Zodiac sign in autumn. Flower horoscope. Autumn zodiac signs. Tireless Sagittarius: the good-natured autumn zodiac sign

Clairvoyant Kazhetta told us what we can expect from fate in September, October and November

So the summer flew by unnoticed. Autumn begins - a season that many love so much for its coolness, beauty and romance, for the opportunity to “walk” new demi-season clothes and shoes, in the end.

But what does this autumn have in store for us? What opportunities will it open up for us and what should we be wary of during these months?

The answers to these questions are given by the site’s regular expert and finalist of the sixth season of the “Battle of Psychics” - clairvoyant Kazhetta.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

The Moon will give you a lot of energy to start new projects and express yourself creatively. The bad news is that Mercury has placed itself in your creativity sector, temporarily disrupting the flow of this energy. This will be a period of very important lessons, after going through which you will draw conclusions about where to move next. Starting from mid-October, the situation will change and your every action will bring tangible results and bring you closer to success.

Taurus (April 20 - May 21)

A little stagnation in work, although it will not bring you closer to success, will allow you to rest a little and direct your energy in a different direction. Use this period to improve the atmosphere in your home and get closer to your family. Pay special attention to children. The energy of romance and creativity is in the air, so single representatives of this zodiac sign will have good luck in love.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

The emphasis in September is on family and the atmosphere in the home. Things may seem a little overwhelming in the first half of the month. At the beginning of October, the Sun and Mars connect in your sign in such a way that a serious breakthrough or, on the contrary, a crisis, are equally possible. This is a time to nurture yourself, deal with what worries and disappoints you, and be with your family. It's time to be really honest with yourself.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

With the onset of autumn, you will begin to surprise yourself with creative ideas, success in work and creativity. Your mind will sharpen and allow you to see clever solutions to certain situations that previously seemed insoluble. September will also bring new opportunities to realize your ideas, and if you use these opportunities, then the rest of the fall you will have a period of hard but inspired work. Trust only your mind and intuition; other people's advice and instructions can be destructive.

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

You will feel a huge surge of creative energy, as well as a serious readiness to reveal your talents to the World. However, you shouldn’t plunge into the pool headlong, abandoning already started projects halfway and closing all the doors behind you. Be smart and prepare escape routes just in case. Pay close attention to family and home needs. You should do well in finance, but don't increase your debt load because you want to earn as much money as possible.

Virgo (August 22 - September 22)

September will be a very powerful month for you, which will bring about big changes! This will be a good test for you. You're looking for inspiration, ambition, and likely a new direction. It's time to replace that rational, analytical part of you with emotion, heart, and passion for life. At one point you realize that you no longer receive moral satisfaction by acting in your usual way, and at that moment you must gain courage and show yourself from a completely different side.

Libra (September 22 - October 22)

Venus and Saturn, Libra's two biggest planetary allies, connect with each other in your sector of career, status and responsibility at the start of autumn. This suggests that the energies of change in these areas - the energies that began in February and March - are moving towards resolution within six to eight weeks. Your perception of yourself and what you value changes. Most likely you will be able to enjoy the trip. At the end of September - beginning of October, finances can increase significantly.

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, and Mercury have just moved from retrograde to direct motion. Use the beginning of autumn to learn the lessons you learned between April and August. By mid-September, focus on household chores and family relationships. Then you can concentrate on your career, and you will have a huge amount of energy. But leave idealism aside, it will only get in the way, and don’t try to change other people - adapt yourself to people and circumstances for the sake of your goal.

Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)

Your usual optimism may be dampened a bit at the start of the month when Chiron, Neptune and Uranus - all retrograde - line up in your second, third and fourth houses, which govern your fundamental values, thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Deep problems will be revealed that will require energy and emotional expenditure. However, your inspiration and motivation will return to you quickly enough.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 20)

Those of you who are single but actively searching will have a good chance of meeting your soulmate. There are opportunities for creative expression to peak early in the season. Don't miss the opportunity to show your talents and try to take a creative approach to any task assigned to you. The result will surprise you and will be noted by others. Starting in October, look for ways to fill yourself spiritually and aesthetically - read books, go to museums and theaters, concerts, and so on.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 19)

Carefully study the emerging opportunities. If you haven’t found such opportunities, then it’s time to change your life for the better on your own. You are a great catalyst for change and reform, so don’t wait for stars from the sky, act! But some of you could use some rest. By being in silence and putting our thoughts in order, we can more clearly see what prospects are opening up before us and how to use them.

