Homemade pancakes with mushrooms and chicken. Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms recipe How to cook with mint

I would be surprised if I hear that someone doesn’t like stuffed pancakes, especially those with meat or chicken filling - the most unfussy dish that can be served even for a holiday feast. And the whole trick here is in the filling.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • You can bake pancakes using sunflower oil, but it’s better to fry the filling in olive oil.
  • It is better to use champignons for the filling - they cook faster and are not at all dangerous, like wild mushrooms.
  • Before baking, the finished pancake dough should be allowed to stand for about 15 minutes so that the gluten, which gives the pancakes elasticity, is fully developed.

Recipe for pancakes with chicken and mushrooms

Food processor or mixer/blender; deep bowl – 2 pcs.; ladle; pan; spatula; spoons – tablespoon and tea spoon; board for cutting vegetables; knife; flat plate.


Step-by-step preparation of quick stuffed pancakes

Making the dough

Baking pancakes

Important! The number of pancakes directly depends on how much batter you pour into the pan. The thicker the pancake, the fewer pieces you will get at the end.

Preparing the filling

  1. Finely cut 350 g chicken breast (fillet) into cubes.

  2. Also cut 1-2 onions into small cubes.

  3. Chop 150-200 g of champignons into small pieces.

  4. Heat one tablespoon (15 ml) of vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chopped onion.

  5. When the onion turns pinkish, add finely chopped chicken breast, ½ tsp. salt, pepper to taste, quickly fry with constant stirring.

  6. As soon as the chicken pieces turn white, they are ready and should be immediately transferred to a separate dish (bowl).

  7. In the same frying pan, without removing from the heat, add another 15 ml (1 tbsp) of vegetable oil, and fry the mushroom pieces over high heat, lightly salting them.

  8. As soon as the juice disappears, the mushrooms are ready. They are also removed from the frying pan, transferred to a container with chicken and the contents of the bowl are thoroughly mixed. Finely chop half a bunch of onion and dill, and mix fresh herbs with the pancake filling.

Stuffing pancakes

Video recipe

Be sure to look at the plot, where the filling for pancakes, chicken with mushrooms, is prepared, although in stages, but extremely simply and quickly.

Recipe for juicy pancake bags with chicken, mushrooms and cheese

Cooking time: 45-50 min.
Exit: 8-11 pcs.
Calories: 222 kcal/100 g.
Kitchen equipment and utensils: beaker; teaspoons and tablespoons; knife; whisk/mixer; ladle; a set of bowls and cups; flat large plate; cutting board; grater; spatula; pan.


Whole milk300 ml
Chicken egg2 pcs.
Wheat flour1 stack
Granulated sugar1 tbsp. l.
Cream 30% fat30 ml
Saltabout 1 tsp.
Vegetable oil6 tbsp. l.
Champignon mushrooms)150-170 g
Onion turnip1 head
Cheese (soft)75-80 g
Chicken fillet300 g (2 pcs.)
Seasoning (curry)0.5 tbsp. l.
Ground black peppertaste
Green onions8-10 feathers

Step-by-step preparation of pancake bags

Our family is delighted with pancakes stuffed with chicken, mushrooms and cheese. First of all, children - they love the cheese stretching out of the bag. I am sharing my recipe so that you can try to prepare this original and very tasty dish for the “day of the holiday of the stomach.”

Preparing the dough

Baking pancakes

Assembling the filling

  1. Dissolve two breasts (about 300 g) of chicken fillet and one small onion into small cubes.

  2. Wash and finely chop 150-170 g of champignons. You can use any other mushrooms, but champignons cook the fastest.

  3. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the bottom of a heated frying pan and quickly fry the fillet pieces.

  4. After 3-4 minutes from the start of frying, add finely chopped mushrooms and onions to the chicken pieces and continue frying for no more than 10 minutes. Just before it’s ready, add ½ tsp to the filling. salt and ground pepper.

  5. As soon as the filling is ready, without turning off the burner, add 30 ml of cream and half a tablespoon of curry seasoning.

  6. Stirring constantly, keep the filling on the fire for about a minute, grate 80 g of soft cheese directly into the frying pan, after which you can turn off the burner.

Stuffing pancakes

To form a bag, place a couple of spoons of the filling in the center of the pancake, pick up the edges, pull it over, and tie it with a green onion arrow. Instead of onions, the edges of the pancake bag with filling can be secured with toothpicks. You can also use the thick fibers of the “pigtail” cheese as “threads” for the “bag”.

Video recipe

Look closely at how bags of pancakes with chicken and mushrooms are made. Moreover, if you add cheese to the filling, the dish will acquire an inimitable piquant taste.

What are stuffed pancakes served with?

Pancakes stuffed with chicken and mushrooms can rightfully be considered a complete breakfast, an excellent afternoon snack and a hearty dinner if the stuffed pancakes are served until 19.00. And any fresh herbs and lettuce leaves are suitable as decoration.

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms are served as a separate dish, with sauce, gravy, and sour cream. The dish is also served with melted butter, but the calorie content of a classically seasoned dish will be quite high.

Basic truths

  • If the pancake dough contains vegetable oil, then add it only to the first pancake.
  • First, they bake the pancakes, and only then start preparing the filling.
  • If the frying pan is uncoated and the pancake dough sticks to the surface, heat the frying pan well with salt, then simply wipe the surface with a rag.
  • Stuffing with hot filling is not recommended, since the inside of the pancake will quickly get wet and damp.
  • Melted butter or sour cream are considered classic gravies for savory stuffed pancakes.
  • Ready stuffed pancakes can be stored for a long time in deep freeze.

Simple recipes

  • The recipe for fluffy pancakes with a certain subtle taste has always remained under the close attention of housewives. Try to bake custard pancakes with kefir according to our recommendations, and you will definitely like this dish.
  • With a minimum set of ingredients, I offer a budget option on how to cook pancakes in water without eggs. This “magic wand” will be useful in the recipe arsenal for any housewife.
  • The classic one is extremely popular, especially before Maslenitsa and Easter. Yeast pancakes can be stuffed with any filling - meat, fish or sweet.
  • Fermented baked milk gives the dish a special taste. Be curious about how they place and bake, and how this unusual dish is served.
  • I present to your attention a recipe for thin ones with holes. They are no less popular than yeast pancakes, but they are mainly served as a sweet dish for the tea table.

