What is the best way to decorate garden beds? Beautiful garden beds with your own hands: photos of practical and beautiful ideas. Decorative raised beds on legs

Don’t want to invest in your dacha the old fashioned way? Then why not turn your garden beds into a work of art. Let's see what the landscape design of a modern vegetable garden can actually look like, how to organize beautiful beds, what exactly to plant there and other subtleties of gardening.

Modern vegetable garden and its design

A well-designed vegetable garden can become a real decoration of the entire site. Such a garden will be able to please everyone not only good harvest, but also by its appearance. In order for the plot to look unusual and stylish, it is necessary to think carefully about the design of the vegetable garden, where ordinary vegetable beds will look no worse than bright flower beds.

The term landscape design implies original design not only the garden or recreation area on the site. There are several simple rules, with the help of which even a novice gardener will be able to plan and design a modern vegetable garden.

The location of the utility, front and recreation areas must be provided at the site design stage, when there are no outbuildings. In this case, the area for vegetable crops must be well lit. Most cultivated plants are demanding on soil and lighting. Therefore, placing beds on sunny area With fertile soil, crop rotation work can be made easier.

If the owners’ primary task is not to produce a large number of preparations for the winter, then it is better to limit the number and size of the beds. Several neat, well-groomed, small beds will bring much more to the owners of the site and their guests. more benefit than several dozen ordinary beds. When designing decorative vegetable beds on the site, you should take into account not only appearance plants planted in the neighborhood, but also their requirements for growth conditions. Slightly raised shaped beds geometric shapes or waves, are not always suitable for planting moisture-loving plants. The fact is that moisture in such beds dries out quite quickly, which can lead to slow growth and drying out of crops.

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As a rule, standard beds are approximately 1-1.2 m wide. Farmers across Europe are of the opinion that the width vegetable beds should not exceed 70cm. Narrow beds are easier to care for, they have a neat appearance, which also leads to an increase in the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Examples of a modern ornamental vegetable garden

Here are some ideas landscape design in the garden and creating an attractive appearance for your beds and everything you plant there.

Framing beds

Every gardener wants his plot to have a beautiful appearance not only during the growing season, when the beds are decorated with an abundance of greenery and flowering plants, but also when the beds are completely bare. Small brick walls framing the beds will help to slightly raise them. In addition, such site decor always looks neat and beautiful.

Many people use various curves, patterns and smooth lines in the decoration of the site. To decorate beds in such an area, you can use ready-made modules. If you show a little imagination, you can decorate a modern garden using plastic bottles, small diameter stumps or other available materials. Decorated paths between the beds will also give the site a finished look. It is better to cover the paths with a small layer of crushed stone or line them with tree cuts.

Modern city in containers

Vegetable beds planted in containers will not only give the site an aesthetic appearance, they are portable. If necessary, such decorative beds can be easily rearranged to another place and create interesting compositions. Decorative beds in containers with herbs or various herbs will help decorate your terrace or barbecue area.

There is no need to buy special containers. Various types of beds can be used as beds. flower pots, old dishes, large barrels, baskets. You can use whatever your imagination suggests for planting plants, the main thing is that the selected containers are harmoniously combined with other decorative elements on the site.

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Varieties of decorative eggplants, peppers or cherry tomatoes are perfect for planting in small containers. Even several varieties of plants can be planted in large containers, thereby creating interesting compositions.

Rich green lettuce leaves will look interesting in combination with chard leaves, which have a burgundy-red color. You can decorate such vegetable beds by planting some annual plants. It could be marigold, majora or calendula.

Mixed flower and vegetable beds in a modern vegetable garden

The main trend in modern gardening is to create mixed beds. To design proper flower and vegetable beds, various variegated plants are used, which form unique multi-level compositions. Using various plants By combining them correctly, you can create real works of art. It is better to plant such compositions in small islands. Greens are used as the bottom tier; peppers and tomatoes are middle-tier plants. The background of mixed beds can be corn or sunflowers. It is recommended to plant green beans next to the sunflower, which will twine around the stable stems, thereby creating additional decor in the beds. Such mixed flower and vegetable beds can be turned into real decorative flower beds.

