What time does puberty begin? How to survive puberty. How to feed an apple tree in the summer during fruiting after applying mineral fertilizers

In order to get a rich harvest of apples, it is necessary to timely add all the necessary nutrients to the soil in which the fruit tree grows. And for this you need to clearly understand when the fruits ripen.

During fruit ripening The apple tree especially needs feeding, since it spends all its nutritional elements on the formation of the future harvest.

Summer is the most important time of the year when you need to take care of your fruit trees, providing them with the necessary nutrients for the ripening of a delicious harvest.

Most experienced gardeners want to increase their fruit trees and, most importantly, quality of taste properties of the future harvest.

If In spring, apple trees are fertilized 2 times at the very beginning of flowering (for which the root method of introducing nutrients is used. To do this, up to 5 buckets of last year’s humus are added to the soil along the trunk circle of the fruit tree), then from the second half for the third time, as it enters the phase of fruit formation.

Summer feeding is carried out in order to so that fruits can receive the optimal amount of essential minerals, which in the future have a direct impact on the taste of apples and their quantity.

On a note! To carry out summer feeding of the apple tree, you can use a solution of mullein or bird droppings.

To prepare the solution you need:

  1. Prepare a container, it is best to use a two-hundred-liter barrel;
  2. Fill the barrel with water;
  3. Dissolve half a ten-liter bucket of fresh slurry or bird droppings in water.

One two-hundred-liter barrel of the prepared solution is enough to feed 5 adult fruit trees.

Fertilizing must be done in the evening or morning. in order to protect nutrients from premature evaporation.

Progress of feeding introduction:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to shed the tree trunk circle with a bucket of water;
  2. Then, at a distance of half a meter from the tree trunk, introduce the prepared fertilizing solution;
  3. After introducing nutrients to the apple tree, you should water the entire trunk circle with another bucket of water.

This method of introducing fertilizing will allow deliver microelements and nutrients as quickly as possible into the root system of the fruit tree, thereby replenishing the nutritional supply of the apple tree.

Types of fertilizers for feeding apple trees

Feeding apple trees during the apple filling period includes saturating the fruit tree with the following types of fertilizers:

  • Mineral fertilizers - potassium phosphate is most often used to spray the tree crown;
  • Sodium mixture;
  • Nitrogen-containing fertilizers - urea solution or ammonium sulfate is more often used.

At the beginning of summer apple trees need minerals. Therefore, it is recommended to feed apple trees with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium in early June.

To do this, you need to dilute potassium sulfate with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per ten-liter bucket of water. This solution must be sprayed over the entire crown of the tree so that the leaves are treated on both sides.

All necessary nutrients will be absorbed in a very short time, literally in a couple of days. It is best to spray the apple tree either early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is already setting.

Mineral fertilizers.
Ammonium sulfate.

How to feed an apple tree in the summer during fruiting after applying mineral fertilizers?

After a couple of weeks, you can feed the apple tree with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which promote the development of new shoots, the rapid formation of fruits and make the crown of the fruit tree more lush and beautiful.

For this purpose, a urea solution is most often used. You can feed the apple tree with this solution in two ways:

  • If the summer turns out to be very hot and dry, then it is better to apply a urea solution by spraying the tree crown;
  • If the summer is rainy, then the most effective would be to apply fertilizer through the root system of the fruit tree; to do this, you just need to pour the fertilizer around the trunk of the apple tree.

Important! Before fertilizing an apple tree with urea, it is recommended to test the concentration of the prepared solution and its digestibility by the tree.

How not to harm the apple tree when feeding it with urea during fruiting?

To do this, you need to spray one branch of the apple tree with the prepared fertilizer and wait a few days. If the leaves on the branch do not change color and look healthy, then you can spray the entire apple tree.

If the leaves change color and look burnt, you should reduce the concentration of the solution. This test is recommended to be carried out before the root method of applying fertilizer during the fruiting period.

When the first fruits begin to form on the apple trees, It is recommended to carry out a third summer feeding. In this case, what is the best way to feed the apple tree during the period of fruit ripening?

A good option - use of sodium mixture. To prepare it, you need to take nitrophoska - one kilogram, sodium humate - one tablespoon and 200 liters of water.

Initially, you need to dilute the dry mass of fertilizers with a small amount of water for thorough dissolution, then mix the resulting mixture with the rest of the liquid.

