Vitamin B2. Vitamin B2. Important information about vitamins

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) or lactoflavin (lat. Riboflavinum) is a highly significant water-soluble vitamin and coenzyme in many biochemical processes, derived from the B vitamin. Thanks to its easy absorption, the element plays a huge role in the life of humans and animals.

The history of the production and discovery of B2 dates back to the late 1800s, when scientists first isolated this substance. However, it was possible to synthesize the vitamin only in 1934 by German scientists led by biochemist Richard Kuhn. So, we can say that this is a fairly young vitamin.

In the food industry, lactoflavin is used as a food coloring and vitamin fortifier, registered as food additive E101. The vitamin is also actively used in pharmacology in the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, skin diseases, eye diseases, liver diseases, for disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and other disorders of the body..


A simple characterization of the substance allows us to more easily understand the physical, chemical and biological qualities of the vitamin. The physical properties of riboflavin appear in the form of needle-shaped crystals of a yellowish-orange hue, collected in groups. Bitter to taste, the vitamin has a slight specific odor, is easily destroyed by alkalis and is susceptible to ultraviolet rays, but is resistant to acidic solutions.

Riboflavin enzymes participate in the oxidation processes of beneficial acids, block the activity of highly toxic organic compounds, break down foreign bacteria, help synthesize coenzyme forms of vitamins B6 and B9, and also contribute to the restoration of hemoglobin. The chemical structural formula of growth vitamin can be viewed in the photo album at the end of the article.

The production of a useful element in industry is carried out chemically or synthetically using genetically modified bacteria. In free form, the substance is found only in the retina, urine and milk, and in higher plants, yeast, bacteria and fungi it is found in the form of dinucleotides. The most active producer of lactoflavin is the aerobic mold fungus of the genus Aspergillus.

Flavin adenine dinucleotide is the active form of vitamin B2, which is synthesized in human organs and tissues. And the structure of riboflavin itself is based on flavins and ribitol alcohols.

What products does it contain?

Riboflavin is found in foods such as meat, milk, yeast, legumes and others. Food sources have varied content of the valuable element. Foods high in B2:

  • offal (kidneys, liver);
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • legumes;
  • apricot kernels;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals, pasta and bakery products;
  • fruits vegetables;
  • greenery.

For example, dairy products should not be stored in a transparent container in daylight. Soft cottage cheese is richer in B2 content due to the increased amount of whey. Long-term storage of food negatively affects its preservation, as does prolonged washing of food.

The role of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in the body

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) plays a significant role in the human body due to its beneficial effect on cells and tissues. Lactoflavin is an essential B vitamin, but does not accumulate in the body and is excreted in the urine, so you need to regularly replenish your reserves by eating foods rich in the element.

Riboflavin as an active element catalyzes various chemical reactions occurring in the body. The most important functions are:

  • providing protection against infections. B2 is involved in the connection of macrophagocytes and antibodies. The processes of the immune system are inhibited if there is a lack of vitamin in the body;
  • assistance in the development of blood cells. Riboflavin takes part in the synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and also serves as a conductor for iron, which is present in hemoglobin;
  • participation in metabolism. Metabolic processes are much more active with sufficient substance content;
  • respiratory system protection. A sufficient concentration of the vitamin in the body resists the effects of negative factors on the respiratory system, so this substance is often recommended to people who are professionally associated with toxic air, asthmatics and smokers;
  • synthesis of glycogen reserves. The absence of a vitamin element makes the development of complex carbohydrates impossible, very often against the background of this the concentration of sugar in the blood increases;
  • protection of the organs of the visual system. In combination with retinol, lactoflavin protects the organs of vision from ultraviolet radiation and fatigue, and also prevents various diseases that precede lens clouding;
  • reduction of nervous tension. The level of stressful situations increases with overwork, overstrain and mental stress, as a result of which B2 reserves are consumed. The vitamin is often prescribed during the treatment of epilepsy, anxiety, and insomnia;
  • activation of nutrients. Lactoflavin is indispensable in awakening many vitamins;
  • help with redox reactions. Riboflavin tones blood vessels, helps in the fight against heart diseases such as coronary artery disease, vascular spasms and heart attack;
  • beneficial effects on the skin and mucous membranes. The norm of the vitamin allows you to preserve the epithelium, preventing inflammation of the mucous membrane, eczema, dermatitis and acne;
  • normalization of the processes of the glands of the endocrine system. Riboflavin synthesizes a hormone necessary for the thyroid gland.

The beneficial qualities of B2 are worth noting in relation to hair, face and nails. Also, the enormous benefits of the vitamin are observed during fetal development and in children during the period of active growth.

Lack of nutrients

Getting B2 mainly from food products, at times there may be a lack of useful vitamin substance. Meat and dairy products, vegetables, fruits, nuts - all this often enters the body in insufficient quantities.

