How to choose a quality corner sofa. How to choose a sofa for the living room: practical recommendations. What material to choose a sofa for the living room from?

- Alexander Nikolaevich, tell me, what should you pay attention to first when choosing a sofa?

Of course, all buyers first pay attention to appearance- whether the model will suit the style and interior of your future premises.

Advice! You should definitely measure your space before going to the store and decide what size sofa will suit you. You also need to write down the approximate dimensions for the unfolded sofa.

The second point that you should pay attention to right away is the comfort and functionality of the sofa. Here you need to answer the key question: why do you need a sofa? To sit and relax, to sleep every day or just as a beautiful piece of furniture? A clear knowledge of the goal will significantly speed up your choice.

Feel free to touch the sofa with your hands, sit and even lie on it right in the store. This is the only way you can understand whether the sofa in front of you is comfortable.

Finally, the third point is technical specifications: transformation mechanism, upholstery, filling and frame.

- Let's start with the mechanisms of transformation. Which option is the most reliable and durable?

The most durable mechanism is considered to be the “Eurobook” - a folding option in which the removable cushions are removed, the seat is moved forward, and the back is lowered. The sofa itself does not need to be moved away from the wall. This model turns into a full-fledged sleeping place. It can be equipped with lamellas and, with proper filling, we can achieve the orthopedic effect our body needs.

A sofa with a Eurobook mechanism is simple, good and reliable option for daily sleep and daily unfolding.

Alexander Nikolaevich, reveal the furniture secret: which sofa upholstery is more practical? Is it true that the most expensive thing in a sofa is the fabric?

Yes, fabric can make up from 30% to 90% of the cost of a sofa. This is its most expensive component. By changing the fabric option, you can significantly change the cost of the sofa.

There are three upholstery options - leather, faux leather and fabric. A leather sofa is a sound investment. Its main disadvantage for most buyers is the price. Therefore, there is a misconception that a budget version of a faux leather sofa will be just as practical. In fact, after a few years of use, eco-leather begins to crack, and this process is irreversible. The golden mean in the matter of sofa upholstery - the balance of price and quality - combines fabric.

If you want to choose an expensive fabric, but the sofa will stand against the wall and you do not plan to move it to the center of the room, then the cost of the sofa can be significantly reduced by upholstering the back from a different material.

- What fabrics can be recommended for families with small children or pets?

Of course, the fabrics that clean best are velor or flock, for example. These fabrics differ from each other in the principle of attaching the pile to the base. On flock, the pile is glued, and on velor, the piles are woven in and held together by weaving. Chenille is also practical. Chenille threads are strong, thick and twisted.

An indicator of the quality of fabric is the price. Pile length, number of units per 1 sq. cm of fabric - all this affects both the cost and practicality of the fabric itself. The denser the pile, the less dirt will get there. Even drops of water can stick to the surface of the pile.

Therefore, high-pile fabric is difficult for cats to tear through. And traces of children's drawings are also easy to remove. In furniture stores they even show this “trick” to clients - they draw with a pen, for example, on flock, and then easily remove all the patterns with a napkin.

Chenille and velor can be washed, but at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees, otherwise these fabrics may shrink.

It is not recommended to wash flock because the adhesive base may be damaged. There is flock with rubber-based glue. It is very elastic - it stretches well and quickly takes its original shape. Rubber-based flock is more expensive, but more practical than regular flock.

With appearance and options practical upholstery, I think we figured it out. But the sofa also has an internal filling; few buyers think about it. What's inside the sofa besides storage?

Inside the sofa there is a frame and filling. The quality of the filler affects both comfort and its service life. The most common sofa fillers are polyurethane foam (PPU) and springs.

Do you know the difference between polyurethane foam and foam rubber?
Correct answer: nothing. Polyurethane foam (PPU) is more of a professional name, and “foam rubber” is a colloquial name, it comes from the name of the Norwegian company “Porolon”, which supplied polyurethane foam to the USSR. Actually, the story is the same as that of Pampers and disposable diapers, Scotch and duct tape.

Polyurethane foam comes in different varieties. From inexpensive to HR type, this is a particularly elastic, latex-like material. Of all types of sofa fillings, polyurethane foam deteriorates the fastest, and with daily use of the sofa it wears out very quickly. The warranty period for polyurethane foam is usually 1.5 years. In practice, after 4-5 years the foam rubber needs to be changed.

