Lesson "Animate and inanimate nouns." Animate and inanimate nouns

Subject:Animate and inanimate nouns.

Purpose of the lesson: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nouns.

Lesson objectives:

2. Be able to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

Organizing time

Psychological mood.

Greet the guests guys,

Smile at each other more cheerfully.

I wish everyone success and goodness,

Now it's time to start the lesson!

Guys, I wish you that today’s lesson will be interesting and useful for you, so that you will repeat and consolidate what you already know.

2. Motivation for learning activities.

- Guess the riddle and find out who came to our lesson.

Her eyes are big

A predatory beak is always hooked.

At night she flies

He sleeps on a tree only during the day. (owl) picture of an owl (on the board)

Development of thinking

- Why is the owl called wise?

Yes. The owl lives for a very long time, and that is why it is called wise. The wise Owl did not come to us empty-handed; she brought us many interesting tasks.

3. Determining the topic of the lesson. Preparing students to master, updating basic knowledge.

- Look at the board and read the words

Apple ant

Magpie Blizzard

Tree friend

Mushroom kitten

-What unites all these words? (They belong to the same part of speech. These are nouns, since they answer the questions who? or what? and denote objects, natural phenomena, animals). Show writing on board (printed)

- Do you agree that all words can be posed with the question Who? (Children express different points vision.)

- -What question do the words in the first column answer? (What?)(card what?)

- What questions do the words in the second column answer? (Who?) (card who?)

- Which groups? grammatical features can we separate these words?(Animate and inanimate).(card on the board)

_What part of speech were we talking about now? Was there anything unfamiliar to you?

-Try to formulate the topic of today's lesson. (Animate and inanimate nouns)

-Is this a new topic for our lesson or is it already familiar to us?

-What is the purpose of our lesson? (To consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nouns).

Today in class we must:(lesson objectives)

1. Know the concept of “noun”.

2. Be able to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

4. Studying new material.

What is our first task? (repeat)

1. The concept of a noun.

Frontal work.



1. What questions does it answer?

2. What does it mean?

3. Give examples...

Exercise for the eyes

Close your eyes and then open them. Repeat 5 times.

Make circular movements with your eyes: left - up - right - down; right - up - left - down. Repeat 4 times.

Extend your hand forward. Follow the nail of your index finger with your gaze: slowly bring it closer to the tip of your nose, and then slowly move it back. Repeat 4 times.

Independent work (write in notebook)

Assignment: Read the words and write down only the nouns: house, red, plays, narrow, carrot, sits, squirrel, pencil case, screams.

Checking the assignment (the teacher has the words printed, check them)

- Have we completed 1 task? (yes) +

Physical minute.


Very amazing

To the questions who? So what?

It must answer.

If a word awakens to answer the question who? - hands up if the question is what? - arms forward and sit down.

Chandelier, boy, thunderstorm, crucian carp, athlete, briefcase.

- What is the 2nd task? Read it.

How to determine whether nouns are animate or inanimate? (If a word answers the question who? - it is animate, what? - it is inanimate.)

Let's open the textbook- page 49, exercise 81.

We work in pairs. Don't forget the rules of working in pairs. Each pair performsone line at a time and write down the words in a notebook.

Hand exercises.

a) Shake your hands, twist, then pull each finger.

b) Draw a lock (opens and closes).

Checking the task (handing over the pennant owl), reading the words one by one.

Conclusion: Card animate..., inanimate....

5. Initial check of knowledge acquisition.

Wise Owl wants to check how you can work in pairs.

You will work in pairs, because it is not without reason that they say “One mind is good, but two is better”


Who can read it the fastest?

He will find an extra word.

Assignment: read the words in each line and underline the odd ones.

1 option

Cauldron, ruler, coffee, cat, potatoes.

Berry, sneak, watermelon, anchor, pit.

Wind, spring, bucket, raven, station.

Assignment: read the words in each line and underline the odd ones

Option 2

  1. Friend, buddy, friendship, neighbor, enemy.

    Hiking, tourist, road, fire, tent

    Pupil, teacher, schoolboy, lesson, student.

Check: Explain why the extra...


Now I invite everyone to exercise

Small steps - 1, 2, 3

Easy jumps - 1, 2, 3

Loud claps - 1, 2, 3

Sit down and stand up

Sit down and stand up

And they waved their hands.

That's all the charging

Smooth landing.

