Vygotsky volume 3 summary. Lev Vygotsky: a very short introduction

Ecology of knowledge. Psychology: The famous Russian psychologist and one of the founders of neurophysiology, Alexander Luria, has repeatedly admitted that “we owe everything good in the development of Russian psychology to Vygotsky.”

The famous Russian psychologist and one of the founders of neurophysiology, Alexander Luria, has repeatedly admitted that “in We owe this good thing in the development of Russian psychology to Vygotsky».

Lev Vygotsky- a truly iconic figure for several generations of psychologists and humanists, and not only domestic ones.

After in 1962 English language His work “Thinking and Speech” was published, Vygotsky’s ideas spread widely in the USA, Europe, and then in other countries. When one of the American followers of the cultural-historical school, Uri Bronfenbrenner from Cornell University, managed to come to the USSR, he immediately confused Vygotsky’s daughter Gita Lvovna with the question: “I hope you know that your father is God for us?”

Vygotsky’s students, however, considered him a genius during his lifetime. As the same Luria recalls, at the end of the 20s, “our entire group devoted almost the entire day to our grandiose plan for the restructuring of psychology. L.S. Vygotsky was an idol for us. When he went somewhere, students would write poems in honor of his journey.”

Lev Vygotsky with his daughter Gita, 1934.

  • Vygotsky came to psychology from among theatergoers and art lovers - from the world of the “Silver Age” of Russian culture, in which he was well versed.
  • After the revolution, he wrote reviews of theatrical productions and taught in his hometown of Gomel, prepared several works on Shakespeare's drama and developed the fundamentals of the psychology of art. Before the revolution, he attended the Shanyavsky People's University in Moscow, where he listened to lectures by the literary scholar and critic Yuri Aikhenvald and the philosopher Gustav Shpet and Georgy Chelpanov. Thanks to these courses and independent reading (in several languages), Vygotsky received an excellent education in the humanities, which he later supplemented with natural science.
  • After the revolution, he wrote reviews of theatrical productions and taught in his hometown of Gomel, prepared several works on Shakespeare's drama and developed the foundations of the psychology of art.
  • In 1924 he moved to Moscow again at the invitation of the Moscow Institute experimental psychology, in which I finally found my calling.

In the difficult conditions of post-revolutionary Russia, before he even reached the age of 38, he proposed many solutions in psychological theory and pedagogy that remain fresh today.

Already in 1926, Vygotsky stated: not only domestic, but also world psychology is in crisis. A complete restructuring of its theoretical foundations is necessary. All the opposing schools, the rapid development of which occurred in the first quarter of the 20th century, can be divided into two parts - natural science and idealistic.

The first studies reflexes and reactions to stimuli, and the position of the latter was most clearly expressed by Wilhelm Dilthey, who argued that “we explain nature, but we understand mental life.”

This opposition and this crisis can only be overcome through the creation general psychology - through systematization and organization of individual data about the human psyche and behavior. It was necessary to combine explanation and understanding in a single and holistic approach to the analysis of the human psyche.

What is most common to all the phenomena studied by psychology, what makes a wide variety of phenomena psychological facts - from the salivation of a dog to the enjoyment of tragedy, what is common in the delirium of a madman and the strictest calculations of a mathematician?

- Lev Vygotsky from “The Historical Meaning of the Psychological Crisis”

A person is fundamentally distinguished by the fact that he uses consciousness and signs- and this is precisely what psychology until then ignored (behaviourism and reflexology), considered in isolation from social practice (phenomenology) or replaced with unconscious processes (psychoanalysis). Vygotsky saw the way out of the crisis in dialectical materialism, although he was skeptical about attempts to directly adapt Marxist dialectics to psychology.

Marx had fundamentally important provisions about the determining role of social relations, instrumental and sign activity in the formation of the psyche:

The spider performs operations reminiscent of those of a weaver, and the bee, with the construction of its wax cells, puts some human architects to shame. But even the worst architect differs from the best bee from the very beginning in that, before building a cell of wax, he has already built it in his head.

