Lips crack and bleed: causes and treatment. What to do if your lips are constantly peeling and dry. Bacterial or viral infection

Anastasia Sergeeva

Why do lips crack and jams appear? Getting rid of the problem

To look well-groomed, you need to take care not only of the skin of your face and body, but also the sensitive skin of your lips - and this applies to both women and men. Cracks on the lips and snags in the corners of the mouth look unsightly, but the main thing is that they can indicate various diseases. Why do lips crack, what is the reason? What to do if cracks have already appeared, and how to avoid them in the future? We answer further.

Chapped lips: reasons

  • Cold. The most common reason why lips crack is cold, temperature changes between the street and indoors, and windy weather. At the same time, moisture begins to evaporate from the surface of the lips, the blood vessels contract, the skin becomes thinner, stretches, becomes fragile and easily vulnerable to damage. And after this, cracks on the lips can form while eating, talking or smiling.
  • Heat. But lips can become chapped not only from the cold, but also from the heat, or rather, from hot, dry air. It begins to dehydrate the body, giving us a feeling of dryness in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, as well as on the lips. As a result, their skin becomes brittle and cracked again.
  • Licking lips. This bad habit causes cracked lips in many young children who like to lick their lips, but adults are no exception. The fact is that when we lick, we cover the skin with saliva, and it begins to evaporate along with the natural moisture of the lips themselves, which leads to the formation of cracks.
  • Food. There are certain foods and types of dishes that contain a large amount of acids and pungency, which contribute to the drying of the skin of the lips and the appearance of cracks. These are, for example, salads with vinegar, canned food, very salty foods, dishes with spicy seasonings, as well as sour fruits like kiwi and citrus fruits.

Cracks in the corners of the lips

Another question that worries no less often is why jams appear, that is, cracks in the corners of the mouth. Despite the fact that their appearance can be triggered by the above factors, cracks in the corners of the mouth are a more serious cause for concern, since they may indicate some other diseases and conditions of the body, for example:

  • diabetes mellitus, as well as other diseases directly related to metabolic disorders;
  • oral allergy syndrome, which appears as a reaction to certain foods and their combinations;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity, in particular dental diseases, for example, untreated caries or pulpitis;
  • orthodontic diseases, in particular malocclusion, which provokes excessive salivation;

  • weakened immunity, lack of iron, vitamins A and/or B2 caused by improper or insufficient nutrition;
  • the use of antibiotics, as well as cytostatic and corticosteroid drugs;
  • mechanical damage, for example, when wearing braces, dentures, etc., as well as the absence of some teeth.

How to treat chapped lips

If trouble has already happened and you notice that your lips or their corners are cracking, try the following treatment methods:

  • Keep your lips moisturized. In stores and pharmacies you can find a wide variety of special lipsticks, gels and balms that are designed specifically to moisturize our sponges. Give preference to natural products based on environmentally friendly ingredients

Advice: if you are not sure that the cracks are caused precisely by weather conditions, then it is better to moisturize them with a product that is squeezed out of a tube, or one that can be applied to the lips with your finger, having first washed it with at least soap. This is done in order not to spread bacteria throughout the mouth and the product itself.

If you can’t find a store-bought remedy, use the advice of our grandmothers and alternative medicine. Try lubricating the cracks with butter or vegetable oil with glycerin, natural bee honey (if you are not allergic to it), petroleum jelly, coconut, almond, calendula oils, and aloe gel. It's best to apply these products at night before bed to avoid licking them. And in the morning you can make lip masks from rich sour cream. Another folk remedy is a paste made from cottage cheese and fresh carrot juice.

Prevention of cracks

Of course, so that you don’t have to find out in the future why your lips crack and how they can be cured, it is better to remember about preventive measures. For prevention, follow these rules:

  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature. When going outside from a warm room, cover your mouth with a scarf.
  • Beware of dehydration: drink plenty of water. Don't let it get to the point where you start to feel unpleasant dryness in your mouth.
  • If the air in your home is dry and hot, purchase a humidifier.

  • Use lip moisturizers and hygienic lipsticks/balms daily. Don't forget about sun exposure - use lip cream with SPF factor.
  • Buy only those cosmetics that boast high quality.
  • Periodically, but infrequently, you can scrub the skin of your lips with soft scrubs or a toothbrush to remove flaking.
  • Watch your diet, eat right, and don’t overdo it with spicy and high-acid foods.
  • Avoid stress and take care of yourself so that you do not have urges to bite your lips.

We also suggest watching the following video, which will tell you about the causes of seizures in children, why they are dangerous and what to do about them:

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Chapped lips look unattractive. I would like to return them to their original appearance as soon as possible. In some cases, the situation becomes more complicated; cosmetic defects are accompanied by pain and bleeding of cracks. These changes occur due to the influence of various factors, but in the vast majority of cases they are associated with drying out of the skin or a general decrease in immunity. You can find out why lips crack until they bleed from this article.

Why do lips crack - reasons

The skin of the lips has the same structure as the rest of the body. But there are some differences. The coating here is quite thin and susceptible. It contains a large number of nerve endings and has a dense capillary network. Such features provide high sensitivity of the lips, and also cause them to dry out greatly. Moisture here evaporates very quickly, and its lack leads to cracking of the surface. So, the causes and treatment of cracked lips, jamming, cracks, peeling will be discussed in detail below.

External reasons:

Most often, weather influences play the role of drying factors:

  • dry air;
  • windiness;
  • solar Activity;
  • low temperatures, frost.

It should be borne in mind that dry air can adversely affect lips not only outdoors, but also indoors. Here it loses moisture not only in the heat, but also in winter, when the central heating is turned on. Another group of factors that negatively affect the condition of the labial surface are bad habits. They make up a fairly long list.

