Audio materials for learning English. Audio learning English

Good day, friends! Of course, learn to speak English by better communicating with native speakers or by going through language course in an English speaking country. But if you do not have such capabilities, then you can learn to communicate fluently in English using an audio conversation course in English for beginners. Today this is a fairly popular way to master a foreign language. Conversation English course for beginners As a rule, such audio lessons include an analysis of the most popular expressions and idiomatic phrases characteristic of oral speech. The conversational English course for beginners examines the most typical communication situations. Audio lectures for beginners will be a great help when you need to know what to say and how to behave in a normal conversation and more.

English lessons for beginners usually contain everyday vocabulary on a variety of communication topics: greetings, apologies, time, food, city, shopping, and so on. You can’t manage a conversation without knowing the basic numerals, days of the week, phrases that are used in telephone conversation. It is also very important to know how to behave in an emergency situation. All these topics are covered in conversational English courses.

Conversational English for Beginners

Learn spoken English quickly and easily with basic level You can use the audio guide “Spoken English Course for Beginners.” This mini-training consists of 18 lessons that will help you gain basic communication skills for beginners. On our website I will post all these audio lectures with brief description and text material for each lesson.
Audio English course for beginners In simple lessons for beginners it is clearly and clearly presented speech etiquette English language, including typical speech patterns and colloquial clichés, united by one topic. And the theme " Conversational English course for beginners"covers the bare minimum of vocabulary that will help you when traveling on vacation or on a business trip to an English-speaking country or any other country in the world.

If you learn a mountain of grammatical rules, memorize a lot of vocabulary, but will not be able to correctly arrange lexemes and will not learn to hear fluently English speech, then you will never be able to say that you know the language. Only after learning to communicate fluently in English can we talk about mastering the language at least at a basic level. Therefore, for beginners, first of all, it is necessary to hone your speaking skills and correct pronunciation.

How to work with an audio English course for beginners

To become fluent in English colloquial speech, you need to study the course in detail and master conversation through reading and listening. The course lessons are structured in such a way that you can practice and experiment in all these areas. To make the course as effective as possible, try to work with it according to the following methodology for mastering the English language:

  • Get ready for class: sit comfortably and relax
  • Read the text material from the lecture aloud several times
  • Listen carefully to the vocabulary voiced by the speaker on a specific topic
  • Turn on the audio recording again and repeat short phrases after the speaker
  • If necessary, go back to the beginning of the lesson and repeat all steps
  • After the lesson, apply all the knowledge gained in practice in real life
  • Study and pay attention to your studies every day for at least 1-2 hours
  • Consolidate no more than one lecture per day; do not get ahead of yourself and disrupt the logic of the study.
  • And most importantly, don't hesitate to apply everything you've already learned.

I wish you success in learning spoken English! Read, listen, repeat and have fun!

So, let's go!

List of audio lessons, conversational English course for beginners :

Lesson #1: Greetings and farewells in English
Lesson #2: Expressing gratitude in English
Lesson No. 3: Numerals in English
Lesson #4: Useful phrases for communicating at the airport
Lesson #5:
Lesson #6: Learn to ask for directions in English
Lesson #7:
Lesson No. 8: Learning to meet and communicate in English
Lesson #9: Learning to communicate in a restaurant
Lesson #10: What time is it in English?
Lesson No. 11: Solving financial issues
Lesson No. 12: Let's go shopping - shopping in English
Lesson No. 13: Learning to communicate by phone in English
Lesson #14: Traveling by train in an English-speaking country
Lesson #15: Overcoming English Emergencies
Lesson #16:

Currently, there are already a great variety of different audio courses designed for listening in the car.

Leaving aside the question of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of this technique, we have made for you a selection of several similar audio materials. Listen and improve your English on the way to work.

Before downloading this or that course, we highly recommend that you at least briefly understand what audio English courses in the car are, what you can expect from them, and what you shouldn’t.

Let's start with the fact that, in our opinion, such audio courses can never replace full-fledged English language training. Let's be honest, in our teaching practice we have not yet met a single person who would learn to speak English only by listening to such courses in the car on the way to work.

“Learning” English using this method is severely limited by several obvious factors.

Firstly, due to objective reasons, You cannot concentrate 100% on learning English because... forced to simultaneously drive a car, assess the situation on the roads, etc. Therefore, from time to time you will be forced to “step out” from the process for a couple of minutes and then return to the listened material again.

Secondly, by doing this you activate only one of several channels of information perception, namely the auditory one. That is, even when you hear a word, you don’t know how it’s spelled, you don’t see its transcription, and you probably won’t be able to write it on paper without errors. This no longer allows us to talk about an adequate process of language learning.

Let it not seem to you that we are only opponents of such courses. It must be admitted that the method of English courses in a car also has its undeniable advantages:

1) You can listen to the material every day for at least 30-60 minutes, without additional organization time for classes. It's objectively convenient

2) Listening to the material several times in the car, you willy-nilly begin to remember it. The material is, as it were, recorded in the subcortex of your brain.

Practice shows that the most effective results from such courses can be obtained in addition to basic English training in language school or with a teacher (such training should be the main one in any case!).

That is, when you go over a topic with a teacher, you then reinforce it by listening to it in the car. In this case, with a certain training system, a good result is guaranteed.

