What are the benefits of omega 3. For the cardiovascular system

One of several elements that support human beauty, youth and health. It contains valuable Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not formed in the human body, but can only enter it with food. Omega-3 acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the human body. The benefits of Omega-3 are invaluable - these acids regulate the functioning of the body, strengthen the immune system, protecting against external negative factors. A person consumes an insufficient amount of this substance with food; Omega-3 acids can only be obtained by radically changing the diet or buying fish oil capsules at the pharmacy.

People have known about the benefits of fish oil for a long time. Since the middle of the last century, children have been given fish oil to prevent rickets. It was noticed that such babies grow quickly and get sick less often. Then, in the 70s, studies were conducted on the health of the peoples of Greenland, whose diet consists mainly of fatty fish. The discovery amazed everyone: the natives practically did not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, did not have atherosclerosis, and until old age they maintained normal blood pressure and pulse.

But Omega-3 acids, which are extremely important for health, attracted serious attention from scientists only at the end of the 20th century. It has been found that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), being precursors of eicosanoids and cytokines (hormone-like substances that transmit information between cells), control the functioning of the immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Consequently, this invaluable component of fish oil affects the entire body.

Heart and blood vessels

Omega-3 acids “clean” the walls of blood vessels from excess “bad” cholesterol, preventing the formation of “cholesterol plaques”. Improve blood viscosity and normalize blood pressure. Increases the level of “good” cholesterol - HDL (high density lipoprotein). Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic. They reduce the concentration of homocysteine ​​(an amino acid that, when accumulated in the body, begins to “attack” the internal walls of the arteries, resulting in the formation of blood clots). All these distinctive properties of Omega-3 insure us against the risk of developing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, myocardial infarction, and thrombosis. - a reliable protector of blood vessels, it prevents the threat of developing heart disease and diabetes.

Skeletal system

Fish oil has been found to prevent the development of osteoporosis. EPA and DHA, which are part of fish oil, block cellular processes leading to bone loss and relieve inflammation. Daily consumption of Omega-3 PUFAs relieves joint pain. In addition, fish oil is one of the most valuable sources of vitamin D, necessary for the treatment of osteoporosis.

Like hormones, vitamin D regulates calcium metabolism and is therefore vital for the proper development of bone tissue in childhood and the prevention of osteoporosis in adulthood.

Regular consumption of high concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and alleviate, and sometimes even completely eliminate, pain and morning stiffness.

Moreover, Omega-3 acids can reduce the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which often cause gastrointestinal problems.

For arthrosis of the knee joint, taking Omega-3 stops the process of destruction of articular cartilage. As a result, pain decreases, joint mobility improves, which significantly extends their service life.

As a preventive measure, Omega-3 reduces the risk of developing rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis by 50%, provided that at least 4 g of essential EPA and DHA are consumed daily.


Omega-3 perfectly stimulates the immune system. PUFAs not only form the basis of the membrane of cells of the immune system (and the membrane is a protective layer against the invasion of viruses), but are also the starting material for the synthesis of hormone-like substances eicosanoids, which instruct leukocytes to urgently migrate to the source of inflammation and affect the increase in body temperature during a cold . And high temperature allows dead viruses, bacteria and their waste products to be removed from the body through the sweat glands.

Fish oil significantly increases the body's resistance to infections. Omega-3 PUFAs increase the activity of T cells and macrophages, and also stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandins - substances that have a pro-inflammatory effect. Thus, Omega-3 protects the respiratory tract from infections and saves us from bronchopulmonary diseases.

In smokers suffering from chronic bronchitis, Omega-3 leads to an objective improvement in their condition: they experience freer breathing and milder sputum discharge. EPA and DHA also prevent the proliferation of bronchial epithelium.

The Omega-3 drug normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces signs of fibroadenomatosis and leads to regression of cysts in the mammary glands.