Design of a modern vegetable garden in English and French styles

As a rule, a modern vegetable garden is designed in French or english style. The peculiarity of the French style is that all the green spaces on the site form a well-thought-out, complex pattern consisting of various geometric shapes. All the beauty of such a garden opens from the very high point Location on. To design beds in french style use only low growing plants. Such plants do not grow, thereby not violating the strict geometry of the composition. Low plants are also planted along paths that are lined decorative bricks or garden tiles.

The design of a modern garden in the English style is more natural. The choice of plants for such a site is much wider. For planting in such a garden, you can use any vegetable crops, supplementing them different colors and greens. In summer, during flowering, a well-designed English-style vegetable garden resembles a miniature park with an abundance of flowers, the role of which is played by zucchini, ornamental cabbage and lettuce.

“Smart” beds for the most advanced gardeners will help make the life of a gardener easier, increase the productivity of crops and turn worries about the harvest into relaxation. Lazy bed technologies will prevent seedlings from going to waste and allow the harvest to meet your expectations.

Do you want your vegetable garden to become your pride? Read our article on how to do this.

With the right approach, a vegetable garden can become not just a place for growing vegetables, but also turn into a stylish landscape design object. Experts in this field have developed many recommendations in this regard.

How to design beautiful beds for the lazy, tall and smart beds - this is what a gardener needs to know.

  • When planning a garden arrangement, pay attention to the fertility and illumination of the area for the beds.
  • Prioritize the quality of the beds, not their quantity. A few neat garden beds will look much better than a large garden overgrown with weeds.
  • To save space, use multi-level designs.
  • Framing the edges will help improve the harvest and give the beds an aesthetic appearance. Stone, paving stones, colored slate, and plastic fences are perfect for this purpose.
  • The optimal width of paths between beds is considered to be 70 cm.
  • To ensure that plants do not obscure each other, place them from north to south on a flat area, and on an area with a slope - perpendicular to it. At the same time, the southern slope is preferable for vegetable crops, and the northern one for garden crops.
  • Don't limit yourself to rectangular shapes. The beds can be made in an arc or in the form of various geometric shapes, arranged in groups or create a single composition.

Summer residents grow many crops that have similar cultivation characteristics or, conversely, contradict each other.

Materials for beds

By zoning a site using beds, you can separate incompatible plant species or combine those that have the same care system.

Principles of constructing lazy beds

The basic principle of the new approach to garden care is that you can dig and weed the soil only during preparation and planting, otherwise it will dry out quickly and will not be able to provide the crops with moisture. Only surface loosening is allowed.

A lazy bed is a completely new approach to gardening, which will allow seedlings to grow on their own and produce several times more yield.

You need to start preparing the beds in advance. Collect straw, sawdust or pine cones and cover the surface with them to make it difficult for weeds to grow in this area. This procedure is called soil mulching. It is thanks to her that the beds will no longer have to be weeded.

The rule says that you cannot dig or weed the soil, except for its preparation and planting itself.

Progressive summer residents have long appreciated the beauty of an automatic irrigation system, which allows them to save their time without damaging the crop. With the press of a button, you can start the watering process, and your beds will remain lush and green without much effort on your part.

Even though constant weeding can remove weeds and fluff up the soil, sooner or later it will dry out and will not be able to provide sufficient moisture for crops.

DIY lazy bed

Homemade fences are an easy way to build a foundation for a garden bed.

