Chapter IV. Interiors of public buildings. Interior design of your apartments, houses, offices Drawing of the interior design of one of the public places

The individuality of a person is reflected in the interior of his home, and the individuality of society is reflected in urban architecture and the design of public spaces. This is the environment where we spend most of our lives, and it must meet the ever-changing demands of society. Interiors of public spaces - a reflection of life modern man.

Unlike private interiors, public interiors are distinguished by some features. When designing an apartment, the owner of the room, if possible, creates a comfortable environment for him. When designing public places, the interior of the room carries information about the target audience of the establishment. In bars, clubs, boutiques, people stay indoors for a short time. Based on these considerations, the interior of a cafe, hotel, showroom or office is formed. The individuality of a person is reflected in the interior of his home, and the individuality of society is reflected in urban architecture and the design of public spaces.

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The public interior creates a kind of information space that can be seen first in the appearance of the room, and then in the human mind. This space creates an emotional and psychological background, which is also called the atmosphere of the room.

Modern public interiors are bold, fast-paced and unusual, just like their visitors. Loft, urban, industrial, ethno and even futurism – there are so many styles you won’t find in urban spaces. They differ from residential premises in their variety of directions and greater boldness. Urban and industrial styles and their elements are most popular in the design of public spaces. Urban interiors have a number of advantages for the design of public spaces.

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Open space, abundance natural light, transformable interior allows you to accommodate a large number of people, leaving a feeling of freedom and lightness. Taking into account the history of the room, you can highlight key elements, successfully combining them with a modern setting. Natural textures and the absence of pathos create an atmosphere of naturalness and ease. Understanding the purpose of the room and attention to detail allows you to clearly solve functional problems: organize an exhibition, accommodate employees or visitors.

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The choice in favor of an urban style for most public spaces is justified. Everything that surrounds a modern person outside - architecture, materials, colors - appears inside the room, creating an atmosphere familiar to a person. Every person in the room feels at ease - after all, he is in a familiar urban environment.

Course work

"Public Interior Design"

PM 01. MDK 01.01. Design

Completed by a student

groups 14-D-3

Glazunova V.R.


Lebedkin L.A.




Introduction. 3

1. Features of public interior design. 4

1.1. Special requirements to the public interior. 4

1.2. Public interior design styles. 5

1.3. Textiles in public interiors. 9

1.4. Greenery in a public interior. 10

1.5. Furniture in a public interior. eleven

1.6. Lighting in public interiors. 14

1.7. Finishing materials.. 15

2. Modern tendencies in public interior design. 19

3. Artistic and design part. 21

Conclusion. 22

List of sources used. 23


Goal: Create a public interior.

Objective: Explore all theoretical material to create a public interior.

In the process of designing a public interior, it is necessary to take into account that the interior of public places should be designed for the mass consumer, taking into account general tastes and interests. At the same time, all interior details must be made in such a way as to ensure maximum comfort visitors to the establishment.

You should start designing the interior of a public building, first of all, with functional diagram and preparing sketches on which all the main elements of the interior are outlined: from large details to decorative elements.

Features of public interior design

Special requirements for public interiors

Premises in administrative buildings, as a rule, comprise the following main functional groups:

a) management offices;

b) work premises of structural divisions of institutions and organizations;

c) meeting rooms and (or) conference rooms;

d) premises for information and technical purposes, including: technical libraries, design rooms, archives, premises for information and computer technology, etc., depending on the design assignment;

e) entrance group of premises, including: vestibule, vestibule, cloakroom, pass office, security room;

f) premises of social services, including: premises of enterprises Catering, medical care, sanitary facilities, household premises for service and operational personnel, sports and fitness facilities, etc.;

g) premises Maintenance buildings, including: repair shops, storage rooms for various purposes, etc.;

h) premises for engineering equipment, including: ventilation chambers, electrical panels, etc.

The composition of premises, their area and functional relationship in institutional buildings are determined by the customer in the design assignment and (or) in accordance with the design standards given in the codes of design rules various types buildings. Composition of premises functional groups a - d and g in institutions is established in the design assignment, and their area is determined by departmental or technological standards, it should be taken into account that per employee in the premises of functional group b there must be at least 6 m2, excluding the area intended for placement office equipment. The composition, equipment, including the number of plumbing fixtures and the area of ​​premises of functional groups, are determined taking into account the standards established in SNiP 2.08.02 and SNiP 2.09.04.

The composition and area of ​​specialized premises of buildings of credit and financial institutions, banks, judicial and legal and other institutions are determined in the design assignment, taking into account departmental standards and (or) codes of rules.