Additional tasks:

1. I read the words. Option 1 writes out animate ones, option 2 - inanimate ones:

(2 students work at the board)

birch, cold, grandmother, cook, woodpecker, Tuesday, summer, girl, fox, crow, oak, maple

Checking the assignment from the board...

2. Game “Come up with a word”

Write down words with the same root that denote an animate object. Add your options.

6. Summing up.

Express test of theoretical knowledge.

- What kind of task has the owl prepared for us? She sent a letter.

- If you agree with his statement, put + in your notebook, if not, put -.

(1 student completes the task at the board)

1. Nouns answer the questions what?, what?

2. Animate nouns include only people and animals

3. Animate nouns include plants and people

4. Nouns answer the questions who? So what?

·5. Inanimate nouns answer the question who?

Notebook entry: - + - + -

- What do we call a group of nouns whose words answer the question what?

- What do we call a group of nouns whose words answer the question who?


- What was the purpose of the lesson?

- Did we complete it or not?

- How to distinguish an animate object from an inanimate one?

- Can you explain to your mother which words are animate and which are inanimate?

(children glue faces to the picture of an owl)

My mood from the lesson.

Our wise owl liked your answers and your work. She gives you her friends - little owls. (the teacher hands out pictures to the children).

Thanks for your effort,

After all, the main thing is desire!

And skills and knowledge

Over the years they will come to you.

What did we learn in class today? What nouns are animate? Inanimate?

- For those who understood everything, draw an exclamation point (!) in the margin.

- If you find it difficult to understand this topic, put a question mark (?) in the margin.

8. Homework.

D//z: p.48,50 rules, ex.83,

Animated and Mena nouns serve as names of people, animals and answer the question Who?(student, mentor, entertainer, peer).

Inanimate nouns serve as names of inanimate objects, as well as objects flora and answer the question What?(presidium, conference, landscape, mountain ash). This also includes nouns like group, people, crowd, flock, peasantry, youth, children etc.

The division of nouns into animate and inanimate mainly depends on what object this noun denotes - living beings or objects of inanimate nature, but it is impossible to completely identify the concept of animate-inanimate with the concept of living-inanimate. Yes, from a grammatical point of view birch, aspen, elm- nouns are inanimate, but from a scientific point of view they are living organisms. In grammar, the names of deceased people are dead man, deceased- are considered animate, and only a noun dead body- inanimate. Thus, the meaning of animate-inanimate is a purely grammatical category.

(c.p. plural = r.p. plural)

r.p. (no) people, birds, animals

v.p. (to love) people, birds, animals

  • in inanimate nouns, the accusative plural form coincides with the form nominative case plural:
(v.p. plural = im.p. plural)

i.p. (there are) forests, mountains, rivers

v.p. (I see) forests, mountains, rivers

In addition, for animate masculine nouns of the second declension, the accusative case coincides with the genitive case also in singular, in inanimate - with the nominative: I see a student, an elk, a crane, but a detachment, a forest, a regiment.

Most often, masculine and masculine nouns are animated. female. Among neuter nouns there are few animate ones. This - child, person (meaning "person"), animal, insect, mammal, creature ("living organism"), monster, monster, monster and some others.

Animate nouns used figuratively are declined: admire "Sleeping Beauty".

Inanimate nouns used figuratively receive the meaning of a person and become animate: the tournament brought together all the table tennis stars.

The names of toys, mechanisms, human images refer to animate nouns: she loved her dolls, nesting dolls, and robots very much.

The names of figures in games (chess, cards) are declined like animate nouns: sacrifice a knight, take an ace.

Name of gods, mythical creatures ( goblin, mermaid, devil, merman) refer to animate nouns, and the names of planets named after gods refer to inanimate nouns: looking at Jupiter, they prayed to Jupiter for help.

A number of nouns exhibit fluctuations in the expression of the animate-inanimate category (in the names of microorganisms, in nouns image, type, character, etc.): consider ciliates And ciliates, kill bacteria And bacteria; create vivid images, special characters.

Animate and inanimate nouns
Animated Inanimate
names of living things names of inanimate objects
plant names
names of gods names of planets based on gods
names of mythical creatures
names of figures in games
names of toys, mechanisms,

human images

dead man, deceased dead body
names of microorganisms
image, character

Animate nouns include names of persons and animals: man, daughter, son, Vera, Petrov, Dima, duty officer, cow, goat, goose, starling, carp, spider etc. These are mostly masculine and feminine nouns. Neuter nouns are few in number: child, creature (in meaning “living organism”), face (meaning “person”), words in -ishche (monster, monster), substantivized adjectives and participles ( animal, insect, mammal). As a defining feature of animate nouns, the ability of the “objects” they call to independently move, move, which they do not possess, is often noted. inanimate objects.

