How to get up in the morning in a good mood. How to wake up in a good mood. Don't use gadgets immediately after waking up

If you are not a morning person, waking up at 7 is real torture. Most of us have such a daily routine that we need to get out of bed at almost 5 am. to get everything done. But that won't necessarily be a guarantee. good mood in the morning.

The easiest way get rid of gloomy mood- wake up correctly. And we know simple ways, how to do it.

1. Eat breakfast: A good breakfast is the key to a fruitful day. However, taking just 15 minutes to eat a healthy breakfast will instantly wake you up and feel more energetic. Everyone knows that a “happy” stomach means a happier you.

2. Stretch your muscles: this will cause blood to move faster throughout the body. You can even do some stretching without getting out from under the blanket. Once the endorphins are released, you will feel happier.

3. Don't watch TV: If you are easily upset by bad news, skip the morning programs. Although, you can always watch your favorite TV series.

4. Play with your pet: how to improve your mood in a second? Play with your pet. It will instantly improve your mood. True, you won’t want to leave him for work.

5. Clean your room before going to bed: waking up in a clean room is one of the best feelings in the world. And in the morning you won't have to worry about finding all the things you need.

6. Listen to music: Make a playlist of all your favorite songs and press play as soon as you wake up to improve your mood.

7. Place fresh flowers on your nightstand: Scientific research showed that flowers make a person happier. Therefore it makes sense to put favorite plant on the bedside table.

8. Keep curtains half closed: autumn and winter, any sunlight which can be obtained during the day is a plus. It's no secret that we feel how our mood changes depending on the weather. And basking in the sun's rays is the easiest way to make you feel happier.

9. Go to bed an hour earlier: You probably won't fall asleep right away, but let your body know it's time to relax. This will make you feel much more rested in the morning.

10. Skip Social Media: first thing in the morning we all take out our phones to check email, Facebook or Instagram. But giving up this habit in the morning can be a real blessing.

11. Drink coffee: coffee plus a good breakfast - an instant improvement in mood and well-being. So, drink a cup of aromatic coffee near the window or right in bed. There is no feeling more pleasant.

How to wake up in a good mood? It doesn't matter which foot you get up from. Just start your morning with a smile, and then it’s all down to business.

Don't skip breakfast

Breakfast should not be skipped for many reasons: it starts the body’s work, speeds up metabolism, and allows you to avoid overeating at lunch. What we like most is that breakfast can improve your mood. How? Firstly, this meal should take place in a calm atmosphere, and not in a hurry.

Secondly, prepare something healthy and very tasty, place it beautifully on a plate or tray and decorate fresh vegetables and fruits. No time to cook? Not scary. After all, in five minutes, even from yogurt, you can prepare a real masterpiece that will cheer you up for the whole day.

Do exercises

Even a simple warm-up can have a huge impact on our well-being and mood. Simply because exercise circulates blood throughout the body and produces endorphins - joy hormones. A couple of push-ups, a dozen squats, a few minutes in the plank - and the morning will no longer be so gloomy.

Don't change the time on your alarm clock

We know, we know, we are now talking about something unreal. But you really should forget about those “three minutes” (which actually always turn into half an hour). Remember, by setting your alarm for 10, 20, 30 minutes, you are telling your brain that after a certain time you will have to wake up again. Because of this, you will no longer be able to sleep soundly, and subsequently you wake up even more tired. Just remember that uninterrupted sleep is much healthier - you'll have a better chance of feeling rested and refreshed.

Place fresh flowers next to your bed

To a greater extent, this point concerns representatives of the fair sex. One study found that seeing flowers when waking up made women much happier and less stressed throughout the day.

Is it worth mentioning once again that this has a positive effect on both the work process and personal relationships? So, men, we have just given you a great reason to please your soulmate today.

Sleep on your right side

Believe it or not, some researchers have shown this pattern: if you sleep on your right side, sweet dreams and easy getting up are guaranteed.

Surround yourself with bright colors

If in the first minutes of your awakening you see objects of bright colors, then a good mood for the whole day will be ensured. The fact is that bright shades stimulate the release of adrenaline, you become more energetic and cheerful, and it is also the one that best fights the stress hormone - cortisol.

