How to plant a walnut tree. We grow walnuts in our summer cottage. Walnut at home - transplanting and molding

» Walnut

Usually this is a huge tree, by our standards, up to 25 meters has a very indirect relation to Greece: the fruits were brought from the south, and “everything is available in Greece.” Surely it grows there too; wild forms of this tree are common in Europe.

The tree looks impressive. A separately growing nut not only differs in height - its crown also reaches a diameter of 20 meters.

By European standards, it is long-lived (second only to oak)— specimens of 300-400-year-old trees are often found.

The development of the tree begins with the formation of a powerful tap root, which reaches a depth of 1.5 meters in the 5th year and 3.5 meters by the age of 20.

Horizontal ones do not grow immediately - they are formed after the rod one, located in the surface layer of soil at a depth of 20-50 centimeters.

The tree begins to bear fruit after 10 years of life, and from the age of 30-40 the time of full fruiting begins.

If trees grow in groups, partially shading each other, they rarely produce more than 30 kg of harvest, while a free-growing nut can produce up to 400 kg of nuts.

But such cases are rare; only a tree 150-170 years old is capable of such a harvest. Usually mature tree 25-40 years in Moldova produces 1500-2000 fruits or 2000-2500 in Crimea.

Moscow region, central Russia - where else can you plant and grow walnuts?

They are found in the European part from the foothills of the Caucasus to St. Petersburg, where the northernmost nuts in Russia grow. But these are isolated cases, exceptions that only confirm the rule.

These trees do not freeze out completely, but they also do not grow to their full potential.

The main factor determining the possibility of growing this southern tree is not winter at all. subzero temperature. The sum of average daily temperatures above 10 degrees is taken into account. It cannot be less than 190 C.

If in winter the temperature does not drop below -36 degrees and for 130-140 days a year the temperature is above 0 C, - Walnut can grow and bear fruit.

Hybrids of Manchurian and walnut showed the best winter hardiness.

When planting even the best seed material brought from the south, adaptation to the cold climate does not occur - such trees regularly freeze and practically do not bear fruit.

Varieties from places with a humid, warm climate are completely unsuitable for growing.(west and south of Ukraine, Black Sea coast of the Caucasus).

Only nuts from eastern Ukraine, the mountains of Central Asia or the Caucasus successfully adapt to the new conditions of central Russia.

Moreover, It’s better to grow a nut from a seed yourself— an imported seedling (even from the indicated regions) will be significantly inferior in terms of endurance and adaptability to new conditions.

How and when to plant and grow a tree from a seedling: conditions

It must be planted immediately permanent place . It is impossible to replant a 5-year-old tree. Therefore, you need to take into account all the factors and calculate the consequences.

A vigorous tree can form dense shade over an area of ​​approximately 100 sq.m. You will have to cross this area out of circulation - under the walnut there is little that can bear fruit(this is due to the strong suppressive effect of the biofield of a huge tree).

On the other hand, on this square you can arrange a summer recreation area - essential oils flies and mosquitoes are not allowed close to the nut.

Choose a planting site at the edge of the garden so as not to shade other trees. Walnut is very unpretentious to soils, although it prefers loose sandy and rocky soil.

The planting hole is dug so that under the roots there is a layer of stones of at least 25 centimeters.

The bottom of the planting hole must be half filled with construction waste.(broken brick, pieces of cement, crushed stone) - this technique allows you to shift the flowering time of the tree by 1-2 weeks (the stones warm up slowly, the nut begins to grow a little later, skipping the period of frost).

Half a bucket of ash, compost or humus is added to the pit. The soil should not be too fertile; the nut will grow intensively and will not have time to prepare for winter.

A seedling for planting must be taken only from a trusted seller, otherwise you will get nothing but frostbitten branches of a southern tree, and you probably won’t get a harvest.

A walnut tree is planted only in the spring; it enters the dormant period too early and will not have time to take root before winter.

It is believed that a nut planted with one’s own hand from a bone will grow into a tree practically adapted to the new conditions, which will develop successfully.

Seeds are planted in the fall directly into the ground to a depth of 7-10 cm. It is advisable to lay it in the soil sideways at the seam. Spring planting requires 2-3 months of stratification in wet sand.

No special care is required for the seedlings - middle lane even The nut has no pests.

