What do you do in combat sambo? What parents should know when bringing their child to the sambo wrestling section. Sambo develops strong-willed qualities

Compared to other martial arts that go back hundreds of years, sambo is a very young sport. It was developed in the USSR in the 20s of the last century as a set of various defense techniques for internal affairs officers, and over time it went beyond the departmental framework and turned into a full-fledged sport. The official date of birth of sambo is November 16, 1938, when the USSR Sports Committee recognized sambo as a sport.

“Sambo is cultivated in our country, it was recently recognized as a national sport, our President Vladimir Putin practiced sambo. I think that the moment is approaching when we will enter the Olympic family,” says Vladimir Prikazchikov, coach of the Sambo-70 school.

He has been practicing sambo since the 7th grade, when he himself transferred to the Sambo-70 school as a student. Before this, Vladimir, from the age of 6, went to the judo section - a related type of martial art, however, according to the athlete, there is something in sambo that is close in spirit to the Russian person.

“From childhood, a philosophy is instilled that is understandable to our people. Sambo teaches you to treat your elders correctly, to listen to what your teachers tell you - all those principles that have been developed in our society over the years,” explains Prikazchikov.

Types of sambo

There are two types of sambo: combat - “hard” and sports - traditional, classic. These two types differ in the rules, the dynamics of the fight, and the fighting technique. Thus, in combat sambo an element of striking techniques and choking techniques are added. Unlike combat sambo, classical sambo is less dangerous.

“The likelihood of injury is high during fights of unequal weight, especially if you take children - they cannot give in or fall somewhere, so as not to injure themselves again, so there is a division into weight categories,” says Prikazchikov.

There is also an age division in Sambo. “It would seem like a year difference, but it is colossal. You can see how much stronger the guys who have been training for two years are than those who have been training for a year. Then this difference becomes more and more leveled out, and in adult sports the age difference no longer plays a special role,” notes the coach.


An important element of any sport is uniform and equipment; for sambo wrestlers it is quite simple.

“Sports sambo is wrestling on legs, shorts and sambo - a jacket with a belt. The equipment comes in two colors - red and blue, so that at competitions it is easier for the judge to distinguish who is making the throw, because there are situations when people simply become entwined in a ball and it is impossible to determine who is who,” explains Prikazchikov.

In combat sambo, the equipment is more serious - athletes wear a helmet on their heads, special gloves on their hands, and protective shields on their feet.

“A set of uniforms for sambo costs around 5 thousand rubles, for 7 thousand you can buy a set of red and blue uniforms, and in judo one kimono will cost at least 10 thousand rubles,” the sambist specifies.

When to start exercising

There are many sambo schools in Russia. According to a sambo wrestler, the optimal age to start training is first grade, but after 6-7 grades, most likely, little will happen. However, here, as elsewhere, there are exceptions.

“If you start training early, you can burn out at the end of your career. On the other hand, if you started training earlier, you have an advantage, it all depends on the quality of training, the quality of sparring,” says Vladimir.

Anyone who comes to Sambo must be prepared for the fact that most likely nothing will work out right away, the coach warns.

“There will be a lot of defeats, hurtful defeats, even when it seemed that you were ready and just one step left to reach your cherished goal - everything falls through. Of course, it happens differently, there are unique ones who have been accustomed to winning since childhood, but there are very few of them. Basically, all victories are achieved through daily hard labor; you come to training as if you were going to work,” explains Prikazchikov.

On average, a sports sambo training session lasts two hours. "The training consists of different elements, depending on the coaching plan and the stage of preparation - the pre-competition stage is one thing, the off-season is another,” Prikazchikov clarifies.

One of the options for enrolling a child in sambo is special sports classes, where in addition to general education program, compulsory subjects are sambo and judo. Such classes are open at the Sambo-70 school, training takes place every day except Sunday, and starting from the 7th grade - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening according to the schedule.

Stages of training

As in other sports, in sambo there is a certain “ladder” that a sambist must climb, says Vladimir.

The very first competition is the district championship. Then, from the guys who distinguished themselves here, the best are chosen to represent the district at the Moscow Championship. After the Moscow Championship, the winners go to the Russian Championship, the best - to the European Championship and World Championship.

According to the coach, not everyone can achieve some success and become a champion. Everything depends on technology, circumstances, and the internal qualities of a person.