The springs in sofas also vary. There is a spring snake and there is a spring block - dependent and independent.

A dependent spring unit differs from an independent one in the behavior of springs under load. If you are sitting on a sofa with dependent springs, and a person with more weight sits next to you, you will certainly feel how the sofa “sags”. Dependent springs are connected to each other by metal spirals along the lower turns, which creates the “hammock effect.” If the sofa has independent springs, then you will not feel the seat deformation, because in this case each spring is in a special cover, and the covers are fastened together in the center of the spring.

- Alexander Nikolaevich, which is better - a dependent or an independent spring unit?

There is no definite answer here, depending on what you want from the sofa. For example, if you prefer to lie down, then the orthopedic effect is important and then you need an independent spring block. If you prefer to sit on the sofa, then a dependent box spring may be better because it is softer and you can rock smoothly on it.

The dependent spring block is more durable - its component is only metal, and independent springs also have covers. For spring covers, materials such as fibertek or spunbond are used. Both are thermally bonded padding polyester high density. Initially, spunbond was used as a covering material for gardens and vegetable gardens. And then its density was increased and began to be widely used in furniture production.

And the last element of the sofa’s internal contents is the frame. Why does the quality of the frame affect the health of everyone who sits, and especially sleeps, on the sofa?

On average, we “communicate” with the sofa for about 8 hours a day. If the frame of the sofa is made, for example, of fir, cheap and fragile material, and the material was not dried well during manufacturing, then at home the tree will begin to “cry” and become covered with mold. All this happens inside the sofa, and a person comes into contact with it every day. Of course, this can negatively affect his health and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is so important to know not only the external, but also the internal contents of your future sofa.

For reference: what is a sofa frame most often made of?
The most common materials are wood and chipboard. Less often - metal.
Of course, the most environmentally friendly material- tree. Wood can be very expensive if it is oak, beech or ash. More budget options - birch and conifers trees.

The main thing for the wood frame is that it is dry. If chipboard is used, then this material must be coated with a special protective layer that prevents the release of substances harmful to health.

If you have any furniture questions, write to us: . We will forward your request to the experts and be sure to provide all the details.

Text: Tatyana Reshetilova for FURNITURE CONSULTER

Contents of the article

The first thing you need to do for a strong and healthy night's rest is to properly organize your sleeping area. One of the main roles in this matter is played by the purchase of a sofa. And if for the interior of a room its appearance is primarily important, the quality of sleep is influenced by many more factors. In order not to make a mistake, you need not to make a mistake with the size, choose the right filling, upholstery, and even stay within the planned budget. The task is not easy. Therefore, when choosing a sofa for sleeping, it is better to take the advice of professionals who are familiar first-hand with all the nuances of this matter.

Purpose of the sofa

The sofa is multifunctional and comfortable furniture, suitable for both the living room and the bedroom.

It is difficult to find a house that does not have a single sofa. This is multifunctional and comfortable furniture, suitable for both the living room and the bedroom. On small non-folding models, owners can receive guests and relax during the day themselves, and on wide transformable sofas at night they can sleep even better than on a regular bed. Therefore, when buying upholstered furniture, it is important to clearly understand how it will be used, and what characteristics of the product you need to pay attention to first.

Criterias of choice

To choose suitable option sofa, first it is important to decide what role it will play in the house. If the main task is to fill empty corner or to diversify the decor in the room, the shape and color of the upholstery come to the fore. It's another matter when you need comfortable sofa for everyday use, on which the family will rest during the day and sleep at night. In this case, the following criteria will have to be assessed:

  1. Comfort. It's about about the length, width and rigidity of the sleeping place, on which the quality of a night's rest depends.
  2. Life time. Good sofas are not cheap, so for the cost to be recouped, it must last at least 6-7 years.
  3. Simplicity use. Upholstered furniture for every day should be comfortable, quickly cleaned with improvised means, and unfold and assemble without problems.
  4. Safety. Furniture made exclusively from environmentally friendly materials is suitable for the home. pure materials. This criterion is especially important for families with small children, but even adults can develop severe allergies if the product is treated with toxic varnishes or paints.

Additional functionality would also be useful: storage boxes, comfortable pillows, built-in countertops, etc.

Transformation mechanisms: which ones are better?