How to plant an annual walnut seedling:

Care after planting: spring, summer and autumn

How to care? Walnut may only need watering in spring and early summer when there is intensive growth of green mass. Usually the tree has enough soil reserves of winter moisture.

Water only young trees up to 5-7 years old, if it is completely dry.

The taproot system of the southern tree is adapted to find water in the lower horizons. After 10 years of age, you should completely forget about watering the nut.

For him, excess moisture threatens too active growth, to the detriment of ripening and preparing wood for winter. Freezing after a wet summer is guaranteed.

In addition to stopping watering, you need to take care of preparing the root system for winter. That's why, tree trunk circles it is necessary to mulch with any organic matter or compost:

  • in summer - to preserve moisture;
  • in autumn - to protect the top layer of soil from freezing.

In particularly cold areas, the soil is mulched with a layer of at least 10 cm, especially in areas with little snow.

It is useful to cover the trunk up to a height of about 1 m with spruce branches or wrap it in several layers of newspapers (after the first frost). This will help you survive -40 degrees and below.

Such shelter is necessary only in the first years- the wood must be hardened naturally.

How to properly care during the growing process: before and after ripening

Like all fruit crops, walnuts need periodic feeding.

In the spring they bring nitrogen fertilizers, in the second half of summer - only potassium and phosphorus, which are responsible for preparing the tree for winter and laying fruit buds for the next harvest.

On cultivated soil, you can not feed nitrogen at all, but apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (in terms of active substance) 10 g/sq.m.

Practice shows that the rule applies to all cases when the nut does not grow on obvious stones and clay.

What makes me especially happy is - in the middle zone the walnut has no natural enemies. It has already been said that flies and mosquitoes fly around it.

Not only that, you can make very tasty dishes from walnut leaves. effective remedy against aphids and various caterpillars, which is successfully used in Ukraine.

Absolutely harmless to humans home remedy allows you to process trees and bushes with fruit and berry ovaries.


Unfortunately, walnut cuttings do not take root; propagation occurs only by seeds.

Vaccination is carried out in cases where:

  • there is a seedling of probably winter-hardy Manchurian walnut, for which -40 in winter is not a problem;
  • The planted variety did not live up to expectations - the opportunity arose to regraft it.

One-year-old seedlings are grafted into clefts and grown under control in a greenhouse to a marketable state.

Young trees that have already produced their first few nuts can be re-grafted using the “eye budding” type- only the bark is removed with a bud in the form of a half-tube (that’s what the method is called) and combined with the same cut on the rootstock.

Until complete healing, the grafting site is tied with film.

The result of grafting an adult walnut tree:

Reproduction in the country

The main method of obtaining seedlings is growing from seeds. To simplify the process, nuts are planted without additional processing in the fall to a depth of about 10 centimeters. It is believed that it is better to lay them sideways on the seam.

If you haven't had time to bury it for the winter, put it in damp sand in the basement - the nut must undergo stratification, otherwise it won't hatch.

The walnut tree is replenished with stump growth in just a year or two. These trees are capable of producing fruit literally in the second year, and in the 10th year they already produce a significant harvest.

It turns out that walnuts can be successfully planted and grown at a dacha in the middle zone, in the Moscow region. You just need to follow simple rules:

  • correct choice of location;
  • seedling - only zoned;
  • mandatory mulching of the tree trunk circle;
  • sheltering the trunk from frost in the first years of life.

Most gardeners can do all this.. Select sunny place, protected from cold winds - the nut will thank you.

None of the nuts are rich in nutrients like walnuts. In addition to a number of vitamins and minerals, its kernels contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and protein necessary for human body. The ability of kernels to positively influence the immune system, improve intestinal function, and normalize blood sugar levels has long been known. This indispensable assistant in the treatment of anemia, diseases of cardio-vascular system. Even a small handful of its fruits improves the general condition of the human body, increases performance and helps increase brain activity.

It is not surprising that many owners of summer cottages and household plots dream of growing this tree at home in order to always have a supply of tasty and healthy fruits.

The culture comes from Central Asia. The tree was quite common in China, India and Greece. It was the Greek merchants who brought it to us, which is why the fruits are called walnuts. This is a fairly heat-loving crop, and for a long time it was believed that it could only be grown in the southern regions.

However, today, thanks to some climate changes and breeding work, the plant is successfully grown in the Central region and the Southern Urals.