Pisces (February 19 - March 21)

Clairvoyant Kazhetta told what different zodiac signs can expect from this fall

Since ancient times, people believed that the character of any person largely depends on when he was born - winter, summer, autumn or spring. Over time, this assumption was confirmed.

Each season has its own energy, thanks to which the mood of people is regulated, and the character of newborns is formed. Autumn is a time of change. Even the Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui tells us that at this time it is possibletransform your home, yourself and energy following some rules. This is not just a link between summer and winter. Autumn is a time of opportunity and a time of beauty.

The character and fate of “autumn” people

Popular wisdom tells us that those born in autumn know a lot about beauty. This knowledge is usually fueled by wisdom and experience, so autumn people do not fall in love with only a beautiful shell. It is important for them that an object or person is unique in nature.

This does not mean that such people are true connoisseurs of beauty, because everyone’s tastes are different. For them, beauty is something unique, not stereotyped. Predicting the tastes of September, October or November people is almost impossible.

People of autumn are also popularly called craftsmen and jacks of all trades, because they can fix anything. They are very capable in learning and easily remember any information without any problems. There is only one “but”... this information should be at least a little interesting to them. If these people do not follow the path they like, they will be deeply unhappy. They are afraid of disappointments and try in every possible way to avoid them, choosing people for love, friendship, and work very scrupulously.

These people are also very responsible, although about half of them are very unpunctual and childish. Whether this is a plus or a minus is up to the environment to decide. With money and work, everything is very difficult, because those born in the fall almost always know a lot about money, and also know how to set priorities correctly, but sometimes there are “failures in the system” that lead to serious problems.

Astrologers' opinion

In astrology, people's characters are divided into 12 groups. Among the autumn Zodiac Signs, four are distinguished: Virgo - from September 1 to September 23; Libra - from September 24 to October 22; Scorpio - from October 23 to November 22 and Sagittarius - from November 23 to 30.

  • Virgo is an earthly Zodiac Sign that tends to see the world as it really is. These people are pessimistic realists, but sometimes their joy goes off scale for reasons that are unclear to everyone. Virgo knows what diplomacy is and what mutual understanding is, and therefore often avoids scandals and problems thanks to its flexibility. If Virgo sees or understands that she is being taken advantage of, then it is better to run far and without looking back. These people can still be hot in summer, so beware of unfair play towards them. The fate of such people is determined by how many friends they have, because they are largely dependent. Read also our10 unusual facts about Virgos which will help to better understand the character of these people.
  • Scales. This Zodiac Sign represents equality and harmony. Astrology tells us that in Libra there are two people constantly fighting - the one who needs profit and the one who is looking for the truth. Maybe this is not true... no one will know about it, not even Libra themselves, because self-knowledge is not their strong trait. They don't care what they look like from the outside or who they really are. This is a definite disadvantage, which can sometimes be regarded as an advantage. The fate of Libra is simple - they crave recognition and respect, so they often engage in art or work where they can appreciate their work from the outside.
  • Scorpion. People born under these stars have good luck in everything - in love, affairs, finances, and business. From an energetic point of view, they are incredibly strong. Yes, they also know how to get upset when losing battles, but defeats strengthen their character. The fate of Scorpios is such that you can always make an interesting film based on it. They are not proud of this, because they believe that this happens to everyone. The problems of these autumn people lie in an incorrect assessment of what is happening around them. They can be overly self-confident or, conversely, afraid of everything around them. These are people of extremes.
  • Sagittarius knows a lot about making money. Their main weapon is charisma. With their attractiveness they are able to win the favor of any person, which also helps them in love. These are very dynamic personalities who cannot sit still. They travel frequently, love moving jobs, and are very versatile. They love sports, so they do not suffer from health problems. They do not need energy recharge - Sagittarius themselves can charge anyone with positivity. Autumn Sagittarians love to improve themselves, so they read a lot.

Folk wisdom and observations differ slightly from astrological facts, but common features can still be traced. One way or another, each season gives people born at this time unique abilities or properties. You can identify autumn people almost immediately, since they are impulsive and reserved at the same time. They are amorous, but do not cheat on their significant other. They combine the incongruous.

The hardworking Carnation puts a lot of effort into moving up the career ladder. She is a born leader. Her organizational skills and perseverance allow her to reach considerable heights.