- Karl Marx "Capital", Chapter 5. The labor process and the process of valorization

General psychology overcoming differences different schools and approaches did not appear during Vygotsky’s lifetime, and they do not exist now. But in these revolutionary years in all respects, it seemed to many that this was quite possible: the general psychological theory somewhere nearby, “we now hold in our hands the thread from it,” he writes in 1926 in notes that were later revised and published under the title “The Historical Meaning of the Psychological Crisis.” At this time, Vygotsky was lying in the Zakharyino hospital, where he was urgently hospitalized due to an exacerbation of tuberculosis.

Luria later said: “ Doctors said that he had 3-4 months to live, he was placed in a sanatorium... And then he began to write frantically in order to leave behind some basic work».

Vygotsky’s classic scheme of behaviorism “stimulus - reaction” turns into the scheme “stimulus - sign (means) - reaction”. It was at this time that what would later be called “cultural-historical theory” began to take shape.

In 1927, Vygotsky was discharged from the hospital and, together with his colleagues, began conducting research on higher mental functions, which would bring him world fame. He studies speech and sign activity, genetic mechanisms of the formation of the psyche in the process of development of children's thinking.

The intermediate element transforms the entire scene of thinking, changes all its functions. What was a natural reaction becomes a conscious and socially conditioned cultural behavior.

3 theses of Vygotsky's psychology

« ...Every function in the cultural development of a child appears on the scene twice, on two levels, first social, then psychological, first between people as an interpsychic category, then within the child as an intrapsychic category. This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, to the formation of concepts, to the development of will.».

Similar ideas were once expressed by the French psychologist and philosopher Pierre Janet: he then transfers those forms of behavior that others initially applied to the child (“wash your hands,” “don’t talk at the table”) to himself.

This is what the famous formulation of the “general genetic law” looks like cultural development» , which Vygotsky proposed in Thinking and Speech. We are talking here about social background consciousness - but this formula can be interpreted in completely different ways.

Vygotsky does not at all claim that social factors completely determine the development of the psyche. Just as it does not say that consciousness arises from natural, innate mechanisms of adaptation to the environment.

« Development is a continuous self-determined process, and not a puppet directed by pulling two strings" A child emerges as a separate personality only through interaction and active participation in the lives of others.

As Luria's experiments conducted in Uzbekistan in the early 1930s showed, the logical operations that we consider natural arise only in the context of formal learning. If they don't tell you at school what a circle is, the idea of ​​a circle itself will not come down to you from Plato's world of ideas.

For the illiterate, a triangle is a tea stand or an amulet, a filled circle is a coin, an unfinished circle is a month, and there is nothing in common between them.

Let's say you were offered the following syllogism:

1. In the Far North, where there is always snow, all bears are white.

2. New Earth located in the Far North.

3. What color are the bears there?

If you have not been taught to reason in abstract terms and solve abstract problems, then you will answer something like “I have never been to the North and have not seen bears” or “you should ask people who have been there and seen them.”

Pioneers walk along the Maidan with drums. Uzbekistan, 1928.

Vygotsky and Luria showed that many mechanisms of thinking that seem to be universal are in fact conditioned by culture, history and certain psychological tools that do not arise spontaneously, but are acquired through learning.

« A person introduces artificial stimuli, signs behavior and, with the help of signs, creates, acting from the outside, new connections in the brain”; “in the highest structure, the functional defining whole or focus of the entire process is the sign and the way of its use” .

Vygotsky emphasizes that all forms of behavior characteristic of humans have a symbolic nature. Signs are used as psychological tools: simplest example- This is a knot tied to memory.

Let's see how children play with blocks. This can be a spontaneous game in which pieces are piled on top of one another: this cube becomes a car, the next one a dog. The meaning of the figures is constantly changing, and the child does not come to any stable solution. The child likes it - the process itself brings him pleasure, and the result does not matter.

A teacher who considers such an activity pointless can ask the child to build a certain figure according to a drawn model. There is a clear goal here - the child sees where each cube should stand. But he is not interested in such a game. You can also offer a third option: let the child try to assemble a model from cubes, which is only approximately indicated. It cannot be copied - you need to find your own solution.