If you found my recipes useful and also liked their simple execution, leave your feedback on this page. If you have easier cooking methods, write about them in your comments. You can also attach a photo of your favorite dish, and together we will improve this or that recipe.

Step 1: mix the pancake dough.

It is best to take milk at room temperature. Pour it into a deep plate, mix with eggs, sugar and salt. Whisk well and then gradually start adding wheat flour. The dough should be as thick as liquid cream. Beat it well with a whisk (you can even use a mixer) to dissolve all the flour lumps and obtain a homogeneous mass. At the very end, add a little sunflower oil.

Step 2: fry pancakes.

Heat up the frying pan. Drop a little vegetable oil on it and then pour in the dough. Tilt the pan to spread the batter all over the bottom to create a thin, neat pancake. Return the pan to the heat. Wait until the dough sets and you see golden edges, then carefully lift the pancake with a spatula and turn it over to fry on the other side. Cooking time for one pancake - approx. 2 minutes. The main difficulty, in my opinion, is the need to constantly monitor the frying temperature so that the dough does not burn, but is also well baked.
When all the pancakes are ready, set them aside and start filling, but if you “ate the dog” while frying the pancakes, then you can start preparing the filling at the same time. But for inexperienced cooks, it’s better to do everything sequentially or ask for help.

Step 3: prepare the mushrooms.

Sort the mushrooms and rinse well with running water. Dry with paper towels, and then cut into cubes or thin slices.

Step 4: Prepare the chicken.

Rinse the chicken fillet, dry it with disposable paper towels, and then cut into small cubes.

Step 5: prepare the onion.

Peel the onions and cut into small cubes.

Step 6: prepare the filling.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken pieces in it until they change color. Then add onions and mushrooms to the chicken. Season with salt and pepper to taste, add chicken seasoning, and then fry everything over medium heat for about 10 minutes, that is, until all ingredients are fully prepared. And don’t forget to stir the contents of the pan periodically so that nothing burns.
Important: Chicken fillet cooks quite quickly, do not dry it out.

Step 7: wrap the filling into a pancake.

The filling is ready, and so are the pancakes, so it’s time to wrap everything up and serve. Take one pancake, mentally divide it in half and put the filling on one half. Fold any two opposite edges towards the middle, and then roll the pancake into a tube, starting from the edge where the chicken fried with mushrooms and onions lies. Lightly press the top of the stuffed pancake and set it aside. Get on with the next one.
When all the pancakes are filled with filling, serve them!

Step 8: Serve pancakes with chicken and mushrooms.

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms are very filling and can be served as an appetizer or as a main course. Come up with a fun design, add a little sour cream or sauce, fresh herbs and pieces of vegetables to make it a complete independent dish. Now call everyone to the table, the pancakes with mushrooms are ready and you need to try them quickly!
Bon appetit!

Sometimes mushroom sauce, mayonnaise or sour cream is added to the filling to make it juicier.

You can roll filled pancakes in several ways: with a tube, an envelope, or simply fold them in half.

If you tightly wrap the filling into a pancake, you can then cover everything with breading and fry it in a frying pan, then you will get baked pancakes with chicken and mushrooms.

Do you have your own “signature” pancake recipe that you trust? Then be sure to cook pancakes the way you are used to.

We treat alcoholic beverages, which are always in abundance on store shelves, with suspicion. Having read the composition of any one, you are convinced that anything can be found in wine or liqueur, with the exception of natural products. Solution: let's prepare homemade tinctures with alcohol and vodka (whoever has what in their bins).

Let's get acquainted with the recipes for alcohol tinctures at home and get to work. Benefits:

  • you will know exactly what is contained in the alcoholic drink;
  • there is no need to urgently look for money and run to the store if guests suddenly come - your bar has everything you need;
  • many tinctures can be used as medicine.

A high-quality alcohol tincture at home requires patience: after mixing the ingredients, the future drink is infused in a dark place for at least a week. The result is worth it: homemade tinctures taste better than store-bought ones and, unlike the latter, help improve the health of the body if you drink them in moderation.

Let's start with those that are consumed not as an alcoholic drink, but as a medicine.

Oak bark tincture

Thyme infusion

For tracheitis and bronchitis, drink thyme infusion as an expectorant. It also helps with:

  • neuritis;
  • lumboischialgic pain;
  • arthrosis.

Herbal infusion is made from 30 g of thyme and 150 ml of alcohol, pouring thyme with alcohol in a glass jar. It is allowed to take vodka instead of alcohol. We wait ten days. We filter the finished herbal infusion - now it is ready for use. Drink it 15 drops three times a day (after meals).

You can also find a more “tasty” option - for women it will be the best recipe for a medicinal tincture, since it is not prepared with alcohol. We take:

  • thyme (100 g);
  • dry white wine (liter).

We fill the grass and wait a week. Then you should boil the solution, wrap it up for 4 hours - and you can use it. Norm: 30 ml 2 or 3 times a day before meals. Wine herbal infusion brings obvious benefits:

  • relieves inflammation and stomach cramps;
  • helps bile secretion;
  • calms the nerves.

It is believed that when used regularly in courses, the infusion increases life expectancy.

Peony infusion

Peony infusion has a healing effect. He:

  • copes with the symptoms of mastopathy;
  • fights chronic fatigue;
  • invigorates, improves performance.

For women of “transitional” age who have entered the difficult period of menopause, the tincture helps reduce hot flashes and other unpleasant manifestations of hormonal changes. Prepared from:

  • peony rhizomes (10 g);
  • alcohol (100 ml).

The powdered root soaked in alcohol is infused for a week. Shake periodically. Then filter and the tincture can be consumed.

How to make plantain infusion?

A simple remedy available to almost every person who has the opportunity to get out of the city is plantain infusion. Plantain is found almost everywhere in our country. The leaves of the fresh plant should be collected in an amount of 200 mg. You can squeeze the juice out of them - you should get about 200 ml. The juice will require more raw materials, so prepare more than 200 leaves.