This article will talk about how to grow walnuts on your own plot.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, they just don’t think so experienced gardeners, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

To grow a walnut tree, you will need seeds. When selecting fruits for planting, you should pay attention not only to the quality of the seed, but also to the variety. There are several nuances in this process that are worth considering:

  • it is better to collect fruits from trees growing near your home - this way you will be sure that the seedling will take root and will produce a harvest over time;
  • if you have to buy seeds for planting, be sure to inquire about the description of the variety by contacting Special attention its resistance to low temperatures;
  • in the southern regions the crop will feel comfortable, but for planting in colder regions (in the Volga region, the Urals, Western Siberia) such well-known frost-resistant varieties, like Ideal and Osipov;
  • when selecting fruits for planting, you should pay attention to the condition and shape of the shell: it must be of the correct shape and not damaged;
  • the time for harvesting seeds comes when the upper green shell of the nuts begins to become covered with cracks;

  • selecting the most large fruits, dry them in a dry, ventilated area at room temperature. If you plan to plant seeds in the fall, then you don’t have to do this;
  • Experienced gardeners advise planting seeds in the spring. Optimal time– early April, when the soil has already warmed up to +10;
  • To speed up germination, additional stratification is recommended before planting. Varieties with thicker shells are stratified for at least three months at a temperature slightly above 0 degrees (from 0 to 7). For fruits with thinner shells, 45 days and temperatures up to +18 will be enough.

Planting is carried out in pre-prepared holes.

  1. To do this, dig a hole at the planting site with a diameter and depth of 50 cm.
  2. The bottom of the pit is filled with a mixture of soil and humus with the addition of ash (at the rate of 2 cups of ash per bucket of humus). During the further growth of the plant, it is possible to partially replace the soil with this mixture along the diameter of the tree crown.
  3. Three seeds are placed in the prepared holes at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.
  4. The planting depth depends on the size of the nut. So, larger seeds are planted to a depth of 10-12 cm, and smaller ones - 7-9 cm.
  5. When planting, nuts should be placed sideways on the edge.
  6. Next, the soil needs to be lightly pressed and watered.

We grow seedlings

After some time, a tree will grow from the planted fruit, but will it be viable and will it be able to develop correctly? All of a sudden planting material was not of very high quality, and you will have to repeat it all over again? To ensure that your efforts and time are not wasted, experienced gardeners recommend starting to use the method of growing seedlings. To do this you will need:

  • more fruits for planting and a well-equipped nursery;
  • choose a well-lit area, protected from the wind;
  • the soil in the selected area is dug up in the fall and humus is added;
  • planting of nuts in the southern regions begins in early April, in the central zone and in the Urals the planting time is shifted by two weeks;
  • nuts are sown in rows, the distance between which should be 50 cm. There should be at least 15 cm between plants in a row. This is a mandatory condition;
  • the depth of planting seeds, depending on the size, ranges from 7 to 12 cm;
  • The soil between the rows is regularly loosened and weeds are removed. In dry weather, crops need to be watered.

In 1-2 years you will have seedlings ready for planting in a permanent place.

Having set up such a nursery, you will have an excellent opportunity to choose the most resilient and fastest growing plants from the total number of plants.

If you collected planting material in the fall and want to get a plant ready for planting next spring, try growing a seedling in a pot:

  1. To do this, the selected nuts are washed and placed in a bowl of water.
  2. They should be soaked for a week.
  3. Seed germination is carried out in well-moistened sand.
  4. After the nuts germinate, they are planted in pots with soil.
  5. Plants grown at home must be hardened off for some time before planting in the ground. To do this, the pots are taken out to daytime outside and left in a shaded place protected from the winds.

When planting a seedling in a permanent place, try to avoid mechanical damage to the trunk and root system. It is very important to straighten and carefully spread the roots. It is worth starting the process from the lowest roots, gradually sprinkling them with a layer of soil and laying out the next ones. The topmost roots should be at a depth of 7-8 cm from the soil surface.

Choosing a landing site

One more important point When growing nuts, choosing a location is key. If you choose it correctly, this will allow the plant to develop well and delight you with a large harvest.

It should be remembered that walnut is a light-loving plant. A tree planted in a well-lit place will have a spreading crown, and fruits will be set on all branches.

