Balcony P44T - I share my experience in glazing and insulation. Balcony iron - best design designs Single side wall

The designers did not disappoint. They really managed to surprise the apartment owners one hundred percent with such large balconies. Especially in all its glory, the balcony, popularly nicknamed “Iron,” was located in a small room. If you look at the layout of the apartment, the silhouette of the iron will be clearly visible. The beauty of the ironing balcony is that it turned out to be almost square. One side actually lay at an angle. But this has its advantages general design Houses.

In the photo we see the dimensions of each side of the balcony. The total area of ​​the iron balcony is 4.71 square meters.

Thanks to this size and almost square shape balcony, a lot of ideas for design and interior come to mind. Since the balcony is located in a small room of 13.5 square meters, thanks to it we can increase the space in the room to 18.2 square meters. Which is practically the size of a large room.

Let's think about what purposes residents use the balcony space for.

1 Balcony for relaxation

2 Balcony for work

3 Balcony for floriculture or ironing and drying area

Now let's look at each option in more detail:

Balcony for relaxation

If your family has enough space in the apartment and does not need to create extra rooms, why not use the balcony as a relaxation area. Where can you place comfortable chairs? coffee table, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy the early summer morning. We look at photos of balconies with this design.

Straw chairs with a coffee table perfectly found their place on the balcony ironing

The designer beautifully crafted an arch in the balcony opening.

He went out onto the balcony, took a deep breath, and was surrounded by forests and rivers. Lapota!

Another cozy place turned out to be on the balcony. If the sun disturbs your sleep, you can block it out with yellow curtains.

Balcony for the workplace

Most families cannot buy apartments large area. That's why everyone possible ways use free space in the apartment. Workplaces on balconies have long become fashionable for our residents.

We combine both sports and work area there is a boot on the balcony. Work at your desk and get on the machine.

A corner tabletop on the balcony will be the best option for a desktop.

Why arrange offices in a room with bookshelves. When this function is perfectly performed by a balcony boot.

And most importantly, everything is at hand. He rolled back in his chair and his hand was already reaching for the printer.

I slept, ate and went to the balcony to get to work.

Balcony for floriculture and ironing

Well, what woman can do without flowers at home? Where can she iron and dry her clothes? Well, of course, on the balcony. A whole garden of flowers was placed on the balcony of the young owner of the apartment.

You look from the street at a balcony with flowers and the story from the film Seventeen Moments of Spring immediately comes to mind.

How tired women are of constantly taking out and putting away ironing boards and irons, which are always getting in the way in their rooms. Now you can forget about all the bad things. A drying and ironing complex was built on the balcony for their beloved mother, her husband and little son.

When glazing a P-44 balcony of the “boat” type (also called “iron”), the installation of two large front frames is required instead of one due to its characteristic shape. The junction of structures must be properly sealed. When glazing a P-44 “boot” type balcony, due to its original form are used various options, including combinations with dull filling. Many apartment owners prefer to make a convenient storage cabinet out of part of such a balcony.

Types of glazing of loggia P-44

The most common types of glazing for loggias and balconies P-44 are plastic and aluminum systems. Plastic profiles are used for warm glazing of loggias P-44, and aluminum sliding windows installed with cold glazing. The use of a high-quality profile allows you to create systems whose service life exceeds 30 years.

Examples of installing windows on a P-44 balcony

PVC windows for balconies of houses of the P-44 series are one of the most popular types of glazing. They are made from multi-chamber plastic profiles and double-glazed windows, including energy-efficient ones. This type of glazing in combination with high-quality insulation walls and floor allows you to use the loggia room even in winter as a full-fledged room.

How to glaze a P-44 balcony using energy-efficient double-glazed windows

P-44 balconies often become part of the room during the process of remodeling the apartment. In this case, it is necessary to take care of maximum thermal insulation of the light-transmitting structure. The optimal solution would be to install energy-saving or multifunctional double-glazed windows. The silver layer and filling the chambers with inert gas provide a higher thermal conductivity coefficient and reflect heat into the room. For residents of apartments facing streets with heavy traffic, optimal solution There will be sound-absorbing double-glazed windows. They will provide in the apartment maximum level comfort.

Sliding plastic glazing Sliders are gaining popularity thanks to convenient way opening, which saves space when opening. The profile itself is three-chamber and has steel reinforcement, which means windows made from it will work reliably for a long time. In such structures, you can install either a regular single window or a double-glazed window with a width of 18 mm, which will significantly improve heat conservation.

