Insulation - external end wall. What to do with the end wall? How to insulate it? Brick prices

The end wall is inspected for defects. Cracks in welds are cut and welded regardless of length according to GOST 14771-76.

Kink top harness or the lower trim is welded, overlays are installed, which should cover the defect area by at least 30 mm and are welded with a continuous seam along the entire perimeter.

It is allowed to repair no more than two breaks or cracks along the entire length of the harness. It is allowed to cover adjacent kinks with one overlay reinforced with at least 2 electric rivets with a diameter of 20±1 mm.

It is allowed to repair a broken top trim with inserts no less than 500 mm long.

Cracks in the upper and lower frames, chords, racks, channels are cut, welded, and cleaned to the base metal. The cracks are covered with an overlay and welded around the perimeter with a continuous seam.

Holes in the casing are cut out, sharp edges are processed and repaired by welding with installation of a lining with inside, which should cover the hole by at least 50 mm, welding is done on both sides with a continuous seam.

The deflection of the upper trim without reinforcement is eliminated by straightening. It is allowed to leave a deflection of no more than 10 mm over the entire length of the upper trim without repair. If the upper and lower frames of the wall are simultaneously bent by no more than 10 mm per 1 m of length, metal cladding cut along the racks to the height of the deflection, straighten the straps and install a new metal sheathing insert, followed by welding it with leg 5.

Bottom harness having corrosion damage more than 1/3 of the thickness of the element is repaired by welding, followed by strengthening the areas with one-sided overlays, covering the damaged areas by 50 mm on one side. When repairing the lower trim at the place where the lining is installed and welded.

Figure: End wall: 1 - top trim; 2 - belt; 3,4,5 - stand; 6 - lower harness; 7,8 - sheathing sheet; 9 - scaffold stand bracket; 10 - handrail - step; 11 - stairs

Radial cracks are cut out and an overlay is installed on the inside, covering the defective area by at least 30 mm and welded around the perimeter with a continuous seam.

Corrosion damage with a depth of more than 30% of the sheet thickness and an area of ​​more than 30% is repaired by cutting out the defective area and installing an insert and welding it to the belts or to the belts and to the upper or lower trim. Welding should be done on both sides of the insert.

Complete replacement of the end wall sheathing is carried out:

  • · if there are more than two cracks with a total length of more than 1000 mm;
  • · if there are holes, the total area is more than 0.5 m";
  • · corrosion damage to a sheet with a thickness of more than 1 mm on an area of ​​more than 30% of the sheet;
  • · if there are dents more than 30 mm deep on an area of ​​more than 30% of the sheet.

The word “butt” in Russian has several meanings. In general terms, this is the name given to the transverse edge of an elongated object that has the shape of a cylinder or is a parallelepiped with right angles. For cylindrical objects, the end is a face located perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. For rectangular parallelepiped objects, the end is the face with the smallest area.

The same word (“end”) refers to tiles made of wood and intended for paving streets. This word also has a slang meaning, denoting a person’s face. Almost everyone knows the expression “got it in the butt,” i.e. was beaten.

End of the building

We can say that the end of the building is the narrow side of the object, which does not serve as the main facade. However, you need to keep in mind that there are buildings in which the facade (main entrance) is located precisely on narrow wall. Such buildings include the Manege, the Acropolis of Athens, and the Bolshoi Theater. In such cases, the common phrase “entrance from the end of the building” sounds inappropriate.

If the building is covered with a gable roof, then, as a rule, the pediment is located above the end of the house.

Facade and end

The word “façade” has French roots and is close in meaning in Russian to “face, front side”. From an architectural point of view, the external walls of the building are at right angles. Experts distinguish between the main, side facade (the end of the building may well be a side facade), street, courtyard, and park. In specialized literature you can even find the expression “sea façade” - the side of the building facing the sea.

Most often, modern civil engineering prefers to build multi-apartment residential buildings with a blind end. The blank end of the building is the side facade (wall) without windows and doorways. Such a wall can serve as a firewall, i.e. be a permanent fire-resistant wall that separates neighboring buildings in order to prevent the spread of fire during a fire. This usually happens between houses along the street, i.e. residential buildings are located facing each other.