In order to conquer Carnation, you need to put in a huge amount of time and effort. Carnation is very reluctant to reveal his feelings and emotions, showing restraint and detachment. But, having broken through the strongest armor of self-defense, her chosen one will be rewarded with her tenderness and devotion .

Carnation corresponds to the second decade of Virgo:

Virgos of the second decade are the most organized of all Virgos.

Those born between September 3 and 5 are distinguished by their beauty, the ability to beautifully organize their lives, and are popular among members of the opposite sex. Those born between September 6 and 10 are very personable, sociable and, as a rule, achieve a good social and financial position. The most serious in this decade are those born on September 11 and 12, they are distinguished not only by high organization, but also by some gloom: they do not perceive humor well, it is better not to joke with them.

The second decade of Virgo forms a courageous character with a heightened sense of justice. Perseverance, courage and courage help these people to withstand the vicissitudes of life. Virgos of the second decade spend their money carefully, with maximum benefit for their home and family. They earn good money and know how to separate finances from feelings and emotions. Men of this decade are balanced, practical, sometimes lazy, lovers of nature and children. At times they feel sad for no reason and react apathetically to the surrounding reality. These states, however, do not last long. Women are excellent housewives, run the house exemplarily (kitchen, receiving guests, cellar), have excellent spiritual qualities, but easily fall into despair and often suffer from melancholy and headaches, especially those born on September 10-12.

Aster represents sunlight, illuminating with its light and warming with its warmth. Being around Astra is easy and fun. She knows how to create a cozy, relaxed atmosphere in any company. Astra is a devoted and faithful partner; she takes friendship and love very seriously.

And, like a true zodiac Virgo, Astra is not frivolous - she knows how to control herself, knows how to act clearly and systematically in any situation.

Astra corresponds to the last, third decade of Virgo:

The third decade of Virgo forms a flexible, optimistic character that preserves youth for a long time.

These are people who are well aware of what they want, and at the same time outwardly pleasant, polite, and ready to help. Although here, too, gradations are observed from a melancholic mood (mainly inherent in those born on September 13 - 17) to aggressive (born on September 18 - 23).

Virgos of the third decade actively use useful connections and know how to clearly organize their lives, especially those born on September 13-17. They are characterized by observation, love of detail, interest in biology, biochemistry, and medicine. They have good political instincts and organizational skills, but do not understand jokes well, especially those born on September 13 - 17. Sometimes the logical mind leads representatives of this decade into the jungle of despotic authoritarianism, even to the point of fanaticism. For the most part, these are lovers of harmony and beauty in all its manifestations.

In love, they give a lot to their partner, are sexually liberated, tireless and without prejudice. Men of this decade are not too talkative, on their own. Subject to attacks of anger and envy. They are often passionate collectors. As a rule, people get married at the age of about thirty, which is especially typical for those born between September 13 and 17. Women are much softer than men, kind, scrupulous, but fickle and proud. When irritated, they are capable of insults, but when they calm down, they repent and try to make amends. Divorce is almost unthinkable for both sexes.

Virgos of the third decade gravitate towards professions that combine benefits with aesthetic pleasure. They are excellent at mastering crafts that require skilled hands. They make good restorers, chemists, physicists, bakers, confectioners, cooks, butchers, builders, sculptors, and craftsmen. Men are excellent at repair work, excel in mechanical engineering, and in the humanitarian field they perform well as doctors, veterinarians, lawyers, obstetricians, and teachers. They like to work alone. Women are most suited to design, pedagogy, and cooking; they make good secretaries, laboratory assistants, pharmacists, proofreaders, editors, stenographers, photographers, gardeners, and hygienists. So-called dirty work that affects their cleanliness (the work of a janitor, a cleaner in a surgical department, etc.) is not suitable for them.

The sophisticated Heather is distinguished by its commitment to perfection. Therefore, he experiences any shortcoming or wrong decision very emotionally. Heather is loyal to his friends, you can always rely on him. He will never betray, and will always come to the rescue.

Heather can be entrusted with any task, and he will take on it with his characteristic virtuosity and bring it to the end, even if it seems that it is impossible.

His area of ​​knowledge is vast. Heather has a broad outlook and an analytical mind.

Heather is not vindictive and easily agrees to reconciliation.