Fill the raw material - leaves or juice - with alcohol. The infusion should stand in a dark room for 2 weeks. Then it is filtered (if leaves were used as a base).

Drink the tincture at the rate of 3 ml per 10 kg of patient weight. The norm is twice a day. When using plantain infusion, recovery occurs faster if a person suffers from:

  • inflammation;
  • cold;
  • colitis or gastritis (only the stage of the disease should be either pre-acute or close to remission - the tincture is contraindicated in the acute period).

From burdock

The next popular recipe for homemade alcohol tincture is burdock infusion. It is recommended for:

  • colds;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • metabolic disorders.

One of the best recipes for tincture with alcohol is a tincture based on burdock. The plant contains inulin, which regulates metabolism and facilitates the functioning of the pancreas, as well as other abdominal organs: gallbladder, liver.

When a person suffers from pain and muscle aches due to ARVI, there is a fever, the infusion of burdock root “stimulates” the work of the immune system, and recovery occurs faster.

Remembering the recipe for burdock root infusion is simple: for 100 g of raw material, 100 ml of vodka (alcohol) is required. Let the mixture stand in the dark for 10 days. You should drink 15 ml at a time. To improve taste and enhance the healing effect, add honey.

DIY valerian infusion

If life has not been full of good events lately, if you have to go through a lot of stress that is difficult to cope with on your own, support your body: prepare an infusion of valerian.

The herb is considered harmless in terms of side effects (it is usually prescribed even to pregnant women), but the effect is remarkable: it is known as a mild sedative. You can buy tablets at the pharmacy, but it is better to prepare an infusion of valerian yourself and drink it in a course. After all, alcohol will increase the potency of the plant’s medicinal effects.

The tincture is called " elixir of calm" She:

  • relieves nervous overexcitation;
  • improves sleep;
  • relieves muscle spasms.

This can be a homemade vodka or alcohol tincture. We take not 96% alcohol, but 40% alcohol: we dilute ordinary medical alcohol.

Valerian roots are ground in a coffee grinder, and then poured with alcohol in the ratio: 1 to 5. The mixture sits for 2 weeks, then it is filtered through several layers of gauze. Drink 20 drops three times a day.

Healthy and aromatic tinctures

How to cook with mint?

The mint infusion is pleasant to drink. We take 3-4 sprigs (if mint doesn’t grow in your garden, borrow some from your neighbors: fresh leaves give a stronger aroma) and fill it with vodka. We remember: our goal is to prepare a vodka tincture at home that would bring maximum benefit. Therefore, we don’t skimp on “fire water”: we buy vodka high-quality.

The solution needs to infuse for 2 weeks. If you add sugar here, the pleasant smell will be complemented by a sweetish taste. Agree, drinking a sweet medicine is much better than forcing yourself to swallow a bitter one!

Another little tip: You can flavor the tincture with sage and currant leaves, then it will acquire even more healing properties that are important for the body. Mint calms, creates a good mood, improves brain function. After a week of use, you will start cracking work tasks like nuts!

Viburnum tincture

Viburnum infusion helps with metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, and changes in blood pressure. The unpretentious berry contains a lot of vitamin C, which makes it an excellent assistant in the fight against colds, ARVI and flu. For viburnum infusion you will need half a kilo of berries.

We pour them into a jar, into which we also pour half a liter of vodka. To make it sweeter, add a little sugar syrup. Let it sit in a dark place for a week. The next necessary procedure is straining.

After filtering the tincture, close it with a lid and store it in a cool room. Viburnum tincture with vodka in very moderate quantities is useful for adults, but due to the alcohol content it is contraindicated for children.

How to infuse lilac?

The lilac infusion with vodka is ready for use within 10 days after the start of the preparation process. Many people like flowers with a wonderful aroma, but, unfortunately, the strong intoxicating smell often causes allergic reactions.

If you try an infusion of lilac, your body will perceive the flowers calmer. Lilac infusion is recommended for everyone who suffers from:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • arthritis;
  • migraines;
  • periodic inflammation of the kidneys.

We take 100 dry raw materials and place them in a jar. Fill with a liter of alcohol or vodka.

Attention! You should not store the tincture for more than a month - it contains a toxic substance ( hydrocyanic acid). Women should not drink the tincture if they have menstrual cycle disorders.

Healing herbal infusions

Dentists recommend starting treatment for oral diseases with the use of herbal medicines. This is an infusion of three types of herbs:

  • mountain arnica;
  • calendula flowers;
  • eucalyptus leaves.

Each type of raw material requires 1 tablespoon. Fill them with 200 ml of vodka and leave for 8 days. The solution is used for rinsing for gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontitis.

Tablespoon regular aspen bark and 250 ml of vodka together act as a diuretic. You can drink it for inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.

The mixture should be infused for 21 days. Then the drink is filtered. Drink based on dosage: 20 drops in half a glass of water twice a day.

Anti-cancer tincture

In the forests of central Russia there is a plant that, if handled carelessly, can cause severe poisoning. This hemlock– it is poisonous, and therefore not everyone will risk using recipes with it.

Hemlock infusion has antitumor properties: it delays or completely stops the growth and reproduction of cancer cells in the body.

Hemlock infusion is prepared from one part of dry raw materials and two parts of alcohol. You can take a jar of any size, fill it a third with parts of the herb, and fill it up to the neck with vodka. We infuse the medicine for 10 days.

You can proceed like this: pour 300 g of hemlock into a three-liter jar, fill the container to the top with vodka. You should insist for 10 days.

The course of treatment is long and requires patience. First stage: start using the tincture with one drop per glass of water per day and increase the number of drops to 13, adding 1 per day. Deterioration in well-being requires stopping treatment and returning to the previous dose, which is not changed until the body begins to perceive it normally.

After increasing the number of drops to 13, increase the volume of water in which the tincture is diluted by 50 ml. And they continue to gradually add drop by drop. Having reached 26 drops, add 50 ml of water again.

Finally, the number of drops reaches 40. Having reached it, they begin to gradually reduce the number of drops in the reverse order.

