How to paint a door if it is made of metal, hardboard, MDF, laminate, wood or veneer. Do-it-yourself wood-look door painting with white paint Painting doors with Canadian varnish

A Canadian door implies the use of a complete frame made of wood and additional linings made of different materials(usually MDF), which creates a simple but sophisticated appearance. It got its name because the production technology was developed in Canada. Such a thing is easy to restore: paint it, cover it with film - and this only adds to the advantages of the door, making it more convenient to use. It should also be remembered that the manufacturing method has a separate principle, according to which the door is as strong as possible, which means the person receives quality product for a small price.

Doors "Canadian"

The “Canadian” door got its name due to its use in production Canadian technology door manufacturing.

Structurally, the product is created from MDF sheets, between which there is a seal, fixed around the perimeter with a beam, most often from natural wood(pine trees). Ease of manufacture affects the price parameter and determines the doors as affordable for the average buyer.

Along with their economical cost, Canadian doors stand out for their beauty and simplicity. The surface texture can be emphasized with any color that best suits the color scheme of the interior.

Advantages of Canadian doors

Using the “Canadian” door

Doors produced using Canadian technology are used in apartments with budget renovation. Their models can be seen in standard Russian boarding houses, as well as medical institutions.

Canadian doors are rarely found in offices and corporate buildings. If Canadians are used as interior rooms, they are not picky about the choice of fittings. Any, even the cheapest, is quite typical for them. door hinges and pens.


Features of the Canadian door leaf

Probably the most popular door models are Kanadka doors, and this is not surprising, because they best combine price and quality ratio. It is the price, which, I must say, is several times lower than in regular doors made of solid wood, makes Kanadka doors so attractive for most consumers.

The production of Canadian doors is established in many countries of the world. They are also successfully produced in Russia, but the production technologies and equipment are originally Canadian, which is where, in fact, the name of the doors comes from.

Certainly, low price on the door, Canada has expanded the range where such structures can be installed. These interior doors Turnkey systems are most often installed in apartments and offices. The models are mainly designed in a classic design; they are paneled, can be solid, or with glass inserts. The doors are quite resistant to moisture, so they can be safely installed in the bathroom.

When installing doors, there may be some minor problems that should be addressed immediately. First of all, it should be noted that the door frame is collapsible and is equipped with a limit rail. This feature allows the door design to be used in rooms with thin walls.

This, so to speak, plus makes the door rather capricious during installation. It is necessary to remember that the door is hollow inside, so it will not tolerate careless treatment; with a strong blow, a hole will appear in the door leaf. For the same reason, such doors can hardly be installed in rooms where valuables or papers may be located and stored - you cannot install a good lock in them.

However, lightness, simplicity of design and Beautiful design doors Canada makes them the most common in ordinary apartments, where the strength and reliability of interior doors is not of great importance.


How and with what to paint Canadian (mazonirt) interior doors

Among the many questions about Masonite doors, also called Canadian doors, the most common question is about their coloring. In most cases, Canadian doors are supplied and sold in white, so they will inevitably appear over time. dark places, requiring painting.

In addition to dark spots, various kinds of scratches also appear on Canadian doors, and abrasions appear in the corners, through which the base of the door appears. All these defects do not give respectability and sooner or later the understanding comes that it is time to get rid of them.

Canadian doors belong to the budget class of doors and have their own advantages and disadvantages, among which the low strength of the outer coating comes first.

What to expect from textured MDF, which is essentially pressed cardboard? But it is precisely this coating that makes painting the “Canadian” paint accessible to everyone - even the most untrained people will be able to complete high-quality painting. Let's figure out how to do this.

What paint to paint Canadian doors

The budget segment of doors implies low build quality. We are not talking about the quality of gluing, the materials used, or the environment - in our case, the evenness of the door leaf and the evenness of the frame joints, which are hidden under MDF, come to the fore. Both of them are “lame”.