Scientists have found that most of the population regularly experiences a deficiency of the element. The risk category includes women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children, men with heavy physical work, adolescents and the elderly. Even those who engage in mental work are in dire need of riboflavin.

A pronounced deficiency of a substance may be associated with:

  • limited consumption of natural dairy and meat products. The element is subject to various temperatures, at which it quickly breaks down, and many modern products do not always provide the necessary benefits;
  • syndromes of enterocolitis, dysbiosis, chronic enteritis, irritable bowel. These diseases lead to acute deficiency of the vitamin, because the element in the inflamed mucous membranes is practically unable to be absorbed and synthesized;
  • the use of medications in the form of antidepressants, contraceptives, antianginal drugs that can remove vitamins from the body;
  • diseases of the glands of the endocrine system. Thyroid dysfunction leads to lactoflavin deficiency;
  • abuse of alcohol and nicotine. Alcohol and tobacco products interfere with the absorption of the vitamin into the body.

Vitamin B2 hypovitaminosis can manifest itself both externally and internally, affecting all organs. Depending on the stage of hypovitaminosis, a variety of symptoms may appear.

There is no sudden deterioration in well-being, but general problems with external health can be observed in the early stages:

  • the appearance of vertical cracks on the lips with further peeling of the epithelium;
  • small wounds in the corners of the mouth;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, eyelids, wings of the nose;
  • skin rashes accompanied by itching;
  • fragility and dullness of the hair and nail plates;
  • redness of the mouth and swelling;
  • blurred vision;
  • muscle weakness, pain in the limbs.

Riboflavin avitaminosis is considered especially dangerous in childhood, when the body requires regular doses of nutrients that are processed in an accelerated form in children..


With natural intake of vitamin B2, hypervitaminosis is practically impossible, since it is quickly destroyed and immediately eliminated from the body. An excess of riboflavin, even in conditions of an overdose of medical vitamin complexes, occurs extremely rarely.

Excess lactoflavin is excreted in the stool, turning the urine bright yellow. In rare cases, an overdose may cause symptoms such as mild itching.

Daily norm

For optimal vitamin intake, scientists have long established the daily requirement, which can be obtained from a balanced diet. The need for the vitamin directly depends on the circumstances, gender and age category.

Quantitative determination of riboflavin per day:

  • newborns up to six months: 0.4 mg;
  • infants from 7 months to 1 year: 0.6 mg;
  • children from 1 to 3 years: 0.9 mg;
  • children from 4 to 8 years: 1.3 mg;
  • younger teenage group from 9 to 13 years: 1.7 mg for girls, 1.9 mg for boys;
  • men over 14 years of age: 1.7 mg;
  • women over 14 years of age: 1.8 mg;
  • women during pregnancy: 2 mg;
  • women during breastfeeding: 2.2 mg.

With intense physical activity, the need for the vitamin may increase, as in old age.

The daily requirement of the vitamin can easily be obtained by eating literally 100 g of liver or kidneys. You can also diversify your diet by balancing it with an even intake of vitamins and minerals throughout the day.

Uses of riboflavin (vitamin B2)

The food industry, like pharmacology, is impossible without the use of riboflavin (vitamin B2). In the food industry, the element is used as a food coloring or food additive.

In the pharmacological field, lactoflavin is used as a prophylactic agent or to treat element deficiency. The vitamin-based drug is used in the treatment of skin, poorly healing wounds, the visual system, gastrointestinal dysfunction, liver cirrhosis, anemia, diabetes, and psoriasis.

Preparations with riboflavin are available under different names with different doses and excipients. In addition to combining various vitamin complexes, enterprises sell a variety of dosage forms of medications for preferred administration. Thus, preventive or therapeutic products can be purchased in solution, tablets, capsules, powder, injections, dragees or in ointment form.

Trade name of the vitamin-containing drug, as well as its analogues:

  • vitamin B2 from the Polish manufacturer Teva. Each tablet of this drug contains an increased dose of riboflavin (3 mg);
  • Natures Life riboflavin - USA manufacturer. The content of the active substance in the dragee exceeds the dosage hundreds of times (250 mg);
  • Solgar Vitamin B2 – tablets from an American company, 50 mg each;
  • Carlson Labs - country of origin - USA. The container contains 100 tablets of 100 mg each;
  • Coenzymated-B2 is manufactured in America, the tablet contains 18 mg of the vitamin;
  • riboflavin sodium phosphate;
  • riboflavin pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin powder from the German manufacturer “High Flow”;
  • riboflavin eye drops – a medicine for ophthalmic use;
  • thiamine riboflavin pyridoxine is most often prescribed to people with increased physical activity;
  • riboflavin mononucleotide contains only the active substance;
  • sodium riboflavin 5-phosphate;
  • Dietary supplement “milk thistle with riboflavin”;
  • “Cytoflavin” and “Cerebronorm”, in addition to B2, contain nicotinamide, succinic acid and inosine and are prescribed exclusively by attending physicians.