Nicotine addiction. When a cigarette comes into contact with your lips, the paper absorbs a fatty film that protects the skin from drying out. In addition, drying is caused by the action of heated air drawn in during smoking. The negative impact of harmful smoke components on the general condition of the body and skin in particular also cannot be discounted.

Licking. When the surface of the lips dries out, an annoying desire arises to moisturize them. In many cases, it seems that licking can solve the problem. But this action gives only a momentary result, causing further drying of the skin.

Mouth type of breathing. If you breathe through your mouth, your lips dry out much faster. On the one hand, during inhalation, air movement is created, a kind of “wind” that draws moisture from the skin. On the other hand, when exhaling, water particles settle on the labial surface, which, as noted, causes an increase in its dryness.

Biting. The habit of biting lips leads to their wetting with saliva, followed by drying out, and also creates microtraumas. Pathogenic microorganisms can settle in these lesions. Then there is a risk of developing chronic dry lips, as well as other negative consequences.

Touches. Touching the lips, which is not always done with clean hands, can lead to infections and cracking of the skin.

Poor nutrition. Sour foods and drinks, pickles and salty snacks (crackers, chips, etc.), spicy dishes, sauces and spices have a negative effect on the health and beauty of the skin. And a lack of vitamin products in the diet leads to a decline in immunity with all the ensuing consequences.

Piercing can also be considered an undesirable habit. Through the holes in the lip, saliva leaks onto the outer surface, and constant contact with jewelry can cause skin irritation and the appearance of microcracks. In addition, there is a risk of infection.

External factors can also include kissing, especially if the contact of lips is carried out on the street. The surface not only becomes wet, but can even be injured. When exposed to weather, damp skin becomes more chapped. The same happens when any drinks are consumed on the go.

Action of internal causes:

Dryness of the skin surface of the lips may be a sign of an existing pathology. Poor health negatively affects the condition of all integuments of the body. The skin can dry out and crack due to the following problems:

  • presence of allergies– food products, low-quality decorative cosmetics, unsuitable care products, components of toothpaste or mouth rinse can act as an allergen;
  • dental reasons– damage to the teeth and mucous membranes may contain pockets of bacteria, as well as fungi, which, if they come into contact with the lips in conditions of reduced immunity, can develop vigorous activity and cause the appearance of deep cracks;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and other digestive organs(dysbacteriosis, gastritis, pancreatitis, high acidity) – lead to metabolic disorders and have an indirect effect on the deterioration of the skin;
  • iron deficiency anemia– one of the symptoms of this anomaly is dry skin;
  • herpes– expressed in the periodic appearance of cracks and ulcers on the lips;
  • diabetes– causes disruption of metabolic processes, including water metabolism, which leads to dry skin, peeling and disruption of its integrity;
  • hyperthyroidism– disruption of the thyroid gland causes drying of the lips and mucous membranes;
  • decreased protective functions– low immunity allows pathogenic flora to become more active, which leads to various troubles, including dry lips.

Cracks can appear not only in adults, but also in children. The reasons for this phenomenon are the same. Unfortunately, even the possibility cannot be excluded here. But there are some nuances. These include habits that are characteristic mainly of children, such as the desire to try everything and the difficult to eradicate urge to suck fingers. The most common causes also include allergic reactions, vitamin deficiency and stomatitis.

Lips crack until they bleed - what to do?

All of the above reasons provoke the appearance of a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin on the lips, peeling, the formation of cracks, ulcers, and sticking. Skin lesions can cause discomfort, pain, itching, and bleeding. The possibility of the appearance of foci of suppuration cannot be excluded. All this can interfere with eating and even talking. Having found out the cause of the pathology, it will be possible to decide on treatment. It is not always possible to do this on your own. In this case, you should not refuse the help of doctors. After all, without this, at home, attempts are made mainly to eliminate symptoms. But this is how they will appear again and again. The situation can become chronic. Complications are also possible.

One of the reasons for the appearance of bleeding, poorly healing cracks may be a lack of vitamins. So, lack of vit. B is expressed in dull hair, weakening, tendency to fall out, dry skin, brittle nails. Vit deficiency C leads to a weakening of general immunity. Lack of vitamin intake by the body. And causes a weakening of the regenerative properties of the skin. To get rid of all these troubles, you need to rely on fresh fruits and vegetables or take vitamin complexes.

Lips crack until they bleed - what to apply?

Even healthy lip skin needs regular care, nutrition and hydration. And sore lips need to be treated. Here the impact is carried out mainly at the local level using ointments, balms, oils, and medicinal solutions. Which remedy needs to be used depends on the cause and nature of the pathology. To heal wounds, the use of medications is recommended:

  • fucorcin is an antiviral and antimycotic agent;
  • miramistina - antiseptic;
  • stomatidine (hexetidine) – an antifungal and antiseptic drug with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and astringent effect;
  • Metrogila denta – acts against bacteria and protozoa;
  • liquid vitamins E and A (you can use Aevita capsule filler) - to speed up healing;
  • boric alcohol, iodine solution, brilliant green - for drying and disinfection;
  • Vaseline - to soften and prevent drying;
  • herpevir, acyclovir - needed for viral lesions;
  • clotrimazole – in the presence of fungal activity;
  • tetracycline or trimistine ointment - these are antibiotics;
  • bepanthena – promotes healing and moisturizes;
  • solcoseryl – activates regeneration.

If cracks bleed, the damage should be treated with peroxide. In this case, it is better to use a bandage rather than a cotton ball. Afterwards, you need to cover your lips with wound-healing ointment.

Traditional medicine recipes for cracked lips

Traditional medicine also has recipes for remedies that can be used to quite successfully treat lips. They will help relieve pain, soften the skin, stop inflammation, suppress pathogenic activity, moisturize the surface, nourish it with vitamins, and speed up regeneration.