Adrenaline also promotes the release of hormones such as endorphin and dopamine, which improve a person’s overall well-being and improve mood. But you shouldn’t furnish the entire room with bright details, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

Bright colors have an exciting effect on our nervous system. Don't forget that before we wake up in bright pillows, we first have to fall asleep in them. And it will be more difficult to do this because of this excitement. The ease of waking up is influenced more by how we fell asleep and how long we slept than by the color we see when we wake up.

Moreover, bright colors may be too sharp and perceived by the body in the morning as unnecessary stress. Therefore, it is better to surround yourself with bright objects outside the bedroom, for example, through bright towels in the bathroom or your favorite cup.

Sleep without clothes

Sleeping without pajamas has many benefits:

  • firstly, it makes you more free and relaxed;
  • secondly, without clothes you fall asleep faster;
  • thirdly, cortisol levels remain normal.

If you are wearing pajamas, your body temperature may rise, and along with this, the amount of stress hormone will rise. This risks the fact that cortisol levels will remain high even after waking up, which will lead to a bad mood, irritability and even a desire to eat something harmful.

Let go of your worries and problems

The day isn’t going well, problems don’t go away, worries are growing more and more every minute - sound familiar? Most likely, this burden will hang on you until the night and even until the morning. How to get rid of it?

So that the problem does not bother you in the morning, you need to leave all the worries of the past day in this day. Good way- summarizing. Remember your day from the very morning: what events happened, what was important, what was successful and what was not.

Try not to get involved emotionally, but to analyze it a little detachedly. Be sure to find those situations for which you can praise yourself - you did something, you proved yourself, you succeeded.

These may be small achievements, but they are very important. Write down all questions and concerns that have not been resolved on paper and deal with them as soon as possible. This way you will free your head from unnecessary information and are unlikely to forget about anything. This, in turn, will allow you to fall asleep peacefully.

Don't take your phone or computer right after waking up

Likes, comments, new letters, notifications - all this creates a whole cloud of some unnecessary problems and questions. Why do you need this in the morning, when light exercise, a warm shower with aromatic soap and a delicious breakfast await you? When you wake up, don’t grab your devices for at least an hour.

And in general, keep all your gadgets in the room you don’t sleep in. Well, instead of a phone, use a ringing alarm clock that makes it impossible to oversleep. These little tricks will help you separate your social life from your personal life and allow you to truly enjoy the start of a new day.

Social networks, messages, notifications, news - all this robs you of time that you can devote to yourself. And when is it better to do this, if not at the moment of awakening? When you are still in a state of morning bliss, you can think about your desires, goals, imagine how best to spend this day and how to fill it. This best time to get in touch with yourself.

If you immediately get on your phone or computer, you are immersed in a web of other people’s news, thoughts, words, charged with someone else’s energy and other people’s desires.

Set your alarm 15-30 minutes earlier

By waking up even 15 minutes earlier, you will save much more time in the process of getting ready, which will allow you not to be late for work and save positive attitude. During this short time, you can calmly think about what you will have for breakfast, what you will wear, remember your list of to-dos and appointments, and mentally prepare for the beginning of the day.

Read and listen to music

Sometimes days become a real routine, and then it is very easy to lose inspiration and motivation. In this case, if not books will help you (by the way, here is a whole selection of motivating books), then at least quotes from successful and great people. Sometimes even a couple of words can cheer you up and put you in a good mood. Catch a motivational quote from Napoleon Hill for this day:

Desire is the starting point of any achievement, not hope, not will, but only a sharp, pulsating desire that overcomes everything.

Take a cool shower

It is not necessary to tip a bowl of ice water over yourself; it is enough to just stand under streams of cool water (about 20 degrees) for a couple of minutes before getting out of the shower. Cool water releases neurotransmitters, or rather, serotonin, the hormone of happiness, which improves your mood and fills you with joy from head to toe.

Don't go to bed in a bad mood

Sometimes it is very difficult to control your emotions. But you need to try to moderate your ardor, at least for the sake of sound sleep and a good mood in the morning.