In the first version of the game, signs do not determine the child’s behavior - he is driven by the spontaneous flow of fantasy. In the second version, the sign (drawn model) acts as a predetermined sample that just needs to be copied, but the child loses his own activity. Finally, in the third version, the game gains a goal, but allows for multiple decisions.

This is exactly the shape human behavior, mediated by signs that give it purpose and meaning without taking away freedom of choice.

«... By being involved in behavior, a psychological instrument changes the entire course and structure of mental functions. He achieves this by defining the structure of a new instrumental act, just as a technical tool changes the process of natural adaptation, determining the type of labor operations" But the action of a sign, unlike a weapon, is directed not outward, but inward. It not only conveys a message, but also acts as a means of self-determination.

Removal of the monument Alexander III in Moscow, 1918.

“The immaturity of functions at the time of the start of training is a general and fundamental law”; “Pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, but on tomorrow.” child development. Only then will she be able to bring to life, in the process of learning, those developmental processes that now lie in the zone immediate development».

The concept of the "zone of proximal development" is one of Vygotsky's most famous contributions to educational theory. A child can independently perform a certain range of tasks. With the help of leading questions and tips from the teacher, he can do much more. The gap between these two states is called the zone of proximal development. It is through her that any learning is always carried out.

To explain this concept, Vygotsky introduces a metaphor about a gardener who needs to monitor not only the ripened, but also the ripening fruits. Education should focus specifically on the future - what the child does not yet know how to do, but can learn. It is important to stay within this zone - not to dwell on what you have learned, but also not to try to jump too far ahead.

A person cannot exist separately from others - any development always occurs in a team. Modern science has achieved a lot not only because it stands on the shoulders of giants - no less important is the whole mass of people, who for the majority remain anonymous. Genuine talents arise not in spite of, but thanks to the surrounding conditions that push and direct their development.

And here Vygotsky’s pedagogy goes beyond the classroom: To ensure comprehensive human development, the entire society must change.

Many of Vygotsky's ideas and concepts remained unformed. Experimental work testing of his bold hypotheses was mainly carried out not by himself, but by his followers and students (therefore most specific examples This article is taken from the works of Luria). Vygotsky died in 1934 - unrecognized, reviled and long years forgotten by everyone except a narrow circle of like-minded people. Interest in his theory was revived only in the 50-60s in the wake of the “semiotic turn” in humanities research.

​The famous “eight” of Vygotsky’s students. Standing: A.V. Zaporozhets, N.G. Morozova, and D.B. Elkonin, seated: A.N. Leontyev, R.E. Levina, L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Slavina, A.R. Luria.

Today, his work is relied upon by both domestic representatives of cultural-historical theory and foreign sociocultural psychologists, cognitive scientists, anthropologists and linguists. Vygotsky’s ideas have become part of the compulsory baggage of educators around the world.

This might interest you:

How would you define who you are if not for the avalanche of cultural clichés that others bombard us with on a daily basis? How would you know what the larger and smaller package is categorical syllogism lead to a completely definite conclusion? What would you learn if it weren't for teachers, notebooks, classmates, class books, and grades?

The reason for Vygotsky's continued influence is that he shows the importance of all these elements that so easily escape our attention. published

