Everything for making candles at home. How to make coffee candles. How to make a candle with your own hands

Beautiful candles will be an excellent table decoration for any holiday, you will learn how to make them with your own hands at home by reading the step-by-step instructions and detailed photos the entire manufacturing process. They will not only become part of your interior and give you aesthetic pleasure, but will also help you out in case of a sudden power outage. In addition, candles made by yourself can become a good gift to dear and close people who will certainly appreciate your efforts.

Master class on making wax candles

Wax or paraffin- the simplest and available materials. They can be easily purchased in specialized stores or ordered online. You can also use ready-made, simple household candles, which are inexpensive. When choosing suitable material, take into account that wax– natural product and when melted never smokes, and paraffin is a synthetic material that burns completely, releasing soot. To create a candle you will also need:

  • Ready wick. You can take it from an old candle or make it yourself from cotton threads or floss;
  • Pot. You will need to heat water in it to create a water bath;
  • Utensils for melting wax;
  • Candle mold. It can be made of any material. The main condition for it: its upper edge should be smooth and not narrowed;
  • Wooden stick. It will be needed to secure the wick. This could be a pencil, sushi chopsticks.

Before you move on to making candles using these scrap materials, you need to know that:

  • Temperature of melted wax(paraffin) very high, Therefore, you need to work with it very carefully in order to don't get burned. In addition, it cools very quickly (within 15 minutes), so you should pour it into the mold not only carefully, but also quickly;
  • If you make your own wick, when twisting it from floss or cotton threads, pay attention to the fact that it shouldn't be too thick. Otherwise, the candle will melt and smoke a lot. The density of the twist and the length of the wick also play a big role. To the flame wax candles does not go out, the threads need to be wound lightly.

How to determine the appropriate wick length for the finished product? It should be such that the candle can be lit comfortably.

Step-by-step instruction

In the mold where you plan to pour melted wax or paraffin, lower the cotton thread or threads of floss twisted together. The upper end of the future wick fix on a wooden stick. This, in turn, is placed on top of the form;

Cut into small pieces or grate wax(paraffin) or a regular old candle, place it in suitable dishes. Place it on slow fire a saucepan with water. Place a bowl with wax in it and melt it, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps;

Pour into prepared mold some melted wax.

Place lower wick tip in the center and wait until the wax thickens a little;

Fill out the form with the remaining melted wax;

When the candle has completely hardened and hardens, cut off the excess part of the wick.

It is better to do this no earlier than in a day;

Carefully get a candle from a mold or leave it in, if that was intended.

Tip: to quickly remove the finished candle from the mold without damaging it, you can place it in the freezer for 30 seconds or hold it briefly under running hot water.

Important! Do not light finished candles until they are completely hardened. From the moment of their creation to the first use there must be at least 24 hours.

Decoration and flavoring

Once you have mastered the process of making candles from wax and paraffin, you can make the task a little more difficult for yourself. To do this, you should learn how to flavor them and paint them in any colors.

Let's start with the color of the wax or paraffin. You can change it to absolutely anything at the stage of its melting by adding piece of wax pencil the desired shade. Acrylic and oil paints to this end not worth using. If you add them while melting the wax, they will not color it, but will stick together and in the finished candle you will have inclusions of ugly colored flakes.

With the help of several wax pencils different shades can be made striped candles, which look very beautiful and original. To do this, you need to sequentially melt and pour wax of different colors into the mold in layers.

How to make the finished candle smell fragrant when burning? To do this, just add a few drops of essential oil into the melted wax before pouring it into the mold.

People have been using candles for a long time. Previously, they served to illuminate rooms, but now they are an element of decor and a way to create a romantic, festive or cozy atmosphere.

You can find a lot in stores different types candles, ranging from simple to fancy. You can make similar decorations yourself from simple materials. Manufacturing decorative candles will not require financial costs and will not take much time, but by showing your imagination and putting a piece of your soul into your product, you can create a unique thing that will bring joy to you and your family.

What you need

Candle material. Wax, paraffin or stearin. For people new to candle making, it is best to start with paraffin wax as it is easier to work with. Paraffin can be purchased or obtained from white household candles or their remains.