Application of oils. The use of various oils is effective: vegetable, sea buckthorn, almond, castor, coconut, rosehip, tea tree, St. John's wort, wheat germ, cocoa, and butter.

Juices. The lips are lubricated with the juice of agave, carrots, Kalanchoe, plantain, and celandine.

Brine. Saline solution helps treat seizures. To prepare it, just dissolve a small spoon of salt in a glass of water. The product is used in the form of lotions.

You can prepare a healing balm. To do this, you need to melt natural wax in a steam bath and mix it with equal parts of coconut, olive oils and cocoa powder. You can also add shea butter or liquefied honey. The finished product can be poured into an empty lipstick tube and placed in the refrigerator.

Anti-inflammatory ointment. Anti-inflammatory ointment is prepared very quickly. Softened butter is combined with liquid honey 1:1. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

Preventive measures. Considering that one of the main reasons for the appearance of cracks on the lips is a lack of fluid, you need to monitor your drinking regime. The daily menu also needs to be adjusted. Food must contain all the necessary nutrients. Delicate lip skin requires constant care. Before you go on business, you should treat it with balm and apply high-quality moisturizing or hygienic lipstick. The important point is to eradicate bad habits. It is necessary to stop smoking, stop licking and biting your lips. If there are serious pathologies, then it is necessary to undergo a course of special treatment.

Cracked lips are a fairly common problem. Not only women, but also men face it. This is unpleasant and, at times, even painful, but there is an explanation for this and, moreover, a lot of means of getting rid of such discomfort. From the article you will learn what are the causes of chapped lips and how to fix it.

Before solving any problem, you must first find out why this happened, and only then think about a method for solving it.

I would like to immediately note that lips crack not only in winter, as many people think, this problem can arise at any time of the year and at any age. In fact, there are many reasons why your lips may become dry and cracked, and it is difficult to figure out a specific one, but it is still necessary to consider the most likely ones available.

So, if your lips are cracking, the reasons for this may be, first of all, external factors.

  1. Weather. Most often, it is this factor that leads to the fact that the lips begin to “burst”:
  • Dry air. This phenomenon can be encountered at any time of the year. You need to understand that if your lips are more humid than the air around you, they will give up their moisture, drying out very quickly.
  • Wind. The stronger the wind, the faster your lips dry out, and too dry lips can crack even with a slight smile. This problem especially concerns those who live in a region where wind is an ordinary and daily occurrence.
  • Frosty air. It should be noted that it is frost that can very quickly “pull” the moisture from the lips that they so need, especially in the cold season. This is why many cosmetologists say that in frosty weather you should not go outside without protecting your skin and lips with special cosmetics.
  • The sun is one of the most common causes of chapped lips. Lips need regular moisturizing, especially in hot weather and the hot season in general.
  1. Bad habits. Have you noticed that this factor causes many ailments and troubles in general, and chapped lips are no exception:
  • We lick our lips. Many people are surprised that their lips crack in good weather, but they do not notice one habit that is very destructive to their lips - regular and causeless licking.

  • Piercing. Today it is very popular to pierce various parts of the body, and, unfortunately, the fashion for piercing lips is also current. Despite the fact that the hole on the lip heals very quickly, because it is a mucous membrane, moisture constantly “leaves” the surface of the lips through the existing hole, which leads to depletion of moisture on them. Among other things, metal accessories can contribute to the formation of cracks and irritations on the lips.
  • Smoking. Because of their bad habit, smokers face not only dry lips, but also a host of other problems. You need to understand that when a cigarette touches your lips, the skin tries to transfer the moisture present on its surface to the paper (because it, in turn, is a drier substance). If you smoke once, it will not cause any problems, but regular smoking often leads to serious cracks on the lips and their dryness.
  • We bite our lips. It must be said right away that the habit in question not only contributes to the wetting of the skin of the lips, but also to the formation of small and sometimes even imperceptible cracks on it. It is through microcracks that rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the lips occurs, which very quickly leads to their drying out. Also, viruses and various types of fungi develop in such small abrasions, which can lead to the fact that the cracked skin on the lips will not heal for a very long period.

  • Regularly feeling your mouth with your hands. This problem especially concerns mentally unbalanced people, as well as individuals with mental disorders. No one is saying that only crazy people do this, it’s just that people who constantly chew on their pens, fidget with their fingers and jerk their legs when they’re hanging up belong to this type of people. Any movements of the hands over the lips lead to their drying out and the appearance of wounds on the skin.
  1. Impaired drinking regime. As it turns out, not only the health of the body, but also the beauty of your lips depends on the correct water balance. If there is not enough water in the body, then your lips will dry out very quickly, thereby indicating its lack. It turns out that dehydration can also cause chapped lips.
  2. Lips often become dry and cracked in those who sleep with their mouths open. This usually applies to people with a runny nose and problems with the nasal septum, so the presence of one problem leads to the appearance of another, and in this case, dry lips are already a consequence.
  3. Eating spicy, salty, sour foods.
  1. Kissing on the lips on the street cannot be called a bad habit, but it will not lead to anything good.
  2. Eating and drinking on the street. Everything is simple here - if it’s hot, frosty or windy outside, it’s better not to drink or eat outside, otherwise your lips will quickly become unusable.
  3. Visit to the dental office. No matter how funny it may sound, but, in fact, many people experience dry and cracked lips after visiting the dentist. The explanation for this is very simple - during dental procedures, the mouth was opened too wide for a long time.

It is worth noting that the state of health of the entire body can also affect the lips, which is why chapped lips may indicate internal “problems” with health.

