10 finger typing trainer. Training simulators. Correct posture and hand position

All PCs, regardless of operating system and brand, have a standard keyboard with alphabetic letters, numbers and symbols. The keyboard consists of four rows: the top row contains numbers and special characters, the rest contain letters and punctuation marks. In the center of the keyboard there are keys with letters that are most often repeated in texts; they are served by more developed and mobile fingers: index and middle.

The keyboard rows are arranged from bottom to top: the 1st row is called the bottom row, the 2nd row is the main row, the 3rd row is the top row, and the 4th row is called the numeric row. Learning the keyboard start from the second row. This row is called the main row because it contains the letters of the alphabet that are most often repeated in texts. From this row, located in the center of the keyboard, it is convenient to make movements with your fingers when striking while writing within the designated area.

The figure shows a diagram of a Russian keyboard. The diagram gives an idea of ​​the zones of movement of the corresponding fingers to the desired keys, accustoms to ten-finger blind writing method.

The fingers on the keys of the main row are distributed as follows (see figure):

  • left hand: little finger - f, ring finger - s, middle finger - v, index finger - a;
  • right hand: index - o, middle - l, ring - d, little finger - g.

These keys are called "home position".

Letters not included in this list are located on the so-called additional keys of the second, main row of the keyboard.

The letter keys are distributed as follows:

  • to the left index finger - a, p, k, e, m, i;
  • to the right index - o, p, n, g, t, b;
  • to the left middle - y, v, s;
  • to the right middle - w, l, b;
  • to the left nameless - ts, y, h;
  • to the right nameless - sch, d, yu;
  • to the left little finger - th, f, i;
  • to the right little finger - z, g, e, x, b.
  • Use the thumbs of both hands to press the spacebar.

On initial stage training in blind ten-finger typing carried out without regard to register. Registers, punctuation marks, numbers, auxiliary symbols - this is the next stage to which you can move on after mastering the skill ten finger touch typing in lowercase (lowercase letters). Practice shows that studying them takes no more than 5-10% of the time spent on learning the lower case of the keyboard. And their location is on different keyboards, in different operating systems are different.

Before you start mastering typing in Russian, pay attention to the following keys: Backspace, Delete, Enter, Space.

  • The Backspace key is pressed with the little finger right hand. This key is used to delete the character to the left of the cursor. It is designed to correct errors that occur when typing texts.
  • The Delete key is similar to the Backspace key. It is also pressed with the little finger of the right hand. Used to delete the character to the right of the cursor.
  • The Enter key is pressed with the little finger of the right hand. Used to translate strings.
  • The Space key is pressed thumb left or right (currently free) hand. It is designed to put spaces between words in a sentence.
Ten-finger method of printing on a computer (

If you are reading this text, then you are either my regular reader (haha), or, more likely, you yourself want to learn the touch typing method on the keyboard. Well, I'm happy with both options. Let me tell you something secret: I won’t teach you how to touch-type, BUT... STOP, don’t leave! I'll give you some tips and you can learn it YOURSELF if you want!

So, this topic will be small, but please read it to the end and in the end you will understand everything.
It all started yesterday, that is, November 28, 12. I was sitting at work (yes, I’m a C# programmer, if anyone is interested), and since there is practically no control over me other than deadlines, free time I need to keep myself busy with something. I didn’t want to write posts on the site and even the 5th lesson in the html textbook, and I remembered my long-standing goal (note that I avoid the word “dream” and always try to replace it with the wonderful word “goal”, because the meaning is radically different!) - to learn typing without looking at the keyboard, that is, blindly, as they say.

Well, once said, done. I started looking, because there must be something useful about this on the Internet. And what do you think? Yes, I came across a couple of miracle techniques, paid of course. One was called “keyboard solo”, in my opinion, but, I’ll tell you, this is such nonsense, you’ll forgive me. Free elementary lessons came down to typing one or two letters, that is, you sit and point at the same letter 100 times. Well, what is it? And everything else, that is, normal training with words, is paid, or one lesson a day is free. Fuck you, I thought, and went looking further.

Almost all the guides were Huge. Tons of text, and the tasks, again, boiled down to focusing on one, maximum three letters. Well, things don’t get done that way, comrades. And then I understood. There will be no freebies in this matter. No methods work. Understand this too, the sooner the better. But how can this be? - you ask, and it will be a completely reasonable question. And so: you can learn to touch type only with the help of muscle memory plus the subconscious! Exactly! You need to practice and practice day after day for about a week, 20-30 minutes a day. Again, DO NOT rush to leave! I invite you to follow me to see if I succeed in mastering this method or not. If I can do it, then you can too, but otherwise... and no other way, I can do it and that’s it!

What am I offering you? Follow my self-experiment as I learn. I didn’t buy courses, didn’t download programs, and I don’t advise you to. All you need is a trainer. You can write it yourself, if you’re not too lazy, or you can use the website klava.org. This is in no way an advertisement, otherwise you never know, look, whoever is in the know will understand, even the nofollow link is closed!
So, before we start practicing, let's take a simple look key points! This is the basics, not at all complicated, but if you understand, learning will be a joy!