Omega-3 acids are effective in preventing cancer of the colon and rectum, prostate, breast, and ovaries. Regular use of fish oil by postmenopausal women reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by 35%.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are successfully used by cancer patients during chemotherapy. It has been proven that EPA and DHA contained in Omega-3 increase the sensitivity of malignant tumor cells to radiation therapy and cytostatics (drugs for the treatment of cancer patients). In patients who underwent chemotherapy or radiation therapy and took Omega-3 for a long time, a weakening of the general toxic effect of cytostatic drugs was noted. In patients with cancer of the stomach, colon and other locations undergoing surgical treatment, Omega-3 reduces the number of postoperative complications, promotes faster healing of the surgical wound and restoration of the functions of the operated organ. And what is also important is that taking PUFAs shortens the rehabilitation period.

The anticarcinogenic effect of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is explained by the fact that they inhibit the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, which stimulate tumor growth. With a deficiency of Omega-3, their place in the cell membrane is taken by Omega-6 PUFAs, which provoke the growth of cancer cells and metastases. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids suppress the division of cancer cells by influencing enzymes and proteins responsible for intracellular metabolism. Moreover, Omega-3 acids prevent the activation of oncogenes and “turn on” those genes that trigger apoptosis (suicide) of the cancer cell.

By stimulating antitumor immune responses, EPA and DHA (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids) reliably protect your body from oncoviruses.

Cancer is a long process that includes many stages. For example, it may take 5-10 years for a tumor to reach 1 cm in diameter. And the primary processes that trigger cell degeneration begin even earlier. Thus, most tumors develop between the ages of 25 and 40, and sometimes even in childhood. Therefore, ideally, cancer prevention with Omega-3 supplements should begin at an early age.


The human brain is 60% fat, and a third of these fats are fatty acids. DHA accounts for 20% of all fatty acids in the brain. The high concentration of DHA in neurons and retina suggests that Omega-3 supplements are vital for brain and eye function. Omega-3 PUFAs quickly provide an influx of energy for the transmission of impulses (signals from neuron to neuron), which significantly increases the ability to perceive and remember information. Thanks to Omega-3, the brain begins to work more efficiently, and at any age. A deficiency of PUFAs, on the contrary, impairs memory and attention. It is a well-known fact that Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and slow down cognitive decline. Moreover, in the case of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, the positive effect of DCG and EPA is most pronounced in those patients who started taking Omega-3 drug long before the first signs of the disease appeared.

In addition, DHA and EPA promote the production of the “happy hormone” serotonin and reduce symptoms of depression.

Omega-3 and skin

Our skin is a mirror of the state of the body. Professional cosmetologists will not deceive you by claiming that creams and external treatments heal the skin. They know that massage and external care only temporarily decorate flaws. Skin becomes beautiful only after internal health problems are eliminated.

But how can Omega-3 fatty acids help skin regain its healthy appearance and youthful glow?

Omega-3 PUFAs inhibit the development of skin allergies. EPA and DHA protect collagen from destruction - a protein that forms the basis of the dermis and ensures its strength and elasticity. It is thanks to collagen that our skin looks elastic and protected from the formation of wrinkles.

As a powerful antioxidant, Omega-3 prevents reactive oxygen species from destroying skin cell membranes.

DHA and EPA are involved in the formation of prostaglandins, important pro-inflammatory agents that are part of cell membranes. And a durable membrane that viruses and bacteria cannot damage is the key to the longevity of epidermal cells.

Omega-3 helps the immune system fight inflammatory skin processes, including acne. PUFAs not only accelerate the healing of skin wounds, but also reduce residual effects such as scars by 50%. Daily intake of fish oil is an indispensable part of the comprehensive treatment of chronic dermatitis. The promise of using the Omega-3 drug has been proven in the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis and diathesis.

In recent years, the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids have been discussed quite often. A total of 10 such compounds have been discovered, but the greatest benefit, according to scientists, comes from omega-3 acid.

Omega-3 acid: what is it?

Omega-3 acid has several bonds connecting carbon atoms, which is why it is classified as a polyunsaturated fatty acid. This is not one substance, but a whole complex complex of acids with significantly different chemical properties. They also differ in structure and effect on the body.

Where is it kept?