All paints are divided into glossy, semi-gloss and matte. Glossy, shiny paint highlights all surface irregularities and defects.

And even a seemingly completely smooth surface can, after applying glossy paint or varnish, take on a not entirely expected appearance. In the case of Canadian doors, the joints of the door frame and other irregularities that were not noticeable before will definitely appear.

The optimal result can be achieved with semi-gloss paint with a slight sheen, but different manufacturers have different gloss levels and this point must be taken into account. Matt paint In general, it will hide all the unevenness, but many people do not like the matte surface - it all depends on personal preference.

Let's move on - what type of paint is suitable for painting Canadian doors? Masonite doors can be painted with any wood paint. Excellent result gives waterproof emulsion and paint on acrylic base. You can add dye to them and get the desired shade. I've seen doors painted oil paint- to be honest, they don’t look very good, although this is a subjective opinion.

And once, a batch of veneered “Canadian doors” coated with a glossy shiny varnish was delivered to the door shop where the author of these lines worked at one time. They sold with difficulty - as you understand, all the irregularities and joints were emphasized. Therefore, if you decide to use varnish, then you need to use matte. This varnish costs, however, more than glossy.

If you were expecting to hear specific names of paints, then go ahead - there are many good reviews on the Internet about the use of Pinotex paint. This is an expensive brand paint and we can say with complete confidence that all paints of this level will give good result. Whether it's worth shelling out money for such paints is up to you to decide.

But, believe me, sometimes this is not necessary - Canadian doors can be painted with less expensive paint, the one that is available in your region - just talk to the sellers and listen to their advice. The covering ability of the paint should be taken into account - it differs from one manufacturer to another and if using paint with poor coverage, painting in two layers may be required, which will increase costs.

Do Canadian doors need to be treated?

“Canadian” do not require any special treatment before painting. If there are no significant defects, painting can begin immediately, after first cleaning the door from dust and dirt - standard requirements for any painting. It is advisable to try to apply a test coat of paint on a small area and make sure that everything is fine, the color and gloss suit you.

If the doors contain small scratches, then in 90 percent they are perfectly hidden under a layer of paint and are masked by the texture of the door trim. If the scratch protrudes above the surface of the door, then you can paint it over, wait for the paint to dry, go over it with sandpaper, leveling the edges with the surface of the door, and only then do a full painting. Nothing new, in general, also standard actions.

How to paint Canadian doors

And the last thing - what to paint the doors with. It is unlikely that you have a sprayer, so they remain standard options- natural bristle brush and roller.

The MDF texture, which hides minor imperfections, combined with the use of non-gloss paint, will allow even an inexperienced person to paint the doors quite well, as was already mentioned at the beginning of the article. It is only worth noting that you first need to paint over the areas with defects with a brush, and only then begin painting the entire door as a whole.


DIY decor of primed Canadian

Today there is huge selection door sets that differ not only in size, design, but also in materials and manufacturers. Since many of us are trying to save money by doing our own repairs, affordable solutions are very popular. One of these are Canadian doors.

More about the product

Canadian products are primed products prepared for painting. They have two MDF overlays, timber around the perimeter and honeycomb filler. The name is due to the technology - from Canada.

It was implemented by the local company Masonite back in the 1980s. The solution makes it possible to minimum budget get a fairly presentable appearance and good quality. All this contributes to the great popularity of the products.

It should be noted that, despite the simplicity of the design, the manufacture of Canadian interior doors is quite complex. technological process. For production, shavings and lumber waste are used. Before use, all raw materials are thoroughly crushed and then dried.

Next, a panel is formed, for which equipment with high pressure. In appearance, the panel resembles fiberboard, but has slightly better performance properties. The binders are only natural compounds.

Main advantages

Let's summarize the main advantages of Canadian interior doors:

  • up to twenty times cheaper than wooden samples;
  • up to 5 times lighter than doors made of wood;
  • sufficient strength;
  • attractive appearance;
  • good performance;
  • painting is not necessary;
  • possibility of adding decorative elements;
  • installation can be done independently.