At the same time, blank side facades can decorate city streets and become an important object of the architectural environment. Huge panels, which have begun to appear more and more often on blank walls facing central streets, look impressive and are well perceived from pedestrian paths.

Is it always appropriate to say “end of the house”?

As mentioned earlier, the end of the building is a short side facade. However, if the building being constructed has square shape, then it will not have ends. Also, if a long and narrow building has the main entrance to it located on the wall with the smallest area, then this “end of the building” is the real main facade. It is richly decorated compared to all the other external walls of the building. As a rule, such an “end” with the main entrance was previously often enlivened with pilasters, modeling, and decorated with various niches.

In accordance with current legislative standards, the front façade is a façade that is clearly visible from the main street or roadway. And if such a facade is located on a narrow external wall building, then such a building cannot be said to have ends at all. It only has facades - main, rear, side, etc.


I. Signs and inscriptions on cars

In the center of the car is the coat of arms of Russia or the symbols of Russian Railways

Home road code 061

Five-digit serial number of the car 25171

By the 1st digit you can determine the type of car

0- soft SV 16 or 18 seats

1- docked 36 seats

2nd reserved seat 54 seats

3- interregional with airplane-type seats

4- Postal

5- Luggage

6- Dining car

7- Special Railway carriage

Lettering on the side wall

Car container, plate with number of seats

End wall

Place of registration of the car DOP-2 or LVChD-15

Planned types of repairs:

TO-1 is carried out after each flight

TO-2 is carried out before summer and winter transportation

TO-3 (unified technical inspection) is carried out once every six months or for a mileage of 150,000 km

DR depot repairs once every 2 years or after a mileage of 300,000 km

KR major renovation

V/A-1080 automatic coupling height

On the end wall there is a ladder for climbing to the roof. Must be locked and sealed.

II. Wheelset (WP)

KP is the most important element car, it directs its movement along the rail track, harshly absorbs all impacts from track unevenness and harshly influences the track.

KP - consists of 2 solid-rolled wheels mounted on an axle

1-hub 2-rim 3-rolling surface 4-ridge 5-disc

The axle consists of a neck, a hub part and a middle part. There are 2 types of axes RU-1 and RU-2

Wheelset malfunctions

The distance between the inner edges of the gearbox is 1440 mm, deviations are allowed at speeds above 120 km/h +3 -1 to 120 km/h +3 -3

1. Crawler - this is a flat spot on the wheel rolling surface, formed as a result of the gearbox jamming and skidding along the rail without turning. Allowed depth up to 1 mm.

From 1 to 2 mm, it is allowed to bring such a car to the nearest technical service station where the gearbox can be replaced at a speed of no more than 100 km/h

From 2 to 6 mm no more than 15 km/h

From 6 to 12 mm no more than 10 km/h

Over 12 mm no more than 10 km/h with the exception of gearbox rotation (screw into the handbrake, put on shoes)

2. Navar – occurs during short-term skidding, a height of 0.5 mm is allowed, if detected along the route, the actions are the same as for the slider.

3. Rental – natural wear of the wheel tread that occurs during its interaction with the rail head and brake pads. Rolling can be uniform or uneven. Uniform rolling is allowed at speeds over 120 km/h no more than 5 mm up to 120 km/h no more than 8 mm, gearbox no more than 4 mm. In trains traveling to the turnaround point over 5000 km, no more than 6 mm.

Uneven rolling - idle gearbox no more than 2 mm, gearbox no more than 1 mm.

4. Gap – chipping of metal from the wheel tread. A depth of no more than 10 mm is allowed, a length of no more than 25 mm; delamination going deep into the metal is not allowed. Cracks up to 1mm deep, regardless of their length, are not rejected.

Ridge thickness speed over 120 km/h 28-33 to 120 km/h 25-33.

An external chip of the wheel rim is rejected if less than 120 mm remains in the healthy part of the rolling surface.

5. Pointed ridge - This is the formation of a sharp edge at the top of the ridge. An extremely dangerous defect.

When faced with unknown terms, especially in such a specific industry as construction, people often want to understand and find out for themselves what they mean. This article will help answer the question; “this is the end of the building”?