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-1.jpg" alt=">Vygotsky Lev Semenovich COLLECTED WORKS, volume 3">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-2.jpg" alt="> The third volume of the Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky includes the main theoretical studies By"> Третий том Собрания сочинений Л. С. Выготского включает основные теоретические исследования по общим проблемам развития высших психических функций в !} childhood. Vygotsky considers the development of specific mental functions and forms of behavior as a dramatic process of transforming their natural (natural) forms into cultural ones, developing during the interaction of a child with an adult on the basis of sign mediation of this process through speech. The central problem is the formulation of the subject of research of higher mental functions.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-3.jpg" alt="> Determining the subject of research requires changing the traditional view of the process of mental development of a child."> Определение предмета исследования требует изменения традиционного взгляда на процесс психического развития ребенка. Трудность «заключается не столько в неразработанности и новизне входящих в ее состав вопросов, сколько в односторонней и ложной постановке этих вопросов, подчинявшей весь накопившийся десятилетиями фактический материал инерции ложного толкования. . . » . Такова принципиальная и острая постановка проблемы развития высших психических функций ребенка Л. С. Выготским. Выготский ставит !} common problem the child’s mental development in the context of the relationship between the biological and the social, the natural and the historical, the natural and the cultural, i.e., in the context in which to this day many problems remain incompletely resolved.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-4.jpg" alt="> Vygotsky sees in this formulation not a special aspect of the study of problems of mental development"> Выготский видит в такой постановке не особый аспект исследования проблем развития психики ребенка, но общий предмет исследования-изучение высших психических функций. Соответственно можно сказать, что: ü к низшим психическим функциям и процессам относятся процессы натуральные, природные, естественные, биологические, ü к высшим-культурные, исторические, социальные.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-5.jpg" alt="> For Vygotsky it was important to separate and even contrast the processes and phenomena described"> Для Выготского было важно разделить и даже противопоставить описываемые процессы и явления как различные по природе, как противоположные другу. Такая постановка проблемы обеспечивала ее полемичность, резкость. Иногда она выступала как позиция, направленная против природного, естественного, биологического, натурального в психическом развитии человека. Детская речь и рисунок, чтение и письмо, развитие математических операций и !} logical thinking, the formation of concepts and the child’s worldview are far from full list mental functions, which are among the highest and which, before Vygodsky’s research, were considered in the works of psychologists as complicated natural ones.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-6.jpg" alt="> Vygotsky notes as a disadvantage the desire to reduce more complex phenomena to simpler ones"> Выготский отмечает как недостаток стремление свести более сложные явления к более простым и элементарным. «Сложные образования и процессы разлагались. . . на !} constituent elements and ceased to exist as wholes, as structures. They were reduced to processes of a more elementary order, occupying a subordinate position and performing a specific function in relation to the whole of which they are a part.” With this approach, according to Vygotsky, there is necessarily a reduction of the complex to the simple, an inevitable loss of the specificity of psychological integral formations, their own laws. It must be borne in mind that it was during the period of work on the manuscript that intensive self-determination of psychology as a science took place, its separation from related sciences, and the self-determination of materialist psychology among various psychological schools.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-7.jpg" alt="> It is very important to understand what Vygotsky means when he contrasts the lower And"> Очень важно понять, что имеет в виду Выготский, когда противопоставляет низшие и высшие формы поведения, ищет соотношения и переходы между ними в психическом развитии ребенка. «. . . Детской психологии чуждо само понятие развития высших психических функций. . . она по необходимости ограничивает понятие психического развития ребенка одним биологическим развитием элементарных функций, протекающим в прямой зависимости от созревания мозга как функции органического созревания ребенка»!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-8.jpg" alt="> He notes that in objective psychology (i.e. behaviorism and"> Он отмечает, что в объективной психологии (т. е. в бихевиоризме и в рефлексологии) существует лишь одно различение низших и высших форм поведения: как врожденных и как приобретенных реакций. Последние рассматриваются в качестве навыков. Эмпирическая психология представила каждую психическую функцию как включающую «два этажа» . «Наряду с механической памятью, как высшая ее форма, различалась логическая память; над непроизвольным вниманием надстраивалось произвольное; над воспроизводящим воображением возвышалось творческое; над образным мышлением возносилось, как второй этаж, мышление в понятиях; низшие чувствования симметрично дополнялись высшими, импульсивная воля- предвидящей»!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-9.jpg" alt="> Vygotsky brings together three fundamental concepts, previously considered as separate, - the concept higher mental"> Выготский сближает три фундаментальных понятия, ранее рассматривавшихся как раздельные, -понятие высшей психической функции, понятие культурного развития поведения и понятие овладения процессами собственного поведения. Таким образом, Выготский ставит не только !} new problem, but at the same time offers a way to solve it, including an analysis of the cultural development of behavior as historical on the basis of mastering the processes of one’s own behavior.