Chimneys for sauna gas stoves: selection of material, installation and operating features. What types of pipes are there for sauna stoves Do-it-yourself chimney for a sauna stove

The basis of any bath or sauna is the stove. If you cannot create the required temperature in the steam room, the entire structure will not give you the opportunity to get real pleasure.

You should also not neglect the design of the stove chimney, since the following depends on its quality and material:

  • fire safety of the premises;
  • caring for him;
  • microclimate in the steam room.

Therefore, when choosing chimneys for baths, approach this process responsibly.

You should have an idea of ​​how to:

  • install;
  • isolate;
  • clean.

General information about sauna stoves

The bathhouse or sauna room should be heated for a short time. The stove you purchase is compact, and its main function is to heat the stones lying on it in a short time. They will serve as a kind of heat accumulators..

Flue gases have a very high temperature, approximately 800˚C. In addition, in the sauna and steam bath it is especially important to have good traction. Otherwise, a small amount of carbon monoxide in small room could become fatal. Stoves and pipes for the bath must be fenced to prevent injury in the steam room.

  1. The pipe for the stove in the bathhouse and the stove itself do not need a massive foundation. It is better to isolate it well from wooden structures.
  2. Make the first one from thick metal without applying additional thermal insulation to it. After this, it is possible to install a sandwich chimney.
  3. Remember - the distance between the pipe and the structural elements of the bathhouse that are not protected from fire must be at least 350 mm.
  4. Cover with your own hands all gaps in the wall, ceiling or roof with galvanized sheet iron, having an asbestos backing.
  5. Be sure to install the asbestos sheet in a place where the pipe for the furnace to the bath with hot gases can come into contact with the wall and ceiling.


The industry today offers pipes for bathhouse stoves in a wide range. Everyone will be able to choose exactly what they need for their steam room.

For example, use stove pipes for a bath:

  • ceramic, the price of which is the most expensive;
  • steel, the most versatile;
  • thermoplastic;
  • made of stainless, acid-resistant and fire-resistant steel (withstands temperatures up to 600˚C).

Installation of a stainless steel chimney

Below are instructions on how to make a chimney for. Typically, ready-made kits can be purchased at retail outlets.

Installation chimney the bath is not difficult, you can do it yourself, although an assistant will not hurt.

  1. Insert one pipe into the other by 5-7 cm. This will ensure complete tightness of the structure. Less soot and condensation will form. Cleaning such a pipe will not be difficult.
  2. Place the chimney 1 m above the ridge of the house to create the necessary draft.
  3. Secure the pipe to the ceiling of the steam room, protecting the wood from the metal with fire-resistant material.
  4. Install a protective cap against rain and snow at the end of the pipe.

The photo shows elements of a stainless steel chimney

Tip: use chimneys made of acid-resistant stainless steel with the addition of molybdenum where flue gases are highly acidic.
In other cases, brick does an excellent job.


A stove pipe for a ceramic bath is used extremely rarely, since it has a considerable weight, but its service life is quite long. Its weight can only be supported by a massive stationary stove, which will be used to heat the house.

Advantages of steel pipes

  • Perfect round section, which creates excellent traction;
  • Pipe for sauna stove lightweight and easy to maintain;
  • The “dew point” is quickly overcome, due to which condensation does not form, thereby minimizing the effect of acid on them.

Asbestos cement pipes

Reviews about such chimneys are the most negative. They should not be used in a bathhouse or sauna, as they may simply burst due to temperature and lead to a fire. It’s better not to save money and risk your own safety.

Insulation of pipes in the sauna

Today the best material Folgoizol is used for insulating bath pipes. It does not emit any harmful substances due to high temperatures.

It is also used to protect:

  • pipelines;
  • heating mains;
  • air ducts.

If you do everything thoroughly, you need to create a “sandwich” from a pipe:

  • the first layer is a stainless steel sauna stove pipe;
  • second layer – basalt;
  • the third layer is the outer contour.

Such a chimney will heat up much less than a traditional one. This will prevent possible condensation from forming.

More details

  1. The fact is that basalt-based insulation:
    • withstands high temperatures;
    • does not ignite when heated seriously;
    • does not emit unpleasant odors.

    Therefore, such chimneys are called “warm”, since the insulating layer does not allow metal pipes to quickly cool from the outside air. As a result, all the water vapor that is necessarily present in the smoke will not cool down and will not appear in the form of condensation along with soot on their inner walls. Because of this, flue gases easily escape without experiencing resistance.

  2. Due to the inner layer of insulation, the outer pipe remains cold, practically without heating, ensuring complete fire safety of the sauna.
  3. Such a chimney improves the operation of the stove, which quickly warms up and immediately returns to operating mode.
  4. Traction improves due to the absence of various obstacles and turbulences that brick pipes have.

Tip: If you want to check the temperature of the pipe, it is better to check it from the material surrounding the chimney.
To do this, you can touch the boards with your hand or spray water on the apron.

Additionally: wrap the pipe with a layer of flexible asbestos in the place where it comes into contact with flammable elements. Protect the chimney from moisture from above with a “fungus”.

Bath chimney cleaning

To clear bath pipe from soot they use many methods, using special brushes and aggressive chemicals. What if an adjustable chimney is installed?

The only option:

  1. Pour several liters of hot water directly into the pipe.
  2. Then heat the stove for a long time so that the pipe does not rust.

You will see how, after kindling, the compacted and long-caked soot will come out of the chimney in a thick cloud. But there will be no odors or residues; they will be destroyed by high temperature.

Should know

  1. Using a long and straight pipe allows you to create good traction. However, this will reduce the efficiency of the furnace, since the combustion products will not have time to give off all the heat.
  2. a deflector that will not only protect the chimney from snow and rain, but also help create the necessary draft. It is made of galvanized steel, preferably titanium or stainless steel.
    There may also be the opposite effect if the various “hoods” and “umbrellas” are of the wrong configuration. In this case, smoke will begin to enter the room during strong winds.
  3. Make sure that the furnace pipe does not take away all the heat from the furnace gases. Otherwise, when the temperature of the combustion products drops to 150˚C, condensation will begin to form in it.
  4. If you need to join elements of sandwich pipes or ceramic pipes together, use high-temperature silicone sealant.
  5. Use the pipe valve carefully to prevent carbon monoxide from entering the room. It's better to dismantle it altogether.


