Making your own mouse traps. How to make a homemade mousetrap - catch rodents in simple ways How to make a mousetrap from a box

Gnawed bags of cereal, holes in walls and floors, spoiled harvests, various infections - all this is left to us by mice and rats. Owners of dachas and cottages meet with them especially often. How to declare war on rodents and prove to them that you are not their guest, but they? The right decision There will be installation of mousetraps around the entire perimeter of the house. Let's consider making the most simple designs, which will save you from the presence of unpleasant “neighbors”.

How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle

An ordinary plastic bottle comes to our aid to capture a nasty animal. In addition to it, we will prepare auxiliary items - a thick board, a small block, wire, bait, a locking ring.

  • We attach the steel wire to the board in the center.
  • We pour any cereal into the bottle, then balance it and place it on a wire, firmly fixing it with a ring.
  • Place the created mousetrap in favorite place predator, put the neck on the block and wait.

Usually 2-3 hours after installation, the mouse falls into a simple device.

How to make a mousetrap from a bucket

The entire mouse family can be collected in a heap using a household bucket. To create, we will need: a bucket, a plastic bottle with a cap of 0.5-0.7 volume, wire, a couple of planks, tape, bait - lard, cookies, bagel or cheese.

  • Through plastic container we thread the wire, put the lid on top and close it.
  • We fix the bait with tape exactly in the middle of the bottle.
  • Pour 1 - 1.5 liters of water into a bucket.
  • We place the structure on the surface of the bucket and secure it.
  • The ramp for lifting will be 2 planks installed at an angle.

How it works - mice, smelling their favorite treat, climb up the ramp, land on the bottle, make any movement, after which the plastic wheel immediately knocks them over into the water. This method is not suitable for catching rats, since they can jump out even from a 1.5 meter barrel.

How to make a mousetrap from a tin can

Regular tin from peas, condensed milk, corn or coffee can become an original assistant when catching mice. To make it you will need - bait, a tin can, 1 ruble coin, a sharp knife.

  • Open the jar, leaving the lid half closed.
  • Place a coin on either side of the container and trace it with a felt-tip pen.
  • We divide the circle into cloves, cut them and bend them inward.
  • We nail the jar to the surface or secure it with tape, pour in the bait, close the lid and wait for the mouse.

The principle of operation is that the animal crawls into the trap for prey through a neat hole, but cannot crawl back out due to sharp teeth. The only disadvantage of this fishing is that after a while the rodent may think of bending the sharp edges and crawling out.

How to make a mousetrap from a five-liter bottle

We will need a square five-liter bottle, 2 branches of medium thickness, a piece of wire, 2 rubber bands, a thick thread, use a donut as bait. To ensure that the rodent comes for prey 100%, lubricate the inner edges of the bottle with unrefined sunflower oil.

  • Cut the neck so that it can open and close freely.
  • Next, we make a lock; to do this, we make two through holes in the bottle and neck. We insert branches into them and cut off the ends.
  • For the mechanism to work, you need to tie the sticks with rubber bands and tighten them tightly.
  • We install the bait - tie the neck with thread and pull it so that when open it can reach the bottom, cut off the excess, and tie a small loop.
  • Next, we string the bagel onto a piece of wire, place it on the bottom, and bring the end out and hook it to the loop of the rope.

How the system works - the rat pulls the donut, the wire breaks off the loop, the thread breaks and the trap slams shut. Further fate“prisoners” depends entirely on you, but it is better, of course, to take the trap with the rodent into an open field and release it.

Human life is not complete without pests created by nature - mice. Mousetraps are used to combat them. Usually people buy them in specialized stores, but this method is not always effective because mice learn to avoid getting caught in the monotonous mechanism that is used in factory devices. Therefore, it makes sense to try to make a trap yourself.

Mice have long learned to bypass monotonous factory traps, so it’s worth trying homemade traps

DIY harmless devices

Not every person can afford to purchase factory mousetraps, especially in large quantities. In this case, you can use homemade mouse traps. Moreover, many of the homemade mousetraps do not kill animals, and this is a significant advantage for humane pest hunters.

