. The ease of use and service life of such windows correspond to the highest values.

Colored plastic windows in a wooden house

The standard color of PVC window frames - white - does not always harmonize with the facade of the house. Often, instead of white, brown plastic windows or original colored ones are installed in the windows of a private house.

Frame design options with wood texture

The cost of laminated or RAL-colored PVC profile windows is more expensive than white ones. On average, the cost differs by 25-45%.

To some popular color solutions V Business-M company Special prices apply. You can check the list of colors participating in the promotion with the company manager.

The warmest windows for a country house

The rule when choosing warm windows: “The thicker the window frame, the warmer the window will be” does not work 100%.

For thermal insulation, it is more important which glass unit is installed in the frame. Double-glazed windows with better thermal insulation selected according to the “heat transfer resistance” (R) indicator. The higher the parameter value, the better window protects against temperature changes. The best in properties: heat-saving and multifunctional double-glazed windows.

The ability of a window to resist heat transfer is best described by a comprehensive assessment of the “thermal insulation of a window block.” A window block implies a completely finished product (frame + double-glazed windows + fittings).

Production of original windows to order

For a private home, window blocks are manufactured according to custom sizes. The shape of the windows is also individual. Launching into production of window structures with complex shapes, such as arched ones, is possible only using a measurer’s template.

Design of window openings and installation of windows

  • Ceilings, beams and other structures should not put pressure on openings for windows and doors.
  • All possible impacts must be eliminated.
  • Dimensions of window and doorways are calculated so that the pressure on the structure is minimal.
  • Installation only in a special embedded box, which will additionally distribute possible loads.

Installing a window in the casing (jam)

Plastic windows in the opening of a wooden wall made of timber and rounded logs should be mounted only in a embedded block, which in construction language is called a “frame”, “casing” or “carriage”. In essence, it is a frame made of thick wooden blocks, which must take on possible loads.

To make your windows last longer:

  • Choose wooden carriage from laminated timber.
  • Insulate the joint between the carriage (casing) and the wall with fibrous insulation (jute, for example), which better protects against external influences.
  • Elastic polyurethane foam - optimal choice for foaming the installation gap between the frame and the frame.
  • Plastic windows large sizes must have a square metal reinforcement in the frame.
  • Panoramic glazing country house must be performed using reinforcing trusses.

How to install a window in a frame: detailed video

When choosing glazing, owners of wooden houses often ask themselves the question: which windows to install in a wooden house? PortalOKNA MEDIA answers questions from readers.

Which windows to install in a wooden house - plastic or wooden?

There is an opinion that the owners of wooden houses made of timber are adherents of environmental friendliness and everything natural. If this were always the case, the question of which windows to install would not arise.

In terms of window material use, homeowners can be divided into two categories. The first category, for which the answer is obvious and not questioned - in a wooden house there should only be wooden windows. In this case, the question arises about the choice of wood, color, finish and the company that will manufacture and install all this.

The second category of homeowners is not so categorical. Comparison various materials raises many questions - how is a plastic window different from a wooden one? What dictates the relatively high price of wooden windows? And of course the most important concern is how harmless are the windows?

Before the advent of modern window designs, the main material for making windows in our country was wood, or rather wooden beam, carved from a single piece of wood. With the advent of modern technologies, plastic windows have taken a leading position - 85% of the market in Russia according to the industry center O.K.N.A. Marketing. In Western and Eastern Europe The share of plastic windows is also predominant - about 60%. However, the debate about what plastic is better or tree” have not subsided for more than 50 years. Let's try to figure out whether it is worth focusing on wood when it comes to windows in a wooden house? Or does a plastic window fully meet the high requirements of luxury property owners?

What is a window?

According to the definition of GOST 23166-99 "Window blocks. General technical specifications": "Window block is a translucent structure designed for natural light premises, its ventilation and protection from atmospheric and noise influences.” And this definition is equally valid for windows made of wood, PVC or aluminum.

Just as the requirements for heat and sound insulation, size retention, water and air permeability and all other important characteristics are the same. Consequently, any high-quality window, no matter what material it is made from, must meet these requirements. It turns out that you cannot compare windows from different materials only according to the main parameters.

What to look for when choosing windows?

Environmental friendliness. The window area is 80% glass, so they can be called glass. However, buyers judge the environmental friendliness of a design by its material. window frame, since it echoes its name.