Stearine is easily obtained from laundry soap. Grate the soap on a coarse grater or slice it with a knife. Place the shavings in a metal container, fill with water until the liquid covers them and send to melt in a water bath. When the soap has dissolved, remove it from the heat and add the vinegar. A thick mass will float to the surface, which needs to be collected with a spoon after cooling. This mass is stearin; it must be rinsed several times under water and wrapped in a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.

Wick. For the wick you will need a thick cotton thread, for example, braided or twisted floss. Synthetic materials They are not suitable for candles because they burn quickly and smell unpleasant. It's easier to get a wick from regular candles.

Form. You can use different containers as a mold for making candles: coffee jars, durable packaging, sand molds and plastic balls. If you decide to make a narrowed or round candle, the container you will use for this, for example, a plastic ball, should be cut lengthwise and a hole with a diameter of at least 1 cm should be made at the top so that the composition can be freely poured into it.

Dyes. You can use dry food colorings, wax crayons or natural ingredients, such as cocoa. But alcohol or alcohol paints water based not suitable for making candles.


  1. Grind the selected raw material and place it in a water bath. If you are using household candles, be sure to remove the wick. Remains of candles must be cleaned of black soot. While stirring, wait until the mass melts. Dip the wick into it several times until it is saturated and set it aside.
  2. Add flavoring and coloring to the mixture. If you use wax crayons, you need to grind them using a fine grater. By using two or more colors you can achieve a marbled look. And by dividing the mass into several parts and painting them in different colors, you can make a multi-colored candle.
  3. Grease the mold chosen for the candle. vegetable oil or dishwashing detergent. Attach the tip of the wick to a stick, toothpick or pencil and place it on the mold so that the free end of the wick passes through its middle and reaches the bottom. For reliability, you can attach a weight, such as a nut, to the free part of the wick.
  4. Fill the mold with the melted mass, wait until it hardens completely, then remove the candle by pulling the wick. If the candle is difficult to remove, immerse the mold in hot water.
  5. You can decorate candles in different ways, for example, place dried flowers, blades of grass and seeds around the edges of the mold and then pour in the melted mass. To make a coffee candle, you need to pour a layer of coffee beans on the bottom of the mold, fill them with liquid candle material and put the beans on top again. Decorating the product with beads, rhinestones and shells is best done after it has hardened and been removed from the mold. Decorative elements are inserted into the melted surface of the candle or attached with glue.

Making candles at home as a business is quite original and profitable idea. But in order to implement it, it is necessary to initially plan and think through the concept, strategy and plan for the start and development of the company in order to avoid unnecessary expenses and problems.

Feedback from an entrepreneur:

“There are many articles on the Internet about how to open a candle business from home. Many of them are absolutely far from reality. Others do not give a clear idea of ​​where to start and what the sequence of steps should be. The first problem I encountered was that candles for sale cannot be made in an apartment. For this you need separate room– garage, shed private territory, but the apartment in apartment building. Secondly, it is not clear how to register and where to put the products. While I more or less figured out the technology from books, entrepreneurship itself was a dark forest at first, and brought a lot of fuss and useless actions during the first year.”

O. Shirokova, Moscow region, entrepreneur.

In order not to encounter the same problems, it is advisable to provide for all possible risks and reserves already at the planning stage.

First, you still need to master the technology in its most elementary form. Not as a business, but for yourself. See what happens, how aesthetically attractive and practical the product is. Then - plan the organizational and legal aspects of the case.

Search for premises

It’s good if there is a separate garage or other building. Otherwise, you will have to rent suitable production capacity. The minimum building area is 15 m2. At the same time, it is necessary to divide the space into two zones: work and warehouse. Machines and equipment will be installed in the production (working) part. At the same time, convenient approaches must be provided to them for performing production operations, servicing, and cleaning machines. The warehouse area needs to maintain a constant optimal (18-20 degrees) temperature. The fact is that candles are easily deformed, stick together and do not tolerate temperature fluctuations.