Thin paper construction

One of the easiest to make is a mousetrap made from a can and paper. To make a trap you will need:

  • a jar with a wide neck;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • bait.

This video shows how to make mouse traps:

To make such a mousetrap with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. cover the open neck of the jar with thin paper;
  2. hang the bait over the jar;
  3. cut the paper in the center in such a way that when the mouse stands on it, it falls into the jar;
  4. provide access to the mouse jar by placing it in a place in the home where rodents can often be found.

When the rodent wants to get the bait, he will step on thin layer paper, which will be perceived as a surface and fall into the jar. The cut pieces of paper will close the exit for the prey so that it will not be able to escape.

Using the jar and lid

The principle of operation of this trap is similar to the previous one: you will need a jar with a wide neck and bait in the form of smoked sausage so that the mouse is sure to smell the smell. But instead of paper, a tin lid is used, the center of which also needs to be cut and the cut tin teeth bent inside the jar. This is necessary to prevent the mouse from getting out.

Sausage or wheat, which also strongly attracts mice, is placed in a jar. Then you need to put it in a place accessible to mice. In this simple way you can make a fairly effective homemade mousetrap at home.

Rotating bridge over a bucket

If there are a lot of rodents in the house, such a trap will become simply irreplaceable. The list of necessary materials for its manufacture is as follows:

  • bucket;
  • long knitting needle (any other thin cylindrical iron object);
  • plastic bottle;
  • bait;
  • scotch.

First, you need to place the bottle on the knitting needle so that the edges of the knitting needle remain a few centimeters from the edges of the bottle, and the knitting needle itself runs through the center of the neck and bottom of the bottle. Then, in the center of the bottom of the bottle, you need to secure the bait with tape, and there should be a minimal amount of tape: its smell can scare away mice. The structure made from a knitting needle, bottle and bait is placed on opposite edges of the bucket. Tempted by the delicious bait, the mouse will slip on the bottle rotating around the knitting needle and fall into the bucket.

A horizontal trap with a bucket of water is the most effective among homemade ones.

If this mouse trap for mice is intended for reusable use, it should be modified: the knitting needle must not just be placed on the bucket, but threaded through side surfaces buckets, and in such a way that the knitting needle can rotate easily. If the survival of mice is not a priority, then a bucket can be filled with water.

Gravity trap for rodents

A good option homemade trap for mice is the simplest gravitational device, the principle of operation of which is based on the use of gravity. For self-made This mousetrap will need the following items:

  • plastic bottle;
  • a weight in the form of any heavy object;
  • scissors.

In the area of ​​the neck on the surface of the bottle itself, you need to cut a hole in the plastic, with which the mouse will get into the bottle. Then you need to tie the bottle by the neck to any object that can hold it.

The next step is to place the bait on the bottom of the bottle and place the bottle horizontally on the edge of the table so that the part with the bait remains suspended, but the bottle does not fall. As soon as the mouse gets to the treat, the weight of the suspended part will increase, the bottle will turn over and fall down. It will not be able to fall to the floor because of the weight to which it is tied, and the mouse will remain inside, because the entrance to the bottle is located at the neck, and the rodent cannot reach it in such a situation.

Making a plastic trap

For this trap you only need a plastic bottle, scissors, tape or wire, and bait in the form of seeds or bread. First you need to cut the bottle into parts in a ratio of 1:2, where the smaller part is the top with the neck, and the larger part is the rest of the bottle with the bottom.

The smaller part must be inserted into the larger one with the neck down. Sprinkle seeds or bread on the bottom; to enhance the smell, you can grease the neck with oil. Secure the smaller part with wire or tape. Due to the light weight of the bottle, it is necessary to secure it to some surface.

This trap is from plastic bottle very effective and does not harm the rodent

Application of jars and coins

The beauty of a mousetrap made from a jar and a coin lies in its incredible simplicity. A jar can easily be replaced with a pan, a coin with a button or a metal washer. In addition, you will need bait and double sided tape. In order to make such a design, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Wrap the bait with tape on both sides.
  2. Place the jar upside down.
  3. Secure the tape with the bait inside the jar on one side.
  4. Place a coin or washer (button) on its edge and place the part of the jar opposite the bait on this edge, as if on a support.