The environmental friendliness of wood, as a rule, is not in doubt - it is a natural material. But in order for the window to serve for a long time, it is necessary to use special adhesives for gluing timber, protective impregnations, paints and varnishes for external coating of windows. And we can’t do it without chemical industry technologies. The compositions, in most cases, contain chemicals. Their quality and environmental friendliness depend on the choice of manufacturer and price.

Opponents of PVC windows classify plastic as a material harmful to health due to its supposed properties. Only lead vapors in pure form. In the production of profiles, lead is used as a stabilizer in the form of a salt (sulfide), the molecules of which are securely enclosed in the PVC polymer structure. Numerous tests and sanitary documents confirm the harmlessness and safety of the plastic profile.

In addition, the window profile can be called an ecofriendly product - friendly to environment. Plastic frames and the sashes are easily recyclable.

Production time. In the vast majority of cases, a plastic window, even a laminated or decorated one, is produced much faster than a wooden one. This is due to sophisticated technology production of wooden profiles from laminated veneer lumber and window assembly.

Window installation. All windows can be installed at any time, the main thing is that cold period the heating was working. Installing windows in an unheated house is equally bad for both plastic and wooden windows.

During repairs and finishing works wooden windows require careful and careful handling; they must be covered with special materials to protect the surface without creating a “greenhouse effect.” Wet air under a thick film can destroy a wooden window in a very short period. While a plastic window can be handled with care without covering it at all, or using regular stretch or polyethylene film

Practicality in operation. Plastic windows are highly practical to use. They do not change color and surface quality throughout their entire service life. Caring for a plastic window during its entire service life comes down to washing (twice a year is enough) and lubricating the fittings and seals with special compounds (these can be purchased at any window sales office). This ease of use is why property owners love them so much.

Photo: wooden windows require periodic painting Wooden windows require updating once every 5-10 years paint coating. About 100 microns of paint disappears from the surface of a window every year. Over time, the paint layer becomes thinner and the wood becomes unprotected.

If the surface of wooden windows is treated with a transparent composition, then you can apply a new coating yourself.

If the painting was carried out with covering paint, then it will be difficult to paint at home. Initially, the application of such coating was carried out in special chambers. To restore it, you need to call a specialist from the manufacturer’s company. External painting work complicates the process, especially if there is a blind element in the structure.

Aluminum linings can protect wooden windows from the negative effects of the environment. outside profile. But not all connoisseurs of natural materials like this, and the increase in cost of the structure will be quite significant.

Maintainability. Plastic windows are easier to repair. If the surface of the white PVC profile, it can be easily restored using grinding pastes and special care products. Minor damage to the laminated profile is also quite easily masked with special waxes and pencils. If the damage to the laminating film is significant, it can be corrected using special films of absolutely identical color directly on site, without the need to dismantle the window.

In a plastic window, it is enough to simply replace the double-glazed window or even the sash if necessary. And the new laminated door will be exactly the same color as the old one.

Damaged wood surfaces will in most cases require replacement or a complex and expensive restoration process.

The cost of operating wooden windows made of hardwood for 25 years is two times, and of softwood is three times higher than the cost of operating a plastic window. The continuously growing costs of maintaining wooden windows in working order are associated with the need for their periodic painting and restoration, since wooden frames rot in critical places.

Appearance and window decoration. Wooden windows captivate with their natural beauty. It is enough to treat the surface with protective agents or tint it a little and the window will acquire an elegant appearance.

The possibilities for finishing plastic windows are much wider. Lamination technologies can not only make PVC windows colored, but also create an imitation of “wood”, “stone”, “leather”, “aluminum”. The surface of the films can be smooth, textured, with a 3D effect, tactilely and visually conveying the properties of the simulated material. The variety of lamination films allows you to create styles and decors for every taste in plastic windows.

Price. Of course, an important factor when choosing a window is price. The cost of plastic windows is at least 50% lower than wooden windows made of three-layer laminated pine timber of class "C".

Turnkey price for Euro-windows made of various materials, rub*.

Source:O.K.N.A. Marketing
* – the price is indicated without taking into account the production and installation of casing (plugs)

If you order windows from valuable species wood (oak, ash), then the price automatically increases 2-3 times relative to PVC windows.

"Breathing" plastic windows in a wooden house

The difference in the air permeability of wooden and plastic windows is a consequence of the non-natural structure of wood. The reason here often lies in the unstable dimensions of the profile section along its entire length. This creates micro-gaps in the frame and sash vestibule, which slightly increases the amount of incoming air.

Plastic windows can also be “breathable” if the manufacturer provides the possibility of air exchange at the stage of designing and manufacturing the profile. How did the largest Russian manufacturer window profile, company ExProf *.