Almost all preparations contain the vitamin in varying amounts, so when purchasing, you should take into account the daily dose for the normal state of the body and the content of the active substance in the tablet or drops. Due to the huge range of medicinal products, it is difficult to say which vitamin preparations contain the most B2.

For cosmetic purposes, lactoflavin is most often used to care for facial and body skin and hair. At home, it is better to use ampoules that can be easily diluted with an auxiliary substance. The mask with riboflavin is very popular among the fair half, as evidenced by positive reviews.

Many ladies use this vitamin for weight loss. The mechanism of action of riboflavin extends to the entire body: by participating in metabolism, it allows you to actively process all substances, and by forming blood cells, it saturates tissues with oxygen, under the influence of which fats are burned.


As we have already noted, riboflavin is manufactured in different dosages, so the instructions for use must be suitable for the corresponding medication. In addition, different indications for use require individual dosage.

In tablet form, the vitamin is consumed orally in the following doses:

  • prevention of riboflavin deficiency - adults from 5 to 30 mg per day in separate equal portions;
  • prevention of migraines - adults are prescribed up to 400 mg per day. Treatment can take several months, and the course must be complete and consist not only of taking riboflavin;
  • prevention of the development of cataracts, as well as treatment of the visual system - the daily dose is 2.6 mg. B2 is often combined with B3 for productivity.

For preventive purposes, lactoflavin can be taken according to the daily dosage described above.

Vitamin solution for eyes is prescribed only for an ophthalmological examination. The drops should be taken externally, 1 drop in each eye 2 times a day.

Liquid riboflavin in ampoules is prescribed as a course. The therapeutic course of injections must be administered intravenously or intramuscularly for at least 12 days. The dosage for adults is about 1 ml of solution, and for children the amount of the drug is reduced to 0.5 ml.

It is advisable to store the vitamin away from children. It is advisable to keep the drug in a dry, dark room with a maximum air temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

Interaction with other substances

Thanks to the positive interaction with other substances, vitamin B2 can be synthesized more productively and take active forms in the body. A negative connection with certain elements or products leads to worse absorption of riboflavin into the intestines or blood.

Compatibility of the vitamin with other vitamin substances or medications:

  • psychotropic drugs (neuroleptics) inhibit the activity of riboflavin;
  • the vitamin substance is not compatible with Veroshpilakton, Spironolactone, Veroshpiron, as well as orthoboric acid;
  • “Erythromycin”, “Tetracycline” instantly remove B2 from the body, preventing it from being synthesized;
  • psychotropic drugs in the form of antidepressants and tranquilizers prevent lactoflavin from taking coenzyme forms;
  • components such as vitamin K, B9 and B6 increase the effect and influence of vitamin B2 on the body;
  • B2 exists harmoniously with drugs for the treatment of the endocrine system such as “Thyroidin” and with antihypertensive drugs;
  • vitamin PP in combination with riboflavin doubles the productivity of destruction and removal of toxic substances from the body;
  • lactoflavin serves as a conductor for zinc and iron, enhancing their beneficial properties.

The conditions under which lactoflavin is absorbed more efficiently can be described in detail by the attending physician based on the test responses received. In addition, the doctor should know about taking other medications.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of a beneficial substance are quite rare. Exceptions are people who have increased allergic reactions to one of the components of the vitamin. Patients with kidney stones should also avoid lactoflavin because the active substance may cause harm in such urological diseases.

Side effects of the vitamin preparation appear extremely rarely in the form of allergic rashes, impaired renal function or vision.

As it turns out, riboflavin is of great importance in human vital functions. The list of what vitamins are needed for is almost endless, because this useful element is considered one of the main components and is responsible for many processes in the body.

Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble vitamin. Along with biotin, it is also called the beauty vitamin. It is very important for beautiful, youthful skin with an even color and no wrinkles. Helps with poorly healing wounds, skin diseases, diabetes, eye diseases, iron deficiency, liver diseases. Helps the thyroid gland function, is useful for nervous tension, improves the condition of hair and nails. Important for the growth of the whole organism, for maintaining reproductive function as a whole. Used to maintain normal mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. About a third of this vitamin is accumulated by the liver.

Importance for the body

This vitamin, interacting with proteins, helps deliver oxygen to all cells of the body, saturating them and helping carbohydrate metabolism. Riboflavin helps the appearance of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Important in the absorption of iron and maintaining the required level of this substance. For anemia, doctors advise taking this element along with vitamin B2, as well as B9. Helps with carbohydrate metabolism, strengthens the body's defenses, improves emotional well-being, helps with eye fatigue, protects them from excess ultraviolet radiation, prevents the development of cataracts, increases visibility in the dark, helps rapid healing of scars, and prevents the effects of toxins on the body. For viral diseases, incl. If you have the flu, an increased dose of this vitamin may also be prescribed. Useful in the treatment of foot fungus, as well as thrush.

