Bath bombs will make bathing a favorite activity for your child. DIY bath bombs: step-by-step recipes with photos and videos

DIY bath bombs are an unusual gift that you can give to your family and friends for almost any occasion. In addition, they perfectly relax and lift your spirits.

There is nothing complicated in their composition, and the preparation will be fun and interesting. There is a wide variety of complex and simple recipes. This article will cover all the details.

So, to make bath bombs you will need a kit the following materials: rubber surgical gloves to protect the delicate skin of the hands, goggles to protect the eyes from exposure negative factors, deep enamel bowl, gauze mask, baking soda, citric acid or analogues.

As well as a spray bottle and additional components (clay, a set of dried flowers, aroma oils, dyes (preferably food), instant coffee, ground oatmeal and whatever you like - your choice, any molds will do.

All the necessary components are listed, all you have to do is turn on your favorite music and start creating incredibly cool effervescent drinks to improve the quality of your skin and lift your mood!

Basic recipes for scented bath bombs

To start making complex recipes, it is advisable to master the basic ones. The basic scheme for preparing simple bombs:

First you need to put protection on your hands, over your eyes and tie an apron so as not to get dirty.

And finally, the completion of the process is dye (any). If you really want, you can pour dry flowers into the mixture. Now the main thing is to knead everything properly.

Fizzing bath bombs in two ways

Effervescent balls can be made in two ways: wet and dry. Dry method - compact the prepared mixture into a mold and allow time to harden.

Wet - add a couple of sprays of water from a spray bottle to the described scheme.

Whatever method you choose, the mass should crumble and stick together well.

Place the finished mixture in molds and leave to dry for half an hour. Then remove the bombs from the mold and leave to dry for a day. The finished pops can be wrapped in cling film and stored in a cool place, but make sure that they do not get damp.

The shapes of the pops can be made in any way: heart, star, leaf, barrel, flower. All this depends on what molds are available.

Bombs for different skin types

Do you know that you can make effervescent drinks at home that are suitable for a certain skin type?

It turns out that there are many miracle recipes and here are the proven ones:

1) For oily skin: 4 tbsp. spoons of baking soda, 2 tbsp citric acid, 1 tbsp sea ​​salt,1 st. spoon castor oil and a couple of drops of citrus oil.

For color, add food coloring or herbal infusion to the mixture. When the mixture is ready, you can put it in molds and let it dry. Now you can take out the finished pop and take a relaxing bath.

2) For dry skin: dry skin needs hydration, which is why oils and vitamins will play a special role in this recipe.

For the base you will need: 4 tbsp. spoons of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of lemon. Add grape oil, flaxseed oil, Aevit, essential oils - chamomile and geranium to the mixture. Place in molds, wait until it dries and you can use!

These simple recipes will help you relax after a hard day at work, lift your depressed mood, properly moisturize your skin, make it elastic and keep it young for many years.

So a useful gift you will show sincere care to your loved ones.

Photos of homemade bath bombs

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Bath bombs: 4 shells of joy, easy to make at home

Explosion, storm, madness! These three words perfectly describe bath bombs, which can turn ordinary water procedures into a real holiday. I want to go further and not just limit myself to flattering epithets in the direction of such a “terrible” weapon of mass destruction of water masses in your font, but offer you several simple recipes for making it at home.

And yet what are we talking about?

But first, I think it is necessary to expand on the topic of bath bombs in a little more detail for those who have not yet encountered them at all. Most often they are colored balls (although they may have other shapes, this is not important) and are launched into the collected font. The effect of this can be observed as follows:

The action of the “shell of joy”

  1. When an object comes into contact with liquid begins to boil, forming a real geyser;

  1. Then in all directions bubbles and whole streams diverge different colors , the shades of which depend on the type of sample used;

  1. They rush into the air pleasant aromas, filling in ;
  2. The water takes on a fantastic look, and medicinal essential oils begin to affect the body of a person lying in the font.