Irrigate the tree trunk area with this solution in the evening. One two-hundred-liter barrel of the prepared solution is enough to feed 5 adult apple trees, while spending three to four buckets of fertilizer to feed one tree.

Features of root and foliar feeding

Root feeding of apple trees during the fruiting period is the introduction of nutrients into the soil structure. Fertilizer is applied at a distance of about half a meter from the trunk of the fruit tree.

It is at this distance that the most active root shoots are located, capable of absorbing the largest amount of nutrients in a shorter time. This method is necessary for applying organic and mineral fertilizers in spring and autumn, as well as for fertilizing in the summer, especially if the summer season was very rainy.

On a note! In order for the fruit tree to receive nutrients as quickly as possible, a foliar feeding method is used.

This fertilizing method is also used in cases where the root system of a fruit tree is very weak (when planting a young seedling) or is damaged by something (weather conditions).

To achieve the most effective result, you should adhere to the general rules of how to feed an apple tree during ripening using the foliar method:

The foliar method of introducing fertilizing is used only during flowering, fruit ripening and to strengthen the immune system at the end of the summer period after harvesting, when the tree crown is still green.

Useful video

Also watch an entertaining video about summer fertilization of fruit trees and plants in the garden:


Feeding apple trees during the fruiting period and caring for them is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know what, when and how to carry out all the manipulations. Here are some fertilizing tips for beginning gardeners:

  • When using the root method of fertilizing it is important to apply fertilizer at a distance of 50-60 cm from the trunk of the apple tree.
  • During the rainy season you don’t have to bother yourself with preparing solutions, but just sprinkle dry fertilizer around the perimeter of the tree trunk at the same distance from the tree trunk.
  • Liquid fertilizers of organic and mineral origin are best applied in the special holes, dug around the perimeter of the tree trunk circle to a depth of 30 cm.

Timely care and application of nutrients to the apple tree guarantees a stable, rich and tasty harvest from fruit trees.

In contact with

Puberty usually begins during adolescence. During this period, the child's body will go through a series of biological changes: rapid growth, weight gain, development of genital organs, growth of body hair.

These changes mean that yesterday's child is gradually turning into an adult.

What is puberty?

These are consistent biological and physical changes in the child’s body that lead to the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the possibility of conceiving and having children.

Adult conversation

When does puberty begin?

Puberty begins at different times for everyone. As a rule, in girls it occurs between the ages of 10 and 14, and in boys from 12 to 16.

Nowadays, teenage girls develop faster than boys. Thus, the average age of first menstruation in 1900 was 15 years. In 1990 – already 12.5 years.

Scientists believe that factors such as overnutrition and obesity cause early puberty in girls.

According to some studies, the onset of hormonal changes in a child's body too early can increase the risk of cancer in older age.

What physical changes occur during puberty?

Development of secondary sexual characteristics

The first sign of puberty in girls is breast development. It begins at about 11 years of age, along with the beginning of the production of female sex hormones - estrogens. Then it usually happens Hair Growth on the pubis and armpits.

The next stage is the beginning of ovulation (maturation of eggs ready for fertilization in the ovaries) and the beginning of menstruation.

The main sign of the onset of puberty in boys is increase in testicular size. It begins at about 11 years of age and lasts about six months. Then, in adolescents, the penis increases in size, and pubic and armpit hair appears.

Under the influence of the male hormone testosterone, which begins to be produced in the body, in boys the voice becomes rougher And muscle mass increases. At the same time, boys begin to produce sperm capable of fertilization.

The last stage of puberty is appearance of facial hair.

Growth spurt

Puberty in both sexes is usually accompanied by rapid growth in body height. During this period it increases by an average of 17-18 percent.

In girls, the growth spurt begins on average two years earlier - about six months before the first menstruation.

Skeletal growth

Puberty is characterized by growth and increased bone mass density in adolescents. In girls and boys, this process reaches its peak immediately after the growth spurt.

Important! Bones first grow in length, and only then does bone density increase. Because of this, adolescents are susceptible to high risk of fractures.

Weight change

During puberty, girls begin to actively form adipose tissue in the body, mainly on the hips and buttocks.

Boys also begin to deposit fat, but outwardly this is not so noticeable, since in parallel there is an increased growth of muscle tissue. By the end of puberty, its mass in a male teenager becomes one and a half times greater than in a girl of the same height and weight.