Do not neglect pipes for sauna stoves. In fact, they make it possible to create the required temperature in the steam room and remove burnt gases to the outside. Their quality and correct installation allow you to regulate the climate in the steam room, save firewood and provide comfortable conditions in the sauna and bathhouse.

Each of the materials is interesting in its own way and can be used. But remember that you must protect hot elements from flammable elements, which are wooden steam rooms plenty. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

When installing a stove in such an important country building as a bathhouse, you must first think about creating a high-quality chimney. As a rule, the question of how to properly install a pipe in a bathhouse arises before almost every private property owner who wants to carry out all the work themselves.

It is worth noting that the installation of an exhaust pipe structure in a bathhouse does not create any particular difficulties and, in fact, is quite simple even for the most inexperienced builder. The main thing in the process of work is to be quite attentive, be patient and follow the advice of professionals, observing all the nuances.

We will try to explain the process of installing a pipe in a bathhouse as professionally as possible and consider it in more detail in the video in this article.

Installation of a pipe in a bathhouse

Before starting installation work, you should familiarize yourself in advance with such important issues as the types of chimney pipes, consider their design and dimensions, and also understand the features of operation and installation. Having received the necessary information on these issues, you can guarantee the long-term service of the chimney pipe you just installed yourself.

Types of chimneys in a bathhouse

There are two main classifications of chimneys:

  • by material;
  • by type of installation.

Depending on the material, brick and metal chimneys are distinguished.

The brick type is considered traditional option chimney designs for sauna stoves. Despite the labor-intensive process of installing such a chimney, its design has high structural strength, excellent thermal insulation properties, and is also characterized by sufficient durability.

Bathroom with brick version the exhaust pipe is most protected from fires. The disadvantage of a brick chimney is the fact that due to the rough surface of the internal walls, soot slows down the draft, settling on the walls, and the chimney has to be cleaned quite often.

A metal chimney is quite easy to install, and the price for the material and installation of this option is lower than in other cases. The disadvantages of a metal chimney structure include the formation of condensation on the inner walls of the pipe and the need to create thermal insulation for the chimney.

According to its location, the chimney can be divided into:

  • external,
  • interior.

The internal type is classic version, the advantages of which are heating the bath room in addition to its main function, thus significantly reducing the time to warm up the bath and reducing fuel costs. However, the internal chimney is quite difficult to maintain and labor-intensive to install.

Since for installation of this type there is a need to dismantle the ceiling with the roof and seal the pipe. The disadvantages include the risk of fire and the likelihood of smoke in the bathhouse if a crack occurs in the chimney.

The idea of ​​an external chimney option came from America and has already gained popularity during installation. With this type of smoke exhaust for a bathhouse, the structure is vented outside, which significantly reduces the risk of fire and also simplifies the maintenance process.

The disadvantages of the external location include the need for high-quality insulation, since the gas will not have time to escape into the atmosphere and thus will contribute to frequent cleaning; In addition, the steam room will not be heated additionally, which will increase fuel consumption.

Pipe design

The design features and number of furnace pipe elements depend on the material and type of arrangement. For example, a chimney brick stove It can be made of metal, ceramics or consist entirely of brick. For a furnace made of metal, only prefabricated pipe structures made of metal or ceramic material are used.

Today, the most common and optimal option is a prefabricated sauna stove, which is easier to maintain and does not require special knowledge and skills during the installation process. A stove with a brick chimney is not so relevant due to the significant complexity of maintenance and installation.

Prefabricated structures usually consist of 2-3 pipes, 2 elbows, rain protection, gate, tee, deflector and adapters. For fastening, as a rule, support brackets and clamps are used.

The insulation of the chimney cylinder in the bathhouse consists of a special adapter and a sandwich pipe, which is larger than the main chimney. The adapter, as well as the free space between sandwich pipe and the chimney is filled with thermal insulation layers, for example, basalt wool or expanded clay.

Features of the design of the pipe in the bath

So, the installation of a pipe in a bathhouse is conditioned by compliance with certain features in the design of the chimney.

Due to high temperatures and wood material, from which the bathhouse building is made, as well as in accordance with environmental and sanitary standards All installation work must be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • Pipes made of aluminum and asbestos cement cannot be used as a chimney pipe; materials such as ferrous metal, galvanized metal, ceramics, and brick are suitable for it;
  • When choosing thermal insulation material, we must be guided by such important parameters, as non-flammability and environmental friendliness of the product. Among others, the most suitable are basalt wool and expanded clay, as well as foil materials for reflective surfaces;
  • It is important to ensure that the chimney components are not too close to the wood components of the walls and roof. For safety reasons, it is best to first sheathe all surfaces around the structure, the stove itself and the boiler with metal. A special box for a metal pipe is installed in the ceilings, which is filled with expanded clay;

  • Also often in order to ensure fire safety sandwich pipes are installed;
  • For better fixation and a tight fit, all joints between the pipe and the box should be glued with special aluminum tape or foil.

Dimensions and shapes of the chimney in the bathhouse

When designing and assembling it is important chimney for a bath, it is extremely important to follow certain standards in size and shape. The most common shape for a chimney pipe is a cylinder. The main and important quantities for assembling a bath pipe are the diameter of the hole and the height of the pipe itself.

The cross-section of the chimney directly depends on the power level of the sauna stove, for example standard sizes exhaust vent for rectangular and square shape with power up to 3.5 kW - 140x140 mm; for furnaces with a power of 7.2 kW - 140x270 mm.

Chimney outlet round shape should not be inferior to the outlet of the boiler or furnace. The circle formula will help in the calculations.

The total area of ​​the pipe should be 8 square meters. cm per 1 kW of power., that is, for a 20 kW stove, the chimney area is 160 cm2, with a diameter of 140 mm.

The height of the smoke outlet is calculated taking into account the height of the building and the type of roof. When designing a chimney, the height of the pipe above the roof is extremely important. For example, if the pipe is located 1.5 m from the ridge, then the height should be no more than 0.5 m.

