How to welcome your husband home from a business trip - romantic and unforgettable. We welcome a husband from a business trip with open arms How to welcome a husband from a business trip advice from psychologists

Husband from a business trip, be sure to remember the details of your husband’s trip. How much time did he spend outside his home? It could be just one day when he didn’t even have time to get bored, or it could be an exhausting month-long marathon. How exactly does he return - 48 hours in a stuffy train carriage, an hour on a plane, or half a day of turning the steering wheel of a car? How much time will he have to rest? It can be a completely free day - have fun and relax, or maybe just an hour for a blissful sleep.

It’s hard to imagine that a tired and exhausted man would be truly happy with his wife dressed in lacy lingerie. The best option in this case is to let him take a shower, prepare fresh linen and ensure a restful sleep in a clean marital bed. Food prepared for work will be a sign of love and care, which a man will certainly appreciate. But even if the holiday of meeting with your loved one is postponed, there is no need to cancel it by organizing it after work.

Festive interior

The question “” can be answered in a truly creative way! For example, cheerful balloons scattered throughout the house will say louder than any words what rainbow feelings you are experiencing. Or maybe it will be a garland of hearts, or funny little people in love cut out of colored paper?

An interesting solution is a poster or wall newspaper, which a man will see as soon as he opens the door of the house. On a piece of whatman paper you can write “Welcome!”, “How glad I am for your return!”, or you can tell in poetry or prose how much you missed your husband. If your family already has children, they can also have a hand in meeting dad. Drawings on the theme “How we waited for dad” will fill the house with real comfort, and your man’s heart with gratitude.

Was the man already rested or was he not too tired when he arrived? Give him a game with a romantic apartment guide. On the arrows that meet the man at the very threshold, you can write where he should take the next step and what should happen. A new clue will await him there. And so on until the final goal! The route could be like this: “Go to the bathroom and take a shower” - “Now go to the gym. Fresh clothes are waiting for you on the sofa” - “Something delicious is waiting for you in the kitchen...” - “How about moving to the bedroom?” The two most important stages of this journey - food and, require special coverage in the romantic operation " How to meet your husband from a business trip».

The path to the heart: the traditional way

Feeding a man is sacred. Women agree with the opinion of most psychologists: homemade baking works flawlessly on men. They associate comfort and a full-cup home with pies and cheesecakes. If you are a fan of magic in the kitchen, please your husband with baked delicacies. If such fuss at the stove is not your thing, you can order delicious food from the restaurant. A bottle of wine wouldn't hurt either.

How to meet your husband from a business trip so that it isn't just a run-of-the-mill family meeting? Of course it's festive! Therefore, dinner decoration should not be ordinary. Beautiful glasses and plates, tablecloths and cutlery are important attributes of the holiday. You shouldn’t allow everyday everyday conversations at the table: let the conversation be romantic, because your husband is unlikely to want to think about the work with which he spent so much time side by side.

Stranger wife

And yet, the most important person whom your husband longs to see when he returns from a business trip is you! Sexy - a peignoir or new lingerie, lace stockings will be the best outfit. Thinking about how to meet your husband from a business trip, try to experiment not only with clothes, but also with your own images. What will be the surprise of your loved one when he is greeted on the threshold by his wife, reincarnated as a nurse in a white short coat, or a schoolgirl in flirtatiously lowered knee socks? You can become a real exotic - a geisha! Kimono, eyeliner and intellectual sexuality - this will surely amaze him.

Instead of role-playing games, you can change your image. A new image can not only excite a man’s imagination, but also give the relationship a new twist.

A wonderful continuation of the evening is a striptease or, which can be moved not to the bedroom, but, say, to the bathroom. Before, how to meet your husband from a business trip, take care of candles and fragrant foam: they will create the right atmosphere. And the logical conclusion of the preparations will be enchanting sex!
Women's magazine JustLady is sure: if you approach the meeting of your beloved husband in a creative way, he will long to return home even more than before, anticipating an amazing adventure upon arrival.

Anna Kazakova
Women's magazine JustLady

The best job is your favorite hobby! It’s great if this is the case in your family. But it happens that due to work matters, one of the family members must leave their home for some time. In other words, go on a business trip. Most often, of course, this fate falls to the lot of husbands.

Besides the fact that having to go somewhere unexpectedly is stressful in itself, the trip may not always go smoothly. And, of course, the woman she loves should know better than anyone how to meet her beloved husband.

Let’s make a reservation right away that you shouldn’t play pranks on your neighbor hiding in the closet, men’s underwear under the bed, or invite a gypsy choir for a meeting with songs and dances. A tired person generally does not perceive humor well. And if he is prone to jealousy, then the joy of the meeting can be greatly overshadowed.

Don't offer sex?

Imagine yourself in his place: you are returning home after a tiring flight. Or maybe they arrived by bus, sitting in an uncomfortable position for several hours. Or perhaps they spent a long time driving. Introduced? Think about what you would want to say to your husband if he tried to attack you from the doorway. Most likely, you would simply hit him with anything that came to hand.