Every girl has a desire to do something truly feminine. Fatigue from the male work regime generally provokes a desire to return to the world where a woman did needlework at home, created comfort and beautiful house, thus fulfilling its true task. Let it go earlier results this created the world of family, now everyone who is ready for hard work can turn a simple activity into a profitable and enjoyable process.

How popular is this product, will its production be profitable?

Candles are a symbol hearth and home, they have an almost magical effect on a person in the modern technological world, bringing warmth and comfort. This is easily proven by such a wide range in stores. The wick is wrapped in paraffin, playing with smell and shape, sometimes using a gel base. How can one ignore the continuation of a long tradition? And how nice it is to buy such a decoration for your home, knowing that it was created by the hands of a living person, and not by an ordinary machine.

Is it difficult to create such beauty? It is worth reading forums with stories from those who engage in such unique creativity; words about labor intensity never remain without adding information that the process is pleasant, because candle makers get true feminine pleasure using a home mini-factory. Any difficulties that may arise are more than compensated by the knowledge of the joy their creations bring to their owners.

We cannot hide the fact that competition in the home decorative goods market is quite high level. It consists not only of large organizations dealing with such goods in industrial scale, but also ordinary ladies who make decorative candles with their own hands at home. In such a wide range of offers on the market, there is one advantage - a constant incentive to improve your skills and develop originality of thinking. It is difficult to reach the level of wholesale supplies of handmade goods, but the market segment in which originality is valued attracts lovers of quality and attempts to turn craft into art.

Competition in the market becomes the reason not only in various ways playing with the possibility of creating a candle, as well as its shape, color, and smell in the end. But the main division in the market is based on the material that is included in the product.

So the most common are traditional paraffin ones, which can easily be found in any home, especially during a period of general panic about the approaching apocalypse. However, the high availability and low cost of the material does not always compensate for the appearance of harmful carbohydrates that are released during combustion.

The long tradition of candle making recognizes stearic ones. The absence of harmful compounds in products, longer and brighter combustion are extremely attractive to those engaged in this craft. The frequent use of mixtures of stearin and paraffin as starting materials is no exception.

On the market self made A special material – beeswax – is incredibly valuable. High-quality combustion is complemented by undeniable health benefits and a delightful natural aroma that persists even in the presence of an unlit candle.

Connoisseurs of all-natural products choose options made from soy and palm wax. Flavorings are often added to their composition, essential oils, especially if you use them not only for home decoration, but also for massage.

Gel – special kind products of this series on the market. The special structure allows you to buy them as the most suitable for decoration. The gel candle itself in its original form is transparent, capable of taking the shape desired by the creator, allowing the imagination to run wild. Fill with gel the required form, and the bottom - with decorative elements.

Do you want to start your own business: what to do

It is important to understand the procedure; drawing up a unique plan will allow you not to scatter your efforts and save time. After all, you can achieve your goals only by accurately determining the direction and path. And you should start, if your goal is to engage in candle making, by registering an enterprise and registering it with the tax service.

The first step is to create legal entity. This can be done independently or with the assistance of registrars who are engaged in this activity professionally. The first method is safe, giving experience to some extent, but its time investment is too high. Registrars cost a fee, which increases the costs of the enterprise at an early stage, and allows you to save time.

Those involved in registering their business will have to deal with OKVED, which is a special classifier containing a list of codes entrepreneurial activity. It is the type of business that you need to decide on initial stage.


Registering your business is necessary for legal activities in order to generate income. It is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a taxation system, which will allow you to receive your profit in an amount worthy of your work.

It is necessary to register an LLC within a certain period of time, which in 2018 is 3 working days. Therefore, in order to succeed in your business, you should prepare a certain package of documents in advance. If everything is drawn up correctly, the procedure is followed, you will receive permission to open own business from the competent authority.

Tools and equipment for your new "craft"

Starting your own business is never without costs in the initial stages. A quality product is not only the result of sufficient effort and developed skills, but also the use quality materials, which form the basis that cannot be created at a sufficient level without necessary tools and instruments. At whatever stage they are involved, their quality affects the result of the work.

Where should you start with purchasing?