Thus, a mouse that pulls the bait will also shake the support, so the can will fall, and the pest will remain inside. This method is suitable for those who do not want to kill the mouse. However, this trap gives many misfires: a breath of wind or a strong draft can shake the coin, and the jar will slam shut prematurely.

Less humane options

A special glue has been developed for catching mice and insects. It is very simple to use: you need to take a piece of cardboard, fix it firmly and spread glue on it. Then you should put the bait on this cardboard. If a mouse gets in there, it won't be able to get out. But this does not apply to large and strong rats; with them everything is more complicated. In addition, such a mousetrap is not the safest, and children or pets can easily step on it. To remove stuck cardboard, you need to lubricate the skin with vegetable oil. Work with such traps must be carried out with gloves.

You can make a mousetrap out of wood. In this case, a wooden block measuring 180x160x60 mm is required. You need to drill a hole in it with a diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 6 cm - a way for the rodent to get inside. It is also necessary to drill holes to install the spring. You will need a noose and a wire noose. A noose made of thin wire is attached with a loop of thicker wire. The rope connects the spring mechanism and the noose. The bait is placed inside the holes drilled for entry. When the mouse tries to take the bait, it will tear the rope with its teeth, and the noose with the help of a spring will do its job.

Any of the traps will good choice for those who are tired of rodents, but do not have the opportunity or desire to buy a ready-made mousetrap. It is worth noting that most of them are assembled with improvised means and their manufacture does not require special knowledge. For those who consider it inhumane to kill mice, there are animal-safe mousetraps that you can make yourself.

Baits can range from simple seeds to smoked sausage, you can try each of them in order to understand which is the most effective. Simplicity and low cost of manufacture are the main advantages of the presented mousetraps.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Small animals become a nuisance for owners of gardens and dachas, and residents of private houses often suffer from their invasion. Spoiled crops and products are not the main problem. Rodents, as carriers of serious diseases, can infect humans with them. It is not difficult to make homemade mousetraps from scrap materials.

DIY mousetrap - advantages

It is easy to purchase a device for catching mice, but the factory mechanism with a metal spring is not humane, especially if a child sees the bloody result of the work. The disadvantage of such a mousetrap is its high cost. Poisoning rodents with chemicals is dangerous if there are other animals at home. In such a situation, it is more convenient to make a mouse trap with your own hands.

Homemade designs are much cheaper. They are made from any materials that every home has and you don’t mind throwing them away, which saves money. Advantages of a DIY mousetrap:

  • ease of execution;
  • the design does not deprive the mouse of life, but limits freedom;
  • does not require much time to manufacture;
  • mice are not familiar with the new device and do not know how to avoid danger;
  • if it breaks, another trap is quickly made;
  • safety for children and pets;
  • work allows you to demonstrate your skills to loved ones.

Types of mousetraps

You can make reusable homemade mousetraps with your own hands, which are constructed from a glass jar or plastic bottle. The animal will remain alive, the mouse can be released outside or into the forest, and the trap can be used again. Disposable mousetraps are made from glass bottle with a wide neck where the animal gets caught and cannot get out. To release the mouse, the trap must be broken.

You can make various types of mousetraps with your hands:

  • using plastic bottles;
  • a structure made of a bucket of water into which a mouse can fall;
  • a cardboard trap with specially applied sticky glue for rodents;
  • bottle mousetrap or glass jar;
  • slamming design made from a pan or vessel of suitable volume;
  • device made of wood or metal;
  • a mousetrap-abyss where an animal falls from a height into a bucket;
  • electronic trap.

How does a mousetrap work?

Do-it-yourself traps for rodents have different schemes devices. How does a mousetrap work? The action of the trap is based on the principle:

  • displacement of the center of gravity - a bucket of water;
  • slamming - glass jar, cake box;
  • spring actuation - wooden structure;
  • gluing to a lubricated surface;
  • changes in circuit resistance - electronic mousetrap;
  • inability to get out of a tall container - a jar with a paper lid;
  • getting stuck in a plastic bottle with sharp petals.