Omega-3 acid cannot be synthesized in the body, but it is needed for its normal functioning. The acid comes in with the products that contain it. The most valuable sources of omega-3 acid include nuts, flaxseed and rapeseed oil, sea fish (mackerel, sturgeon, herring) and fish oil, wheat germ oil.

What are the benefits of acid?

The fatty acid plays a role in strengthening cell membranes. The intake of omega-3 acids is important for the health of brain cells and retina. It is useful for men to consume foods rich in polyunsaturated acids. Their sperm become more capable of conception. Thanks to fatty acids, the body strengthens and immunity increases.

Omega-3 acid is of great importance for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. People who regularly include healthy foods in their diet suffer less from heart and vascular diseases. Their risk of developing serious diseases is minimal. There are also positive changes in the well-being of hypertensive patients. Their blood pressure is normalized, and the risk of developing a hypertensive crisis or stroke is reduced.

It is recommended to enrich your diet with fatty acids for those people who easily become depressed, feel a lack of attention, and are susceptible to nervous breakdowns. Substances improve the functioning of the nervous system, help fight stress, increase the body's endurance, improve attention and memory.

It has been proven that omega-3 polyunsaturated acid can relieve inflammation in certain joint diseases (for example, rheumatism, arthrosis or arthritis), and eliminate pain. Acid is also involved in solving some skin problems.

It has been noted that omega-3 acid can reduce the harmful effects of another beneficial acid. Omega-6 acid enters the body with food. It improves blood clotting, strengthens the skin, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. However, when too much of this acid accumulates, certain disorders occur in the body. For example, omega-6 acid makes blood sticky, but too much stickiness can cause blood clots. This leads to the development of a stroke or heart attack. To prevent this from happening, the body must have a sufficient amount of omega-3 acid, which neutralizes the negative effects of omega-6 acid.

Omega-3 acid performs storage and energy functions. Accumulating in the body, it creates a reserve that will be used if necessary. Fatty acid is also a source of energy, but it does not affect weight change.

What are the harms of omega-3 acid?

Polyunsaturated fatty acid, if consumed in excess, can cause harm to the body. It consists of severe blood thinning, which can provoke prolonged bleeding when receiving a minor injury or bleeding into the joints (hemarthrosis). A person who eats a lot of omega-3 foods will suffer from low blood pressure.

How to take omega-3 acid?

To avoid health problems, you need to consume foods rich in omega-3 acid in limited quantities. It is enough to eat sea fish 2-3 times a week. You can supplement your diet with natural vegetable oils. You should eat several walnut kernels every day.

If necessary, you can take omega-3 acid in the form of a ready-made dietary supplement. Capsules are taken depending on the dosage and age of the patient. The medications are usually taken with meals. This improves the absorption of active components.

What contraindications exist?

Not all patients can consume fatty acid. In some, it causes an allergic reaction, so allergy sufferers should be wary of products containing this substance. It is also not recommended to use acid if you have liver disease or hemorrhagic syndrome.

Omega-3 fatty polyunsaturated acid is a valuable substance that can strengthen the body. The main thing is to use it regularly and not exceed the dosage. Only then will a person feel healthy and strong.

Fish oil is a popular supplement extracted from fatty fish such as sardines, anchovies, mackerel and salmon.

Fish oil primarily contains two types of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are well known for their heart and skin health benefits.

However, fish oil also has incredible benefits for the brain, especially when it comes to mild memory loss and depression.
This article reviews research into how omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil may affect the brain and mental health.

What is Omega-3 fish oil?

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats. Fish oil primarily contains two types of omega-3 fatty acids - EPA and DHA.

These two fatty acids are components of cell membranes and have powerful anti-inflammatory functions. They are also well known for their important role in heart health.

In the human diet, EPA and DHA are found in fatty fish and fish oil. Since most people do not consume the recommended amount of fish, EPA and DHA deficiency is quite common.

The body can make EPA and DHA from another omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This acid is found in a number of food sources, such as walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, canola oil, soybeans and soybean oil.