Therefore, leaving intimacy for a while, let's consider other ways to meet your loved one.

It is better to put the apartment in complete order in advance, so that the return to his native mansion becomes the main joy for a man! It’s so nice to plunge into the atmosphere of home comfort... In the future, even after a difficult trip, he will anticipate the joy of meeting his family and rush to you as fast as he can.

Of course, you will want to surprise him and please him. The best, universal option would be to prepare a festive or romantic dinner, depending on the circumstances. You can give him a hot bath. Even if he usually prefers to take a shower, after a long journey many people will prefer to lie in the bath to relax and unwind.

You shouldn’t shower her with rose petals, pour liters of foam and joyfully jump to your loved one if he doesn’t ask for it. Prepare the necessary swimwear in advance so that he doesn’t have to lean out the door, waist-deep wet, and call you asking for a towel.

After a bath and dinner, you can watch some romantic movie together. Or, if you have kids who aren't yet ready to go to bed, a family comedy might be the way to go. Nothing beats the moments when the whole family is together and doing one thing. Let him even watch TV.

If your loved one arrived not too tired, or has already regained strength (in the same bath, for example), then you can try to smoothly move on to intimacy. It’s great if you were able to prepare exciting underwear in advance. Give your husband a light relaxing massage with oil, by candlelight. Perhaps by this moment he himself will tell you what he would like at the moment.

All these tips are universal, which is why they are wonderful, but it may turn out that there is no way to prepare even this. Don't be upset and consider yourself a bad wife. If love reigns in your family, then this is the most important thing. Prepare a simple but delicious dinner. And let the very first moment of your meeting be your tight hug, a gentle kiss and the words: “I miss you so much, my love!”

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For loving couples, reunion after forced separation is a real holiday. And for it, like for any other holiday, it is advisable to prepare in advance.

After the stress of work, after tiring hours at the airport and after a long journey, there is nothing better for a man than a cozy home, a delicious dinner and the hugs of his beloved woman. Therefore, before your spouse returns, you need to put the house in perfect order. This will show your loved one that you did not forget about cleaning and behaved like a real housewife.

It is very important for your husband to feel that you were waiting for him. Prepare his favorite dish for dinner, decorate the house with flowers and garlands. Use your imagination. Only you know what will please your spouse the most. If you have children, try working with them to prepare the house for dad's return. And when the door opens and the head of the family crosses his own threshold, embrace your soulmate in the warmest embrace.

Even the most unimpressive man will be pleasantly surprised if you get creative with how to prepare the house for his return. You can arrange a quest, organize a fantastic romantic evening and play an unusual game - the main thing is that the surprise is made taking into account the interests of your spouse.

Some girls try to prank their lovers - for example, they put a male mannequin in the bed. But not every spouse will react favorably to such jokes. It is better to make sure that your husband’s return takes place in an atmosphere of love, warmth and comfort. This is especially important after a long separation, when both partners have had time to miss each other greatly.

It may take several hours to prepare for a meeting. If possible, try to leave work early. You should prepare in a calm atmosphere, without haste and with a feeling of joyful anticipation.

If your husband returns in the morning or afternoon, and the road was not too far, you can greet him with a truly festive atmosphere. This is especially suitable for couples who have children. Make bright posters with the kids and write on them how glad you are that dad is coming back. Decorate the walls with colored paper garlands and balloons. Older children will enjoy making paper figurines or other small crafts that can be hung on lamps or doors. Multi-colored balloons are also suitable for decorating your apartment. Stock up on New Year's crackers, and when your husband enters the house, greet him with cheerful claps and happy smiles.

It is also advisable to make the table festive. Bake a homemade pie according to your mother’s recipe, lay the tablecloth. Prepare baked goods with your children. Let the spouse feel that the most beloved people did not forget about him for a minute.

Let's create romance

Another option is to meet your husband in a romantic setting. This meeting is suitable for couples who live alone. Prepare beautiful linens, champagne and candles. The atmosphere of love and mystery will be created by curtained windows and flickering lights of garlands. The path from the hallway to the bedroom and kitchen can be decorated with burning candles.

Before your spouse arrives, take a warm bubble bath. As soon as he enters the house, take him to the bath. You can continue the evening in the kitchen, where you should set the table in advance. Champagne and fruit are ideal for a romantic dinner.

But the main thing should be visiting the bedroom. The bed should be neatly made, and candles can be placed around. Aromatic oils will set you up for sensuality and passion. Don’t forget to wear erotic lingerie - this way you will show your spouse that you are ready to always look desirable and attractive for him.

You can meet your husband in an unusual and playful way. For example, in the image of a charming nurse or a mysterious oriental beauty. As soon as your spouse enters the house, involve him in the game. Such a surprise will awaken a man's imagination. To fully match the look, prepare a suitable dinner. A nurse can serve food laid out on a tray in small portions, and an overseas princess will treat her lover to dishes from oriental cuisine.