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-10.jpg" alt="> " Limit expression the dualism of the lower and the higher, the metaphysical division of psychology into two floors reaches"> "The dualism of the lower and the highest, the metaphysical division of psychology into two floors reaches its ultimate expression in the idea of ​​​​dividing psychology into two separate and independent sciences: physiological, natural science, explanatory, or causal, psychology, on the one hand, and understanding, descriptive, or teleological, psychology of the spirit as the basis of all humanities, sir another" . Vygotsky was clearly aware of the noted dualism and the presence of opposing tendencies in science, looked for ways to overcome them, but was unable to do this on the basis of the data of contemporary science. Vygotsky considered the situation in psychology that had developed by that time, which appeared in the form of opposition to these trends, as psychological crisis, from which idealistic philosophy and the psychology based on it made a number of erroneous conclusions.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-11.jpg" alt="> Based on theoretical analysis, Vygotsky clearly formulates his own approach to the study of higher"> На основе теоретического анализа Выготский четко формулирует собственный подход к исследованию высших психических функций как исторический, задача которого заключается в том, чтобы показать происхождение и развитие этих функций. В !} general concept“development of higher mental functions” Vygotsky includes two groups of phenomena. “These are, firstly, the processes of mastering external means of cultural development and thinking - language, writing, counting, drawing; secondly, the processes of development of special higher mental functions, not delimited and not defined with any precision and called in traditional psychology voluntary attention, logical memory, concept formation, etc. Those and others, taken together, form what we conventionally call the process of development of higher forms of behavior in a child.” The identified two main parts of higher mental functions, which, from Vygotsky’s point of view, constitute higher forms of behavior, have both general and special developmental features. This necessary distinction between the two groups of phenomena is not always made. Most often, the development of higher mental functions is considered as occurring along a single general path, characteristic primarily of the first group of phenomena, including writing, counting, etc. The absence of such a distinction can lead to errors in understanding Vygotsky’s scientific views.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-12.jpg" alt="> The general meaning of comparing biological (evolutionary) and historical (cultural) development like two historical"> Общий смысл сопоставления биологического (эволюционного) и исторического (культурного) развития как двух !} historical stages Vygotsky sees it as distinguishing and uniquely contrasting them as two types of development in ontogenesis. At the same time, Vygotsky is clearly aware that in the conditions of ontogenetic development, both lines are in complex interaction. The whole originality, the whole difficulty of the problem of the development of a child’s higher mental functions lies in the fact that both of these lines are merged in ontogenesis and actually form a single, albeit complex, process.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-13.jpg" alt="> "The process of cultural development of the child’s behavior as a whole and the development of each individual mental functions"> «Процесс культурного развития поведения ребенка в целом и развитие каждой отдельной психической функции обнаруживают полную аналогию с приведенным примером в том отношении, что каждая психическая функция в свое время переходит за пределы органической системы активности, свойственной ей, и начинает свое культурное развитие в пределах совершенно иной системы активности, но обе системы развиваются совместно и слитно, образуя сплетение двух различных по существу генетических процессов»!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-14.jpg" alt="> The first and most general feature higher mental functions is that they "> The first and most general feature of higher mental functions is that they represent another class of activity of the subject, characteristic only for humans. This class of activity differs, according to Vygotsky, in that it involves an indirect interaction between man and nature and includes true activity, not caused only by a stimulus. The most convincing model of this type of activity, characterizing the manifestation and implementation of higher mental functions, is the “Buridan's donkey situation". This situation described by Vygotsky is classic in many respects. Firstly, it allows us to clearly contrast a simple “two-stimulus” situation that determines any act of behavior with another, strictly intellectual situation, which psychologists now characterize as a situation of uncertainty or as problematic situation. Secondly, this situation assumes the possibility of intellectual behavior, including its Transformation, in which it becomes a resolved situation that ensures adequate behavior. In this situation, Vygotsky is primarily interested in the system of means that make it possible to transform (solve) the situation that has arisen. The means by which a person transforms (solves) a given situation is, according to Vygotsky, a lot.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-15.jpg" alt="> Artificially created stimuli-means used by a person to control his behavior, fundamentally different from"> Искусственно созданные стимулы-средства, используемые человеком для управления своим поведением, принципиально отличаются от всех других типов стимулов, непосредственно вызывающих и определяющих поведение. Они отличаются от других стимулов и по происхождению, и по функции. Для более !} precise definition Vygotsky calls them signs. Thus, stimulus-means acquire not only a new verbal designation, but also a new psychological characteristics. “According to our definition, every conditioned stimulus artificially created by man, which is a means of mastering the behavior of someone else or one’s own, is a sign. Two points are thus essential to the concept of a sign: its origin and function."

