Jams with mushrooms in Chinese medicine. Mushroom treatment. Shiitake mushrooms: benefits and harm

Year of issue: 2007

Genre: Biology

Format: DjVu

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: Interest in traditional oriental medicine and its integral part - fungotherapy - in our country, as well as throughout the world, is extremely high today. This is due to the broad search and study of pharmacologically active compounds of plant, animal and microbial origin that began in the middle of the last century, which could not but affect higher fungi. Since the discovery of penicillin, thousands of specimens of micromycetes and later macromycetes have been included in research. It should be noted that the strategy of using mushrooms along with plants to create medicines was developed mainly by Eastern scientists. Today well known in folk medicine different countries In the East, the healing properties of mushrooms are widely used as the basis for a wide variety of medicines and dietary supplements used in the treatment of various diseases.
The purpose of the book “Medicinal Mushrooms in Traditional Chinese medicine and modern biotechnologies" is to acquaint the Russian reader with the results of studying the medicinal properties of mushrooms, as they say, first-hand. The book summarizes the results of research on medicinal mushrooms at the Institute of Mycology of Jilin Agricultural University (Changchun, China) and other scientific, medical and pharmaceutical institutes in the countries of the Pacific region. The first author of this book - Director of the Institute of Mycology, Professor Li Yu - is a foreign member Russian Academy agricultural sciences. On his initiative, in accordance with the agreement on international scientific and technical cooperation between the State Institution Zonal Research Institute Agriculture The Chinese-Russian Center for the Study of Mushrooms was created in the North-East named after N.V. Rudnitsky by the Russian Agricultural Academy and the Institute of Mycology of Jilin Agricultural University. The tasks of the center include studying mushroom resources in the territory Russian Federation, expedition fee biological material; measures to protect biodiversity and create a gene bank in the field of mycology; study of the chemical composition of representatives of local mycoflora in order to obtain biologically active substances for use in pharmacy and medicine; development and implementation of technologies for industrial cultivation of mushrooms for food and medicinal purposes.
In the summer of 2006, a joint Chinese-Russian mycological expedition was carried out to collect mycological material on the territory of the Kirov region, during which the idea of ​​a joint monograph on mushrooms and their medicinal properties and the development of fungal biotechnologies.
The work in this direction of our foreign colleagues was supported by the phantom of the State Natural Science Foundation (NSF) of China. Honored Scientist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of China, Professor Wei Jiang Chin, highly appreciated the completed project. In his opinion, this book is not only one of the first fruits of scientific cooperation between our countries in the field of mycology, but also a symbol of friendship between the peoples of China and Russia.
The introductory part of the review examines the thousand-year traditions of using the healing power of mushrooms in the medicine of the East and West, special attention is paid to the results of studying the chemical nature of individual pharmacologically active substances of medicinal mushrooms, and the therapeutic value of mushrooms for food use is shown. The main part of the book contains descriptions of several dozen species of medicinal mushrooms, used in traditional Chinese medicine. Many of them are known and widespread in our country, and some representatives, thanks to the development of artificial cultivation technologies, throughout the world.
Since mushroom technologies today open an era of new medicines and biologically active substances in medicine, and along with this, the experience of medical use of artificially grown mushrooms is growing, the monograph concludes with a section devoted to mushrooms as objects of modern biotechnologies. Prospects for the development of fungal biotechnologies aimed at obtaining standardized medicinal raw materials for the production of pharmacologically active drugs and Food Industry. The book “Medicinal Mushrooms in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Biotechnologies” separately examines the prospects for the development of mushroom growing as a knowledge-intensive branch of agriculture.