Mouse bait in a mousetrap

You can lure an animal into a trap you made yourself by placing bait in a mousetrap. There is a persistent misconception that mice love cheese. Numerous experiments have led to the conclusion that this product is not considered a priority among them. It should be noted that rodents love fresh and high-quality food; they will pass by a mousetrap if they doubt that the products are harmless. It is necessary to lubricate the device with oil or alcohol to remove human odor.

It is preferable to choose products with a strong aroma and soak them in sunflower or sesame oil. The best bait for mice in a mousetrap:

  • smoked or salted lard - can be fried with a match;
  • sunflower oil, preferably unrefined;
  • a piece of fragrant bread, preferably fresh;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pizza slices;
  • buckwheat, wheat, rice seeds;
  • smoked sausage;
  • nuts;
  • fresh or boiled meat.

How to make a mousetrap

To make a mouse trap with your own hands, you must first decide on the design, select necessary materials. You can make a mousetrap using:

  • unnecessary bucket or container;
  • plastic bottle;
  • glass jar;
  • plastic and paper;
  • cake box with cotton swabs and soap for weight;
  • wooden blocks;
  • cell and electronic circuit.

DIY mousetrap from a plastic bottle

Craftsmen create miracles from this everyday item. A mousetrap made from a plastic bottle, which is easy to make with your own hands, was no exception. Once a mouse gets there, it cannot get out; it will remain there until it is thrown out. One of the manufacturing options:

  • take the bottle;
  • separate half of it;
  • on the part where the bottom is, make cuts with scissors about 2 cm long, equal to 1/2 the diameter of the circle;
  • sharpen each petal;
  • bend it inside the bottle;
  • put bait on the bottom;
  • the mouse will go inside, and the sharp teeth of the petals will prevent it from coming back out.

Making a mousetrap with your own hands from a plastic bottle is done in another way using the following step-by-step instructions:

  • cut the container in half;
  • shorten the neck so that a mouse can easily pass through it;
  • grease the inside with oil;
  • put bait on the bottom;
  • insert the upper part inside the lower part with the neck down;
  • The mouse rushes for food, falls into the bottle, and cannot get out.

There is one more effective option quickly made with your own hands - a mousetrap that works without misfires:

  • cut off the end of the bottle at the narrowing point;
  • make a hole and tie a rope to it;
  • put bait inside;
  • place the bottle on the edge of the table surface - most of it should hang down;
  • tie the free end of the rope or glue it with tape so that when it falls, the container does not reach the floor;
  • the mouse, penetrating inside, moves the center of gravity;
  • the bottle hangs with the rodent.

Mousetrap made from a bucket of water

You can use an old bucket as a mouse trap. To implement the idea you need:

  • drill 2 holes on top;
  • pass a metal rod horizontally through them;
  • put an empty bottle with a lid, lubricated with oil, on it - the container should rotate freely around its axis;
  • move the neck of the container to the edge of the bucket;
  • the mouse, sensing the smell, will climb to the bottle;
  • it will turn and the animal will fall into the water.

You can also consider the option of using a bucket to make a trap with your own hands; liquid is poured into one third of the volume. A mousetrap from a bucket of water is made like this:

  • on top of the container, not far from the edge, a knitting needle is secured horizontally with insulating tape;
  • a ruler or strip is glued to it at an angle of 90 degrees, one end rests on the edge of the bucket, and the other hangs freely;
  • bait is placed on it;
  • a block is placed on the side of the bucket at an angle;
  • the mouse climbs along it to the bait;
  • the free end of the ruler tips over under the weight;
  • the trap is triggered.

A very simple disposable mousetrap to make with your own hands, made from a calendar similar in shape to a house. In this situation, the bucket is placed on the floor near the edge of the table. The mousetrap is made according to the principle of shifting the center of gravity:

  • the calendar is installed on the plane of the tabletop so that the edge extends halfway beyond the end;
  • delicious food is placed at the far end;
  • the mouse goes to the bait;
  • the house tips over into the bucket along with her.

DIY mousetrap made of wood

For those who cannot regularly come to the dacha to check whether someone has fallen into a trap or not, you can make a multi-seat structure. In this case, a do-it-yourself wooden mousetrap is made at once to catch several rodents, for example, six. For production you will need:

  • wooden block 4x10 cm, length 40 cm;
  • bicycle spokes – 6 pieces;
  • thin wire;
  • strong thread.