Some other nuances should be observed:

  1. The distance to the nearest trees should be at least 5 meters. Take into account the fact that an overgrown nut will block free access sunlight shorter plants located close to it. They may need to be replanted.
  2. You should not plant a tree near a house or other buildings, as powerful roots can damage the foundation.
  3. The soil at the planting site should not be very dense and have soil close to the surface. groundwater. If the composition of the soil does not completely meet the requirements, it is necessary to partially replace it.
  4. Those wishing to grow this crop in Siberia and the Urals are recommended to plant seedlings in sunny, wind-protected places.
  5. To increase the amount of active summer temperatures, it is necessary to plant a tree near the house on the south or southwest side.


Seedlings, especially in the first years after planting, need care:

  1. Near the tree it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  2. Remembering that the upper roots are located close to the surface of the soil, you need to cultivate the soil no deeper than 5 cm.
  3. During the first three years, it is necessary to form the tree trunk. To do this, side shoots are removed every year.
  4. The optimal height for the beginning of crown formation is considered to be 1.5–2 m. If the need arises for pruning branches, it is carried out as with most fruit trees, – in the spring.
  5. To prevent the plant from losing a large amount of sap, the branches are removed in early June.
  6. Watering young tree must be carried out at least 1-2 times a month. Plants above 4 m are not watered as intensively.

By following these simple rules, you can easily grow this crop on your site, and in the future enjoy its tasty and healthy fruits.

While enjoying the tart taste of this fruit, you may have been thinking about how to grow it. It's easy if you live in the south.

But residents of central Russia also have a chance. It is known that the most winter-hardy trees of this crop grow in the botanical garden of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Of course, suitable conditions are created for them there.

If you are determined to have this wonderful crop on your site, you need to know how to grow a walnut tree according to all the rules. First, you should choose the variety wisely. Southern specimens will not take root well in the middle zone. Conversely, cold-resistant walnut trees have a short growth period, shed their leaves early, and bloom later in the spring to avoid frost. If you stock up on seeds from crops grown in Volgograd or Voronezh, you won’t have to be sad looking at a frozen plant, build greenhouses and solve the puzzle of how to grow a walnut. A nut ripened in the eastern regions of Ukraine, in the mountains of Central Asia and the Caucasus (but not on the Black Sea coast!) will also make good seed material for cold latitudes. Fruits for planting must be immaculate: smooth, large, without growths or damage.

How to grow a walnut from a nut

Autumn is the time when you need to start preparing nuts for planting. The necessary stratification (hardening) is provided to the seeds by placing them in damp sand, ribs up, for three to four months in a cool room (at a temperature of zero to six degrees Celsius).

By the end of April the seeds will hatch. You can plant them in a permanent place by carefully lowering the nut, root down, into a ten-centimeter hole. The walnut is unpretentious to the soil; it only does not tolerate acidic, swampy soils. In two weeks, a tender sprout will rise from the ground. The plant should be watered moderately, since abundant moisture will not allow it to fully prepare for winter. At first the tree will grow slowly, but by the third year it will stretch out and become stronger. If the plant is not grafted, it may not please you with delicious nuts. The tree will begin to bear fruit in about ten years, but it will be able to bestow delicious fruits on more than one generation of descendants, since its life span is counted in centuries.

But even if you know well how to grow a walnut from a nut, to be on the safe side it is better to plant a ready-made, grafted seedling from a nursery. This will not require any special preparation and will reduce the risk that the plant will not sprout or will die before it has time to develop.

Walnut in the apartment

An adult tree has a powerful root system and a lush crown, in size it resembles an oak. Can a plant living in a flower pot turn into such a giant?

When thinking about going home, you shouldn’t count on the fruits. But it is possible to obtain a seedling for subsequent transplantation into the ground in an apartment. The nut that has undergone stratification should be buried to a depth of seven centimeters in a large pot. In spring and summer, it is better to place the plant on Fresh air: on the balcony or in the garden. Let it overwinter at home, and next spring the tree can be identified

Many gardeners would like to have this noble and popular tree on their plots. The problem is that not everyone knows how to plant a walnut so that long years harvest from it. If you understand the features of this procedure, it becomes clear that this is not such an impossible task.

Basic methods of reproduction

Walnut is an unpretentious, cold-resistant plant that grows best in temperate and mild climates. The tree has the ability to self-heal, as a result of which, instead of shoots that die in harsh winters, new ones almost always grow.

To learn how to plant a walnut correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the main methods of its propagation. You can spread this culture:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • in a vegetative way.