  1. Determine the desired height of the sides.
  2. Connect the boards using a screwdriver and remove the clamps.
  3. Turn the bed over and set it in place. Make sure that the light here is sufficient for seedlings to germinate.
  4. Bury the corner beams 12-15 cm into the ground.
  5. Adjust the sides using a building level. This is necessary for the proper operation of the irrigation system.
  6. Install plastic tubes from the inside to prevent the walls from collapsing due to bad weather.
  7. Level the area and cover it with anti-mole netting.
  8. Fill in the soil.
  9. Secure the irrigation system.
  10. Plant the seedlings.
  11. Install an awning if necessary.

In this approach, preparation for future planting is very important - it is advisable to do this in the fall.

Raised beds

Bad climate and low yields will become a forgotten problem for you thanks to the high construction of the beds. Their creation is quite labor-intensive, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Even though this is a very labor-intensive process at first - building the frame itself and watering the beds, it will allow you to forget about the bad climate and low yields.

The advantages of such beds.

  • Good soil heating due to the proximity of the sun. They can be planted as early as April.
  • The bottom mesh will protect the crop from moles and rodents.
  • The frame, about 1.5 m wide, will ensure convenient watering, since it can be approached from both sides.
  • By dividing it into two parts, you can easily organize a greenhouse with your own hands.
  • Harvest on high beds appears earlier than usual.

A high bed is always exposed to the sun, which helps to warm up the soil layer, so it can be planted as early as April without fear of freezing.

However, one drawback of this design can be identified - the need for frequent watering due to the fact that moisture quickly goes down.

The most popular materials for manufacturing raised beds are:

  • Aluminum barrels;
  • Stone;
  • Brick;
  • Logs.

It is worth noting that it is the high beds that provide the earliest harvest of first salads and then fastidious vegetables.

They are made in the form of combs or trapezoids. They are created for one season, since under the snow in winter they noticeably settle. They are used mainly for melons and melons – cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini. Sometimes potatoes are planted in them.

Smart beds

The main principle in smart beds remains the same as in lazy ones, but the emphasis is on fertilizers. The quantity of the harvest and how carefully it will be necessary to care for it directly depend on their quality.

Smart beds only need to be dug up once. They do not need weeding - mulch will prevent weeds from sprouting.

The soil in them is compost, consisting of straw, leaves and sawdust containing nutrients. A thin layer of soil is laid on top of it, and after a couple of weeks the bed can be planted.

Warm beds

The principle of constructing warm beds is based on multi-layering and the placement of fresh manure in their lower layers. In winter, the main processes begin, and by spring it begins to decompose. As the manure rots, it releases heat, and the bed becomes ready for planting early.

Many gardeners have been convinced more than once that high-quality fertilizer produces a large harvest that does not require much effort from its owner.

This method is suitable for radishes, cucumbers and other crops with shallow roots.

Do-it-yourself warm bed

Having previously sampled 40-50 cm of soil, we lay the layers in the following sequence.

Such a bed uses not ordinary soil as soil, but compost, to which straw, leaves and sawdust are added, which as a result provides even more useful substances for future plants.

  1. Large wood
  2. Small wood
  3. Earth
  4. Organic - waste
  5. Earth again
  6. Organic - waste
  7. Sprinkle EM-Bokashi, spill EM-A
  8. Humus
  9. Mulch (5-8 cm)

The service life of such a bed is 6-8 years.

Unusual solutions

A vegetable garden does not have to be boring, because there is easily room for imagination and originality.

Hanging beds

You can create unusual beds that will give your garden an original look and save space on your site. with your own hands . You can make them from bags or plastic pipes cut in half. Plant strawberries, herbs or small vegetables in them.

Your site will be filled with meaning and you can give it individuality.

Another advantage of this design is that you can plant seedlings in them in advance and take them outside when it gets warmer.

Vertical beds

Another way to save space is vertical multi-tiered beds. Wooden boards, boxes and plastic pipes will be excellent materials for creating such structures with your own hands.

The arrangement and shape of the beds depends on your imagination and the convenience of getting around them.

