Which can emit a pungent odor after renovation. The best ways to quickly ventilate your apartment from paint smells

Everyone who has done repairs at least once has encountered a problem. paint and varnish materials. The paint smells quite unpleasant, causing dizziness and nausea. Paint is a dangerous element that spreads unpleasant odor. Stop smelling these unpleasant aromas. It's time to act. Are there any ways to get rid of this pungent smell in the house? Of course, it is quite possible to eliminate even the most corrosive smell of such materials.

We act in advance

If you take care of the smell on preparatory stage, then it will be easier for you to get rid of it later. For example, add vanilla essence to a jar of paint. Lemon or mint can also be used. It is enough to add a certain amount and then during work it will be easier for you to tolerate this aroma, which will become a little more pleasant.


It must be remembered that in liquid state The paint produces the greatest odor. If the humidity in the room is high, the paint will take longer to dry, which means that the not-so-pleasant aroma will last longer. Therefore, we recommend drying the air before starting work. Heating, air conditioning or a dehumidifier will help with this. Even if you turn on these devices just a little, the result will be noticeable. You won't have a headache, you won't feel sick. And in a favorable condition, repairs are done much faster than if you are feeling unwell.

What needs to be done before starting coloring?

Actions after painting is completed


When you are already done with the renovation, and the smell of paint is in no hurry to disappear, then you need to be patient and start using some effective ways for his deliverance. Old proven methods will help with this. Like, for example, ventilation. This method has always been the most popular. The longer you keep the windows and doors wide open, the less the smell of paint will be in the house, on the furniture, and the less you will smell. First of all, don’t forget to get rid of whatever is giving off that smell. We're talking about a roller, brush and other items that were used for painting.

Other strong odors

If airing fails to properly remove your paint, you can use another pungent odor that will easily knock this one out. These odors include onion and garlic. A vigorous couple. Grate the ingredients, place them on plates and place them on all surfaces. Just don't forget about possible consequences. The smell of these ingredients is so strong that it can become deeply absorbed into the upholstery of a sofa, for example, and you will have to come up with ways to get rid of this smell.

You can also resort to wet cleaning. After you have thoroughly ventilated the premises, you need to thoroughly wipe all surfaces (especially wooden ones). For wiping you need water with mustard. The proportion is 10 liters of water and a couple of spoons of mustard. In addition, you can treat the room with a solution of vinegar or ammonia. They also need to be dissolved in water. A tablespoon of ingredients for 5 liters of water. This solution must be used to treat the painted surface.


There is another way, somewhat original. The smell of paint can be smoked out of the room. To do this, you need to light a number of candles and leave them for several hours. Candles will eat up the corrosive smell of paint along with oxygen. This is the way to smoke the smell. And if you use scented candles for these purposes, your home will be filled with a delicious, pleasant aroma. But here, too, you need to act carefully, otherwise there may be a risk of a burning smell, which you will also need to get rid of.

"Smoking" smells


Did you know that water perfectly absorbs odors? Wet the terry sheets, which then need to be hung throughout the room. Fill large basins with water and place them around the entire perimeter. This way all unpleasant odors will be absorbed.

Do you like coffee?

This means you should have it lying around on a shelf somewhere. Coffee - great way remove paint smell. If you mix coffee with ammonia, you get a wonderful mixture. Coffee can also be mixed with salt and charcoal. Such mixtures are called absorbents, which perfectly absorb odors. Fill containers with this product and place them throughout the room. In a short time you will feel that you no longer smell of paint. In addition, coffee has a strong enough aroma that it will fill your home instead of paint.


If you are a citrus lover, then a regular lemon will do the trick. We cut it into slices and place it in a container. This container must be placed around the entire perimeter of the room. You need to keep the lemon for a couple of days. After which it must be thrown away. Lemon is a great helper in getting rid of unpleasant odors.


Soda is good not only for cooking, but also for housekeeping. Baking soda is an assistant in getting rid of paint smell from objects such as carpet. Simply sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and vacuum the next day. The smell of paint from the item will disappear and you will not have to breathe in these aromas. To ensure that the result does not keep you waiting, you can use several ways to get rid of paint smell. After all, a combination of several options increases the chances of getting rid of the smell in as soon as possible, what everyone so desires. After all, when you are done with such an unpleasant aspect, you can continue with the repair work or enjoy the finished product.