Heather corresponds to the first decade of Libra:

People born in the first decade are very friendly, gentle and dreamy. But they show a good attitude not only towards close people, but also towards complete strangers, especially children. Possessing a sensitive and kind character, they cannot stand quarrels and often try to reconcile the warring parties or at least smooth out tense relations.

Venus has a huge influence on people born under its influence. This planet carries within itself softness and sophistication and generously endows all its wards with similar qualities. As a rule, they are loved by everyone around them, and in order to achieve this, Libras of the first decade make almost no effort.

Nature makes them wasteful and love to waste money. However, this does not mean at all that people of this sign will go bankrupt or experience any financial difficulties. On the contrary, oddly enough, they always have enough money to live on, which they get not so much through their own labor, but through the generosity of their fans - they are ready to happily fulfill Libra’s every whim.

Camellia has a sophisticated, childishly naive, artistic nature.

Camellia is very romantic; in love she puts on truly theatrical performances.

Very friendly, can't stand being alone. Feels great in the center of attention.

She is pleasant to talk to and has a pleasant appearance, but behind all this lies a thirst for adventure and inexhaustible adventurism.

Photo from the site supersadovnik.ru

The Camellia period corresponds to Libra in the second decade:

Constancy, seriousness, reliability and creative power are the pillars of this character. There is practically no conflict, and if it comes to it, it is only because of an overly positive and energetic character.

A positive state manifests integrity, energy and strength, fused with a deep understanding of human problems. Regardless of their sphere of activity, be it a home, an office, a corporate team or a nation, Libra Threes have a passionate desire to eliminate suffering and improve the human condition. Endowed with excellent performing abilities, that is, enterprising and tirelessly creative workers. They never sit idle, always have a goal and strive for this goal - from early childhood to old age. A very resilient organism, has high resistance to disease and the ability to heal quickly. If they are positive, then they show great tolerance for the weaknesses of others, essentially equal to the strength of the Libra Three. They are humane by nature.

The negative state is expressed in a fanatical belief in the success of one’s own theories; any other opinion is simply excluded. In an intense desire to achieve their goal, they can, due to the firmness of their strong character, take a destructive path. The same character in a positive state is life-creating. Libra Threes in a negative state can cause a lot of trouble for themselves and their loved ones, as they are deaf to the advice, criticism and opinions of other people. Meanwhile, they themselves become critical, rude and cruel, and then suffer deeply from understanding their shortcomings. They are dogmatic, constantly and persistently trying to impose their will on everyone who is in their sphere of influence.

The optimistic Lilac is constantly surrounded by friends, she is amorous and often changes boyfriends. She doesn’t worry about separations, and gets a lot of pleasure from life, which is a constant topic for lectures from relatives.

On the one hand, Lilac is innocent and is an example of unfading youth, on the other hand, she is quite flighty and naive.

Lilac is always ready to help, she is diplomatic, and her manners are always refined. Lilac has a good memory. She is hardworking and always finishes what she starts. .

Lilac corresponds to the Third decade of Libra:

This character is based on a penchant for justice, logical thinking, loyalty and nobility. The desire to be completely honest conflicts very little with the instinct of condescension and kindness.

Positive state. Fours of Libra are established people who respect generally accepted traditions and discipline, and know how to get along well with other people. Their understanding of duty is sufficiently softened by a penchant for pleasure and the ability to enjoy life. Self-control is a natural state for Libra Fours, but they have a cheerful disposition and are therefore attractive. They are more reliable, even than the Threes of Libra - whatever they start, they will certainly finish. They work impeccably. They have creative and creative abilities: they think clearly, logically and analytically, their mental reactions are quick and accurate. They are friendly, calm, and have a sporting spirit. If they follow traditional and established paths in their lives, they can achieve respect and popularity.

A negative state is expressed in excessive criticality; it is very difficult to satisfy the Four of Libra. In a negative state, they show condescension only towards themselves, they are selfish, empty and touchy, sensitive to criticism. They are superstitious, have many prejudices, and in order not to give in in an argument or quarrel (to convince the evidence) they use their penchant for logic. In a negative state, the desire for justice turns into severity and cruelty, where there is no room for forgiveness. Negative Libra Fours are gloomy to the point of amazement. In an angry or excited state, they seek solitude, and this hinders them both mentally and physically, because because of their anger at people they exclude themselves from normal life

Freesia always strives to be first in everything, sometimes neglecting friends and loved ones. The desire to be better than others makes her work tirelessly. Freesia cannot adequately look at the fruits of her labor; it seems to her that she is not doing her job well enough, and this is the reason for her worries. She often gets overtired, so rest is very important for Freesia, when she can relax and gain strength for the further struggle with life.