Beds made from scrap materials

The most common things can be adapted into containers for planting vegetables:

  • Baskets;
  • Boxes;
  • Watering cans;
  • Old chest of drawers;
  • Dishes;
  • Car tires;
  • Unnecessary boots and boots;
  • Wooden barrels;
  • Bath;
  • Bike.

Framing beds is not only the key to a good harvest.

You can even build a flower bed from a pair of old jeans. And by decorating tires, you can create the most unexpected compositions in the form of animals, flowers and favorite cartoon characters.

DIY multi-tiered bed

Make a classic square three-level bed with your own hands quite simple. Preliminarily outline its location and draw up a plan on paper, taking into account the characteristics of the planned vegetables, the number of tiers, the size and topography of the site.

Combining certain crops in one bed will create an amazing plant design.

  1. Level and mark the surface.
  2. Treat the boards with antiseptic impregnation.
  3. Install sides with a height of at least 15 cm, maintaining right angles. Remember that the next levels will be lower in height. Therefore, it is better to choose the height with a margin.
  4. Connect the boards into panels using bars with sides of 50 cm.
  5. Lay polyethylene or metal mesh on the ground, cover with drainage, then soil, and then compost.
  6. The second level is installed on top. It should occupy 2/3 of the lower tier. The layers are stacked similarly to the previous one.
  7. The third level is made even smaller: it occupies 1/3 of the first tier.
  8. At the final stage, paint the outer walls of the bed with wood paint.

The composition can consist not only of vegetables, but also of herbs and flowers. Some plant species are able to provide vegetable crops with protection from pests and diseases.

The space between the beds can be filled with pebbles or separated by small paths.

Task Solution
Pick up inventory Don't skimp on tools. Cheap equipment will quickly become unusable, and you will need to buy a new one. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose quality things.
Organize storage
  • Wall-mounted shelf with shelves and fastenings
  • Garden toilet converted into storage
  • Small lockers
  • Baskets for small items
  • Metal shields
Effectively combine cultures with each other Play with contrasts and shapes. Combine climbing plants with large squashes and watermelons, or use the same crops but in different colors.
Lay paths between the beds Lay them out with pebbles, concrete tiles, lawn grass or wood cuts.
Treat wooden fences The most economical way: use copper sulfate on the inside and lime on the outside.

The most durable: decking board.

Create a spectacular vegetable garden design Choose a consistent style. Perfect for the garden: Mediterranean, Japanese, country. Choose matching borders, bed patterns and garden figurines.

Garden decor

Decorative elements are something without which it is impossible to imagine a stylish vegetable garden. A small mill, a figurine of a garden gnome or a figurine in the shape of an animal, like a accidentally forgotten watering can or cart wheel - all these little things will complement the design of your site, and it will sparkle with fresh colors.

The design of beds can be very diverse, it all depends on your imagination.

Nobody forbids combining vegetables with garden plants. Flower beds, arches, trellises and “huts” entwined with climbing flowers will fit perfectly here.

To diversify the appearance of plantings, you can add flowers to vegetable crops, for example, marigolds.

Single style

We bring to your attention the most popular solutions for vegetable garden design in a general style.

Choose plants that are contrasting in shape and color, don’t be afraid to experiment!

Style Colors Materials Peculiarities
Mediterranean Pastel shades, terracotta, ocher Natural stone, paving slabs, wood flooring, brick
  • Decentralization
  • Availability of a recreation area
  • High terraces, multi-level structures
  • climbing plants
Country Variegated natural shades Natural wood, stone, willow twig
  • Smooth lines
  • Large number of colors
  • Using household items as accessories
  • Wicker structures
Japanese Green palette Small crushed stone, pebbles, boulders
  • Decoration with lanterns, bridges, gazebos
  • Asymmetry, irregular shapes
  • Low beds
French Delicate natural colors Almost any: wood, stone, brick, slate, concrete
  • Beds of regular geometric shape, divided into segments
  • Paved paths
  • Framing with decorative stone or border

A stylish vegetable garden with a unique design will be the pride of any summer resident, and smart technologies, raised beds and the right choice of soil will help increase productivity and save effort and money spent on care.