You can also arrange a quest. Prepare a small gift (you can buy it or make it yourself) that will suit your spouse's interests. Hide the gift in the bedroom, and hang signs throughout the house with puzzles and tasks that must be completed to find the surprise.

How to meet your husband from a business trip in an unusual way?

Even if the husband is often away, he will definitely appreciate the gift prepared by his wife. But you need to take into account the time of arrival and the well-being of your loved one. If he is very tired, he is unlikely to want to solve riddles or participate in games. When returning at night, he may refuse a hearty dinner. Therefore, sometimes it’s enough just to tell your husband how much you’ve been waiting for him, and then go on vacation.

Let's not forget about ourselves

Men love with their eyes, so it is advisable to get yourself in order before your husband returns. Carefully style your hair and apply light makeup. Take care of your manicure in advance. The clothes don’t have to be casual, but you don’t need to wear an evening dress either. You should look like a beautiful, feminine and loving wife, and not a stunning seductress. You can try to choose a new outfit, create a fresh image. Let the husband, upon entering the house, once again be amazed at what a wonderful woman has become his wife.

But if you don't have time to prepare for the holiday, don't worry. The main thing for a man is to understand that he has finally returned home, where he is truly loved and expected.


Show your husband that his return is a real holiday! Obviously, you should start preparing with cleaning: your spouse is unlikely to be happy when he sees a mountain of unwashed dishes, dirt in the hallway and a week’s worth of dust on all the shelves.

Decorate your home with garlands or balloons. What's a holiday without appropriate decor? A garland of balloons or bright hearts will decorate your home and create a feeling of celebration. In addition, you can write some kind words on each: how much you missed your husband, how much you missed him and how much you love him.

Let him relax. Most likely, the husband's first desire after a tiring move will be a hot bath. Pamper your loved one: prepare him a bath with essential oils that will help him relieve stress and relax after a stressful job on a business trip and a tiring move. Essential oils of lavender, frankincense, orange, geranium, bergamot, and mint are best suited for relaxation. A few drops of any of these oils - and taking a bath from an ordinary hygienic procedure turns into an aromatherapy session. If you know the exact time of your husband's arrival, you can fill the bath just before he returns.

Prepare a holiday dinner. No matter what wonderful conditions your spouse lived in while on a business trip, rest assured, he missed the aroma and taste of home-cooked food. The secret is that food cooked at home always contains the magic ingredient - your love. Pamper your spouse with his favorite delicacy, and don’t forget: a good dinner should not only taste great, but also look great. Set the table beautifully by decorating it. A bottle on the table will also not be superfluous: a few glasses will help you relax and create a festive atmosphere.

Don't forget about yourself. While on a business trip, your husband didn’t just miss home, first of all, he missed you – his closest and dearest person. What's the point of decorating your home but forgetting about yourself? Your husband will certainly be upset when he sees you tired and exhausted. Relax, put yourself in order so that you glow with beauty and happiness - and with your light you will illuminate the whole house!

Prepare a sexy outfit. Let not only the evening, but also the night be unforgettable: having relaxed in the comfort of home and rested from the road, your spouse will certainly be happy to find a chic set of underwear on you. Just don’t be surprised if he wants to take it off you right away: if the business trip was long, he will demonstrate all night how much he missed you while you were apart.

Few people would like their husband's constant business trips; all this worry while waiting is truly exhausting. But it’s also not easy for our men, how to make the husband’s return from a business trip the most pleasant, how to greet him? Of course, any recommendations can only be general, since each family has its own set of little things that provide that same home comfort.

How to meet your husband from a business trip?

My husband's work trips can cause serious inconvenience, but he does it only to provide for his family. Therefore, when welcoming your husband back from a business trip, it is important to show him how much you appreciate everything he does. And for this it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for his return. Think about what will be most desirable for your husband, how you can surprise and please him after a business trip. Now look at your ideas through the eyes of a tired person, like your loved one, and decide which ones are worth implementing and which ones should be abandoned. It is logical to assume that even a very bored man after a long journey will be most pleased with delicious home-cooked food, a hot bath and a clean bed. Therefore, you should forget about a sexual meeting with your husband from a business trip until he has rested. But, of course, it is necessary to take into account the details of the trip. For example, your loved one returns in the morning and is not too tired yet, why not give him a romantic reception? Make a guide to the apartment by writing the sequence of actions on the arrows. In each location, prepare a pleasant one.

If you have children, you can involve them in preparing for the meeting - let them help bake a cake, make a poster or wall newspaper that says how happy you all are about his return. If your husband returns home late in the evening, then you should postpone all your surprises until the next day, small children, by the way, should also be put to bed early. Let them meet dad in the morning and not bother the tired man with their games.

If you are thinking not only about how to greet your husband from a business trip, but also how to surprise him after separation, then try to change something in yourself. For example, change your hairstyle, lose weight before your husband arrives, or try on a new look. Just try not to change radically, otherwise the surprise may be unpleasant - the husband wants to meet a loved one, and not a stranger who suddenly appears in his apartment.