Here I also want to expand a little more on the topic of how bath bombs can be useful for you:

  1. Direct use. That is, as I described above: fill the tank warm water, throw the shell there and enjoy all the further special effects;

  1. Present. Remember that situation when you need to make something inexpensive, but original gift to someone, but your head refuses to invent anything suitable? So, bath bombs will be an excellent and unusual gift present in any situation.

If you are planning to use a homemade bomb as a gift, then I recommend not limiting yourself to a spherical shape, but giving it some more interesting shapes. So, for example, on “Valentine’s Day” it could be a heart, on “March Eighth” it could be a rosebud, and a child can be pleased with a figurine of an animal. This will make it even more pleasant for the person.

Let's start cooking

Making bath bombs at home requires having the following tools on hand:

Name Comments
Kitchen scales Many ingredients require precise proportions; it is not advisable to add them “by eye”
Clean dry container A large bowl, preferably glass, is quite suitable, and it is needed to mix all the constituent elements
Latex gloves No need with bare hands touch everything you will be working with, as this may lead to negative consequences for your skin
Face protection Goggles and a gauze bandage are quite suitable to prevent reactive dust from getting into the eyes or respiratory tract
Sieve Will be needed to sift the mixture being prepared.
Matching molds It depends on what you want to get as a result, but most often these are special purchased plastic containers, cut tennis balls or “eggs” from Kinder Surprise children’s toys.

As you can see, it is not necessary to purchase any special tools to implement your plans with your own hands. Most likely you are all you can find in your own home.

Joy Projectile #1: “Simple Torpedo”

I started with the most basic recipe, for which I needed the following ingredients:

The process itself looked like this:

  1. Properly equipped, in prepared containers began to mix the amount of citric acid and soda indicated in the table until you get a homogeneous substance. In the process of completing this step, I also added the selected dye and sea salt;

  1. Further poured into essential and olive oils, and added dry cream and chopped herbs;
  2. He started mixing the substance again, achieving a homogeneous mushy state. Ready mix should mold well, if it continues to be crumbly and does not want to form a lump in your hand, then add a little water to it. Just do this very carefully so as not to provoke the onset of a chemical reaction;

If the hissing still begins after adding liquid, add a little citric acid and soda. The substance in the bowl is then stabilized.

  1. Scooping up a handful of sticky mass, made a ball out of it, like a snowball made of snow;

  1. Impromptu snowball fight put it in the mold, which was then closed;

  1. I left the mixture closed into a sphere to harden for 20 minutes., after which he took out the ready-made bomb. Signs of a correctly performed procedure: the object leaves the mold easily, without sticking to the walls, and does not crumble in your hands.

Joy Shell No. 2: “Lavender Relaxation”

Those who especially like to soak in warm water will certainly appreciate the “warheads” made of lavender. Here I needed:

After I collected everything, I got down to business:

  1. The first step here is the same as in the previous recipe, that is, I carefully mixed soda with citric acid, turning them into a single substance;
  2. While working with a spoon also I also added some dry cream;
  3. After the mass has become homogeneous, very slowly poured wheat oil into it;
  4. Further also slowly I also added lavender oil;

  1. Added crushed plant particles and sea salt, continuing to stir the contents of the bowl;

  1. I took a spray bottle of water and slowly began to “refresh” the substance until it began to hiss at me;
  2. Grease the bath bomb molds from the inside sunflower oil, filled them with the prepared mixture, after which, just as children make Easter cakes from sand, he laid it out on a clean sheet of paper;

  1. After 6 hours, the “shells” are ready for use.

Lavender has a very relaxing effect on the body, so launching such a “torpedo” into the bath before bed is most pleasant.

Shell of joy No. 3: “The goal is romance”

If you want the degree of romance in the bathroom to go off scale, then the following recipe, which requires the following ingredients, will do the job perfectly:

My cooking process went like this:

  1. I took a piece of cocoa butter and melted it in a water bath. The source of heat in this case can be either a microwave oven or a regular battery;

  1. Cooled the substance a little, then slowly I started adding all the stored essential oils and the prepared dye to it while stirring with a spoon;
  2. Then immersed the remaining ingredients in the container, which include baking soda, citric acid and oatmeal powder;
  3. Next I'm already mixed the mixture with my hands until doughy and homogeneous;
  4. Divide the resulting dough into molds;
  5. And I placed the filled molds themselves in the freezer for half an hour;
  6. The hardened samples were taken out of the containers and wrapped in pieces of plastic film.

