An effective diet is milk and tomato juice. Tomato juice for effective weight loss during a diet. Diet: raisins and tomato juice

This weight loss diet was developed recently and has not yet gained much popularity. However, the tomato-milk diet is very effective and those who have tried it are satisfied with the result.

For many girls, the diet menu raises a lot of questions, because this combination seems quite strange at first glance. Despite this, the diet is worth trying, because it is new, interesting and gives excellent results.

Diet menu

The product range of this weight loss diet is not too extensive. The diet menu includes low-fat milk and tomatoes themselves. If you cannot consume dairy products, you can use

In some cases, you can replace milk with a low-fat type of cheese. Gorgonzola and similar varieties are suitable. The choice of juice should also be approached carefully.

It is better to prepare it yourself or buy juice to feed your children. This is due to the fact that commercially available juice contains not only salt, but also preservatives and sugar.

Diet options

Currently, there are several diet options. They differ not only in terms of the diet menu itself, but also in the duration of compliance.

Three day diet

This option is most often used as a .

Breakfast – A glass of tomato juice or milk.

Lunch – Two hundred grams of cottage cheese or tomatoes.

Dinner – Same as breakfast.

Seven day option

This diet menu is not so strict. But this option requires the use of a special soup.

Breakfast – A glass of skim milk or tomato juice.

Lunch – A serving of tomato and milk soup.

Afternoon snack – About two hundred grams of fresh ripe tomatoes or the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner – Repeat breakfast.

The recipe for the required soup is quite simple and does not require a large number of ingredients. Take a kilogram of tomatoes, blanch and crush.

Place the resulting puree into a saucepan and heat it up. Pour half a glass of water and a glass of milk with minimal fat content into the tomatoes.

After the ingredients in the pan are heated, add one hundred and fifty to two hundred grams of chopped Gorgonzola or other low-fat cheese, as well as basil, onion and garlic to your taste.

Bring the soup to a boil and cook on medium power for twenty minutes. It is best to prepare the soup before serving as it can quickly spoil.

If there is strong feeling hunger and there is a possibility of a breakdown, it is better to eat other starch-free vegetables, such as carrots or cucumbers.

In order for the results to be better, it is best to alternate your daily caloric intake. To do this, it is enough to alternate days of eating tomatoes and dairy products.


The tomato-milk diet, like any other food system, has a list of its contraindications.

Any problems with the digestive system.

Intolerance to basic diet products.

Tired of traditional diets based on oatmeal, kefir and chicken breast? Do you want to try something new - something that’s tasty, healthy, and effective? Then the tomato juice diet is just what the doctor ordered! Especially if you love tomatoes and all their derivatives. In this article we will tell you whether tomato juice is good for weight loss, and also share diet options based on this product.

Tomato juice is a real storehouse of substances beneficial for your body. It contains a lot of vitamins A and C, carotene, and most importantly, lycopene, which prevents the occurrence of cancer. Tomato juice is also beneficial for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding. In addition, it helps fight fatigue and stress because it stimulates the production of serotonin, the “joy hormone.”

Is it possible to lose weight with tomato juice? Yes, this product is rightfully considered dietary. It speeds up metabolism, which also helps get rid of extra centimeters. To unequivocally answer the question of whether tomato juice can be used for weight loss, nutritionists once conducted an interesting experiment. One group of subjects ate low calorie foods- meat and fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and milk, and the other - tomato juice to boot. Two months later, it was found that the second group of test subjects had lost excess weight on average one and a half kilograms more. So stop wondering whether you can lose weight with tomato juice - start and see the natural result for yourself!

Which one to choose - store-bought or homemade?

The benefits of tomato juice for weight loss are obvious, but only if you prepare it yourself. Of course, the drink that can be found on store shelves is probably tastier, but not nearly as healthy as a freshly squeezed one.

But we know how to improve the taste of homemade juice without sacrificing its beneficial qualities. We bring to your attention recipes that you can use to prepare delicious tomato juice for weight loss:

  • Three tomatoes, half a large cucumber and a couple of stalks of celery. All ingredients go through a juicer.
  • 200 grams of tomatoes and the same amount of carrots, if desired - a little ground black pepper, literally on the tip of a knife. Grind everything thoroughly in a blender.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers and bell pepper. Squeeze juice from each vegetable and mix in any proportions.
  • 500 grams of tomatoes and 10 grams of garlic. Process the tomatoes into juice, chop the garlic. Combine the ingredients, leave for five to ten minutes and strain.

To prepare fresh tomato, you need to make small cuts in the skin, put the vegetables in a colander and pour over boiling water. After a couple of minutes, remove the stalk and remove the skin, and grind the pulp thoroughly in a blender. You can add herbs and spices to the finished drink - any except salt.

Tomato juice diets: choose to your liking

Is it possible to drink tomato juice while losing weight, we have already figured it out. Now let's talk about how exactly to drink it and what foods to combine with it. We offer a choice of several effective diets, the main character of which is tomato juice. Choose any one - and get to work!