Extreme caution must be exercised as hemlock poison is dangerous!

Recipes are publicly available

Horse chestnut tincture

If you have problems with veins, not very good blood supply, try horse chestnut infusion. Women suffering from varicose veins have long used medicines based on this plant. Tincture:

  • increases vein tone;
  • eliminates blood stagnation;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • removes swelling.

To prepare the medicine, 50 g of raw materials and 0.5 liters of vodka are enough. They are mixed and placed in a dark cabinet, tightly closing the container with a lid. Infuse for 10 days and drink as follows: 10 drops at a time three times a day.

Clover infusion

Clover, familiar to everyone since childhood, is also capable of healing. In order to reliably cope with high blood pressure and reduce the manifestations of atherosclerosis, prepare an infusion of clover. If the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood is elevated, if the fungus is difficult to resolve and reappears, clover infusion will help.

A 500 ml jar is filled with dry raw materials. There is no need to compact it. Now pour vodka to the top. We insist for 2 weeks. The tincture, unlike most others, does not need to be filtered.

1 tablespoon per day should be drunk to eliminate the symptoms of the above painful conditions.

From red root

Red root infusion is an antispasmodic and natural antioxidant. Using red root infusion can stop bleeding. It relieves symptoms:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Women who have long and heavy periods often suffer from anemia. Iron levels in the blood can be raised with red root tincture.

450 ml of vodka and 50 g of dry raw materials are mixed in a jar. You can take alcohol - an alcohol infusion is even better, since it is not always possible to buy truly high-quality vodka. The infusion should stand for a week, after which it is ready for use.

Alcoholic tincture of cloves

A favorite spice by many, cloves, is suitable for preparing alcoholic infusions. It is a natural antiseptic. When used regularly in courses, clove infusion improves memory and stimulates brain function.

In addition, the clove infusion also tastes sweet, since sugar syrup is added to it at the final stage of preparation. Ingredients:

  • cloves (50 g);
  • vodka or moonshine (3 l);
  • sugar (1 kg);
  • water (600 ml).

First, mix cloves and alcohol. After 7 days, pour in the syrup, leave for another day, and filter. You can sometimes “take” a glass before dinner.

Eucalyptus for colds

  • ARVI, influenza;
  • “female” inflammatory diseases (adnexitis, endometritis, colpitis);
  • radiculitis.

In addition, the infusion is used to relieve nervous tension.

A little exotic

What do chanterelles help with?

Among the recipes for tinctures with alcohol and vodka there are quite original ones. Have you ever tried chanterelle infusion? This use of delicious mushrooms may seem strange. Meanwhile, it is in the tincture that the beneficial qualities of chanterelles are revealed:

  • ability to fight tonsillitis;
  • ability to reduce dysbiosis;
  • “ability” to cope with anemia.

We collect the mushrooms, dry them for a week, and grind them into powder. 15 g of this powder and a glass of vodka are enough. At night, drink 2 teaspoons of the drug. From the body quickly worms are removed, the liver is cleansed, the immune system becomes stronger.

The benefits of beaver stream

Preparing beaver stream tincture can also be classified as an exotic recipe - it is unlikely that every home has stocks of this “raw material”. Castoreum:

  • rejuvenates;
  • tones;
  • cleanses the kidneys and liver;
  • prevents tumor processes.

For 100 g of jet you need 400 ml of alcohol (vodka). The mixture is infused in the dark for a week. As a result, it should acquire an amber hue. If the color is different, you should still hold the infusion. Take the medicine one teaspoon three times a day.

Strong sweetness

Raisin tincture for the table

Tinctures are prepared not only to obtain an effective medicine. Many recipes make it possible to “compose” a pleasant addition to the holiday table. So, raisin tincture is good. To prepare it, take:

To make the taste sweet, add sugar syrup. The syrup is boiled from water and sugar, and the quantity is chosen at your discretion - some people like it sweeter, others only like a slight taste of sweetness.

The future raisin drink is kept in a dark room for about a week so that the raisins have time to “give up” their beneficial qualities.

Drink a teaspoon three times a day. This method of consumption allows you to cope with ovarian cysts and speed up the regeneration processes during colds.

And you can drink a whole glass if guests come.

Chokeberry in vodka

It’s easy to prepare a chokeberry tincture with vodka, and the drink turns out to be quite tasty and relatively inexpensive. We take a three-liter jar into which we pour rowan berries so that its layer is 3 cm.

Pour vodka to the neck of the jar and sugar syrup. The syrup is prepared first from water and granulated sugar, taking approximately 300 g. The amount of sugar can be varied. We place the jar in a dark room. Once every 4-5 days we remember about it and shake it properly.

After 10 days, filter the drink. Some people add cloves to the tincture to improve the taste.

It is allowed to include one more component - honey.

The tincture removes “bad” cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure. Its use in small doses makes blood vessels elastic, which protects a person from circulatory diseases.

Prunes with vodka

You can make prune tincture with vodka at home.

We take dried fruits with seeds. Weight of raw materials – 400 g. You will also need:

Place the ingredients in a jar and place it in a dark place. Exposure time – 10 days.

If you decide to change the composition a little, you can take pitted prunes, honey and a pinch of vanillin.

Important! You cannot keep the drink unopened (if dried fruits have kernels) for more than 20 days! Prune seeds contain poison, which over time “migrates” into the tincture.

Contraindications for use

There are many recipes for healthy tinctures. To prepare them, you do not need to be a specialist in the field of culinary arts or a pharmacist with a higher education. But there are some things to remember admission rules so that the tincture does not turn from a medicine into poison. It is prohibited to use alcohol infusions:

  • children under 14 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

If you suffer from any medical condition, consult your doctor before starting a course of treatment with homemade tinctures. Remember that due to the alcohol they contain, they do not always combine well with industrially produced drugs: hormonal drugs, antimicrobial agents.

Useful videos

Yes, yes, and again I’m with mushrooms! Or rather, with a very tasty and satisfying dish, which includes mushrooms. Well, how could it be otherwise – it’s time for a “quiet hunt”. Tender, soft and aromatic pancakes stuffed with fried wild mushrooms, boiled chicken and chicken eggs. This dish can be served for a family lunch or treated to relatives during an evening meal.