With a distance ranging from 1.5 m to 3 m, it can be level; if the distance exceeds 3 meters, the pipe should be slightly higher than the ridge. For flat roofs, the height of the chimney pipe is 1 m.

Pipe installation process

The installation of a chimney structure in a bathhouse is determined by certain sequential actions, which this manual describes in detail. step-by-step instruction for chimney installation:

  1. Holes 45x45 cm are cut into;
  2. Two 50 cm square plates are cut out of metal, with which the chimney will be attached;
  3. It is necessary to make mounting holes in the corners of the prepared plates;
  4. In the middle of one of the blanks they make round hole;

  1. The second plate will be attached to the roof slope; for this you need to make an oval hole in it;
  2. A galvanized casing is put on internal and pre-insulated pipes;
  3. The ends are jammed with rings and the edges of the tube are bent from the outside;
  4. The insulated end of the lower chimney is inserted into the round hole of one of the metal plates, and the non-insulated end is pushed onto the pipe;
  5. The metal sheet is screwed to the ceiling, and it is imperative to ensure that all gaps are in the same position;
  6. Using a pre-welded pipe, the upper pipe is placed on the lower pipe, connecting them with a clamp;
  7. A second metal plate is screwed to the inner surface of the roof;
  8. Clay or expanded clay is used to fill the space between the pipe and the wooden components;

  1. Where the pipe passes through the roof, a layer of waterproofing is laid and a seal is installed;
  2. Then a special protective cap from precipitation is placed on it.

How to clean a pipe

Evidence of a clogged chimney passage is smoke and bad smell indoors, as well as poor traction. There is an urgent need to clean the pipe, and you will have to do it yourself. To do this, in some cases it is enough to heat the stove special type firewood or use a specific tool.

In other cases, a mechanical cleaning method should be used. In this case, a special scraper and a stiff brush with a link handle are used. The pipe is cleaned from the roof, which causes a large amount of soot to get inside. It is recommended to cover the firebox with thick fabric, close all doors and windows and cover the furniture.

The next method does not require protection from soot and is more gentle. The stove is heated with aspen wood, which releases a lot of heat and thereby increases draft, thus the pipe cleans itself. It is recommended to clean the chimney with aspen firewood once every 12 months.

Cleaning with various chemicals is available, but this option poses an environmental hazard.

In custody

The process of creating a chimney pipe for a bathhouse requires special attention to the little things. Shortcomings and errors in installation work are fraught with smoke entering the bathhouse and other consequences. Therefore, compliance with all recommendations of specialists plays such an important role.

If you are planning to make a chimney structure for a bathhouse on your own, first consult with professionals on how to install a pipe in a bathhouse. Armed with the knowledge gained, you can safely get to work.

Choosing and installing a chimney is one of the most difficult aspects when building a bathhouse. If you approach this issue without proper preparation and make mistakes, this will cause the smoke exhaust system to quickly fail, causing a fire and carbon monoxide poisoning that gets into the room.

As practice shows, the best option is to install a chimney from sandwich pipes in a bathhouse and sauna. Of course, you should only choose those systems that are directly designed for connection to solid fuel equipment.

Is it possible to install a sandwich chimney in a bathhouse?

Installing a sandwich chimney for a stainless steel bathhouse is not only possible, but also the recommended way to remove combustion products from the room. Why is this so?

Most companies involved in the production of sandwich pipes have launched systems designed exclusively for baths. The designs take into account the peculiarities of operation in conditions wet room and highly heated flue gases.

Features of installing a sauna sandwich chimney

The use of sandwich systems allows you to protect wooden sauna from fire. The heating temperature of the pipe surface, thanks to the insulation, rarely exceeds 40°C. Despite this, in order to ensure maximum protection and safety, when installing smoke exhaust pipes, fire safety requirements and SNiP are observed.

Exists certain order actions that allow for the correct installation of a stove chimney made of sandwich pipes in wooden bath with your own hands. Strict adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations is the key to long-term and safe operation of the smoke exhaust system.

How to remove a stainless chimney in a bathhouse through the ceiling and roof

According to the requirements of SNiP, which apply to wooden and other fire-hazardous buildings, fire breaks are provided when installing a smoke removal system. In particular, a passage unit through the roof of the bathhouse is installed, as well as floor structures.

The penetration is carried out in two ways:

There are several additional recommendations regarding the installation of a chimney.

The sandwich chimney has a low fire hazard, and compliance with the recommendations set out in the safety regulations makes its use as safe as possible. During assembly, it is better to use branded components manufactured at the factory.

External installation of a sandwich pipe on the wall of a bathhouse

The assembly of a chimney along an external wall for a bathhouse is as safe as possible, since the heating parts of the pipe practically do not come into contact with flammable materials. Installation is carried out in the following way:
  • Installation is carried out on a support console for external installation of the pipe. There is no need to make a foundation. The support console is attached to the wall of the building using studs.
  • The pipe is secured to the outer wall of the bathhouse using clamps. It is recommended that for external installation, fasteners are installed every meter of the chimney.
  • The minimum distance from the pipe to the wall of the house is 15 cm.
  • At the very beginning of the structure, a condensate drain and an inspection channel are installed for cleaning and maintenance.

It is not difficult to install a sandwich chimney outside the building yourself. The smoke exhaust system is assembled according to the construction kit type.

Interfacing a sandwich pipe and a sauna stove

To properly assemble a chimney from sandwich pipes in a bathhouse, some features are taken into account:
  • Connection to the oven is made using a special adapter - adapter. At the same time, it is taken into account that the sandwich pipe should not be along the entire length of the chimney in the bathhouse. It is better to have a regular single-wall steel chimney in the steam room.
  • A mesh filled with fine stones is placed on the pipe. As a result, you can get “soft warmth”. After water treatments, the steam room dries quickly. The heater prevents the appearance of fungus and mold.
  • By connecting a sandwich chimney made of stainless steel to a heating sauna stove using a section of stainless steel, a storage hot water tank is installed. The temperature of the exhaust gases at the very beginning of the smoke removal system reaches 400-500°C, which is more than enough to heat water.

To switch from an oven to a sandwich pipe, you need to install an adapter. The device takes into account the difference in metal expansion between a single-wall pipe and a sandwich system. A single-walled stainless steel chimney can burn out, but only if correct installation, this will not happen soon.