This semantic classification does not coincide with the scientific division of everything that exists in nature into living and nonliving: in the natural sciences, plants are also classified as living. It also does not fit into the framework of the “everyday” understanding of living and nonliving things. Thus, animate nouns include the words dead man, deceased, seemingly contrary to logic. Boiled duck and roast goose are also animate in grammar. This also includes a doll, a ball (in the language of billiard players), ace, trump, jack etc. - words that have nothing to do with the living world. The category of inanimate includes nouns denoting a collection of living beings ( people, crowd, platoon, flock, swarm, group etc.), as well as collective nouns type youth, peasantry, children, proletariat and others, denoting a collection of persons.

The division of nouns into animate and inanimate is built not only on semantic grounds, but also on
grammatical. Accusative plural
in animate nouns it coincides with the genitive, and
in inanimate - with the nominative. Wed:
I see trees, mountains, rivers, clouds, I see people, cows, birds,
flocks of insects, geese, I will buy cucumbers, notebooks, buttons, I will buy sheep, pigeons, dolls, I ate tangerines, oranges, ate chicken, crayfish, they served fried eggplants, they served fried partridges.

In the singular, the distinction between animate and inanimate nouns is consistently expressed morphologically in masculine words. Compare: inanimate nouns and animate nouns I’ll make soup, broth, I’ll cook a goose, a rooster, we’ll see off the ship, we’ll see off a friend, we’ll plant potatoes, we’ll plant a guest.

The exception is masculine words ending in -a. In them, like in feminine nouns, the accusative case does not coincide with either the genitive or the nominative. Wed: I. - boy, girl; R. - boys, girls; IN. - boy, girl.

In animate nouns of the neuter gender, as in inanimate nouns, in the singular the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of the im. case. For example: Oh, how I love this empty creature! - Pavel Petrovich groaned(Turgenev). The same is observed for feminine nouns with zero ending in them case: I see a lynx, a mouse.

A deviation from the basic norm of expressing the meaning of animation is the formation of wine forms. pad. pl. h. with the preposition in nouns - names of persons expressing an attitude towards a certain social group: student, nanny, livestock breeder, etc. In constructions with the meaning “to become (do) who,” these words form the form of wines. case as inanimate nouns: promoted to general, elected to academician, joined as a janitor, joined the partisans, candidate for deputy and so on.

The names of microorganisms fluctuate between animate and inanimate nouns: microbe, bacillus, ciliates, bacterium, amoeba etc. They have two forms of the accusative case: study microbes and germs; examine viruses and viruses under a microscope; destroy bacilli and bacilli. In professional language, such words are usually used as animate nouns, and in the non-professional sphere as inanimate.

The same noun in one meaning can refer to animate things, and in another to inanimate ones. Thus, the names of fish in direct meanings are animate nouns ( catch crucian carp). When used as names of foods, they act as inanimate nouns: there are sprats, invite for trout etc. Wed. Also: I see a huge stump And I see this stump (who?) every day.

Animacy/inanimateness in words is manifested in a peculiar way dunce, idol, idol, graven image and others, which figuratively designate people. In the meaning of “statue” these words clearly gravitate towards inanimate nouns, and in the figurative meaning of a person - towards animate nouns. True, this feature is expressed inconsistently. Wed: set up an idol and it is difficult to convince this idol, But: On the banks of the Danube, the Russians placed a wooden idol (A.N. Tolstoy); From shaving his beard, he creates an idol for himself (Saltykov-Shedrin) and... makes an idol out of this old useless man (L. Tolstoy).

Titles works of art according to their heroes they act as animate nouns. Wed: get to know Eugene Onegin and listen to “Eugene Onegin”; call Rudin and read “Rudin” and so on.

Wed. Also: treated a Muscovite and bought a “Moskvich”, feed a horse and sculpt a horse, but feed a crocodile and buy a “Crocodile”; see a kite, fly a kite and make a kite.

The names of the ancient gods are animate nouns, and the names of the luminaries homonymous with them are inanimate: anger Mars and look at Mars, honor Jupiter and see Jupiter and etc.