Thanks to all the above advantages, Canadian women are in great demand in our country and abroad. This hollow structure may have a honeycomb core or a block of natural wood. Thanks to the presence of filler, the soundproofing qualities of the products increase.

Design features

As a rule, Canadian doors fit well into walls. They weigh about 10 kg, the reinforced product weighs 20 kg. Thanks to the primed surface, painting the Canadian door is carried out according to a simplified scheme. This can be done either independently or with the invitation of specialists.

It should be noted that the canvas may also contain decorative inserts, for example, made of glass. It can be regular or embossed. Thanks to the use of various reinforcements, canadians can also be used as entrance doors. Moreover, the products can be used not only, say, in the bedroom and hallway, but in the kitchen or bathroom. Attractive appearance and practicality are guaranteed.

Additionally, models can be equipped with fittings of the required color. The design uses universal hinges that do not require insertion. The door comes with double-sided handle perhaps with a lock.

Manufacturers also often offer an improved option - a laminated door in the required color.


Painting and installation

Of course, to provide a more attractive appearance and protection from external influences It is recommended to open the surface with paint. This will improve technical characteristics and ensure a longer service life.

How to paint a Canadian door? Since the surface has already been prepared - primed, all that remains is to clean and degrease it before painting it. Need to use special composition, taking into account operating conditions. For example, if the door will be used inside, then interior paint will be suitable.

Installation of the canvas should be carried out after securing the box. If you need to embed hinges, you need to calculate the location of the canvas so that equal gaps are provided on all sides. The hinges are secured with self-tapping screws of a length that will be sufficient for proper fixation, while they will not extend beyond the boundaries of the box.

It is best to tighten the screws with a screwdriver. This will ensure the process is quick and easy, which means the quality will be higher. You just need to monitor the force applied so that the nozzle does not jump off and damage the frame or door leaf.

After fixing the box and canvas, you should also fix the fittings, which should be selected taking into account the style of the room.


Thanks to the accessibility and practicality provided by Canadian manufacturers of interior doors, installation and operation of the products does not require effort, the models are available to everyone. You just need to pick correct sizes so that the product fits exactly into the required opening. Then there will definitely be no problems with installation and use. You can add the decor of the primed canada yourself.

How to choose door handles for sliding interior doors. What options are there for mortise handles or with a lock? Many people are familiar with the situation - renovations are planned in the house, not only wallpaper and furniture are subject to replacement, but even interior decorations. door designs.
And now the layout has been designed, the door leaf has been ordered from a special company, all that remains is to select the fittings. What are the best pens to choose for sliding doors so that they fit into the design of the canvas and cope perfectly with the task?

Sliding structures - special fittings

Handles for sliding interior doors differ significantly from classical fittings, since the principles of opening such a system and the classical one have several differences. Sliding interior doors are characterized by movement of the leaf to the right or left, and this requires a special structure of the closing structure.

As a rule, handles for sliding doors are thoroughly recessed into the door leaf. They should not protrude beyond the edges wooden product, otherwise the entrance will not close tightly and will not be able to function normally.
In order for the owner to be satisfied with his purchase after installing the door structure, the issue of choosing accessories must be approached with full responsibility. After all, they ensure optimal performance of the entire product and comfort in use.
Most often, a company that installs sliding interior doors supplies the customer with a completely finished product with all the necessary fittings. But there is always the opportunity to replace the built-in opening fittings with a new, more original and beautiful one. You can even do this yourself; the whole process will not take much time and will not require special skills.
A variety of fittings options makes it possible to change sliding door handles quite often, depending on the style of the room or simply at the request of the owner.