“Success, if we take the level of adult athletes, does not depend on any one reason. For example, strong man physically, hardy, smart - the more such “puzzles” you put together, the more you invest in yourself, the more chances you have of winning. But even so, if all the factors and keys are there, no one can guarantee victory. This is what makes sport interesting, that there is something in it that cannot be described in words, that makes some people win and others lose,” explains Prikazchikov.

Who is accepted as a sambist?

According to Vladimir, just as there is no recipe for victory, there is also no specific structure of the human body that is most suitable for a sambist and which could guarantee an advantage.

“Everyone can use their data to gain an advantage. Let's say A tall man With long arms: His hands are an advantage, he can get you earlier. At the same time, small, plump, knocked down - try to lift him, since his center of gravity is quite low. The one who adapts better, comes up with the use of his advantages, will win,” explains the athlete.

At the same time, in order to achieve results, a sambo wrestler must have the following personal qualities: determination, fortitude and perseverance. The main thing, according to Vladimir, is discipline, and anyone can be educated.

“Everything that you have to endure during training - tears, fatigue, sweat, failures, apathy - all this ultimately strengthens character and teaches that a fresh head should always be present on the shoulders,” says the coach.

Hardening helps an athlete cope with “psychological pits” - learn to overcome failures, motivate himself to move on, and not give up the sport. According to Vladimir, there can be a lot of defeats during a sports career, and one must be able to survive them.

“Sambo is an individual sport: you go out on the mat and no one can help you, no teammate will back you up, in fact you rely only on yourself,” emphasizes Vladimir.

Main principles of sambo

“My coach said the following phrase: “You may not be an athlete, but you must be a person.” And this phrase becomes more and more relevant for me as I delve deeper into the training process,” shares Prikazchikov.

According to him, sambo is not just a sport. Sambo teaches you how to live: all the principles that a sambist applies in the training process, one way or another, transfers into everyday life.

First of all, sambo teaches respect for elders, in general for all the people who surround you. The second thing that sambo teaches is calmness and self-confidence. Third, the ability to protect your loved ones and go to the end in any matter.

“Education is laid down from childhood, and traditions are unbreakable in our sport. I remember how President Vladimir Putin came to our Sambo-70 school. He came twice, the first time in 2002, when I was still a schoolboy. I was very struck by the fact that the president took off his shoes before going on the carpet,” says the athlete.

The key figure in shaping the personality of a sambo wrestler is his coach. “Most athletes go with the same coach since childhood. The coach helps, constantly pushes, motivates in every possible way,” says Vladimir.

“A sports career ends sooner or later, and I thought that I wanted to stay in this business, but in a different field - coaching. There is an opportunity to pass on your knowledge and experience, and perhaps once again glorify the school, famous for the children whom he raised himself,” the coach shares.

From year to year sambo in St. Petersburg is becoming more and more popular. When sending their child to, parents are faced with a number of questions: the choice of uniform and protective equipment, the intensity of training, the risk of injury in Sambo, etc. The most common questions were answered by St. Petersburg coach Dmitry Ognev, who has experience in training wrestlers in the youth and adult categories.

1. What age of a child can be considered optimal to start Sambo training?

Some parents send their children to sambo classes at the age of 5-8 years. I can’t say that this is early or wrong, but personally it seems to me that the optimal age to start wrestling is 10 years old. It often happens that a child who started training at 6-7 years old adolescence“gets tired” of a certain sport, which interrupts the transition from the youth to the adult category.
Of course, good physical preparation is necessary even small child. It is important that the child is not indifferent to an active lifestyle and has normal physical fitness.

2. How does Sambo develop a child? What qualities does wrestling help to develop?

If speak about physical influence, then Sambo develops the child very harmoniously: physical training, which is important part any workout contributes to the formation of all muscle groups, and practicing techniques allows you to develop useful skills.
Sambo instills in a child self-confidence, restraint and self-control. For a man, these qualities are irreplaceable.

For general use only physical development. Sambo is a good strength training for any body. At the amateur level, training will not harm a girl, but the girl does not need professional achievements in wrestling. Moreover, wrestling can negatively affect the body structure of a growing girl.

4. What intensity is preferable?

My experience and the practice of my colleagues convinces me that three times a week is the optimal intensity for the harmonious development of a wrestler. Exercising twice a week is not always productive, and four or five times is tiring.

5. How does Sambo compare favorably with other martial arts?

The struggle is universal. Sports Sambo provides a good sports base, and combat Sambo allows you to apply acquired self-defense skills in real life. I am convinced that sambo is one of the most applied types of martial arts.