You can prepare absolutely any pancakes according to your recipe. For stuffing, I always make pancakes with milk and water, as they turn out tasty, tender, elastic, and also economical. You can fill them with absolutely any filling – be it sweet or salty.

And ready-made pancakes with chicken and mushrooms can be stored for quite a long time: just put them tightly in a bag and in the freezer. When you don’t have any time to prepare lunch or dinner, take out the supplies, let them thaw and fry them in oil. Great, right?




Cooking step by step:

The recipe for these delicious pancakes includes the following ingredients: milk, water, wheat flour, chicken eggs, chicken fillet (I used breast), boiled wild mushrooms, onions, salt, sugar and refined vegetable (I used sunflower) oil.

First, let's cook the chicken fillet. Since we need aromatic and tender meat, and not chicken broth, we need to put it in boiling water. You can add roots to taste (I used celery, carrots and onions), as well as salt. You need to cook the chicken breast for about 10 minutes after boiling, and the fillet for about 15-20. We also set chicken eggs to boil hard - after boiling for 9-10 minutes, then under cold water so that they cool faster and are easier to clean.

Let's take care of the mushrooms - chop them finely and put them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil (a few tablespoons).

Add peeled and finely chopped onions there. Salt to taste.

Fry the mushrooms and onions until browned and a characteristic aroma appears. The mushrooms need to be thoroughly fried so that no moisture remains. The onion will also become transparent, rosy and crispy.

Now we need a meat grinder. If you don’t have it, you’ll have to chop the eggs and chicken finely with a knife. So, directly to the mushrooms and onions, chop the peeled boiled chicken eggs.

Next we scroll through the boiled chicken meat.

Mix the filling, add a little more salt if necessary. You can add the broth in which the meat was cooked, just not a lot so that the pancakes don’t get soggy later. The pancake filling is ready.

We’ve also finished baking the thin pancakes, so we can start filling them.

Turn the stack of pancakes over so that the soft ones are on top. Then, when wrapping, crispy edges will definitely not break through the folds, and the filling will not come out.

Place about a heaping tablespoon of our delicious filling on one edge.

Wrap the edges of the pancake with an envelope.

Then we twist it and get a pancake with chicken and mushrooms.

Fold the rest of the spring rolls in the same way. I got 21 pieces - that's a lot.

Some of the pancakes can be placed in a container and stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Place another portion in the freezer for longer storage.

And, of course, fry these delicious and satisfying filled pancakes in oil (vegetable or butter) until golden brown.

Serve this delicious second course hot with sour cream. Salt and ground pepper - to taste. Well, don’t skimp on fresh greens!

Chicken pancake filling

Pancakes, thin and thick, wheat and buckwheat, with milk or kefir, are one of the most popular dishes among our compatriots. They are good on their own, especially if you add sour cream or honey, but many people like these products much better with filling. They are filled with cottage cheese, fruits, jam, vegetables, and meat. It's inexpensive, but it makes a filling and tasty filling for chicken pancakes. It is made from boiled and smoked chicken, as well as minced chicken. Often the main ingredient is supplemented with vegetables, rice, mushrooms, eggs, and cheese. Thanks to this, pancakes stuffed with chicken can be completely different in their organoleptic qualities, which allows you to significantly diversify the menu.

Cooking features

Chicken filling for pancakes is one of the most delicious and at the same time easy to prepare. However, to get the best result, it doesn’t hurt to know a few important points regarding the technology for preparing filler for poultry pies.

  • Pancakes filled with minced chicken do not take long to cook. They are simply browned and heated in a frying pan, and this process usually takes no more than 5 minutes. The chicken will not have time to cook during this time, even if it is chopped into a pate. It must be prepared in advance, before filling pancakes with it. The same applies to other ingredients that require heat treatment that are part of the filling.
  • When boiling chicken for pancake filling, you need to try to make it flavorful. To do this, spices and roots are added to the broth. Onions, carrots, and celery are good choices.
  • Gourmets claim that fresh or chilled chicken (or minced chicken) makes the filling more tender and juicy than frozen poultry. To ensure that the organoleptic qualities of chicken are not affected when it is defrosted, it must be allowed to thaw in natural conditions, without being subjected to temperature changes.
  • If you make the filling from raw minced chicken by frying or stewing it in a frying pan, try not to purchase a ready-made semi-finished product, but to make it yourself. Minced meat sold in stores almost always contains cartilage and skin, which does not make it more tasty or healthy. At home, you can prepare it from meat alone; it will turn out to be more delicate in taste, more nutritious and less caloric.
  • To make the filling for chicken pancakes more tasty, vegetables or mushrooms are often added to it. An interesting taste can be obtained by stewing chicken in sour cream or sauce, then thickening it with flour.

The filling for pancakes can be delicious if it is made from chicken meat alone, but if the main ingredient is supplemented with other components, the taste of the finished dish will be much richer and more enjoyable. The most delicious filling is considered to be chicken, supplemented with mushrooms, cheese, eggs, but other options also have their admirers. The technology for preparing chicken filling for pancakes may have some nuances, depending on its exact composition. To avoid mistakes and get the expected result, you should follow the recommendations that accompany the chosen recipe.

A simple chicken pancake filling recipe

  • raw chicken meat or prepared minced meat – 0.5 kg;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • fresh herbs (optional) - to taste.
  • Wash the chicken, separate the meat from the bones, and remove the skin. Cut the fillet into small pieces and grind using a meat grinder.
  • Scrub the carrots, wash and dry with a napkin.
  • After freeing the onion from the husk, finely chop the onion.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan, add onions and carrots. Fry them until soft.
  • Add the minced chicken to the vegetables and fry it, stirring with a spatula, until it turns white.
  • Season with salt and pepper, add finely chopped herbs and mix well.

The filling of minced chicken with onions and carrots can be used to fill pancakes immediately after its preparation. It is placed on the pancake closer to one edge. After which the product is folded into an envelope. Then all that remains is to lightly fry the pancakes, placing them in a frying pan with boiling oil, seam side down, and then turning them over.