The height of the premises from floor to ceiling must be at least 3 m. In small offices located within residential buildings, and in factory offices located in administrative buildings, the height of the premises may correspond to the height accepted in these buildings.

The height of technical floors should be taken taking into account the equipment being placed, utility networks and their operating conditions; at the same time, in places where service personnel pass, the clear height must be at least 1.8 m.

Rules should be applied when designing buildings fire protection people and buildings contained in SNiP 21-01, as well as Additional requirements fire safety established in SNiP, due to the specifics of administrative buildings.

Public interior design styles

The specifics of the design of public spaces differ significantly from the design of private interiors. The designer is faced with circumstances when it is necessary to competently develop a project and take into account the characteristics of a room where a large number of people can be present simultaneously and constantly. In such a space, everyone, without exception, should feel comfortable, psychologically comfortable, and safe.

First of all, it is necessary to correctly plan the space, taking into account the direction of activity and in accordance with sanitary and fire safety standards, as well as taking into account ergonomic standards and safety requirements. However, in addition to these mandatory standards, for each type of public premises there are a number of factors that allow you to choose the most effective options zoning that meets the customer’s requirements and the purpose of the premises.

Secondly, the style in which the interior of public premises will be designed must have some universality, i.e. ability to please a wide range of visitors. That is why, when choosing a style, a wide range of parameters are assessed - such as the purpose of the room, architectural features, who will be in this room, for what time and for what purpose, as well as a number of other important factors.

Avant-garde is a bright, daring movement that breaks with tradition and standard thinking. This style became a sign of the revolutionary aspirations of youth at the beginning of the 20th century, and at the same time, the avant-garde also appeared as a kind of cultural and aesthetic challenge, claiming to create a new art. That is why such a designation for the new direction was chosen - “avant-garde”, which meant “going ahead” or “advanced detachment”. Vanguard operates pure flowers- white, black, red, yellow, green. Several contrasting colors can be used in one room at the same time, which will promote dynamics and expression. Moreover, contrast can arise not only between the walls, floor and ceiling, but also in the color decoration of the walls. To decorate the interior in the Avant-garde style, the latest Decoration Materials: glass wallpaper, decorative plasters, metallized wallpaper, new paints and varnishes, laminated coverings etc.

Furniture should also be a kind of experiment. The shape can be strictly geometric, with clear contours without unnecessary details. Avant-garde avoids small decoration and decoration. Furniture made of metal, wood, and glass is perfect for the interior. Along with clear shapes and structures, absolutely shapeless objects, for example, huge cushion chairs, will look especially impressive.

In the spirit of the avant-garde - unthinkable designs - hanging beds or low beds without legs.

High-tech (from high technology - high tech) are classified as ultra-modern styles. He was born in the revolutionary 60s of the last century; the designers of that time were inspired to their feats by representatives of the architectural movements of the 20s and 30s, especially the constructivists.

Interiors in high-tech style are harmonious combination space and light, shapes of objects and their colors, plus ideal proportions. This style has no special preferences in color or material.

The interiors of this style are distinguished by clarity, concreteness, and efficiency. No drawings decorative elements Same. The surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors must be perfectly smooth and clean, and, accordingly, furniture, fabrics, and dishes must also be smooth and shiny.

In such an interior everything light, with clear geometric shapes. Well-chosen chairs, armchairs or sofas made of chromed metal and leatherette look very stylish, practical and comfortable.

Instead of a cabinet in a high-tech interior, it is better to place shelving modules with closed and open sections. All metal elements furniture and fittings should be silver and shiny.

Fusion - style as a result of influence and interaction different cultures, traditions and technologies, allows you to mix everything in everything, achieving harmony between heterogeneous objects and elements. Without denying the previous canons and, at the same time, offering its own rules, the uninhibited style, the main principle of which is the free synthesis of color and material, borrows all kinds of elements and develops the logic of collage.

Rich, even provocative colors are considered stylish - crimson, green, turquoise, gold, inky blue, red, orange, black and white. It is important that harmony is maintained.

To make the interior look better, spotlights are used. Desk lamp, sconces, floor lamps, candles and lighting in furniture cabinets create non-standard compositions, playing on the nuances of lighting.

Finishing texture is another distinctive feature Fusion Preference is given to textures characteristic of wildlife, such as zebra, leopard skin or their imitation. Products made of precious metals with natural materials, balusters, a fireplace with an adobe chimney, improvisation of expensive furniture and silk draperies. Textiles in the interior are one of the main tools of Fusion, because muslin curtains and heavy drapes, pillows and carpets can quickly transform a room. Key Features style - a sense of proportion and good taste in the selection of details, as well as courage in combinations.