VIDEO: Beautiful beds - a beautiful DIY vegetable garden!

50 design options for a vegetable garden with beds:

From this article you can learn how to create beautiful garden beds with your own hands: photos of successful options that can be used as inspiration, instructions and design rules, as well as making structures for growing vegetables and herbs on the site. The text outlines the basic principles of design development taking into account the landscape features of the site, advice on choosing crops and creating decorative designs.

A garden bed is a relatively isolated area of ​​soil where plants of a particular species are grown. Summer residents grow many crops that have similar cultivation characteristics or, conversely, contradict each other. By zoning a site using beds, you can separate incompatible plant species or combine those that have the same care system.

Interesting ideas for decorating a summer cottage and greenhouse. Using scrap materials to create unusual beds.

How to make beds in the garden: photos of the correct placement options

At the planning stage, the type of beds, the nature of their placement on the site and the dimensional parameters of the structures are also selected. The choice is based primarily on the characteristics of the soil, the specifics of the plants that will be grown and the presence of buildings on the territory.

Helpful advice! In order not to rack your brains over the design for a long time, you can use your favorite photos of dachas with beds and lawns from gardening magazines as a basis from which to design your garden in the future.

Based on magazine photos of garden beds or pictures from the Internet, it is advisable to draw up a plan for the future garden on paper in advance and use general recommendations for creating optimal designs:

  • raised beds that do not have a frame in the form of a box are recommended to be built in areas with black soil. In this case, there is no need to purchase soil;

  • designs of high beds can be considered as an analogue of flower beds. They look decorative and at the same time are able to provide plants with protection from rodents;
  • Heat-loving plants need special conditions. Growing them will require the construction of warm beds. This product option will be optimal if the site is located in a region where a climate with low temperatures prevails;
  • if the summer cottage is located in an arid region of the country, it is recommended to plant plants in pits;

  • Lowland areas and areas with clay soils are best used for organizing high beds;
  • areas of the site located in the shade are good for growing greenery;
  • You often come across photos of beautiful beds against a wall online. It is allowed to place structures along the walls of stationary structures, for example, a house, summer kitchen, barn, gazebo or garage, but with one condition - the rows must be placed on the south side. At the same time, the walls will protect the plants from the wind.

Creating beds at the dacha with your own hands: photos of successful solutions

Taking into account the general principles of design, you can evaluate the site for organizing a vegetable garden and plan not only the shape and type of beds, but also the dimensional parameters.
General standards for the size parameters of beds:

  1. Height - an indicator in the range of 40-60 cm is considered optimal, taking into account that the beds need regular weeding and watering. For carrying out these works, the specified height is considered the most convenient.
  2. Width - the maximum allowable value is 1.2 m. Otherwise, caring for seedlings and cultivating the soil will be extremely difficult.
  3. The width of the passage between plantings - the minimum permissible value is 0.3 m.

Note! If it is intended to have a frame, at least 0.6 m should be left between the structures. With such a width, a wheelbarrow can easily pass along the passage, which can be used for harvesting, transporting fertilizer, etc.

How to make a beautiful bed using lettuce

Each plant is unique and beautiful in its own way. Combining certain crops in one bed will create an amazing plant design. The composition can consist not only of vegetables, but also of herbs and flowers. Some plant species are able to provide vegetable crops with protection from pests and diseases.

Lettuce is a frequent guest in beautiful photos; many summer residents know how to make garden beds using this plant. It is decorative and comes in a wide variety of varieties. This type of greenery can have different leaf shapes and even colors.