When we experience strong emotions, be it anger, irritation or great joy, it is difficult for us to fall asleep because our brain is in an agitated state. It is important to calm yourself and, if possible, end this emotional situation. If this is not possible, try to postpone it until the next day.

At the same time, it will be helpful to do a simple meditation to calm your nerves. While sitting with your back straight or lying on your back, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. It is important to just breathe and listen to yourself, allowing thoughts to flow as usual. One minute is enough to calm down and disconnect from worries.

Kiss everyone in your family

A simple kiss, but how much it will mean to you and your loved ones! The famous American psychotherapist Barbara Bartlane believes that kissing helps relieve stress and provides a great start to the day.

Meet the sunrises

Morning light signals the body to stop producing melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep. In addition, this light increases serotonin levels. But those who get up too early and cannot watch the awakening of nature should not despair. Now available for purchase special devices, which are exactly set time will fill dark room morning, pleasant light.

February 7th, 2015 , 01:58 pm

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter
From a smile in the sky a rainbow will wake up

Remember your state of light and love and try to stay in it as often as possible.

Please remember how your day went today or yesterday. Remember how much good or not so good there was in it. What happened to you? And most importantly, what emotions and feelings did you experience?

Do you remember?

At the end of the day, the past day remains in us with a certain aftertaste. Pleasant, sweet in taste or bitter and sad. Sometimes it happens that nothing seems to have happened, but your soul is warm. Or, on the contrary, everyone was polite and helpful, but there was no mood.

Let's not delve into the reasons. The point is that your day has passed, and by the evening your thoughts have either calmed down, relaxed and flowed in a wide direction of pleasant things. Or you've been binge-watching economic horror movies on TV. Or any other negative thing that resonated so “successfully” with your mood that it made you even more addicted.

What is he doing?

He sorts out his day. Some neural connections are strengthened even more, some are weakened, and some are built anew. Your archive of states is replenished with new impressions. Your experience is processed, assimilated and integrated into your life and into your subtle bodies overnight.

When you wake up tomorrow, you seem to become heavier or lighter in response to the states that you have built into yourself.

And there is one important feature this process. You force your brain to pay attention to what is most important to you at the moment. In other words, if you think hard about the fact that you don’t have money, your husband or wife doesn’t understand you, work is crazy, there’s a crisis in the country, and in general everything is bad, then your brain starts working in this direction. It is not surprising that when you wake up, you feel as if a heavy truck has driven through your body. I want to cover myself with a blanket and continue sleeping.

If you went to bed in a great mood, you had butterflies in your stomach, you were soaring in the clouds and smiling, then the next morning you will wake up in the same state or simply in high spirits. Why? Because you gave the brain a command to work in this direction. He lifted his visor and began to look through and go through your pleasant experience.

Here's a simple rule for you.

Do you want to wake up in the morning in a good mood?

Then before going to bed, remember three or more good things that happened to you during the day. It doesn't matter what it was. The main thing is that they make you smile, joy, love, tenderness or something similar. You should remember the events that plunged you into a state of light and love.

Stay in this state before going to bed.

If you don't succeed right away, practice.

Surely each of us once wondered: “Is it really possible to wake up early in the morning, and even with good mood?!” It’s so hard to lift your head from the pillow and throw away the warm blanket. The damned alarm clock is trying to reach the sleepy consciousness with its intrusive calls. And the moments of yesterday evening actively fly through my head, how everything was good, easy and relaxed. Is this a familiar state? Can all this be accompanied by a good mood? Many will answer “no” and hate the morning even more. Yes, we cannot change the situation, but we can change our attitude towards it. Let's see if there is a panacea for bad morning mood.

1. Inner harmony

In order to wake up in a good mood every day, first of all, you need to improve your inner world in order to be independent of circumstances, people, and the time of day. When you open your eyes, you should rejoice at the new day, with its new opportunities and most importantly - you have yourself - the only person who will be with you until your last breath. The main thing is to know your inner world. And then not only the morning, but the whole day will be kind, and the people around you will become friendlier, and the work will not seem so difficult.