When planting a seedling, it is quite difficult to predict what fruits it will bear in the future and whether they will be obtained. Therefore, growing from seeds is preferable, while about 80% is guaranteed to be transmitted. varietal characteristics. You should select nuts for planting from those trees that grow in your region.

If the mother plant is chosen correctly, growing walnuts vegetatively also ensures that the characteristics of the resulting offspring and the mother tree are identical. Effective method Such reproduction is considered to be budding in open ground.

Growing walnuts from seeds

Planting a walnut using seeds is considered one of the most simple ways reproduction. This procedure can be carried out not only in spring, but also in autumn.

Fruits intended for planting must be large and ripe. Usually they have green color with a slight yellowish tint and a moderately hard shell.

It is best to collect nuts intended for planting in the fall, when the tree is actively bearing fruit and shedding its fruits on its own. ripe fruits. A reliable symptom of nut ripeness is a crack in the pericarp or its separation from the shell.

How to plant walnuts from seeds? First of all, you should soak in warm water selected seeds for 2-3 days, after which they undergo stratification for 2 months. To do this, they are placed in damp sawdust or sand kept at a temperature of 2-5 degrees. At the end of the stratification period, the seeds are brought into a warm room where they are germinated. For this purpose, they are placed in containers filled with wet river sand and kept at a temperature of 5-7 degrees.

Observations show that seeds cleared of the pericarp have better germination.

Autumn planting is carried out at the end of October, if climatic conditions allow, the seeds are placed in open ground. Practice shows that when planting in autumn, it is possible to obtain more viable seedlings. Walnut planting in spring occurs at the beginning of May.

The seeds will be immediately planted in a permanent place of growth, so it must be thought out in advance. This area should be protected from the wind and well lit. The depth of seed placement is 15-20 cm; they are placed in the hole with the seam facing up.

Planting walnut seedlings

Efficient cultivation trees are achieved with the help of seedlings by observing all the subtleties of technology. In addition to this for successful growth walnut will require the presence of the following factors:

  • good soil;
  • sufficient lighting;
  • required amount of moisture;
  • warm.

Usually landing pit has a size of 70x70 cm, but if this is not enough for the root system, it is enlarged so that the roots of the future tree fit in the straightened state. The hole is filled in equal parts with earth and humus.

For planting, seedlings with a trunk thickness of at least 1 cm are selected; their height does not matter much.

How to plant walnut seedlings correctly? It is recommended to pre-treat their root system with growth stimulants. Then the roots are straightened, placed in a hole and covered with earth, which is then lightly compacted.

The root collar of the seedling should be placed at soil level during planting.

After the procedure is completed, the future trees are watered, and each seedling requires at least 3 buckets of water. Tree trunk areas are mulched with leaves or sawdust.

Vegetative method of propagation

Propagation by cuttings is also approved by many gardeners. A vegetative method is used to improve the properties of an existing variety.

The cuttings required for grafting are cut from the shoots of the current year, located on the southern side of the trunk at a height of at least 5 m. Before cutting, the tree must be well watered and the soil under it must be dug up.

By using sharp knife Several sharp cuts are made around the handle, and then it is removed along with a shield measuring 3x2 cm, in the middle of which there should be a peephole.

To retain moisture, the future grafting site should be wrapped with film. After 2 weeks, the shield with the bud is simply cut into the bark of a new tree and secured with electrical tape. It is removed after 3 weeks, during which time the shield and the rootstock have time to grow together.

Growing and care

In different climatic regions, appropriate varieties of seedlings with the desired properties are selected. For example, growing walnuts in the Moscow region requires varieties such as Sadko, Ideal, Podmoskovye, which easily tolerate low temperatures and do not need shelter in the winter.

Although some Belarusian gardeners consider growing walnuts in this country a useless exercise, their compatriots successfully plant varieties such as:

  • memory of Minov;
  • Samokhvalovichsky;
  • Pinsky.

Successful cultivation of walnuts in Belarus is based on correct selection suitable varieties, capable of tolerating climatic conditions. This example suggests that this tree It can grow on almost any soil, but it must be loose, drained and fertile.

No matter how the plant is planted, it grows slowly. Growing walnuts requires care and patience. The tree needs constant feeding, pruning of branches, and in extreme heat it needs abundant watering.

Video about growing walnuts from seeds