Freesia does not know how to be diplomatic, she is stubborn and will defend her rightness to the end. Convincing Freesia is problematic - she, with her inherent amazing logic, proves the correctness of her opinion. She does not seek to convince her opponent; it is enough for Freesia to realize that she is right.

Often, Freesias marry in adulthood and their marriage is successful. They already know exactly what they want to see in their partner, so they rarely make mistakes.

The Freesia period corresponds to the first decade of Scorpio:

Representatives of the first decade of Scorpio have an active, creatively active, hardworking nature.

They are proud, do not tolerate restrictions well, and desperately try to keep their passions in line with the reins of reason, which is why at times they give the impression of being too restrained.

The life of Scorpio in the first decade is rich in impressions, not always positive. Relationships with the opposite sex are difficult until Scorpio understands that he is destined for one all-consuming, great love. Often Scorpios of the first decade have extrasensory abilities and have a penchant for medicine, especially folk medicine, and herbal medicine.

At work, they are active, precision-loving, neat people. Having accumulated capital, they organize a solid, profitable business or a successful investment. They are jealous, and having failed in courtship, they no longer resume attempts to charm the same object. Scorpios of the first decade do not shy away from the joys of life. They have a certain ambition, more aimed at conquering spiritual heights than at acquiring a high position in society or occupying command posts. Men of the first decade of Scorpio do not shine in appearance, they are perky, often quarrelsome, proud, proud and selfish. They often achieve power and wealth, but are constantly worried about the stability of their position. They take cruel revenge on enemies and those who encroach on their well-being.

Women are magnetically attractive, in their youth they show many boyish traits, with age they do not lose their cockiness, but sometimes they become quarrelsome. Sensuality and passion for physical pleasure often prevail in them over reason and logic. In the Middle Ages, women of this type were often burned at the stake as witches because of their murderous and bewitching gaze.

Scorpios of the first decade need an active profession that would capture them entirely. Suitable professions include a doctor, psychologist, detective, policeman, butcher shop owner, pathologist, wastewater treatment plant specialist, pharmacist, pharmacist, social security or social security worker, insurance agent. Professions related to legal proceedings are undesirable (Scorpios of the first decade understand the law in their own way). The ideal professions for women are teachers and educators. The profession of a sociologist, a lawyer, and all occupations that require patience (nurse, assembly line worker, gardener, gardener) are suitable.

In the first decade of Scorpio we meet many military leaders, artists, politicians, poets, historians, party and government officials, and nuclear physicists. People are attracted to the discovery of all kinds of secrets, archeology, Egyptology, philosophy, rocketry, combustion processes. In sports, representatives of the first decade of Scorpio distinguished themselves in gymnastics, volleyball, shooting, fencing, and water sports. In this decade there is a particularly large contingent of people who are fanatically devoted to their passion, who laid down their lives for an idea.

The mysterious Orchid always remains a mystery to the opposite sex. She opens up to her partner gradually, playing a subtle game and intriguing with her behavior... And, as a result, a long-term relationship with a partner who will never be able to unravel the mystery of the Orchid. Although Orchid often enters into official marriage quite late, since she values ​​her freedom very much.

Orchids do not like to let other people in on their plans. They are quite strong-willed and willful. Although it seems that they listen to the advice of other people, Orchids always act in their own way.

Orchids are mystics and often have strong psychic abilities. They have a highly developed intuition, which helps them make the right decisions.

The orchid corresponds to the second decade of Scorpio:

In the second decade of Scorpio, strong-willed, passionate, proactive people are born, who do not recognize half-tones and half-measures, clearly manifesting themselves in both good and bad.

While not distinguished by a particularly strong physique, they have large resources of vitality and are able to quickly mobilize all the body’s capabilities to combat life’s challenges. The first half of their life is more difficult and dramatic than the second. The tendency to make instant and irrevocable decisions puts this psychotype into a high-risk group (especially in youth); a tragic end to life is not excluded (Polish film director Z. Cybulski - car accident, writer A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky killed in the Caucasus, Marie Antoinette beheaded, American lyricist N.V. Lindsay - suicide).