2. Traffic light effect

Morning is your start. If you feel great, you begin to radiate happiness and positivity, smile more often, and positive thoughts accompany you all day. . And you must admit that it is more pleasant for you to see yourself with a sincere smile than with an eternally dissatisfied face. Get up early in the morning, give a charming smile to your reflection, and you are guaranteed a boost of energy for the whole day!

3. A little affection for yourself beloved

Each of us comes from childhood. Yes, we are reborn and become adults, but this essentially does not change anything. At heart we are all the same little naughty girls and minxes. Pamper yourself! Arrange a small morning celebration for your “naughty little one.” For cheerfulness, you can turn on your favorite music. Remember school lessons physical education - do light exercises. Have you forgotten that children love to move? Take a contrast shower with your favorite shower gel.

Prepare. It will help you finally wake up and not fall into the web of sleep. To start the morning in a good mood, you need to eat your favorite foods for breakfast and wear your favorite clothes. You should not wear uncomfortable or ugly clothes at all. Fall in love with yourself, because only people truly in love with life get up in the morning with an unearthly mood.

4. Healthy lifestyle and balanced diet

Each of us has heard the proverb: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” The key to feeling good in the morning is not to overeat in the evening. This does not mean that you should forget about such a word as “dinner” and try not to eat after six. Ideally, dinner should consist of light foods and be 2-3 hours before bedtime. Try to eat light foods - fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir, boiled eggs. You don't have to eat anything for dinner. It is enough to drink a glass of kefir, juice or mineral water. The main thing is that you do not go to bed on an empty stomach.

5. Comfort, coziness, peace

Comfortable bed, soft blanket and air bag will be able to provide you with all this. Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. Fresh air– pledge. Don't think about problems. In order to wake up in a good mood, you need to end the day correctly. Take before bed aromatic bath, watch your favorite movie, read at least a couple of pages of a book that interests you.

6. Love and idyll

Our soul mates, where would we be without you? The pleasant voice of a loved one, a sleepy hug - this is the ideal stimulus for a good mood. Scientists have proven that morning sex is a guarantee good mood. So think about it, ladies! Endorphins are never in excess.

7. Looking forward to the weekend

Agree, how nice it is to fall asleep on a Friday evening. After all, tomorrow is Saturday. There is no need to rush anywhere, a carriage and a small cart of free time. You can devote yourself to what you love.

What would you like to add? If a person has an idyll with his inner world, he will always be cheerful and in a good mood. Because this unearthly mood comes from within him, it is already inherent in him. If there is harmony, everything else will come by itself, the people around you will become kinder, the sun will shine brighter, both mornings and evenings will become good overnight. What would you suggest for number 8?

Healthy sleep and good mood are inseparable concepts. This is why it is very important to get proper rest. By neglecting sleep, we often experience fatigue, irritability, terrible mood and poor health. To restore good health and, as a result, a wonderful mood, it is important to maintain a sleep schedule.

Let's figure out how sleep affects mood.

How sleep affects our mood and what can be done to improve sleep quality. A few simple and effective rules good night that anyone can do.

During our night's rest, our body produces a hormone that is designed to protect us from stress and hunger, it is called cortisol. At healthy sleep, cortisol is produced in sufficient quantities, and it is consumed throughout the day. But if you don't get enough sleep, this hormone is produced in excess. At the same time, night sleep cannot be compensated for by daytime sleep. Daytime sleep is rarely calm and sound, and accordingly the feeling of fatigue persists.

Due to the fatigue that occurs with lack of sleep, muscles become weaker and lose their normal ability to recover. As a result, exercises to strengthen your muscles will be ineffective. Excess cortisol also leads to obesity. Appetite initially decreases and then increases, prompting you to eat more often. This happens due to lack of sleep; our body compensates for the lack of energy with excess nutrition.

How much time do you need to sleep?

Each of us has a different need for sleep. Usually for proper rest it is necessary 7-9 hours, some people can get by with 6 hours. Strength and well-being are best restored by proper sleep. In the absence or lack of sleep at night, the immune system works for wear and tear.