Internal causes of dry lips include:

  1. Lack of iron in the body. This symptom is called iron deficiency anemia. If the body has insufficient hemoglobin levels, the superficial tissues suffer from this, because the blood cannot nourish them as it should.
  2. Diabetes. With this disease, the entire body and the water balance in it suffer, which naturally leads to constant dry lips, so this symptom is not at all surprising for diabetics.

Why do my child's lips get chapped?

If we have figured out the general reasons for the appearance of cracked lips, let’s find out why children’s lips constantly crack.

In 85% of cases, children's lips suffer from cracks due to poor hygiene..

As soon as pathogenic microflora gets on the surface of children's lips, dryness, cracks and wounds will not take long to appear:

  • Dirty hands on lips. Children's hands are everywhere, they take on everything and love to touch their face and lips after that, not thinking about the fact that there are thousands of bacteria on their hands at the moment, which, if they come into contact with the delicate skin of their lips, will cause dryness, irritation and cracks. .

  • Dirty objects in the mouth. What child has not tasted a stone, a stick, or a toy picked up from the floor? It is this behavior in children that leads to problems with the oral cavity and lips. Parents cannot ensure the sterility of everything around them, so only attention and attempts to wean the child from putting dirty foreign objects in his mouth can help in this matter.
  • Fingers in mouth. Many young children do not like to suck on a sterile pacifier but prefer to suck on their thumb. And such a process can most likely cause dry lips.
  • Fungal infection. The result of this disease is stomatitis, and this disease cannot exist without dryness and cracks on the lips. During the disease in question, the child even refuses food, because salty and spicy foods cause severe burning and pain due to existing wounds on the lips. Often with stomatitis, the lips crack until they bleed.
  • Allergies often cause dry mouth in a child. If the child’s body does not accept and cannot absorb a particular product, the lips may dry out.

Interesting fact: the skin on the lips is very thin, but at the same time a huge number of capillaries pass through it, which is why moisture evaporates through the surface of the lips twice as much as from a similar surface area on human skin, and as soon as moisture becomes scarce, the skin lips become dehydrated very quickly.

Why do lips crack during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of every woman who is preparing to become a mother, and no matter how well it goes, it cannot be avoided without nuances and troubles, and dry lips is one of them.

Pregnant women's lips often become dry in the first months of pregnancy, as well as during the period when toxicosis may begin to develop. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Appetite decreases. Because of this, accordingly, the body receives a smaller amount of products and their components necessary for normal life.
  • Anemia develops. During toxicosis, a woman’s body very often does not accept meat, which contributes to the appearance of this state of the body.
  • Vomit removes many essential minerals and vitamins from the body.

Quite often, the problem of dry lips returns to pregnant women at the end of the third trimester, when it is time to give birth. The fact is that the female body changes quite seriously during this period - both from the inside and the outside. The water balance is also disturbed, which is the main reason for the appearance of dry lips during pregnancy.

Among other things, a pregnant woman’s belly becomes very heavy towards the end of her term, which leads to difficulty breathing (you have to open your mouth wider to take a deep breath), and the air, as you know, dries out your lips.

The causes of chapped lips in pregnant women can also be the reasons listed above, which are typical for ordinary people.

When lips crack, what vitamins are missing?

Dry lips can be caused by a lack of vitamins, but we’ll find out which ones exactly:

  1. Vitamin A is responsible for regenerative processes in our body, and if there is a lack of it, these processes can be disrupted. In turn, this leads to the fact that a small crack on the lips may bleed and not heal for weeks, which often leads to an increase in cracks on the lips.
  2. If the body suddenly begins to lack vitamin B, then nails, hair and skin may “get sick”. If there is a deficiency of the vitamin in question:
  • lips dry
  • skin becomes dull
  • hair is weak
  1. Vitamin C. The “strength” of the immune system will depend on the amount of this vitamin in the body. More ascorbic acid means more productive production of immune bodies, everything is very clear. If there is not enough vitamin C in the body, immunity decreases, and bacteria can affect any part of the body’s skin, including lips.

A sufficient amount of various vitamins in the body contributes to its normal functioning, which means that the lips will not dry out and crack.

What to do if your lips are chapped?

The first question that comes to mind for a person who notices that his lips are chapped is what to do? Of course, consulting a dermatologist would not hurt here, but this is not particularly necessary if this problem does not bother you regularly.

We present to your attention a list of medications that will help in the fight against dry lips and cracks on them:

  • Metrogyl denta. Ointment for external use. It is very easy to use - just apply the ointment to the cracks on your lips 2 times a day.
  • Miramistin. Antiseptic in the form of a spray. Apply to lips 3-4 times a day by spraying the aerosol onto problem areas of the lips.
  • Stomatidin. A solution that makes it possible to get rid of cracked lips in a short period of time. Application – moisten a cotton swab with the solution and wipe the cracks on the lips (2 times a day).

If the cracks on the lips have not healed within 3-4 days, and no particular result is observed from the listed drugs, you should consult a doctor who, depending on the causative agent of this problem, will prescribe treatment:

  • if the cause of the cracks is a viral infection, then the current treatment option will be Herpevir or Acyclovir
  • if the infection is bacterial - Trimistin ointment
  • in the case of a fungal infection, the appropriate drug would be Clotrimazole

For rapid healing of wounds on the lips, you can use:

  • boric alcohol
  • vitamin A
  • brilliant green
  • rosehip
  • St. John's wort
  • sea ​​buckthorn
  • cocoa
  • olives
  • Kalanchoe

There are many reasons for the appearance of cracked lips, but the methods of treating them listed above will help you quickly cope with this problem. In any case, for prevention, it is worth introducing more vegetables and fruits into your regular diet, as well as foods rich in healthy vitamins.

Video: “Chapped lips - what to do?”