6. What can’t you do without even at the first training session (uniform, shoes)?

The first thing you need to buy is a sambo jacket. Many parents neglect the specific requirements for the Sambo uniform and buy their child a simple judo kimono. This is mistake. A sambo jacket, unlike a judo kimono, has special slots for a belt, as well as protruding strips for practicing grips.
If at competitions a wrestler must appear in a jacket, shorts and wrestling shoes, then during training simple sweatpants, without zippers or fasteners, are acceptable. Wrestling exercises are extremely necessary even at the first training session. The most common injury for a beginner in Sambo is broken fingers. Wrestling shoes not only allow you to stand more confidently on the mat, but also firmly fix your fingers and ankles.

7. What types of competitions are allowed?

Firstly, a wrestler should have a sambo jacket, not a judo kimono. The two acceptable colors are red and blue. A white jacket with a red or blue belt is not acceptable. Parents buying sambo should understand that the sambo uniform cannot be taken with a large supply. How longer sleeve jacket, the more difficult it will be for the child to fight in it. It's no secret that many professional wrestlers cheat and wear smaller jackets on the mat. A child 130 cm tall cannot buy a jacket marked 140.
Shorts must cover at least a third of the thigh and have no fasteners, pockets or tight decorative elements. It is clear that the shorts should match the color of the jacket: red or blue. Embroidery and inscriptions on shorts are acceptable.
Sambo wrestling shoes can only have soft (leather or suede) soles! Rubber soles are not allowed in Sambo.

8. Is it necessary to buy red and blue colors for competitions?

If there is such an opportunity, then you can buy jackets in two colors. In practice, it often turns out that the guys change sambo kicks during the competition. However, this is inconvenient not only for them, but also from the point of view of organizing competitions: sometimes searching for a jacket desired color, size and the process of changing clothes slow down the progress of the competition.

9. How to choose the right size? Is it possible for children to buy wrestling shoes with a reserve?

The same rule applies with wrestling shoes as with a sambo jacket. It's better to buy true to size. A large margin when choosing the size of wrestling shoes is not advisable and can even lead to injury. New wrestling shoes stretch, so adult athletes need to fit them snugly.

10. How dangerous is sports sambo? What are the main injuries?

Professional injuries to sambists include knees, shoulders and elbows. The cause may be repeated falls and failure to follow safety precautions.

11. What precautions should be taken to minimize injuries during training and competition?

You can't neglect warming up. Sometimes guys come to Sambo for the sake of Sambo, forgetting that proper preparation– an indispensable part of a full workout. You should not be late for the warm-up, because if you miss even a small part of the exercises, you can get seriously injured. To minimize injuries in sambo, you need special means protection.

13. What is necessary for combat sambo training?

To simultaneously practice strikes and throws in combat sambo, shingarts are indispensable - special leather gloves with open fingers. To develop striking technique, I advise you to purchase boxing gloves. Undoubtedly, we should not forget about protective equipment for combat sambo: a mouthguard, a shell, a reliable helmet with a visor.

Often, when choosing a particular sport for their child, parents ask a number of natural questions. In this section we tried to answer some of them.

One of the first questions that loving mothers often ask is:What is SAMBO and will my baby be beaten there?

SPORTS SAMBO is a type of wrestling; there are no strikes in this sport. Sambo's technical arsenal includes a variety of throws, holds, painful holds on the arms and legs. Like any type of wrestling, SAMBO ensures the harmonious development of all physical and personal qualities person.

My child is so small, frail, frail, will you take him?

When accepting children into the SAMBO section, we do not impose any restrictions on the level of development physical qualities. The only thing that can interfere with training is contraindications from doctors (a certificate from a therapist is discussed below), and physical qualities will develop during the training process.

At what age can a child start practicing sambo?

We accept children from 7 years old into our section. It should be noted that in the training program for children of this age, the main emphasis is on general physical training. All physical qualities are trained, the basics of self-insurance are studied (children learn to fall correctly), acrobatics and simple technical actions. Full-fledged wrestling training is recommended from the age of 10, since before this age the joint-ligamentous apparatus and many body systems are not yet ready for such loads.

How is the training process organized?

Children need to arrive 10 - 15 minutes before the start of classes in order to have time to change clothes before the start of training. The training consists of a preparatory part (drill exercises, warm-up); the main part (study and improvement of technical actions) and the final part (for children younger age- It's a game).