However, the body does not convert ALA to EPA and DHA efficiently. Less than 10% of the amount of alpha-linolenic acid consumed is converted to EPA or DHA.

Therefore, taking fish oil is a good idea, especially for those who don't eat a lot of fish but want the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.

How do Omega-3s affect the brain?

Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are critical for normal brain function and development at all stages of life.

These fatty acids are also vital for maintaining normal brain function throughout life. They are found in large quantities in the cell membranes of brain cells, maintaining the health of the cell membrane and facilitating communication between neurons.

In older adults, low blood levels of DHA are associated with decreased brain volume, a sign of accelerated brain aging.

Taking fish oil may improve brain function in people with mild brain disorders

There are claims that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can improve brain function in people with diseases such as Alzheimer's and other cognitive impairments.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia and affects brain function and quality of life for millions of older adults. Finding a supplement that could improve brain function is an important, life-changing discovery for sick people.

Unfortunately, a review of studies did not find conclusive evidence that omega-3 supplements improve brain function in people with Alzheimer's disease.

On the other hand, several studies have suggested that taking fish oil may improve brain function in people with more mild brain disorders, such as mild cognitive impairment or age-related cognitive decline. These diseases are not as serious as Alzheimer's disease, but they also cause memory loss and sometimes other types of brain dysfunction. Therefore, fish oil supplements are most beneficial when people start taking them in the early stages of declining brain function.

Fish oil helps cope with depression

A recent review of clinical studies found that taking fish oil supplements reduced depressive symptoms in people with depression, with effectiveness comparable to that of antidepressants.

However, the greatest improvements were seen in people who also took antidepressants.

Researchers have suggested that this may be due to their effects on serotonin and serotonin receptors in the brain. Other scientists have suggested that omega-3 may improve depressive symptoms through anti-inflammatory effects.

Fish oil does not improve brain function in healthy people

Eating more omega-3 fatty acids from fish is significantly correlated with improved brain function. However, these studies assessed the effects of fish consumption rather than fish oil supplementation.

Most higher quality controlled studies agree that adding fish oil to the diet does not appear to improve brain function in healthy people who do not have memory problems.

Likewise, multiple studies of older adults have shown that taking fish oil supplements does not improve measures of brain function in people who do not have memory problems.

There are no official recommendations for how much omega-3 fish oil you need to take to see brain and mental health benefits. The amounts used in the study varied from study to study.

The US Food and Drug Administration has set the safe limit for omega-3 fatty acid supplements at 3,000 mg per day. The European Food Safety Authority has set its recommendation slightly higher, at no more than 5,000 mg per day.

Taking 1000-2000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil daily is probably a good starting point, well within the recommended upper limit. People with depression should choose fish oil supplements with more EPA.

However, you should consult your doctor before you start supplementing with fish oil. Because of its potential effects on blood clotting, this is especially important if you are currently taking blood thinners or are about to undergo surgery.

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Not all fat is harmful to our body. Omega-3 fatty acids are the “good” type of fat. They help reduce the risk of heart disease, depression, arthritis and dementia. But your body cannot produce them. Therefore, you should eat them along with foods or take supplements.

Three types of omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids come in several forms. Fish contains DHA and EPA, and they have the greatest health benefits. Another form is found in vegetable oils, flaxseeds, walnuts, and dark leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Disease Control

Omega-3 acids help your heart in several ways. They calm inflammation in the blood vessels and the rest of your body. In high doses, they also reduce the rate of abnormal heart rhythms as well as levels of fats called triglycerides. They can also slow down the blockage of blood vessels.

If you suffer from heart disease, doctors recommend consuming 1 gram of DHA and EPA per day. It is best to eat oily fish, but your doctor may also prescribe Omega-3 capsules. Omega-3 will also help protect your heart after an attack. Women who have had a heart attack have fewer heart attacks and lower death rates if they have adequate levels of Omega-3s in their bodies.

These supplements seem to have a stabilizing effect on your heart. They reduce the frequency of contractions and prevent arrhythmia. The most common sources are fish, walnuts, broccoli, and green soybeans.