  • We look at the keyboard, we see serifs on the Russian letters “a” and “o”. We rejoice and remember.
  • We place 4 fingers of the left hand on the letters “FYVA”, and the fingers of the right hand on “OLJ”. Remember the position of the hands.
  • We look at the picture below and realize which fingers are responsible for which letters. DO NOT be scared! You don't have to remember everything at once! At the beginning I only remembered that FYVA and OLJ and then I was confused! Everything will come with experience, very quickly.

Here is the picture, just look at it, understand the logic and that's enough. There is no point in memorizing.

The logic here is simple. Different colors different fingers are indicated. Accordingly, if you position your hands as I taught you a little higher, you will understand which fingers belong to which color. I, unlike the vast majority of bloggers, believe that my readers are not fools and will be able to compare what’s what.
Well, that's all, you don't need anything else, just practice, practice and more practice!

Diary of my successes in printing

And also follow the progress of my experiment, I will update the post every day or every other day, so add the page to your bookmarks, and also subscribe to new articles in the form on the top right, where you need to enter .

Day 1. 28.11.12 . It’s boring, I don’t want to write a textbook, but idleness, reading habr or 9gag is also not an option. You need to keep yourself busy with something useful. ABOUT! Touch typing, just like I’ve wanted for a long time. Looking for. Nothing useful. I found a couple of techniques, poked the same letter 20 times, didn’t see the point, but realized that it doesn’t work, I need to practice in words. I found a simulator and will practice on it. 15 minutes have passed, I feel like a grandmother who sees a computer for the first time, although maybe I’m typing even slower than her now. 25 minutes... I'm tired, that's enough for today.

Day 2. 29.11.12 . The work for today is done. I remembered about printing, I need to continue, I even started to get some kind of elusive pleasure. I remember the placement of some letters from yesterday. I noticed that the main load falls on the index fingers and the little finger of the right hand. I’m beginning to understand that the letters are located on the keyboard for a reason, but according to the mind, the most popular ones are closest. The typing speed has increased a little, and I make much fewer mistakes. I wonder if I will now overtake the grandmothers in speed...

Day 3. 30.11.12 . From the very morning I arrived, I immediately decided to practice. Overnight, the knowledge in my head was structured, my fingers were already asking for the keyboard :) I discovered that the site can calculate typing speed and the number of errors. It also has a timer, which is set to 15 minutes by default. So I rattled off these 15 minutes. Made 4% errors, typing speed was 55 characters per minute.
After lunch I decided to practice some more, after all, the more you start to succeed, the greater the desire to improve your skill! I typed words, the errors became 1%, and then these errors accumulated. The speed has increased to 65 characters per minute. I think this good result for the third day of training. I also practiced a little on Skype when texting, I decided that now at work I will only write on Skype this way, although my friends are mad that I’m slow now: D I have no desire to look at the keyboard when typing and haven’t had it since the first day, but a friend says that This is exactly what he had problems with, that he was constantly trying to peek. But I don’t know, I don’t have that, on the contrary, I want to learn blindly, so why peep and cheat. By the way, this friend’s typing speed is more than 400 characters per minute, he’s typing blindly with all his might. I will strive to beat his record, there will be an incentive :)

Day 6. 03.12.12 . It’s already December, winter. Days 4 and 5 fell due to not being able to practice over the weekend. This only proves my theory that I won’t be able to learn to touch type at home, since there are always “more important” things to do. So I’d better get to work sometime. Well, today is just Monday and I sat down at the keyboard with renewed vigor. It took me a total of 25 minutes to practice. My fingers are already jumping on the keys reflexively, but sometimes I miss. And sometimes it happens the other way around - I fall into a stupor and can’t remember where the right letter is. Thus, through painful training, today I reached a speed of 75 characters per minute. Errors are approximately 1%. I tested the Speed ​​chip. I liked it, but only there the pointer speed is set at 200 characters per minute and does not change. Naturally, I can’t keep up with him, and when I start to rush, I generally get lost and start making mistakes. In general, I made a note in my head that the function is good, I’ll come back to it when I have about 150 characters per minute, just to reach 200, and then the work will be comfortable and the practice will be directly while working - on Skype, by mail, when writing articles and so on. In general, I'm looking forward to the muscle memory becoming stronger.

Day 14. 11.12.12 . I haven’t written about my achievements for a long time, since there was no particular reason. But today I finally broke the 100 characters per minute bar, so I consider this experiment over. At work on Skype, I correspond exclusively blindly, so my skill grows by itself. Don’t be afraid to start, the main thing is discipline and everything will work out! Good luck to everyone in touch typing;)

Have you mastered the touch typing method? If so, was it difficult for you? And if not, then join my experiment!

The speed of completing a task on a computer may depend not only on obvious factors: processor performance or, roughly speaking, human intelligence. Sometimes the most limiting factor is purely mechanical work, namely typing on the keyboard. Thoughts go far ahead, but fingers do not have time to fix the text. This situation is obviously faced not only by writers, journalists, programmers, but also by all those who have to type text with two or three fingers without taking their eyes off the keyboard.

