Horoscope for August September. Monthly horoscope

In August 2017, the world will be ruled by love, mercy and compassion. This month is unlikely to bring major career or business success, as well as rapid growth in your income. Why? It is not always justified humanity that will prevent you from achieving all of the above. You simply cannot go over the heads of your colleagues or get rich using clever financial adventures. By choosing the most honest, and therefore the most tedious, paths in your work, you cannot count on quick results. These are little things, because August will help strengthen the sphere of feelings and interpersonal relationships, which, admittedly, is much more expensive than a career and money.

Yes, you will enjoy a warm environment, friends will invite you to parties and trips, even subtle summer flirtations may happen, but the place on your side will still be empty. You have to wait for your other half. Perhaps this will become known to everyone after August 23rd.

The start of this issue will be a lazy, festive one, but no new orders are expected for the future. There will also be no time to take risks. Especially around August 15th, don't be fooled. They can be very expensive. A chance to start with carte blanche - in love, work, relationships with loved ones and friends. Make sure that the astral sky will be beneficial to you.

Monthly horoscopes August 2017 according to zodiac signs:

Also read current and next.


In August 2017, Aries will realize their cherished goal related to something intangible. If you are single, the most important romance in your life is starting right now, and it will certainly delight you with many happy moments. If you already have a family, you and your regular partner will think about your first (or not your first) child. These questions will completely occupy your leisure time, and therefore at the end of summer you are unlikely to have time to accomplish anything grandiose (the repairs you have planned will also be postponed indefinitely). In the field of finance, only very minor positive changes await you (your salary will be increased insignificantly or you will receive a small bonus).


August 2017 will bring a lot of pleasant emotional excitement to Taurus. Even if your romance has been going on for several years, you are destined to experience a renewed passion for your soulmate. You will spend many hours together, and these hours will add to the treasury of your most joyful memories. In official affairs, only partial success awaits you, and this will be due to the lack of prerequisites for your further career growth. For now, you should improve your professionalism, look for new methods of work, attend special courses, or otherwise enrich your knowledge. This will help you stand head and shoulders above all your colleagues and gradually become one of the leaders in production.


Gemini should dedicate the peaceful month of August 2017 to taking care of their own health. Approaching its logical end, this summer will completely change its character towards you. There will no longer be noisy parties in your life until dawn, as well as large-scale events replete with unhealthy food and alcohol. They will be replaced by quiet, unhurried leisure, which you will spend in the company of your significant other. If she suggests joining a gym or yoga class together, don’t refuse. These activities will help you much faster restore your body, tired from a hectic holiday, and lose those extra pounds that you have acquired due to your idle lifestyle.


For Cancers, August 2017 will be a period of great sensations. If you are just starting your independent life journey, then you are destined to learn the good news that you have entered your chosen university or achieved another large-scale goal related to your studies. If you are an employee, at the end of the summer your career will advance dramatically. A number of happy accidents will help with this (for example, the dismissal of one of your colleagues, whose position you will immediately take). In personal affairs you will also experience complete triumph. You will begin a long-awaited romance if you are single, or your former chosen one will return to you. In August, family Cancers will live without scandals and quarrels, enjoying complete domestic idyll.

a lion

For Leo, August 2017 will be a triumphant period. You will finally see the fruits of your hard work, and these fruits will cause you great admiration. If you are in the creative field, the product you create will evoke passionate delight among its audience. If you are a businessman, the service or product that you will offer to your potential clients, will make a small revolution, instantly making you a very wealthy person. If you are an employee, in August you will receive a promotion, and a very large one. It is possible that you will take a management position or head a new branch of your company. You will also be pleased with your personal life, in which there will be a trend towards stability and well-being.


In August 2017, Virgos are advised to take stock of their past victories and mistakes. This analysis will help you choose a new life guideline, moving towards which you will experience true happiness. Please note that it is the very process of achieving your new goal that will delight you. But what your new goal will be depends only on you and your personal desires. In general, maximum success at the end of this summer awaits you in those matters that are not related to business or career. Your personal life will sparkle bright colors, because a person will appear next to you who is ready to do anything for you. If you are a family man, expect similar feats from your significant other.