  1. The Zabava lettuce variety is suitable for creating contrasting accents in the garden bed. Its leaves have a red tint and combine well with other plants.
  2. The Assol variety is a head variety of lettuce. This version of the plant has a green color and a red border along the edges of the leaves. The high decorative value of the variety allows it to be used as a garden bed decoration.
  3. These varieties can be combined with vegetable crops. Successful combinations are obtained with cucumber, carrots, strawberries and radishes.
  4. All varieties of lettuce look impressive next to basil or parsley.

Beds with herbaceous plants need shade. By growing such crops, you can provide yourself with fresh herbs and decorate shaded areas of the yard where most flowers cannot grow.

Creating beautiful beds in the garden: photos of unusual solutions using cabbage

Cabbage is another variant of the plant, the beauty of which is not always appreciated by those who are unfamiliar with the characteristics of its varieties. There are many technologies that describe how to beautifully make beds in a vegetable garden; photos of structures planted with cabbage look no worse than flower beds in the yard.

On sale you can find several varieties of red cabbage that can be successfully used to create a decorative bed. These varieties include “Mikhnevskaya Krasavitsa”, “Langedeyker”, “Rodima F1” and many others. In addition to external beauty, they will give a generous harvest at the end of the year.

Cauliflower with purple heads of the "Purple Queen" variety will be a real decoration

The cabbage variety “Amethyst F1” has a stunning purple color that will add bright accents to boring green plantings and make them attractive. There are also unique varieties. For example, “Cheddar F1” cauliflower is orange in color and can easily compete with flowering plants in terms of decorativeness. Other crops can be planted next to cabbage: dill, beets, onions, celery.

Helpful advice! Cabbage can also be used to make a frame for your own garden beds; photos of plantings in a white cabbage fence look attractive, while creating a unique structural design.

How to make beautiful garden beds at your dacha: photo examples of decorative fences

Living fences are the most environmentally friendly way to design beds in an ornamental vegetable garden. The difference in the structure of plants or their colors can be effectively played up in the design by creating a natural frame around the plantings. This technique is also used to decorate the bed with geometric patterns or rows of different heights and colors.

Frames for beds can be made with your own hands from any available materials. For these purposes, vine, stone, and wood are suitable. Even the use of beds without framing is allowed. In this case, the design relies on an unusual shape of the structure.

To create a natural border for the bed, it is best to use a lawn. Green grass is easy to handle, obedient and allows you to create even the most complex shapes on your site. The result looks stunning, giving a special design to the area.

This technology also has disadvantages:

  1. Lawn grass grows quickly and spreads well. Such a fence requires regular maintenance, otherwise the lawn will spread to the garden bed. To prevent this, it is recommended to do weeding from time to time.
  2. A green lawn does not provide protection from pests and rodents, which can cause serious damage to the crop.
  3. A bed framed with lawn grass loses its shape over time. You need to monitor its position and correct it if necessary.

Helpful advice! To prevent pests from getting to your vegetable crops, you can buy beautiful plastic beds. These products are strong, practical and durable. There are decorative options on sale that imitate wood or stone.

The advantages of lawn grass framing include excellent decorative characteristics, a simple system of organization and further maintenance.

Popular options for decorative design of beds

Options that do not have a frame look interesting. Such beds have a beautiful shape; they are raised above ground level. Crushed stone, stone or sawdust are used to create passages between them. The last option can be dug up in a year and you can get fertilizer for the soil. To prevent the edges of the beds from crumbling, it is not recommended to raise them more than 20 cm above ground level.

Low-growing shrubs will be an excellent replacement for artificial materials. Large vegetables (for example, cabbage) or herbs are planted using a similar technology. But in this case, the beds will need regular maintenance. Boxwood shrubs, apical pachysanthra or lavender are suitable for organizing a living fence. These plants can be successfully used as frames, but given their high cost, most summer residents decorate beds with them located at the front facade of the building.

The design of beds can be very diverse, it all depends on your imagination. To diversify the appearance of plantings, you can add flowers to vegetable crops, for example, marigolds. Their bright orange flowers will brighten up boring greenery and protect plants from aphids.