The company has released and patented the Exprof Aero model of “breathing” plastic windows - with a wide frame of 101-118 mm, inside of which there is a labyrinth of channels.

Photo: principle of operation of the “breathing” window ExProf Aero* The air coming from the street, passing through the labyrinth, slows down and warms up during the cold period, which eliminates drafts. ExProf Aero creates and maintains a healthy microclimate in any room, including a wooden house.

An ideal place for relaxation or comfortable living. Thanks to its unique environmentally friendly qualities pure material- wood - the best temperature conditions are created in the house all year round: It’s not cold here in winter, not hot in summer.

One of the important issues arising during construction wooden house is a question about windows. What windows are best suited to a wooden house? There is no clear answer to this question and much depends on the preferences of the home owner. Some experts say that only wooden windows are suitable for a wooden house, others recommend metal-plastic ones. The fact is that in a structure such as a wooden house, there are practically no rigid fastenings, since all structural elements are somewhat deformed when the wood shrinks or swells, so it is necessary to take into account the periodic “movements” of the house. IN timber house, frame-panel or log sediment during the first two years can reach twenty centimeters.

Shrinkage and swelling occur both in the horizontal and vertical directions, that is, along and across. The gradual shrinkage of the house leads to a softening of the transverse deformation. To avoid skewing of the window frame, it is important to create a mechanism to compensate for the loads that appear when the wooden wall moves. In popular parlance, it is necessary to provide a “window”, which is a box between the wall and the window. The box is placed on runners in the window opening, which allows it to maintain a stable position regardless of the movement of the wall. The gaps formed by the flashing and the wall are carefully insulated and covered with platband. Thus, the window is installed in an opening that is not subject to external influences.

IN in this case It is not recommended to rely on own experience, but entrust the matter to an experienced master, since the creation of such a structural part requires skill and skill, moreover, not all companies that sell windows guarantee their high-quality installation. After the location of the window opening has been precisely determined and prepared, the next question arises: which of the entire variety of windows on the market to buy? Shape, color, size? In addition to the very popular wooden and plastic windows, there are also windows made of aluminum profile, metal-plastic, PVC, solid wood and combined models.

What to prefer?

Plastic and metal-plastic windows- the undoubted leader, they are widely used in the construction of new high-rise buildings, as well as in the replacement of old wooden windows. However, it should be noted that for wooden houses they often purchase wooden rather than metal-plastic windows.

The quality and service life of plastic windows primarily depends on the manufacturer, the characteristics of the materials and the glass unit. For long-term successful operation of such a window, correct installation is extremely important.

Advantages of plastic and metal-plastic windows: durable and reliable, create good sound insulation, aesthetically pleasing, easy to hygienic treatment, does not require painting or periodic treatment, does not require additional insulation, and thanks to a wide variety of plastic shades, they easily fit into any interior.

Disadvantages of windows made of plastic and metal-plastic: the material does not allow air to pass through and if the window for a long time do not open, the air in the room becomes musty and dry. The situation gets worse in winter when heating devices they dry out the air, and there is no possibility of regular and long-term ventilation; “unnaturalness” of the material: even the highest quality plastics cannot be called one hundred percent environmentally friendly. When heated, a certain amount of chemical compounds evaporates into the air, and the effect of these evaporations on human health has not been studied. Another disadvantage of plastic is that it is difficult to repair: scratches, chips and other minor damage to the surface will have to be endured until complete replacement frames.

In fairness, it should still be noted that wooden windows will be correct and appropriate for wooden houses. The only thing that can keep you from making this choice is the desire to save money.

Wooden windows will fit well into the interior of a country house, “supporting” its coziness, originality and environmental cleanliness.

Wooden windows “breathe”, allowing air to pass through even when the doors are closed.

Joinery and Euro-windows are the most popular on the domestic market.

Many people are familiar with carpentry from Soviet times, when similar products were installed on all windows, without exception. However, it should be taken into account that modern windows of this type are forever free from inconvenient tight latches, unsightly latches and winter drafts. They are equipped with special locks, neat windows and a reliable thermal insulation layer.

We can talk about the decorative qualities of wood for a long time; this material can be combined with almost any walls and types of decoration, and the main disadvantage of high-quality wooden windows can only be their cost.

Wooden windows are easy to install, however, without good master can't get by here. The disadvantages of wooden windows include inconvenience during washing, rapid contamination, the need for regular cleaning and the inability to fix open sashes.

Modern market offers wide choose windows depending on their functional features and location.