For Libra, August 2017 will be a period not too rich in any memorable events. If your vacation falls exactly at the end of summer, then the most vivid impressions for you will be the sea, the sun, the beach and the person in whose company you will enjoy the sea, summer and the beach. Libras, who will not go on vacation in August, will diligently, as before, carry out a range of their obligatory tasks, without showing much enthusiasm for them. You will not yet have any grandiose goal, and you will build your life extremely leisurely. At the same time, there will be a place in it for your friends, parties and your favorite hobby, which you will treat with special interest.


In August 2017, Scorpios will have only easy matters related to home and everyday life. Perhaps you and your significant other will plan potential renovations in detail, leafing through design magazines, or spending hours wandering through specialized virtual portals. Often your couple will visit guests; guests at your house at the end of this summer will also drop in quite often. At the same time, high life will not deprive you of the desire and strength to become a leader in production, reach new business heights, or win other victories. True, you will go to them the longest and most difficult way (that is, through intense, honest work that takes up all your time).


Throughout August 2017, Sagittarians will be easy-going, cheerful and somewhat fussy. You decide that this month you should devote to all those things that you have been constantly putting off. It is possible that your home renovation will start at the end of summer, in parallel with which you will regularly train in the gym and bring your creative ideas to perfection. Fatigue from such a heap of things to do will not turn you into a withdrawn or gloomy person. Everything is exactly the opposite. In your rare leisure hours, you will have great pleasure visiting guests, dancing in nightclubs and flirting with people of the opposite sex. If you have a partner, your couple will experience a rebirth in August.


In August 2017, Capricorns will have to change a lot in their too conservative way of life. Circumstances will insist that you learn to maneuver in their seething stream. This will be a difficult lesson, but you will nevertheless learn it perfectly. You will stop worrying when Fate once again takes an unexpected turn (you will perceive these turns with the calmness of a person who has a philosophical attitude towards what is happening). In August, a lot will change in your professional destiny, both in personal affairs and in the sphere of your family life. Not right away, but you still have to admit that the changes were for the better, and that thanks to them you gained more than you lost.


Aquarius will not like everything about the events of August 2017. Your own scenario of how this month should go for you will turn out to be untenable already in the first decade of August. You will have to forget some of your plans (for example, you will be forced to cancel your long-awaited trip). This will happen due to some compelling reasons. Perhaps one of your elderly relatives will fall ill, and you will be forced to support this person both financially and morally. This will make you forget about your cherished career success, since you will not have the strength to actively conquer the professional Olympus. But you will be pleased with your relationship with your soulmate (against the background common problems your couple will become even stronger).


Pisces in August 2017 will have such traits as pressure, hard work and stubbornness. You will completely abandon your touchingly passive role in order to quickly bring the realization of your most cherished desires closer. What desires we are talking about is known only to you (most likely, about career success or the success of your personal business). But not only these goals will occupy all your thoughts. You will take many concrete steps to make your personal life more comfortable and harmonious. Note! When choosing a new soulmate, you will focus not on emotions, but on convenience (that is, your new romance will be of a consumer nature).

The last summer month of 2017 may become significant for many inhabitants of the Earth. In this sense, it is difficult to determine the elements that will receive the greatest advantage, which is why it is logical for all signs to take into account key trends equally. First of all, it should be noted that the Sun will regain its dominant position, supported by Uranus and Venus. Third-party planetary combinations will be individual and in almost every case will turn out to be the least significant factor. This month will clearly gravitate toward powerful progressive development. This is not the most active period of 2017, but very close to this status. Now it makes sense to go forward, looking back only to check whether you are moving along the right path. There is nothing wrong with the fact that some moments will seem overly complex and ambiguous to you. This is a temporary measure that is necessary so that you literally don’t mess things up. Both in the work area and in the area of ​​personal relationships, the stars will look after you extremely closely and attentively. This does not mean that you are, as they say, 100% immune from mistakes. But other things being equal, your own instincts, as well as outside influences, will not allow you to make a critical mistake, pushing you in the right direction. This good time for businessmen, and even better for those who want to become one. In terms of family, health and other areas of your life, everything will develop in its own way, individually in projection to a specific situation.