Fasting day on tomatoes

Suitable for those who want to prepare for a long diet or just get themselves in order after overeating. Your diet for this day is one and a half liters of fresh tomato juice. Use throughout the day in several doses.

Three-day diet: rice and tomato juice

The rice diet with tomato juice is deservedly considered one of the most popular. And no wonder: it is quite tasty, although monotonous. But don’t worry - you won’t have time to get tired of these products, since you only need to live in this mode for three days.

The tomato juice and rice diet looks like this:

  • On the first day, you need to cook a glass of rice without adding salt, oil or any spices. Divide the resulting porridge into 4 equal portions and eat, sometimes mixing with freshly squeezed tomato juice (one and a half to two liters is enough), throughout the day. Fresh juice and rice are recommended to be consumed separately from each other.
  • The second day of the rice and tomato juice diet is a little hungrier than the previous one. The nutrition system is the same, only instead of a glass of rice - three tablespoons. Boil and divide into three meals. Fresh juice is still one and a half liters.
  • The third day of the “Rice/Tomato Juice” diet is the most difficult of all. The fact is that it does not contain cereals, only fresh tomatoes. But in unlimited quantities!

For weight loss, rice and tomato juice are what you need: in three days of such a diet, you are guaranteed to lose several extra pounds. But stick to it large quantity It’s not worth it for days - you can seriously harm your health.

Buckwheat diet with tomato juice it looks about the same as rice, with one difference - the amount of cereal does not need to be reduced from day to day. Brew the prescribed glass, divide into equal portions, eat at regular intervals and do not forget to take one and a half liters of fresh tomato juice daily. Three days of such a diet will help without special labor part with a few extra fat folds.

Diet on tomato juice and kefir

This is a two-day express diet that will help you quickly expel a couple of kilograms of excess fat from your body. Your daily diet for weight loss is kefir, tomato juice and rye bread.

Crispbread and a glass of fresh juice should be eaten for breakfast, kefir - one liter - should be drunk throughout the rest of the day. In addition, you can drink water, coffee and any tea without sugar or other additives without restrictions. The second day's menu is absolutely the same.

Weight loss soup made from tomato juice and milk

This delicious and incredibly healthy soup is prepared as follows. A kilogram of ripe tomatoes needs to be peeled (as described above) and chopped in a blender. Transfer the resulting slurry to a saucepan, add a glass of milk and half a liter of water. When the resulting mixture begins to boil, you need to add 150 grams of any grated cheese (of course, preferably low-fat cheese) and then cook for another 20 minutes.

You need to eat this soup for a week. But only for breakfast! For lunch it is recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese, no more than two hundred grams, for dinner - a glass of fresh tomato juice or low-fat milk. By the way, milk or freshly squeezed tomato juice is allowed to be consumed in the morning as an addition to soup. This diet with tomato juice is ideal for weight loss: just 7 days - and a few extra pounds are gone!

Now you know whether you can drink tomato juice while losing weight, and most importantly, how to use it correctly so that the effect is quick and lasting. Try it and share your victories in the comments!

The first two days are called hungry: a liter of milk, a glass of tomato juice, two pieces of black bread.

Two protein days.
Breakfast: a glass of coffee or milk, a piece of black bread, half a tablespoon butter, half a tablespoon of honey.
Dinner: a plate of meat broth, a piece of boiled meat or fish, two spoons of green peas, a piece of black bread.
Afternoon snack: a glass of tea or milk, half a tablespoon of honey.
Dinner: a piece of boiled meat (or two eggs), 50g of cheese or lean ham, a piece of black bread, a glass of kefir.

Two vegetable days.
Dinner: vegetable soup without butter, a piece of black bread, salad, vinaigrette or vegetable stew, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack: two apples or two oranges.
Dinner: vegetable salad with a piece of black bread, a glass of tea, half a tablespoon of honey.

Do not repeat fasting days; alternate two protein days and two vegetable days for up to 20 days. Have dinner no later than 19:00. Be sure to take a multivitamin tablet every day.

Weight loss - up to 15 kg.

Grapefruit diet

This diet is suitable for citrus fruit lovers and therefore you should not be allergic to grapefruits. If you choose this diet, also follow the rules below to increase its effectiveness.

Don't eat three hours before bed. Limit your salt intake. Limit your sugar intake.
Use low-fat dairy products.
Use non-starchy vegetables, and for salad dressings, use lemon juice with a drop of vegetable oil.
And of course, eat three grapefruits a day (for breakfast, lunch and dinner).

1 day
Breakfast: 50 g of cheese, coffee or tea without sugar.
Dinner: 250 g vegetable salad with herbs, seasoned with lemon juice Tea.
Dinner: 150 g of meat, 200 g of vegetable salad with lemon juice, tea with a teaspoon of honey.