The smell of paint is very dangerous to human health. Moreover, there are few people who would like this smell. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible. Choose the option you like and act. To increase your chances of quickly defeating the smell, use combinations of options. Then success will come quickly.

How to get rid of paint smell after renovation

No major renovation is complete without the use of paints and varnishes. But how to get rid of the smell of paint in an apartment, which cruelly eats up all the post-renovation joy?

Worry in advance...

  • To remove at least a little of the nasty chemical smell, add a few drops of vanilla, mint or lemon essence to the paint jar.
  • Remember, paint smells strong in its liquid state. At high humidity it takes longer to dry and, if you think about it logically, it “smells” longer. Therefore, before work, dry the air: use a desiccant, turn on the heating and air conditioning for a short time.
  • While painting, open all windows, turn on a fan and point it towards the window. Give fresh air travel freely around the room: it will carry the scents of paint and varnish outside.

Your actions after repair

To get rid of paint smell immediately after renovation, you need to be patient and use effective methods!


At all times, ventilation was the most effective method to get rid of any odor. Nothing has changed these days. The longer the windows are open and balcony doors after renovation, the less your things, furniture and you yourself will smell of paint. By the way, be sure to get rid of the source of the smell: used painting supplies (roller, brushes), tray and container where the paint and varnish material was stored.

Wedge with wedge...

What if it’s not the season for ventilation? Needs to be removed persistent odor paints are different - no less durable. And onions and garlic immediately come to mind! Grate these ingredients, pour small portions onto saucers and place on window sills, tables, bedside tables. There is one “but” in this method: the incredibly strong smell of onions and garlic can be so absorbed into soft upholstery your furniture, that you will have to get rid of their specific aroma!

Wet cleaning

After intensive ventilation, wipe everything wooden parts interior with water and mustard: add 1-2 tablespoons of dry mustard to 10 liters of water. A vinegar or ammonia solution will help get rid of the annoying smell in the apartment: 5 liters warm water you need to dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar or ammonia. Wash the painted surface with it.


To prevent the smell of paint after renovation from lingering in your apartment for a long time, literally smoke it out. Light a few candles and leave them burning for four hours. Along with oxygen, they will also burn the smell of paint - that’s the whole secret of smoking. And if you don’t skimp and buy scented candles, your home will be filled with real fragrance!

Just be extremely careful with fire so that you don’t have to wonder how to get rid of the burning smell in your apartment.

Use of natural filters and absorbents

Wet several terry towels and old sheets, hang them around the apartment, place wide containers with cold water. Moisture perfectly absorbs all odors and will help remove this one too.

Ground coffee, baking soda with a few drops of ammonia, charcoal, salt are excellent absorbents. Pour them into flat containers and place them around the perimeter of the room. They will help you get rid of the chemical smell in no time. And ground coffee beans will fill your home with the incomparable aroma of an invigorating drink!

Don't be afraid to combine various ways: this way you will have a better chance of getting rid of the paint smell sooner and truly enjoying the results of your renovation.

It may take several days, and sometimes even a month. It is important that there is no high humidity in the room, that is, it would be good to periodically warm up and dry the air using an air conditioner or.

2 Water

3 Absorbents

Photo: Instagram @casket_of_happiness_s


5. There are special primers(for example, Zinsser), which are used after fires to block the smell of burning.

6. They also sometimes help. odor eliminators like OdorGone, which is used for .

7. You can invite a laboratory like the sanitary and epidemiological station to conduct an odor analysis.

8. There is such a service as ozonation. This is cleaning using ozone, which destroys all known . In Moscow, such a service costs approximately 1,500 rubles per room.

9. If nothing helps for several months, call a specialist. They may be able to discover the cause of the odor. She may be hiding in low-quality materials, and then the smell will fade over the years, and also in the fact that some materials don't mix well with each other. For example, the laminate may not be compatible with the substrate.

Your question:

How to remove the smell from an apartment after renovation?

Master's answer:

Repair work in the apartment allows your home to sparkle with more and more new colors. However, this excitement about a new renovation can easily be spoiled by the unpleasant smell that usually remains after it. Undoubtedly, with the help modern technologies Today, repairs can be done quickly and easily, but some chemical substances, which are part of the paint, are not in the best possible way displayed on health. How to get rid of unpleasant odors permanently?