"Medicinal mushrooms in traditional Chinese medicine and modern biotechnology"


  1. Marasmius androsoceus
  2. Lyophyllum decastes
  3. Hirschioporus locteus
  4. Piptoporus betulinus
  5. Inonotus obliquus
  6. Trametes roblniophilo
  7. Flammulino velutipes
  8. Armillaria tobescens
  9. Laetiporus sulphureus
  10. Coprinus comotus
  11. Chroogomphus rutilus
  12. Hypholomo sublateritium
  13. Pholiota nameko
  14. Pholioto adiposa
  15. Armillariella melleo
  16. Auricularia auricula-judae
  17. Agaricus bisporus
  18. Trametes versicolor
  19. Cryptoporus volvatus
  20. Gonodermo tsugoe
  21. Loctorius deliciosus
  22. Lentinus edodes
  23. Lepista nuda
  24. Tremello fuciformis
  25. Gonodermo lipsiense
  26. Conthorellus cibohus
  27. Wolfiporia extenso
  28. Bulgaria inquinans
  29. Ustilago maydis
  30. Omphalia lapidescens
  31. Phellinus igniarius
  32. Pleurotus eryngii
  33. Beauveria bassiana
  34. Schizophyllum commune
  35. Panellus serotinus
  36. Gloeostereum incarnatum
  37. Phallus indusiatus
  38. Hericium erinaceus
  39. Hericium corolloides
  40. Grifola umbellafe
  41. Pleurotus ostreatus
  42. Polyporus umbellatus
  43. Monascus purpureus
  44. Gonodermo lucidum
  45. Cordyceps sinensis
  46. Cordyceps militaris
  47. Shiraia bambusicola
  48. Trich&loma matsutake
  49. Tricholoma mongolicum
  50. Volvariella volvacea
  51. Pleurotus citrinopileatus
  1. Medicines and biologically active compounds from microscopic fungi
  2. Biotechnological problems of creating drugs based on basidiomycetes
  3. Industrial mushroom growing

Medicinal mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Western medicine and pharmacology have taken a lot of useful things from Chinese fungotherapy. Scientific interest in medicinal mushrooms has increased sharply thanks to the discovery of penicillin by A. Fleming, which revolutionized medicine. Currently, science continues to actively study the properties of medicinal mushrooms, expanding their list.

Medicinal mushrooms

The cohort of medicinal mushrooms of traditional Chinese medicine includes:

  • reishi, also - lacquered tinder fungus, lacquered ganoderma (lat. Ganoderma lucidum)
  • shiitake (lat. Lentinus edodes or Lentinula edodes)
  • cordyceps (lat. Cordyceps sinensis)
  • curly griffola, also - meitake, maitaki, (lat. Grifola frondosa)
  • Coriolus, also - misty mushroom, “butterfly wings” (lat. Coriolus versicolor)
  • coconut poria, also coconut pakhima, coconut polypore, Indian bread, Virginia truffle (lat. Poria cocos)
  • auricularia ear-shaped, also - “ear of Judas” (lat. Auricularia auricula)
  • Umbrella tinder fungus (lat. Polyporus umbellatus)

These mushrooms contain a complex of polysaccharides that can fight tumors. Mushroom polysaccharides have a strengthening effect on the body’s protective functions, rather than destroying the tumor directly. That is why they are called “protective function enhancers” (HDP). The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on human body.

The most effective are the first three on the list. Shiitake and cordyceps have a greater antitumor effect, while reishi has an immune-regulating effect.

It has been noticed that mushrooms not only heal themselves, but also enhance the therapeutic effect of other drugs. Also, over the centuries there have been selected correct combinations mushrooms with each other, which achieves the most powerful therapeutic effect.

Of the species listed above, shiitake, auricularia auriculata and polypore umbellata are also used as food. However, eating mushrooms, even edible ones, is not always healthy. Therefore, before treatment and before eating any mushrooms, you should consult your doctor.
When collecting yourself, you need a good knowledge of mushrooms, otherwise you can pick up poisonous ones.

The book provides descriptions of more than 50 species of medicinal mushrooms used in traditional Chinese medicine, including their taxonomic position, ecology, distribution, morphological features, chemical composition and nutritional value. Special attention focused on the results of studying the pharmacochemical properties of wild and cultivated species.

The latest achievements in the field of fungotherapy of tumor and viral diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, radiation injuries, etc.

Prospects for the development of fungal biotechnologies aimed at obtaining standardized medicinal raw materials for the production of pharmacologically active drugs and the food industry are presented. The book is of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of mycology, resource science, pharmacognosy, biochemistry, and agricultural biotechnology.



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  • The film tells the story of the origins of Chinese medicine. Qigong, acupuncture, herbal treatment... Chinese doctors say that we are not treating a disease, but a person. Nowadays, the experience of Chinese doctors has become widespread, and is now being studied by many clinics, research institutes and medical practitioners, including outside China.