Firstly, needlewomen cannot do without a machine. Almost always, the choice is given to a model with a standard starting capacity of 200 pcs/hour. The moment of price is practically important. As in most cases on the market, equipment for the production of candles at home, which forms the basis of the process, is represented by imported and domestic types. Which forces the buyer to choose between quality and cheapness.

The approximate price of such a machine is manual drive reaches 355 thousand rubles. Automated machine costs about 491,000. Many articles on the Internet contain information on how to create a machine with your own hands. If you are not yet sure about the choice of activity, then spending on factory-made equipment, which not everyone can afford at the initial stage, is not advisable.

Secondly, using the machine involves the purchase of complementary goods such as:

  • material melting tank with a capacity of 20 kg (33,000 rubles);
  • press extruder (about 512,000 rubles);
  • packaging line;
  • matrix forms (approximately 120,000 rubles).

You can start using all these devices as soon as you have the idea to start making candles. But this can be considered profitable when the income is stable and the volume of supplies is adjusted. This is more rational decision than a permanent separate purchase additional equipment with a gradual increase in the level of production batches.

Material is the basis of everything

After all, the essence of the product is determined by both the main material and those additions that bring originality and uniqueness to the product.

Let's start with the fact that making candles at home as a business is a very realistic scenario. The leaders in the list of the most accessible and frequently used substances are paraffin and stearin. They are combined in different ratios to compensate for each other’s shortcomings in terms of combustion emissions and its quality.

Beeswax is not so accessible, and products made from it are not so popular in everyday life. This material has a good consistency with a matte color and a pleasant aroma that persists even when the flame is not lit.

Gel has recently become increasingly popular among DIY candle makers, as it allows you to show originality, not only experimenting with color, shape and aroma, but also adding to the structure decorative elements. We have long moved away from the use of standard sparkles, beads and the like, because natural decoration is becoming fashionable, which allows you to use even dried fruits.

There is no candle without a wick. This part must be made from materials of natural origin. Cotton options are classically used, which are also sometimes replaced in production by wooden and hemp ones. To improve the quality and duration of combustion, natural fibers in the wick are often supplemented with reinforced wire.

Crafts handmade often painted. Beginning needlewomen use any dyes, experimenting with color intensity. Painting with watercolors and food dyes, which were so popular in the early stages, produces uneven color with streaks. This in a sense creates unique units of production. With the desire to create larger batches or sets comes a preference for powder paints, oil based natural coloring agents. They give a uniform look.

A well-known optional step in candle making that adds polish is the use of varnish. Coverage gives perfect option the results of painstaking work, which, however, not every beginner can do. This subsidiary stage requires a rather pedantic approach, but it is worth it. After all, the appearance of varnished works is much more attractive.

A special type is flavored. Production involves alternative methods introducing odor. There are special aromatic oils that are made for making candles. Their use requires a special procedure. And with experience in mixing different scents, you can create your own signature scent that will attract new customers. Often, needlewomen use special aromatic granules or cubes in their work, mixing them into one substrate with the material for the candle itself.

What is the manufacturing technology itself?

The set of main stages of the production process is quite simple, including:

  • preparation in the form of grinding the starting materials. Further processing involves the melting of raw materials under the influence high temperature, which allows you to achieve a uniform consistency;
  • The molten raw material is poured into molds, which subsequently determine the shape. It is necessary to first place the wicks in each of the molds;
  • then follows the stage of cooling the workpieces;
  • ready-made ones should be removed from the molds, and then decorated at your discretion, or otherwise prepared for sale.

To begin with: what exactly is so special about preparing gel products? Of course, the consistency and appearance of the base, which attracts with its transparency. And this is something you can easily achieve at home. Gel recipes are widely available, and the sequence of actions is simple, but you should follow it carefully and carefully. So, you need:

  • prepare a glass in which the candle will be located; It is worth fixing the wick to its bottom using hot glue; do not forget to wait for the glue to harden and the wick mount to be securely attached;
  • To ensure uniform melting, the prepared raw material in the form of a gel should be cut into pieces and melted under high temperature in a stainless steel bowl;
  • the heating temperature of the gel should not exceed 93 degrees; if you increase it, then you risk that the gel will lose its transparency and acquire a cloudy tone;
  • Remembering to monitor the temperature amplitude, heat the gel material until it reaches a liquid consistency, which is very similar to sugar syrup;
  • if you plan to create colored gel candles, at this stage you can add dye, noting the moment when the color intensity reaches the desired level;
  • often gel varieties created by yourself are scented, if this is part of your plans, then now you can add aromatic oil in the amount of 1/3 of a teaspoon;
  • depending on the desired intensity of the odor, you can vary the volume of the share aromatic oil; if you don’t have any special preferences, then you can start by adding classic aromas that come from citrus fruit oil, lavender, bergamot and the like;
  • Masters do not advise using rose oil, since when burned it emits a slightly unpleasant aroma;
  • A common problem in the process of creating gel candles is the appearance of bubbles, which is easily prevented by heating in microwave oven at temperature conditions up to 60-75 degrees;
    the inserts are placed on the periphery of the container and in the gel, which has not yet had time to cool after heating;
  • do not forget to use decorations that are placed in the center; here only your taste and imagination play a role in the choice of materials;
  • the gel itself is poured into the mold, starting from the periphery; so that bubbles do not remain as a result, you need to gain sufficient experience and choose a moment while the gel material has not yet cooled down;
  • do not ignore the wick that is wound around the pencil and pulled up;
  • All you have to do is wait until the product cools down. Why not enjoy your creation?

We decorate our own candles at home

So, we have already found out what general technology creation. It is like a light melody, a kind of tune that in the hands of a talented composer can become a real masterpiece. Likewise, in your hands, the idea of ​​a creation can develop into the beginning of the production of unique candles. Not only experiments with color, shape and aroma can transform the results of your creativity.

For decoration, such materials are used that its volume can amaze. Of course, these are materials of organic origin. What is always at hand. They are excellent sources of not only the joy of the look they give to candles, but also provide subtle and pleasant aromas. So, needlewomen often use coffee beans, dried tangerine peel, spicy cinnamon and cloves from the kitchen cabinet, and of course flowers.

But this is not the only decoration idea. The capacity of human imagination is truly amazing. When decorating, decoupage techniques are increasingly used.

Interesting to know

There are special painting options acrylic paints or sugar mastic, which some craftsmen use to create their own little “masterpieces”.

The decor looks impressive with fabric or burlap in which the goods are wrapped, sometimes even adding lace. The right fabric is a decisive factor in giving a special ambiance.

Creating carved versions involves the use of special equipment and constant improvement of technology. The market has formed a segment of carved candles in different styles art. Magnificent products in the Baroque style are worth it.
We offer you a video. Visual guide helps in the first stages.

The scope for imagination and solutions to decorating problems is wide and does not end with this list.

Cost calculation

To calculate the profit that a candlemaker makes, it is important to determine the cost of candles. It, in turn, sums up the costs of materials and time to create. The experience of the average cost calculation shows that it is about 70 rubles. This key moment in compiling a price list.

Creating demand for your product is the basis of trade

Your candle production within the framework of an economic view is your offer on the market. But what is it worth without demand for the product you produce? What to do if the popularity of this type of product is not so great? There are advertisements. So, PR can be placed on portals social networks, special resources and thematic forums. If your product catalog is quite heavy, creating your own website would be an excellent solution. You can place not only photos of candles on it, but also add descriptions and tips for beginning needlewomen, which will only expand the audience and increase prestige. And how can we not mention traditional announcements in the media and distribution of flyers.

We bring your creations to life

In terms of implementation, an important role is played by the scale of your production and what audience you are interested in and have already conquered. There is an option to open an online store, which is the most profitable for beginners. The advantage of the site is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on its maintenance; everything can be organized in remote mode. The downside is that people will not be able to come and choose a candle in person, since most of these stores do not have their own office.

Having produced a sufficient amount of a variety of products, improved your skills, and accumulated sufficient capital to open your own store, try to create your own outlet.

Difference regular store from a website on the Internet is that organizing its activities will require more money, because you will have to pay both office rent and rent trading floor and staff performance. Such costs are considered negative aspects opening a store not on the World Wide Web. There are many more advantages - customers will be able to come, choose a product, and communicate with the staff. If customers like your product range, they will share the store address with their family or friends. So, the flow of people to your outlet will only increase.