Boiled chicken stuffing with cheese

  • chicken – 0.7 kg;
  • hard cheese – 0.3 kg;
  • sour cream – 60 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.
  • Wash half the chicken carcass. Blot with a napkin and boil in salted water until tender.
  • Remove the skin from the carcass and separate the meat from the bones. Finely chop or grind it using a meat grinder.
  • Coarsely grate the cheese.
  • Combine chicken with cheese, adding sour cream and seasonings. No need to add salt.

All that remains is to mix the ingredients well and use the resulting mixture as a filling for pancakes.

Filling for pancakes with chicken, mushrooms and cheese

  • chicken breast fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • fresh champignons – 0.4 kg;
  • hard cheese – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream – 40 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will be needed;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Wash the chicken breast fillet, pat dry with a towel, cut into small pieces and grind them through a meat grinder.
  • Peel and cut the onion into small cubes.
  • Add the onion to the minced chicken, salt and pepper it, and stir.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the minced chicken in it, fry it until it turns white.
  • Pour sour cream into the minced meat, stir, simmer for 5-10 minutes under the lid.
  • Wash the mushrooms and pat dry with a napkin. Cut the mushrooms into strips.
  • Heat a new portion of oil in a clean frying pan and fry the mushrooms in it. They should be fried until all excess liquid has evaporated from the pan.
  • Combine mushrooms and chicken, add cheese chopped on a coarse grater.

All that remains is to fill the pancakes with filling, then fry them or bake them in the oven.

Filling for pancakes with mushrooms and chicken

  • chicken breast – 0.5 kg;
  • fresh champignons – 0.5 kg;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • onions – 150 g;
  • flour – 40 g;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.
  • Boil the chicken breast, remove bones and skin, and chop into small pieces.
  • After washing and drying the champignons, cut into strips.
  • Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  • Melt the butter in a saucepan, add onions and mushrooms, salt and pepper. Fry until most of the liquid released from the mushrooms when heated has evaporated from the pan.
  • Add chicken, stir. Fry it for 2-3 minutes along with the mushrooms.
  • Sprinkle the ingredients with flour and stir.
  • Add cream and simmer over low heat until the mixture becomes thick.

If a little of the filling prepared according to this recipe remains, it can be used for soup or julienne.

The filling for pancakes made from chicken meat turns out to be satisfying and juicy. Most often it is supplemented with mushrooms. You can also add hard-boiled eggs, pre-boiled rice in salted water, and grated cheese. Among the many filling recipes, it’s hard not to find an option to suit your taste.

14 chicken filling recipes for pancakes

Dear friends, Maslenitsa week begins and pancakes will take pride of place on our tables. Some people like to eat them with sour cream or condensed milk, while others prefer them stuffed with cottage cheese or meat. Chicken filling for pancakes can also be very tasty. As Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: “Pancakes were invented just like the samovar by Russian brains. And if we still don’t have scientific work on pancakes, this is simply explained by the fact that eating pancakes is much easier than racking your brains over them...”

We won’t study something that just needs to be cooked and eaten. Recipes for delicious pancakes for Maslenitsa can be made with kefir, fermented baked milk, mineral water, and even beer. Always turn out great pancakes with milk with holes. But, no matter what recipe you use to prepare the dough, a lot depends on the filling. That is why today we will talk about it. So, what kind of pancakes can be fried with chicken - recipes and options.

Pancakes with minced chicken

  • Chicken – 500-600 g
  • Onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt pepper

This is one of the easiest chicken breast stuffing recipes. Everything is prepared simply and quickly. In short - a classic of the genre. First you need to turn the meat into minced meat or buy ready-made, if this option suits you.

The onion is finely chopped and fried in a hot frying pan in oil. Add minced chicken to the golden onions and continue frying, stirring the mass thoroughly. Salt, pepper - everything to taste.

If desired, you can add any greens to the minced meat. The dish will become not only more flavorful, but also more healthy - vitamins after all! After the meat turns white, you can start stuffing the pancakes.

Pancakes with minced chicken and egg

  • Chicken fillet – 500 g
  • Egg – 2 pcs
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • White wine – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Oil for frying
  • Salt pepper

This chicken breast filling is prepared very quickly. First, finely chop the onion. Sauté it in vegetable oil until golden brown. The chicken is passed through a meat grinder (or ready-made minced chicken is used).

Add minced meat, salt, pepper to the onion in the frying pan and stirring constantly and breaking up lumps, bring to readiness. Then wine is added to the meat mass. You can take dry or semi-dry - your choice. After a few minutes, when the alcohol has evaporated, turn off the fire.

The eggs are boiled, cut and added to the prepared minced chicken with onions. Everything is mixed and wrapped in pancakes. The wine additive adds a little flavor to the filling, try it and evaluate it.

Pancakes with minced chicken and cheese

  • Chicken – 500 g
  • Cheese – 500 g
  • Sour cream – 100 g
  • Salt pepper

The good thing about filling minced chicken pancakes is that it is very easy to prepare. Cheese can be used in two ways - either add it to the filling itself, or sprinkle it on wrapped pancakes and then bake in the oven or microwave. Consider the option of adding it directly to the minced meat.

Grind the chicken meat in a meat grinder and simmer in sour cream, adding salt and pepper. Then add grated hard cheese. The filling turns out to be the most tender!

Chicken and egg pancake filling

  • Chicken breast – 1 piece
  • Egg – 2 pcs
  • Dill – 10 g
  • Salt pepper

The fillet is first boiled, then passed through a meat grinder. The eggs are hard boiled. Add finely chopped dill and chopped eggs to the minced boiled meat. Mix everything, adding salt and pepper to taste.

Pancakes with chicken and cheese

  • Chicken breast – 400 g
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Cheese – 100 g
  • Butter – 2 tbsp.

Above we considered the option of minced chicken plus cheese. This recipe uses boiled chicken breast. The taste of the pancakes is similar, but the consistency of the contents is different. Anyone who likes this combination of foods can fry both and then compare.

To make pancakes with chicken fillet and cheese, first boil the chicken. They chop it into strips. Onions are also cut into strips (not across, but lengthwise - that’s the nuance). Sauté the onion in butter.