There are a large number of reasons why lips crack. In addition to the reasons for chapped lips, there are also provoking factors for such an unpleasant phenomenon. Most often, if your lips crack, it can be caused by dehydration of the skin or a weakened immune system (most often this is typical during the off-season period). Why the skin cracks, why the lips dry out, crack, and how to deal with this, you should understand in more detail.

If cracks appear on the lips, the causes and their treatment are closely interrelated, since further measures will directly depend on the causes of this phenomenon.

Influence of climatic conditions

Why lips crack - the reasons most often lie in certain weather conditions. The most common triggers for chapped lips are the following climatic conditions:

  1. Excessively dry lips are observed in winter and summer against the background of increased dry air. Nature tries to maintain balance by comparing the temperatures and humidity of bodies. If the skin on your lips is wetter than the air, it will dry out. As a result, the skin becomes dehydrated. The drier the air, the greater the loss of fluid in this area.
  2. Windy weather. Under such conditions, along with air currents, moisture evaporates from the surface of the epidermis, as a result of which the lips crack and become very dry (and this happens not only in women, but also in men).
  3. Frosty weather also causes cracks to appear. If lips dry out in winter, cracks and microdamages appear on their surface.
  4. Cracks on the lips often occur when exposed to high temperatures. The hotter the weather, the faster moisture evaporates; as a result, cracks appear on the lips, they are little moistened with saliva, and become crusty.

If your lips become chapped under the influence of weather conditions, what should you do? To prevent the appearance of cracks on your lips, you should always use hygienic lipsticks or balms before going out and smear your lips with them to prevent loss of moisture on the upper and lower lips. What to put on your lip? For preventive purposes, fatty cream and hygienic lipstick are used. This is an excellent remedy for cracked lips, which will moisturize the epidermis and help heal a cracked lip.

The Impact of Negative Habits

If your lip is cracked, various negative habits can cause this condition. The skin in this area may crack due to the following habits:

  1. Excessively frequent licking. If your lips are dry, you want to lick them constantly. As a result, damage is formed, cracks appear, they can burst, hurt and bleed. If you lick too often, saliva quickly evaporates from the surface of this area, which contributes to the appearance of dryness and the appearance of a crack on the lip. Therefore, the best way to get rid of dryness is to moisturize with special cosmetics (and this applies to both adults and children).
  2. Wounds and cracked areas can appear due to negative habits such as frequent biting. In this case, a microcrack appears. Pathogenic microorganisms enter it, causing infectious and inflammatory processes, in which the wound can fester.
  3. Piercing. When the skin is punctured, saliva penetrates through the holes onto the surface of the lip, drying it out. Constantly wearing metal jewelry provokes the appearance of microdamages. This causes microscopic injuries that become severely cracked. Such a wound does not heal for a long time.
  4. Smoking. When the skin comes into contact with dry paper, it gives up moisture and dries out. In addition to dryness, a cracked skin surface appears. Smoking in the wind or cold has a particularly negative effect.
  5. Drinking insufficient water.
  6. Constant breathing through the mouth.
  7. Delicate skin can crack when consuming sour, spicy, or over-salted foods.
  8. Damage may occur due to frequent contact of dirty hands and face. If immunity is reduced, there are microcracks on the surface of the skin; with constant contact with unwashed hands, it becomes covered with cracks. Such a crack does not heal for a long time if there is no properly selected drug therapy.
  9. Kisses in the cold or in the wind.

Endogenous causes

Internal processes and diseases that develop in the body negatively affect the condition of the epidermis.

When an allergic reaction to food, cosmetics or toothpaste develops, active irritation of the epithelium occurs. Aggressive toothpastes cause dryness in adults and children. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing oral care products.

Why does the epidermis still dry out? The reason why lips dry out in women and men can be some kind of dental disease. Pathogenic microorganisms that cause caries in the oral cavity settle on the skin of the lips. But their activity manifests itself only if the immune system weakens. The corners of the mouth burst, hurt, and jams appear. Also, the corner of the mouth bursts when opening the mouth in the dental chair.

The herpes virus provokes the appearance of painful areas on the surface of the skin around the mouth. They are inflamed, itchy, painful, constantly cracking, and begin to crust over. Such blistering rashes appear frequently, cause discomfort to the person and negatively affect the condition of the epithelium. Therefore, you need to know how to treat chapped lips. Doctors will tell you how to get rid of cracks on your lips in each specific case.

One of the symptoms of existing problems with the digestive system is dry skin around the mouth. Among such diseases are gastritis, pancreatitis, and intestinal dysbiosis. If these diseases are treated, the unpleasant symptom goes away on its own. Additionally, apply hygienic lipstick or balm, which will help the problem go away faster.

The development of iron deficiency anemia also causes cracked skin around the mouth. If there is a lack of hemoglobin in the body, the epithelium is not adequately nourished, its cells suffer from dehydration, which can result in cracks and crusts. Treatment is carried out only by a doctor, since additional examinations will be required.

If the lip cracks regularly and jams appear on it, the cause may be the development of diabetes mellitus. With this disease, all functions in the body are disrupted, including water balance.

Other causes are bacteria, viruses and fungi, which are activated when the immune system is weakened (for example, after suffering from the flu or an acute respiratory viral disease). They can also cause the wound to fester and pus to accumulate in it.

Vitamin deficiency

If your lips are cracked until they bleed, microcracks or damage appear on them, the cause is vitamin deficiency. What vitamin deficiency causes this condition? To find out which vitamins are missing and how to treat chapped lips, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Having ruled out or confirmed possible diseases of the body, you can draw up a further treatment plan.

The lower lip often cracks due to vitamin A deficiency. This disorder causes a condition where the lip has burst or cracked. This is due to the deterioration of regeneration processes in the body. Therefore, against the background of acute vitamin A deficiency, once formed lacerated or broken wounds, even with proper therapy, may not heal for a long time.