Daily intake of riboflavin

The body does not need a very large amount of vitamin per day. To replenish its supply, you need to eat 50-100 g of cheese or cottage cheese per day and also consume sour milk or other fermented milk products. When engaging in sports that require heavy lifting or strong muscle tension, as well as during mental stress, you can drink up to 3 glasses of any fermented milk product per day (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt), this will help replenish the need for the vitamin. The requirement for riboflavin is shown in the table.

Daily intake of vitamin B2


Requirement for riboflavin, mg/day

Up to 6 months

From 6 months to 1 year

From 1 year to 3 years

From 3 to 8 years

From 9 to 12 years

1.7 - girls

1.9 - boys

Boys over 14 years old, men

Girls from 14 years old, women up to 60 years old

Women from 60 to 75 years old

Women over 75 years old

Pregnant women, nursing mothers

Men from 60 to 75 years old

Men 75 years and older

When professionally engaged in one or another sport, during pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancies, when consuming a large amount of protein foods, the dose can be increased to 3 mg. Pregnant women who receive this vitamin through food give birth to healthy, full-term babies, unlike those who do not take it. It is important to know that it is better to get this vitamin from food, and not from industrially produced vitamins.

3 mg is the maximum permitted dose, although an excess of riboflavin cannot have any effect on health.

What foods contain riboflavin?

Milk and fermented milk products contain vitamin B2 in large quantities. In addition to them, it contains beef, pork, fresh vegetables, and herbs.

Foods Rich in Riboflavin



Beef liver

Wheat flour

100-230 (depending on the type of flour)

Boiled chicken eggs



You should know that when consuming soft cottage cheese with a high whey content, more riboflavin enters the body.

Watch the video below about the role of vitamin B2 in the body.

What diseases are caused by riboflavin deficiency?

An insufficient amount of this vitamin can lead to diseases of the digestive system such as colitis, enteritis, skin diseases such as eczema, fungi on the toes and hands, and herpes on the lips. Photophobia, seborrheic dermatitis may appear, cataracts may develop, and visual acuity may decrease. Sharp, burning pain in the legs may develop.

Appetite decreases, weakness, apathy, dizziness, headache, photophobia, insomnia, loss of sensitivity, and impaired brain function appear. Hair may begin to fall out. Children react especially acutely to a lack of this vitamin, and they may experience delayed growth and development.

Watch the video about B vitamin deficiency.

How to identify a deficiency

With an insufficient amount of this vitamin, visual acuity may decrease, the skin becomes flabby, nervous disorders appear, and digestion worsens. Hair becomes greasy, the skin around the lips may crack, peeling occurs around the nose, forehead, ears, and burning in the eyes may occur. The tongue becomes bright red and the eyelids may turn red.

It should be noted that the absorption of riboflavin is reduced under the influence of medications taken, especially in psychiatry, with insufficiency or excess secretion of the thyroid gland, and with alcohol intake. Also, the concentration of riboflavin is reduced due to the content of boric acid in detergents.

In children of the first year of life, signs of a lack of this vitamin may include diaper rash and purulent skin diseases. Rickets may occur. In diabetes, a large amount of this acid is excreted in the urine.

How to increase the content in the body

Recommended for consumption. If there are strong symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin, a blood test is prescribed to find out its amount. If it is insufficient, your doctor may prescribe multivitamin complexes, especially during pregnancy or during heavy physical exertion. In this case, this drug is prescribed in powder form, ampoules or dragees, and can also be prescribed in the form of eye drops for the treatment of eye diseases.

It is important to know, that riboflavin, dissolving in water, is preserved during cooking, but does not tolerate sunlight. In a bottle of milk standing on the table under the influence of light, up to half of the vitamin can be destroyed in 2 hours.

When cooking without a lid and when water is poured out, some of the vitamin is destroyed. It is important to leave the water in which peas or potatoes were boiled; it is rich in B vitamins. When stored in the refrigerator for a long time and when washed in large quantities of water, riboflavin is also subject to destruction.

It is also destroyed when meat and vegetables are defrosted at room temperature, but is preserved when defrosted in the refrigerator. This can be avoided by defrosting the food in the oven in foil, or throwing it directly into boiling water.

Products containing this vitamin should be stored in a sealed container that does not allow sunlight to pass through and under a dark lid. Those that do not require heat treatment are best eaten raw. If you eat them boiled, you need to cook them covered for a short time to avoid the destruction of this vitamin. It is optimal to cook them in a double boiler.

What are the dangers of overdose?

An overdose of this vitamin occurs extremely rarely, only with excessive consumption of complex supplements and synthetic vitamins in food. Excess vitamin does not remain in the body, but is excreted along with urine, and it may turn bright yellow. With a large overdose, fatty liver may occur. With a slight overdose, disturbances in the absorption of iron may occur, dizziness, itching, tingling, numbness of the lower or upper extremities, headache, and joint pain may occur.