It is also important to consider the possibility of selling the product to resellers, which will be profitable if you are able to maintain the required level of supplies to flower shops, souvenirs, and for companies that deal with decoration. This option is the most profitable of all of the above, since, when developing a supplier base, you will have stable income from sale. The only downside is the time aspect, since it takes time to develop a good base.

Profit prospects

Candle making gives you the opportunity not only to realize your skills and creative potential, but also to make a real profit. The main thing is to find your niche. For example, you expect to produce about 300 decorative candles within a month, the price of which on the market will be 250 rubles per unit. This assumes revenue of 75 thousand, which is minus the cost of materials of 17 thousand, in pure form amount to 58,000 rubles. And it will continue to grow with increasing production. The return on investment of any business depends on the initial investment. Taking into account the cost of 70 rubles per unit of goods, for the production of 300 candles in our example, the initial investment will be 21 thousand rubles. And the payback period will not exceed 1 month when selling the entire batch of goods.

Candles are an attribute of many holidays and. Candles create the very atmosphere that helps you relax and plunge into a world of harmony. To learn how to make candles with your own hands, a master class will be extremely necessary; this is the easiest way to master the manufacturing technology and create real works of art from paraffin.

Master class for beginners: multi-colored decorative candle in a glass

We won't need special devices or expensive materials. Buy in store:

  • several white candles;
  • a plastic cup with thick walls;
  • thin wooden stick;
  • clothespin;
  • wax pencils;
  • several cans of condensed milk, green peas or corn.

We will cut the candles into small pieces, set the wick aside, we will need it for making our candle.

Preparing the wick

In order for it to hold securely, we will make a small hole in the bottom of the glass and stretch the wick into it, with outside Let's tie a wooden stick to it. Pull the wick and secure it with a clothespin on top.

Melt the wax

The basis of the master class on DIY decorative candles is the process of preparing wax. To do this, find a saucepan that can simultaneously hold five jars of wax. We heat water in it, put the same amount of wax in each jar, add finely chopped pencils to the jars. We are waiting for the wax to melt and the masses to become homogeneous.

Fill the mold with paraffin

At the very bottom we pour white paraffin, into which we did not add a pencil, then pour the wax one by one different color, the faster you do this, the softer the boundaries between colors will be. The brightness of the color can be changed by varying the number of pencils added.

Remove the candle from the mold

Let's wait until the paraffin hardens completely (1.5-2 hours). After this, you can carefully remove it from the glass.

DIY decorative candle ideas

Once you have mastered the manufacturing technology, you can begin experimenting and unusual decoration. We offer you some simple but original ideas.

Candles with ice

You will need a round mold, paraffin, ice, a wick, a jar and a pan of water to melt the paraffin, and wax crayons for color. All manufacturing steps are the same as described above, but the wax must be the same color. We fix the wick in the mold, pour out pieces of ice, then pour in paraffin so that the surface is even. Leave the workpiece until the paraffin has completely dried, then add water and take out the candles. The larger the pieces of ice, the more massive the patterns will be.

Round candles in Japanese style

To create such an option, we will need special round shapes for making candles. They can be purchased in stores or ordered online. Melt the paraffin and pour it into the mold, after a few minutes we pierce the mass in the middle with a wooden stick, insert the wick and fill the hole with paraffin. When the wax has completely hardened, carefully remove the craft from the mold, print out the hieroglyph on the computer and attach it to the candle, run a hot iron over it several times to glue it.


If you have been invited to a birthday or any other holiday, and you don’t know what to give to the hero of the occasion, you can create a whole work of art - an aquarium candle. For this we need a small round container, similar to an aquarium. You need to pour decorative small stones into it, secure the wick and place figurines of fish and jellyfish and shells as close to the glass as possible. Before pouring, tie the wick to a stick so that it stands straight and does not move to the side. To make the composition transparent, nothing should be added to the paraffin.

Master class on making gel candles

Recently, gel candles have become especially popular. The manufacturing process is exciting, because you can come up with any composition using shells, figurines, sand, flowers. The gel can be poured into any glass container with thick walls.