Vitamin substances that belong to group B are responsible for the condition of the epidermis. Therefore, if there is an acute deficiency of vitamins in this category, this manifests itself in microcracks around the mouth. How to cure lips from dryness and cracks should be decided by a doctor.

Ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of immune bodies. The more vitamin C is obtained from food, the larger the “army” of immunity will be, the better the body will cope with fungi, bacteria, viruses and other foreign pathogens. As soon as ascorbic acid ceases to enter the body, immunity decreases, health is undermined as a result of the colonization of pathogenic microflora. Lips react to this with dryness. This causes cracked corners of the mouth and cracked skin around it. It is not recommended to use any remedies yourself at home. It is better to first contact a specialist and find out the reasons. Only after this can the problem be removed.

Which doctor should I contact?

When such problems arise, only doctors can tell you what to apply to the skin and what treatment algorithms are required. Therefore, you will need to be examined by a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist, or therapist.

How to deal with the problem

What to do if your lip is cracked? Only a specialist should treat cracked lips, taking into account the cause of this condition. Once you get rid of the underlying disease, you can get rid of chapped lips. What to do if your lips are chapped, the doctor decides after a preliminary examination.

Pharmacy products

If a chronic lip crack appears, treatment should be comprehensive, taking into account the general condition of the body. Among the general medications that are prescribed for almost all diseases for better healing of the epidermis, we can highlight:

  • Miramistin - irrigate the affected skin surface with an antiseptic up to 4 times a day if cracks appear or the upper or lower lip is torn;
  • Fukortsin - smeared with zaeda dye twice a day;
  • Stomatidin - wipe the cracks on the labial surface twice a day with a swab dipped in the solution. This product is suitable for both adults and children;
  • Metrogyl denta - use the ointment in the morning and evening, so recovery occurs faster.

Depending on what pathogen caused the cracks, you will need certain medications:

  • For a viral infection, acyclovir is prescribed in the form of tablets or ointments. This remedy helps get rid of the herpes virus. Herpevir gel may also be prescribed. The resulting crack heals well after treatment with these ointments;
  • for infections of bacterial origin, tetracycline ointment and trimistin cream are prescribed;
  • You can get rid of a fungal infection with clotrimazole and stomatidine;
  • "Bepanten." Analogues of “Pantoderm”, “D-Panthenol”. The active ingredient is dexpanthenol. The cream stimulates the regeneration of the skin, moisturizes, normalizes the metabolic process at the cellular level;
  • "Sintomycin". The active ingredients of the ointment are levomecitin and novocaine, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties;
  • "Solcoseryl". Paste based on dialysate from cattle blood. The composition forms a protective film on the lips, which serves as a barrier against the negative influence of external factors. The drug activates metabolic processes and has a local anesthetic effect.

Folk recipes

With the help of folk remedies you can also speed up recovery. But you should not completely replace drug therapy with folk remedies. It is better to use a comprehensive method of treatment. Lip masks for cracks, a healthy lifestyle, and proper nutrition will help you cope with the problem.

Traditional medicine will also tell you how to treat such a problem.

Lubricate your lips:

  • Rosehip oil, carrot juice (contain vitamin A);
  • Sea buckthorn oil (contains vitamin C);
  • St. John's wort oil, calendula (have anti-inflammatory properties);
  • Cocoa butter, coconut oil, olive oil (heal cracks and moisturize the skin);
  • Almond, sunflower or wheat germ oil (contains vitamin E);
  • Juice of aloe, plantain, Kalanchoe (natural antiseptics that soften lips and moisturize the skin);
  • Castor oil balm. The product is effective even when the lip is cracked in the middle and inflamed;
  • Vaseline or melted butter (softens the skin and prevents drying).

Despite the fact that the listed remedies are effective, a preliminary visit to the doctor is recommended, since it is necessary to find out the provoking factors that can cause such problems, which can cause lips to tear and burst.

Nutrition and vitamins

Lips often crack due to poor diet and the resulting lack of vitamins and minerals.

Be sure to include fish, meat, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables in the menu.

The following will help restore vitamin A levels:

  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • persimmon;
  • carrot;
  • oranges.

The lack of vitamin “E” will be compensated by:

  • seeds;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • nuts.

Iron deficiency also has a detrimental effect on the health of the entire body, including the lips. To avoid anemia, you need to make sure that your diet includes buckwheat, prunes, beef, liver, and seafood.

You can buy vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Of the numerous similar products available in pharmacies, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

  • "Imedin"
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics"
  • "Supradin"
  • "Merz"
  • "Lady's"

They include vitamins (A, E, almost all B groups), biotin, ribonucleic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, rutin, L-cysteine, betaine, bioflavonoids, citrus fruits, medicinal plant extracts, microelements (copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iron, iodine, magnesium).

Thanks to these active components, these dietary supplements not only replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, but also improve the appearance. Recommended in the complex treatment of skin diseases: erosions, dermatitis, cracks.

Course intake: 3 times a day, 1 tablet (dragee) for 2 weeks. There is no need to overuse the products; an excess of vitamins can also result in cracks on the lips.

Cosmetical tools

What should you put on your lips to speed up the healing of cracks? For this, traditional medicine recommends:

  • Aevit in capsules - crush, apply the contents to the jams;
  • treat damaged areas with cocoa butter (it can also be applied outdoors if the air is too dry or the weather conditions are unfavorable);
  • vitamin A in an oil solution and sunflower oil, which contains a lot of vitamin E, which provides the skin with softness and elasticity;
  • tea tree oil to fight inflammation;
  • fucorcin - up to 3 times a day.

