Nine-year wedding anniversary: ​​earthenware and chamomile themed gifts. What to give for a faience anniversary (9 years of wedding)

If you have lived together for nine years, it’s time to celebrate a wonderful holiday - a faience wedding, which is sometimes popularly called a ‘daisy wedding’. What are its symbolism, what gifts to choose for a couple when you go to visit her?

Chamomile wedding and its symbolism

Chamomile is not just a delicate summer flower, it is a flower of love. After all, the most common method of love fortune-telling is associated with it (loves - does not love, but of course, loves!).

Chamomile itself is a flower that symbolizes the sun, summer, warmth, fun and joy and indicates that your life together is just approaching its blossoming. Therefore, this holiday can be celebrated outdoors, with family and friends, if the weather permits, of course. Spouses can give each other wreaths of daisies.

Why a faience wedding?

Another name for the ninth anniversary is a faience wedding. Faience is fragile, but beautiful, just like your relationships, which need to be protected.

The meaning of an earthenware wedding is interpreted in different ways: the first version is the personification of earthenware cups that are filled with strongly infused tea. This tea is like a symbol of the strong, stable relationship that spouses have built up over 9 years of marriage - hence the earthenware, the cup from which is filled with wealth over these years.

The second version is absolutely the opposite of the first. It is believed that it is in the ninth year of marriage that a couple experiences a turning point, and in some cases even a critical period associated with fragile earthenware. According to statistics, most divorces occur in the ninth year of marriage.

What to give for a faience wedding

For the ninth wedding anniversary, you can give the spouses the following: a variety of earthenware products, for example, earthenware. Cups, plates, saucers or tableware, as well as figurines. And also a variety of earthenware figurines, decorative plates that are hung on the wall or mounted on a special stand. They will serve a great gift on this holiday - the ninth anniversary. And let it be on your life path there will be no cracks.

The best gift for a faience wedding anniversary is considered to be a set. However, with what motives and hints to give it, it is up to the spouses or their loved ones to decide. You can present a tea set with a pack of good strong tea, symbolizing strong, warm family relationships(be sure to mention this out loud!).

Otherwise, by giving a set of earthenware, you can transparently hint that marriage is the same fragile earthenware. And if you don't handle it carefully, it can break. And then, over the years, looking at such a symbolic gift that can “glue” hearts and prevent the birth of rash words and actions, you can enjoy strong tea.

Faience wedding traditions

Previously, on such an important day as 9 years of married life, dishes were broken for good luck. This meant breaking up old problems, misunderstandings, and quarrels. According to tradition, you need to break exactly 9 plates - according to the number of years family life.

The fragments must be immediately solemnly collected and taken out of the house. Ideally, both spouses do this, which means they are united in deciding everything family issues. But how to replace broken dishes? Of course, new, bought as a gift by guests.

The ninth anniversary of marriage is called a faience wedding. And although this is not yet a round date, nevertheless, it is a very important milestone. As psychologists say, at this moment another crisis in family life begins. Relationships become as fragile as earthenware. Therefore, it is very important to seriously approach the question “what to give for a faience wedding?” The right gift can bring stability to a relationship and make life happier. In this article we will tell you what to please your spouse, what to give to friends on this date, and also what gifts you should refrain from.

Top 10 gifts for 9th wedding anniversary

If you don’t know what you can give for a faience wedding, we suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the list of traditional things that are given on this day; perhaps you will find your gift among them.

  1. Earthenware services
  2. Souvenirs
  3. Faience jewelry
  4. Cups
  5. Flowers (most often daisies)
  6. Money
  7. Small household appliances
  8. Sweets
  9. Gift-impression
  10. Alcohol

What to give your wife for a faience wedding?

For women, a wedding anniversary is always a very important date. Your gift will be seen as proof of love and care, so try to give something valuable and memorable. In this section we have tried to collect gift ideas for every taste and budget.