We offer you a master class on DIY gel candles, with which you can prepare gifts for your loved ones for the New Year.

First, let's prepare the materials:

  • mulled wine glass with thick glass;
  • gel for filling (you can purchase ready-made or make it at home);
  • 3 cinnamon sticks;
  • dried clove flowers;
  • dry lemon pieces;
  • small snowflakes made of hard material;
  • wick.

Fix the wick in the glass, fill the container with gel, then carefully lower all the decorations into it. The liquid is quite viscous, so all objects will be on the surface or in the thickness of the gel. If you want some of the decorations to be at the bottom, then they need to be placed in the glass before pouring.

To prepare the gel you will need

  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • water – 40 g;
  • glycerin – 70 g;
  • tannin – 4 gr.

Dissolve gelatin in water, add 50 g. glycerin, put the mixture on low heat and stir until it becomes homogeneous. Then prepare the second mass - the remaining 20 grams. combine glycerin with 4 g. tannin, the mixture will be cloudy; to achieve transparency, it needs to be boiled for a few seconds. Let's combine both mixtures, the candle gel is ready!

Coffee scented candles

At home, you can prepare scented candles that will delight not only with beautiful appearance, but also soothing or tonic scents. We present to your attention a master class on DIY coffee candles.

Required ingredients:

  • paraffin;
  • juice box (it will replace the pouring mold);
  • wick;
  • coffee beans;
  • ribbons for decoration;
  • vanillin.

We put the paraffin in a water bath, and at this time we prepare the mold for pouring. To do this, it is better to use a small juice box, cutting off the top part from it. In our case, the candle will be square, but if you wish, you can take another shape and make it round.

When the mold is ready, secure the wick. We tie one end to a toothpick, which must be placed on the top of the mold, and secure the wick from below with a few drops of melted paraffin. Pay attention to the thickness of the wick: the wider and more massive the candle, the thicker it should be.

Let's return to paraffin. When it has completely melted, add vanillin and coffee beans, heat the food on the fire for another 10 minutes until a pleasant aroma appears. Place 10 coffee beans at the bottom of the mold, fill half of the mold with paraffin, and wait 2 hours. Then pour 10 more grains on top and pour out the remaining paraffin. Leave the wax for 12 hours, then carefully cut the mold and take out the finished candle.

Making wedding candles at home

Traditionally, at a wedding, two thin candles are used, which symbolize the bride and groom, and one large one - the family hearth.

You can make your own wedding candles. The master class will help you create real works of art. Let's prepare materials:

  • mold for thin candles;
  • mold for a round candle “family hearth”;
  • paraffin
  • 3 wicks
  • lace, fabric flowers, ribbons for decoration;
  • contours on glass for decorating thin candles.

To make wedding candles, paraffin must be white. First, let's prepare a large round candle. To do this, place a wick in the mold, pour paraffin, wait a few hours until it hardens. The “family hearth” candle is ready.

Carved candles - a job for true masters

If you decide to learn how to make carved candles with your own hands, a master class will not be enough. First, you need to prepare multi-colored containers where the candle will be dipped; a constant temperature (75-90 degrees) must be maintained in them using a water bath.

So, for work we need to prepare materials and tools:

  • container with paraffin of different colors;
  • paraffin blank (candle base);
  • container with cold water;
  • sharp knife;
  • acrylic candle varnish.

You can make the blank yourself by pouring paraffin into a round or square shape, the most hard work starts later. When the candle is ready, it needs to be dipped 30 times into containers with paraffin. various colors, but after 1 time be sure to dip it in white wax. Then we put it in for a while cold water, cut off the smudges to level the base and you can get to work. Remember that the drawing or pattern needs to be thought out in advance, since everything will have to be done very quickly - the paraffin will harden in 15 minutes. The easiest way to carve is to use a thin knife to cut small sections and bend the ends. We tilt the first row in one direction, the second in the other, etc.

To protect the carving, dip the finished craft in acrylic varnish.

Making candles at home is a fascinating activity that requires care and perseverance. Try to make one simple candle, and you will not notice how you will learn how to create carved compositions. We will also reveal secrets.