Ganoderma lucidum is the scientific name of a species of Red mushroom. Ganoderma is known in China as Lingzhi, in Japan as Reishi and in Korea as Yongzhi. Lingzhi - this tree mushroom is called the longevity mushroom. Its history dates back to the second millennium BC. Find Lingzhi in wildlife- great luck and all because the spores of this fungus are very rough, hard, cling to any tree bark, but can only germinate at a certain temperature and on wild plums, and not on every one. Healing properties of Lingzhi: More than two thousand years ago, the invaluable book “Shinnoh Honsohkyo” was published in Japan; it is the original textbook of Eastern medicine. Among all the listed super drugs, Ganoderma Lucidum took first place, even standing much higher than ginseng!

In traditional Chinese medicine, the Lingzhi mushroom is called the “Mushroom of Immortality”, it is assigned the highest category in terms of the breadth of action and lack of side effects.
Linji mushrooms have unique anti-stress, regenerative, antiviral properties, as well as moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.
The properties of lingzhi have been clinically proven to increase the body's immune functions, metabolism and improve overall well-being. Linji mushrooms are rich in minerals, amino acids and vitamins. This is the strongest antioxidant.

ABOUT healing properties Lingzhi has been known in China for a very long time. Eastern medicine has been accumulating information about it for 4 millennia. More than 2000 years ago, in the Chinese “Sacred Book of Miraculous Medicinal Plants,” the Lingzhi mushroom was called “the best among the 365 most the most valuable plants East", superior in effectiveness to the famous ginseng. The unique superior Lingzhi mushroom is a precious pearl in the treasury of traditional Eastern medicine. In ancient Chinese legends, this mushroom is considered a “magic medicine” that saves the sick from death and gives people the energy to live forever. The mushroom was called a plant that “gives eternal youth”, or a “divine herb”. ancient China he was so legendary that his image was carved as decoration on expensive furniture, on the handles of staffs, etc.
Ling-Shi or Lingzhi is the Chinese version of the name of this mushroom. The name Reishi (1000-year-old mushroom) is most commonly used in Japan. In the US and Canada, Linji is known as Ganoderma. The name Ganoderma lucium is of Greek origin.
Currently valuable properties Lingzhi is comprehensively studied in leading medical institutions in Japan, the USA, France, and Canada. In Japan, dry extract of the Lingzhi fruiting body is included in the official list of anticancer drugs. In traditional Chinese medicine, the mushroom is considered a miraculous remedy for many diseases.

Lingzhi mushroom infusion has the following properties: increasing work capacity, normalizing blood pressure, stimulating oxidation processes in liver mitochondria. The same therapeutic effectiveness of using Lingzhi in relation to morphological changes in the brain, liver, lungs and myocardium was revealed. And one of the most important properties is a strong antitumor effect. When taking Lingzhi, there is a regression of any tumors - both benign and malignant.

It can be concluded that Lingzhi has several main healing properties. First, it has a strong antitumor effect. When studying the chemical composition of Lingzhi at the American Cancer Institute, an amazing discovery was made: a substance called “lanostane” was found, which inhibits the formation of antibodies. Secondly, it is indicated for allergic diseases. Now patients with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are cured with the help of Lingzhi. Third, the positive effect of using drugs from this mushroom for any pulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis, etc.). Fourth, the widespread and successful use of Lingzhi for cardiovascular diseases. Fifth – hypoglycemic effect in diabetes mellitus.