The words type, image, character, which are the names of the characters in works of art, are used as inanimate nouns: create a strong character; characterize negative types and positive images. Wed: list the characters in the novel, the heroes of the fairy tale, the characters in the fable, But: bring out the comic character.

Municipal educational institution"Krasnenskaya average comprehensive school named after M.I. Svetlichnaya"


Animate and inanimate nouns

Teacher primary classes

Skulova Valentina Nikolaevna

Class: 3

UMK: « Primary School XXI century"

Academic subject: Russian language

Topic of the training session: “Animate and inanimate nouns”



Organize activities for students to become familiar with animate and inanimate nouns.


educational: the ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns;

regulatory: organize your activities; evaluate the results of your work in class and the work of your friends; detect and correct errors.

communicative: develop the ability to enter into dialogue with the teacher, peers, participate in conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior; formulate your own thoughts, express and justify your point of view, implement joint activities in pairs, in groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

Personal: developing a positive attitude towards cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, to promote the development in students of an awareness of the practical and personal significance of the educational material being studied.

Type of training session: training session on studying and primary consolidation of new material


1) general class – computer, projector, screen, presentation, cards with words;

2) for each student - a textbook, workbook, educational supplies, cards for independent work, signal cards, self-assessment tables;

3) for group work - task cards.

Routing training session

Teacher activities

Student activities

Universal learning activities


The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins.

We start again

Think, reason, be smart!

Guys, I wish you that today’s lesson will be interesting and useful for you, that together we will repeat and consolidate what we already know and try to discover new secrets of the Russian language.

Organization of students, integration into the business rhythm.

Preparation for the perception of new material.

Personal: self-determination.

Regulatory: goal setting.

Communication: the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts.

Cognitive: searching and highlighting information.

2.Preparation for work at the main stage

Today in class we are working with self-assessment sheets. After completing the task, evaluate your work yourself.

Task type



Vocabulary work

Independent work on options.

Work in groups.

Independent work using cards.

Game "True or False"


1) Work in pairs

Take a close look at this entry:

big small,

dry -…

war - …

deep -...

old - …

solid - …

If you correctly formulate and complete the task, you will find out which letter we will write today during the penmanship minute.

(It is necessary to select words with the opposite meaning, antonyms)

That's right, choose antonym words, but one condition is that these words must begin with the same letter. (Slide 2)

Have you guessed what letter we will write during the minute of penmanship? (letter m)

What sound does the letter m make? (consonant, voiced, unpaired in deafness-voiceness, can be hard or soft)

2) Letter letters M m mm

3) Writing words with a double letter mm: kilogram, gram, sum.

4) Self-esteem.

5) Write down proverbs: A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of food.

Fill in the missing letters. Prove that the inserted letters are written correctly.

2. Vocabulary work. (Slide 3) Write down the names of the pictures: bear, tomato, rocket, sparrow, teacher, pan.

Mutual check (exchange notebooks)

What do these words have in common? (nouns)

What is a noun?

3. Divide words into groups according to a certain criterion. (Who what?)

What words answer the question who?

What words answer the question what?

Updating students' knowledge: determining the level of knowledge. Motivating students to solve educational problems.

Leading up to the topic of the lesson.

Performance game task, recording knowledge and ignorance, difficulties.


Peer review

Classification of words according to a certain criterion.

Communicative: the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts, fluency in speech in accordance with the norms of the Russian language.

General educational universal actions:

ability to listen carefully.

Logical universal actions:

material analysis; output-response.

Actions for posing and solving problems:

formulation of the problem and the desire to solve it.

3. The stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

1. Reading the rules from the textbook, p. 54

What new have you learned?

Determine the topic of our lesson. ( Animate and inanimate nouns)(Slides 4, 5)

I have prepared tasks for you that will help improve your ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate animate objects, will help develop memory, attention, thinking.

Problematic situation.

Do you think that the same noun can be both animate and inanimate? I suggest you do your research.

2. Unscramble the words. (Slide 6)

Given a chain of words, you need to highlight the first syllables of each word and form a new word from them.






    sieve + cornfield + queen =... (tit)

The resulting words, written on cards, are recorded on the board.

guitar, mouse, rose, dog, wheel, tit

- First option write down animate nouns, and second option write down inanimate nouns.

The work is done independently.

What words did you write down in option 1? Why?

What words did Option 2 write down? Why?

Now let's check our answers. (Slide 7)

What did you notice?

What's wrong with your answers?

(The words mouse and rose are written in 1 and 2 columns)

Why do you think?