One of the main indicators of the quality of furniture for daily sleep is a reliable transformation mechanism. Sofas should be easy to unfold and assemble so that even a child can cope with this task.

The following mechanisms are available:

  1. "Book"
    A true classic of the genre. To unfold the sofa, just lift the seat and pull it towards you, and the backrest lowers itself. Despite their simplicity and widespread use, such models have a noticeable drawback: a hollow forms at the junction of the two halves, causing discomfort during sleep.
  2. "Eurobook"
    An improved version of the previous mechanism. The seat on wheels moves forward, and the back rests horizontally. The result is a smooth and comfortable sleeping surface.
  3. Roll-out
    The easiest option to use. The seat moves forward, but the backrest remains in the same position.
  4. "Accordion"

    Equipped with an additional module, which when folded is hidden behind the back. If the seat is pulled forward, it folds out with it, forming a large and comfortable berth.
  5. "Dolphin"
    Found mainly in corner sofas for sleeping. A special box under the seat slides forward, and from it the frame rises sharply (like a dolphin jumping out of the water), which folds into an additional bed.
  6. "Click-clack"
    The “wings” located on the sides of the back and seat are brought to a horizontal position, after which the sofa unfolds like a book. The result is a comfortable and wide seating area.
  7. "Lit"
    Used only in single models. The armrests of the sofa fold down to form a flat surface. This furniture is suitable for a small apartment or a child’s room.
  8. Cot
    Inside the sofa there is a structure on legs with a thin mattress, which moves forward to form a place to rest. There are several variants of the mechanism. The American folding bed is equipped with a welded frame and steel grille, and the seating surface is hidden under the double folded bed to protect the upholstery. The French folding bed does not have a rigid frame, so it is not suitable for everyday use. Belgian folding beds are equipped with two- and three-fold mechanisms, so they have a large margin of safety. And in Italian, more modern version, the transformation occurs in conjunction with the soft parts of the sofa, so there is no need to additionally remove the seat and backrest.

When choosing one or another method of transforming a sofa, it is important to consider who will use it - an adult or a child, how many free space in the room and how the rest of the furniture is located

Choosing a filler

What should a sofa be like for sleeping every day? Of course, comfortable and durable. This means that when purchasing upholstered furniture Special attention given to the filler. There are two main options:

  1. Spring block. Provides elasticity and maintains the shape of the seat, but over time it begins to creak, break and pierce the sofa upholstery. To avoid such “side effects”, it is better to immediately buy a quality product. There are cheaper dependent blocks, with springs connected to each other, and independent ones, with an orthopedic effect, in which each spring is packaged in a separate fabric case. The first ones are less convenient: as soon as you sit on one edge of the sofa, the whole thing begins to move. But the latter last longer, do not creak or sag, but for such advantages they require additional costs.
  2. Synthetic and natural materials(silicone, foam rubber, padding polyester, latex, felt, coconut board, etc.). Sitting on such sofas, soft and comfortable, is a pleasure. But many of these materials can hardly be called durable, so the furniture often sags and loses its shape. The exceptions are felt and latex: they are elastic, so they support your back while you sleep and last longer, but they are also more expensive.

The hardness of the sofa depends on the filling, so personal preferences and the condition of the spine are taken into account before purchasing.

Upholstery material

In order for a sofa for sleeping every day not only to last a long time, but also to maintain a presentable appearance, it is important not to make a mistake when choosing the upholstery. It should be easy to clean, dense and pleasant to the touch. If a sofa is used instead of a bed, it is better to give preference to mixed fabrics: matting, tapestry, jacquard or chenille. They are resistant to mechanical stress and retain color for a long time.

Upholstered furniture made of genuine leather deserves special attention. Without a doubt, this is a prestigious interior design option, but it makes no sense to buy such an expensive sofa for everyday use. Although upholstery made of cheaper leatherette for a sleeping area is not the best choice. This material quickly cracks, and bedding slips off at night.

Color is no less important. Firstly, it must fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. But don’t forget about practicality: plain fabric, for example, is more easily soiled, and on upholstery with a pattern, small stains or abrasions are not so visible. By the way, it is better to immediately buy upholstered furniture for a child with a removable cover, so as not to worry if the child spills juice or decorates it with an artistic masterpiece.

Wear resistance class

The quality of the materials from which upholstered furniture is made varies greatly. Some of them create budget options that are unable to fully replace a traditional bed, while others make sofas strong and durable, continuing to look like the day they were purchased for years.