  • Family photo session in nature. Take your wife, children, dog and go outdoors, taking with you a professional photographer. Such a walk will give positive emotions and will refresh the relationship, and the resulting shots will remain as a memory and proof of your family happiness.
  • Holidays at sea. Remember when you and your wife were at a resort in last time? If your answer is a long time ago, then your ninth wedding anniversary will be a great opportunity to fill this gap. This gift will make you forget about routine and remember that family is not only worries, but also joy.
  • Faience pendant. If your wife loves unusual jewelry, such an accessory will be an excellent gift option for her. On the Internet you can find designer jewelry made of earthenware with the addition of gilding, ceramics or enameled inserts.
  • Vase. A beautiful vase will never be out of place. It is advisable to find original model. You can also choose a cute vase with a pattern of daisies.
  • Faience fondue pot. Is your wife a foodie? Then best gift for a wife's earthenware wedding - dishes for preparing fondue. This bowl makes very tasty cheese or chocolate dishes.
  • Hollywood star. If your wife loves gossip columns and doesn’t miss a single movie premiere, give her a personal star made in the image of a Hollywood one. It can be placed on a stand, hung on a wall, or even placed on the floor, for example in a bathroom.
  • Flower in a pot. A touching replacement for the standard bouquet. Just don’t give a cactus or aloe. For a gift for 9 years of marriage, an orchid, azalea or “sunny” gerbera is suitable
  • Faience jewelry box. A good gift for those women who have many different bracelets, earrings and rings. It’s not easy for a man to choose such a gift on his own, so don’t hesitate to ask a sales consultant for help, or better yet, take a friend or relative with you.

The ninth wedding anniversary is also called "chamomile". An excellent addition to the main gift for your wife would be a bouquet of wildflowers.

What to give your husband for a faience wedding?

Choosing a wedding anniversary gift for your husband is not an easy task. After all, men usually don’t like souvenirs and cute trinkets. In this part of the article, we will give you ideas for gifts for your husband on his 9th wedding anniversary, so that the gift is useful and interesting and at the same time meets the traditions of the holiday.

  • Ceramic beer mug. If your spouse's favorite drink is beer, give him a beautiful ceramic mug. Let him also receive aesthetic pleasure from the foamy drink.
  • Hookah with earthenware bowl. Such bowls are considered the best, in them the heat from the coals is distributed evenly and the tobacco warms up well. This gift will make your get-togethers with friends even more interesting. You can, for example, organize a competition to see who can make the most smoke rings.
  • Excursion to the porcelain factory. A great gift option for a man who loves adventure and new experiences. On such an excursion you can learn many interesting things and understand how fragile this material is. Perhaps this will give him the idea that marriage also requires special care.
  • Ashtray. Every smoker should have a beautiful ashtray that is pleasant to use. If your husband still throws ashes into a coffee can, this gift is for him. Choose a classic earthenware ashtray-saucer or a cool accessory in the form tin can or toilet.
  • Romantic surprise picnic. According to Russian tradition, it is customary to celebrate the ninth wedding anniversary outdoors. Prepare your spouse's favorite dishes and go on a picnic. A sea of ​​positive emotions is guaranteed.
  • Sake set. If your husband is interested in Japanese cuisine and loves traditional sake, give him a faience set for properly serving this original drink.

There is a tradition of breaking dishes on the ninth wedding anniversary. This ritual allows you to relieve stress, as well as get rid of accumulated claims and grievances towards each other. When breaking a plate or cup, you can say out loud what you are getting rid of, for example: “I break these dishes in order to get rid of quarrels over trifles.” You can also write on the plates the reasons why you fought. The pieces should be collected in a box and left as a reminder that you agreed to start new life from a blank page.

What to give to friends for a faience wedding?

Close friends are planning a wedding anniversary, but you don’t know what to give? Especially for this occasion we have collected interesting ideas gifts for the 9th anniversary of the family that can be given to friends or relatives.