Prepared by "Personal"

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is part of the B vitamin group, which is essential for human health. We can say that B2 is vital for the functioning of all body systems. What exactly is vitamin B2 needed for, what is its mandatory requirement and where can I find sources of this substance? More on all this later in the article.

Vitamin B2 is a flavin (monoamine oxidase), that is, part of the enzymes that make up cells. This substance is yellow in color and has the amazing property of remaining intact when heated. However, when exposed to UV rays, it is destroyed.

What processes occur in the body with the assistance of vitamin B2? Riboflavin performs the following important functions:

  1. Takes an active part in converting fats and carbohydrates into energy, helping to break them down.
  2. Promotes better absorption of other substances, such as vitamins B6, A and K, as well as iron and zinc.
  3. It is important for the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a chemical compound that provides energy for all biochemical reactions of the body.

Thus, without B2 we cannot live fully. If you dig deeper, you can learn a lot more amazing things about the various biochemical reactions of our body, in which vitamin B2 takes part.

Benefits and harms of B2 for humans

Chemistry, of course, is an interesting science, but it is better to talk about the benefits of riboflavin in simple human language. Due to sufficient intake of B2 in the human body, the following positive effects are ensured:

  • the state of the nervous system is normalized, the negative effects of stress are eliminated;
  • skin turgor improves, hair growth accelerates, nails become stronger;
  • blood hemoglobin level improves;
  • visual acuity is restored (especially in the dark), susceptibility to bright sunlight is reduced;
  • the body's immune defense is strengthened, resistance to infections appears;
  • the thyroid gland returns to normal;
  • mucous membranes throughout the body are strengthened;
  • brain activity increases.

These are just a few of the noteworthy positive effects of the presence of riboflavin in the body. As for harm, it occurs only with uncontrolled vitamin B2, that is, due to its overdose.

How much B2 does a person need?

Any substance has its own norm, violation of which is fraught with the development of unwanted complications. Riboflavin must also be ingested daily in a certain amount, which differs depending on the gender, age, activity and environment of the person. A small plate will show what the B2 intake standards are for different categories of people:

The requirement for B2 intake may increase by 0.1-0.5 mg depending on special circumstances:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with increased mental and physical stress;
  • during the period of acclimatization;
  • in stressful situations;
  • with hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • in unfavorable environmental conditions.

In these cases, vitamin B2 will help the body maintain performance and stay healthy.

Sources of vitamin B2

Like other beneficial substances, riboflavin enters our body as part of food. Although it is found in almost all food products, it is best to compensate for its deficiency with the help of those in which B2 is present in larger quantities. These are the foods listed in order of their riboflavin content:

  • liver (especially beef), kidneys, heart, lard;
  • dry whole or skim milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
  • black and green tea;
  • yeast;
  • hard cheese;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach, cabbage, green peas, onions;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • nuts.

Including the mentioned products in your diet will not only enrich it with vitamin B2, but also make it varied.

Dangers of deficiency and excess of vitamin B2

Moderation is the key to avoiding unwanted reactions. Both insufficient consumption of B2 and overly active fortification with it are equally harmful.

Riboflavin deficiency The body can detect as follows:

  • cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, peeling of the lips and skin around them occurs;
  • the eyes begin to water, turn red, there is a burning sensation in them, photophobia, vision deteriorates;
  • the skin turns gray and becomes irritable with long-healing lesions;
  • children may experience a decrease in growth and mental development;
  • the nervous system suffers, various mental disorders appear - from depression to neurosis;
  • I feel constant fatigue and indifference to everything.

Few people immediately attribute these disorders to a lack of vitamins, but often this is exactly the case.

Vitamin B2 is easily excreted by the body in urine, so its excess is extremely rare. The danger it poses excess vitamin B2, is small and manifests itself in the form of individual reactions, for example, burning in the muscles, sensations of numbness and tingling.

What else do you need to know about vitamin B2?

Riboflavin can bring obvious benefits to humans if certain conditions are met. In order for vitamin B2 to be better absorbed by the body, you need to properly store and process foods containing it. For example:

  • cover dairy products with a lid;
  • freeze food for no more than 3 days;
  • do not reheat food several times;
  • wash vegetables with running water without excessive thoroughness;
  • Frozen foods intended for cooking should not be defrosted first.

It is worth remembering that riboflavin is destroyed by 40% during heat treatment, as well as when exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to store foods rich in it in a cool, dark place.

Vitamin B2 is of great importance for our health, just like other vitamins. So even if you don't plan to be a chemist or a doctor, it's still worth researching the effects of various substances on your body to keep it healthy.


The functions of this vitamin, its beneficial properties. Calculation of daily dosage. Element sources. Issues of shortage and surplus.