How, then, to choose a sofa for daily sleep? To make it easier for customers to find the right model, manufacturers mark upholstered furniture, assigning it a certain wear resistance class. The assessment is made on a scale from 0 to 8 points.

It is better not to use upholstered furniture with a wear resistance rating below 5 points as an everyday sleeping place. The frame and upholstery of such products are not designed for heavy loads, and the transformation mechanism cannot withstand constant folding/unfolding

The optimal option is considered to be average wear resistance - 5-6 points. Such sofas become the best for sleeping, serve their owners reliably and do not lose their presentable appearance for years.

Products with scores of 7-8 points belong to the premium segment, so they are more suitable for interior decoration in luxury hotels and restaurants than for an everyday bed in an ordinary apartment.

Durable frame

Sofas for everyday use are laid out every day, and sometimes more than once. They also have to withstand significant loads, often more than 100 kg, if the model is designed for two people. Therefore, such products cannot be built without a strong, reliable frame.

The base of upholstered furniture is usually made of wood or metal. In the first case, it is better to give preference to beech, birch, walnut or oak. Such wood is not cheap, but it is durable, strong and environmentally friendly, and furniture made from it can decorate the decor of any home.

Sofas with metal frames last for decades. They began to be used relatively recently for the manufacture of upholstered furniture, but the popularity of such models is rapidly growing. The main condition for a successful purchase is a welded metal base. If the individual frame modules are bolted together, over time they will begin to creak and will have to be tightened.

There is a third option - chipboard frames. But sofas for daily sleep are not made with such a base: with constant use they will not last long. IN combined form(chipboard + wood) the strength of the frame is higher, but it is better not to subject it to heavy loads.

Additional items

Some models of sofas for everyday use are equipped with additional amenities that make them an indispensable part of the interior. First of all, these are storage boxes that save a lot of space in small apartments. They are suitable for bed linen, seasonal clothes, toys and everything else that the owner’s imagination is enough for.

There are also models with wide armrests on which you can sit while relaxing during the day, and folding tables to treat yourself to dessert or a cup of tea. And the small niches in which books are placed mobile phone or a TV remote control, also replace bedside tables.

How to choose the right upholstered furniture for daily sleep? Experienced experts recommend first of all paying attention to the following points:

  1. Product rigidity. The choice depends on the condition of the spine and the weight of the owner (the larger it is, the stiffer it is better to buy a sofa).
  2. Frame strength. Preference should be given to high-quality, durable materials that provide furniture long years good service.
  3. Transformation mechanism. It should not only be reliable, but also simple. If you have to make an effort to unfold the product every time, daily use will lead to breakage.

At the same time, experts advise not to get hung up on decorative elements, built-in countertops and shelves - they play a secondary role, and even get in the way during a night’s rest.


Many people, when going to a store to buy upholstered furniture, mistakenly believe that good, high-quality models are available only from foreign manufacturers. However, most European companies are focused on creating guest-type sofas that are not suitable for permanent use as a sleeping place. Unlike them Russian manufacturers offer big choice models with various folding/unfolding mechanisms - strong, durable and easily replace a regular bed. And this despite the fact that domestic furniture for a wide range of consumers, it does not require complex care and is more affordable.

Upholstered furniture made in traditional style, has enjoyed continued popularity for many decades. But this does not stop the army of fans modern design grow every year. For a sofa to sleep on every day to become an interior decoration, experts recommend giving preference to models made in the style of:

The Greco-Roman style is also popular with its natural shapes, upholstery made of high-quality, natural fabrics and eye-pleasing colors. These sofas easily fit into a room of any size, creating a feeling of coziness and comfort.

Top 5 best sofa models for daily sleep

Which sofa model is best to choose for daily sleep? To be sure not to make a mistake with your purchase, you should refer to the rating of the most successful products compiled by leading experts in this field. Complete the rating of experts with your opinion by voting for 1 of the listed models:

Straight sofa Riccardo from Stolline furniture factory (Russia).
When unfolded, it is designed for 3 sleeping places, the maximum load per one is 100 kg. The model is assembled from high quality components, thanks to which it can withstand daily folding/unfolding without any problems. Velor upholstery is resistant to abrasion, does not stretch or lose color, and universal design Ideal for a room decorated in any style.