Unconventional and emotional, strange and excessive Fusion style is a real masterpiece of decorative art. It is popular among people who are free to express themselves and strive to turn dull everyday life into a daily holiday.

Public interior

The concept of “public interior” is extremely comprehensive, since it includes a wide range of objects for designers’ efforts: from interiors government agencies(from social service offices to the ceremonial interiors of the Kremlin) to the interiors of commercial real estate (from a flower shop to luxury hotel apartments). In this case, interior design is everything; it itself is a product offered to the attention of a potential guest. There is no greater variety of styles and interior concepts, from historical to exotic, than in hotel interiors. A successful design also determines the consumer qualities of hotel business services - in a cozy, psychologically comfortable environment, the guest will want to stay longer - “they don’t look for good from good.”

Original interior design is the success of restaurants and clubs.

Memorable interior design is the key to the success of bars and clubs, from English style to techno style - this is the range of activities of a designer in this area of ​​business. But in the restaurant business it is generally accepted that the success of an establishment is created by the kitchen, although the original and benevolent design of the window display and entrance group than the smells of the kitchen. The role of interior design in luxury trade is quite high, when boutiques compete with each other in the ability to attract the attention of a sophisticated client with a clearly expressed stylish interior store. The design of stores belonging to large retail chains, especially international ones, is unified, its role in ensuring sales is low, the key to sales is affordable prices goods.

The tasks and importance of office design in various fields commercial activities. For example, success in banking requires having a reputable office in classic style, which is confirmed by the widespread acquisition by large banks of historical buildings for offices. This process benefits both banks, raising their prestige, and buildings, which receive decent restoration within the limits permitted by law and decent subsequent maintenance. The designer is not the last figure in both the restoration process and the decoration of the interiors of mansions. Commercial firms engaged in trade, intermediary or technological activities also try to decorate their offices with some frills; a stylishly decorated office is evidence of the success of the business. This is where we find design samples office premises in ultra modern style high tech.

Another thing is the offices of government agencies. Citizens have to visit public places of government institutions, regardless of whether they like the design of the institution or not. For example, a citizen will visit (and maybe more than once) the office of a government pension fund and will spend a lot of time in it, regardless of whether the interior design is pleasing to the eye, and even regardless of whether there is somewhere to sit while waiting or you have to stand in the corridors for hours. But this does not mean that a designer has nothing to do in such institutions. Its task is to create an environment in the office that will facilitate the mobilization of employees and increase the efficiency of their work by redesigning the office system into an office open type(a common room with separate workplaces by transparent partitions) and offer a competent color solution for the design of premises that can create a comfortable psychological environment for both employees and visitors.

Creating a Benevolent comfortable interior is a common task for designers when arranging the premises of state social services and, especially, state medical institutions. It is clear that budget interior will be stricter and more modest than the interior of a private clinic, or, say, an alternative medicine salon, decorated in ethnic style and furnished with antique furniture, but the ability to arrange a “correct” room from the point of view of psychodesign, the interior of which contributes to positive attitude patients, in conditions of limited budget - this is evidence of the high professionalism of the designer.

The design of the offices of heads of government agencies is a separate story. In this case, the main task of the designer is to convince the owner of the office to abandon excessive ostentatious luxury and limit himself to the interior in the style of reasonable functional minimalism.

The designer faces a special task of creating a highly artistic, unique image when decorating the interiors of public institutions that are visited by thousands of people - concert and memorial halls, museums, libraries and other cultural institutions with a socially significant civic function. Such public buildings designed for simultaneous occupancy large number people, usually have a hall layout with load-bearing columns, pilasters and arches, which opens up a wide field for the designer’s imagination. Using a variety of and expensive finishing materials ( a natural stone, valuable species wood, etc.) the designer creates a unique interior that plays with the tectonics of the structure. An example of this approach to choosing a figurative interior idea is the design of the Moscow International House of Music on Krasnokholmskaya Embankment (2002), the interior of which is dominated by the architecture itself, its plasticity and proportions. The solemnity of such interiors can be emphasized by using works of monumental painting and sculpture as decoration.

Investors and managers who invest money in the restaurant industry understand that the key to success in this business is two factors: the kitchen and good design interior of the establishment. You can even prioritize reverse order, because in order to try what is served in a restaurant, you must first want to go into it, that is, pay attention to the design of the window and the entrance restaurant group, feel interest in what is inside and not be disappointed at the sight of the restaurant hall, but want to sit down at selected table and order something.

For such a popular and functional establishment as a cafe, good design interior design is the key to success and maximum demand among customers. After all, people care not only about good coffee, they also choose an establishment based on the style and atmosphere that prevails there.

