Horoscope for June Taurus girl. What causes sneezing allergies. Human allergies - treatment

Taurus in June 2016 will feel confident and calm in all areas of life. The month will be a very promising and positive period of life.

In the sphere of work and business, be prepared to solve a huge number of routine issues. Under no circumstances should you stop, even if it seems to you that you have achieved the results you are achieving. In June, you are able to achieve more, especially if the people around you believe in your success.

The horoscope recommends listening to the opinions of others, so you can form a true opinion about yourself. If you follow corporate values ​​and ideas, no problems will arise. If you don’t understand some points, don’t be afraid to ask questions again. At the same time, do not overdo it, your task is to do the work, not to reason.

In love

In the area of ​​personal relationships, life will bring some changes. However, the changes will not be a surprise or revelation. Overall, you will be prepared for anything. This is a period when even the most difficult situations will not cause problems. You can find a beautiful way out of any situation.

In June you need to look at yourself from the outside, honestly and impartially. Perhaps you are not being honest with your partner. However, don't suffer from self-pity. Think seriously about your life principles, maybe something needs to be changed.

Taurus horoscope for June 2016. In June 2016, Taurus may be hit by a wave!!! Therefore, in June 2016, Taurus needs to be very careful - especially after June 18. The fact is that in the first half of the month, most Taurus will relax and enjoy life, and the beginning of Summer, completely relaxed, like during a good massage, and without controlling the course of events happening around you. And here, just after June 18, you may be “covered.” Young Taurus may be suddenly overwhelmed by issues of study, adult Taurus by career issues, other Taurus may be overwhelmed by an unexpected amorous romance, and other Taurus by the lack of someone’s attention or jealousy. So in the second half of June, Taurus better watch themselves closely. But this does not mean that you need to install a video camera at home, just control your desires and whims. This is especially true in the third ten days of June, when almost everything around you will irritate you. As in a situation where the lack of light is infuriating, but its presence in the house opposite is already driving you to hysterics. So in the second half of June, Taurus will already be in advance; they don’t like the fact that tomorrow they need to get up somewhere. What can be done about this? Rest more and stress less. As they say, whoever doesn’t go to bed on time will definitely have dinner a second time. So Taurus, if possible, plan a vacation or vacation for the period after June 18 - when you can afford to be capricious and lazy.

Well, in all other areas it is better for you to concentrate on the first half of the month. At this time you will be cute and charming. Moreover, even the most boring Taurus men. You will be very sociable, talkative, easy in communication and in actions. What else do those around you need from you? So at this time you can easily solve career or personal problems.

As we have already warned in general. In the summer of 2016, many Taurus will give up some illusions. Usually every woman has a couple of things hanging in her closet in case “What if I lose weight!” In the lives of many Taurus people, there are usually many such unnecessary illusions hanging in the closet. Moreover, this applies to both Taurus women and Taurus men. The summer of 2016 will put an end to these illusions, or it will gently but firmly hint that it’s time not to “fool yourself” and not waste free space or thoughts in your head on something that will never come true.

Horoscope for June 2016 Taurus favorable days- 3, 7, 9, 14, 16, 26 and 27.

Horoscope for June 2016 Taurus unfavorable days - You know that the stronger your desire to avoid something, the higher the likelihood of getting it, so there is no need to plan unfavorable days for yourself.

Horoscope for June 2016 Taurus career, work and business. As we already hinted at the beginning of the horoscope, the first half of June will be very important in career terms. Especially the first week, when some Taurus may experience tension either with unbalanced bosses (where have you seen anything else), or with colleagues or customers. The main task of Taurus at this time is not to prove to everyone that you are smarter than everyone else (especially that you are smarter than management). Keep your opinion to yourself and then it is quite possible that your superiors will leave you alone. This is especially true for some new projects, ideas or relationships with new bosses or new clients. It’s just that at this time you will too often come across people who will proudly call their bad manners their difficult character. So, in the first ten days of June, try not to be too clever and not tell people that everything depends on the context, and even the phrase “free radicals” means one thing for a chemist, but something completely different for a politician. Because for normal people this phrase means nothing at all.

In the second ten days of June, Taurus will be able to make decisions independently, distribute their forces, in other words, work as usual.

Well, in the third decade, as we said above, it’s better for you to plan a vacation, or at least a couple of days off, so that you can take some time off and have a good rest. The main thing is, try so that before your vacation you don’t have to leave work sideways, because your smile won’t fit through the door. Even when going on vacation, you need to pretend that you will only think about work all the time. Even in just swimming trunks or on a nudist beach - only about work.

Horoscope for June 2016 Taurus Finance. In the financial sector in June 2016, Taurus needs to remember one of the laws organic chemistry: If you mix 3 kg of garbage and 3 kg of apricot jam, you will get 6 kg of garbage. Therefore, try to control your expenses - especially on the purchase of unnecessary crap. Which tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will remain garbage.