Total score

On modern market presented huge selection sofas for daily sleep, for every taste and budget. The widest range of models is able to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers, and their rich functionality makes them a worthy alternative to classic bedroom furniture. All that remains is to take into account all the nuances, make the right choice and enjoy comfort, coziness and sound, healthy sleep for many years to come.

Today it is difficult to imagine a living space without a sofa. This piece of furniture is not just for sitting and watching TV. You can also sleep on it. Various models, presented on the market today, differ in the transformation mechanism, type of upholstery, design, purpose, and so on. Sooner or later you have to change the upholstered furniture in your apartment. Many consumers are lost in the variety of models that exist today. Next, we’ll figure out how to choose the right sofa. From the article we will learn what these products are, and also get acquainted with the main points that you should pay attention to when purchasing.

Today, many people do not know how to choose the right sofa. First you need to decide on the purpose of the product. For example, in one family a sofa will serve as a bed. That is, you are supposed to sleep on it. In another family, the product can be used to watch TV and be a resting place for all family members. After the functional task has become clear, the quality of the furniture should be studied. It must be said that the widely held opinion that the most best furniture- Italian. Today, the condition of elements such as frame, filler and upholstery will be used to assess quality. You can choose the design of your future sofa in accordance with your personal preferences. But experts recommend taking into account general interior the premises where this piece of furniture will then be placed.

Many people wonder how to choose the color of the sofa? In this case, you need to focus on the walls. Depending on the range of finishing materials, the color of the sofa is selected. Here you need to consider how the tones will combine with each other so that the product does not get lost against the background of the walls. It must also be said that in design all the details are interconnected. This means that even minor changes can lead to changes in the entire interior. For those who prefer universal options, manufacturers offer models with a wooden frame. The upholstery of such products is usually done in classic style. Such models can be combined with almost any design. If preference is given modern products, then here you need to pay attention to sofas made in Hi-Tech style. But at the same time, experts recommend observing the measure. It should be remembered that trendy products will not always be appropriate in the interior.


Before choosing a sofa, you should evaluate the area of ​​the room. By size, products are divided into 2- and 3-seater. The first ones are more suitable for those who live alone and sometimes receive guests. The second option is more spacious. He is chosen to the house where the family lives. If you still like a double sofa, then for ease of placement, purchase additional armchairs. The result will be a wonderful soft corner for the whole family. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you should first determine where the sofa will stand. Often thoughtless purchases lead to the fact that the product is difficult to place in the room, since it takes up quite a lot of space. You need to measure the width and length of the area where the piece of furniture will be placed before choosing.

Corner sofa

Products of this type are considered one of the most popular today. These models are equipped with a variety of transformation mechanisms. Such sofas can be either right- or left-handed. Before purchasing, you should accurately imagine and plan the location. Although, as a rule, there are no difficulties with corner sofas. Many manufacturers offer collapsible models. Products of this type can be assembled, like a construction set, by swapping elements.


There are quite a lot of devices for transforming a structure today. If you plan to use the sofa as a bed infrequently, then a folding bed mechanism is suitable. One of the lightest mechanisms is considered to be withdrawable. But when unfolding it, a large space is required. The simplest and cheapest option is the “book” option. Along with its advantages, this mechanism also has a significant drawback. When transforming, a certain margin to the wall is required. Today there is a more improved version of this mechanism - the “Eurobook”. It's more convenient. The following will provide information on how to choose a Eurobook sofa.


The Eurobook transformation mechanism is convenient, practical and durable. The principle of operation of the device is quite simple. In order to unfold the sofa, it is enough to roll the seat forward, then move the back from a vertical to a horizontal position. The convenience of this design is that, unlike previous models, there is no need to leave a gap between the product and the wall. This sofa, among other things, is equipped with drawers for linen. When purchasing such a product, experts recommend paying attention to the presence of a spring block. The design must contain orthopedic armor, as well as molded elastic polyurethane foam. This material is present in the soft elements of the seats and backrest.


It can be made of different materials. The main ones are metal, wood and timber with chipboard. Each frame has its own advantages and disadvantages. The service life of structures also varies. How to choose a quality sofa at an affordable price?

Wooden frame

In a room whose interior is made in a classic style, it is preferable to place a sofa, supporting structure which is made of natural material. Such models are popular because they create additional comfort and a feeling of warmth in the room. The types of wood used in the manufacture of the frame may differ in both price and quality.