Wooden windows are varied in shape, fittings and components: double-leaf, multi-leaf, with fixed or movable sashes.

Windows equipped with one sash - best option For small rooms, such as kitchens or baths.

Double-hung windows are installed in residential premises, and if the opening is large, it is advisable to install windows with three sashes.

For complete comfort, combinations of solid doors with opening doors are used. Windows that open in one direction (pivot) are common; there are also tilt and turn windows.

Thanks to modern technologies, high-quality wooden windows are practically not inferior to plastic ones in terms of convenience and manipulation capabilities. And if your choice is wooden windows, remember that wood is flammable material. Therefore, for long-term and safe operation, it is recommended to treat the wood with an antiseptic solution and fire retardant.

Source: dom-da.ru


The undisputed leaders today are metal-plastic windows. But, you must admit that in an environmentally friendly wooden house built from natural materials, it is a little absurd to install PVC windows. It is better to give your preference to wooden windows.

Today, the production of wooden windows has reached unprecedented heights. Thanks to modern technologies, the tree is reliably protected not only from pests, but also from the effects of adverse environmental phenomena. Improved new technology drying today allows us to produce window structures that do not change over time. The latest innovation in the production of wooden windows is windows made of laminated veneer lumber.


Wooden windows have excellent external characteristics: they perfectly retain heat inside the room, keep out various noises and dust from the street, are resistant to significant temperature changes, and can also regulate the level of humidity in a wooden house. The trees from which timber for windows are made are grown in ecological areas, which is an excellent option for maintaining human health.

Wooden windows vary in type and shape: double, multi-leaf, with sliding or fixed shutters. For small log houses, windows that are equipped with one wing are suitable. Complete comfort and coziness is provided by the combination of blind doors with opening doors.

Wooden windows in your home will give you a feeling of luxury and closeness to nature, which, alas, cannot be given by any other type of window.

Source: prodomstroy.ru

Selecting windows

Which windows are best suited to a wooden house? There is no definite answer to this question, since much in this case depends on the preferences of the owner of the house. According to many experts, only wooden windows are suitable for a wooden house, while others strongly recommend metal-plastic ones.

However, do not forget that in wooden country house There are practically no rigid fastenings: all elements wooden structure are partially deformed when the wood shrinks and swells, so periodic “movements” in the house cannot be ignored. So, for example, in a house made of timber, logs or frame-panel house precipitation in the first 2 years can reach 20 centimeters.

It should also be taken into account that drying and swelling of wood occurs both horizontally and vertically, that is, both along and across. At the same time, the gradual shrinkage of the house leads to a softening of the transverse deformation.

Avoiding distortion

Building a wooden house is not an easy task and requires taking into account many details. So, in order to avoid possible distortion of the window frame, it is important to properly provide a mechanism for compensating the loads that occur during movement wooden walls. To put it simply vernacular, it is necessary to provide a “window” - a box between the wall and the window.

Such a box is placed in the window opening on runners and allows you to maintain a stable position of the window frame, regardless of the movement of the wall. In addition, the gaps formed by the flashing and the wall are carefully insulated and hidden by the platband. Thus, we install the window in an opening that is not subject to external influences.

After preparing the place for the window opening, you need to decide on the material, shape, color and size of future windows, and taking into account modern diversity market offers - here you will have to rack your brains.

Plastic windows

So, plastic or metal-plastic windows are the undisputed market leader. Such windows are widely used in the construction of new high-rise buildings and when replacing old wooden analogues. Of course, the service life and quality characteristics of plastic windows depend on the manufacturer, the characteristics of the materials used and the glass unit itself. At the same time, correct installation is very important for trouble-free and long-term operation of any window. Therefore, it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

The advantages of plastic windows are obvious: they are durable, reliable and aesthetically pleasing, provide good sound insulation, are easy to clean and hygienic, do not require painting or additional insulation, and can fit into any interior, thanks to a wide variety of plastic shades.

However, plastic windows also have their disadvantages. First of all, this material does not allow air to pass through, so without regular ventilation, the air in the room becomes dry and musty. The “unnaturalness” of the material is another disadvantage of plastic windows, because even the highest quality plastics cannot be called 100% environmentally friendly. The third drawback is the difficulty of repair: thus, you will have to endure various scratches, chips and other minor damage on the surface of the plastic until the frame is completely replaced.

Wooden windows

It should be noted that wooden windows will be no less appropriate for a wooden house. Wooden windows fit perfectly into the interior country house, will retain the overall style, and will also significantly enhance its originality, comfort and environmental cleanliness. And, perhaps, the only thing that can keep you from making such a choice is the desire to save money.