In contact with

The end of the building is side part each building:
  • residential building;
  • warehouse;
  • a barn where firewood is stored;
  • production workshop;
  • shopping pavilion;
  • tire workshop.

Important! Most buildings are rectangular in shape. Two long sides are considered front, two side, short sides are end. Every literate person, even a schoolchild, knows perfectly well what a butt is. It is necessary to understand that the entrance from the end means: the entrance is located not on the front, long side, but on the short side.

What is also called the butt

The side elements of many pieces of furniture are called this word:

  • bedside tables, pencil cases;
  • chairs, tables;
  • cabinets, chests of drawers;
  • kitchen sets.

The sharp, protruding edges and long ends of many instruments have the same name:

  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • drill;
  • tap;
  • broach.

This is the name of the sidewall of the following household electrical appliances:

  • fridge;
  • Dishwasher;
  • pull out drobe;
  • freezer;
  • electric stove, gas stove.

All office supplies have them: pencils, erasers, ballpoint pens, and filler fountain pens. They have them mobile phones, computer keyboard, monitor, system unit, speakers, and many other items.

Types of end

All structures have side elements that are different in their configuration, purpose, and appearance.
Each end of the house is original and unique in its own way and can be:

  1. Deaf. A wall without windows, doors, no columns, projections, or pilasters. Solid brickwork or a log house.
  2. Input. There is an entrance on the side and an entrance door is installed.
  3. Residential. The end section of the house has balconies and windows.
  4. Decorative. There is a multi-colored panel on it.

Brick prices

What is a facade

Attention! This is the name of the front, outer section of the structure. Usually it is located on the long side, where the central front entrance is made. Lush columns are arranged around it, decorated with stucco and gilding, potted flowers are planted, and sculptures are installed. A park will be laid out in front of it, a fountain and a swimming pool will be installed. There is a central and side façade.

Types of facade

There are several standard designs. The most common ones are:

  1. Main. It is located in a central place - in the middle of the long, front side of the house. Paths are laid to it from paving slabs, an entrance for cars has been made.
  2. Side. The end wall serves as the entrance to the structure.
  3. Rear. Settled for back side, from the backyard. Cars drive up here and the front entrance is decorated. The back of the house personifies the entire architectural composition.
  4. Street. The residential building is located along the road, facing directly onto the street. The front entrance has a porch surrounded by stucco columns.
  5. Dvorovy. The central entrance is located from the courtyard. There is also a parking area for cars.
  6. Garden. Made in a garden that surrounds the long central side of the structure.

The end of the building as art

Many buildings in Russia and around the world are majestic architectural ensembles that are designed as works of art.

At the ends of two ten-story buildings residential buildings, adjacent to each other at angles, like open book, in the middle of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, artists created a picture. Now here is a life-size depiction of a warship sailing on the open sea.

The end face is a source of inspiration for many creators of world art. Paintings of gigantic proportions are called maral art. They can be created in graffiti or street art style. First, a sketch is created and entered into the computer. Electronics project the picture onto the building. The artist from the aerial platform traces the contours of the painting, marking where the color is.

Important! There are many restored buildings. The most popular portraits on Moscow houses: director Sergei Eisenstein in Vatin Lane, composer Alexander Scriabin near Paveletsky Station, Anna Akhmatova, Gilyarovsky Street, Mikhail Bulgakov, house number 33 of Bolshoy Afanasyevsky Lane on Arbat.

Differences between the end and facade of buildings

There are the following differences between the facade and the end of a building:

  1. The first is the main wall of the building, the second is the secondary wall.
  2. One is long, the other is short.
  3. The first is usually decorated, the second has more modest decoration.
  4. One, as a rule, has an entrance, porch, windows, doors, the other, in many cases, is blind.
  5. Sometimes there are exceptions to these rules.

After reading the article, readers learned what “from the end of the building” means. Many people ask questions from the end of the building - this is how. Now we have an idea of ​​what it is, where it is located, why it is called that, and what other elements of houses there are. To speak correctly, you need to know where the stress is placed in the word butt. The second syllable is stressed, that is, the stress must be placed on the letter E.