What kind of clothing is required for classes?

Classic SAMBO uniform: sports jacket red or of blue color(sambovka), shorts to match the jacket (should cover a third of the thigh) and wrestling shoes (with soft soles) for the legs.

To get started, all you need to do is come in shorts, a T-shirt and socks. Be sure to have replacement shoes (slippers) with you. It is advisable to acquire a uniform as quickly as possible, SAMBO is a fight in clothes, and for full training it is necessary to have a uniform. Remember that uniform is an important psychological and disciplinary moment for a child; its presence allows him to feel like he belongs to this sport!

For children (7-10 years old) it is enough to have only a sambovka. They can train in their shorts and socks.

How dangerous is this sport?

According to statistics, SAMBO is less dangerous than football, hockey, gymnastics and many other sports. You should always remember that this is wrestling, a contact form of martial arts,so tobruises, contusions, and minor sprains need to be prepared. Serious injuries do sometimes occur, both in training and in competition. Despite all precautions, the incidence of injuries cannot be measured by statistics. It happens that during an entire sports career a person has not had a single serious injury, but sometimes there are several injuries.

To this question we always give one real example. A young man was practicing SAMBO, saw how another athlete was injured during training, decided for himself that this sport was too dangerous for him and started playing chess. Once, while playing another game, our hero was swinging on a chair, the leg of the chair broke, and the young chess player fell, while the table also fell on top of him. As a result of this incident, our hero broke his arm and leg. Unfortunately, in our life no one is immune from anything, although safety measures must always be observed!

Speaking of insurance:Do I need to undergo a medical examination and insure my child?

To start classes, you need to get a certificate from your local therapist that your child has no contraindications for playing sports; in the future, you should undergo a medical examination once a year and monitor your health!

As for insurance, you will need it when your child starts participating in competitions (this is a mandatory requirement of the competition organizers and the federation). In any case, having insurance is welcome.

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We will be happy to answer!

When choosing a sport for a child, parents often pay attention to sambo, since it is a fight with “Russian roots.” However, parents are concerned about how safe training is for a growing body, which children's sambo kimono is best to buy, and whether there are contraindications for training. We will try to answer these and other questions that concern parents of future champions.

Sambo coaches recruit 6-7 year old boys into preparatory groups. There are no restrictions on physical condition child. The only exception may be a therapist’s ban for medical reasons.

IN preparatory groups the main emphasis is on:

  • general physical training, developing all muscle groups and ligaments;
  • learning the basics of self-insurance (the ability to fall “correctly”);
  • acrobatics classes;
  • learning simple techniques.

Except physical training During sambo training, children learn discipline and respect for elders. Attention is also paid to nurturing the strong-willed qualities of young athletes - determination, perseverance. Coaches recommend buying a children's sambo uniform at the very beginning of training, as this disciplines the child and makes him feel like he belongs to the team.

At the age of 10-12 years, when the articular-ligamentous apparatus is already well developed, full-fledged sports sambo training begins. At this stage, it is welcome to have two sets of uniforms, blue and red.

What Sambo does: choosing equipment

Traditionally, sambists must wear special uniforms during training and competitions. It can be red or blue.

The equipment of a sambist consists of:

  • sports jacket (sambovka);
  • shorts covering a third of the thigh;
  • wrestling shoes with leather or suede soles.

During training, it is allowed to use regular shorts without zippers, pockets, or stripes. At the same time, replacing the sambo with a T-shirt or judo kimono is undesirable, since the sambo uniform has its own design features. Thus, the protruding bars help to practice and carry out grips during sparring.
It is not advisable for a child to train in regular socks instead of special shoes. Wrestling shoes with soft soles tightly fix the ankle and toes, help to stand confidently on the mat, and protect the boy’s feet from injury.

Sambo, according to statistics, is a less traumatic sport than hockey, gymnastics, and football. However, this is still a contact sport, so every sambist has bruises, contusions, and minor sprains.

As you can see, there are no particularly difficult requirements for a child to practice Sambo. Even if the boy does not become a champion, he will definitely learn to be responsible, purposeful, and will be able to protect himself and his loved ones.

Sambo is a combat sport, as well as a system of defense without weapons. Many believe that Sambo has absorbed and continues to absorb the most effective techniques of defense and attack, which are carefully selected from various types martial arts Along with wrestling techniques, sambo also absorbed the moral principles of the peoples who passed on part of their culture to sambo.