Reducing triglycerides

Omega-3 reduces triglycerides, a fat that is linked to heart disease. But before taking Omega-3, it is important to consult a doctor, as some types can worsen cholesterol levels. You can also lower your triglyceride levels by cutting out alcohol and cutting down on sweets and processed carbohydrates.

Reducing high blood pressure

Omega-3 slightly lowers blood pressure. To do this, you need to replace red meat with fish several times a week. But avoid salty fish such as smoked salmon. If you suffer from high blood pressure, limiting your salt intake will be one of your doctor's recommendations.

Do These Supplements Help Prevent Stroke?

Omega-3 supplements and foods help reduce plaque in the blood vessels by helping blood flow. Thus, Omega-3 helps prevent stroke caused by clogged arteries. But in large quantities, Omega-3 may cause stroke-related bleeding, so consult your doctor before consuming it.

Helpful for rheumatoid arthritis

Omega-3 may reduce joint pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis. A diet high in these fatty acids increases the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Depression and Brain Benefits

Depression is much less common in countries where people's diets are rich in Omega-3. But these supplements do not cure depression. If you are faced with such a problem, you need to meet with a doctor who can help you feel better.

May help with ADHD

Research suggests that supplements may improve symptoms of ADHD. Fatty acids play a very important role in brain development and function. Omega-3 also provides additional benefits to traditional treatments, but they cannot completely replace them.

Dementia research

The evidence is still lacking, but there are some indications that Omega-3 protects against dementia and age-related mental decline. According to one study, older adults whose diets contain significant amounts of these acids have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. But more research is needed to confirm this connection.

Impact on the children's body

It is believed that Omega-3 stimulates brain function in children. However, scientific evidence for this does not yet exist. However, pediatricians recommend that children eat fish, but not the types that are high in mercury. These are shark meat, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish.

Catch of the day

Most Omega-3 is found in fish. However, some varieties contain a higher dose than others. Choose salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, anchovies and tuna. Experts recommend eating fish twice a week. An excellent source of fatty acids is tuna. White tuna contains more mercury than canned tuna, but it also has a higher concentration of mercury. But in fresh tuna, the amount varies depending on the type.

Avoid contaminated fish

For many people, mercury in fish is not a major health concern. However, young children, women who are planning a pregnancy, expectant mothers and women during lactation should:

  • Limit the amount of albacore tuna to 170 grams per week.
  • Limit the amount of lower mercury fish to 340 grams per week.
  • Remove skin and fat before cooking fish.
  • Avoid swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel and shark meat.


If you don't like fish, there is an option to get Omega-3s from supplements. People with heart disease should take one gram per day, but should consult a doctor before taking it. High doses may interfere with the action of some medications and increase the risk of bleeding. One of the side effects of taking these supplements is a fishy taste in the mouth. All information about the amount of Omega-3 in one capsule can be found on the label.

Vegetarian sources

If for some reason you cannot eat fish and fish oil, then it is possible to get your portion of nutrients from algae. Commercially grown algae is considered safe, but wild blue-green algae may contain toxins. Vegetarians can replenish their Omega-3 supply with foods such as canola oil, flaxseed, walnuts, broccoli, and spinach. These are foods high in Omega-3.

Avoid counterfeits

Many manufacturers are now talking about adding Omega-3 to their foods to help support your health. But keep in mind that the amount of fatty acids in such products is minimal. They may contain the type of Omega-3 found in plant foods. However, it is not as healthy as the one found in fish. Therefore, taking fish oil supplements will be more reliable.

If you ask the older members of your family carefully, one of them will probably remember how, as a child, he was fed nasty fish oil “to grow big and strong.” Fortunately, for you and me today, the need for this viscous, raw fish-smelling and terribly unpleasant-tasting product has disappeared. But the fatty acids that make up its basis do not. And above all in Omega-3, the importance of which for human health, beauty and mood can hardly be overestimated. What can it be useful for?