In the first column, what is the meaning of the word mouse? And in the second?

(in column 1 - animal, in column 2 - PC mouse)

What about the word rose?

(in the 1st column there is a girl Rose, and in the second column there is a rose flower)

Conclusion: in the Russian language there are many words that can be animate and inanimate. They change their lexical meaning depending on the sentence in which they are used. Such words have a specific name - multi-valued.(Slide 8)

Creation problematic situation.

Clarification of the topic of the lesson.

Creating a problematic situation..

Independent work on options


Regulatory: goal setting.

Communicative: planning (determining goals, functions, ways of interaction between students and teachers and peers).

4. Physical education minute

Now I suggest you get some rest.

Let's play word groups

Which one of you is ready to play?

Now words denoting objects will be heard, after hearing the word answering the question who? you clap your hands if you hear a word that answers the question what? do two jumps.

Window, pattern, bullfinch, snowdrift, deer, sleigh, beautiful, sparrow, fur coat, felt boots, driver, swallow, glass, Murka, walrus, ice floe, seal.

Organization of children's recreation

Completing tasks.



5. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge and methods of action

1. " Magic transformations" Work in groups

And now I invite you to play the role of wizards, but don’t forget, we have a Russian language lesson, so we will transform?...What do you think? (words)

1 group. - Words given: braid, poppy, drop, dream– what do these words have in common?

(These words answer the question what? These are inanimate nouns)

Form animate nouns from these words, replacing only one letter.



a drop




2nd group. Words given: strongman, mushroom picker, skier, football player, fireman.

What do these words have in common?

(These words answer the question who? These are animate objects)

Form inanimate nouns from these words.

What question should these words answer? (to the question what?)











3rd group. Find the word in the word: joke, fishing rod, seal, butterfly

2. Independent work (multi-level task)

And now I offer you the last task, with the help of which I can check how much you have mastered the material of today's lesson.

You have cards of two colors on the tables, you need to choose a task according to your strength.

Card No. 1

Words are given if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects).

Starling, house, bed, Olya, bucket, tiger, car, window, flowers, student, driver, goose, mushroom picker, TV.

Card No. 2

Given words with missing spellings, you need to insert the necessary letters, and then, having asked a question, write down the desired letter on top if the word answers the question who? Write down the letter O (animate objects) at the top if the word answers the question what? write the letter H (inanimate objects).

Spring...na, in...yes, moro..., f...raf, daughter(?)ka, ch...ynik, Olen...ka, chick(?)chick, d...horns, p...cash, s...nitsa, ch...ynik , k...tenk.

Select a card, sign and get to work.

Cards are checked after the lesson.

Organizing students to learn new material; building a project to overcome difficulties.

Completing tasks.

Work in groups.

Differentiated work

Regulatory: forecasting, control in the form of comparison, correction.

Cognitive: logical universal actions: problem solving.

Communication UUD:

cooperation, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

5. Warm up for the eyes.

Electronic physical exercise “Make a word”

Guessing letters. Composing a word.

6. Stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

    Words answering the questions who? or what? indicate the characteristics of objects.(red color – false statement, indicate objects)

    Words denoting objects and answering the questions who? or what? are called nouns. (green color- true statement)

    Words answering the question who? are animate nouns(green color – true statement).

    Inanimate nouns answer the question who?(red color – false statement, answer the question what?)

    In the Russian language there are words that can simultaneously answer the questions who? So what?(green color – true statement). Give examples of such words.

    Such words are called antonyms(red color – false statement, ambiguous words, antonyms – words with opposite meaning)


Independent work. Carrying out a self-test.

Regulatory: control, assessment, correction.

Cognitive: general educational – logical (analysis, classification, summing up a concept, conclusion.)

7. Information stage homework.

1.Textbook. Ex. 2, p. 54. Repeat the rule, p. 54.

2.Select and write down as many animate and inanimate nouns as possible on the topic “School”.

Organization of activities to apply new knowledge.


Ability to plan necessary actions; monitor the process and results of activities, make the necessary adjustments.

7. Reflection on activity (lesson summary)

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you study?

Which task did you like best?

Where will you use the acquired knowledge?

Working with self-assessment sheets. Continue the sentence: In class I….

Organization of reflection.

Carrying out self-assessment of one’s own educational activities, correlating goals and results, the degree of their compliance.

Communicative: the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Cognitive: reflection.

Personal: meaning formation.