International Sambo Federation (FIAS) - non-governmental public non-profit organization, uniting national federations sambo

History of origin and development

Throughout its existence, sambo has developed in two directions: as a mass sport and as a means of training personnel for special forces and law enforcement agencies. Since 1923, at the Moscow Sports Society "Dynamo", V. A. Spiridonov began to develop an applied discipline - self-defense. At Dynamo, various martial arts and national types of wrestling of the peoples of the world were studied. This direction was closed and was intended for training special forces.

A graduate of the Kodokan Judo Institute and second dan holder V. S. Oshchepkov begins to develop sports sambo. At this time he teaches judo as academic discipline at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education, but gradually moves away from the canons of judo in search of the most effective techniques, is engaged in improving self-defense techniques, forming the foundations of a new combat sport.

Over time, Spiridonov’s self-defense system merged with Oshchepkov’s system. A great contribution to the development and dissemination of the system of self-defense without weapons was made by A. A. Kharlampiev (one of Oshchepkov’s students) and E. M. Chumakov.

November 16, 1938 is considered to be the birthday of Sambo. It was on this day that an order was issued by the All-Union Committee for Physical Education and Sports, in which sambo was recognized as an “extremely valuable sport in terms of its variety of techniques and defensive significance.” A decision was made to organize a training system for athletes in all republics of the USSR, and the All-Union Sambo Section was created, which later became the Sambo Federation.

In 1939, the first national championship in the new sport was held, and in the 50s international competitions began to be held.

In 1966, Sambo was officially recognized international view sports The first European Open Championship took place in 1972, and the first World Championship took place in 1973. In subsequent years, European and world championships and international tournaments are regularly held. Sambo federations are being created in Spain, Greece, Israel, the USA, Canada, France and other countries. Today sambo is represented in two directions: sports and combat.

Sambo rules

Competition participants are divided into age groups, the participant’s belonging to age group determined by year of birth.

  • Younger age (11-12 years);
  • teenagers (13-15 years old);
  • middle age (15-16 years);
  • older age (17-18 years);
  • juniors (19-20 years old);
  • adults (20 years and older);
  • veterans (35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59 years old, over 60 years old).

In sambo it is allowed to use throws, holds and painful techniques on the arms and legs. Throws can be carried out using the arms, legs and torso.

In sambo, points are awarded for throws and holds. A throw is a technique with which a sambist throws an opponent off balance and throws him onto the mat on some part of the body or on his knees.

If a sambist, pressing against an opponent with any part of his body, holds him in this position for 20 seconds, then this technique is called a hold.

In sambo there is the possibility of early victory; for this you need to throw the opponent on his back while remaining in a standing position, perform a painful hold, and score 8 points more than the opponent.

Principle of scoring:

4 points are awarded:

  • for throwing an opponent onto his back with the attacker falling;
  • for throwing an opponent on his side without the attacker falling;
  • for holding for 20 seconds.

2 points are awarded:

  • for throwing an opponent on his side with the attacker falling;
  • for a throw on the chest, shoulder, stomach, pelvis without the attacker falling;
  • for holding for 10 seconds.

1 point is awarded for throwing the opponent onto the chest, shoulder, stomach or pelvis with the attacker falling.

A painful hold is a technical action in prone wrestling that forces the opponent to give up. In Sambo it is allowed to use levers, knots, pinching joints and muscles on the opponent’s arms and legs. The duration of a bout in Sambo is 3-5 minutes of pure time.

Sambo equipment

At all official competitions, the use of uniforms is permitted in accordance with the requirements established by these Rules and the Sports Regulations of the All-Russian Sambo Federation.

Sambo equipment includes: a jacket (red or blue), boots (wrestling shoes), shorts and a belt. Participants are provided with a white T-shirt.

Sambo jackets are made of cotton fabric. The sleeve of the jacket should reach the hand, the width of the sleeve should provide at least 10 cm of clearance between the arm and the fabric along its entire length. The hem of the jacket should be 25-30 cm below the belt line, the length of the ends of the tied belt should not exceed the length of the hem of the jacket .

Sambo boots in red, blue or combined (red-blue) colors are made of soft leather or synthetic fabric, have a soft sole. All the seams of the boots are hidden inside. Ankles and feet in the joint area thumb protected by gaskets covered with leather on top.

Sambo shorts are made from wool, wool blend or synthetic knitwear. From above they should reach the belt line, and from below they should cover the upper third of the thigh.