The process of building a mousetrap is as follows:

  • at the end of the block, drill holes with a diameter of 2 cm and a depth of 1 cm - these are minks;
  • retreat from the edge on the same side 10 mm;
  • make a longitudinal cut to the bottom of the holes;
  • move the line from it by 2 cm;
  • drill two holes with a diameter of 2 mm perpendicular to the hole;
  • use the same drill to perform another one on the same plane, closer to the other edge;
  • roll a spring from a knitting needle;
  • Attach a wire loop at the end.

Assemble the mousetrap in the following sequence:

  • insert the free end of the spring into the hole on the plane;
  • hide the loop in the cut so that it coincides with the outline of the mink;
  • pass the thread through 2 small holes and fix the spring;
  • put bait deep into the hole;
  • the mouse, wanting to have a tasty morsel, chews the threads;
  • the spring is triggered, only the tail sticks out of the hole, which does not frighten other animals that fall into neighboring holes.

Mousetrap from a jar

A very simple option for making a trap with your own hands from a glass jar, which must first be rinsed well. To make a mousetrap:

  • make a paper cover on top;
  • fix masking tape or twine;
  • make two perpendicular cuts sharp knife;
  • the bait is suspended above the jar;
  • the mouse will want to eat it, stand on the paper and fall through.

A mousetrap from a jar can be made in another way, which requires a coin. Important condition– a large diameter is required, for example, 5 rubles. For the convenience of subsequent removal of the mouse, the entire structure must be placed on a base - a sheet of cardboard. The mousetrap is made like this:

  • a piece of lard is attached with double-sided tape;
  • fixed on back wall from the inside;
  • the opposite end rises;
  • a coin is placed on its edge under it as a support;
  • the mouse, trying to eat the bait, touches the jar;
  • the coin falls, the mousetrap slams;
  • the animal will not be able to get out.

DIY electronic mousetrap

For those who understand electronics, it will not be difficult to make a mousetrap according to the diagram shown in the photo. The design consists of a cage, on one side of which a gate valve is installed on vertical runners. At the top of the device, near the entrance, there is an electromagnet, the armature of which is spring-loaded towards the gate, and the tip is pointed. 2 holes are drilled on the damper opposite the anchor;

  • when the gate is fully raised, the tip enters the lower hole;
  • when lowered, due to the spring, it enters the upper position.

A DIY electronic mousetrap can be made by a passionate person. A pointed electrode is provided in the far corner of the structure. It has a tasty bait attached to it. The electrode and magnet are connected to electronic circuit. The mousetrap works like this:

  • the gate rises to the top position, where it is automatically fixed by a spring;
  • the mouse enters the cage;
  • hits the bait.
  • when the mouse touches the bait, the resistance in the circuit quickly changes;
  • the electromagnet is connected to a storage capacitor;
  • the gate lowers, closing the entrance;
  • the electromagnet armature fixes the damper at the bottom;
  • turns on sound alarm, warning the owner about the appearance of an unexpected guest in the cage.

In the fight against mice, one of the usual and sufficient effective means are mousetraps.

Bucket mousetrap

Option number one

Take a bucket and insert a metal rod into the top.

Place a 0.33 or 0.5 liter tin can on it lengthwise - for example, a beer can, or a plastic bottle.

The jar (bottle) should rotate quite freely on the rod. Place bait on it.

Place the bucket so that the mouse can reach the jar, and fill it with water to half or less.

When the mouse smells the bait, it will climb onto the bottle. The jar (bottle) will turn over and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

If you are using a jar, then it is important to select the distance between the edge of the bucket and the edge of the jar so that the mouse cannot step on the jar, but can jump; if it’s a bottle, position it so that the mouse first hits the neck of the bottle.

If you want to make a weapon for the mass destruction of rodents, place the bait in a ring around the bottle, and the mice will climb on it continuously.

The main thing is that there is enough bucket.