This decade is characterized by great mental alertness, innovation, interest in history, cinema and theater, and financial acumen. Scorpios of the second decade are strongly attracted to water, in general everything that is fluid and changing.

Among the people of this decade there are many chemists, hydrogeologists, politicians, and physiologists. They are also interested in anatomy, electrical and computer engineering, literary and music criticism, and doctors are most often philosophers at the same time. In sports, they achieve great success in rowing, sailing, water polo, diving and underwater sports. They are destined for disappointment in love, and family life is not going so well, but fate opens up more and more opportunities for them in this direction.

The main thing for people of this type is maintaining mental balance, showing a well-organized character and high creative activity. Men of the second decade of Scorpio - lovers of strong sensations, when they let loose - do not observe either moral or physical laws. Lack of measure in pleasures wastes their strength, they are threatened with early old age. Women of this decade are attractive, especially those born on November 6-12, loved by their husbands, but do not really value the family happiness that befalls them. They care little about their family, are constantly fascinated by something - from spiritualism to new rebirthing techniques, and they have little time left for the sacred duties of a wife and mother. People born on November 2 - 5 are the luckiest in life, but those born on November 6 - 12 are, as a rule, the most beautiful and lucky in love.

Peony is a purposeful sign. His obsession with work knows no bounds. He achieves his goals with enviable consistency. If Peony takes on a job, it will be completed under any conditions. Peonies are fantastically hardy and can easily withstand excessive loads.

Peony has many acquaintances, but he does not maintain friendly relations with anyone, he rarely allows anyone to get close to him. Peony usually keeps to himself, keeping a distance between himself and people, this is the reason that Peonies rarely start a family.

Peony corresponds to the third decade of Scorpio:

The third decade of Scorpio is represented by purposeful people, endowed with sensitive intuition and developed ambition.

This is a passionate, energetic, strong-willed character, not afraid of risks, often endowed with musical and artistic abilities. Those born on November 14 - 18 are the most intelligent; those born on November 20 - 22 are the most resilient, tenacious and stubborn. The behavior of those born on November 18 - 20 is the most unpredictable; their lives are more at risk than other representatives of this group; just remember the vicissitudes of Indira's life Gandhi and Robert Kennedy.

Scorpios of the third decade are quite irritable, not very flexible in behavior - obstinate people, not without, however, a peculiar charm (women, for example, especially those born on November 13-14, have very beautiful hair) and achieve success in life with true grace, elegance and naturalness . They are observant, inventive and have a talent for the practical implementation of their research; it is enough to point to L. Daguerre - the father of photography, R. Fulton - the inventor of the steamboat.

Men of this decade are usually of average height and very sexy, for them there is a danger of wasting their potential already in middle age. Women are crafty, sharp-tongued, voluptuous. They know how to get the most out of life, often achieve a good financial situation and are distinguished by longevity. Scorpios of the third decade show an increased interest in the mysteries of life and death, they are attracted to primary forms of life (viruses, bacteria), and in physics and chemistry - the building blocks of the universe: chemical elements and elementary particles. Men succeed in the roles of political scientists, experts, prosecutors, criminologists, foresters, farmers, electricians, and show business representatives. The professions suitable for women are fashion designer, designer, telephone operator, librarian, nurse, general practitioner, homeopath and herbalist, social security worker, teacher of aesthetics, mysticism, and art history.

All Scorpios of the third decade are directly drawn to caves, to excavations, to secret and hard-to-reach places.

Gladiolus is hardworking and unambitious. He does not strive for a leadership position and achieves more success under the leadership of others. Even if Gladiolus has to perform the first roles, he quickly realizes that he is better at obeying rather than leading. It is difficult for him to determine a goal on his own, and high achievements are possible thanks to sensitive guidance.

And yet, from time to time, Gladiolus finds it difficult to come to terms with second roles, and he tries to rebel and become a leader. The craving for independence and freedom makes him challenge fate and start all over again. Unfortunately, the bad experience does not do him any good. Rebelling again and again, Gladiolus makes the same mistakes.

In love, Gladiolus is gentle and romantic. He likes to give beautiful gifts and take care of the object of his love. Gladiolus knows how to talk a lot and beautifully, and charm the other half. But, both at work and in the family, Gladiolus is in a subordinate position.