Types of fittings

There are several types of handles for sliding doors:

  • Recessed;
  • With latch;
  • With a lock;
  • With removable cylinder;
  • Mortise;
  • Staples.
  • Recessed options for sliding doors are considered standard, since they are the most common, look original, and last a long time. Such models rarely fail, since their design is simple and reliable. The shape of such fittings is an oval or a ball, but the material and design can be anything:

  • Antique bronze;
  • Silver;
  • Brass;
  • Matte gold;
  • Chromium;
  • Nickel.
  • The surface of the handle for sliding doors can be flat and smooth, or it can be decorated with carvings, curls or other decorative elements.
    Models with a latch are purchased mainly for double doors. The installation mechanism for such fittings is not much different from a classic door frame with one leaf. Simply, when closing, a special “tongue” of one sash snaps onto the other sash and keeps the structure closed.
    To open such an entrance, you need to slightly rotate the protruding part to the end. In this case, the “tongue” goes down, thereby ceasing to hold the other sash. Consumers note the convenience of this design and the stylish appearance of the finished product. The highest quality is considered to be a “tongue” in the shape of a hook, which ensures strong adhesion to the second sash.
    Increasingly, consumers are purchasing handles with locks for sliding doors. This option is especially relevant for decorating a bedroom. Such models are more typical for paired sliding doors, and to install a similar option on an entrance with one leaf, you need to install a lock in the door frame. Options with a lock are installed only on wooden or paneled door structures - this option is not suitable for glass doors.
    This design is also characterized by the presence of a metal “tongue”, which can be reinforced with a regular key. More modern version– with push-button lock. It is not locked with a key, and the lock is locked by pressing a small button. Opening is carried out in the same way. The push-button version looks more modern than a key sticking out in the lock.
    Most fittings for sliding doors are not suitable for glass doors, since installing the system requires drilling a hole in the door, and such work cannot be done with glass. It is for fragile transparent doors that a universal option for installing opening fittings was created - with a removable cylinder. To do this, one cut is made in the glass sheet. round hole. A washer is inserted on one side of the hole, and a special bushing on the other. When closing, the cylinder is inserted into the lock and, after turning the key, it locks glass sashes. When you need to open the glass input structures, the larva is simply removed from the lock.
    Another option for installing a handle with a lock on glass panels is the so-called “crocodile”. This is a type of rim lock, applicable for both single-leaf and sliding entrance structures. A toothed strip is mounted on the glass surface using special fasteners, and a handrail with a lock is held on it. This design is appropriate if the interior entrance structures are made of expensive thin glass and it is not possible to make even the smallest hole in them. But all this does not look particularly aesthetically pleasing and is used only in extreme cases. Locks for glass doors They are not distinguished by a variety of designs; as a rule, they have a classic appearance and the absence of decorative elements.
    Staples are, in fact, the most common classic door models. They are simply used for opening. There is no closure mechanism provided here. They can be with carved decorative elements or the most ordinary in appearance.

    Bestseller – mortise options

    Mortise handles are very popular and have a lot of advantages:

  • Affordable price;
  • Quality materials;
  • Stylish appearance.
  • Mortise models are mounted in the sash and on the surface sliding doors you can only see metal decorative element. Such models are made only from quality materials, and the customer can choose the color and design style of the product. Increasingly, they are ordering mortise handles designed in an antique style, made in an antique style. If desired, you can choose from several shades - copper, bronze, silver and gold, as well as matte or shiny metal coating. Door handles, the installation of which involves cutting the mechanism into the door leaf, can be either the simplest - with a “tongue”, or with a latch and the presence of a key.
    Modern mortise handles are installed without screws; for mounting, you need to drill grooves for fastening and fix them with glue. If necessary, such parts can be easily removed and replaced with others.
    Using the table you can determine which model is suitable for different styles interior

    The variety of options makes it possible to choose the most suitable type of fittings in style. Depending on the material of the door leaf, you can choose both classic and sophisticated models, with or without a built-in lock. Installing such fittings will not take much time, and even the owner of the most refined taste will like the result.