Of course, the best solution This problem will be to prevent the occurrence of odor. Before you begin repairs, you need to think about which substances are best to use to prevent strong odors from appearing. Use exclusively water-based paints, because, unlike paints and varnishes, their smell is much less pungent. In addition, you need to use in the process repair work only natural building materials.

If your renovation has already been completed, but you cannot breathe out from a chemical attack, you can try to get rid of unpleasant odors using several methods.

One of the simplest and reliable ways- this is ventilation. If possible, you need to open all windows and doors in the room, leave them open for a long time.

In order for paint odors to quickly disappear, you can also place containers of salt water in the rooms. After two or three days, all odors should disappear.

Be sure to study in the apartment wet cleaning using vinegar essence. Next, add one teaspoon of vinegar to the water, and then wipe all existing surfaces in the house with this solution.

Worth hanging indoors wet towels, sheets. This way they will absorb all the smell. It is best to use your unnecessary things for these purposes, because later you will have to throw them in the trash.

Excellent absorption of a variety of odors as well Activated carbon. You should put these tablets in any container and scatter them in different places in the room.

Mint leaves can also help you in this matter. Next, crumble the mint leaves into cold water and place around the perimeter of the room.

To eliminate odors, you can use a variety of industrial products. Today they are presented in a wide range in our stores. These odor absorbers usually come in popular aerosol forms.

Freshly ground coffee or just coffee beans will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of paint. You should pour coffee into saucers and place them in the rooms. Thus, the coffee aroma will quickly fill all your rooms.

Many people are planning to renovate their apartment winter time. The home is being transformed and, of course, looks very beautiful and attractive. However, after the renovation for a long time the smell of paint remains. The downside of this is not so much the pungent smell, but the possibility of allergic reactions. After all, many suffer from allergies to all kinds of paints and varnishes, without which not a single repair can be done.

This means that the sooner you get rid of the smell of paint in your apartment, the better. We have selected several effective recommendations for this:

Of course, the simplest and effective way To get rid of the “scent” is to open all the windows wide and wait until the smell of paint completely disappears from the apartment. The downside here is quite significant - final relief from the smell will come only after a few days, and during this time you will have to go somewhere, since living in an apartment with drafts is even worse than living in an apartment that smells of varnish and paint.

Place as many filled buckets around the apartment as possible. clean water. After some time, the water will successfully absorb odors and toxic fumes, and the room will be habitable again. True, the process is quite lengthy; it is better to change the water a couple of times a day.

Recommendation #3. Coffee

Of course, coffee will not drive the smell of paint out of the house, but it can successfully “mask” it and “overpower” it. We all know what a strong aroma this drink has. Make several cups of strong coffee and place them around the rooms. The unpleasant odor will almost disappear. However, you need to know: harmful fumes will not go away. The aroma of coffee will simply help you stay in a room that smells like paint for a while.

Buy mint oil or vanilla extract at the pharmacy, dissolve a few drops of this “magic” remedy in a bowl of water. Another option is to soak several cotton pads in oily liquid and place them near the painted surfaces.

Charcoal is an excellent absorbent. Just put the pieces of coal in several containers and place them in the room. After only a short time, charcoal neutralizes even the strong smell of paint.

Peel and cut into 4 pieces large bulbs. Take several plates, put a quarter of an onion on each and place them throughout the room. Gradually, the aroma of onions will replace the smell of varnish or paint. After some time, you can replace the onion with fresh one.

Recommendation No. 7. Candles

You will need several ordinary candles, without any aromatic impurities. Light them and leave them to burn for several hours. Flammable and strong-smelling vapors from solvents and paints will burn in an open flame.

Wet in cold water several sheets and hang them throughout the room. Towels may help instead of sheets. Rinse the fabric every hour clean water and hang it up again.

This simple remedy will help remove the smell of paint that has been absorbed into the carpet lying on the floor. Just sprinkle some baking soda thin layer over the carpet and leave overnight. In the morning it will not be difficult to remove the soda with a vacuum cleaner, and the unpleasant odor will go away along with it.

Cut several lemons into thin slices and place the slices around the perimeter of the painted room. After a day or two, throw away the lemon slices that have absorbed the smell of paint.
Finally, you can deal with paint odor more professionally by using devices such as an ionizer and an ozonizer - these devices can be turned on simultaneously.