Vitamin B2 (also called riboflavin) is an element derived from the B vitamins back in 1933. Its main features:

  • yellow;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • water solubility

In everyday life, the substance is called the “beauty vitamin”. It's easy to explain. The condition of hair, nails and skin directly depends on the volume of this element in the diet. In addition, its presence in a particular product can be easily judged by the presence of the corresponding code - E101.

Properties and effect on the body

Vitamin B2 at the molecular level has a needle-like structure, and the crystals themselves have a yellow-orange hue. Its physical and chemical properties include:

  • bitter taste;
  • stability in acidic environment;
  • destruction by alkali;
  • heat resistance;
  • the ability to play the role of a catalyst in the body - an element that can maintain health.

It is important to know that the biological role of riboflavin depends on the presence in its composition of a number of derivative elements - coenzymes.

The action of the substance is primarily aimed at the formation of antibodies, red blood cells, and also the establishment of reproductive function. Scientists also say that vitamin B2 is a necessary element for promoting health and restoration of hair, nail plates and skin.

The main functions include:

  • Participation in glycogen synthesis.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes with the participation of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Helps the body absorb iron, without which the synthesis of new blood cells is impossible.
  • Normalization of the central nervous system, assistance in the treatment of anxiety, Alzheimer's disease.
  • Strengthening the immune system, strengthening the body's defense mechanisms.
  • Regulation and restoration of the thyroid gland.
  • Preservation of the condition of the intestinal and oral mucosa.
  • Help in normalizing vision (color and light). The element’s action is also aimed at protecting the retina from the negative effects of UV rays. Regular intake of the vitamin helps reduce overall fatigue and accelerate adaptation to darkness.
  • Restoration of the skin and help with eczema, dermatitis, rashes, psoriasis.
  • Reducing the negative impact of toxic elements on the respiratory system.
  • Acceleration of healing of damaged tissues.

Daily requirement and dosage

Riboflavin is a vitamin that should be part of every person's diet. At the same time, the need for it increases in the following cases:

  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • regular drinking of alcohol;
  • violation of vitamin absorption.

If we proceed from the daily needs of the body for the average person, then everything depends on two factors - age and country of residence. For Russia the indicators are as follows:

  • infants - 0.5-0.6 mg;
  • children (1-10 years old) - 0.9-1.4 mg;
  • men - 1.4-1.8 mg(with age, the need for vitamin decreases);
  • women - 1.3-1.5 mg;
  • lactation period - 1.8-2.0 mg;
  • pregnancy - 1.6-1.8 mg.

It is worth considering that all sources of elements of group B are interconnected. This means that taking one substance from a group increases the need for related elements. The ideal option to cover the lack of vitamin B2 is to normalize the diet and add brewer's yeast to it.

The therapeutic dosage is higher than already mentioned. Here the requirements are:

  • adults - 5-10 mg;
  • especially severe cases - 10 mg three times daily;
  • children - from 2 to 10 mg(depending on age category).

Course duration is 30-45 days.

Reception features

It was discussed above what vitamin B 2 is, why it is needed and what effect it has on the body. An equally important nuance is precise knowledge of the rules for its administration.

Today, riboflavin is part of many multivitamin complexes that can cover the daily requirement. The most common form is tablets, capsules or dragees. When treating the eyes, it is possible to use special eye drops.

In Russia, riboflavin is also available in the form of injections, which are administered both subcutaneously and intramuscularly. Most often, the required dosage is taken at one time, but there are special cases when it is required to be taken three times a day (for severe illnesses).

Indications for use are as follows:

  • Ulcers and wounds that do not heal for a long time.
  • Night blindness, which is expressed by deterioration of vision when it gets dark. Here it is worth highlighting the benefits of riboflavin for a number of other eye problems - corneal ulcers, keratitis, cataracts, and so on.
  • Liver problems - hepatitis.
  • Rheumatism and asthenia, joint diseases.
  • Violation of blood composition and blood circulation itself. The element is also prescribed for leukemia and anemia.
  • Thyrotoxicosis and thyroid diseases.
  • Radiation and Addison's disease.

What products does it contain?

Vitamin B2 is a substance found in many foods. It is worth knowing the following nuances:

  • The element is actively destroyed under the influence of medications that are used in the treatment of mental disorders.
  • It is destroyed by the action of contraceptives and boric acid.
  • It is soluble in water and tolerates temperature well.
  • Destroyed when defrosted under exposure to light. In this case, the substance is preserved when the product is in the refrigerator.

Element losses can be easily eliminated. It is enough not to take medications containing boric acid, do not put food to defrost in the oven or boiling water.

The main sources of vitamin are divided into two categories:

  1. Plant food. The following products are worth highlighting:
    • Brewer's yeast;
    • green bean;
    • cabbage;
    • peanut;
    • oatmeal and buckwheat;
    • sprouted wheat;
    • bread.
  2. Food of animal origin:
    • milk and dairy products;
    • bird;
    • eggs;
    • cottage cheese;
    • dairy products.