  • Service with photographs of spouses. Practical and interesting option present. Buy a white earthenware service and print on it good photos friends. You can choose their wedding photos or photos taken in each year of their marriage.
  • Earthenware aroma lamp and set of oils. With its help you can create a cozy atmosphere in your home. Choose lamps unusual design. It is best to choose soothing oils from the “anti-stress” collection.
  • Paired figurines. Who said that souvenirs are boring? Nowadays you can find very beautiful figurines of animals, lovers or newlyweds. Or even make custom figurines with the faces of your friends. When presenting a gift, say the right parting words - let such a gift become a talisman and a symbol of the family.
  • Bed linen set with daisies. Every mother worries about “what to give to children for a porcelain wedding?” Remember how you used to collect a dowry from the necessary things and give the newlyweds a beautiful set of bed linen. A good themed idea would be lingerie with a chamomile print.
  • Set for modeling dishes. Let your friends create their own family masterpiece - a cup, dish or plate. Hint to them that they themselves are the creators of their future and that relationships are a fragile thing that can be sculpted and painted. bright colors only double.
  • Hugging salt and pepper shakers. This accessory looks very cute and will decorate any kitchen. In addition, nowadays you can find earthenware “hug” spice sets in a variety of variations: hearts, people, cats, etc.
  • A painting depicting a field of daisies or a bouquet of daisies. A good option gift to friends or relatives. Such a landscape or still life will wonderfully transform the kitchen or living room.
  • Cake to order. Let this cake remind the couple of their wedding cake. Order a cake for them with daisies and young figures. Accompany the gift with wishes for a sweet life.

A faience wedding is best celebrated with your closest friends and relatives. Lush festivities are not accepted on this day. Be sure to place some earthenware on the table or place a vase of daisies in the center of the table.

What should you not give for 9 years of marriage?

Finally, I would like to say a few words about gifts that not every couple will like.

  • Toilet, sink and other plumbing fixtures. You can find articles on the Internet where they seriously advise giving these things as gifts, with a hint of repairs. But we want to remind you that not all people understand hints and are able to adequately respond to such a rather strange present.
  • Soviet faience figurines. Such accessories, found in grandma’s closet, will please only collectors, while others will rush to re-gift them or hide them in the farthest corner.
  • Faience swans or doves. Too corny. If you respect the recipient, avoid this cliché and wedding kitsch.
  • Money in an envelope. It’s too boring, and besides, a cash gift will be spent very quickly and won’t leave anything in your memory.

We hope our article helped you solve the problem of choosing a gift for a faience wedding. Love and appreciate each other. Choose only the best as a gift, and our website will always help you with this choice. We wish you and your loved ones a long and happy family life!

Each wedding anniversary is celebrated in its own way and gifts should be exactly the kind that are customary to give on a particular date. Let's look at what to give for a 9-year wedding anniversary, both from guests and the couple to each other.

And now nine wonderful years of married life have passed. This date is not yet round, but it is already quite significant for a married couple. IN next year they will be celebrating their tenth anniversary. Mutual understanding and harmony reign in everything in the family. The spouses have become accustomed to each other and can no longer do without each other. A couple who is lucky enough to live together for so long should not doubt the feelings of their other half.

Why is the ninth anniversary called a faience wedding?

The number nine has a mystical meaning that brings prosperity. The ninth anniversary is called the faience wedding. Earthenware is a very beautiful, but rather fragile material that must be handled with care and precision.

Why is the 9th anniversary compared to such fragile material? Because at this stage the first serious crises in the couple arise, so the family boat can crack. To prevent this from happening, the couple must take care of each other, give in and make compromises.

The second name for a faience wedding is chamomile, a more beautiful association of the ninth anniversary. This delicate flower is a symbol of family, pure love, devotion, and understanding.

What can you give for a 9 year wedding anniversary?

As a rule, the most dear people are invited to such a holiday and no lavish celebrations are held, because the date is not an anniversary, but very significant for the family. If you are invited to nine years of married life together, then you should prepare not only beautiful speech, but also gifts for married couples. Surprises should be earthenware and chamomile themed.