Common type of wood

Manufacturers use coniferous species most often. What is the reason for this choice? This is due to the fact that in Russia they are very common and grow almost everywhere. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of production, saving on transportation. At the same time, the quality of the products remains at the proper level. For those who do not know how to choose a sofa for the living room in a house where few people live, experts recommend paying attention to models whose frame is made of coniferous wood.

Frame durability

How to choose a sofa so that it lasts for decades? First of all, experts recommend paying attention to models whose frames are made of hardwood. These include, in particular, ash, oak and beech. It must be assumed that the cost of such products is significantly higher than those described above. Birch frames also have the necessary strength. This breed is stronger coniferous trees, but inferior to ash and oak. Mahogany is used in the manufacture of luxury furniture. This breed has many advantages, including a very long service life and reliability.

The strength of the frame structure is also ensured by the fasteners. The more reliable it is, the more stable the product. Since you often have to choose a sofa for the house where you live big family, special attention must be paid to the type of fastening of elements. This is due to the fact that with sufficiently active use, the frame can very quickly become loose, and the product will become unusable. In this regard, experts recommend choosing those models in which the elements are connected not with screws, but with bolts. The parts placed on the glue must fit tightly to each other.

Condition of the frame wood

The quality of the material is of no small importance. It is necessary to evaluate how well the wood is dried. There are cases when, over time, moisture from the material began to evaporate after the sofa was upholstered. In addition, poorly dried wood may produce unpleasant creaking while a person sits down or gets up from the sofa. The strength of the structure also depends on the number of knots on the tree. The fewer there were, the better. You can evaluate the condition of a material by the smoothness of its surface - the more ideal it is, the better the quality of the product.

Metal carcass

Relatively recently, such designs were not very common. Typically, metal was used to make chairs or tables. Over time, this material began to be used in the production of other pieces of furniture. Metal is most actively used in the manufacture of products in the Hi-Tech style. As many experts note, metal frames are quite practical and durable. In addition, they are easy to repair. TO metal frame Almost any upholstery fits perfectly. If we talk about color or profile, then consumers are presented with enough wide choose. Experts recommend purchasing products in which the frame elements are connected by welding. Such designs last much longer.

Combined frame

How to choose a sofa without having a large sum money? One of budget options is a product whose frame is made by combining materials. The design, which uses bars and chipboard, is in last place in popularity. However, these products are also in demand on the market. The advantages and disadvantages of such frames are similar to wooden ones. In a number of cases, in an effort to reduce the cost of products as much as possible, some companies produce products with frames made exclusively from chipboard. However, experts do not recommend purchasing such products. This is due to the unreliability and fragility of the material.


How to choose a good sofa? Undoubtedly, maximum comfort is achieved on a soft, but at the same time elastic surface of the product. According to experts, the density coefficient in different areas of the sofa should be different. The back, armrest and seat should be more rigid. The last element is subject to the greatest wear. In this regard, its density should be maximum. However, you can do more than just sit on the sofa. Very often this piece of furniture is installed in bedrooms. How to choose a sofa bed with the optimal stiffness coefficient? Recently, the most popular among consumers are products containing foam rubber or polyurethane inside. Preference is also given to models equipped with spring blocks.

Foam filling

As practice shows, this material is used in cheap models. Moreover, the lower the cost of the sofa, the worse the quality of the filling. As for foam rubber, in products that are in the low price category, this material is placed inside them in pieces. Many people want to save money and buy just such models. However, as practice shows, after a year or two the filler begins to crumple. The appearance of the product suffers from this. How to choose a sofa made of foam rubber? First of all, the material must be solid. In this case, the service life of the product will be at least 4 years. However, after this period, the furniture may have to be changed, since the material will still lose its properties.

Spring blocks

The sleeping area should not be too soft. Otherwise, the spine will experience increased stress. To prevent negative effects on it, experts recommend purchasing products equipped with spring blocks. As a rule, these are orthopedic sofas. How to choose the maximum comfortable model? Design elements can significantly reduce the load on the spine. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to assess the condition of the spring blocks. Few people know how to choose an orthopedic sofa bed. First of all, you should not look at cheap models. As a rule, the elements in such products are of low quality. As a result, you can not only not get any benefit, but, on the contrary, make the situation worse. Price orthopedic sofa depends mainly on the number of springs. The more of these elements, the higher the price. However, you don’t mind paying for comfort while sleeping. Some models are additionally equipped with special orthopedic mattresses.