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-16.jpg" alt="> Internal forms of mental processes. Taking the process outside means carrying out this process with"> Внутренними формами психических процессов. Вынесение процесса вовне значит осуществление этого процесса с помощью других средств-вспомогательных стимулов- средств, знаков, опосредующих процесс запоминания и последующего воспроизведения. Внешняя форма осуществления процесса-это осуществление того же самого процесса с помощью !} aids. Thus, the external and internal implementation of a particular process differs by the means of its implementation, and not by the presence or absence of this process as a mental one. The process carried out externally is the same mental process (memory, thinking, etc.), but carried out with the help of additional, auxiliary means.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-17.jpg" alt="> Formulating the principles of research into higher mental functions, Vygotsky simultaneously formulates the principles of scientific analysis"> Формулируя принципы исследования высших психических функций, Выготский одновременно формулирует принципы научного анализа психологических фактов. Тем самым намечается подход к разработке проблемы научного психологического мышления. Три основных принципа характеризуют и составляют важнейшие требования к научному психологическому мышлению: анализ психологического как процесса; объяснительный (каузально-динамический), а не описательный анализ; генетический анализ, позволяющий восстанавливать какую-либо сложившуюся форму поведения или функцию. Эти принципы вместе составляют единый подход к исследованию и интерпретации высших психических функций. Одновременно они выступают как принципы генетического и экспериментального изучения высших психических процессов. Каждый из указанных принципов как бы переходит в другой, обеспечивая таким образом возможности генетического, процессуального и каузально-динамического анализа высших психических функций. Необходимость формулировать специальные принципы анализа, высших психических функций определялась тем, что по отношению к ним либо необоснованно применялись способы анализа и исследования более простых психических процессов, либо научный анализ ограничивался описанием этих высших процессов, фактически приводя к отрицанию понимания психического как процесса и к отказу от исследования причинной обусловленности высших психических процессов и функций.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-18.jpg" alt="> In relation to the analysis of a child’s mental development, Vygotsky formulates the following:"> По отношению к анализу психического развития ребенка Выготский формулирует положения о том, что процесс этого развития осуществляется как переход внешнего (социального) во внутреннее (психическое), средства общения выступают как средства поведения, структура высших психических функций соответствует структуре отношений между людьми, «словесное мышление представляет перенесение речи внутрь» , «размышление есть перенесение спора внутрь» . Общим психологическим «механизмом» формирования и развития высших психических функций является подражание, обеспечивающее усвоение раздельных функций между людьми. Рассматривая подробно этот аспект социальной детерминации и строения высших психических функций. Выготский формулирует высказанные положения как закон культурного развития высших психических -функций: «Всякая функция в культурном развитии ребенка появляется на сцену дважды, в двух планах, сперва-социальном, потом- психологическом, сперва между людьми как категория интерпсихическая, затем внутри ребенка как категория интрапсихическая»!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-19.jpg" alt="> The development of higher mental functions is not only socially determined, but higher mental functions By"> Развитие высших психических функций не только социально детерминировано, но высшие психические функции по своему содержанию социальны, индивидуальное-это усвоенное социальное. Конкретно, по отношению к индивидуальному детскому !} mental development, this means that psychology should study not the individual development of a child in a group, but the transformation of collective relationships into individual ones personal characteristics child. “They usually ask how a particular child behaves in a group. We ask how the collective creates higher mental functions in this or that child.”