Installing a hot water tank on a sandwich pipe

To equip baths and saunas, they are created suitable conditions for water procedures. One of the main tasks during construction is providing hot water.

There are many ways to achieve what you want: install a boiler, install flow heater or column, etc. As practice shows, if you provide heating of water in a tank on a pipe, you can significantly save money, not only during the installation process, but also during subsequent operation.

How does this design work?

  • Flue gases are heated to a temperature of 400-500°C in the combustion chamber and enter the chimney.
  • Install on the pipe, as close to the furnace as possible. storage tank.
  • The installed capacity has different volumes: 20, 40, 60 and 120 liters. Depending on this parameter, the appropriate diameter of the sandwich pipe channel is selected. The tank is mounted on special anchor plates to Wall.

The procedure for assembling a sandwich chimney with a tank on a pipe is described in detail in the operating instructions. Installation is carried out in a manner similar to the chimney. After installation, the water supply system is connected to the tank.

Fire safety measures

The design of sandwich systems ensures almost absolute safety. Manufacturers of heating equipment for baths and saunas have specially developed smoke removal systems that take into account the peculiarities of operation in adverse conditions.

Using insulated stove sandwich pipes in a bathhouse is the best solution, thanks to the following advantages guaranteeing fire safety:

  • The right insulation– the design uses basalt wool, which can withstand exposure to open fire and temperatures above 1000°C.
  • Material – in the production of sandwich pipes for baths, AISI 416/430/436 stainless steel is used. This steel is resistant to acid and can withstand significant temperature changes.
  • Features – the appearance of condensation and soot deposition are minimized due to the design features.
The many advantages that distinguish sandwich construction do not mean that you can ignore fire safety standards when installing smoke exhaust systems in rooms with an increased risk of fire.

PB and SNiP require:

You can use a sandwich pipe in a cold attic without additional thermal insulation. Insulation is carried out only in case of heavy condensation.

How to choose a high-quality sandwich chimney for your bathhouse

Domestic and foreign manufacturers of stainless steel sandwich chimneys for wood-burning sauna stoves offer high-quality products to consumers. When choosing, they are primarily guided by technical parameters, as well as consumer reviews.

Manufacturers of insulated stainless steel bath chimneys

The choice of manufacturer's brand, judging by customer reviews, is quite complex process. There are several dozen different modifications on the market. Among them, the most popular smoke removal systems were selected, which have mostly positive reviews from consumers.
  • Baltvent is one of the largest domestic producers chimney systems. The product range includes chimneys intended for use in residential premises, baths and saunas. The choice of designs is completely justified. All systems undergo mandatory quality testing.
  • Vulcan - the advantage is that the main focus of the company is the development and production of chimneys designed for connection to sauna stoves, heaters, etc. The sandwich is adapted for connection to any type of solid fuel units.
  • Bofill is an Italian concern that produces chimney pipes adapted to domestic operating conditions. The brand produces both fully equipped systems and individual components that undergo mandatory certification for compliance with the standards in force in the EU and the Russian Federation.
  • Ferrum is a company that appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among domestic consumers. The Ferrum product range offers chimney pipes for connection to gas and solid fuel equipment.
  • Teplov and Sukhov is a domestic company that supplies products to Russia, neighboring countries and Europe. Sandwich designs Teplov and Sukhov are optimally suited for connection to gas and solid fuel stoves used in baths and saunas.
    Separately, we can mention the EuroTis systems, with maximum wall insulation.
  • Jeremias is one of the highest quality flue systems available to domestic consumers. Products are entirely manufactured in our own factories German company. One of the advantages of Jeremias is its high-strength weld, which maintains tightness even when exposed to severe temperature changes.

Cost of a sandwich chimney kit for a sauna stove

When purchasing a sandwich chimney for a bathhouse, the buyer is faced with a choice: buy a ready-made set of pipes, or buy components separately. Each solution has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A chimney kit for a stainless steel sauna stove is offered by German and Italian manufacturers; the cost varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

By purchasing components separately, you can slightly reduce the cost of the chimney, but at the same time, the buyer bears the entire burden of calculations. The sandwich chimney consists of the following parts:

  1. Insulated pipe.
  2. Pipe starting elements made of stainless steel.
  3. Tees for external connection.
  4. Rotary couplings.
  5. Spark arrestor.
  6. Storage tank (optional).
  7. Pass-through nodes.
The components of a stainless steel chimney vary depending on the wishes of the customer. There is no point in installing a storage tank if there is a centralized connection to the bathhouse. hot water. The number of required rotary couplings and the total length of the pipe depend on technical parameters premises.

The standard sizes of sandwich pipes offered in the kit are not always suitable. In such cases, smoke exhaust systems are purchased as separate components.

Enough for a long time the stoves were deprived of chimneys, which is why our ancestors had to take bathing procedures “the black way.” Today, such problems do not exist, so being in a steam room brings more positive emotions. Now anyone who has managed to build a bathhouse can install a chimney for a bathhouse, because it is not difficult if all the rules are followed - below, in fact, we will describe how to make a chimney in a bathhouse with your own hands - step by step guide attached.

Installing a chimney in a bathhouse requires special responsibility, because if even one mistake is made, the correct functionality of the bathhouse will be called into question. It is very important to create all conditions under which carbon monoxide would under no circumstances be able to penetrate into the steam room. To do this, before starting work, you should outline a plan, including all stages of construction.

What types of chimneys are there?

A do-it-yourself installed chimney for a bathhouse can be external or internal. In Russia, you can most often find the second option - it fits perfectly into architectural style steam room, and does an excellent job of saving the heat generated by the stove. External chimneys are typically installed on American farms.

The good thing about the internal type of chimney is that it has more effective traction, and easier to maintain. In addition, there is no need to insulate such a chimney.

The external chimney is notable for the fact that there is no need to violate the integrity of the roof; moreover, it is clear that such a design is safer for the bathhouse itself and the visitors inside. The internal brick chimney in the bathhouse must have a wall thickness of at least 12 cm, while the external chimney will require a thickness of more than 38 cm.

Variations and designs of chimneys

It is worth considering the installation of a chimney in a bathhouse for a wood-burning stove. Typically, this design includes pipe, flanges and connecting components. The main thing is that the finished chimney can withstand high temperatures without releasing harmful compounds at this moment.