Wooden windows “breathe” well, allowing air to pass through well even with the doors completely closed. At the same time, high-quality wooden windows will save you from drafts and winter air. Modern wooden windows are also free from inconvenient and tight latches and unaesthetic latches of the Soviet era. Modern windows made of wood are equipped with convenient and practical locks, neat windows and a high-quality thermal insulation layer.

However, wooden windows also have their disadvantages. In addition to the significant cost, these include some inconvenience during washing and dry cleaning, their rapid contamination, as well as the need for regular treatment with protective and fire-resistant agents and the inability to fix open sashes.

Windows made from profiles from REHAU and other manufacturers are attractive for their practicality and aesthetics. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are often installed even in houses made of rounded logs.

Installation of a plastic window: materials and dimensions

Plastic windows for a country house made of rounded logs should be installed no earlier than a year after construction. After all, it shrinks over several years. Therefore, when installing sockets between the top (upper horizontal board) measuring 5 cm and the log, you need to leave at least a 5 cm gap by placing mineral wool in its basalt. External and inner part the gap will be hidden by the platband.

At the bottom of the window, it is enough to leave a gap of 2 cm, and allocate 3 cm for the substitution profile. Subsequently, a drip sill will be installed on the outside, and a window sill made of wood or PVC will be installed on the inside. To exhibit window unit, 5 cm between the bases of the opening and window box. Also in this case, you can choose any window sill board. It is preferable to attach the window parts to plates using wood screws. Outside installation gap should be covered with a waterproofing tape and a vapor barrier on the inside.

Casing device

  • Casing structure made of boards. The casing for a window opening can be made from edged boards or planed with a nominal size of 5x25 cm. The latter are more expensive because they are processed for installation and are visually attractive. In addition, their humidity is no more than 10%, while edged boards reach 20%. The casing for installing a PVC window is made on an embedded beam or is made on sliding plates with a “grouse”, its size is 5 cm. With any method of execution, linen batting is laid between the board and the end of the log, the board and the beam. The thickness of its layer is 2.5 cm per gap. If the nominal dimensions of the opening are 210x154 cm, then taking into account the casing and linen batting, the width of the window frame is 195 cm. Taking into account the given measurements, its height is 137 cm.
  • Glued casing structure. The window casing can also be glued, that is, made of laminated veneer lumber. In this case, the window sill of a plastic window is the part of the casing in which the area for the window block is milled. This design is attractive because of its beauty, but it is also more expensive due to the material used. The cost of using laminated veneer lumber is several times higher than the cost of a product made from planed boards. And this despite the fact that in the future it is still necessary to install slopes indoors.

Future owners of country houses are often interested in which windows are best to install in a private house. The choice, as a rule, is between wood and plastic. What are distinctive advantages and the disadvantages of these materials? And which one is more suitable for wooden buildings?

Requirements for glazing of a wooden house

Cottages made of logs and timber create a special microclimate; they are warm and cozy. This is ensured by natural building material, but not only. Great importance It also has reliable, well-made glazing.

Fig.1. Selection of windows for a wooden house.

The windows of a wooden house should be:

  • Warm.
    It is necessary to exclude cold bridges, through blowing and other thermal losses.
  • Quiet.
    Reliable sound insulation ensures peace and quiet inside the house.
  • Comfortable.
    Modern fittings make it possible to easily control the doors, opening them not only by turning, but also by folding.
  • Safe.
    The window locking system must effectively resist attempts to break into the house through it.
  • Aesthetic.
    Exterior design depends to a certain extent on the size, shape and color of window systems.

If the windows meet these requirements, they are suitable for any home, including a wooden one. Regardless of what material the doors, imposts and frames are made of. But in order to make the best choice, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the most popular materials used for the production of window profiles.

Features of plastic windows

Compared to old solid wood windows plastic systems glazing turned out to be a real breakthrough. Owners of houses and apartments immediately appreciated the convenience of using them. But over time, disadvantages also emerged.

Advantages of plastic windows:

  • High sound insulation.
    Hollow profiles made of polyvinyl chloride with internal air chambers effectively block street noise.
  • Excellent heat transfer resistance.
    In houses for seasonal living, translucent structures made of budget plastic profiles are installed. For glazing cottages, plastic windows with higher thermal insulation are selected.
  • Durability.
    High-quality plastic retains its shape and color for 10-15 years or more. It does not crack, warp or freeze, as it can withstand temperature changes.
  • Aesthetics.
    “Cold” white plastic and “warm” wood may not visually combine with each other. In this case, the profile is laminated with films designed to match standard or rare wood species. Or plastic surfaces painted in a color that matches the exterior.