Other changes

Along with puberty in adolescents, the final formation of the cardiovascular system and lungs occurs. This leads to an increase in the performance of these organs. This process is especially effective if the teenager plays sports.

The most important

Puberty is not just about the appearance of menstruation in girls or facial hair in boys. This is also a period of active growth and development of the teenager’s entire body.

A man's puberty is identified with his fertility, that is, the ability to conceive. In fact, this is a combination of the development of primary and secondary male characteristics, indicating the transformation of a boy into an adult man. A boy's puberty occurs in several stages. The peculiarity of the manifestation of sexual characteristics on each of them is the tendency to increase.

Male sexual development begins in the mother's womb. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the formation of the reproductive organs - penis, scrotum and testicles - ends. During the physiological development of the fetus, several weeks before birth, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The second stage of sexual development is called childhood. Physiological growth of the skeleton, muscles, and organs occurs. The boy has rounded “childish” facial features and a sloping figure. The period lasts 9–11 years from birth.

If a boy’s endocrine system works normally, puberty begins at 11–12 years of age. Due to the individual characteristics of the child’s body, hereditary predisposition, and environment, the timing varies within 1–2 years. The appearance of the first signs at 10–13 years of age is considered normal.

There are 3 stages of puberty:

  • The initial stage (puberty, puberty) is the preparatory stage of the body. External signs include the boy’s accelerated growth: the pituitary gland produces somatotropin and follitropin, which stimulate skeletal growth. The production of gonadoliberin begins, a pituitary hormone that activates the work of the gonads and the synthesis of sex hormones. The influence of GnRH is manifested by the growth of the genital organs. The average age for the onset of puberty in boys is 11–12 years.
  • Active puberty begins in a boy at 13–14 years old and lasts 2–3 years. GnRH, previously produced only at night, is now produced by the pituitary gland around the clock, stimulating testosterone production. Due to its increased concentration in the blood, intensive growth of the genital organs is observed, secondary sexual characteristics appear, and the boy experiences his first ejaculation.
  • The final stage of puberty covers the age from 16–17 to 18–19 years. The boy’s body adapts to the production of sex hormones. The reproductive system is ready for procreation. The figure of a young man is finally formed and growth stops.

The acquisition of puberty affects the physiological and psychological aspects of adolescent development. During this period, monitoring the boy’s health status, as well as his sexual education, is important.


During puberty, boys experience active development of primary sexual characteristics - the growth of the testicles and penis. From birth to the onset of puberty, the size of the testicles changes imperceptibly. Active growth of the genital organs is observed in boys from the age of 11 with an increase in the concentration of androgens in the blood. The appearance of the scrotum changes: the smoothness of the skin is lost, pigmentation and coarse hairs appear. Enlargement of the penis in a boy follows enlargement of the testicles.

The first erections appear in future men at the age of 12–13 years with a feeling of sexual desire. At the age of 14, the seminal vesicles begin to produce sperm. There is an enlargement of the prostate gland and its secretion of secretions. A clear sign of a boy’s puberty is nocturnal emissions, which signify the boy’s readiness to conceive a child.

Secondary sexual characteristics appear in a boy with increasing severity and depend on the activity of the gonads:

  • Hair growth. One of the first manifestations of puberty is the appearance of hair at the base of the penis, followed by spreading to the pubis. Hair growth is observed in the center of the abdomen, in the inguinal folds, and armpits. A boy's first facial hair is noticeable at the age of 14–15. The fluff is located above the upper lip, near the ears. The next place for hair to grow is the inner thighs and chest. Toward the end of puberty, facial hair growth forms a mustache. Following them, the appearance of dense hair on the cheeks is noticed.

  • Active growth. The first acceleration of growth is observed at the very beginning of maturation - 11–12 years. Under the influence of androgens and somatotropin, the boy grows 10 cm. After the jump, a slowdown in growth is observed. The boy gains 7–8 cm in the active phase of maturation and another 4–5 cm towards its end. At the age of 18–22 years, the increased content of estrogen in the blood causes ossification of the growth zones of long bones - growth stops.