Oncological diseases
A study of mushrooms showed that Lingzhi differs from many other medicinal mushrooms in that it contains not only active antitumor polysaccharides, but also so-called terpenoids, which increase resistance to stress and prevent the accumulation of free radicals. The specific effect of polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on the human body and are safe from a medical point of view. The degree of restoration of the damaged immune system, incl. in case of AIDS and antitumor activity depends on the duration of therapy using Lingzhi. It is believed that it is enough to take a course of Lingzhi at least once a year to avoid getting cancer!
Antimicrobial action and allergic diseases
Lingzhi has an antimicrobial effect, and it does not act by suppressing, for example, staphylococcus or pneumococcus, but by killing them. Improves all types of metabolism: mineral, carbohydrate, fat, has an anti-allergenic effect. Treatment of allergies with Lingzhi is a long process (takes 1-2 years), but reliable and effective and does not cause any side effects!
Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, atonic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are successfully treated with Lingzhi.
Cardiovascular diseases
The use of Lingzhi to improve the condition of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The results of research at the All-Union Cardiology Center were very significant: 5 hours after taking preparations from lingzhi mushrooms, cholesterol levels decreased! In addition, a persistent decrease in pressure occurred after 14 days. This effect has been confirmed in clinical studies. Therefore, the use of this drug is directly indicated in the recovery period after a heart attack and stroke.
The mushroom normalizes blood pressure, it is also effective in treating symptoms of cardiovascular blockade and other heart diseases, including angina pectoris, arrhythmia, difficulty breathing, fatigue, and memory loss.
The immune system
Lingzhi is considered both a tonic and an adaptogenic. As a tonic, it strengthens the body's strength, and as an adaptogen it helps to adapt to stress, improves health and normalizes the functioning of the body.
When using the mushroom, the production of cytokinins in the body is activated. Cytokinins are regulators of the immune system that act immediately and do not require significant time for their effect on the immune system. Therefore, Lingzhi mushroom is a fast-acting immunoregulator. It is able to strengthen the weak, weaken the strong, and leave the normal reaction of the immune system unchanged, significantly increasing the body's resistance to disease and overall vitality.

In addition, Lingzhi corrects the immune system of the intestinal mucosa and actively protects the body from the effects of viruses, bacteria and toxins.

Hypoglycemic effect in diabetes mellitus
Compounds that lower blood sugar are polysaccharides, ganoderan A, B and C, isolated from mushrooms and their protein compounds. It has also been found that the corresponding polysaccharide extracts from Lingzhi in an alkaline solution also have a hypoglycemic effect.

Lingzhi brings great relief to patients with epilepsy. This rare property of it was noted back in the 17th century, when it was these mushrooms that were used to cure epilepsy of the heir to the Mikado (Japanese emperor).

The use of the mushroom can last for a long time, since, unlike drugs of chemical origin, lingzhi has no side effects, including delayed ones, and is safe in a wide range of doses.
But it should also be noted that even in microdoses, higher mushrooms have an effect on the human body to a certain extent. A. Girich describes this mechanism of action of microdoses as follows: “The absorption of a small amount of drugs occurs only in the oral mucosa by endocytosis (capture and promotion of the drug by the cell). Next, targeted delivery of the drug to the damaged organ begins (energy-information mechanism), and the SOS signal is a perverted wave from the damaged organ. Therefore, in small doses, drugs work as regulators of pathological waves emanating from the cells of various poorly functioning organs. As a result of this effect, an improvement in elasticity is noted. cell membrane and metabolic processes between the cell and the intercellular space.”

Mystical properties
In general, the effect of higher mushrooms is noted both at the physiological and at the energy-informational level. In ancient Chinese books it is written that the mushroom has a simultaneously bitter, sweet, salty, sour and pungent taste and affects the meridians of the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and spleen. The mushroom was described by the ancient Chinese philosopher of the first century AD, Wang Chang, as a plant that enhances spiritual capabilities and cures bodily ailments.
It is believed that Lingzhi also has the mystical property of increasing the strength of the spirit and increasing a positive emotional mood. It is noted that within 20 minutes the mushroom restores the aura and helps to work out karmic problems. It was said about him that he also restores harmony between the energies of “Yin” and “Yang”.

Cosmetic properties
Lingzhi is characterized as very good remedy to give youthful skin. The fungus regulates synthesis nucleic acids, and also, at the level of cellular metabolism, blocks the destructive effects of free radicals and reduces oxidative processes, which significantly slows down the aging process of the skin. Lingzhi polysaccharide complexes promote DNA synthesis and stimulate cell division, powerfully activate regeneration processes, which keeps the skin youthful for a long time.
Masks with Lingzhi extract allow you to short term give the skin a beautiful and healthy look, make it elastic, visibly smooth out wrinkles, increase tone and fill it with vital energy.
Lingzhi contains: almost all groups of vitamins: beta-carotene, B, D, E, C; 13 types of amino acids; proteins; unsaturated fatty acids; immunomodulatory polysaccharides; minerals: potassium, phosphorus, Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, manganese, boron and cobalt; more than 80 types of enzymes that are involved in all processes of breakdown and construction.