Mix chicken strips, fried onions and grated cheese. The chicken and cheese filling for pancakes is ready, you can start stuffing.

Pancakes with chicken can be prepared from chicken breast or any other part - the thigh part is also tasty and tender.

Pancakes with chicken cheese and tomatoes

  • Chicken – 500 g
  • Cheese – 200 g
  • Tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil

Cut the chicken fillet into small slices and fry in unrefined sunflower (or any other) oil. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and add to the pan. Continue heating over medium heat for about 6-7 minutes. Then add hot water (200 ml) and simmer for another five minutes.

By the way, it is very useful to fry tomatoes in oil - this increases the amount of lycopene in them. This substance is necessary for our body to protect against free radicals.

After the tomatoes have evaporated, you need to drain the excess liquid (you will still need it according to the recipe) into a container. Divide the filling among the pancakes, wrap them and place them on a baking sheet.

Sprinkle with grated cheese, then sprinkle with the broth in which the chicken and tomatoes were stewed. Sprinkle another layer of cheese and place in the oven for 10 minutes. You can also use a microwave. The main thing is that the cheese melts.

Filling with smoked chicken and gizzards

  • Chicken breast (smoked) – 400 g
  • Chicken stomachs – 600 g
  • Celery – 100 g
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Egg – 2 pcs
  • Oil for frying
  • Salt pepper

The recipe is non-standard and that’s why it’s good. These pancakes have an unusual taste. The first step is to prepare the stomachs. They are thoroughly washed and boiled in salted water until soft. Cut the cooled giblets into small strips. Boil and chop the eggs.

Smoked chicken (can be grilled) can also be cut into strips. Fry the onion (in the form of thin half rings) in vegetable oil along with a finely chopped celery stalk. Place all ingredients in a frying pan, add pepper and continue frying. In about 10 minutes the delicious filling is ready.

Pancakes with chicken in sour cream sauce

  • Chicken – 600-700 g
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream (20%) – 200 g
  • Water – 100 ml
  • Flour – 2 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil
  • Greenery
  • Salt pepper

The recipe is simple and, in my opinion, very good. The pancakes turn out tender and filling. I think you'll appreciate it. According to the recipe, you need raw breast, 20% sour cream, and you can use dry herbs if you don’t have fresh ones.

Onions, previously finely chopped, are sautéed in oil in a heated frying pan. Add chicken cut into small slices to the onion and, turning the heat to maximum, bring to readiness.

Reduce the heat, add the indicated portion of flour, stir and continue heating. Almost immediately add water, sour cream, herbs, salt and pepper. After boiling, simmer for another 10 minutes. The filling with chicken in a delicate sour cream sauce is ready!

Pancakes with chicken in creamy sauce

  • Chicken fillet – 400 g
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cream (30-35%) – 80 ml
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • Mustard – 1/3 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt pepper

This is a very unusual and original recipe that should appeal to true gourmets. If you have never tried making this chicken fillet filling, I highly recommend it.

Beat sour cream and cream in one bowl. Pass the garlic through a garlic press, grate the apple (you need to take a green one) on a fine grater. Add both ingredients, as well as mustard, salt and pepper, to the sour cream mixture. Beat again. The creamy sauce is ready.

Boil the chicken in a small amount of salted water. Cut into small slices and fry in oil until golden brown. Then mix the chicken stock with the creamy sauce. Arrange among the pancakes and wrap them in an envelope.

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms in creamy Bechamel sauce

  • Chicken fillet – 400-500 g
  • Mushrooms – 300 g
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Flour – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Cream – 100 ml
  • Hard cheese – 50 g
  • Salt, spices

The filling for pancakes made from chicken and mushrooms is quite popular. But it can be made even tastier if you use Bechamel creamy sauce in the recipe. As for mushrooms, you can use any, but traditionally the filling is made from champignons - they are simply more accessible.

The onion is chopped and fried in vegetable oil. Add chopped mushrooms and chicken slices. Continue to fry until fully cooked.

The sauce is prepared as follows. Melt butter in a frying pan over low heat, add flour and mix everything immediately. Pour in the cream and milk and stir well again. Add spices and salt to taste. The sauce must be stirred constantly. When it thickens, remove it from the heat.

Half of the Bechamel sauce is mixed with the chicken and mushroom filling. Stuff the pancakes and pour the remaining sauce on top. Sprinkle them with grated cheese and bake in the oven (or microwave).

Pancakes stuffed with chicken and mushrooms

  • Chicken – 500 g
  • Mushrooms – 300 g
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Oil for frying
  • Salt pepper

This is a simplified version of the previous recipe. This filling is good for bags with mushrooms and chicken. They look original and are convenient to eat, because the minced meat is not particularly liquid and will not seep through the holes in the single layer of pancake bags.

The sequence of frying the products is as follows - first onions, then pieces of chicken are added to it and after 10 minutes chopped mushrooms. You need to simmer with mushrooms for 20-25 minutes. Don't forget about salt and pepper.

You can also make pancakes with minced chicken and mushrooms. The difference in this recipe is that raw minced chicken is added to the onions, rather than fillet pieces. And the cooking technology is similar. The filling is more homogeneous. This is not for everyone.

Chicken and rice pancake filling

  • Chicken – 500 g
  • Rice – ½ cup
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Oil for frying
  • Spices

Finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Turn the meat into minced meat (or take ready-made), add it to the pan and continue frying. Rinse the rice thoroughly in several waters, boil until tender, drain off excess water.

Combine the onion and meat mixture with rice. To prevent pancakes with minced chicken and rice from turning out bland, you need to add spices and herbs to them: basil, curry, paprika.

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Pancakes with chicken and cucumbers

  • Chicken – 300 g
  • Cucumbers – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dill
  • Salt pepper

Pancakes stuffed with chicken can also be prepared with fresh cucumbers - they give a unique fresh taste and a pleasant crunch. Plus the cooking is super simple. Chicken fillet should be boiled in salted water, cooled and cut into strips.

Also cut the cucumber into strips. Grease the middle of each pancake with mayonnaise, add a spoonful of chicken and cucumber, sprinkle with chopped dill. Wrap the pancakes and eat with pleasure!