Glass or plastic bottles, pieces of wood, pieces of slate, bricks, ceramic tiles and other available materials that could have remained on the site after construction or renovation can be used as a decorative frame.

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Everyone understands what plant productivity depends on: the amount of embankment, the correct organization of fertilizers and the quality of the soil. To make it pleasant to care for plants, users create beautiful garden beds with their own hands in their dachas. You will find photos of interesting compositions and design solutions in today’s publication. In addition, the HomeMyHome editors will tell you about some of the features of organizing plots that many people do not know about.

A good harvest will be in areas with tree borders
PHOTO: samdizajner.ru

If you are thinking about planting seeds or creating seedlings, you need to choose the right place and understand how to arrange the beds on the site. The quality of the harvest and the health of the vegetation will depend on this. Our grandmothers also argued that all seats should be located strictly in one position: from north to south.

This method provides for a uniform supply of heat and light to future plants. In addition, in this arrangement the likelihood of fungus forming on leaves and fruits is minimized.

This design is only permissible if the site is perfectly flat and has no slopes. Such an area will not cause stagnation of moisture after precipitation, so the roots of the plants will not rot.

PHOTO: yandex.by

PHOTO: krrot.net

PHOTO: yandex.ua

How to make a warm bed: basics and nuances

People try to make warm beds with their own hands in the fall. The source of heat is organic matter, which, when rotting, releases special energy. It is this that will be beneficial for vegetation.

PHOTO: svoimirykamiinfo.ru

Such specimens are created in a recess measuring 50 cm. You can create them directly in the ground or pre-construct a box of the appropriate size. The basis of such a bed is compost. The thickness of its installation is at least 15 cm.

PHOTO: roomester.ru

With this approach, gardeners can plant plants much earlier. The presence of peat enhances the effect, and the plants become resistant to transplantation.

On a note! Experts believe that using warm beds makes it possible to grow high-quality seedlings.

How to properly make beds with drainage in the garden

Any cultivated plants need good gas exchange and high-quality removal of excess moisture. In order for these processes to occur properly, beds with drainage are arranged.

PHOTO: ogorod.ahuman.ru

Having chosen a site for installation, a pit is dug 45 cm deep. A layer of sand (15 cm) is placed in it, organic fertilizers are sprinkled on top, after which fertile soil is laid out. Such a foundation will help drain water faster in low-lying areas after precipitation, keeping the root system intact.

Features of creating beds in a greenhouse with your own hands

There are several options for materials from which beds can be made in a greenhouse. First of all, this is wood formwork. The use of stone or brick is allowed. Each of the options is good in its own way.

PHOTO: diy.obi.ru

The row spacing can be lined with fine crushed stone, screenings or sand. This will provide a comfortable approach to the plants and eliminate excess dirt and weeds.

PHOTO: homeli.ru

How to make borders for garden beds from different materials

When the question arises of how to fence the beds, many immediately go in search of available material. Such borders can really be built from anything. Important condition- they must withstand the pressure of wet soil. You also need to take into account that the width of the beds in the garden should be at least half a meter from the inner edge of the border.

Plastic and metal structures

Do-it-yourself fences for garden beds should look aesthetically pleasing. This will create a certain emphasis on. Therefore, the organization of these structures should be approached carefully. For example, plastic is smart modern solution. This material is absolutely harmless, it is not spoiled by pests, and it is considered budget-friendly. It should be chosen in light shades, since this color is practically not warmed up by the sun's rays.

PHOTO: samara-ogorod.ru

PHOTO: krrot.net

Metal structures are convenient, but not suitable for well-lit and dry areas. The material heats up quickly root system plants are susceptible to serious overheating. Over time, rust and corrosion appear. This negatively affects the soil composition.

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What are their advantages, examples of creative solutions, average prices, consumer reviews, how to properly assemble a bed from panels with your own hands. Read about this and much more in our review.