Day 2
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, tea or coffee without sugar.
Dinner: 50 g cheese or 150 g cottage cheese.
Dinner: 200 g of fish, vegetable salad, a piece of black bread or crispbread.

Day 3
Breakfast: 150 g of porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat) with the addition of a tablespoon of raisins.
Dinner: 200 g of vegetable soup with a piece of black bread or crispbread.
Dinner: 200 g chicken with tomato and cucumber, tea.

4 day
Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice, a boiled egg.
Dinner: 300 g of carrot salad or green vegetables (cucumber, pepper, celery, lettuce, broccoli, etc.), a piece of bread or toast.
Dinner: 350-400 g of stewed vegetables, tea.

5 day
Breakfast: orange or apple. Coffee or tea with lemon.
Dinner: two baked potatoes with vegetable salad (200 g).
Dinner: 200 g of meat, a glass of tomato juice.

On the sixth and seventh days, you can choose any of the options you like or combine your own menu, taking into account the basic rules.

Low calorie diet

This low-calorie diet lasts for a month. It is taken from the book by Sofia Vendrovskaya “100 minutes for beauty and health”

Menu A alternates every other day with menu B.

First week.

Before work:
Option A: a glass of warm milk with a spoon of honey, a stale bagel.
Option B: a cup of tea, a piece of black bread sprinkled with parsley.
Option A: a glass of tea, 2 pieces of black bread, thinly buttered with two lettuce leaves. Option B: a glass of kefir, a stale bagel, 10-12 salted radishes.
Option A: boiled fish with horseradish, 2-3 potatoes sprinkled with herbs, green salad With lemon juice And olive oil.
Option B: vegetable soup, thick with green peas, a piece of lean beef, 2-3 potatoes, fruit salad with sugar and lemon juice.
Afternoon snack:
Option A: two tomatoes, or a glass of tomato juice with a cracker.
Option B: fruit or a glass of fruit juice with a biscuit.
Option A: a glass of low-fat kefir, 2 pieces of black bread, thinly anointed with honey and sprinkled with parsley.
Option B: a glass of sweet milk, 2 pieces of challah, dried in the oven, anointed with honey.

Second week.

Before work:
Option A: a glass of fruit or vegetable juice, 1 cracker.
Option B: a glass of tea with milk, a piece of black bread with honey.
Option A: 2 pieces of black bread, a little butter and cheese, a glass of tea.
Option B: 2 pieces of black bread with meat, 2 tomatoes, a glass of tea.
Option A: 2 meat cutlets, carrot salad, jelly.
Option B: red borscht with boiled egg, boiled fish, 2 potatoes, green salad.
Afternoon snack:
Option A: fruit, biscuit.
Option B: kefir and crackers.
Option A: kefir, black bagel with jam.
Option B: a glass of tea, 2 pieces of low-fat cheese.

Third week.

Before work:
Option A: a cup of coffee, a piece of black bread with honey.
Option B: a glass of milk with honey, a cracker.
Option A: kefir, a piece of black bread with butter, a soft-boiled egg, radishes.
Option B: a glass of tea, 2 pieces of bread with lean ham, 2 tomatoes.
Option A: steak fried in a dry frying pan, spinach with sour cream, a glass of juice.
Option B: rice, stewed mushrooms, a glass of broth, 2 baked apples.
Afternoon snack:
Option A: fruit, cracker.
Option B: fruit, biscuit.
Option A: a glass of milk, a stale bagel, cottage cheese.
Option B: a glass of tea, a piece of bread with cold veal, an apple.

Fourth week

Before work:
Option A: a cup of tea, a cracker with honey.
Option B: a glass of milk, black bread with butter.
Option A: 2 pieces of bread with butter and low-fat cheese, 2 apples.
Option B: stale bagel with butter, 2 soft-boiled eggs, tea, apple.
Option A: portion of chicken with vegetables, 2 spoons of mashed potatoes, green salad, jelly.
Option B: a cup of broth without fat, beans with tomato sauce, 2 potatoes with herbs, an apple.
Afternoon snack:
Option A: carrot juice, biscuit.
Option B: cup of coffee, cracker.
Option A: a glass of low-fat kefir, a stale bagel.
Option B: 2 slices of bread with liver pate, radishes.

Japanese diet

With this diet you cannot use: potatoes, sugar, lemonade, beer, alcohol, bread, flour and confectionery. Limit salt intake. Water without restrictions.

1 day
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, stewed cabbage in vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: fried or boiled fish.

Day 2
Breakfast: black coffee and cracker.
Dinner: fried or boiled fish, stewed cabbage in vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled beef 220 g, a glass of kefir.

Day 3
Breakfast: kefir and crackers.
Dinner: fried zucchini in vegetable oil or zucchini caviar, apples.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

4 day
Breakfast: black coffee and cracker.
Dinner: raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g of cheese.
Dinner: fruits.

5 day
Breakfast: raw grated carrots, seasoned with lemon juice.
Dinner: large fish (500 g) fried or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: fruits.