Love horoscope for June 2016 Taurus. Horoscope for June 2016 Taurus Love. Taurus, are you seriously still sure that “bebebe” is the most win-win argument in any dispute? If so, then June 2016 will be very disappointing. Especially, as we already said, its second half. And first of all, this concerns family Taurus and Taurus in relationships. The fact is that June 2016 will force you not only to argue and be capricious, but also to doubt your partner. Some Taurus will be terribly jealous, while others will demand too much sex or attention from their partner. Therefore, Taurus, it is better not to start quarrels and conflicts; next month it will often seem too much to you. And it really seems like it. You know how cunning and insidious doctors first ask where it hurts, and then they put pressure there. Likewise, June 2016 will often provoke you and ask where it hurts in your relationship, and then put pressure there. For some it will be jealousy, for others it will be sex, and for others it will be the family budget.

But for some lonely and active Taurus, June 2016 can really bring very, very interesting meetings and acquaintances. Therefore, pay special attention to the first ten days and June 25, 26 and 27. At this time, meetings will be especially non-random and memorable. So Taurus do not sit at home or on the Internet in June 2016. And even if you don’t have company for leisure. It’s only a castrated cat who doesn’t know how to spend his leisure time, and you’re a Taurus. This means they can always find adventures for themselves! Well, or at least one, two, or for company.

At the end, the horoscope for June 2016 Taurus once again tells you to pay attention to your rest and sleep in the next month. Since next month the fact of lack of sleep will be on your face and in your mood. Therefore, do not bring yourself to the final stage of sleep deprivation, when you dream about how you sleep sweetly.

And most importantly, Taurus in June 2016, never give up on what makes you smile and rejoice, including the website!

Well, did Taurus like the horoscope for June 2016 from the website?

If “yes” and you want to spend the whole SUMMER in a new and joyful way, click “like”, and may the strength, cheerful mood and site be with you all SUMMER 2016!

In the first month of summer, Taurus becomes more practical in love. The planet of love, Venus, is located in your house of money, so material and financial issues will be your priorities. This does not mean that there will be no room for romantic aspirations in June 2016. In the house of love of Taurus there is the “great benefactor” Jupiter, whose influence brings the desire to enjoy life and enjoy love. Moreover, Jupiter forms a positive aspect with Pluto, foreshadowing a passionate period.

But the overall picture of the month is contradictory. The same Jupiter in your house of love opposes the planet of illusions Neptune and at the same time forms a tense aspect with the planet of limitations Saturn. Possible expressions of such influence will be mistakes, deception and self-deception. Disappointment in a loved one, cooling of feelings are possible; love itself can become a source of problems. Be more attentive to your surroundings, because at this time secret enemies become active.

Mars in the house of a Taurus partner, which moves in a retrograde (backwards) direction, can also cause unwanted effects in one's personal life. Mars has an active nature, its energy stimulates the development of existing relationships or can even bring a new love affair. But retrograde Mars can manifest its harsh and aggressive nature, as a result, conflicts and actions to one’s detriment cannot be ruled out,

IN last days In June, negative planetary aspects disintegrate and a brighter streak begins. Taurus's personal life becomes much more balanced, all energies will flow more freely for you. Perhaps interesting news or a special meeting awaits you at this time.

Taurus career and finance horoscope for June 2016

This is quite a difficult month for career and finances. June 2016 brings to light your past mistakes. There is confusion about goals and intentions, so changing jobs or activities is undesirable due to the risk of incorrect decisions.

The New Moon on June 5, 2016 activates the house of money, Taurus, and you may have big ideas about finances, but most likely they will be illusory. Changes, if you are planning them, it is advisable to postpone until next month.

Tense planetary configurations in the financial houses of Taurus foreshadow ambiguous situations. These could be unplanned expenses, failure to receive expected income, or a change in sources of financial income. To minimize risks, you need to rationally assess your financial capabilities, not go beyond your budget and avoid financial adventures. It is not recommended to take out loans or borrow money unless absolutely necessary. The time is not suitable for major acquisitions, buying or selling real estate and land plots. It's good if you think about your options. additional income- this way you will feel more confident.

Despite the difficulties of the period, success in the professional field is possible, although to achieve it you will have to overcome many obstacles and even face the dishonesty of your partners. In June 2016, it is better to act with moderate influences, without excessive activity, and try to have an indirect, indirect influence on circumstances in work and business. You should not count on the quick implementation of your plans. You can expect the results of your actions by the end of the month, when disharmonious astrological influences lose their power. The last days of June bring more positive situations regarding finances and ways of making money.


As a rule, representatives of your sign have a strong body, but in June 2016, planetary energies unfavorable for health influence it, which makes the body vulnerable. Take care of yourself and do not put off visiting a doctor if there are the slightest signs of illness. Being in nature is very useful for you, it will bring you pleasure and have a positive effect on your health.

A lot of worries await Taurus in the work area. June 2016 will be rich in various situational “adventures,” but these are ordinary work moments that happen to each of us. Don't stop there, even if it seems that the main thing is already behind you. This warning will become relevant around the middle of the month. In fact, what you will achieve by this time is not your limit at all; you are capable of conquering completely different peaks. Especially if your loved ones support you and believe in you. Try to find out what others think about you, what they say behind your back, who they think you are. Such a multilateral approach will add objectivity to your overall picture, because from the outside many things are much more visible. Focus maximum attention on those things that are really important to you.