Other filler materials

Many manufacturers make products using polyurethane. This material Retains elasticity longer than foam rubber. However, its cost is not too different. More expensive products contain a very durable, strong and elastic material - latex. When answering consumers’ questions about how to choose a sofa for sleeping, experts recommend giving preference to models with multi-layer fillings. For example, the lower tier is made rigid. This gives elasticity to the filler. Upper layer It is made softer to give an additional feeling of comfort. More expensive products use a synthetic fiber coating. Such material is holofiber or synthetic winterizer. The first one is considered the most preferable. This is due to its ability to quickly restore its shape after deformation. Holofiber has a high wear resistance coefficient. Thanks to this, the sofa retains its original appearance for a long time. Of course, such quality will cost the money.


Speaking about how to choose a sofa bed, we should also talk about the upholstery. Today there is a wide range of products on the market different materials. Many consumers have a question: how to choose a sofa for sleeping so that its surface retains an attractive appearance for a long time? Upholstery is another element on which the service life of the product will depend. As you know, leather is considered the most elite material. However, today there are many other options that are not inferior to it in their properties. We’ll look at how to choose a leather sofa below. First, let's get acquainted with general recommendations specialists.

What should you pay attention to?

When purchasing a sofa in a store, experts recommend asking the seller if there is Teflon impregnation in the upholstery. This coating has the property of repelling water. Thanks to this, accidentally spilled liquid is not absorbed into the upholstery, but simply flows down it. In addition, the coating provides additional protection from dust and dirt. Of course, such products will cost more. But you can save a lot on cleaning later. There is another option. Some models are coated with special Teflon coating. It performs the same functions as impregnation. However, the technology is much cheaper, and therefore the final cost of the product is lower.

Elite upholstery

Some experts equate chenille to leather. Both materials are considered elite. Chenille is pleasant to the touch, soft and very practical. For those who do not know how to choose a sofa for a child, the recommendations of experts are very simple. Professionals advise installing products upholstered with chenille in the children's room. This is an ideal option for rooms where there is a high risk of staining furniture. However, it must be said that the cost of such models is quite high. Wealthy buyers buy leather sofas. It should be said that some companies, in an effort to increase the cost of products, even perform back wall from this material. Therefore, if overpayment is not included in the plans, attention must be paid to this element.

Manufacturers quality products, who have been working on the market for quite a long time and have managed to establish themselves, attach a passport to each of their models. It indicates all the characteristics of the product. Experts recommend not to be shy and carefully read the information. Undoubtedly, when choosing a model, you should examine it externally. Leather, as well as any other material, should not have defects, stains, or cracks.


This fabric has been used in the production of upholstered furniture relatively recently. Microfiber is practical and high quality. The undoubted advantage of this material is that during its production a Teflon coating is already applied to it. Therefore, microfiber sofas are often installed in living rooms. In addition, the material is very resistant to dirt. Distinctive feature microfiber is its high strength. The material is very difficult to damage. In addition, it does not fade or fade in the sun.

Upholstered furniture for a children's room

When choosing a sofa for a child, first of all you need to pay attention to the safety of the product. There should be no corners or sharp protrusions on it. Environmental friendliness and quality of materials are of particular importance. Ideal option, according to professionals, will become wooden frame. However, all parts must be processed to protect the child from abrasions. Experts recommend paying attention to models with sides. For children under 7 years old, such sofas will be the safest. The products of Giovanni (Italy) are the most popular among consumers. The furniture of this company is of high quality.

Oksana Fedorova

Sofas are one of the main and most expensive types of furniture. This is a multifunctional piece of furniture that bears a serious load. The Village decided to ask the experts how to choose the right sofa. Oksana Fedorova, co-owner and sales director of the online store and furniture manufacturer HomeMe, answers your questions.

What to look for when choosing a sofa

First of all, look at the quality of tailoring and check what the frame and filling are made of. You won't be able to see what's hidden under the upholstery, so the quality of the seams will tell the story. general level product quality. If they are sloppy, quality control in production is poor, which means the insides of the sofa leave much to be desired.