With the help of the appearance and decoration of a cafe you can express a lot: the main style and theme, target audience, pricing policy etc.

Thus, the owners sell not only the food and drinks in the cafe, but also its unique atmosphere and comfort. Providing visitors with the fulfillment of two basic desires at once: bread and circuses. Better sight than original design You can’t imagine an interior for a cafe.

Today, the hotel business in Russia is a sensitive barometer of business and tourist activity. Since the 90s of the twentieth century, many modern business-class hotel complexes have appeared in Moscow and other regions that fell into the sphere of business interests, competing in the fight for clients. It is clear that when choosing from two nearby hotels of the same class, the client will inevitably choose the one where he is psychologically comfortable.

There are at least three levels of store interior design: casual, premium and luxury - depending on the number of visitors, the size of the retail space and the amount of the average check. And this is correct, since the most common mistake when designing an interior is point of sale- discrepancy between the quality and assortment of goods and the decor of the store.

The history of the Russian commercial office dates back to the time of Peter I, when hired or serf workers performed their service in a specially designated place - an office, and were called office workers. They worked standing at a desk (the ancestors office furniture) - filled out office books, counting on abacuses (a prototype of a calculator).

Residential interiors come in three types: closed type, open plan and semi-open living space. First type of design home interior is implemented if there is a functionally sufficient number of isolated rooms for wealthy clients of public professions who are tired of excessive communication during the working day. An open interior (apartment - studio) is suitable for people whose whole life is spent in communication - representatives of bohemia. A family of representatives of different professions will prefer an intermediate version of a semi-open interior design, when the common areas - kitchen, dining room, living room - are divided conditionally using transformable partitions, and all other rooms are isolated.

Children are the flowers of our lives, we have no one more precious than them, we are so happy when we have them. And since then we begin to give them all the best, surround them with warmth, care and love. This is why it is difficult for parents to choose one kindergarten, which would suit them completely. This is an institution where children go preschool age and spend a lot of time there, it must comply with existing certain standards, which say that the child here should feel comfortable, cozy, convenient, so that it would be pleasant and interesting to spend time here, and most importantly, it should be safe for children. In addition to all this, every parent would like to see good, educated, sweet teachers to whom they could entrust their child with peace of mind.

The demand for an establishment largely depends on how it is decorated, and a well-executed interior of a public place in a modern style can significantly increase its popularity. The appearance of photographs of such an interior in a fashionable specialized design magazine leads to an immediate increase in the rating of a restaurant or hotel.

It is clear that the interior of a private house or apartment is created based on the preferences and wishes of the owner. But how to apply public interior in modern style, if it is impossible to predict the changing tastes and moods of society? Designing the interior of a public place is a complex and risky task, because the success of the establishment as a business project will directly depend on it, and the most prominent representatives of this dependence are fashionable nightclubs, discos, SPA salons, sports bars, fitness centers, fashionable restaurants and hotels.

Create modern style in public interiors- the work is labor-intensive and at the same time very interesting for both the designer and the customer. First of all, you need to decide on the general style and color scheme, whose influence on the opinions of visitors is the most significant. A lot depends on a clear match functional purpose, competent formation of space, correct zoning, good lighting and easy navigation.

Making out modern public interior It must be remembered that a unified style of signage and interior is a prerequisite for the success of the enterprise. An interior that combines bright originality, magical appeal and economic practicality is considered complete. The overall impression should evoke only warm feelings among guests positive emotions, and then the attendance and success of this place will steadily increase.

Little subtleties of creating a modern public interior

Our time is characterized by an increased demand for creative author's design of public areas, and today it is civilized, modern interior public place not a luxury, but an urgent necessity. When leaving home, where everything is arranged according to his will, a person subconsciously tries to visit those public places where he will feel no less comfortable. Understanding this trend, owners of boutiques, large offices, representative offices of large companies and administrations invite experienced professionals to choose the style and decorate the interiors.

A variety of styles allows you to choose the most suitable one for your establishment to implement the main idea. Depending on the purpose of the public place, this may be victorian style English men's club or glamorous public interior of a beauty salon or fitness center.

Naturalists pure materials and a calm interior will certainly be interested in cool Scandinavian designs, and lovers of the exotic will like Japanese, Arabic or African motifs in design. Youth clubs and discos still give preference to the super fashionable “art deco”, “high-tech”, “modern” and “techno”, but there are very interesting options in a classic style and even in “ethnic” style. Only thanks to the non-standard style and fresh modern design recently open establishments can successfully compete with long-known and promoted rivals.