Day 6
Breakfast: black coffee and cracker.
Dinner: half boiled chicken, fresh carrot salad.
Dinner: No.

Day 7
Breakfast: tea.
Dinner: boiled beef 200 g, fruit, a glass of kefir.
Dinner: fruits or whatever you want from the diet of previous days after the third day.

Day 8
The diet should be repeated for 7 days.

Next, we repeat the diet from the 3rd to the 5th day.

Within 13 days, 7-8 kilograms of weight are lost.

Diet "Week"

This diet will allow you to lose 2-4 kilograms. The advantage of this diet is that it consists of affordable foods and contains vegetables and fruits. Disadvantage - the diet is not very suitable for working people, because... Meals are scheduled by the hour. It is recommended to exclude sugar, potatoes, carrots, beets, and legumes from your diet. It is advisable to use low-fat dairy products. When preparing salads, use the dressing: a teaspoon of olive oil mixed with the juice of one lemon. Drink at least two liters of water per day, the most preferred are: mineral water, herbal teas, dried apricot compote (without sugar), rose hip decoction, hibiscus tea.

1 day
7.30 - 2 kiwis.

10.00 - a portion of low-fat yogurt, a cup of tea or coffee.
11.00 - apple.
13.00 - green salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.
15.00 - 80g boiled chicken breast, 100g cauliflower, 2 slices of cheese.
17.00 - pear.

19.30 - two-egg omelette, bio-yogurt.
Day 2
7.30 - orange.
8.00 - buckwheat.

11.00 - apple.
13.00 - 100g of boiled lean fish.
15.00 - stewed vegetables, salad, organic yogurt.
17.00 - pear.
19.00 - a glass of cabbage broth.
19.30 - green salad with dressing, low-fat cottage cheese, organic yogurt.
Day 3
7.30 - half a glass of freshly squeezed juice and half a glass of water.
8.00 - oatmeal porridge with milk.
10.00 - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea or coffee.
11.00 - apple.
13.00 - 100g boiled veal.
15.00 - salad, stewed vegetables, 2-3 slices of cheese.

19.00 - a glass of cabbage broth.
19.30 - cauliflower, baked with cheese, bio-yogurt.
4 day
7.30 - 2 tangerines.
8.00 - barley porridge with milk.

11.00 - apple.
13.00 - 100g boiled squid.
15.00 - green salad, stewed eggplant, 2 slices of cheese.
17.00 - 4 pieces each of dried apricots and prunes.
19.00 - scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
19.30 - boiled vegetables, bio-yogurt.
5 day
7.30 - 2 kiwis.
8.00 - oatmeal porridge with milk.
10.00 - toast from wholemeal bread (with bran) with unsweetened jam, a cup of tea or coffee.
11.00 - apple.
13.00 - 100g boiled chicken breast.
15.00 - green salad, 100g cauliflower or broccoli, yogurt.
17.00 - pear.
19.00 - a glass of cabbage broth.
19.30 - baked tomatoes with cheese, low-fat cottage cheese.
Day 6
7.30 - orange.
8.00 - buckwheat porridge.
10.00 - a portion of low-fat yogurt, a piece of wholemeal bread, a cup of tea or coffee.
11.00 - apple.
13.00 - stewed vegetables.
15.00 - 100g of boiled fish, green salad, slice of cheese.
17.00 - 4 almonds, 3 hazelnuts, 1 walnut.
19.00 - omelet with mushrooms.
19.30 - stewed vegetables, green salad.
Day 7
1.5 kg of apples for the whole day (divided into six doses).

Diet "Rest"

This diet may be suitable for those who do not like or cannot spend time preparing diet food. Promised weight loss of up to three kilograms.

1 day
Breakfast: a glass of milk and two small grain breads.
Dinner: 10 boiled dumplings with mayonnaise (preferably low-calorie).
Afternoon snack: Big apple.
Dinner: scrambled eggs from two eggs and a slice of black bread.

Day 2
Breakfast: 2 large carrots and a portion of yogurt.
Dinner: 2 slices of ham and a slice of fresh cabbage.
Afternoon snack: banana.
Dinner: 100g pasta and a slice of cheese.

Day 3
Breakfast: boiled egg with mayonnaise.
Dinner: a glass of instant soup and tomato and onion salad.
Afternoon snack: orange.
Dinner: boiled sausage and boiled beets, cut into slices.

4 day
Breakfast: a glass of kefir and 5 walnuts.
Dinner: 150g boiled fish with rice.
Afternoon snack: 2 tangerines.
Dinner: 2 sandwiches with boiled sausage or lean boiled pork on black bread.

5 day
Breakfast: a glass of milk with a tablespoon of muesli and 3 pieces of dried apricots.
Dinner: Chop some onions, carrots and cheese into a glass of broth diluted from a cube. Boil.
Afternoon snack: persimmon.
Dinner: 200g cottage cheese with a tablespoon of jam.