So that the chimney located in the wall of the bathhouse holds as much as possible more heat, it should be placed with a shift inside the room - then the traction will be as effective as possible. If for some reason it is not possible to achieve this goal, provide sufficiently thick walls, the width of which is determined based on the ambient temperatures.

For example, if the temperature outside does not drop below -20 o C, then a wall thickness of 38 cm is sufficient, however, if frosts sometimes drop below the above figure, then the thickness will have to be increased to 58-65 cm.

If there is more than one stove in the bathhouse, there must be several chimneys to maintain normal draft. Otherwise, a cutting structure is installed at a height of 75 cm. Anyway inner part The chimney should be as level as possible so that a minimum of soot accumulates on it.

The simplest chimney design

Installation of a chimney in a stainless steel bath - simplest form chimney.

For the design you will need:

  • galvanized elbow 20×120 cm – 1 piece;
  • galvanized elbow 16×120 cm – 2 pcs;
  • stainless steel elbow 16×10 cm – 3 pcs;
  • 16 cm tee with plug – 1 piece;
  • fungus 20 cm – 1 pc.

To understand how to properly make a pipe in a bathhouse, you will need to do the following work. The pipes are fastened using self-tapping screws; a 16 cm hole is made in the slab. At the location where the chimney is installed, within 15 cm, the soft material is temporarily removed from the roof roofing material with thermal insulation.

The part of the pipe that will protrude onto the street is wrapped with basalt wool and asbestos cord to fill the width of the hole made. Next, put on a pipe lubricated with bitumen mastic, which will be fastened with a 20 cm overlap. At the junction of the pipes, to prevent precipitation from getting inside, an asbestos cord is wound.

Methods for installing chimneys for various stoves

Brick is now increasingly used in the manufacture of chimneys for baths. Although both brick and stainless steel have their own positive and negative qualities, their installation is somewhat different.

Installation of a chimney to a steel stove

Installation of the chimney begins after installing the stove. The process begins with connecting several supports with the gaps necessary to install wider asbestos or sandwich pipes - they have increased fire resistance. Although, it is still undesirable for open fire to fall on them. In this regard, before the first elbow, a steel pipe is installed in the bathhouse, and after that a sandwich pipe is installed.

Lastly, a protective cone from precipitation is installed at the upper end of the chimney. The lower part of the pipe is usually closed with a plug, through which in the future it will be possible to drain the collected condensate and clean the inner surface of the chimney.

Attaching a chimney to a brick stove

The installation diagram for a chimney for a bathhouse on a brick stove is also simple, and all the work can be done with your own hands.

The construction of the chimney begins after laying the last brick row stoves - this often corresponds to rows 12-19, when the upper level of its side doors is reached.

Somewhere on the 21st row, two channels are created, the size of which is equal to one brick. Then they will be connected into one channel. At this stage, three quarters are added to the right in order to cover free place above the core. You will get a gap between the main masonry and the core of 2-3 cm.

The voids are filled with mineral wool. The 22nd row will completely cover the core, and you can proceed to shifting the channels to the central part. To prevent cracks from forming on the floor over time, an additional row of brick can be laid above the core.

The chimney is narrowed on the 23rd row. The laying is carried out in fives. At this stage, valves are installed - first one, and the second - through the row. Next, the type of masonry gradually changes to fluff.

When carrying out all the work on installing a bathhouse pipe with your own hands, make sure that no cracks form, as condensation may appear in such places in the future. In addition, do not take pipes with a larger diameter than required, since the gas will not be able to rise at the proper speed and it will cool faster.

Installation of a finished chimney for a bath

Naturally, there are also ready-made chimneys. They are easier to install and require significantly less time. In this case, it is also important to do everything as correctly and efficiently as possible; you should be especially careful if you do all the work without anyone’s help.

Whatever the chimney is, it is installed so that it protrudes beyond the building by exactly half a meter. At the junction of the roof and the pipe, you will need to make an “otter”, thanks to which precipitation will not get inside.

It is worth noting that the appearance of soot on the walls after some time indicates poor installation of the chimney. IN in this case It will be necessary to identify any gaps that have appeared and eliminate them as soon as possible.

Cleaning the chimney from dirt

Among other things, you need to provide a list of measures for timely cleaning of the chimney. It's best if it's mechanical method. For cleaning you will need brushes, a special weight, and even a sledgehammer with a crowbar. This process is very dirty, so it is advisable to take everything you can out of the bathhouse and cover the rest of the things with something, for example, with plastic wrap.

The easiest way to operate is with a brush - it is inserted into the chimney and slowly pushed down and up until the movements begin to become easier.

If you notice that small accumulations of soot have begun to appear on the pipe, they can be removed by burning the stove with aspen wood. During the combustion process, a huge draft arises, carrying the ash outside the chimney. In addition, when aspen burns, intense heat appears, due to which the resins in the pipe instantly burn out. Potato peelings are considered no less effective; the main thing is to prepare them in sufficient quantities.

However, they are gaining more and more popularity latest methods cleaning with chemicals. They are also effective at removing all the soot and removing build-up. It is worth noting that it is better to clean the chimney after rain.

So we learned how to make a chimney in a bathhouse through the ceiling, with a minimum of effort and time. With proper timely care of the pipes, the firewood will always give out maximum energy, keeping the temperature at the proper level, and delighting you and your loved ones!

Do-it-yourself chimney for a bathhouse: a step-by-step guide, a device for a wood-burning stove, how to properly install it through the ceiling, installation diagram of brick and chimney

Do-it-yourself chimney for a bathhouse: a step-by-step guide, a device for a wood-burning stove, how to properly install it through the ceiling, installation diagram of brick and chimney

Construction and installation of a chimney in a bathhouse for a wood-burning stove with a video lesson

Internal structures

One of the advantages of such a system

External chimneys

  1. The chimney will not heat the steam room, which will significantly increase the consumption of wood fuel.
  2. A pipe located outside must be carefully insulated, otherwise the quickly cooling exhaust gas will not have time to escape outside. In this case, the chimney system will need to be cleaned frequently.