This will be useful for the housewife in the kitchen:

Comfortable and practical baking mats

Cake decorating set – 100 items

Device for thermal sealing of bags

Pancakes with chicken and pickles

  • Chicken breast – 2 pcs.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • Green peas – 250 g
  • Onion – 1/3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt pepper

A very unusual recipe that convinces us that a very original and tasty filling can be made from chicken. Chicken and eggs are boiled (of course, in different containers) and cut into small pieces.

Finely chop the onion. There is very little of it in the recipe, but if someone doesn’t like the strong aroma of fresh onions at all, you can pour boiling water over the slices. Pickled (or pickled) cucumbers are also chopped into small cubes. Combine all the ingredients specified in the recipe, including green peas. Season the filling with mayonnaise.

In conclusion, I offer you a video recipe that tells you how to prepare original pancakes with chicken liver:

As you can see, chicken filling for pancakes can be very diverse. Try, experiment and leave your opinion in the comments. It's very interesting to know which recipe you like best.

Pancakes stuffed with chicken and mushrooms

Today I will tell you how to cook chicken pancakes with mushrooms. The pancake dough, of course, is made according to the usual recipe, but the highlight is in something else, in the pancake filling.
The filling consists of chicken meat, champignon mushrooms and a little cheese, which ultimately gives the pancakes an amazing taste.

Ingredients for pancakes with chicken and mushrooms

To prepare chicken and mushroom spring rolls, we need the following ingredients.

Pancake batter:

  • 200gr. flour
  • 500ml. milk
  • one tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • three eggs
  • a pinch of salt

Pancake filling:

  • 200-300g. chicken meat
  • 300gr. champignons
  • 50gr. cheese
  • spices and garlic to taste

Recipe for pancakes with chicken and mushrooms

Prepare the dough. To do this, pour 250 ml into the dishes. milk, pour in all the flour and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form.

Then pour out the remaining 250 ml. Mix the milk again.

Add three tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough so that the pancakes do not burn in the frying pan. All the pancake dough is ready.

Let's move on to the filling. Boil the chicken and chop finely.

Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan and chop them finely.

Mix grated cheese with mushrooms and chicken. All the filling is ready.

Let's start frying pancakes. The frying process is normal, as with all pancakes.

Pour half a ladle of dough onto a greased, heated frying pan, spread the dough over the surface, fry on one side then on the other.

When the pancakes are ready, put the filling in the middle and roll up the pancake. We do this with all pancakes.

And finally, put all the pancakes stuffed with chicken and mushrooms back into the frying pan and fry a little until the filling is distributed and mixed with the cheese.

How good are pancakes - thin, lacy, with seasoning, yeast, with kefir or milk. And how many interesting dishes you can prepare based on pancakes, using various fillings - just freedom for housewives with creative abilities!
Pancakes with a sweet filling of fruits and berries are served as a dessert with tea or coffee. Nalistniki with cottage cheese are traditionally eaten with sour cream and fermented baked milk. If cheese, minced meat and mushrooms are placed in pancakes, then they are usually served as an independent dish.
Pancakes stuffed with chicken and mushrooms are a light but at the same time nutritious appetizer that can be prepared for a holiday table or a family dinner.
From these ingredients you will get 25 delicious pancakes, which you will spend 1 hour preparing.



  • For pancake dough:
  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 2.5 tbsp;
  • Milk – 3 tbsp;
  • Egg – 3 pcs.;
  • Salt – 1 tsp. (plus in the filling);
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. (plus for frying).
  • For filling:
  • Mushrooms – 400 g;
  • Chicken fillet – 300 g.


First you need to prepare the pancake dough. To do this, mix the eggs with salt and sugar.
Pour in warm milk. Then add flour little by little and beat the dough well with a mixer to remove any lumps that have formed.

Add odorless sunflower oil to the dough and mix thoroughly again.
Grease a frying pan with sunflower oil and heat it well. Then pour the batter in a thin layer onto the surface and fry the pancakes for a few minutes on each side until golden brown.

The filling is even easier to prepare than the pancakes themselves. First of all, you need to wash and cut the chicken into small pieces. True, you can put it through a meat grinder and prepare the filling from minced chicken, but it will turn out juicier in pieces. Place the meat in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry it for 5 minutes over high heat.

Remove the skin from the onion, slice thinly and combine with the chicken.

There is no need to clean the champignons. It is enough to simply wash them thoroughly and chop them with a knife. Send the mushrooms after the onions. Fry the filling, reducing the heat to medium, for another 20 minutes.

How to stuff pancakes correctly? There are many ways. The pancakes are simply rolled into a tube, an envelope, a pyramid, or a bag.
Here is one of the simplest and most reliable methods: place the filling closer to the top edge of the pancake.

Then cover it with one (top) side.

Repeat the same with the right end of the pancake.

And then with the left.

Finally, roll the pancake into a roll.

Pancakes decorated in this way can be safely served to the table without fear that the filling will fall out and the dish will lose its shape.

Tips for the hostess:

  • For the filling, minced chicken, breast, fillet and trimmings from other parts of the chicken are used.
  • If you are making the filling from minced meat, then fry it as indicated in our recipe, but stir thoroughly so that the texture is uniform, after which, if desired, the minced meat can be ground in a blender.
  • The filling is also made from boiled chicken meat; for this, the meat is finely chopped and then mixed with mushrooms.
  • Pancakes can be rolled not only into an envelope, but also into a roll. And for the holiday, make bags - put the filling in the center of the pancake and tie it with a leaf of green onion.
  • The filling can be made from any type of mushroom: champignons, oyster mushrooms, wild mushrooms. It is better to chop the mushrooms finely, but you should not grind them in a blender, because... their taste will become less pronounced.
  • You can add grated hard cheese to the filling recipe.
  • Pancakes are served with sour cream or sour cream sauce.
  • Pancakes with this filling freeze well and are stored frozen for a long time; before heating, remove them from the freezer one hour before reheating.
  • Cold pancakes taste best when heated in a frying pan and fried in butter on both sides. Pancakes can also be heated in the microwave and oven.