Separately, it is worth noting that the vitamin, although in small quantities, is still able to be synthesized by the body, in particular in the colon.

What are the dangers of deficiency and excess?

Vitamin B2 deficiency can develop in the case of prolonged use of medications or in case of gross errors in the formation of the diet. All signs of shortage are divided into two categories:

  1. Moderate. Here the symptoms are:
    • weight loss;
    • the appearance of general weakness of the body;
    • frequent headaches;
    • decreased pain threshold;
    • excessive sensitivity to light;
    • oily skin;
    • rashes in the groin area;
    • dizziness;
    • inflammation on the tongue;
    • sleep problems and depression;
    • tremor (trembling of limbs);
    • slowing down the reaction of brain activity.
  2. Heavy. If there is a long-term lack of sufficient vitamin levels, the following consequences are possible:
    • excessive hair loss;
    • pellagra;
    • decreased growth rate in children;
    • nervous disorders and anemia;
    • changes in the condition of the cornea, cataracts;
    • digestive disorder;
    • dermatitis, skin lesions.

It is worth remembering that riboflavin deficiency often leads to disruption of the thyroid gland, which has a detrimental effect on human health in general.

As for the possible excess of the substance, the body does not accumulate riboflavin, and excessive portions of the vitamin are excreted from the body. Excess B2 is most easily diagnosed by urine turning bright yellow.. Other symptoms of excessive intake include:

  • dizziness;
  • impaired absorption of iron;
  • cerebral insufficiency;
  • numbness and itching;
  • tingling and burning sensation.

Features of interaction

Knowing the dosage of a vitamin, what it is intended for and how it is taken, it is easiest to organize your diet and avoid deficiency or excess. In this case, it is worth taking into account the factor of interaction of riboflavin with other elements:

  • Thus, together with folic acid, it accelerates the synthesis of erythropoietin and the production of new blood cells.
  • Taken together with B1 guarantees the maintenance of the required level of iron in the body.
  • In addition, riboflavin itself activates a number of other substances - vitamin K, folic acid and pyridoxine.

Various antipsychotics and tranquilizers act as vitamin blockers, including:

  • Teralen.
  • Fluorophenazine.
  • Metherazine.
  • Tizercin.
  • Propazin and others.

If we look at it as a whole, vitamin B2 is the most important element in the body, improving the functioning of many systems, facilitating the absorption of B6 and the normal use of iron.

It is not without reason that itamin B2 is called the elixir of energy and vitality, because this substance is an indispensable participant in energy metabolism, metabolism and other vital processes, without which normal human well-being is impossible. This vitamin coordinates the functioning of the nervous system, brain activity, keeps the body in good shape and helps resist the toxic effects of the external environment.

Despite the fact that the intestinal microflora is capable of synthesizing a small amount of B2, this concentration is clearly not enough to meet the internal needs of the body, and therefore it is extremely important to monitor the intake of the vitamin in the daily diet. What is so special about this substance, how to get it in sufficient quantities, and what are the consequences of a lack of vitamin B2 for a person? A short medical educational program will help you understand the peculiarities of your vitamin status and learn how to provide your body with everything it needs, while maintaining health and good spirits.

Vitamin B2: physical and chemical features

Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is a water-soluble substance that does not accumulate in body tissues and is easily excreted by the urinary system. This property has both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, riboflavin obtained from natural sources (that is, from food) is absolutely non-toxic and cannot cause extremely severe symptoms of hypervitaminosis, since its excess is simply excreted from the body in the urine without causing any negative effects. On the other hand, the inability to accumulate implies that the supply of vitamin B2 must be constant, otherwise the lack of the substance can have a detrimental effect on well-being, causing clinical manifestations of hypovitaminosis.

Due to its unique rich yellow-orange color, riboflavin can be used as a dye, but its bitter taste requires caution when using the substance in the food industry. The peculiarities of the color of the pigment can be noticed even if you simply overdo it with the use of natural sources of the vitamin - when excreted in the urine, it will color it a bright orange hue. However, such a feature should in no case be frightening or even alarming - this sign only indicates the quality of the kidneys and is not a side effect.

In an acidic environment, vitamin B2 molecules exhibit increased stability, but alkali can destroy the substance in a matter of seconds. The same applies to ultraviolet light: sunlight hitting food reduces the riboflavin content by at least half. But high temperatures are absolutely not dangerous for vitamin B2: the concentration of the substance in products does not decrease too markedly with moderate heat treatment.

Why is vitamin B2 needed?

Riboflavin is one of the most important substances in the human body. Its key role in ensuring control over the nervous system is not compensated by any other substances, which means that an insufficient supply of vitamin B2 will affect the body almost instantly. Riboflavin has an effect on visual function: it prevents the appearance of signs of cataracts and regulates the accommodation of the eyeball. In addition, the substance improves cellular metabolism in the tissues of the nervous system, serves as a prevention of psychosomatic pathologies, helps to adequately respond to nervous overstrain and stressful situations, reduces unmotivated excitability, calms and improves sleep.