Safety of public places

Guaranteeing the client an exclusive and recognizable interior of a public place in a modern style, we must not forget that there can be a large crowd of people in the room at the same time. This places a huge moral responsibility on the performer. It is completely unrealistic to cope with redevelopment and all kinds of calculations, reconciling them with modern safety requirements without architectural education, practical experience and special training. By placing the project for development in the reliable hands of professional designers and architects, the customer receives a guarantee that all the details will be provided for and the technical requirements will be met.

Usually, similar projects It’s not just one person, but a whole team of specialists. Its representatives, having considerable own experience, continuously monitor the latest trends, attend specialized exhibitions both in our country and abroad. With their help, every feature of the room will be thought out, the expected load will be calculated, and reliable, non-flammable, wear-resistant materials and plumbing will be selected with this in mind.

A person spends a considerable part of his life time outside the home. This is work, numerous shops, places of recreation and other establishments, when visiting which people pay attention to their general interior. We have completed more than fifty interiors of restaurants, bars, cafes, offices, banks, shops and other spaces.

Interior design of public spaces is a difficult task that only real professionals can do. We implement the most daring projects, taking into account all the wishes of our clients as much as possible.

Also, in addition to design, we carry out redevelopment projects, technology, engineering systems buildings and premises.

For any catering establishment, be it an expensive restaurant or even a canteen, one of the most important factors is interior design. Depending on how correctly, interestingly and beautifully the interior of your cafe or restaurant is decorated, more or less visitors will come to you, come back to you again, celebrate holidays and organize events with you. It is safe to say that the success of a restaurant or cafe directly depends on the comfort and design of the premises. We have completed many design projects for restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens and know both the technological part and architectural and design techniques that maximize and decorate the space.

Very important factor is that designers who do not design engineering almost always carry out catering projects incorrectly. This does not mean that they are bad - just that the designer is not a technological engineer. Meanwhile this required condition proper design of a restaurant or cafe. The technology of even catering establishments with an incomplete cycle, additional preparation or simply distribution is the same difficult task, with a lot of technical premises that must be present according to SNiPs, SPs and SanPiNs! Without this, a cafe or restaurant will either not open at all, or will not pass inspection by authorities. No less strictly checked Fire safety. We have repeatedly reworked other people's design projects, adapting and correcting them to meet the standards. When we ourselves design the interiors of public spaces, we already take all this into account.

Features of interior design of public premises

Any design activity for the design of retail and entertainment premises requires not only a comprehensive approach that takes into account the slightest nuances, but also individual solutions in each specific case. It is necessary to take into account the functional load of the room, the most comfortable stay for visitors in it, as well as the capabilities of the room as a whole, for example, how many visitors it is designed for. You need to take into account every little detail, creating ideal comfort, and then your customers will want to stay longer with you, this is especially true for cafes, restaurants and shops.

Our designers prioritize not only aesthetics, but also the functionality of the room. Everything in it should be in harmony, and at the same time you should be comfortable and comfortable. Achieving such harmony is not easy, and it is unlikely that you will be able to do it on your own. This requires not only natural talent, but also extensive experience in decorating such premises. We have carried out a wide variety of projects for such complex facilities as fitness centers, shops, hotels and even a monetarium. Therefore, do not waste precious time, but immediately seek highly professional help from our employees.

This direction is very specific due to the complexity of forming a single conceptual style. It is necessary to combine maximum functionality for the work of employees and managers, create optimal convenience and comfort, and most importantly, complete the entire symbiosis in a single style solution.

Particularly difficult is the design of the manager's office. Only a qualified designer can favorably emphasize the prestige and special rank of a manager, as well as emphasize the main direction of the enterprise’s activities with design.

Call us right now! Professional designers Our studio is capable of bringing to life a project of any complexity. We will competently and in a short time create the interior of any public space, taking into account all your wishes, which will allow you to expand the horizons of your business.
We perform:

  • Design of restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens
  • Design of offices, administrative centers
  • Design of hotels, hotels, guest houses
  • Design of fitness centers, sports centers, swimming pools
  • Design shopping centers, shops, pavilions
  • Bank design
  • Design of medical centers and clinics
  • Spa design
  • Design of clubs and discos
  • Design of museums, cigar and wine rooms, storage facilities
  • Design of public spaces, halls, stairs, lobbies
  • Design of medical centers, clinics, offices
  • Engineering projects for all types of public spaces
  • Technology projects for all types of premises

For each type of interior, we can send you a selection of completed objects upon request. We have completed a huge number of projects of all categories of premises and we cannot show them all here.

A small part of the public interiors we have designed.