  1. The most common and necessary gift in any family will be earthenware. Now there is a huge selection of it. These can be painted sets, all kinds of saucers, cups, teapots, sets of dishes, vases, jugs. These gifts will not only be pleasant, but also useful, and also symbolic. Order a portrait of a married couple from a master on dishes with memorable words.
  2. Beautiful paired figurines of swans or any other that symbolize the love of spouses, mutual understanding, fidelity. These can be all kinds of figurines for a dacha or apartment, symbolic decor, including earthenware candlesticks. Such a gift will pleasantly decorate the interior of the room.
  3. If we remember the second meaning of the anniversary, then the gift may also be associated with daisies. This can be high-quality bed linen with daisies, a warm blanket, cushion covers for the sofa, tablecloth, bedspread, rug, curtains, tulle, towels.
  4. It could be various dishes with the image of daisies, and not only earthenware, but any where these cute snow-white flowers will be depicted. A beautiful painting depicting a chamomile field would be an appropriate gift.

Don’t forget about the beautiful ones), which you can choose on our website.

On this wonderful day, spouses should not forget about each other, they should please their soulmate.

What to give your wife for her 9th wedding anniversary

  1. You should give your loved one a piece of unusual earthenware. This could be an original tea pair; it would be good if it depicted a portrait of the wife, a tureen, a salad bowl, or an unusual cake dish.
  2. Any fashionista will love jewelry with daisies: hair clips, headbands, any jewelry, handbags. These can be cute things containing earthenware: earrings, pendant, bracelet. Accessories with these beautiful colors are also appropriate: a cosmetic bag, an umbrella, a scarf around the neck.
  3. The wife will be pleased to receive a beautiful watch as a gift, perhaps with a chamomile pattern, an elegant figurine or a new vase, or a phone case.
  4. Portrait of the wife in an original frame with a chamomile wreath on her head – great choice on the ninth anniversary. Such a surprise will surely please your beloved.
  5. Choose a new outfit for your wife with a chamomile print or embroidery: a house dress or a flirty robe, an apron or a warm sweater.
  6. Congratulating your beloved, saying warm, sincere words of wishes to her, present her with a wonderful bouquet of daisies.

What to give your husband for 9 years of marriage

  1. This could be earthenware: a pair of tea with the initials of a loved one or with cool picture, if your husband is a beer lover, give him an original beer mug.
  2. A figurine for the spouse’s office, a faience stand for a telephone or stationery, beautiful frame with a photograph of a married couple, a homemade one or an ashtray made of earthenware, an original piggy bank - all these gifts are perfect for the ninth wedding anniversary.
  3. If your spouse has a sweet tooth, give him a set of sweets or cookies in earthenware packaging as a gift. You can surprise your husband, all you have to do is bake your own daisy-shaped cookies. Your loved one will surely like this gift.

The most important and very important thing that spouses can please each other with is mutual sincere love, respect and fidelity. Don't forget to remind your significant other of their importance in your life.

- Sale of great items for gifts.

A faience (chamomile) wedding is celebrated after 9 years of marriage. During this time, the family has become strong and is unlikely to fall apart. Many of you are already interested in why the 9th wedding anniversary was named after this fragile material? There are rumors that the ninth year is one of the most difficult years in life together. It is also called the “critical year”. Also, earthenware is a symbol of successful life. Therefore, this anniversary is a milestone after which permanence and stability appear. It is logical to assume that porcelain items should be given as gifts on this date, especially since, according to tradition, husband and wife break dishes for good luck. Therefore, don’t be too surprised if the next day only fragments remain of the plate you gave. You can also give a figurine. The figurine can depict a couple in love or doves - as a symbol of peace and goodness.

But the wedding is not only earthenware, but also chamomile. Chamomile has long been considered a symbol of love. It is no coincidence that our ancestors used daisies to tell fortunes. Chamomile is also a symbol of summer. This date symbolizes the approaching blossoming of married life. Some even advise celebrating this anniversary in nature. Therefore, as a gift you can use a painting with flower meadow. Towels and tablecloths with a chamomile pattern can also serve as a gift. The most important thing when choosing a gift is to think about whether it will be useful to the spouses.