In its wild form, the mushroom grows on the roots and fallen tree trunks, but is found only on two or three out of 100 thousand. Over the past 20 years, scientists in China, Japan and Vietnam have been able to cultivate the Lingzhi mushroom on special plantations, which has made this plant available not only to emperors.

Mode of application:
Alcohol tincture: 25 gr. chopped mushrooms, pour vodka (0.25 liters), leave in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals.
Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. chopped mushroom per 700 ml. water, simmer over low heat for 60 minutes. Strain. Take 200 ml. decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Tea: boil mushrooms for 5 minutes, then steep for 30 minutes. Before use, the drink can optionally be heated, filtered and drunk as tea. For one person, 2 grams of dried mushrooms per day (1 clove) is enough.

It is one of the greatest longevity tonics of ancient Chinese medicine used in the treatment of cancer. It is used in traditional and modern Chinese medicine to increase vitality, strength and endurance, and prolong life. Reishi enhances the immune response, reduces the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and kidney damage, and protects cellular DNA by increasing antioxidant capacity.

Lentinula edodes (other names: Shiitake, Japanese forest mushroom or Xiang-gu, "Fragrant Mushroom")

It's gentle and delicious mushroom present in many Asian cuisines. It is considered a delicacy and a medicinal mushroom. Shiitake contains a glucan called AHCC (active hexose-linked compound) and is widely used in alternative and complementary cancer therapy in Japan due to its immunomodulatory functions. Shiitake mushroom is also effective against cancer thanks to lentinan in its composition. Lentinan – a compound found in Shiitake mushrooms, used as an intravenous anticancer medicine, which has antitumor properties. Clinical studies have associated lentinan with higher survival rates, more high quality life and reducing the likelihood of cancer recurrence.

Coriolus versicolor (other names - Trametes versicolor, Polypore versicolor, “Turkey tail”, Yun-Zhi)

This is one of the most well-studied medicinal mushrooms in the world. Trametes versicolor is a biological response modifier. It has been used in Chinese medicine as a tonic for centuries. Research shows that this mushroom improves survival and acts as an immune modulator with immunostimulating and antitumor properties. Some studies suggest it may enhance the effects of chemotherapy in traditional cancer treatments and reduce the side effects of radiation therapy.

Cordyceps sinensis (other names - Cordyceps, Chinese caterpillar mushroom, Dong Chun Xia Cao)

Cordyceps acts as an immune stimulant, increasing the number of T cells (natural killer cells) that fight cancer cells and viruses, and prolong the life of whites blood cells, thereby improving resistance to infections. Scientific research show that cordyceps has significant antitumor properties and also protects the kidneys from the side effects of chemotherapy. It is one of the most widely used tonics in anti-cancer formulas in Chinese medicine.

Grifola frondosa (other names: Grifola curly, Maitake, “Dancing mushroom”, Hui Shu Hua)

Chinese medicinal mushrooms for cancer include the famous Maitake mushroom. It is widely used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to strengthen the immune system, and is one of the main mushrooms in Japanese cooking. Research has shown that it can enhance both the innate immune response to fight infections and the adaptive immune response to provide long-term immunity boosts. Maitake also protects cells through antioxidant properties and reduces the inflammatory factor COX-2 enzyme, so common in cancer physiology. Research has also shown that Maitake has potential antimetastatic properties as it inhibits the proliferation (spread) of cancer.

Inonotus obliquus (other names - Chaga mushroom, Tinder fungus, Inonotus obliquus)

Chaga is a cancer mushroom that does not belong to the category of Chinese mushrooms. However, it is still worth mentioning, since it is one of the most powerful natural anti-cancer agents (some scientists call chaga the most effective anti-cancer mushroom).

Treatment with mushrooms for cancer allows you to heal the body from this life-threatening disease. Doctors recommend using any natural remedies in combination with modern methods treatment. However, it is up to you to decide whether to use chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery to treat cancer. In any case, it is recommended to consult an expert in the field of cancer treatment, regardless of what type of medicine he or she relates to.