Projectile No. 4: “Tenderness for the skin”

Roses are always beautiful. And you can also create bath bombs from them. For this you will need:

And I started:

  1. First of all, I tackled the dry ingredients. To do this, I needed soda, citric acid and Epsom salts, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. I combined all these loose mixtures into a homogeneous mass without a single lump;

  1. Then added glycerin and continued stirring gently;

  1. Further followed by essential oils: almond and pink;
  2. By adding curry, I changed the color of the mixture to yellowish;
  3. Added water and mixed thoroughly, without reacting to the hissing and increase in the substance;
  4. I squeezed a lump of mass, checking it for readiness: if it doesn’t crumble, then everything is in order;
  5. Overlaid inner part rose petal molds, after which he filled it with the prepared substance;
  6. Two days later I took out the finished “warhead”.

What the store can offer

I’m interested in making bath bombs myself, but not everyone has the time or desire for this. But almost everyone still wants to try this delight at least once in action.

And here, as always, there is an alternative in the form of a trip to specialized stores. You can buy extremely safe and fully equipped kits for the production of “shells” that even children can handle, as well as ready-to-use samples.

Example sentences

The price of ready-made bombs, of course, is much higher than manufactured ones. with my own hands, but still remains quite accessible:

  1. Aloe Vera Bomb:

  1. Bomb "Banana Paradise":

  1. Hot Chocolate Bomb:

  1. Bomb “Lemon freshness”:

  1. Bomb "Sea Breeze":

As you can see, purchased samples do not differ as much in shape, composition and price as homemade ones, although, of course, you can find more intricate examples if you wish. These include, for example, this heart self made"calendula", having the following description:


Bath bombs will make bathing more fun, enjoyable and healthy. And making them with your own hands is quite capable of delivering sincere emotional pleasure.

The video in this article will introduce you to additional information. Ask any questions you have on the topic in the comments.

August 26, 2016

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DIY bath bomb

Now a few recipes for making bath bombs. There is nothing complicated about this and all this can be done perfectly with your own hands, rather than buying in stores for a lot of money. I tried it myself and made amazing bombs with my favorite essential oils. Taking a bath with a scented “bomb” is a pleasure.

So, let's get started, to prepare 1 bomb we will need:

4 tablespoons of regular soda;
- 2 tablespoons of citric acid;
- 2 tablespoons of any oil (olive, almond, etc.);
- 2 tablespoons of filler ( powdered milk, dry cream, sea salt, herbs, etc.)
- 5-8 drops of your favorite essential oils;
- molds (you can use children's dishes or 2 identical round-shaped plastic mugs, which will need to be connected to each other to make it like a circle).

Next, soda citric acid, oil, filler, mix well in a convenient container. The mass should look like slightly wet sand. Then we compact the resulting mass into molds and leave to dry for 8-10 hours. To ensure that the bombs are easily removed, you can first grease the molds with vegetable or olive oil.

The bomb is ready! As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Throw the bomb into the bath and enjoy :) Store the bombs in a dry place.

Another recipe for making mint bombs, the so-called “mint” bomb.
We will need:
- 4 tbsp. l. soda;
- 2 tbsp. l. citric acid;
- 2 tbsp. l. dry cream or milk powder;
- 2 tbsp. l. bath beads (optional);
- 1 tbsp. l. bath salts;
- 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
- 20 drops essential oil mint;
- 1 tbsp. l. mint herbs (sold at the pharmacy).

Mix baking soda and citric acid in a convenient bowl and rub thoroughly with a spoon. Then add dry cream (milk) and mash well again. Then, add one by one olive oil and mint essential oil and mix everything again. Then add bath salts, dried mint and beads (optional) for the bath. Continuing to stir the resulting mixture with a spoon, spray it with a spray bottle to make it a little damp. No need to add a lot of water ready mix should stick together. Now, put the resulting mixture into a greased mold and compact it well. You can try this by simply making different figures with your hands. Place the finished bomb on paper and dry for several hours.