But if you settled on a porcelain theme, then perhaps it’s worth giving something else, because it may turn out that the couple will be overwhelmed with sets and plates from other guests of the celebration. There are many alternatives. For example - beautiful decorative plate, which will stand on the kitchen shelf. As an option, a cup that will hint that a broken cup cannot be mended. By the way, the European name for this anniversary is willow (or willow).

Creative people can be given a still life depicting some kind of dishes. You can also give a monetary gift with the plate. If you like symbolic gifts, you can do the following: give the spouses a modeling kit from which they must make a plate, and if they wish, they can paint it. The gift will symbolize the importance of the spouses in each other’s lives. This will be a hint that they themselves are the “creators” of their relationships, and they themselves determine the colors in their lives.

People who love adventure and hiking can take an excursion to a porcelain factory. When they see how fragile this material is, the couple may want to strengthen their relationship. And the excursion will be fun.

If you like banality, then give a huge vase of daisies. Daisies will leave an indelible impression on the owners of the house, and the vase will remain and serve as a long-lasting memory of this pleasant gift.

Don't forget about the souvenir shops. This is the joker in any difficult gift choice. You can literally find everything here. Experienced and competent sellers will advise you and help you choose the right gift. All you have to do is purchase it and solemnly present it.

And finally, a few words about what to give spouses to each other. The wife might want to give her husband a toilet or washbasin. Yes Yes! It is the toilet or washbasin. This will be a hint that it may be time to make repairs, and thereby encourage him to do this. If you don’t need repairs, then a gift in the form of a faience beer mug is quite possible. If your husband doesn’t even need a beer mug, then you can give him any item, giving along with this gift a porcelain figurine. By doing so, you will preserve the traditions of wedding anniversaries.

According to popular tradition, anniversaries of family life are celebrated every year. Any wedding date is symbolic and has its own name. If you are thinking about what to give your husband for his 9th wedding anniversary, you need to look for gifts for a earthenware wedding. This is what the 9-year wedding anniversary is called. There are different opinions about why such an anniversary is named this way. Some people believe that after 9 years of marriage, a relationship becomes as fragile as porcelain. But at the same time, there are beliefs that, on the contrary, a nine-year marriage is strong and difficult to break up. However, you can't do without an anniversary gift.

The name of this date in itself inspires many to give dishes as a present, but any husband, even the most economical one, is unlikely to be incredibly pleased with such a gift, so let’s take a break from tradition and try to include creativity.

For those who are deciding what to give their husband for his 9th wedding anniversary, we recommend paying attention to gift awards. A gift reward is the ideal solution for those who believe that their other half lacks words of love and gratitude. Moreover, the occasion is most suitable. Give your beloved spouse an Award figurine *To your beloved husband for faith and fidelity* or an order with the inscription “To the most caring.” One of these awards will cause a good mood for a long time and a firm belief that, despite the everyday bustle of the family, the spouse always remembers him and appreciates everything that her husband does for her.

Of course, there is always the possibility of choosing an award model with any other engraving suitable for the situation. In this case, you can choose a product without a specific inscription; such a solution is suitable for lovers of original and unique ideas. In this case, the hero of the occasion will receive a personal award made especially for him.

However, in addition to the rewards, you can always pick up something original and interesting. So, when thinking about what to give your husband for his 9 year wedding anniversary, give him the “Who cares” Anti-Watch. This is an extraordinary watch that will surprise you both with its extraordinary design and its paradoxical operating principle. The fact is that the hands of this clock go to reverse side. So it’s not possible to find out what time it is from them. And is it necessary when you have your beloved and caring wife nearby for almost ten years?

One more a good example A worthy present for the Ninth Wedding Anniversary is the stylish Globus Bar. This stylish piece of furniture has masculine character and will never be left without the attention of guests of a hospitable home. Bottles with loved ones will fit here alcoholic drinks, as well as several wine glasses for comfortable drinking. You can present this gift already filled.