An important discovery by Danish scientists

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3 earned recognition from doctors about half a century ago, when the Danish doctor Jorn Duerberg wondered why it was so rare among the residents of Alaska, whose menu is extremely poor in fruits and vegetables, but at the same time oversaturated with fatty fish. Are there cases of cardiovascular diseases?

The answer turned out to be simple: it’s all about a special group of lipids that contain the fatty acids mentioned above. Both of them are of enormous importance for almost all processes occurring in the human body. Both are capable of penetrating into it only from the outside, with food - alas, our body cannot synthesize either one or the other. But while finding Omega-6 in food is not difficult, its “sister” is often present in our menu in catastrophically small quantities.

Unlike the inhabitants of the Far North, our diet is not rich in sea fish

To correct the situation, we have two options: move to the Far North, arm ourselves with a spear and, following the example of the ancestors of the local aborigines, begin to master the intricacies of whaling or look for other ways to saturate the diet with this most useful substance.

Omega-3: who needs it and why

Before finding out which products can fill the gaps in the menu, let's still look at the benefits Omega-3 can bring to our body. Maybe we, who live in milder climatic conditions compared to the Eskimos, don’t need it so much?

Not just needed, but necessary! Once in our body, this important organic compound begins to participate in many biochemical processes:

  • promotes the production of substances that regulate blood pressure;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots, and also dilates blood vessels and makes them more elastic;
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion;
  • improves the processes of absorption of phosphorus and calcium by the body;
  • accelerates the healing of damage to the walls of the digestive tract - for example, taking Omega-3 often becomes part of the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • relieves inflammation and slows down the growth of tumors;
  • helps the nervous system resist stress, reduces aggression and depression;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • tidies up hormonal levels;
  • stimulates brain activity, improves memory and concentration;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing arthrosis, arthritis and other joint-related diseases;
  • serves to prevent cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmia, heart attack and ischemic disease;
  • prevents the absorption of cholesterol and removes free radicals from the body;
  • increases muscle tone, endurance and even reaction speed due to its ability to improve the sensitivity of nerve fibers;
  • improves the functioning of the visual apparatus.
    There are countless beneficial properties that Omega-3 has
  • Taking Omega-3 has a beneficial effect on a person’s physical and mental state. It is no coincidence that it is regularly prescribed to athletes, children and pregnant women. It is also recommended to take it for a variety of painful conditions of the body, ranging from a slight loss of strength to more serious ailments.

    The benefits of polyunsaturated acid for women

    Omega-3 is of particular importance for the female body. And above all, this applies to expectant mothers - both those who are already expecting a baby and those who are just planning to get a couple of healthy and smart little ones.

    First of all, polyunsaturated acids help get rid of infertility if its cause is not congenital pathologies, but temporary disruptions in the functioning of the immune, endocrine and other systems of the female body.

    If pregnancy has already begun, Omega-3 will make it easier to bear, reducing the manifestations of toxicosis in the morning in the first trimester and reducing the risk of preeclampsia in the last months. In addition, this acid has a positive effect on the health of the developing fetus - in particular, on the development of the brain. We mentioned smart kids for a reason!

    Omega-3 plays an important role in the lives of the fair sex

    Omega-3 will not harm those young ladies who do not plan to have offspring. She:

  • makes hair and nails strong, smooth and shiny, and in addition, stimulates the activity of follicles that are in an inactive, “dormant” state;
  • retains moisture in the skin, due to which wrinkles become less noticeable, peeling disappears, and the skin becomes elastic;
  • normalizes metabolism, promoting weight loss;
  • reduces pain during menstruation and makes menopause symptoms less pronounced;
  • women who regularly consume Omega-3 foods are less susceptible to osteoporosis, a disease that affects the fair sex 3-5 times more often than men.
  • Interesting fact: in the female body, Omega-3 fatty acid is concentrated in the hip area. Is this why most nations considered beauties “with wide loins” to be the most attractive, because they were healthier and ideal for procreation?