Prevention of the problem

To prevent the appearance of cracks on the surface of the skin of the lips, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not lick your lips, especially when in the cold or hot sun.
  2. Control your movements - do not bite your lips, this will injure delicate skin.
  3. You cannot lubricate your lips with lipstick or balm just before going outside; at least an hour must pass before this moment.
  4. Balms are useful to apply not only in the morning, but also before bed.
  5. Another important nuance - there are balms and lipsticks for different seasons; in no case should you use a “summer” product in winter;
  6. Do not put dangerous sharp objects in your mouth.
  7. Diversify your diet, include as many fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, natural juices, and dairy products as possible. Instead, avoid fatty, spicy, salty, fried foods that irritate the mucous membranes, and minimize the amount of carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  8. Do not take medications on your own, only after a doctor’s prescription, so as not to cause damage to your immune system.
  9. Do not neglect medical examinations; this will ensure timely prevention of serious diseases.

And also from early childhood you need to learn regular hygiene and sanitation of the oral cavity, and in the future categorically abandon bad habits. If a crack on the lip does appear, do not be alarmed - if you do not delay treatment, the problem will be eliminated quite quickly.

Many people experience peeling lips under the influence of various factors. For some, this goes away quickly after using the most ordinary hygienic lipstick. And for some, it ends with the formation of scabs, cracks and bleeding ulcers, disrupting the usual rhythm of life. It is impossible to eat, laugh, or kiss without pain. Therefore, you need to approach this problem with all responsibility and use all available methods to eliminate it.


If your lips dry out and peel, the following reasons may be to blame:

  • adverse weather conditions;
  • , toothpaste, food;
  • reaction of thin and sensitive skin to chemical components of lipstick or gloss;
  • dry indoor air;
  • constant consumption of too hot, sour, salty or spicy foods;
  • the habit of licking, biting, touching your lips with your hands or an incorrect bite, due to which the teeth involuntarily injure them (then the skin around the mouth will peel off constantly);
  • long-term use of antidepressants or other powerful medications;
  • smoking.

Various diseases can also cause peeling:

  • reduced immunity, deficiency of vitamins A, C, E, B2, B9 and B12, iron;
  • dehydration;
  • runny nose and diseases accompanied by high fever;
  • prolonged depression;
  • low hemoglobin level, anemia;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: dysbiosis, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • fungal infections (the first sign is that the lips not only peel, but also itch);
  • lack of sugar in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • renal failure;
  • hormonal imbalance in women during pregnancy, menopause, and the postpartum period.

Often the skin peels off after cosmetic procedures: tattooing or implantation of fillers. Certain diseases of the lips can also cause this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • angulitis (peeling in the corners of the lips);
  • (accompanied by rashes and severe itching);
  • mycosis (the sequence of symptoms is as follows: white film - ulcers - scabs - peeling + all this is accompanied by severe itching);
  • cheilitis (inflamed, red edges of the lips);
  • (resembles a burn);
  • Fordyce's disease (ulcers appear).

If your lips peel under the influence of various factors such as weather or cosmetics, dealing with them is quite easy: first we eliminate the root cause (we don’t go out into the cold without chapstick, don’t use expired products and fluoride-containing pastes, etc.), and then treat the damaged skin with wound-healing products and emollient ointments and masks. Everything is much more complicated if it is a symptom of a more serious disease. In this case, it is simply necessary to see a doctor and complete treatment.

Medical reference. If a patient’s lips begin to peel for no apparent reason (they haven’t been chapped, bitten or injured, etc.), the doctor first of all suspects the initial stage of diabetes mellitus or kidney failure.

Additional symptoms

As a rule, peeling is accompanied by other, more unpleasant symptoms:

  • crusts;
  • cracks;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • pain during talking, eating, kissing;
  • rashes;
  • burning;
  • excessive dryness;
  • spread of inflammation.

Most often, dryness and slight redness appear first, then a thin but dense film forms, which bursts and begins to peel off. The process is different for everyone: for some, dry pieces of skin fall off, for others they are a little damp, stick and look very unaesthetic.

If no measures are taken at this stage, bleeding cracks and crusts with ulcers may then appear. The hyperemia of the entire area around the mouth increases. This can result in infection and spread of inflammation. The pain will gradually increase.

Lifehack. To reduce pain when eating and when your lips are peeling, lubricate them with honey half an hour before meals.

What to do

When peeling appears, everyone has the same question: what to do? If you realize it right away, the problem can be solved at home. If the situation is aggravated by cracks and infection, you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist. To make the treatment more effective, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for painful lips, which will speed up recovery:

  1. Find out the reason. If she is sick, they need to be treated immediately.
  2. Half an hour before going outside, apply moisturizing and protective medicinal cosmetics: balm or hygienic lipstick.
  3. Take a vitamin complex.
  4. The daily water requirement is 2 liters. Drink hot drinks through a straw. Limit the use of marinades, spices and seasonings. Include in your diet as many foods as possible rich in vitamins A, C, E, B2, B9, B12 and iron.
  5. Give up for a while. If lips are flaky and peeling, abrasive particles can further injure already damaged skin.
  6. During treatment, limit exposure to frost or heat. In winter, cover the lower part of your face with a scarf. In summer, wear a wide-brimmed hat and use lipstick with an SPF filter.
  7. Do not use fluoride-containing pastes, low-quality cosmetics, or products with salicylic acid.
  8. Make sure that the air in the room is as humidified as possible.
  9. Get rid of the habit of pulling, biting, licking, touching your lips. Under no circumstances should you peel off the resulting crusts and pieces of skin: they should fall off on their own.
  10. Contact an orthodontist to correct your malocclusion.

The more careful you take care of your lips during the period of peeling, the sooner they will return to normal.

Sad statistics. In 50% of cases, harmless peeling ends in infection and an inflammatory reaction. The reason is rough and untimely removal of exfoliating elements, crusts, and skin particles that should fall off on their own.