There are combined chimneys, which are a metal pipe installed on a wood-burning stove. The design is displayed embedded in the surface brickwork and rises to the required height.

Materials for manufacturing

The most popular materials For the chimney of a wood-burning stove in a bathhouse there are bricks and metal.

Brick structures

This is the most common and at the same time labor-intensive version chimney for the stove in the bathhouse. The structure is strong, durable and has high thermal insulation properties. A bathhouse with a brick chimney is most protected from fires. The only disadvantage of the brick system is its rough inner surface, due to which there is a need for its frequent cleaning.

Bath chimney made of metal

Metal construction is easier install on wood stove and take her out of the room. The disadvantage of metal pipes is the need to create high-quality thermal insulation and the formation of condensation on the internal walls.

When installing a metal chimney, the following nuances of choosing the material should be taken into account:

The simplest option for installing a chimney

Using a stainless steel pipe, you can make and install the simplest and cheapest chimney structure for a bathhouse. In addition to pipes, you will need to prepare the following elements:

chimney system

Sandwich chimney installation


Installation of an external chimney

for chimney structure

Installation of an external chimney

  1. The entire chimney structure rises up and is attached to the wall. It is recommended to install it already assembled. This will make working at height easier.

Having secured the structure to the wall, you need to take care of sealing the joints. Vertical pipe It is necessary to insulate it, and to avoid condensation, make insulation.

Since the safety of the building and the health of people directly depends on it, there should be no errors or omissions during its installation. Before installing the chimney, it is necessary to study its structure in detail.

Features of external and internal chimneys. Materials for the manufacture of chimney structures. The simplest option for installing a chimney. Installation of a sandwich pipe and a metal external chimney.

Installation of a chimney in a bathhouse: types of chimney structures for a wood-burning stove and features of their installation

To remove fuel combustion products, ensure long-term heat retention and fire safety in the bathhouse, a properly constructed chimney is required. Therefore, before installing it, it is necessary to find out the main parameters of the chimney and study all the intricacies of installation.

Types of chimneys for wood stoves

Stove bath chimneys differ according to several criteria. According to the installation method, they are divided into internal and external.

Internal structures

One of the advantages of such a system is its maximum vertical location, which contributes to good traction. The internal chimney provides heating in the steam room and significantly reduces its warming up time. When installing this design, wood fuel consumption is significantly reduced.

To the disadvantages internal system for the stove includes:

Labor-intensive installation. To install the structure, you will need to break through the ceiling and roof, which reduces the quality of the pipe sealing.

  • Fire hazard. When installing a pipe for a bath, you will have to insulate the passage in the ceiling with special heat-resistant materials.
  • Difficult to maintain and repair.
  • High risk of smoke in the bathhouse. If there is a negative impact on the structure and cracks appear on it, smoke will begin to flow into the room.

But, despite the listed disadvantages, the heat given off by a chimney installed inside is much more important for a bathhouse.

External chimneys

Such designs are American idea. They are very popular due to the fact that the chimney system located on the street significantly reduces the risk of fire. During installation external system the pipe connects to the wood stove and goes outside through the wall. It is attached to the external surfaces of the bathhouse using special brackets.

The disadvantages of such designs are:

A hole with a diameter of 16 cm is drilled in the slab, pipes fastened with self-tapping screws. The 16 cm part of the pipe extending through the roof is wrapped with basalt wool and asbestos cord. The top pipe is placed on it at a depth of 20 cm, which must be well secured and treated with bitumen mastic. To prevent precipitation from entering the chimney, an asbestos cord is wound around the upper gap between the pipes.

This is the simplest chimney device in a bathhouse. You can easily do it with your own hands.

Construction and installation of a sandwich chimney for a wood-burning stove

Manufactured using new technologies chimney system has a multilayer design. Its body consists of two pipes of different diameters, which are inserted into each other. Between them there is a heat-insulating gasket in the form of basalt fiber or mineral wool. These materials are resistant to open flames, high temperatures and are immune to chemicals. They retain heat well and dampen sound waves.

The components of a sandwich chimney include elbows, tees, roof passage elements, a condensate collector, a wall clamp, a support console, a mouth, and an inspection tee with a door. When choosing these materials, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the chimney in the bathhouse.

Sandwich chimney installation

Provide safety of passage of the structure through surfaces is possible only if all the rules and features of its installation are observed.

Stages of work on installing a sandwich pipe:

If the distance between the attic floor and the roof is more than one and a half meters, then attic floor it is necessary to install an unloading unit. It consists of installation elements and metal corners that are attached to the legs rafter system. The unloading unit takes on the loads of the pipe coming out of the ceiling and will prevent lateral vibrations.

  • A starter sandwich is installed on the outlet pipe of the wood-burning stove. It is necessary to ensure that inner tube at the outlet of the furnace it entered into the nozzle, and was not located on top of it.
  • Pipe sections inserted into each other, bends and transitions are additionally fixed with clamps.
  • To give the structure stability and close the outlet hole in the ceiling, a ceiling groove is installed where the pipe passes through the surface. A passage in the form of a pipe with a slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the sandwich pipe is welded to it. Under ceiling cutting lined up mineral wool, and the structure is tightly pulled to the ceiling with nails or screws.
  • Holes are made in the roofing and sheathing for the chimney to exit, which are sealed using a roof penetration. The joints are coated with a special sealant.
  • The pipe outlet should be half a meter above the level of the roof covering. A fungus is installed at the top of the sandwich chimney.

After assembly is completed, the protective film is removed from the pipes, and all gaps and seams are sealed. For this, a special heat-resistant sealant is used.

Installation of an external chimney

The most optimal option for chimney structure is a stainless steel pipe. When installing outdoor system the main condition should be the absence of horizontal transitions. Otherwise, condensation and a large amount of soot will accumulate in the chimney. As a result, there will be no normal traction.

Basic requirements for installing an external chimney for a bathhouse:

It is necessary to exclude contact of gas lines and electrical wiring with sections of the structure.

  • The pipes are attached to the walls of the house using special brackets, the distance between which should not exceed one to one and a half meters. Other structural elements are attached additionally.
  • Each joint between pipes is clamped with a clamp and treated with a special sealant. This will provide the system with a better seal.
  • For convenient cleaning of the structure, it is necessary to provide removable parts or an inspection window.