  • Change in physique. The cause of the growth of the shoulder girdle and stretching of the pelvic bones in a boy is an increased concentration of testosterone. There is a disproportionate increase in the limbs - first the hands and feet increase, after which growth in height begins. For this reason, the boy may experience psychological discomfort, but the body quickly becomes proportional. In the active phase of sexual development, boys are thin. Muscle mass is gained closer to 17–19 years, when the hormonal storm passes.

  • Voice change. The hormonal surge leads to an enlargement of the larynx due to the growth of the thyroid cartilage in the boy. As a result, stretched vocal cords produce sounds of different tones, which is popularly called “voice mutation.” By the age of 17, the thyroid cartilage increases to its maximum, forming the “Adam’s apple”, and the strengthened ligaments produce stable sounds called the male timbre.

  • At the end of puberty, a boy's facial features change. This happens due to the growth of the jaws. Childish roundness gives way to masculine angularity.
  • Hormonal surges in a boy’s body cause an increase in the intensity of sweating, the acquisition of a characteristic odor, and an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin. As a result, pimples and acne appear in adolescents aged 14–15 years.

Increased concentrations of female sex hormones – estrogens – in the blood provoke pinpoint lumps in the boy’s chest, as well as nipple enlargement. Symptoms of gynecomastia disappear on their own after a few months.


If a boy under 9 years of age develops primary and secondary male sexual characteristics, we can talk about early puberty.

The reasons for puberty starting too early are:

  • Pathological development of the genital organs.
  • Brain injuries.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Malfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • The appearance of tumors in the brain.
  • Obesity.
  • History of infectious diseases.

Men who become sexually mature early have a strong sexual constitution. The dangers of a boy's early maturation lie in the cessation of growth due to ossification of the areas of enlargement of large bones. The negative point is the influence of powerful doses of sex hormones on the boy’s body, which is not yet ready for such a surge. As a result, hormonal disruptions occur and disruptions in the functioning of all body systems occur.

Premature ripening.

Premature maturation of a boy is manifested by too early enlargement of the genital organs, as well as the acquisition of secondary male characteristics: early mutation of the voice, intensive growth, hair growth according to the male type of hair growth.

Treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist. To eliminate symptoms, androgen synthesis inhibitors are prescribed. Therapy continues until the physiological onset of sexual development.

Late puberty

If at the age of 13 a boy does not have enlargement of the genital organs, the endocrinologist notes a delay in the onset of puberty. The condition is not considered pathological if before the age of 15 the boy shows signs of puberty, and further sexual development occurs without deviations. When a 15-year-old boy does not show the first signs of maturation, a specialist notes late sexual development. It can be provoked by:

  • Chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Hereditary factor.

Late puberty is fraught for a man with underdevelopment of the genital organs and even infertility. The problem is corrected through sex hormone replacement therapy, as well as by eliminating the underlying disease.

Premature ripening.

What parents should know

The process of male puberty involves physiological changes that affect the emotional state of the boy. It is important for parents to control both aspects of growing up. A disproportionate physique, a change in one’s own smell, involuntary ejaculation - all signs of sexual development have a physiological explanation, which must be conveyed to a growing young man in an accessible format.

A boy's puberty takes 5–6 years. This is the time of rapid transformation of a young man into an adult man. On the path to developing a son’s personality, understanding and support from parents are important. Knowledge of the basic aspects of male physiology, as well as the psychology of adolescents, will help with this.

Hello, my name is Zinaida. My daughter is 13 years old, she started developing breasts at age 11, and started menstruating this year. I would like to know when puberty normally begins and ends in girls? And do girls really “mature” faster than boys?

Expert answer

Hello, Zinaida. As a rule, puberty begins at the age of 8-13 years for girls and at the age of 9-15 years for boys. This wide age range may help explain why some of the teenagers still look like little children, while others look more like adults.

For most girls, the first sign of puberty is the beginning of breast development. Then pubic hair begins to grow, which is accompanied by hair growth in the armpits. Some girls develop pubic hair before breast development. The onset of menstruation tends to occur later than other physical changes and usually occurs 2.5 years after breast formation begins. After this, girls stop growing rapidly, but their breasts and hips become more rounded. And the age when puberty ends in girls is usually 15-17 years.

In boys, an increase in testicular size is the first change observed at the onset of puberty. It usually begins at 11.5 years of age and lasts about six months. Then the penis increases in size. The next stage is the growth of pubic hair and vegetation in the armpits. Then the voice changes, and the muscles increase in size. The last step is the appearance of facial hair. The end of puberty in boys is the age of 18-19 years.