    For men

    The stronger sex cannot do without Omega-3 either. Traveling through the organs and tissues of the male body, polyunsaturated acid carries out extremely important work:

  • stimulates testosterone production, increasing male libido and fertility;
  • improves blood flow, which is extremely important for potency;
  • serves to prevent prostatitis.
  • Carefully! If the Omega-3 content in the blood exceeds the norm, this necessary substance begins to work in the opposite direction and can easily reward a representative of the stronger sex with infertility or provoke the appearance of prostate tumors.

    Why is it useful for children?

    Omega-3 acid helps the smallest members of the family to grow normally, get stronger and delight their parents with their successes. Already from prenatal development until the complete cessation of growth processes, it affects the formation of the child’s bones and teeth, the condition of his skin, hair growth, vision, the activity of the cardiovascular system and immunity.

    Omega will help raise little Einstein

    Polyunsaturated acid also controls brain activity: speed of thinking, sharpness of attention, strength of memory. It is not surprising that it acquires special significance at primary school age, when the child’s life changes dramatically and is filled with new responsibilities, tasks, and with them new reasons for stress. Successful studies, a healthy emotional background, normal sleep - all this is also to a large extent the merit of fatty acids that are in the baby’s body in the required concentration.

    Despite all the benefits of Omega-3 for a growing body, even the most caring parent should not independently prescribe various dietary supplements containing fatty acids to their children. This can be done only after consultation with a doctor and not earlier than the child turns 1.5–2 years old.

    Precautions and contraindications

    Despite the numerous advantages of Omega-3, it clearly does not fit into the concept of “you can’t spoil porridge with butter.” Even a completely healthy person, having taken up the “miracle drug” in batches, has every chance of giving himself an overdose with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other classic symptoms of poisoning. And these are far from the most unpleasant consequences that thoughtless use of the drug can lead to!

  • Omega-3 thins the blood. So in a person who is too carried away by “healing” or combines taking acid with other medications of similar action, even a relatively minor injury can result in serious blood loss or, for example, hemorrhage in the internal organs.
  • The ability of our acid to lower blood pressure often plays a cruel joke on people who are predisposed to hypotension. To receive abnormally low blood pressure instead of high blood pressure is a dubious pleasure.
    Pressure surges can exhaust anyone
  • Excess Omega-3 has a bad effect on the functioning of the liver, pancreas or gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Especially if these organs are already in poor condition.
  • The consumption of fatty acids is strictly contraindicated for patients in whose bodies any neoplasms are found, benign or not.
  • Finally, no one has canceled the most banal allergy, which can develop to any food product, including Omega-3.
  • During pregnancy or lactation, Omega-3 is taken only with the permission of the doctor monitoring the woman’s condition.

    Where is Omega-3 vitamin found?

    The main supplier of fatty acids to the human body was and remains sea and ocean fish: mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, trout, halibut, sardines, cod. Just three servings of this delicious “medicine” per week - and your needs for this important element will be substantially satisfied. If you can’t get fish, any seafood from delicious lobsters to budget-friendly shrimp can successfully replace it.

    Vegetable oils will also help supply the body with fatty acids: rapeseed, flaxseed, sesame, corn, olive and even sunflower. In order not to experience a shortage of Omega-3, it is enough to pour a tablespoon of high-quality, preferably unrefined, oil over a fresh vegetable salad once a day or drink the same spoon on an empty stomach in the morning.

    Another tasty way to replenish your body’s pantries with the necessary element: chew nuts more often. 15–30 g of strong, plump kernels will more than provide you with your daily requirement of polyunsaturated acids; Moreover, you can choose to your taste which type of nuts you will enjoy: hazelnuts collected in the forest, pine nuts brought from the Siberian taiga or exotic nutmeg. Everything will be “on topic”.

    Butter, nuts, fish - your menu will be rich

    No nuts, start shelling pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Or buy a package of flaxseed at the pharmacy and make it a rule to drink a glass of low-fat kefir with 1-2 tsp every morning on an empty stomach. flax seed flour, passed through a coffee grinder. At the same time, you will be doing your digestive tract a favor.