Glazing aluminum windows is the most in an economical way glaze the balcony. For these purposes it is used aluminum profile Provedal and single glass. Such windows can be hinged or sliding. The last option is more popular because... allows you to save space when opening.

For fans modern styles In the interior, you should pay attention to frameless glazing. Installation of these systems will provide a panoramic view and a stylish exterior of the loggia. Maximum light will enter the room, because... There are no vertical imposts at all. The tightness of this design is ensured by an inter-glass seal.

A plus is the presence of a balcony or loggia in the apartment. If glazed, they can be used as extra room or a place to relax. This will not be superfluous, since modern apartments small in size. Previously, owners of apartments with a loggia or balcony could not obtain reliable heat and sound insulation.

With the advent metal-plastic windows You can glaze a balcony or loggia without any problems. Loggias and balconies in houses of types p 44 and p 44t have their own design features, so glazing here occurs differently than in other houses.

In the houses of the n series, 44 apartments are equipped with loggias and balconies. The loggia is not small - its area is 4.5 square meters. m. The balcony here is smaller - 3 sq. m. m. From this it follows that residents have at their disposal plus 7 square meters. m. In order to use these rooms wisely, you need to glaze the balcony p 44 and loggia p 44.

One more the positive side balconies and loggias n 44 is their shape. There are two types of loggias in such houses:

Balcony type "boot"
  • “Boot” with a protruding nose;
  • “Boat” (iron) - has a protruding corner, similar to a boat.

When working, all this must be taken into account, since the glazing itself will become more complicated.

There are different parapets, depending on the structure of the building:

  • concrete;
  • steel;
  • concrete-steel;
  • brick and concrete-steel at the same time.

When warm glazing is made, the weight of the profile is quite large. In order for the parapet to withstand such a load, it is necessary to make changes to the design of the fence.

Specifics of glazing balconies

The glazing described above is considered warm, since cold glazing only involves the installation of double-glazed windows. Double-glazed windows are installed on balconies in two ways:

  • normal installation;
  • installation with “removal” - installation of double-glazed windows outside the balcony.

In the first case, hinged, sliding or blind sashes are installed on the balcony. The latter can be transparent or opaque. Install on a straight surface 240 cm long sliding system valves At a length of 90 cm, you can choose any sashes. The rest of the space can be glazed using blind or hinged frames.

In the second case they use metal constructions. Using an extension, a window sill is formed on the balcony, the width of which is from 10 to 35 centimeters. It depends on the design features balcony Removal can be carried out in three ways:

  • along the main line;
  • directly;
  • around the entire perimeter.

The price of the work will depend on the method of removing the window sill chosen by the client.

The unevenness of structures inherent in balconies of type p 44t, which have a zigzag shape, does not make glazing difficult due to plastic profiles. You can choose them as you wish. Holes in the connectors for window units can complicate glazing on bay windows, as they are drilled at the factory before installation. This makes it possible to install them without preliminary fittings, but you need to measure as accurately as possible. The cost of such glazing is influenced by the following factors:

  • complexity of installation;
  • structure of bay window corners.

Specifics of glazing loggias

For warm glazing the loggia must be sealed. Foam blocks are used for this. They are installed inside. From the outside, foam blocks are camouflaged using low tides. This protects the structure from precipitation. The side walls that separate the adjacent loggias do not reach the parapet.

The rest of the space is partly blocked by partitions that are fixed to metal frame. Professionals close the cracks using wooden materials, foam block, lining or curved sheet metal. Loggias n 44 are either ordinary or bay windows. In corner rooms there are half-bay windows.

Features of glazing a loggia with a “boot”

It is recommended to insulate the “boot” loggia in houses up to 44t before glazing. In this case, you need to lay out foam blocks on the narrow half of the loggia. When there is a concrete curb, it can be disguised by raising the floor level.

When glazing a loggia, three edges must be covered with a window profile. Here, thin metal-plastic or aluminum profiles are used so that light freely penetrates into the room. If an aluminum profile is selected, you can install sliding doors. They are much better in function than swing ones, because they can save space free space and retain as much light as possible.

Features of glazing a loggia with a “boat”

This option provides for the presence of two faces. Can be produced.

Loggia type "boat"

As in the situation with the “boot,” it is necessary to use a thin metal-plastic or aluminum profile in order to save space and maintain maximum illumination. It is advisable to choose a plastic window sill, regardless of the type of profile.