    Now one of the budget door options is the Canadian door. It is not expensive compared to a wooden door, and it looks impressive. Many people install such doors in their apartments and houses. But they are only sold in white colors, covered with white primer. Therefore, after installation, this door option must be painted. We will look further at how and what to paint a Canadian door with.

    Considering that the Canadian door itself is not particularly durable, painting will not only give it a decent appearance, but also strengthen it. In addition, if such a door is not painted, then over time it will be scratched and covered with stains a tone darker than the coating itself, and in places where friction occurs the most, the base of the door will begin to show through. The door itself is tightly pressed cardboard, so it can be painted.

    What paint is suitable for painting Canadian

    Let's immediately divide the paints according to the type of structure: glossy, matte and semi-matte.

    A glossy finish will highlight all the unevenness and imperfections of the door leaf, so when faced with a choice, glossy paint It's better not to buy.

    An excellent option for painting such doors would be a semi-matte paint texture. It has some shine, but at the same time it will not highlight all the irregularities. But when choosing, keep in mind that each manufacturer allows a different gloss. Some have more, while others have less.

    Matte paint is also well suited for painting Canadian paint; almost all flaws will be hidden under it, but not everyone likes it. Not many people want to see a frosted door in their home.

    We select paint according to composition

    If we answer the question in one sentence, how to paint a Canadian door, then let’s say that it would be suitable for this, any paint for wood. Excellent choice There will be water-based and acrylic paint, which can be tinted. Oil coating It doesn't look very nice on a door like this. It is possible to use varnish, but it must be matte.

    Canadian door painting options

    We paint the door and door frame with water-based latex or acrylic paint, simply applying it to the surface. Door frame and the platbands are primed in advance. After painting, the texture of the door and frame will look the same.

    An oil stain is applied to the door leaf; after some time, the excess stain is removed with a linen rag. Where more stain remains, a wood texture will stand out, resembling natural wood. After the stain has dried, the door leaf is varnished. The door frame and trim are treated with the same stain and varnished. After this process, the Canadian door looks the same as a natural wood door.

    Pre-treatment of the door before painting

    Basically, Canadian doors do not require additional processing. It is enough to clean them from dust and dirt, and after that you can start painting. Even small scratches will even out under the paint coating and will not be noticeable. When there are large flaws on the surface, these places are painted over with a layer of paint, and after it dries, they are cleaned with fine sandpaper, comparing the edges. After this, the door leaf is painted over with a roller. And the relief areas are painted with a brush. If the paint is sparse, then two layers of coating should be applied.

    How to paint a Canadian door

    For painting you can use a brush, roller or spray gun. If the door is painted in the installed state, it will not be possible to paint it with a spray gun. Therefore, you will have to use a brush and roller. Painting a Canadian door is quite simple and anyone can do such work. Do not forget that defective areas should be painted over and sanded before the main painting.

    Bottom line

    Now you know how to paint a Canadian door and whether it can be done. If you have not heard about such interior doors, then pay attention to them. Canadian can be great budget option for renovations in your apartment or house. These doors look quite decent, and if desired, they can be made to look like natural ones wooden doors. In addition, by painting all the raised areas with a different color of paint, you can completely transform the door leaf.

    From time to time everyone wants to update their home, make repairs, replace doors. Although the last point is not entirely necessary. You can simply limit yourself to painting them. This process is quite simple if, when choosing paint and painting method, you take into account the material on which the door is made and the duration of its operation.

    Features of painting doors “Canadian”

    Laminated door

    A distinctive feature of laminated doors is their smooth surface. A layer of paint goes on easily, but, unfortunately, does not last very long.