Animate nouns include the names of persons and animals: man, daughter, son, Vera, Petrov, Dima, duty officer, cow, goat, goose, starling, carp, spider, etc. These are mainly masculine and feminine nouns. Neuter nouns are few in number: child, creature (meaning “living organism”), person (meaning “person”), words in -ish (monster, horror, e), substantivized adjectives and participles (animal, insect, mammal). As a defining feature of animate nouns, the ability of the “objects” they call to independently move and move, which inanimate objects do not possess, is often noted.
This semantic classification does not coincide with the scientific division of everything that exists in nature into living and nonliving: in the science of nature, plants are also classified as living. It also does not fit into the framework of the “everyday” understanding of living and nonliving things. Thus, the words dead and dead belong to animate nouns, seemingly contrary to logic. (Boiled) duck, (roasted) goose in grammar are also animate. This also includes doll, ball (in the language of billiard players), ace, trump card, jack, etc. - words that have nothing to do with the living world. The category of inanimate includes nouns that denote a collection of living beings (people, crowd, platoon, flock, swarm, group, etc.), as well as collective nouns such as youth, peasantry, children, proletariat, etc., denoting a collection of persons.
The division of nouns into animate and inanimate is based not only on semantic grounds, but also on grammatical ones. The accusative plural for animate nouns coincides with the genitive, and for inanimate nouns it coincides with the nominative. Wed:
I see trees, mountains, rivers, clouds, I see people, cows, birds, insects,
flock of geese
I will buy cucumbers, notebooks, buttons I will buy sheep, pigeons, dolls
ate tangerines, oranges, ate chicken, crayfish
served (fried) eggplants served (fried) partridges
In the singular, the distinction between animate and inanimate nouns is consistently expressed morphologically in masculine words. Wed:
animate nouns I will cook a goose, a rooster, I will see off my friend, I will seat the guest
inanimate nouns
I’ll make soup and broth, see off the steamer, plant potatoes
The exception is masculine words ending in -a. In them, like in feminine nouns, the accusative case does not coincide with either the genitive or the nominative. Wed: I. - young man, girl; R. - boys, girls; V. - young man, girl.
In animate nouns of the neuter gender, as in inanimate nouns, in the singular the form of the accusative case coincides with the form im. case. For example: “Oh, how I love this empty creature,” Pavel Petrovich (Turgenev) moaned. The same is observed for feminine nouns with a zero ending in them. fall: I see a lynx0, a mouse0.
A deviation from the basic norm of expressing the meaning of animation is the formation of wine forms. pad. pl. h. with the preposition in nouns - names of persons expressing an attitude towards a certain social group: student, nanny, livestock breeder, etc. In constructions with the meaning “to become (do) who,” these words form the form of wine. pad. as inanimate nouns: promote to general, elect to academician, candidate for deputy, etc.
The names of microorganisms fluctuate between animate and inanimate nouns: microbe, bacillus, ciliates, bacterium, amoeba, etc. They each have two forms of the accusative case: (to study) microbes and microbc (to examine) viruses and viruses (in a microscope); (destroy) bacilli I bacilli. In professional language, such words are usually used as animate nouns, and in the non-professional sphere as inanimate.
The same noun in one meaning can refer to animate things, and in another to inanimate ones. Thus, the names of fish in direct meanings are animate nouns: (to catch) crucian carp. When used as names of foods, they act as inanimate nouns: (there are) sprats, etc.
Animacy/inanimateness is manifested in a unique way in the words blockhead, idol, idol, graven image, etc., which figuratively designate people. In the meaning of “statue” these words clearly gravitate towards inanimate nouns, and in the figurative meaning of a person - towards animate nouns. True, this feature is expressed inconsistently. Wed: From shaving his beard, he creates an idol for himself (Saltykov-Shedrin) and... makes an idol out of this old useless man (L. Tolstoy).
The names of works of art based on their characters act as animate nouns. Wed: call Rudin and read “¦Rudin”, etc.
Wed. also: see a kite, let (launch) a kite, I make a kite.
The names of the ancient gods are animate nouns, and the names of the luminaries homonymous with them are inanimate: to anger Mars, I look at Mars, to honor Jupiter and to see Jupiter, etc. ~
The words type image, character are used as inanimate nouns, acting as the names of the characters in works of art: create a strong character; characterize negative types and positive images. Wed: list the characters of the novel, the heroes of the fairy tale, the characters of the fable, but: bring out the comic character.