There is a pillar in the corner of the boat-type loggias. To close it, a closet is often built in this place. This is good because you will need to work with fewer walls during future finishing.

The glazing of balconies p 44 and p 44 t is much more complicated as a result of their configuration and the presence of a protruding parapet with large openings. For this reason, it is recommended to trust such a procedure exclusively to professionals who know the subtleties and nuances of their business. They will do everything so that you can admire the balcony long years everyone who wants it.

September 12, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

The glazing of balconies p44t is technically no different from the same devices in conventional houses - the configuration just changes slightly. I’ll say right away, so as not to delay - according to the standard, they can be 3.8 m2, or 4.8 m2 (boot) and with the same area ordinary, but somewhat expanded balconies are made. Therefore, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the conditions of the front and interior decoration, insulation, glazing, and also watch the video in this article.

Balcony cladding

Getting to know the standards

First, let's get acquainted with the "pawns":

  • the P-44 series or “pawn”, as it is popularly called, was designed in the late 1970s, and entered production at DSK-1 in 1978;
  • This panel houses, which may have a slightly different modification, for example, p44t, p44k and others - most of all such buildings as inheritance Soviet Union can be found in Moscow, but they are found throughout Russia and Ukraine;
  • this series, unlike, for example, 1605, had no evolutions - it was a fundamentally new development that paid off well;
  • it is noteworthy that the design of these houses differed from other buildings - these are the increased sizes of kitchens and balconies, which never happened in the USSR;
  • another feature of such houses is that in the early 1980s they began to be built in most cities of the Moscow region as an alternative to Brezhnevka;
  • they were erected before 2000, and in Moscow alone about 1,200 buildings of this series were built, although at different times they differed in color;

  • If we talk specifically about the p44t series, then it was a development of the 1990s - the apartment layout was improved there, thanks to its transfer to the corridor ventilation duct, and the square footage of kitchens and fire safety conditions have also increased;
  • Currently, the decoration of the buildings has changed greatly - from white and blue it became red, orange and brick, and archers also appeared;
  • Since 1997, mass construction of the p44t series began, which continues to this day and at the moment about 600 of them have been built in Moscow alone.

Construction of the p44 series

Glazing or installation of windows

I want to say that it’s difficult for me to determine the name of this room on p44t - instructions in different situations can call it both a balcony and a loggia. I can only confirm that standard definition the loggia is a built-in part of the building, and the balcony (from the word “beam”) implies removal from the outside of the house and is open on three sides.

To glaze a balcony in a P44T series house, you don’t have to make the windows yourself - that’s simply unnecessary. It is much easier to order them from any manufacturer.

Of course, you can do the installation yourself - this will reduce the price of windows by at least 10%, and if you can do it, then that’s great! To order, you can purchase metal-plastic (PVC), aluminum, wood-plastic and wood-aluminum frames with single, double, triple and quadruple glazing (with or without filler).

There is one peculiarity here - the frames for glazing p44t loggias cannot be straight, since the configuration of the balcony itself is broken, therefore, the windows will follow its contour. This means that if you want to do the installation yourself, then you need to immediately agree with the measurers and/or window manufacturers that there will be no space between the transoms at the corners. square profile for right angles, and impost.

The presence of an impost allows you to break the contour to any angle you need, therefore, turning a boot or boat will be no problem for you.

Next, the size of the windows must correspond to the installation niche. That is, you will need an allowance for blowing in with foam, but it should be no more than 10-15 mm on each side. If measurers or installers say that this requires a greater distance, then they are simply not professional workers.

I have encountered this more than once, and I know that the sizes are reduced to ensure that the diagonals do not match. Remember, diagonals are easily checked with a tape measure, therefore, you can always determine whether the opening has right angles!

If you are thinking about how to glaze such a balcony yourself, then you should take into account that after installing the frame along its perimeter there will be polyurethane foam, which will need to be closed with something and somehow.

For this purpose, profiles from the category are usually used plastic slopes, although it can also be a plastic trim. They are most often mounted on self-tapping screws, but I still advise attaching them with glue - the most common composition for this is “liquid nails”.

It is best to do the interior decoration of the loggia only after installing the windows - this way you can cover the perimeter where the mounting foam is visible.

Let's move on to insulation and interior decoration

Now about how to properly insulate a p44t loggia. The same instructions apply here that apply to ordinary rooms with mineral walls, ceilings and floors.