What awaits you in the first half of August? One of them is Justyna Steczkowska, who is 45 years old. We wish her all the best! The future is predicted by Bianca, a tarot reader and astrologer who deals with angelic prophecies and white magic. If you are single, look for a partner for your next life. Personal activity will now be rewarded. You must learn to listen to what your heart says. If you listen carefully, it will be easier for you to achieve your dreams. Instant fascination may be more important than you think.

Someone will give you a very secure future. You will overcome all emotional competitions. There are a lot of solid vapors good liquids. In a word, a very good time lies ahead of you. There will be new plans and interesting prospects. With a sense of humor you will miss the mood. Make your diet rich in natural vitamins.

At this stage, Mars will become the “heavenly leader” of the element of Fire, which cannot but please Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. It's about about powerful, high-quality support, the result of which can be all-round success, but only in a specific area. Agree, it would be unfair to get everything at once, and almost “for free”. The additional planetary patron of the element of Water, Uranus, will now be quite strong and, as already noted, will occupy one of the key positions on the celestial ribbon. This good helper, which will not give you any special advantages in a direct confrontation, but will allow you to survive on the sidelines, for which Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are not particularly adapted. The element of Air this month boasts the Moon, which in its usual position has a rather indirect relationship with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. However, there must always be exceptions, otherwise how will we define the rules? That is why the Moon will really help representatives of this element at certain moments. And here earth signs in August 2017 they will do without additional patronage. It’s not scary, since it is the representatives of this element that will be strong in their a priori, initial positions.

Caring for Venus will make you happy. Now singles can easily seduce someone. Emotional delight will make you restore your faith in the future. This is a great time to relax. Find a place full of sun and you just might meet the love of your life! Just remember that building a successful relationship takes time. If you are busy, don't give too much emotion because you are not a good advisor. Don't underestimate your other half. Expect romantic surprises in the bedroom.

The joy of life will return, the anxiety will disappear and you will find somewhere pink glasses through which you looked at the world. You have time to analyze what connects you with people and what distances you are from them. Don't gossip because you will lose your friend. There is more spontaneity in family contacts.

In general, August 2017 will be rich in events and situations that may seem ambiguous, but will lead to a positive result (for everyone). This is a bright, daring, but peaceful and humane time, so those who like to “flex their muscles” lose all their advantages. Success in the workplace is determined by adaptability, in the sphere of personal relationships - by goodwill. Nothing complicated, everything is within the natural state of things. But it is also worth taking into account the position of Pluto and Neptune, who will unite in a not very positive tandem. The influence of this planetary union can be destructive, fortunately - in potential, that is, if you yourself do not set the impulse, the situation will not develop into a conflict. So it makes sense to avoid hasty decisions and actions aimed at developing the problem. You can avoid negativity only through diplomacy and moderation. Otherwise, even such a bright and positive stage can turn into a whole bunch of problems.

It's good for you with a massage, a body scrub and a whole range of colors in your everyday makeup. You won't miss the emotions or go back to good moments from the past. You will find a way to the heart of a person who did not notice you. If you become more open and go out to people, you will have a lot of fun. Few can resist your charm. Think about whether you're creating a momentary affair or some real feeling, because it's something you'll usually need to look at more closely. Venus will bring a spirit of romanticism and numerous moments of passion to the lives of permanently married couples.

The horoscope for August 2017, being a general and speculative document, is nevertheless capable of having a significant impact on our daily life. Simply put, he is an intermediary between our ideal desires and objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and is about to happen is subject to the powerful influence of celestial bodies. What will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us will depend on the configuration in which the planets are located. Having reliable information on this matter, we can most accurately plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, detailed and accurate horoscope for August 2017 you will find in the personal horoscopes section.

A great time, full of parties, social gatherings and opportunities to make new friends. The atmosphere in the house will be very good, the family's interest will be focused around interesting holiday plans. Feel free to show off your loved ones. Going to the pool and hydrating your entire body will benefit you. Just don't worry about the radical diet!

In random circumstances, you will meet a person who can inspire you and show you that life does not follow one pattern. Affiliated issues are stabilizing. Provide yourself with a larger dose of love madness. Your partner should rejoice at any sign of your erotic appetite. Someone you loved very much in the past will appear next to you.