The time of puberty, or puberty, occurs in girls between the ages of 8 and 13 years, plus or minus 1 year. The first menstruation usually occurs 2 years after its onset.

What happens during puberty?

During puberty, a girl's reproductive system changes in ways that prepare her for the birth of a child. This process occurs in several stages:

  1. The girl's mammary glands begin to enlarge. This process can take up to 5 years until the breasts reach their final size and shape. Therefore, a teenager should not worry if the bust currently does not correspond to the imagined ideal appearance.
  2. Hair begins to grow in the armpits and pubic areas.
  3. At this time, very rapid growth of the body occurs, the second fastest after the infancy period of life.
  4. Body shape changes. Weight increases, small fat deposits appear on the hips and abdomen. During this period, it is harmful to follow low-calorie diets.
  5. The smell of the skin changes, increased sweating appears in the armpits.
  6. Acne appears on the face, chest, and back.
  7. Vaginal discharge appears or changes.
  8. Teenagers experience changes in emotions and sexual sensations.
  9. Menarche occurs - the first menstruation, a regular menstrual cycle is established (read about this important period in a girl’s life).

Forms and stages of puberty

How long does puberty last for girls?

Its normal duration is 2 to 4 years. Each girl’s rate of development is individual, so all the onset dates and duration of puberty can shift by 1 year or even more.

Signs of the onset of puberty are breast enlargement and hair growth in the pubic area. Some girls develop breasts first without other noticeable signs of puberty. In others, secondary hair growth appears earlier and breasts develop later. This is a normal process. A delay in any of the symptoms does not necessarily mean that there are some pathological changes in the girl’s body.

Precocious puberty is often a variation of the norm. However, parents should consult a doctor if a girl begins to develop pubic hair at the age of 7-8 years.

In some cases, puberty is delayed. This may be due to illness or, for example, to a teenager’s passion for low-calorie diets and malnutrition. You should consult a doctor if a girl does not experience breast enlargement by the age of 14. Another unfavorable sign is the absence of menstruation 5 years after the start of breast growth.

Early puberty

It begins with an increase in the size of the hands and feet. At the same time, a “breast bud” begins to form - a small knot of tissue under the areola of the nipple. It may be slightly painful, soft or quite dense, and may develop asymmetrically. This process takes about 6 months and is controlled by estrogen.

After the initial development of the mammary glands, vaginal discharge appears. They have high acidity and can cause genital skin irritation and inflammation - vulvovaginitis (you can learn about the characteristics of the course and treatment of the disease in women, adolescents and children). Therefore, it is important to teach the girl the rules of personal hygiene, start using panty liners, and if diaper rash or irritation occurs, use creams with panthenol or zinc oxide.

Second puberty

Includes active hair growth in the pubic area. After this, signs of skin irritation caused by discharge at an earlier age disappear. Along with the growth of pubic hair, acne may occur.

Acne is a common companion during puberty.

Rapid growth occurs, as well as changes in facial features. Within six months after the start of the second stage of puberty, girls grow by 5-7 cm, and their weight can increase by 4-5 kg ​​during the same time. Then menstruation begins. This process usually occurs when the teenager turns 11 years old.

When does it end?

Puberty is considered to be complete when regular menstruation begins. However, after this the girl will continue to grow. Over the next 2 years, she will add another 5-10 cm in height. The achieved body length will be almost final; in the following years, the growth may not increase so much. Breasts continue to develop until age 18.

Hormonal changes

In girls, the peculiarities of the puberty period are caused by hormones circulating in the blood.

The primary mechanism that triggers the production of gonadotropin-releasing factor in the hypothalamus is still unclear. Regardless of the mechanism, this process occurs gradually. This is evidenced by the slowly increasing concentration of gonadotropic hormones and estrogens over several years.

Under the influence of this factor, synthesis is activated first during sleep and then at other times of the day. Later, from about 10-11 years old, and begins to stand out. The activity of these two substances levels off throughout the year. After the onset of menstruation, the secretion of gonadotropic hormones becomes cyclical.

The pituitary gland, in addition to gonadotropins, also secretes a small amount of prolactin during puberty, a hormone that affects the development of the mammary glands.

The synthesis of steroid hormones – androgens – by the adrenal glands is enhanced. In girls, their concentration increases from 6-7 years of age, but does not have a significant effect on sexual development.