Option number two

Simply attach a strip cut from a plastic bottle to the edge of the bucket and place the bait on it. The strip will bend under the weight of the mouse, and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

Glass jar mousetrap

Buying a mousetrap in a store or on the market is not difficult. But what if uninvited guests appeared late in the evening, and there was no desire to listen to mouse rustling all night. To get to food and paper documents, the small animal will need very little time; Of course, he won’t have time to eat it, but it could seriously ruin it.

The question inevitably arises: how to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap. In addition, rodents are carriers hazardous to health human infections. You need to get rid of the mouse as soon as possible. In this case, a do-it-yourself mousetrap using improvised materials that can be found in every home will help.

It is better to lubricate each of the traps made with unrefined sunflower oil; its aroma will overcome the smell of a person and attract rodents.

Important. There is an opinion that all mice love cheese, this stereotype comes from children's fairy tales and cartoons. IN real life To attract mice, it is better to use sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, crackers soaked in vegetable oil, fried lard.

It is advisable to install made traps in places where mouse rustling is most clearly heard.

Important. Placing your engineering masterpiece in the chosen location will not be enough. It is necessary to take care of the ways to approach it. It will be a shame if, after all your efforts, the mouse cannot climb it and leaves in search of other, easier prey.

Let's look at the most common ways to make a mousetrap without any effort. special effort and without spending a lot of time.

Plastic bottle for mousetrap No. 1

Making mousetraps from plastic bottles is quick and not at all difficult; even a child, not to mention an adult, can handle it.

First, you need to cut off the neck of a plastic bottle with a sharp knife - the part where the thread is located. It is more convenient to use a stationery knife for these purposes.

Pierce a hole and pass a harsh thread through it. As auxiliary tool A gypsy needle will do. The thread that has been threaded must be securely fixed.

Place bait at the bottom of the bottle. Then place the bottle in a horizontal position so that the side with the neck is located on the table surface and the bottom hangs freely.

Tie the thread attached to the bottle to a nail. The length of the thread should be such that the fallen bottle hangs in the air.

The mousetrap from the bottle is ready, all that remains is to wait for the mouse, which, having made its way through the neck for the cheese, will shift the center of gravity. The bottle will fall and the animal will be caught in a trap.

Plastic bottle for mousetrap No. 2

When making this design, the plastic bottle will need to be cut into 2 parts with a knife. The lower part should be 2/3, and the upper, respectively, 1/3 of the total size.

The cone-shaped part, turned upside down, must be inserted into the bottom of the bottle. Punch several holes through which both parts are connected together. Holes can be made gypsy needle, with an awl, wire heated over a candle flame or over a burner, sew with thread or tie with thin wire, the main thing is that the assembled mousetrap from a plastic bottle is securely fastened.

Place seeds and crackers on the bottom to attract mice. Lubricate the top of the bottle unrefined oil to increase the gliding of mouse paws.

It is necessary to attach a “platform” to the bottle, along which the rodent will reach the top and fall into the trap.

Glass jar mousetrap

A trap from a jar can be made in a few minutes. You will need a long skewer or a twig from a tree on which to hang the bait. It can be strung or tied with thread. The size of the twig should be equal to the diameter of the jar so that its ends rest against the walls and it is securely fixed.

The jar is turned upside down and a coin mounted on its edge is carefully placed under it. It is advisable to choose a large penny size, because the mouse will have to sneak into the resulting gap. A trap made using this method has a very low degree of stability, which will be broken as soon as a rodent tries to reach the bait.

You will have to make sure that this mousetrap is not pushed over by pets or children. You don't even need to touch it - the coin will fall with minimal movement of the floorboards.

Such a mousetrap is easy to make, but it is advisable to install it on a board, cardboard, or pallet so as not to miss the mouse when lifting the can.

Trap from a jar with a paper lid

Mousetrap made from a jar with a paper lid

Another mousetrap from a jar is very easy to make. You will need a jar, a sheet of paper, thread or an elastic band.

A sheet of paper is placed on the neck of the jar, the edges are folded down and wrapped tightly with thread. Then the paper is cut crosswise and the bait is placed in the center.

The mouse will fall into the trap as soon as it steps on the paper cover.

Important. In this case, it is better to take a three-liter jar and pour water into it so that the animal does not jump back out.