Interesting beds made from boards with your own hands: photos of original specimens

Wooden borders for beds are a good and harmless option. For production you can use the most different ideas. Such frames are prepared by twisting into frames using. We bring to your attention photos of unusual options for making a bed from boards with your own hands.

PHOTO: yandex.kz

PHOTO: krrot.net

PHOTO: yandex.com.tr

PHOTO: allremont59.ru

In the future, it is important to know how to treat boards for beds so that they do not interfere with plant growth and are not affected by moisture.

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Interesting ideas come to mind for many summer residents and owners of private houses. In the article we will look at original photographic examples and several instructions for creating such beauty.

How to make slate beds with your own hands: photo examples

Surely there are small fragments of slate in every home. They make excellent cheap fencing for vegetable beds. If you also paint them, they will stand out against the general background of the garden.

PHOTO: 7dach.ru

PHOTO: paint-facades.rf

PHOTO: koffkindom.ru

Brick and concrete beds

Beautiful raised beds can be made from various options materials. Brick is also considered the most acceptable. They are much easier to work with and do not require special care. Often such structures are used for planting decorations.

PHOTO: roomester.ru

PHOTO: roomester.ru
On a note! Garden plants planted in specially designated fenced areas can be arranged around lawn grass. This is quite suitable option creating paths between rows.

Making garden beds at the dacha with your own hands: photos of finished models

A beautifully designed vegetable garden with high crop yields is entirely the merit of the owner. The more interesting and correct the beds are created, the better the plants feel. Along with the benefits for them, it is necessary to think about the design of the site itself. We bring to your attention several ideas in photos.

PHOTO: dizainlandshafta.ru

PHOTO: doma.life

PHOTO: yandex.kz

PHOTO: yandex.kz

Features of beds for different plants

If you want to get rid of weed growth beautifully and for the season, you need to create the most favorable conditions for the growth of crops. Each type of plant has its own characteristics.

How to make beds with flowers at the dacha with your own hands: video

Usually under blooming ornamental plants They use the most unusual flower bed designs. One of these is discussed in detail in the video. With the help of these instructions you can easily create the same one.

Convenient do-it-yourself strawberry beds: photo options

As a rule, wild strawberries are grown in a well-lit area. It is desirable that each berry bush receives an even amount of sunlight.

PHOTO: eda-land.ru

PHOTO: yandex.uz

PHOTO: yandex.uz

What is special about cabbage beds?

If you plan to set up a separate compartment for growing cabbage, then you should choose a place for it where onions or any legumes previously grew. These areas must be dense; the absence of sandy layers is important, since a large amount of moisture will escape through them. Because of this, vegetables begin to “starve.”

PHOTO: ideaboz.com

If it is impossible to choose another area, dig a trench under the cabbage bed and lay it on its bottom. vegetable waste 7-10 cm high. Next, add fertile soil.

Arrangement of beds for cucumbers and tomatoes

Traditional varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers do not require care. They only need careful and proper watering. As for the beds, they can be grown together. Watch a video about how experienced gardeners do this.

Beds for different types of lettuce

A healthy salad bed is something out of the ordinary. It is known that these crops require constant care. Therefore it is necessary to comply following conditions for growing them.

  1. It is advisable to plant early-ripening varieties in the same compartment with late-ripening varieties.
  2. Watering is necessary warm water from the watering can, directing its spout to the root of the plant.
  3. Need to use narrow beds so that weeds do not have a chance to settle in the soil.
  4. It is better to sow salads mixed with sand. This will allow the plants to be evenly distributed.
  5. The beds can be made from plastic pots and installed on windows. Also, areas can be stationary.

Dear readers, if you have any suggestions or additions on the topic of how to properly make garden beds, write your ideas in the comments under the article. We will be happy to explore your idea. Perhaps this will be the topic of a future publication.

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