Installation of an external chimney starts from the bottom of the structure. Each subsequent section of pipe is inserted inside the previous one.

Stages of work on installing a metal chimney outside the bathhouse:

  • The lower part of the pipe is connected to the furnace pipe in the bathhouse and treated with sealant. A clamp is put on top. The chimney must be connected to the pipe using a tee, pipe or elbow. It all depends on the design.
  • At a height of half a meter from the stove, a hole is made in the wall through which the chimney passes through with the help of a passage pipe.
  • At the end of the horizontal pipe brought out, a tee is installed, equipped with fasteners for the vertical part of the chimney. The lower outlet is blocked by a plug, which will be removed if necessary to clean the chimney.
  • The pipes are attached to the walls using special brackets. If the main pipe is heavy, then an elbow is installed on the support.
  • The entire chimney structure rises up and is attached to the wall. It is recommended to install it already assembled. This will make it easier to work at height. Having secured the structure to the wall, you need to take care of sealing the joints. The vertical pipe must be insulated and insulated to avoid condensation. Since the chimney is a structure, on which the safety of the building and the health of people directly depends, there should be no errors or omissions during its installation. Before installing the chimney, it is necessary to study its structure in detail.

    Installation of a chimney in a bathhouse: types of chimney structures for a wood-burning stove and features of their installation with video

    To remove fuel combustion products, ensure long-term heat retention and fire safety in the bathhouse, a properly constructed chimney is required.

Installation of a chimney in a bathhouse for a wood-burning stove

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the smoke exhaust system for the comfortable, convenient and safe operation of the bathhouse. Requirements for performing work on chimney installation:

  • Compliance with fire safety rules. One of the most important requirements, as it is directly related to safety human lives. Performed by
    • thorough insulation of the chimney from ceiling materials, usually flammable. In addition, during design and construction, a significant thickness of the chimney is laid;
    • maintaining the minimum required distance between the chimney and the wall;
  • Good traction. This can also be achieved in two ways:
    • the length of the chimney (optimally 5-6 meters) - the longer it is, the stronger the draft;
    • reducing resistance by maximizing the alignment of the chimney walls;
  • High-quality materials that meet operating conditions;
  • Optimal temperature regime. The operating conditions of the chimney must correspond to those planned. For example, if the smoke temperature is insufficient, condensation will form at the inlet, which will subsequently lead to the destruction of the chimney structure from the inside.

Features of chimneys for wood stoves

The main feature of using wood-burning stoves in a bathhouse is the greater heat they produce compared to other stove options. As a result, the requirements for chimneys must be increased.

Thick wall pipe

Most simple design chimney is an installed thick-walled pipe made of ferrous metal with a wall thickness of 3 mm. and more. Installation occurs using welding. But such a semi-handicraft design is not reliable and fireproof.

Chimney supplied with the stove

In most cases, when purchasing a wood-burning stove, a smoke exhaust system is included that is ideal for this type of stove. You can install it either independently or with the assistance of third-party specialists. Moreover, the cost of such work is relatively small - it starts from 4-5 thousand rubles.

Structures can be made from the most various materials, starting from steel diameter usually from 9 to 20 mm. and ending with ceramic pipes. Moreover, it is the latter that are considered the safest and most durable. Next come chimneys made of stainless steel. The next highest quality level is sandwich pipes. If we go back to steel pipes, then the most preferred steel grade is AISI 310S, which has increased heat resistance.

The complete diagram of the “stove-chimney” design and related systems is as follows.

Particular attention is paid to the passage through the roof or through the wall, depending on the type of chimney structure.

Types of chimney designs for wood stoves

The principle of the device is that exhaust gas is removed due to the natural draft created. The chimney pipe is led out through the wall and then rises vertically upward. Minimum height required for normal operation- 5 meters.


The chimney pipe rises directly from the boiler, passing through the ceiling, upward with a final exit to the roof. Typically, a chimney of this type is made in two layers to increase the fire safety of the system. In addition, the presence of thermal insulation between the layers helps to avoid the occurrence of condensation inside the pipe.

Brick chimney

When installing a chimney, stove fire-resistant bricks should be used, laid on a solution of special heat-resistant mixtures, or using a conventional clay-sand solution, which is more economical option, practically no worse in design quality.

Brick chimney installation

  • The riser pipe installed on the furnace. It is equipped with a valve to regulate the flow of smoke. Masonry is carried out with the obligatory special binding of bricks.
  • Fluff. It starts 5-6 rows of bricks before the ceiling. The cross-section of the chimney remains unchanged, but on the outside it becomes wider by 25-40 cm.
  • Riser. Part of a brick chimney extending through the attic.
  • Otter. Expansion of the chimney after exiting the roof, preventing precipitation from entering the junction of the chimney and the roof.
  • Neck. Dimensions are similar to the main chimney. An umbrella is installed on it.

Installation of a chimney in a bathhouse for a wood-burning stove - types of designs

In this article we will look at the design of a chimney in a bathhouse for a wood-burning stove, the requirements for performing the work, and the types of chimney designs for wood-burning stoves.

According to the overwhelming majority of lovers of bath traditions, a Russian steam room, like a Finnish sauna, should be heated with wood. For this purpose, a stove is installed in the steam room, and combustion products are discharged outside. The question is how to properly install such a chimney in a bathhouse, which will provide good draft and last a long time, and most importantly, safely. This article will allow you to familiarize yourself with existing species chimney pipes and methods of their installation.

Types of chimneys

Currently, homeowners install 3 types of chimneys for baths:

  • a pipe made of stainless steel or ordinary ferrous metal with thick walls;
  • double-walled pipe with a layer of fireproof insulation - sandwich chimney;
  • traditional brick chimney.

An ordinary pipe is simplest option, but it is used less and less. People prefer safety to cheapness, and therefore are increasingly inclined to sandwiches. And few people like black streaks of condensation, spoiling the entire appearance of the shiny surface of stainless steel. Although, if you make some effort and install the pipe as expected, such troubles can be avoided. Below we will look at how to do this correctly.

For reference. Regular metal pipes Steel sauna stoves are usually installed by owners who like to do everything with their own hands and save as much as possible on materials.