Here is a selection of some similar courses that can help you master the language. Go ahead, try it, download it to your flash drive, listen. Perhaps this will become an indispensable support for you when studying English.

1) 1C. English while driving (audio course)

1C English while driving - Part 1

1C - English while driving - Part 2

This have not happened before! The author uses an innovative technique that allows, without studying grammar, to in full and without cramming, teach a person to completely independently construct the English phrases he needs. This technique ensures lasting memorization of the most the right words and expressions. The presentation of the material is based on a principle that has not been used anywhere before: a language template is proposed, which must be practically mastered and immediately obtain results. Visual diagrams and cheat sheets of the most necessary reading and pronunciation rules are provided. English words and a lot of exercises to reinforce these rules. The publication is designed for beginners to learn English, for those who are going on a trip abroad and who urgently need to learn to speak English.

The work belongs to the Educational genre, methodological literature and dictionaries. It was published in 2014 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the "Training Book" series. On our website you can download the book "Spoken English" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.22 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

If your level is English for beginners, then you definitely need to take advice, listen English in mp3 format.

What are the benefits of doing it this way?

  1. You can listen to audio lessons anywhere (at work, in the car while driving, etc.).
  2. You won't need to set aside time specifically for this.

First of all, those who are beginning to master English need to become familiar with the phonetic component of a particular course.

Most effective technique learning English looks like this:

  • listen every day (certainly interesting material);
  • Class time is from 1 to 1.5 hours.

Also don't forget to watch. First, start small, then make the learning process more and more complex.

Free podcasts and books in English in mp3

To make it easier to search the Internet for good audio English lessons in mp3 format, we have made. They are all free, and you can download them to your smartphone to listen to on your way to work or school.

Many audiobooks in English and adapted audiobooks for beginners can be downloaded on torrent trackers in MP3 format.

There are audio books in English available for listening online. Here's a small list:

Agatha Christie - “Murder on the Orient Express” / Agatha Christie - “Murder on the Orient Express”

Ian Fleming - “Casino Royale” / Ian Fleming - “Casino Royale”

Stephen King - “Nightmares and Dreamscapes” / Stephen King - “Nightmares and Dreamscapes”

Fr. Scott Fitzgerald - "The Great Gatsby" / F. Scott Fitzgerald - "The Great Gatsby"

Douglas Adams - “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” / Douglas Adams - “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

J. R. R. Tolkien - “The Hobbit” / J. R. R. Tolkien - “The Hobbit”

Audio courses in English for beginners

There are also many different audio English courses on the Internet. For example, “Intensive Conversational English Course for Beginners - LOGUS” from Udemy Academy. What is the beauty of such courses?

Firstly, the text is voiced by professional speakers - everything is also accompanied by explanations.

Secondly, the sound quality is good.

Thirdly, in addition to mp3 recordings, the courses contain transcriptions, and you can read what you couldn’t understand by ear.

Soon you will notice that your spoken English is improving. But this will not be earlier than in a couple of months.

This course will be like a self-instruction manual for you in English for beginners, and will be the starting point in your improvement of English for beginners through audio.

You can download audio English for beginners for free using the link (the link may soon not work. Write in the comments if it no longer works).

On our website you are given a unique opportunity to go through full course learning English online. Audio lessons made in such a way that everyone who wants to master English will be able to gain communication skills in a certain period of time that will help them quickly find the key to many grammatical concepts and speaking skills. In addition, audio learning of English words, phrases and dialogues for people of any age and with any level of knowledge in this area is completely free.
You can listen to the presented audio lessons directly on our website. We recommend the presented recordings mainly for those who have just decided to start their studies. We think that no one will dispute the fact that learning spoken English by ear is the main component of the entire learning process.

The main advantages of audio lessons

We offer a unique opportunity - learning English for free, without leaving your home. Audio lessons will teach you to communicate in English as naturally as a child who, in the first years of his life, has begun to master his native speech. Our website for learning English has a number of advantages:

  • you can start training at any time convenient for you;
  • you don’t have to pay a tutor, teacher, or download the next lessons for a fee after listening to the demo version;
  • you can always return to reviewing the material you have covered.

Thanks to our audio lessons, you will not only be able to significantly replenish your lexicon, but after a certain time you will completely master spoken English and will be able to easily understand a native speaker.

Audio recordings with lessons mainly intended for those who want to learn the basics on their own of this subject. People who came to the site probably understand why they need such knowledge. But we will still explain the benefits that everyone who still doubts that English will be useful to them in life will receive.

  • The English language will help you to communicate freely on tourist trips in any country in the world, since today it is international language communication.
  • The second advantage is that after completing the training course, you can decide for yourself whether you should continue studying or whether your knowledge is enough for you.
  • Audio materials lay a certain foundation, thanks to which you can undergo further training, pass an international exam, receive a certificate, without which no higher education educational institution will not be able to accept you into the ranks of students.

Set a specific goal for yourself and work towards achieving it. First, you should decide what you want to get, what level of knowledge, then decide on the time that you can devote to learning the language. Many users think that after listening to the entire course in a day or two, they should be able to speak pure literary or colloquial English by the third day. But be reasonable - how long does it take to master the simplest profession - cook, turner, baker, sweater? And believe me, there is time to master foreign language it will take no less, and in the end you will get a positive result in any case. We can say with confidence that everything is in your hands and everything depends on your desire.