Day 6
Breakfast: a serving of fruit yoghurt.
Dinner: boiled chicken leg and 150g cabbage.
Afternoon snack: pear.
Dinner: 2 carrots and an apple.

Day 7
Breakfast: two egg omelette.
Dinner: portion of vegetarian borscht.
Afternoon snack: 200g grapes.
Dinner: quickly fried steak (150g) and 50g boiled pasta. Prepare a sauce for them: beat half a fresh tomato with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a clove of garlic.

Diet "Svetlanka"

In 13 days of the diet, weight loss should be 5 kg, and weight loss should continue after the end of the diet. During the diet, it is recommended to exclude from the diet: alcoholic beverages, salt, sugar and sweets. Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

Days 1 and 13 of the diet
Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, spinach 80g, 2 tomatoes.
Dinner: 150g boiled meat, 3 lettuce leaves.

Days 2 and 12 of the diet
Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
Dinner: 150g boiled meat, 3 lettuce leaves.
Dinner: 100g cup of black coffee ham, glass of kefir

Days 3 and 11 of the diet
Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
Dinner: celery roots fried in vegetable oil, tomatoes and fruits - all 150g.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 150g grated carrots, 50g cheese.

- a natural product with a minimum amount of calories, which is beneficial for a person who limits himself in food. Most women doubt that using this drink can help them lose weight.

But nutritionists have long used tomato juice as a proven dietary remedy. The main thing is to know how to use it correctly and with what food products to achieve your goal.

Benefits of tomato juice

They contain the following useful components:

  • Vitamins: retinol, tocopherol, group B, C.
  • Micro and macroelements: calcium, zinc, sulfur, potassium, iron.

These substances are transferred into fresh tomato juice and are well preserved if the vegetable is properly processed.

Let's consider what beneficial properties tomatoes have:

  • Acts as a prophylactic agent for of cardio-vascular system . Reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • Has antioxidant properties. Allows you to preserve beauty, youth, and also reduces the risk of cancerous malignant tumors.
  • Accelerates the process of natural synthesis of the hormone of happiness- serotonin. The substance improves the emotional state, eliminates depression and apathy.
  • Relieves painful sensations during premenstrual and climatic syndrome.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Prevents the fermentation process in the stomach, as well as the accumulation of gases. Has a beneficial effect on work digestive system.
  • Improves appearance hair, skin, nails.
  • Protects the prostate gland from external negative influence.
  • Restores potency.
  • Normalizes water balance, reduces the risk of edema formation. It is considered very useful product for the urinary system.
  • An effective treatment for obesity and getting rid of excess body weight.
  • Reduces blood glucose levels. Allowed for use in diabetes mellitus.

The usefulness of juice has been proven for a long time. The drink is especially recommended for people with a sedentary lifestyle, as it prevents blood from stagnating and blood clots forming. During pregnancy, the juice normalizes iron levels in the blood.

Harm of tomato juice

Excessive and uncontrolled use of tomato drink can cause severe harm to the human body.

Main contraindication for use— individual intolerance to components, allergies. In the latter case, if a rash or itching occurs, you must immediately stop taking the drink.

Due to its ability to enhance the functioning of the digestive system, tomato juice can act as an irritant and aggravate existing chronic diseases.

How many calories are in tomato juice?

The drink is low-calorie, since on average there are from 17 to 22 Kcal per 100 grams of product, therefore, a glass of fresh juice contains up to 44 Kcal.

Due to its low energy value, tomato juice is considered healthy and necessary product to reduce excess body weight.

Despite this, nutrition experts warn lovers that the drink must be taken correctly and dieting must also be done correctly. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your health.

How to drink tomato juice correctly?

In order for the drink to bring exceptional benefits to the body, you must adhere to the following rules and basics:

  • Use only natural fresh juice, preferably own production than those purchased in a package. It is important to remember that a drink purchased in cans or packages contains synthetic substances used to preserve the product for a longer period of time. If the homemade juice turns out to be very sour, then you can add a little finely chopped garlic or fresh herbs.
  • It is not recommended to mix tomatoes with protein and starch. Otherwise, you can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
  • It is recommended to drink 30 minutes before a meal, since drinking will be absorbed faster and will not cause harm to the body.
  • At dietary nutrition juice taken between meals or instead of them.
  • Don't drink in excess.
  • It is highly undesirable to add salt, so the drink will be useless.

In the presence of chronic diseases Before taking tomato juice, you must consult your doctor.

Tomato juice diet for 3 and 7 days

The tomato diet is considered effective. It includes regular consumption of tomatoes or tomato juice throughout the day. Classic version designed to quickly burn a lot of calories and remove excess weight.

The diet must include 1 liter of fresh tomato juice and 150 g of homemade rye bread crackers. Pure, non-carbonated liquid can be drunk in unlimited quantities.

During the diet, the following foods are prohibited from being included in the diet:

  • granulated sugar;
  • seasonings;
  • any kind of salt;
  • conservation;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried foods;
  • confectionery.