You don’t have to somehow lay the insulation between the profiles - you can simply glue it or screw it with dowels to the rough surface. I will only say that a combination with a room or an office made on the balcony definitely needs insulation.

For insulation, you can use any type of mineral wool (glass, stone or slag), polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam (the latter option is more expensive, but much more effective). If you use foam or extrusion, you can get by decorative plaster or putty.

But with mineral wool It’s already more difficult. Here, in any case, we need some frame finishing type of drywall, plastic panels or wooden.

Combination with the room - tiles and laminate on the floor

For the floor, you can use any coating that you use in your apartment:

  • ceramic tiles,
  • laminate,
  • carpet,
  • boardwalk and so on.

The most important thing here is that the coating meets your needs and, of course, is not very cold. In the photo of the combined balcony you also see heating radiators - they must be installed, if you want to get a full room.


Finally, one more tip - it is advisable to finish the balcony in the warm season - this way glazing (installation of windows) will be most effective. You might also want to give some advice - do so in the comments.

You always want to decorate each room in your apartment beautifully, in accordance with the chosen design. When thinking about the design of an apartment, people get so carried away by it that they don’t notice the little things and only decorate the main living space.

The balcony is also part of your home, do not forget about it. A beautifully decorated balcony is an integral part cozy home, which always gives integrity general interior. You can often notice that most people have a very sophisticated design in their apartment, but everyone forgets about the balcony.

If you have a small balcony in your apartment, it doesn’t matter; it can be decorated even more cozy and comfortable than a large one. Today we will talk about the design of balconies in houses p-44t, which are built up in most of Moscow.

The apartments in these high-rise buildings are small, and therefore the balconies are too. To be precise, the balcony area in a p-44t type house ranges from 2.9 to 3.5 square meters. Inconsistency of design small balcony The point is that, despite the small area, there are a huge number of interesting design solutions that cannot always be beautifully applied to large balconies. Now we will look at several beautiful designs balconies, which look best in houses like p44t.

Do not forget that in no case should the balcony have a fundamental difference from the interior of the apartment. You need to try to fit it into it as best as possible. general form apartments, so that when you leave, you don’t feel like you’re not at home.


Don't be afraid to apply extraordinary solutions to the balcony setting. A very good office will come out of a small balcony, if you use your imagination a little and listen to our advice.

An office is a place where everything should be laid out on shelves and there should be order. So first, get rid of all the extraneous things that are cluttering it. If you work there every day, you need to take care of warmth and comfort.

Insulating a balcony is not that expensive now. There are a lot of different insulation materials, so you have the opportunity to insulate the balcony yourself, but this is not recommended. It is better to use the services of a company that deals with insulation of premises. They will do everything professionally, and the temperature in your office will be no different from the temperature in the other rooms of the apartment.

You can insulate the floor at your discretion. It is best to select flooring material of the same shade as in the room adjacent to the balcony. When the general design is completed, you can begin furnishing the balcony with furniture.

Order a small desk with shelves or a cabinet inside. It will be very functional and beautiful. Considering that we are considering a balcony n 44t, we should not forget about rational use space. Therefore, it is best to place the table in a corner.

The remaining space gives us a little more space to think. You can decorate the second corner as you wish, but since we are making an office, it would be nice to place a fireplace there so that you can look at the glowing coals during breaks between work. This design option is completely realistic and does not require special costs. This solution is just a template that you can come up with.

You can see the balcony-office options in the photo.

Living room

A small balcony can be turned into a cozy corner, ideal for relaxation after work or relaxing with friends. The best option Using a balcony n 44t as a living room means furnishing it with small couches or soft cozy ottomans (see photo), on which it would be nice to drink tea and have a sincere conversation.


Do small greenhouse on the balcony, especially if you are into flowers, is also very interesting solution. If you choose this solution, then your window will always be furnished with green plants, which will lift your spirits at any time of the year.

In addition to using plants, you can also hang beautiful candlesticks on the walls, and add colorful lighting near the floor and ceiling. A wrought iron bench or wrought iron chairs would fit well into such an improvised garden of Eden. As you can see in the photo, the balcony-garden option is also not bad.

As you can see, solutions for decorating a p-44t balcony can be very extraordinary. The main thing is that they are not afraid to deviate from the framework of the standard interior, and then your balcony will be the subject of admiration for designer art.

Young families most often live in houses like p44t, so we hope that our young generation design solutions will be to your liking.