    • To solve this problem, the first step should be to remove the varnish-containing and impregnated top layer. For this purpose you can use grinding machine and zero grade sandpaper. It is also necessary to remember that under the protective layer there is particle board: When processed deeply, it begins to crumble easily.
    • The treated surface is wiped with a solvent.
    • A mixture of primer and antiseptic is applied to it.
    • After this protective layer has thoroughly dried, you can begin applying the first coat of paint.
    • For such work, you can choose any composition, since the result of sanding is a regular chipboard, for which all paints are suitable. Application is carried out using a spray gun or a velor roller.
    • After waiting for the first layer to dry, the whole process should be repeated from the very beginning.
    • Every other day, a layer of transparent varnish is applied: it will protect the surface during its use.

    The process of painting an iron door

    This work is among the most problematic because iron doors are the most difficult to apply paint. Therefore, to choose coloring composition we must act responsibly. Interior paints in in this case won't fit - they don't fit well on the iron surface. More suitable option are pentaphthalic (PF) compounds. They are produced specifically for painting iron and wooden surfaces. The disadvantage of PF compositions is the excessive simplicity of the presented color range, lack of shine. But when applied to an iron surface, you can be sure that the door will be completely painted.

    Before applying paint, it is advisable to coat the door with a layer of primer to match. With this technique you can achieve better coverage surfaces: paint adheres to the primer much better than to iron. Using a spray bottle during operation greatly simplifies the entire process.

    Metal doors

    Painting significantly improves the appearance of metal doors.

    • Before starting work, the door surface must be thoroughly cleaned using a sponge soaked in gasoline or solvent. If there is rust on the surface, it can be removed using a special composition based on a mixture of chrome salt and zinc.
    • Welding seams can be removed using a metal brush or a special file.
    • After this, the door surface is coated with a primer: it will slow down the corrosion process and promote better adhesion of the paint to the surface being treated.
    • The optimal choice for coloring metal structures There are three types of paints: acrylic, enamel and pentaphthalic. To work, you will need a spray can or a special brush.
    • In the case of processing a smooth surface, the total area of ​​the door should be divided into small squares and the painting process should begin from the upper left corner. In this case, a three-layer paint application is necessary.
    • When processing a relief surface, the painting process begins from the inside towards the outside.

    Veneered doors

    Veneer is a rather demanding material. The first question to be decided is whether to keep solid wood or repaint the door a completely different color.

    • If there are small scratches and other defects, you can limit yourself to simple varnishing, and then thoroughly rub the door surface with polish.
    • In cases where a complete change in the color of the structure is required, it is necessary to provide for the need for additional work.
    • All irregularities are eliminated by applying a special primer.
    • The most suitable paints for veneered door surfaces are water-based, polyurethane or glypthal paints. The best option are water-based paints.
    • In this case, the use of nitro paints is inappropriate, since they deteriorate when exposed to moisture and are covered with many matte paints in a short time.
    • Painting can begin after the primer layer has completely dried.

    The process of painting MDF doors

    For painting these doors, the most suitable choice are compositions that contain varnish and tone. Applying such paint helps preserve the structure of the door and gives the surface an aesthetic appearance. appearance. Lakobeits, or, as it is also called, stain-varnish, is perfect for such work. It is a colored varnish made from nitrocellulose, organic solvents and auxiliary components. The main advantages of the substance:

    • perfectly fills the substrate;
    • due to its liquid consistency, it penetrates deeply into the pores of the material;
    • characterized by high adhesion to the surface and a short drying period.
    • contains special pigments that create a barrier that guarantees excellent light fastness;
    • has increased water-repellent properties.

    Combining varnish and tone in one composition allows you to first tint the door, then varnish it.

    The presence of a certain panel pattern complicates the task of uniform application of varnish. Therefore, it is advisable to engage in such work if you have some professional experience. When using a brush, there is no need for any special skills. All that is required is to be careful and if small stains form, remove them immediately.

    To prepare the surface for further painting, it is necessary to eliminate excess particles from the canvas by wiping with a damp cloth or washcloth.

    Painting paneled doors

    Currently, the most common are two methods of painting such doors.