Throw a bomb into the bath and have a lot of fun :)

And in the end, as I promised in the previous article on soap making, I am posting another recipe for making soap with my own hands, the so-called “puff soap”.

To prepare the top layer, grate baby soap or any other soap and melt it in a water bath. Add any dyes and essential oils to it. Then fill only half of the prepared mold with the resulting mass if the soap is two-layer and one-third of the mold if the soap is three-layer. To keep the soap layers together, smooth out the resulting first layer with a small spoon and let the layer cool. To prepare the second (third) layer, we do everything the same as for the first. After that, let the prepared soap cool and remove it from the mold. That's it, the puff soap is ready.

Nowadays, a variety of face and body care products are very popular. One of these is water bombs. These are cute hissing capsules that bubble when they come into contact with water and saturate the room with a pleasant aroma.

It's like bubble bath - a pleasant addition to a relaxing procedure. Children and lovers of taking care of their bodies will appreciate this idea. When it gets into water, such a product begins to hiss and bubble. Moreover, if there is a dye inside, then the water is colored specific color. Oils, herbs and various extracts are also added to the balls. They help moisturize the skin and keep it youthful.

How to buy bath bombs on Aliexpress: catalog with price

Available on Aliexpress huge selection household and hygiene products. Bath balls are no exception. Here you can purchase products with extracts of chamomile, mint or lavender. They all smell nice and will make your bathing experience unforgettable. Carefully study the ingredients and look at delivery times.

This cute product can be made at home. It will take a little patience and endurance.


  • 23 g milk powder
  • 20 g lemon
  • 40 g spoon of soda
  • 25 ml base oil
  • Essential oils
  • Spoons
  • Molds


  • Mix water with lemon and dry milk
  • Add base oil and some essential oil
  • Average, sprinkle the mixture with water from a spray bottle
  • No need to pour a lot of water. The mixture should have a consistency similar to wet sand.
  • Fill the molds tightly with the mixture and leave to dry.
  • Usually the “pigs” dry for 2-12 days

Now on Aliexpress you can purchase special molds for making bombs. They are balls with holes. These molds are divided into two parts and filled with the mixture. After this, the halves are joined and left to dry. You can also find cute shapes in the form of shells or ribbed balls for sale on Aliexpress.

How to buy molds and a kit for making bath bombs on Aliexpress: catalog with price

For kids, when preparing sizzling balls, you need to use bright dyes and etherols. Herbs, seeds, coffee and even fruits are often used.


  • 110 g baking soda
  • 50 g lemon
  • 10 ml sunflower seed
  • Lavender herb
  • 11 drops lavender essential oil


  • Mix dry ingredients in a bowl and add butter
  • Using a spoon, mix everything and press down
  • Add essential oils and lavender herb, add dye
  • Spray a little water on the mixture and mix
  • Pour the paste into the molds and let the shells or balls dry completely

Effervescent bath bombs: recipes

Effervescent balls are made from soda, lemon and etherols. They perfectly moisturize the skin and help you calm down after a hard day at work. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Effervescent bath balls

These bombs will help you relax and calm down. Contains sea salt.


  • 55 g sea salt without additives
  • 110 g soda
  • 55 g lemon
  • Green dye
  • Essential oils


  • Combine all dry ingredients and add essential oils
  • Add green dye and press, sprinkle with water and average
  • Transfer the mixture into molds and compact, let dry thoroughly.

Cosmetic clay perfectly eliminates acne and fights inflammation. In addition, such products rejuvenate.


  • 50 g lemon
  • 110 g spoon of baking soda
  • Spoon of dry clay powder (kaolin)
  • 20 ml of any oil
  • Etherol
  • Dye
  • Place all dry ingredients in a bowl and stir
  • Enter oil and essential oils
  • Add dye and average everything
  • Spray a little water and turn the mass into a substance similar to wet sand
  • Press the mixture into molds and after 10 minutes place on newspaper
  • Leave until completely dry

Edible bath bombs, chocolate: recipes

You can watch the video on how to make a chocolate bomb.