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-20.jpg" alt="> Vygotsky presents the same process of development of higher mental functions as a process of mastery"> Выготский представляет тот же процесс развития высших психических функций как процесс овладения собственным поведением. В рассматриваемом случае этот процесс выступает не только как усвоение «внешних» форм поведения, но и как овладение собственными процессами и формами поведения. «. . . На высшей стадии развития человек приходит к овладению собственным поведением, подчиняет своей власти собственные реакции. Подобно тому как он подчиняет себе действия !} external forces nature, he subordinates his own processes of behavior on the basis of the natural laws of this behavior."

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-21.jpg" alt="> Thus, in the study of the structure and development of higher mental functions, Vygotsky formulated"> Таким образом, в исследовании структуры и развития высших психических функций Выготский сформулировал два основных принципа: 1) высшие психические функции возникают в результате их интериоризации; 2) они развиваются как овладение натуральными, природными процессами и формами поведения в соответствии с их собственными закономерностями.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-22.jpg" alt="> Development writing to an even greater extent represents the process of assimilation carried out "\u003e The development of written speech to an even greater extent represents the process of assimilation carried out in the conditions and with the help of special training. The greatest difficulty and the main drawback in teaching written speech is the reduction of this process to training, in which written speech is considered only as a complex motor skill. “... The development of written speech,” Vygotsky believes, “belongs to the first, most obvious line of cultural development because it is associated with the mastery external system means developed and created in the process of cultural development of mankind." That is why Vygotsky from the very beginning considers mastering written speech as a process of mastering social form behavior developed in human history. To this end, Vygotsky carefully traces the connections of written speech with other related means that preceded it. These include the child's gesture.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/38526027_184608394.pdf-img/38526027_184608394.pdf-23.jpg" alt="> For Vygotsky, the most important thing in analysis psychological processes development is a problem of sequential "> For Vygotsky, the most important thing in the analysis of psychological processes of development is the problem of sequential transitions from one type of memory to another. They constitute four main stages in the development of memory, characterizing the general genetic scheme for the development of higher mental functions. In accordance with this scheme, " at the beginning of the development of memory there is purely mechanical memorization, corresponding in our scheme to the primitive stage in the development of any function... Then follows the stage of naive psychology in the use of memory... Next comes the stage of external mnemotechnical memorization, which is replaced by the stage of ingrowth, or logical memory ". Analyzing the general stages of memory development, Vygotsky views them not as simple age change, but as a process included in the general mental and intellectual development human and carried out in conditions of training and education. It should also be noted that, studying these changes that make up the stages of memory development, Vygotsky for the first time proposes a theoretical scheme of analysis and explanation of various mnemonic means of memorization that were quite popular at that time. In these extremely different, empirically developed, mnemonic techniques and means, Vygotsky sees one of the links in the cultural development of memory, as well as a means of managing the memory of an adult.








Chief Editor A. V. ZAPOROZHETS

Members of the editorial board:


Secretary of the Editorial Board L. A. RADZIKHOVSKY







Edited by A. M. MATYUSHKIN


Published by decision of the Presidium of the Academy pedagogical sciences USSR




doctor psychological sciences, Professor M. I. Lisina, Doctor of Psychology A. V. Brushlinsky

Compiled by candidate of psychological sciences G. L. Vygodskaya

Vygotsky L. S.

B92 Collected works: In b-ti t. T.Z. Problems of mental development/Ed. A. M. Matyushkina.-M.:

Pedagogy, 1983.-368 pp., ill.-(Academic. Ped. Sciences

Per. 1 rub. 50 k.

The third volume includes the main Theoretical research L. S. Vygotsky on Problems of development of higher mental functions. The volume included both previously published and new materials. The author considers the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking, speech, arithmetic operations, higher forms of volitional behavior; the personality and worldview of the child) as the transition of “natural” functions to “cultural” ones, which occurs during the child’s communication with an adult on the basis of mediation these functions by speech and other sign structures.

For psychologists, teachers, philosophers.

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About Publishing house "Pedagogy". 1983

Eternal laws natures are also turning more and more into historical laws.

F. Engels*

Chapter first

The problem of the development of higher mental functions1

The history of the development of higher mental functions represents a completely unexplored area of ​​psychology. Despite the enormous importance of studying the processes of development of higher mental functions for the correct understanding and understanding of absolutely all aspects of the child’s personality, the boundaries of this area have not yet been clearly outlined, neither the formulation of the main problems nor the tasks facing the researcher have been understood methodologically. an appropriate research method has been developed, the beginnings of a theory or at least a working hypothesis that would help the researcher comprehend and presumably explain the facts and observed patterns obtained in the process of work have not been outlined or developed.