It is important not to forget about maintaining water balance. The diet must include still water, and you can also add herbal juice, fruit juice and natural coffee (no more than 1 cup).

For variety, you can add fresh herbs (parsley, dill, basil) to freshly squeezed juice.

You need to quit the diet correctly and gradually. Abruptly switching to familiar foods means increasing the risk of gaining weight back. Vegetable soups are introduced first, then crackers, raw vegetables, and then cereals and meat products.

Let's take a closer look sample menu for 3 and 7 days.

Menu for 3 days

An approximate three-day menu in the table:

Day Menu
1 day : fresh tomatoes 300 g, a glass of water.

Lunch: freshly squeezed juice (100-150 ml), greens.

Dinner: tomato, cabbage salad with a small amount oils, green tea without sugar.

Afternoon snack: fresh tomatoes (300 g).

Dinner: tomato juice (250 ml), bread, fresh herbs.

Day 2 Breakfast: still water, unsweetened fruit.

Lunch: juicy tomatoes (350 g), bread.

: salad with cucumber and tomato, fresh herbs (no oil, salt), green tea with lemon.

Afternoon snack: fresh tomato with herbs (300 ml).

Dinner: fresh tomatoes (250 g), black bread.

Day 3 Breakfast: green tea with lemon, bread.

Lunch: tomato juice (250 ml), fresh herbs.

Dinner: salad with tomatoes and others fresh vegetables, greens, filtered water.

Afternoon snack: tomatoes (250 g), still water.

: tomato juice (250 ml), greens, bread.

The last meal should be no later than 19:00. You need to drink a drink per day during your diet clean water at least 1.5 liters.

Menu for 7 days

An approximate weekly menu in the table:

Day of the week Menu
Monday Breakfast:low fat (100 g), fresh tomato (200 ml), bread.

Lunch:still water, apple.

Dinner: salad with cabbage, fresh herbs (50 g), boiled poultry (100 g), tomato juice.

Afternoon snack: dried fruit compote, bread.

Dinner: white stewed with vegetables (250 g), tomato drink 200 ml.

Tuesday Breakfast: juice, hard cheese (45 g).

Lunch: orange, water.

Dinner: boiled rice (100 g), steamed white fish (100 g), juice.

Afternoon snack: feta cheese, fresh tomato.

Dinner: vegetable salad (100 g), boiled veal (50 g), tomato juice.

Wednesday Breakfast: boiled potatoes (1 pc), tomato juice (200 ml).

Lunch: plain Greek yogurt.

Dinner: poultry stew with vegetables (except potatoes) 250 g, tomato juice 200 ml.

Afternoon snack: baked fruits, tomato drink.

Dinner: steamed low-fat fish (100 g), salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens (50 g), juice.

Thursday Breakfast: tomato juice (200 ml), dried fruits (100 g).

Lunch: a slice of bread with curd cheese, water.

Dinner: steamed vegetables (250 g), fresh tomato.

Afternoon snack: Greek yogurt, tomato juice.

Dinner: baked veal (50 g), cabbage salad (100 g), tomato drink 200 ml.

Friday Breakfast: boiled egg (1 pc), tomato juice, bread.

Lunch: low fat (200 ml).

Dinner: baked turkey meat (100 g), rice with vegetables (100 g), tomato drink.

Afternoon snack: fresh tomatoes, bread.

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), fruit salad (50 g), fresh tomato 200 ml.

Saturday Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), tomato juice (200 ml).

Lunch: fresh tomatoes (2 pcs), bread.

Dinner: lean steamed beef (100 g), baked vegetables (150 g), vegetable drink.

Afternoon snack: baked apple with cinnamon, fresh.

Dinner: baked fish (100 g), tomato and herb salad (50 g), tomato drink.

Sunday Breakfast: slice of bread with cheese, pithon.

Lunch: Ryazhenka (200 ml), rye bread.

Dinner: baked fish with vegetables (250 g), juice.

Afternoon snack: dried fruits (50 g), fresh vegetables.

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (150 g), not sweet fruit, fresh.

Important! Dried fruits such as raisins and figs are prohibited.

Fasting day on tomatoes

One-day fasting diets can improve the health of the body and act as a prevention of obesity. Relevant in summer and autumn. Let's look at the common types.

Diet: rice and tomato juice

Perfectly combined 2 ingredients: rice, juicy tomatoes and freshly squeezed juice from them. Rice grains contain significant. The main advantage is that it does not contain gluten.

To cleanse the body of toxins and waste, it is recommended to use brown rice.

The daily amount of products is indicated, which must be divided into 5 doses:

  • First day: Boil 250 g of rice, make 1 liter of fresh drink.
  • Second day: 90 g of boiled rice in the morning, afternoon and evening. Daily norm fresh juice - 2.5 l.
  • Third day: drink 2.5 liters of the main drink per day and the same amount of clean water without gas. At the final stage, eating rice is not allowed.