VIDEO: Chocolate bomb

To prevent the balls from falling apart and keeping their shape, powdered milk is added to the mixture.


  • 50 g lemon
  • 110 g soda
  • 25 g milk powder
  • Dye
  • Flavors

R recipe:

  • Mix all dry and bulk products in a bowl
  • Add a few drops of essential oil and dye
  • Using a spray bottle, turn the paste into a homogeneous substance like wet sand.
  • Grease the molds with oil and fill them tightly with the mixture.
  • Place the beads on newspaper and let them dry

These are ordinary balls that are made from soda and acid. Oil and dyes are added for the connection. To make the products smell, essential oil is introduced. Often such products are supplemented with dry herbs or flower petals.

The recipe for making such products is classic. The main difference is the design. Most often, sizzling balls are prepared using silicone molds of Christmas trees, balls and snowmen. The color is chosen depending on the hero or item.


  • 25 g soda
  • 10 g acid
  • 5 ml oil
  • Green dye
  • Flavoring


  • Mix the ingredients in a bowl and average
  • Sprinkle the substance with water and turn it into wet sand
  • Grease the Christmas tree shapes with oil and lay out the mixture
  • Everything needs to be compacted
  • After this, place the “paskas” on a newspaper and let them dry.

Soap bombs for baths to foam: recipe

For more information on how to make soap bombs, watch the video.

VIDEO: Soap bombs for the bath

Using such tools is very simple. Just fill the bath with water comfortable temperature and dive into it. After this, the ball is dipped into the water. First, a violent reaction will follow with the release of a huge amount of foam. That's how it should be. It happens chemical reaction between soda and lemon. You can swim in this solution. After the interaction of soda with acid, salts and water are formed. They are not harmful to the skin. In addition, essential and carrier oils moisturize skin and help prolong the youth of the epidermis.

As you can see, you can make your own bath bombs. This product will delight both children and adults. Bombs can become a great gift for a loved one.

VIDEO: Bathing balls

How wonderful that today taking a bath can be turned into an entertaining show. All you have to do is put a bubbling bath ball into the water and enjoy the dance of bubbles with the delicate scent of a cosmetic product.

Bath balls will entertain you while bathing and make your skin soft and shiny. They combine the functions of care and relaxation. A soap product may contain various caring ingredients.

Making your own bath bombs is not that difficult. Bath bomb recipes are amazing in variety. But not everyone knows how to make bombs. A master class on how to create them can be found here.

You can put any herbs in bath bombs

What is a bath bomb? The answer is: effervescent bath bombs are made from different mixtures According to numerous recipes, they are also called “geysers”. Once in the water, they bubble and gradually dissolve.

The bath bomb recipe contains only natural ingredients. They provide the skin with beneficial caring substances. The balls have a delicate aroma, soothe and relax. Or, on the contrary, they carry an invigorating charge, plunging you into a fresh whirlwind of emotions.

In any case, this soapy fireworks will give everyone pleasure and lift their spirits. A ball with added sea salt will turn the bath water into a salt pool, very beneficial for health.

How to make a bath bomb with your own hands, everything in order, a specialized master class will teach you how to do this. To prepare bath fizz, you must have the following products:

  • Citric acid
  • Sea buckthorn, almond – any other oil
  • Powdered milk, cream, cosmetic clay
  • Any essential oils
  • Additions of dried herbs, flowers, flakes, honey and so on
  • Dye

The ingredients are taken according to your tastes. Depending on the condition of the skin and the presence of any allergic reactions. It is important what emotions and what kind of care you want to receive while bathing with this or that bomb.

We can add literally anything we have on hand to each bomb.