    1. The essence of the first is that the paint is first applied to the door ends. After this, the damaged areas of the panel are carefully cleaned and a new layer of primer is carefully applied. After it has completely dried, you can start painting. A two-layer paint application is optimal. When applying stain or varnish to the surface, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. Application this method most appropriate when processing doors with smooth surface.
    2. The second method is tinting the door panels. Its use is convenient when the surface has a wood texture. To disguise imperfections on wooden surface It is recommended to use a white shellac-based primer. For creating color shade you can use stain.

    When painting a surface, regardless of the material, it is necessary to use brushes or fabrics of exceptionally high quality.

    Primed doors

    This option is the simplest. The door leaf is completely prepared for further painting. All that is required is the preparation of the paint itself and the tools. For processing uneven surfaces The door pattern will require a brush, and flat surfaces are processed using a roller.

    Particular care must be taken when painting doors with glass inserted into them. In this case, the glass edging should be pre-glued with paper tape. This measure is necessary to prevent paint from entering.

    How to paint a Canadian door, veneered or metal door? Do you need a primer? How can I level the surface before painting? How to remove old coatings from wood? In our article we will try to answer these questions.

    Choice of coverage

    It quite predictably depends on the material of our door.


    For painting steel doors optimal choice there will be alkyd (PF) or alkyd-urethane (AU) enamel. These dyes are durable, wear-resistant and withstand weather conditions well.

    Please note: for domestic paints, the first digit in the alphanumeric designation indicates the area of ​​application. One denotes paints for exterior use, two for interior use.

    Let's get to know technical characteristics enamels.

    Useful: when choosing white paint for street door pay attention to the type of pigment. Titanium dioxide is preferred; Cheaper and more common zinc white turns yellow in the sun.

    Special conditions

    In industrial settings steel doors and other metal structures sometimes require special protection:

    • High humidity levels and aggressive environments accelerate corrosion many times over;
    • In fire hazardous areas, doors, ventilation dampers and load-bearing elements of the building frame need protection from open fire.

    We will introduce the reader to a couple of rather exotic dyes that can solve these problems.

    The characteristics of the composition for cold galvanizing are as follows:

    • Density - 2.67 kg/l. Such a high density value is explained by the composition: the content of non-volatile substances is at least 80%, of which at least 96% is zinc powder;
    • Operating temperature can reach 120C with peaks up to 150C;
    • Painted metal can be used in aggressive environments (pH 5.5 - 9.5).

    The cost of a kilogram of paint starts from 620 rubles.

    Paint on water based applied to the primer GF-021 or FL-03K. When heated, it increases many times in volume, forming a porous coating with low thermal conductivity. Thermal insulation allows the metal to withstand contact with open fire without a critical drop in strength for 30 - 45 minutes.

    The cost of a 30-kilogram package is 3,500 rubles. The manufacturer recommends applying the coating in two layers with an interval of at least 12 hours.

    Hardboard, MDF

    How to paint doors made of hardboard or its denser variety - MDF? You should absolutely not use any water-based paints on these materials without a preliminary primer.

    Hardboard becomes deformed when moistened; Taking into account the fact that the filling of internal doors is usually done with a lattice (the bars are laid around the perimeter when gluing; there are usually no more than three or four of them inside the door), there is a high chance of rendering the door unusable.

    • What paints can I use? Enamels already familiar to us. They are applied after preliminary priming of the surface with primer GF-021.

    • Oil paints. The hardboard underneath and the ends of the door are primed with drying oil. The main drawback of this solution is the long drying time of each layer (with the manufacturer’s stated 24 hours, in practice, the door will stop getting dirty after at least three days).

    Nitro paints. On the contrary, they dry very quickly - no more than an hour per layer. And in this case, the surface can be primed with a layer of GF-021.

    Please note: due to their porous structure, all dyes without exception can be applied to hardboard and dry wood without priming. Primer is needed mainly to reduce the consumption of more expensive paint.