Diet: raisins and tomato juice

Diet: tomato juice and kefir

Fermented milk drink and fresh tomato juice can often be found in diet food options.

One of them is considered:

  • breakfast - 200 ml of the main drink and 50 grams of crackers;
  • Distribute 1 liter of low-fat kefir throughout the day.

Do not forget about drinking clean water, green tea without sugar, at least 2.5 liters. This option It is used for 2 days and allows you to switch to a low-calorie diet, as well as remove a few centimeters from your waist.

Diet: chicken and tomato juice

Diet with chicken breast and tomato juice is a gentle nutrition option that allows you to lose weight smoothly, without losing muscle mass. This method refers more to the unloading option, allowing you to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and improve the digestion process.

The menu could be like this:

  • Morning: bread and butter, a glass of fresh tomato juice.
  • Dinner:“Vegetable” salad (tomatoes, cucumber, dill, oil, lettuce).
  • Afternoon snack: Poached white, low-fat fish, juice.
  • Dinner: vegetables stewed with mushrooms and herbs, tomato juice.

Diet: eggs and tomato juice

There are 2 options:

Daily diet 2 types of food:

  • white from 2 eggs at each meal;
  • hard cheese - 15 g;
  • boiled chicken or turkey - 200 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • fresh, non-sweet fruits.

Diet: cottage cheese and tomato juice

Diet: tomato juice and black bread

Used as a fasting day and is considered the heaviest:

  • Breakfast: fresh tomato (200 ml).
  • Second breakfast: a slice of black bread, water.
  • Dinner: bread, drink made from fresh fruits with herbs (250 ml).
  • Afternoon snack: bread, water.
  • Dinner: freshly squeezed juice.

Diet: milk and tomato juice

The fasting period is 3 days, the daily menu is a little similar to the cottage cheese option:

  • In the morning: low-fat milk 300 ml.
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable juice with fresh herbs.
  • Dinner: tomatoes 300 g.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese (1%) 150 g.
  • Dinner: fresh juice with herbs.

Diet: buckwheat and tomato juice

Buckwheat- the most popular cereal in dietary nutrition. The kernels contain a significant amount of building material(squirrel). Due to this, the body experiences much less stress.

In addition, constant fatigue, weakness and dizziness will disappear. This option can be used as unloading option on a 3, 5, 14 day diet.

Daily food intake:

  • Tomatoes- 300 g.
  • Fresh- 1 l.
  • Buckwheat porridge— 500 g.
  • Low-fat kefir- 200 ml.

Diet: fish and tomato juice

For a fasting day, you need to use low-fat red and white fish. Daily norm: 1 liter of juice, 0.5 kg of boiled white fish, 2.5 liters of still water. The specified volume must be divided into 5 doses at equal time intervals.

Fish will help replenish the lack of nutrients, remove the feeling of hunger and perfectly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet: cheese and tomato juice

Not all cheese is allowed to be consumed during a diet.

The most popular varieties are Tofu (90 Kcal per 100 g) and Ricotta (170 Kcal per 100 g).

It is also allowed to use a durum product, but with the lowest fat content. Unfortunately, this type is very rarely found in stores lately.

Processed or curd cheese helps a lot. They are lower in calories and very healthy. For example, Philadelphia cheese (5%) is perfect.

So, with this type of dietary food, you are allowed to consume only cheese, bread, freshly prepared fresh vegetables with herbs and still water. The daily norm for processed (curd cheese) is 100 g, and for hard cheese 50 g.

What can you replace tomato juice with?

If fresh tomato is not possible or you are tired of it, then you can replace it with the following drinks:

  • from rosehip;
  • herbal infusion;
  • apple, pomegranate drink.

Freshly squeezed juice can be replaced with packaged juice from the store, provided that the composition does not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers or other additives.

To diversify your diet, instead of fresh juice, you can use fresh, baked fruits without adding spices, salt, or oil.

The results that the diet promises

Dietary nutrition using fresh vegetable juice will help you remove up to 8 kg in 10 days, up to 5 kg in 5 days, up to 2-3 kg in 3 days, and up to 1.5 kg in a fasting day. By following all the rules for intake, the diet improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and helps normalize high blood pressure.

Despite good results, a bunch of positive feedback The diet has several disadvantages:

  • Contains the least amount of proteins, which adversely affects muscle mass and the ability to combine nutrition with physical activity.
  • Fast weight loss, as strong stretch marks and cellulite appear, the epidermis becomes less elastic and becomes very depleted.
  • Has many contraindications, so the diet is not suitable for everyone.


Before using any diet, you must visit a doctor and nutritionist in order to correctly formulate a diet, thereby not causing harm to your health. Despite all positive properties fresh tomato, it has a number of contraindications.

Increases the acidic environment of the stomach due to the abundance of organic acids, which leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastroudenitis

It is also prohibited to introduce into the diet if:

  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder;
  • joint diseases;
  • gout;
  • disease genitourinary system infectious nature.