To create a homemade bath bomb you should prepare:

  1. Volume cup
  2. Gloves and mask
  3. Spray bottle with cold water
  4. Bomb molds

If you don’t have any spherical shapes at home, any will do. It can be plastic containers any size and shape. And then you should purchase the missing bomb molds from hardware stores or craft departments.
When making your own bath bombs, we will use the following recipes:

Master class No. 1 “Relaxation”

four tablespoons of soda;
one to three tablespoons of citric acid;
one tablespoon of salt;
two to four tablespoons of milk powder (cream);
two tablespoons of almond oil;
10-20 drops of essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot;
one tablespoon of chamomile flowers, lemon balm.

Combine all ingredients, except oils, in a large container and crush. While stirring, add almond oil and other oils. Mix everything. Spray the mixture with a spray bottle. When the mixture begins to sizzle and becomes viscous, pour the mixture into molds and compact well.

The mold must be greased with oil in advance. We leave the products for 5 hours. Place the finished bath fizz in a separate place. If the bomb is made as a gift, it should be beautifully packaged.

How to pack your finished bubbling bath ball is up to you. There is no limit to the flight of fancy here. Wrapping paper, ribbons, colored cardboard, and bright cellophane will do. You can simply wrap the ball in beautiful paper and tie with a ribbon. Or you can combine round geysers into a simple composition of several pieces. There are plenty of options.

Master class No. 2 “Chocolate heaven”

four tablespoons of soda;
one to three tbsp. spoons of citric acid;
one tablespoon of salt;
two tablespoons of jojoba oil;
one tablespoon of dark chocolate;
one to three tablespoons of milk powder (cream);
one tablespoon of cocoa powder.

use whatever shapes you have on hand

In a large container, combine soda, acid and salt and grind. Melt the chocolate bar. Slowly add jojoba oil to the cooled mixture. Add the resulting mixture to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix. Place the homogeneous mass in the molds. Place in the freezer. Remove after half an hour, the soap attraction is ready.
Let's learn how to make a citrus-based bath bomb at home.

Master class No. 3

three to five tablespoons of lemon or rather lemon zest
three to five tbsp. spoons of soda;
one to three tbsp. spoons of citric or any other acid;
half a tbsp. spoons of salt;
two tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil;
15-20 drops of grapefruit essential oil or lemon essential oil.

Mix loose powders in a dry bowl. Add grated lemon zest. Carefully pour in sea buckthorn oil, lemon oil and mix everything well. If desired, add food coloring. Sprinkle some water on the prepared mixture and place it in special bomb molds. And you can leave it for 5 hours. When the balls are dry, you can start using them.

DIY bubbling bath bombs are made from natural ingredients.
A useful properties they have mass:

  • care for the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it;
  • give a pleasant aroma and a feeling of joy;
  • relax and calm;
  • increase overall vitality.

It’s easier, of course, to buy a ready-made bubbling ball. But can you be sure of its quality and safety? Store-bought bead water bombs may contain ingredients that are harmful to your health. And instead of positive impressions they will bring problems and poor health. And if these are children’s bath bombs, then their natural composition is even more important.

Children's direction

It's also easy for kids to make their own bombs. Every child will be happy to swim with the soap miracle. The noisy seething and colorful cascade of splashes will delight any child. You just need to approach the creation of homemade water fireworks with enthusiasm and imagination.

A baby bath bomb is made at home, just like all the others. Only this bomb will be brighter, more unusual and interesting. Smells like sweets or fizzy soda. There are a huge number of baby bath bomb molds. Of course, when choosing a bath bomb recipe, you should take into account the interests and tastes of the child.

Bathing beads

Bath beads will provide similar soapy fireworks. This is a set of small beads similar to pearls. They are different sizes and colors. They consist of the same ingredients as large geysers + contain gelatin. Often included in large balls. They are placed inside the bomb at the stage of creating a soap masterpiece. Beads give the same unforgettable emotions and sensations. You can purchase these wonderful beads on the Internet or in departments with bath products.

Now you can safely make your own bath bombs. There are no special difficulties here. To supplement your theoretical knowledge, you can watch a video master class on their production: “How to make bombs.” A hand-made fragrant, soapy gift will always come in handy and will fill a standard hygiene procedure with an unforgettable feeling.