The double-walled sandwich design of the channel greatly simplifies installation work and makes the operation of the bathhouse much safer in terms of possible ignition and fire. Since the stove is in any case located inside the building, the chimney encounters various building construction– wall, ceiling, roof covering. And they do not always consist of fireproof materials, which means that an ordinary red-hot flue pipe represents a high fire danger.

The good thing about a chimney made from sandwich pipes is that the temperature on its surface is much lower than the flash threshold of most building and finishing materials. However, in accordance with fire safety rules, an indentation is also made from the double-walled and brick flue to combustible structures. By the way, the first 2 types of channels are installed together with steel sauna stoves, and the third, respectively, with brick ones.

Note. If the stove itself is made of brick, then the pipe for combustion products is made the same; in other cases, metal flue ducts are installed.

Depending on the installation method, the installation of a chimney in a bathhouse with your own hands is carried out outside or inside the building. When positioned externally, horizontal or sloping section, coming from the stove, permeates external wall, and only then joins the vertical section. The internal layout involves the passage of a vertical chimney through the floor and roof structures. These components pose the greatest fire hazard; the consequences of incorrect installation are reflected in the photo:

In the photo, when passing through the ceiling, the distance from the pipe to the combustible materials was clearly not maintained, which is why the latter began to smolder. The error in the bottom photo is obvious - the unacceptably short vertical section that should rise above the ridge of the roof in this case.

Chimney installation rules

Places where pipes pass through the ceiling and other building structures should be considered taking into account the fact that the inside is lined with wood, that is, combustible material. In this case, it does not matter what material the wall or ceiling itself is built from, it is enough that there is a flammable cladding. In general, the postulates for laying chimney ducts sound like this:

  • before installing metal or masonry brick oven you need to choose a place well so that the future chimney of the bathhouse does not fall on bearing structures roofs. There is no point in making unnecessary turns of the pipe later, but it is impossible to turn a brick channel. The total number of pipe turns should not exceed 3;
  • the horizontal section from the stove to the insert into the vertical channel should not exceed 1 m in length. The exception is a gas duct inclined at an angle of 45°, sometimes used instead of a horizontal one. But you shouldn’t get carried away here either, make this segment as short as possible;
  • single wall metal chimney must be separated from unprotected combustible materials of the ceiling at a distance of 0.5 m. If the combustible surfaces are covered with a non-combustible screen, the gap can be reduced to 38 cm. All requirements fire safety standards assets are shown in detail in the figure below;
  • the same figure shows how to correctly install the chimney in height so that its cut does not fall into the leeward zone. Then the force of natural traction will decrease significantly;
  • the vertical gas duct must be equipped with a system for cleaning and draining condensate.

Modern correct chimney made of brick has an insert made of stainless steel or ceramic elements inside. This is necessary to avoid destruction of the walls from the effects of condensation, which, due to the uneven operation of the heat source, freezes in the pores of the brick, breaking it into pieces.

Starting from the attic floor, it is strongly recommended to protect the single-wall pipe with a heat-insulating layer of fireproof insulation, best option– basalt fiber. On the outside, the insulation is wrapped in a galvanized steel casing. Then condensation will not appear outside the pipe, and attic space will be protected from fire. When installing a chimney through a wall, the same distances are observed as for passing through the ceiling.

First, about brick structures, which are a continuation of the furnace masonry. The passage unit, called cutting, is performed by expanding the masonry to standard dimensions, as shown in the diagram above. It turns out that when crossing the ceiling, it is necessary to maintain a wall thickness of one and a half bricks (380 mm), and a roofing thickness of 1 brick (250 mm).

Steel pipes for exhaust gases are usually assembled from sections inserted one into the other. Moreover, the chimney must be installed in such a way that the condensate inside the flue can flow down without hindrance. That is, the upper section is inserted into the lower one, this is called a “condensate” assembly. As for modular sandwiches, the inner pipe of the inserted upper section should fit into the lower one, and the outer one should wrap around the casing of the lower one from the outside. In this way, sediments are removed and quietly flow to the ground.

Important. No “smoke” assembly, that is, inserting sections into one another in reverse, is allowed.

If you decide to make a chimney for a bath through the ceiling, then you should prepare an opening in the ceiling required size. Then make a box from roofing steel with a bottom and a hole for the pipe, secure it in the opening and then install a smoke duct. The space between it and the sides of the box is filled with expanded clay, vermiculite, or tightly packed with basalt wool. Detailed details of the unit can be taken from the diagram:

Advice. Instead of a complex passage unit, you can use a samovar-type water tank, built into the ceiling and performing 2 functions at once. Similar good decisions offered by many stove manufacturers, details are shown in the drawing:

The vertical external chimney is attached to the wall on brackets in such a way that there is at least 1 fastener for each section. If the sections are long, then the brackets are placed at intervals of 2 m. When making turns, you should avoid installing elbows at an angle of 90°; try to use bends at 45 or 30°. The upper section of the chimney can be covered from precipitation with an ordinary umbrella or some kind of deflector can be installed. Better is the one that turns with the wind, preventing it from blowing inside the pipe.

How to clean a chimney in a bathhouse?

Brick or stainless steel chimneys serving sauna stoves should be cleaned as needed. Practice shows that with year-round use of a bathhouse, such a need occurs at least 2 times a year. For this purpose, there are special pipe cleaners that are tied to a rope with a load so that they can be lowered from top to bottom.

You should drain the condensate through the tap at the bottom of the pipe, climb onto the roof and lower the brush inside. Before doing this, you will need to remove the umbrella or deflector. It is very convenient when a chimney with a hole (revision) is installed in the bathhouse, through which access is provided from below. Then cleaning can be done on both sides, and then the spilled soot can be removed through the hatch.

In addition to the mechanical method, there is also chemical cleaning of the chimney. There is a commercially available product called “Chimney Sweeper log”, which is placed in the firebox of the stove and burned there in accordance with the instructions. The product is quite universal, suitable for any solid fuel heaters and has been tested in practice more than once.


Installing a sauna stove is only half the battle. Installation of such an important part as a chimney will take no less time, if not more. It is important to ensure compliance with 2 main requirements: compliance with fire safety standards and the presence of good stable traction.