Bucket mousetrap

Diagram of a simple mousetrap

In every house there is an empty bucket, basin, they are also used as a trap for mice.

A sheet of thin cardboard is placed on the table, one side of which should hang freely above the container of water located below.

Bait is placed on the edge of the leaf. The mouse, having made an attempt to get to the food, will certainly end up in a bucket of water: the sheet of cardboard will bend under its weight.

If you don’t have cardboard at hand, a sheet of ordinary paper will do; you’ll need to place a ruler or 2 knitting needles under it.

From a bucket with a rotating cylinder

A trap made from a bucket and a bottle works without misfires to catch mice. A plastic bottle is placed on a wooden stick, having previously cut the bottom in it. The size of the hole in the bottom should allow the bottle to rotate freely. The resulting structure is installed on top of the bucket.

Water is poured into a bucket, and mouse bait is placed on top of the bottle. The animal, having reached the bottle along the stick, will fall down as soon as it begins to rotate.

Instead of a bottle, a tin can will do, and a stick can easily be replaced with a wire with a piece of hose attached to it, a long ruler or a slat. The main thing is that the mechanism rotates, and there is a container with water under it.

Glue trap

Stores sell special glue for catching mice.

Getting rid of mice with glue

You just need to smear a sheet of cardboard or plywood with such an adhesive composition and spread out the flavorings. The caught small animal will be securely recorded.

Important. It is necessary to apply the glue using rubber gloves and make sure that the composition does not get on the skin. If you have pets or small children, it is better to avoid this method.

Mousetrap with spring

It is more difficult to make a reusable trap in which a mousetrap spring is installed, but you can install it anywhere: under the sofa, behind a closet, near a mouse hole. For production you will need:

  • wooden block 40x40x120;
  • drill and Forstner drill or feather drill;
  • a hacksaw or grinder with a disk for wood;
  • steel wire for the spring;
  • thin drill
  • thread;
  • mouse bait.

They drill into the block from the end side blind hole 9 cm long.

Use a hacksaw to cut the block at a distance of 2.5 cm from the end so that the resulting gap passes through the entire drilled hole. The wire ring should fit freely into the resulting cut.

Having retreated 2-2.5 cm from the cut, drill 2 through holes at a distance of 6-7 mm from each other. A thread will pass through them, securing the spring.

Stepping back 1-1.5 cm from the edge of the second end, drill a hole with a diameter equal to the section wire. A mousetrap spring will be inserted into the resulting hole.

The spring is made of steel wire; winding 2 turns will be enough.

One end of the spring is inserted into a hole drilled for it. A loop is bent at the other end. You can make a loop from another wire and hook it to the spring.

After this, all that remains is to charge the mousetrap. To do this, lower the spring ring into the cut and temporarily fix it to tie the thread. For fixation, use an object of suitable diameter: the handle of a screwdriver or a chisel.

The thread is passed through 2 through holes, for convenience it is better to use a long needle. The ends of the thread are tied on top of the spring, thereby fixing it in the working position, after which the screwdriver is pulled out.

The bait is placed at the end of the drilled hole. The loaded trap is ready and brought into working position. Before reaching it, the mouse will have to chew through the thread that gets in the way. The spring for the mousetrap will get rid of its fixation and rush upward, and the rodent will be caught in the loop.

To build a mousetrap for 2, 3, 4 holes, you will have to take a larger block.

Electric trap

Availability in household An electromagnet core, a soldering iron and a little knowledge of electrical engineering can be the starting point to make an electric trap. However, a factory-made electric mousetrap is on sale and can be purchased at many retail outlets.

This mousetrap is a small box with an opening door. A mouse that penetrates into it is killed with an electric shock in a few seconds.

Ultrasonic repeller

The design of all these traps involves catching mice, which can later be destroyed or released.

When you don’t want to have direct contact with rodents, install an ultrasonic repeller. The human ear is unable to detect sounds with frequencies above 20 kHz. But for mice these sounds are a real test. A switched on device that spreads ultrasound will force the rodents to leave. Of course, they won’t scatter in five minutes, but in a few days you will get rid of unwanted neighbors.