    • Acrylic water-dispersion paints. As already mentioned, in this case priming is mandatory; and here the universal GF-021 will help us out. If you are going to paint a door in a bathroom or toilet, take a closer look at the so-called “rubber” acrylic-latex based paints: they are very wear-resistant and easy to clean.

    Let's take a closer look at the representatives of each type of dye.

    • Consumption is 60 - 170 g/m2 depending on color;
    • Drying one layer takes 24 hours at a temperature of 20C and a relative humidity of 65%. Lowering the temperature and increasing humidity can increase drying time by two to three times;
    • Retail cost is about 100 rubles per kilogram.

    • Consumption varies from 30 to 120 g/m2 when applied in one layer;
    • Drying the layer takes no more than three hours (as already mentioned, in practice this time is at least three times less);
    • Solvents 646 and 648 can be used for dilution;
    • A kilogram of paint will cost the buyer 250 - 350 rubles.

    The photo shows waterproofing acrylic-latex water-dispersion paint.

    • Consumption per layer is approximately 150 g/m2;
    • Drying one layer takes no more than an hour, the coating gains full strength in about a week;
    • The texture of the painted surface is silky, with a slight gloss;
    • The cost of a kilogram starts from 150 rubles.


    How and with what to paint a laminated door? Since the laminate coating has an extremely smooth surface, the first layer should be a primer with high adhesive properties. Which exactly? Yes, yes, our old friend GF-021.

    The primed surface can be painted with any of the paints listed above, except.

    Wood, veneer

    How to paint a veneered door or solid wood door leaf? All paints that are compatible with hardboard and MDF will adhere perfectly to dry wood. However, even inexpensive birch or pine veneer looks much better varnished than painted.

    As a covering for interior door can be used:

    • Alkyd varnish PF-170;

    • Urethane or alkyd-urethane parquet varnish.

    If you want to tint wood in a more dark color, it can be pre-treated with stain.

    For outer door alkyd-urethane or polyurethane-acrylic yacht varnish is used. It tolerates atmospheric conditions well and does not deteriorate in the bright sun.

    Preparing the door for painting


    1. All old coatings are removed from the metal. This is easiest to do with construction hair dryer and a steel spatula: the paint softens and is easily removed from the surface of the door;
    2. Remains of paint and rust are removed with a wire brush;
    3. Then the surface is degreased with gasoline or acetone;
    4. The door is primed with one thin layer GF-021 and dries for six hours.

    Wood, veneer, MDF

    1. If there are old coatings, they are removed in the manner described above;

    1. Surface defects can be eliminated with acrylic wood putty or homemade putty made from PVA glue and sawdust;
    2. After the putty has dried, the corresponding areas of the surface are sanded;

    Please note: you need to sand sequentially with coarse, medium and fine sandpaper wrapped around the block. In this case, the surface will be as smooth and even as possible.

    1. The door is primed and dried;
    2. After drying, the surface is sanded again. This instruction is due to the fact that when moistened (including with organic solvents), lint - thin cellulose fibers - rises on the surface of wood, veneer or hardboard. Without intermediate sanding, the surface will remain rough.


    To paint the door yourself, use a medium bristle brush. She shouldn't lose hair while working. To evaluate the quality of the brush, just pull its bristles: all of it should remain in the sleeve, and not in your hand.

    Painting is carried out in 2 - 3 layers with intermediate drying. The layers are applied perpendicular to each other. The paint should have a viscosity approximately equal to that of full-fat milk: this way you can make each layer as thin as possible.

    Please note: two or three thin layers dry faster than one thick one.

    To paint or varnish, it is better to remove the door from its hinges and place it horizontally on the floor: in this case, there will be no drips left on it. Handles, lock and hinges are pre-sealed masking tape; It is advisable to lay thick polyethylene on the floor, which will save you from the need to wash the paint.