Vitamin B2 is also extremely important for the digestive system. It regulates the processes of lipid metabolism in the intestine, stimulates the secretion of bile, takes an active part in energy exchange, relieves mechanical damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa and stimulates adequate absorption of other groups of vitamins (especially B6).

As for the cardiovascular system, riboflavin also plays an important role here. Adequate intake of vitamin B2 thins the blood, thereby preventing thrombus formation, strengthens the vascular bed, normalizes blood pressure and ensures normal functioning of the heart muscle.

In addition, vitamin B2 is one of the substances that directly affects the preservation of youth and beauty, which is why modern cosmetologists love it so much. A sufficient amount of this substance, regularly supplied with food, is an excellent substrate for moisturizing and nourishing the skin, nail plates and hair follicles. Riboflavin improves the elasticity of the dermis, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, thinning, aging and dulling of the skin.

Daily value of riboflavin

How to recognize vitamin B2 deficiency

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis B2 develop quite quickly. The first manifestations affect the skin and nervous system - they are the ones who need riboflavin daily. The initial stage of vitamin B2 deficiency can be recognized by the following signs:

  • inhibition of natural processes of brain activity: memory impairment, absent-mindedness, inattention to detail, problems with coordination and fine motor skills;
  • low resistance to stress, irritability, sleep disturbance, weakness and apathy;
  • visual impairment: pathological reaction to light (soreness in the eyes, tearing, long-lasting “white spots” after looking at a light source), poor visibility in twilight lighting;
  • damage to the skin: dry and pale skin, frequent irritation, rash, inflammatory reactions on the mucous membranes of the lips, tongue, cracks in the corners of the mouth, behind the ears, under the nose, peeling of the epidermis;
  • frequent headaches, aversion to food, general depletion of the body's vital reserves.

If you ignore these alarm bells and do not pay attention to a healthy diet rich in foods with vitamin B2, worsening hypovitaminosis can lead to more serious pathologies. Damage to the nervous system can develop into attacks of pathological anxiety, insomnia, depression and other psychosomatic disorders. Skin problems will also become deeper and more serious: they may include hair loss, dermatitis, painful stomatitis, separation and brittleness of the nail plates. Vision problems will result in conjunctivitis and can cause the development of cataracts. Damage to the gastrointestinal tract will lead to improper absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, including iron, which, in turn, can cause anemia. In addition, long-term hypovitaminosis B2 is usually accompanied by hypertension, weakness of the heart muscle, thrombosis and other serious pathologies.

What are the dangers of hypervitaminosis B2?

A toxic excess of riboflavin can only develop when taking high doses of a synthetic drug or a bioactive supplement enriched with vitamin B2, while the substance that enters the body with food is easily absorbed, and its excess is simply excreted in the urine without causing the slightest harm. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis include numbness of the fingers and toes, weakness, dizziness, and possibly a burning sensation and itching in the extremities. All these symptoms are transient and go away on their own over time, however, long-term use of uncontrolled high doses of medicinal riboflavin can develop into fatty liver and cerebral failure, which will require additional and quite serious complex treatment.

Foods rich in riboflavin

Knowing the daily needs of the body, it is easy to calculate the required minimum of food products that should be on the table every day. However, it is worth considering that the calculations performed will reflect a minimal picture, which is not always sufficient: the variability of vitamin concentrations depends not only on the specific type of food, but also on the characteristics of its growth, storage and preparation. Therefore, you can safely increase the resulting serving size by one and a half to two times, especially since hypervitaminosis B2 practically does not occur.

Product Vitamin B2 content per 100 g of product
Pine nuts 88
Dried baker's yeast 3
Fresh baker's yeast 1,7
wheat sprouts 0,8
Almond 0,66
Champignons, cocoa beans 0,45
Turnip 0,43
Bran 0,39
Sesame 0,36
Beans (soy) 0,31
Broccoli, rose hips, peanuts 0,3
Lentils 0,29
Peas, parsley 0,28
Spinach, white cabbage 0,25
Wheat flour, cauliflower, asparagus 0,23
Rye flour 0,22
Buckwheat, walnuts, cashews 0,13
Figs 0,12
Dates, corn 0,1
Grape 0,08

Such a long list of natural sources of riboflavin makes it possible to easily provide the necessary amount of the vitamin to each family member. However, it is worth taking into account not only the rational choice of food, but also the correct preparation of it. Cooking, stewing and other types of heat treatment will not affect the concentration of the necessary substance in the dish, but long-term storage in direct sunlight will reduce the usefulness of vitamin B2 by almost half. The same can be said about long-term storage of prepared food in the refrigerator: in just 12 hours the riboflavin content will be almost zero.

By taking these simple precautions into account, you can easily create an adequate menu and provide yourself and your loved ones with healthy, nutritious and fortified food!