Be sure to ask the seller what the sofa frame is made of. There are three main types of frames: chipboard (compressed sawdust), plywood (glued layers natural wood) and metal frame. Frames made entirely of chipboard are very unreliable, since this material is intended for use in lightly loaded structures. It’s better to add 2–3 thousand and buy a sofa with a plywood frame or a metal frame.

The filler must be made of polyurethane foam of at least 25 density or a spring block. You should avoid cheap low-density foam rubber, which will sag after 2 weeks and cannot be restored.

I advise you to choose the fabric to your taste and pay attention only to its thickness. Too thin upholstery is another way to save money. Most likely, it will quickly stretch and stop holding its shape.

And the last thing is the quality of the transformation mechanism when it comes to a sofa bed. All mechanisms must be made of metal with a thickness of at least three millimeters, have high-quality painting and connecting elements. If the mechanism is painted carelessly, most likely the level of production where it is made is not the highest and there is a risk of breakdowns.

How to choose the right sofa based on the size of the room

The main criterion for selecting a sofa based on the size of the room is most likely the configuration of the sofa and its location. If there is a free angle, then corner sofa will perfectly fill this space and will not take up precious space in the center of the room. If there is very little space, then it is better to choose a straight two- or three-seater sofa. For small apartments there is now a lot compact sofas up to two meters wide, while transforming into a full double bed. This solution, as sales show, is most loved by buyers of small apartments.

Do I need to require a guarantee and for how long?

The guarantee for upholstered furniture according to GOST is 18 months, and, accordingly, each manufacturer is obliged to provide at least a year and a half warranty. The main question is how the seller will fulfill its warranty obligations. If you buy from a middleman, then most likely, if quality problems arise, you will be sent to the manufacturer and the hassle will begin. Make sure that the seller has its own customer service and in case of a complaint you will deal with him and not with the manufacturer.

Complaints in upholstered furniture are, unfortunately, commonplace, since the production of sofas is predominantly manual labor and the latest technologies have hardly affected this area. The main thing is that the seller takes a responsible and conscientious approach to troubleshooting.

How much should a good sofa cost?

A medium-sized, non-leather corner sofa bed costs from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. I believe that this price range is currently optimal for the price/quality ratio. Companies that provide the proper level of service and product quality can fit into it.

A straight sofa bed will cost about the same, since when folded out, a straight sofa - like a corner one - forms a full-fledged sleeping place, and approximately the same amount of materials is used for their manufacture.

I would not advise buying the cheapest sofas (in comparison with analogues from famous manufacturers) on unknown sites: most likely, the sofa, although similar in appearance, has a low level of assembly and quality of materials and will fail very quickly. There will be no one to respond to your requests, since you will be redirected to the manufacturer of this product or, even worse, they will simply begin to delay the process in the hope that you will get tired of it faster.

In general, the sofa market is structured very simply. Large manufacturers with design bureaus and good specialists invent new high-quality models of sofas and invest money in promoting the model. If the model turns out to be popular, then hundreds of small and medium-sized manufacturers begin to copy this sofa, making it cheaper due to the quality of the frame, filling and upholstery materials, offering it to the buyer at a lower price.

Of course, if the budget for purchasing furniture is strictly limited, then most likely this is a good decision, but if it is possible to add 10–20%, then I recommend buying it anyway quality furniture, after all, this is not a T-shirt or a hammer, but a complex product subject to increased loads, on which you spend a third of your life (for those who use it for sleeping).

Where to look for a sofa: in online or offline stores

If you are looking for something specific, online stores are better: you can quickly find suitable model at a certain price. IN regular stores this is more difficult to do, since due to expensive rent, only
5–10% of the assortment. As a result, sales occur according to a picture from the catalog or from the words of the seller. The online store does not require prepayment. If the product is not suitable for our customers, we provide the buyer with the opportunity to refuse it upon delivery without giving a reason. Those especially responsible can preview the furniture in the showroom. If the buyer does not have specific preferences and wants to study pricing and product quality, then it is better to go to furniture centers, where the products of all leading manufacturers are presented in one place. You can get acquainted with the quality of the products, ask the price and understand who and what they are.

What Marketing Tricks Should You Not Buy?

The most common trick is to offer a super attractive price on a sofa that is out of stock. But customers will only find out about this when they come to the store. Such promotions attract interested buyers to showrooms, and then the bet is placed on sellers, who must redirect people to another product at the regular price.

Photos: Vika Bogorodskaya (1, 3), Olya Shangina (2)