Even with a lack of sleep, a “sleep debt” arises, so if instead of 8 hours you sleep only 6, then 2 hours are added to this debt every day. Over time this leads to bad mood and depression, frequent colds and headaches.

At the same time, it is important to remember that it is impossible to repay the “debt”, even if you get enough sleep on the weekend or during the day free time. Even if you sleep all weekend, it will not compensate for the lack of sleep throughout the week. Side effects insufficient sleep - exhaustion of the body and premature aging: the body often simply does not have time to get rid of old cells and produce new ones, because this usually happens in a dream.

If, on the contrary, you spend much more time in sleep (except when a person is sick), you can develop another sore, “oversleeping,” which contributes to the occurrence of depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

A British study conducted in 2007 showed that those whose sleep lasts 7-8 hours every night live longer compared to those whose sleep duration “jumps” from day to day: then a person sleeps about 5 hours, then 10-12. You can’t deprive yourself of the hours of rest your body needs. British scientists have proven through their experiments that people who deprive themselves of sleep, setting aside 4-5 hours for sleep, put themselves at risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases.

In 2007, scientists in California proved that a person who deprives himself of proper sleep experiences constant inhibition of certain areas of the brain, which in turn control the person’s mood, as well as the ability to concentrate. This explains why sleep-deprived people often become irritable, overly emotional, and demonstrate an inability to focus their attention.

Lack of sleep is also the cause of many other unpleasant consequences: obesity, diabetes, alcoholism. Car accidents are also often caused by lack of sleep.

What is it like - healthy sleep

Healthy sleep is the time when our body has time to fully recover and rest. During night sleep, not only does your body recover, but all the information received during the day is also systematized.

Sleep includes 2 phases: fast and slow, which constantly alternate. When we fall asleep, we enter the slow-wave sleep phase. At this time, our body temperature drops, all metabolic processes become slower, the brain scans all organs, identifying and correcting “problems.” Then the time of REM sleep comes and we dream.

Experiments have established that during slow sleep, processes that occur inside the body are regulated. It is thanks to this phase of sleep that we regain our strength and feel rested when we wake up. The REM sleep phase is responsible for a person’s memory and attention, as well as the ability to perceive new material, assimilate and reproduce what has been learned.

By maintaining a sleep schedule, you take care of your health.

At the same time, you need to know that not only the duration of sleep is important, but also a constant schedule. A poor body without a sleep schedule is constantly in a state of shock. The result is low productivity throughout the day. You won't become successful that way!

Rules for good sleep

We have discussed the consequences of a lack of proper rest, but the question remains: what and how to do to provide your body with proper rest.

Let's highlight several rules for good sleep:

1. We either sleep with the window open or ventilate the room before going to bed; we need oxygen to rest. Its deficiency makes sleep shallow and interrupted. However, there are foods that will help you fall asleep: cherry juice, cherries and bananas.

2. We go to bed 2 hours after eating; a full stomach at night affects not only the quality of digestion, but also disrupts the heart rhythm.

3. We sleep in the dark, since light sources penetrating the retina of the eye prevent the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. Therefore, it is better to remove not only the TV from the bedroom, but also the luminous clock.

4. The most important thing is to form a daily habit - to fall asleep strictly at the same time.

5. Evening, oddly enough, is the key to a great mood in the morning. Exercise in the evening is not exercise stress, movements to relax the muscles of the body. We do it half an hour before dinner. It will calm the nervous system, relieve stress, relieve fatigue, and relieve back and neck pain.

6. A walk before bed in pleasant company or alone, a good positive movie for the night, and a bath with flavored salt- all of the above will help you relax and will have a beneficial effect on the quality of your sleep.

7. Aroma lamp before bed with essential oils: lavender, patchouli, ylang-ylang will also help you relax and tune in to rest. Even before going to bed, you can listen to soothing music with sounds of nature.

Video - how to wake up in a good mood

Thus, sleep is not wasted time, as many believe, but a whole complex of protective functions in our body. Sleep helps restore strength and energy spent during the day. It also provides regulation of the immune and nervous systems body, controls other internal processes. Adequate sleep helps you stay in in a great mood and greet every day with a smile.

Have a healthy sleep and good mood!