A diet using fresh juice is prohibited:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • after operations;
  • with high sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • children, adolescents and elderly people.

It also activates the microorganism Helicobacter pylori, which increases the risk of erosion, and then a stomach ulcer appears, duodenum. It is forbidden to drink a vegetable drink if you are poisoned, as vomiting and diarrhea may occur.

- a great way to shape your figure and remove a few extra pounds. It is important to remember that any diet will only bring temporary results. Therefore, it is imperative to follow all the rules when leaving.

Not all people like tomato juice, but, as we said in the article above, it really helps fight excess weight and is an extremely healthy product.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


If you want to lose weight quickly, but without harm to your health, you can include a tomato drink in your diet. There is a harmless nutritional method - a tomato juice diet that helps you lose weight up to 5 kg in one week. Tomatoes help burn glycogen, which is deposited in human muscles. If you drink juice, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your intestines of toxins and improve your metabolism.

Tomato juice for weight loss

According to nutritionists, not everyone can drink multivitamin juice; it has contraindications, for example, people suffering from various diseases of the stomach or intestines. Such patients should not drink the drink even on fasting days. Opinions about whether tomato juice is useful for losing weight are clear; it is worth consuming it, and it is better in its raw form. What does this valuable product contain:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A, E, P;
  • vitamin C;
  • microelements;
  • macroelements;
  • fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

You can drink such fresh juice not only while on a diet; it is non-calorie and healthy. The scarlet color of tomatoes is due to the pigment lycopene, which has antioxidant properties. A tasty and healing tomato drink stimulates the production of the joy hormone – serotonin – in the human body. A trace element such as potassium, which is found in tomatoes, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, regardless of whether tomato juice is drunk during a diet or simply included in the diet, it will help strengthen organs and their systems.

Tomato diet

It is important to know that tomatoes increase the acidity of gastric juice, so even a healthy person should consult a doctor before regularly consuming fresh juice. Only in this case, a tomato diet will benefit and not harm. Eating tomatoes or fresh juice from them dulls the feeling of hunger, because tomatoes contain the hormone ghrelin. For this reason, losing weight with tomato juice is easy. The diet includes many recipes that effectively help you lose weight.

Diet on rice and tomato juice

Two components complement each other perfectly - rice and several tomatoes or juice from them. Rice is a source of carbohydrates, proteins, and does not contain gluten. To cleanse the body, it is better to use brown rice. The tomato juice and rice diet has many recipes, the most popular, fast three day diet, which combines only these 2 components.

  • First day: boil 250 g of rice, 4 cups of fresh tomato juice.
  • Second day: 3 tbsp. spoons of rice for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Drink 2.5 liters of tomato juice throughout the day.
  • Third day: drink tomato juice and water, do not eat rice.

Kefir with tomato juice for weight loss

A good option for cleansing and losing weight is the kefir-tomato diet for a week; it helps remove a large amount of toxins from the body. To do this, you should not replace fresh fresh tomatoes with pasteurized juice, to which sugar is added. Eating two products acts as a laxative on the body. Tomato juice is a low-fat but nutritious product that helps curb hunger. As a result, 3 kg can be subtracted from the total weight, but this is due to getting rid of toxins, but not by depleting the fat layer.

Buckwheat with tomatoes for weight loss

In the morning for breakfast, at lunch and in the evening you need to eat two main products - buckwheat porridge and juice. Boiled porridge should be without butter, salt or sugar. Milk should also not be added; kefir can replace it. During the day you need to eat 1 kg of tomato, a couple of servings of healthy buckwheat porridge. It is important that kefir has 0% fat content; it can be consumed up to 2 glasses. This menu will allow you to stay on diet food for 14 days.

Tomato-apple diet

A short-term diet for 4 days helps not only cleanse the intestines, but also remove harmful toxins. The apple-tomato diet allows you to reduce body weight by 4 kg. All that is required is to alternate the menu by day. For example, on day 1, in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening, a person eats only tomatoes. On the 2nd day you should eat up to 3 kg of apples, and this order should continue for the last 2 days. You can add dried fruits to your diet, although this is not necessary.

Fasting day on tomato juice

Surprisingly, on this day you can include dishes from different products, although the main ingredient is tomato juice for weight loss, it is made from 3 kg of tomatoes. Those who tried this option lost 1.5 kg in 1 day. Menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: 250 ml of fresh tomato juice, plus a slice of black bread.
  • Lunch: 500 ml fresh tomato juice, 100 g boiled rice. Boiled vegetables, for example – peas, potatoes, carrots.
  • Afternoon snack: 250 ml fresh tomatoes, 100 g boiled meat (turkey or chicken).

If possible, such days should be arranged as often as possible; they help the body recover after daily overeating. If a person complains of pain in the liver or stomach, or has been ill gastrointestinal diseases, then before organizing such a day, you should consult a doctor. This approach will avoid the exacerbation phase.