An increase in the plasma level of gonadotropic hormones leads to stimulation of the ovaries, as a result of which these organs begin to synthesize estradiol, the female sex hormone. It is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics - the growth of the mammary glands, the redistribution of fat and others. The ovaries increase in volume from 0.5 cm 3 to 4 cm 3.

Under the influence of estradiol, the uterus also develops. If in little girls it has a drop-shaped shape, the neck makes up up to 2/3 of the length of the entire organ, then during puberty it becomes pear-shaped, and its body increases in size relatively more than the neck.

Wave-like fluctuations in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone and the accompanying changes in the amount of estrogen initially do not reach the concentration required. However, the endometrium in the uterus is more sensitive, and preparatory processes occur in it for the change of proliferation and regression. When the hormones reach a certain peak level, menarche occurs. At this time, the uterus is completely ready for cyclic changes.

Emotional changes

The psychology of puberty is associated with a variety of emotional experiences. It is better if the girl has a trusting relationship with her mother, who can answer any questions that arise.

Main changes in emotional state:

  • Emotional instability

The girl experiences many emotions, she has many thoughts and ideas. She may feel embarrassed and awkward, especially when interacting with boys. She also gets upset easily and takes offense, primarily at family and friends. Whims, causeless tears and a minute later laughter are a normal state for a teenager. It is worth paying attention to depressed mood and sadness if they last more than 1 week.

  • Constant fatigue

The child may get tired quickly or feel hungry all the time. Puberty is a time of very rapid growth, so you need at least 9 hours of sleep a day. He should eat a variety of healthy foods. These include whole grain bread, rice, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish. This type of nutrition will help the teenager feel more active and reduce emotional instability. It is better to give up sweets, chips and fast food. They can not only provoke acne, but will also cause excess weight - a real “scourge” of the modern girl.

  • Dissatisfaction with your appearance

Teenagers often feel discomfort about their appearance and are embarrassed by the changes that are taking place. Comparing herself with her friends, the girl sees the difference in their development. However, you need to understand that puberty is different for everyone, so such differences are normal, and body changes will ultimately lead to the formation of a feminine figure.

  • Changes in relationships

The girl's relationship with her family changes. She prefers to spend time with friends rather than with relatives. Sometimes she has the feeling that her parents do not want to know about her experiences. This is a normal psychological reaction. In fact, parents need to be ready to unobtrusively help the growing girl, to give her confidence that she can always count on them.

Formation of the menstrual cycle

Menstruation can begin at any time during puberty, but usually it occurs after the body has undergone the changes listed above, that is, secondary sexual characteristics have formed. Here are some facts you need to know about the development of your menstrual cycle:

  • It is impossible to know the first day of menarche in advance. It usually occurs after about a 2-year period that has elapsed from the onset of breast development. The first menstruation may appear as a few drops of blood or be quite heavy. Before it starts, cramps in the lower abdomen may bother you, but this is not a necessary sign.
  • Sometimes a teenage girl is bothered by . This is a complex of physical, emotional and mental changes that lasts several days before the onset of menstruation, including the first. The child may complain of nausea or headache, cry frequently, and may experience bloating or swelling. In the first days of menstruation, there is often pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes quite severe. If this condition appears constantly after the start of the menstrual cycle, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist to avoid hormonal disorders.
  • In the first months, the cycle is often irregular. Sometimes menstruation does not start every month. There may even be breaks between them for several months. This is normal, but for control you should immediately create a special “menstrual” calendar. If your cycle does not normalize within a year, you should consult a doctor.
  • During menstruation, it is more convenient to use pads than tampons. If menstruation begins unexpectedly and irregularly, you should always have a spare sanitary product with you. They should be changed at least every 4 hours. If a girl uses sanitary tampons, they must be removed at night to avoid a serious complication - toxic shock syndrome.
  • After the first menstruation, pregnancy may occur during unprotected sexual intercourse. This can happen even with an irregular cycle. Ovulation usually occurs only 6-9 months after the start of menstruation, but it is impossible to predict the first ovulatory cycle. There is no need to avoid such issues, and if necessary, gently advise your daughter to use condoms.
  • After the start of menstruation, the mammary glands acquire a rounded shape. At this time, you can already use a small bra so as not to tighten, but to support the developing breasts.