Gladiolus corresponds to the first decade of Sagittarius:

The first decade of Sagittarius forms a strong, prudent, but harsh character, distinguished by good fighting qualities - the ability to resist in open struggle and successfully cope with unforeseen circumstances, but at the same time completely unprotected from slander and intrigue.

A player at heart, Sagittarius of the first decade strives to take advantage of opportunities everywhere, is partial to sports, and loves travel. People of this decade are courageous, independent, capable of science (they often have encyclopedic knowledge) and law, and also show an interest in hunting, and can be excellent suppliers and commission agents. Those born between November 23 and 30 have a highly developed sense of self-esteem. Those born November 30 - December 1 are distinguished by their beauty and sensuality. Sagittarians of the first decade do not recognize any special subtleties in love, they act simply, but are capable of losing their heads under the influx of strong passion.

As a rule, these are hard workers who earn money purposefully, but material progress is not easy for them. Over the years, financial interests may weaken, extravagance and a tendency to gossip about one's neighbor may develop. They are good mentors and have a beneficial influence on the younger generation. In this decade there is no unity of consciousness and subconsciousness, and this duality manifests itself in life and creativity, outlining clear periods of luck and failure. Until the age of 36 - 40, there is no stability in their destiny.

Men of this decade need to restrain themselves in relation to sensual pleasures and alcoholic drinks, and women need to develop their imagination in order to escape the routine of everyday life.

Autumn 2018 will give many of us many surprises and bring many changes to our daily lives. However, such happiness does not await everyone. .


In September, Aries should devote time to work and increasing the family budget. Everything that is done during this period will bear good fruit. October and November are a great time for change or bold projects. Don't be afraid to change the lives of your loved ones for the better!


At the beginning of autumn, you will be haunted by the thought that all your actions are absolutely useless. Until September 20, life will seem like a complete disappointment; the main thing is to calmly wait out this difficult period.

In October 2018, everything will get better, the stars promise professional success, many will find their dream job. The full moon in November will bring good news to those who are building relationships or improving their personal lives.


Autumn will be quite controversial for Gemini. Happy periods will alternate with more difficult times. In September, everything will work out great in your personal life, but October and November will be less optimistic. The second half of autumn will delight you with success in your professional field.


In September 2018, you will be able to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings with your loved one, meet old friends and pay off your debts. In November and October, it is worth thinking about whether you are managing the money you earn correctly - the period will not be very easy in terms of finances.

a lion

September is a happy month for you. It will bring you travel and the implementation of even the most daring plans. The most important period of autumn for you began on September 5 - events that occur before the end of the month will have long-term consequences. In October and November, stars recommend focusing on making money.


In mid-September you will be able to change a lot in your life. Weigh your every decision without relying on His Majesty Chance. Everything will depend only on you. You will have a lot of work to do in September and October. In November, it is advisable to find additional sources of income. Make plans this fall - all of them will be successfully implemented next year.


The September days will give you a lot of happiness, joy and positive emotions. Relax and enjoy life! Mid-autumn is the time of love. In October, you will meet new love or strengthen your relationship with your existing partner. In November, astrologers recommend focusing on your career - the time to relax is already over!


This autumn will give you a lot of energy, optimism and strength to move on. First of all, you will be able to deal with family troubles and make decisions that will bring you peace of mind. In October, good news awaits you financially, and November will delight you with a favorable atmosphere in all areas of life.


September cannot be called the most successful period for those born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius. There will be tension in family relationships, and finances will sing romances. In October, the situation with the latter will improve a little, and November will bring long-awaited stability in everything.


It will be quite difficult to get what you want without making efforts. However, hardworking and persistent Capricorns are no strangers to this. Already in September, your career will take off, in October you will reap the benefits, and in November you will have more free time to relax with your family and friends.


September will be calm and stable. In October, a more hectic period begins; many Aquarians will have to sacrifice free time and meetings with friends in order to earn money. In November, new paths will open up for you both in your professional and personal life.


The first half of autumn will be restless for Pisces. Not everything will be smooth for those who have a family or a loved one. At the beginning of October you will be slightly disappointed on the love front, but already at the beginning of November things will go smoothly, and the favorable period will last until the end of autumn.

The editors of JoeInfoMedia sincerely hope that each of you, dear readers, will be able to cope with life's difficulties. Let the advice of astrologers help you with this!

You might be interested in reading the year and finding out what the beginning of autumn has in store for each zodiac sign.