If you support the corporate way of achieving goals at work, you'll likely be fine. Otherwise, try to force yourself to communicate more with your colleagues through an effort of will. Contact them with questions, but not empty ones, of course, but those that will help you complete your task. Of course, everything is individual, and if you are a manager, then your situation is somewhat different. Or if you think that the corporate style of work will prevent you from making a free choice of methods in your work, then act according to the situation.

The first month of summer for Taurus will be a time of possible changes and leaving their comfort zone. Some will stop only at dreams, not daring to take risks and radically change their way of life, while others will still step towards happiness and harmony. Yes, this is true, because dissatisfaction with life will mainly be associated with a hated job or prolonged unnecessary relationships. And only those who are well aware of this will be able to get rid of them. In any case, as the horoscope for June 2018 guarantees, Taurus will not be deprived of luck this month. In the second half of June, many interesting and developmental events are expected, which will be attended by people with whom you have long dreamed of starting communication. Also on final stage month Taurus will finally understand themselves and set their main goals for the near future.

Favorable days: 1, 9, 11, 15, 17, 25, 27.

Unfavorable days: 2, 3, 7, 13, 22, 28.


In June, Taurus will listen to their body too often, which is not always good. The slightest itching on the skin or headache after work will be a significant sign for you to go to the hospital. The main thing in this situation is not to self-medicate and not to diagnose yourself. IN modern world This is almost always done, and sites with pseudo-treatment help with this. Taurus, you need to spend June 2018 wisely and contact a specialist. Even if your symptoms are far-fetched, he will prescribe suitable sedatives that will help you bear stress more easily.

Particular attention should be paid to the kidneys and stomach. To do this, you should reconsider your diet and give up fatty, salty and sweet foods for at least two weeks. Summer is time fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, so it won’t be difficult to do this special labor. TO proper nutrition You definitely need to connect sports loads. If your schedule is too packed, then you should limit yourself morning exercises or a 15-minute set of exercises during a break at work.


The Taurus horoscope for June 2018 is in a hurry to reassure those who are thinking about changing jobs: June is the month that is best suited for such changes. If several times a day you catch yourself thinking about how much you hate your job, or fall asleep with reluctance to wake up tomorrow and go there again, then this suggests that it’s time to make a difficult but life-saving decision. If fear still overcomes you and does not allow you to move on, then do not immediately break all ties with this place of work, but take a closer look at other options. When you find something that suits you for sure, you will move there without fear of something new.

It will be much easier for Taurus, who have long planned to go into business and work for themselves. In June, you should start implementing all your plans and not be afraid of losing. Move slowly, rationally and carefully so as not to make mistakes and remain in an advantageous position. But creative representatives of this sign can safely put their goods up for sale and benefit from them.


Due to a possible change of job, some financial difficulties will arise. But don’t be afraid, because you can safely take from the money set aside for a rainy day, since subsequent machinations of Taurus will double these expenses. Of course, it’s worth considering that this month you won’t be able to have much fun and will have to stay at home, but it’s also possible to get into this position.

For Taurus who do not have a penny to their name, profitable solution small part-time jobs will become problems. Yes, it’s not that easy, and besides, you’ll have to return home later than usual, but who has it easy?


Lonely Taurus, completely occupied with thoughts about work and their financial situation, will completely forget about love. But most likely a person will appear who will allow you to forget absolutely everything. Representatives of this sign have always been attracted to people who are smart, well-read, natural speakers and leaders. The person you meet will be like that, and it is because of this that all problems will fade into the background. The main thing in this relationship will be mutual understanding, long heart-to-heart conversations and dedication. Such an alliance is ambiguous, since it can either remain at the level of friendship or smoothly develop into serious relationship and even marriage.

As he says love horoscope for June 2018, Taurus should pay attention to the fact that relationships will be harmonious only if both partners take into account each other’s desires and opinions. This is only possible through negotiations, so there is no need to remain silent about anything. If these conditions are met, the first month of summer will give lovers many memorable moments.

Man – Taurus

As the horoscope for June 2018 says, the Taurus man will succumb so strongly to the influence of the first month of summer that he will have romantic relationship. Single representatives of this sign should attend all sorts of corporate events, friends’ weddings and parties as often as possible, because people will definitely pay attention to you there. And here family men this month they will be more caring and romantic than ever, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by their beloved.

This month you should not squeeze all the juices out of yourself and work until you lose consciousness, as this will negatively affect the health of your organs. It’s better to devote your weekends to yourself and go to the sauna, swimming pool or massage.

Taurus Woman

Representatives of the fairer sex in June will be immersed in a household routine, from which it is not so easy to get out. It will seem that no one can do this better than you, which, of course, is an erroneous judgment. Give yourself a break and temporarily shift responsibilities to household members.

As the horoscope for June 2018 recommends, a Taurus woman should spend as much time as possible outside, because you have been waiting for warmer weather for so long. Put everything aside, forget about your problems and go on a romantic date or a friendly meeting. This will have a beneficial effect not only on psycho-emotional state, but will also add vigor.