    Omega-3 acid is also found in vegetables. Here, first of all, pay attention to avocado, and then reinforce its beneficial effect with dishes from pumpkin, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower, broccoli and fresh herbs.

    A good habit is to eat about 100 g of hard cheese per day or from time to time start your morning with a couple of boiled eggs. Nourishing, tasty and the body will easily receive a portion of the fatty acids it needs so much.

    Top 5 popular drugs

    Not all of us are able to carefully plan our menu day after day, purchase the necessary products and cook them in accordance with strict rules for preserving nutrients. (For example, it has been established that heat treatment lasting more than 20 minutes has a detrimental effect on the acid we are interested in; using olive oil for frying instead of sunflower oil can partially reduce its losses, and “wild” fish caught in the open ocean contains more Omega-3 than bred in captivity.) In addition, you need to make allowances for the quality of the product, which is not always possible to control.

    The easiest way to replenish Omega-3 reserves is to go to the pharmacy

    To ensure that their body is provided with everything it needs, many prefer to resort to special preparations containing the treasured Omega in almost pure form. Thanks to modern pharmaceuticals, we have plenty to choose from!


  • Price: 1400–1800 rub.
  • Each soft gelatin capsule of the drug, of which there can be from 20 to 100 pieces in a package, contains 1 g of purified Omega-3 acid. Omacor is prescribed as a prophylaxis for myocardial infarction or as an addition to a hypoglycemic diet. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually.

    Vitrum Cardio

  • Country of origin: USA.
  • Price: 1200–1300 rub.
  • The drug is available in packages containing 90 and 120 capsules with 1 g of high-quality fatty acids in each. It is used in anti-atherosclerotic diets, for high blood pressure, diabetes and many other diseases, as well as a powerful means of preventing them. The dosage is selected individually.

    In essence, it is ordinary fish oil, but of high quality

    Doppelhertz Active Omega-3

  • Country of origin: Germany.
  • Price: 320–600 rub.
  • Neat jars with odorless and tasteless gelatin capsules (30 or 80 pieces) contain Arctic salmon fat combined with vitamin E and some other less significant substances. This drug is prescribed to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, restore metabolism, and activate brain activity. The dosage is selected individually.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Price: from 350 rub.
  • The drug reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system, and has a positive effect on blood flow. Each capsule (30 pieces per package) contains a concentrate of fatty acids, as well as antioxidants designed to protect blood vessels from cholesterol formations, and the body from free radicals.


  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Price: from 230 rub.
  • Each of the 30 capsules, hidden in blisters, contains a whole cocktail of useful substances: concentrated fish oil, vitamins E and C, sunflower and orange oils, distilled water, gelatin and flavorings. Oceanol is taken for general strengthening of the immune system, and as a means of preventing thrombosis, and as part of the treatment of obesity, alcoholic hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis and many others.

    Good buy: a combination of three fatty acids in one bottle

    The product is not cheap, but worth it

    Fatty acids will improve health, and antioxidants will prolong youth

    How to take: general rules

    Since pharmaceuticals containing Omega-3 are available without a prescription, potential buyers are often given the impression that they are purchasing something completely harmless and therefore not to be taken seriously. I decided that it was time to support the body - buy the right box and treat yourself for your health. But it is not so. To avoid negative consequences, taking any medications must be carried out according to certain rules.

    How long to drink? Medicines containing Omega-3 are taken in the following courses:

  • for prevention - 1 month 2–3 times a year;
  • for treatment - a three-month course, after which you should take a break for the same period of time, and then repeat it all over again.
  • How much to drink? The daily intake of fatty acids per day is 2–3 g for men, 1.7–2 g for women and 0.5–1 g for children. In some cases, the recommended doses may be slightly exceeded, but not more than 4 g of Omega-3 per day.

    How to drink? During meals, drink plenty of liquid - preferably clean water. This will not only help the body better absorb the received substances, but will also relieve you of unpleasant fish burps.

    Remember that Omega-3 has the property of thinning the blood, so if you are taking any other medications, be sure to visit a specialist and ask him whether such treatment will harm you.