In an earlier article, we already talked about how the menstrual cycle is established in teenage girls, what is considered normal and what is a violation? To find out more details, read.

Changes in organs and systems during puberty

Under the influence of hormones, changes occur not only in the reproductive system, but also in other organs. This is sometimes associated with some symptoms that worry the child and parents. As a result, they are treated for a long time and unsuccessfully; over time, all these physiological changes disappear on their own. Of course, if you have doubts about the child’s health, you need to show him to a doctor. However, it is worth knowing some signs that are characteristic specifically of the puberty period in girls.

  • The cardiovascular system

The rapid growth of bones and muscles outpaces the increase in the heart and vascular bed. Therefore, to properly supply the growing body with blood, the heart beats faster. Many girls have a tendency to lower blood pressure. Against the background of rapid heartbeat, cardiac output decreases. Under the influence of any pathological influences (stress, staying in a stuffy room, fatigue) this can cause fainting. A single such case is not dangerous, but if fainting occurs regularly, it is necessary to show the child to a doctor.

  • Digestion

A teenager's digestive system is very active. Therefore, muscle spasms, periodic abdominal pain, a tendency to loose stools, and nausea are possible. It is necessary to establish regular, nutritious nutrition for the girl and be sure to monitor her weight. At this age, both weight loss and excess body weight are dangerous.

  • Breath

Sometimes girls complain of feeling short of breath. This is due to the body's increased need for oxygen. Therefore, the child should be in a ventilated room and spend more time in the fresh air. Bronchial asthma rarely occurs for the first time at this time, but if attacks of dry cough appear, you should consult a pulmonologist.

  • Nervous system

The brain and peripheral nerves are already well formed. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to any signs of trouble - headaches, cramps, dizziness, numbness or tingling in the limbs. Such signs should not exist during the normal course of puberty.

Hypothalamic syndrome

One of the common disorders is hypothalamic syndrome of puberty. This is a condition associated with a violation of the secretion of releasing factor by the hypothalamus, which triggers the entire hormonal axis “pituitary gland - ovaries - uterus”. The causes of this pathology have been little studied, but it is known that it occurs more often in girls whose parents have endocrine diseases (obesity, diabetes). A provoking factor may be increased physical or emotional stress, dieting, overeating, improper sleep patterns and other healthy lifestyle disorders. The disease most often occurs in adolescents who in infancy suffered birth trauma, encephalopathy and other conditions that could negatively affect the development of the nervous system.

Hypothalamic syndrome is less common in girls than in boys. It develops after puberty, 2-3 years after the start of menstruation. Its manifestations are associated with excessive secretion of gonadotropins, androgens, gestagens, as well as a relatively low amount of estrogen.

Main symptoms of the pathology:

  • increased body weight and accelerated growth;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • feeling hot, sweating;
  • facial hair growth;
  • headache;
  • increased body temperature for no apparent reason;
  • emotional disorders - changes in eating behavior, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness.

Hypothalamic syndrome in adolescents does not have clear diagnostic criteria, and its existence is not recognized by all doctors. Typically, girls are prescribed treatment, including a balanced diet, sedatives and hormonal medications, and general restoratives.

Anomalies of puberty

Precocious puberty is diagnosed by the presence of pubic hair or breast enlargement in girls aged 7 years. In this case, an in-depth examination of the child is necessary to identify the following diseases:

  • brain tumors;
  • Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
  • hyperinsulinism.

Delayed puberty is considered to be cases where mammary glands do not enlarge at age 13, or if menarche does not occur within 3 years after the start of mammary gland formation. If menstruation does not occur at the age of 16, they speak of primary menstruation.

In these cases, it is necessary to exclude the following diseases and conditions:

  • eating disorder (anorexia);
  • polycystic ovarian changes;
  • agenesis or fusion of the vagina.

The earlier the disease is identified, the more effective its treatment. In the future, such girls have a greater chance of having a normal pregnancy and external compliance with accepted norms for a female figure.

Treatment for delayed or premature puberty is individual. It is prescribed by a pediatric gynecologist after a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist. A gentle regimen, full sleep, absence of negative emotions, and a healthy diet are recommended. If necessary, hormonal drugs are prescribed. If the cause of changes is in the anatomical defects of the genital organs (for example, with vaginal atresia), the best treatment method is surgical.