Fig.2. Types of plastic windows.

Disadvantages of plastic windows:

  • Absolute tightness.
    When the doors are closed, the air exchange in the room is disrupted, so you have to frequently ventilate the rooms, and this entails heat loss.
  • Dry air.
    The inability of plastic to “breathe” leads to a decrease in natural air humidity. For a wooden house this is not critical, since in it air flows circulate freely through the micropores of the wood. But in a city apartment you have to solve the problem with the help of humidifiers.
  • Impossibility of repair.
    It is impossible to repair chips and scratches on the plastic, so if there is significant damage, the glazing will have to be replaced.

Features of wooden windows

Wood is more expensive than plastic, but the advantages of this material also cannot be taken away. The most important of them is natural origin. In a house made of timber or logs with wooden windows, even glazing systems with closed sashes “breathe”.

Additional advantages of windows made of wooden profiles:

  • Environmental friendliness.
    Wood is an absolutely natural material that contains no harmful components. For processing wooden profiles impregnations and coatings are applied to water based. This helps maintain the breathability of the opaque parts of the window structure.
  • High thermal protection.
    The use of high-quality seals and sealants eliminates blowing. A house with wooden windows does not need to be ventilated often, since the frames and sashes allow air to enter the premises. This also helps conserve heat.
  • Safety.
    In rooms with wooden windows, a normal level of humidity is maintained, so it is easy to breathe and mold does not form on the slopes. This means that the health of the residents is not in danger.

Fig.3. Wooden windows from laminated veneer lumber.

Cons of wooden windows

The main disadvantage of wood glazing systems is the fragility of this material. But this applies only to the so-called woodwork (solid wood), from which windows were made everywhere in Soviet times.

Modern wooden Europrofiles are no less strong and durable than plastic. They do not need to be painted regularly, they do not dry out or rot. Wooden doors and frames are protected from the effects of precipitation by special drainage linings.

What kind of windows does Garden House install in houses?

When choosing translucent structures for cottages, our company’s specialists focus on the optimal combination of three criteria. These are functionality, quality and price. Depending on the purpose and characteristics of the house, two types of profiles are used for its glazing.


In inexpensive houses and cottages we install windows with sealed double-glazed windows in high-quality plastic profile, equipped with reliable German Roto fittings. These glazing systems provide normal levels of heat and noise insulation. They are reliably protected from hacking and look aesthetically pleasing. To improve home ventilation in window system supply valves are installed.

The cost of plastic windows is relatively low. At the same time, their functional characteristics meet all the requirements that glazing systems for houses must meet small area and dachas.

Modern wooden windows

The main part of the houses built by the Garden House company are spacious permanent cottages for permanent residence. In such buildings, environmentally friendly, breathable wooden windows are installed.

Fig.4. Clear advantages of windows made of laminated veneer lumber.

Features of these glazing systems:

  • High-quality wooden Europrofile.
    The frame of the window block is made of three-lamella laminated veneer lumber. To produce this wood material High-quality raw materials from oak, larch and pine are used. Glued laminated timber is very durable, gives minimal shrinkage, and retains heat well.
  • Convenient controls.
    The sashes of wooden euro-windows open in two directions - they swing open and recline. There is no need for vents, since intensive and weak ventilation modes can be used.
  • High thermal insulation of the glazing system.
    Protection from cold and dampness is provided by the Dewenter (Germany) double-circuit seal. It creates a reliable barrier to the penetration of cold air, dust, extraneous sounds. High thermal protection is also guaranteed double-glazed window 44 mm wide, which is insulated around the perimeter with silicone sealant.
  • Attractive appearance of window blocks.
    Wooden profiles are treated with environmentally friendly Zowosan coating. It is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Maintains the normal water balance of wood. And, most importantly, it does not require touch-up. The latter property is explained by the high elasticity of the Zowosan coating, which, with a slight change in the size of the frame, does not crack, but stretches along with it.

Fig.5. Modern windows in houses made of laminated veneer lumber.

Cottages made of laminated veneer lumber, designed and built by Garden House, have durable plastic and wooden windows. Unlike city apartments, the size, shape and design of glazing systems for such houses are determined not by standard numbers, but by the project. Therefore, each of these cottages is not only warm and comfortable, but especially cozy.

Order the Garden House company to build your home!