How to treat

Treatment is usually external. Medicinal ointments and solutions are used strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Folk remedies and medicinal cosmetics are good only at the initial stage, before bleeding ulcers appear, or during the rehabilitation period.


  • Homeopathy

Solutions, tinctures and ointments based on medicinal plants: Aconitum, Belladonna, Arsenicum album, Cinnabaris, Natrium carbonicum. They have a powerful moisturizing effect, promote tissue regeneration, heal cracks, block inflammatory reactions, and relieve pain.

  • Anti-burn products

Ointments also speed up the healing process.

  • Hydrocortisone ointment

Relieves the inflammatory process, relieves pain, eliminates itching and swelling, and softens peeling. Use no more than 2 times a week. Make sure that the ointment does not get on the oral mucosa. Contraindications: syphilis, age under 2 years, viruses, fungi, bacterial infections, ulcers, wounds, abrasions.

  • Petrolatum

One of the best and most proven products that soften the skin if it is very flaky. Can be used as often as required. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

  • Vitamins

Alpha tocopherol acetate and retinol acetate (oil, ampoules, capsules), in capsules, riboflavin mononucleotide, ascorbic and folic acids, cyanocobalamin (in ampoules). Lubricate your lips with vitamin liquids (the capsules are opened and the oil is squeezed out) three times a day.

I have an opinion. For some time now, there have been ongoing debates on the Internet about whether it is possible to smear your lips with Vaseline. Opponents claim that the paraffin contained in it dries out the skin when creating a protective film. However, both wax and ointment are included in almost all cosmetic products for the care of this delicate part of the face.


  • Baby cream

Apply twice a day - half an hour before going outside and before bed.

  • Balms

Mini Green Apple Lip Balm softening balm with green apple extract from the South Korean brand Tony Moly.

Moisturizing balm Egg Balm with fruit extracts from the Russian concern Divage.

Soothing multi-regenerating balm for children and adults Cicaplast Baume B5 from the French company La Roche Posay.

  • Hygienic lipsticks

Chocolate is a softening hygienic lipstick with grated cocoa from the Russian concern Spivak.

Moisturizing hyaluronic lipstick, as well as Aevit from Librederm.

Intensive protection from the German company Nivea.

Folk remedies

Rules for using homemade masks for lips that are peeling:

  1. Wash with warm water.
  2. Blot your mouth with a paper napkin.
  3. Gently apply the mask with your fingertips (around the mouth too), making sure that it does not flow and does not get on the mucous membrane.
  4. Action time is from 15 minutes to half an hour.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.
  6. Lubricate with medicinal, moisturizing serum or hygienic lipstick.
  • Sour cream mask

Mix 15 g of sour cream, 5 ml of warm extra virgin olive oil, 5 drops of lemon juice.

  • Honey mask

Melt a small amount of fresh, uncandied honey over a steam bath. Apply directly to the mouth area. The effect of the mask is not limited. You can wear it at home all the time until your skin stops peeling.

  • Oil mask

Heat 20 ml of any base oil (olive, castor, cocoa, apricot kernels) in a water bath. Mix with 5 g beeswax. Melt the mass. Add 5 g of Vaseline and 20 ml of chamomile decoction.

  • Vitamin mask

Mix 50 ml of warm oil (wheat germ, sea buckthorn, grape seed, almond oil are suitable) and the contents of 2-3 capsules of oil vitamins A and E (can be replaced with Aevit).

  • Apple mask

Mix equal amounts of applesauce and melted butter.

  • Chocolate balm

Melt 5 g of beeswax, mix it with warm oils: shea, almond (10 ml each) - add 10 g of cocoa powder. Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool until completely hardened. Store in the refrigerator for up to six months. Can be used to soften peeling in children.

  • Softening balm

Mix 10 ml of melted beeswax and butter.

  • Protective balm

Melt a tablespoon of lard and mix with 30 ml of liquid, warm honey. Let it thicken.

  • Wound healing oils

If the skin not only peels off, but also cracks until it bleeds, lubricate the wound surface every 3 hours with either sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil.

  • Therapeutic rubbing

Lubricate with aloe juice 2-3 times a day.

  • Tea compress

Apply the finished green tea bag as often as possible.

Visit a dermatologist so that the treatment is carried out under his supervision. For the first 2-3 days, you can use more powerful medicinal ointments, then oils and homemade masks until painful symptoms disappear. For 2 weeks after such an intensive therapeutic course, you cannot use decorative cosmetics - only medicinal ones: balms and hygienic lipsticks.

Grandma's recipe. Whisk the egg yolk and apply it to your flaky lips. As the mask dries, reapply it again and again at least 5 times. The next day the situation will improve significantly.


To prevent your lips from peeling, you need to properly care for their delicate and delicate skin at any time of the year. Do not forget that it is devoid of fat and here the blood vessels are located dangerously close to the surface. So only you can provide her with protection. Compliance with several preventive measures will not require much time and expense, but will protect you from unpleasant sensations in the future. What will you need:

  1. Visit your dentist regularly to rule out oral diseases that could cause flaking. Correct malocclusion in a timely manner.
  2. Once a week, exfoliate and massage using a soft toothbrush dipped in olive oil. After which any moisturizing mask is applied for half an hour.
  3. In the morning, wipe with an ice cube wrapped in 2 layers of gauze.
  4. Use only natural and high-quality cosmetics.
  5. Before going outside, apply balm or hygienic lipstick.
  6. Eat right and drink enough water.
  7. Do not bite or lick your lips (especially on the street).

You can’t approach peeling lips from the perspective of the Russian “maybe”: so, they say, it will pass. Only proper care and timely treatment will help you cope with this problem.