It is surprising that the ten-finger touch typing method, discovered back in the 19th century, is now many times more relevant for every active computer user. Its skillful use can significantly reduce the time spent entering text.

The review includes keyboard trainers, each of which has at least one distinctive feature among programs of this kind. Therefore, when choosing a simulator, you can be guided by the review headings.

"Keyboard Solo": a reliable all-rounder

“Keyboard Solo” is the most versatile keyboard trainer, so it’s worth starting the review with it. In addition to Russian, English and German, the course “Taming the Numbers”, which will be useful, for example, to accountants. The universal edition includes Russian, English and digital layouts.

The first impression after installation may be skeptical: too informal approach. However, the further the user moves away from the beginning of the course, the more meaningful these digressions become. They allow you to take a break from fairly monotonous exercises. Perhaps the greatest benefit from the text material is recommendations on correct pressing, posture, correct technique, which is important for blind ten-finger typing. Looking ahead: only Solo provides this information evenly throughout the course.

Before performing the exercises, you need to do a warm-up, which helps you adapt to Solo. In real time, as well as after training, you can view the statistics: GPA, typing speed, number of errors. Statistics are available not only for exercises, but also for days; you can use them to track the dynamics of exercises.

Keyboard training does not contain meaningful phrases; these are pre-prepared “synthetic” expressions - unlike, say, the VerseQ discussed below, where the typing string is generated based on user errors. By the way, in Solo, mistakes are extremely unwelcome; you often have to redo the task several times. The requirements for passing are strict, the exercises become more complicated with each new level, of which there are about a hundred. Yes, apparently, it’s not for nothing that the program includes psychological tests.

The program's interface makes an ambivalent impression. Comparing with previous versions of “Keyboard Solo”, it cannot be said that the new interface, designed in gray and green tones, has significantly improved the ergonomics of the program. On the one hand, it is quite convenient to use; all settings and elements are well documented in the help. But you can find fault with the fact that the virtual keyboard does not indicate which finger to press this or that key; no hints are displayed during the exercise. As a result, without sufficient experience, you need to return to the description of the exercise.

VerseQ: learning from our mistakes

The most important thing in the description of the program is not that the user will be able to touch-type “literally in an hour” (according to the author of the simulator). Another thing is attractive: VerseQ uses algorithms in training that are not based on “coaching”, and also does not “punish” for mistakes made during exercises. Moreover, the course is based on user errors and problematic phrases, in which, according to statistics, difficulties most often arise. Moreover, according to the plan, the user will not learn about his mistakes from statistics; VerseQ quietly adjusts them to further exercises. Despite this, general statistics are displayed both during training and as training dynamics by pressing F9.

Three operating modes are available - with German, Russian and English layout. There are no introductory exercises; in addition, all the letters of the alphabet are already involved from the very beginning. However, you should not expect that the text you type will be meaningful: as a rule, these are repeated combinations of letters that are phonetically related (they can be pronounced). The technique is based not only on pressing, but also on transitions between keys.

A distinctive feature of VerseQ is a moderate “tone” of presentation, a soothing color scheme and a neutral design in general. It is unknown how much effort it takes to leave the program in a state of irritation. By the way, if we talk about the price issue, in “Solo on the Keyboard” a warning about the unregistered version appears after each exercise, in VerseQ - only at the beginning of the program launch.

All the most important information is collected in a concise help file: how to use the program correctly, teaching methodology, keyboard techniques. Perhaps what is missing in this simulator is more detailed instructions on working with exercises, as done in “Solo”.

Typing Master – a classic of the genre

By by and large, this simulator could not be included in the review, since it does not support the Russian-language layout, but still: a) it is useful for improving touch typing skills in Latin in English, Spanish, German, French or Italian; b) Typing Master is an excellent example of a structured, calibrated course.

Not every user will like the strict approach and conservatism of Typing Master; at the same time, compared to Solo, the program is presented even more concisely. Typing Master offers the following courses:

  • Touch Typing Course - directly, a course on touch typing
  • Speed ​​Building Course - increasing speed
  • Numbers Course - a short course on typing on the top number row
  • Special Marks Course - express course on additional characters: brackets, mathematical symbols, etc.
  • Numeric Keypad Course - course on using the numeric keyboard

Each course consists of theoretical and practical blocks. At the beginning of the exercise, the time required to complete the task is indicated, and you are also asked to select the difficulty (from 90% to 98% of correct hits). In the mode of learning new keys (“new keys”), the letters to be typed are in no way related to each other phonetically, but in the “drill” mode you need to enter words: there are separate exercises for words, sentences, and paragraphs. At the end of the task, statistics are displayed, from which you can find out which keys cause the greatest difficulty.

Additionally, it is worth noting TypingMaster Satellite - an assistant that works in the background and tracks mistakes made, and also creates individual exercises for the most complex combinations.

The interface was created by developers who pay attention to detail. First of all, it is very intuitive and literally explained which finger to press this or that key, with the accompanying keyboard diagrams. It is very useful that errors on the keyboard are displayed in the form of crossed out keys (other simulators do not have this, which leads to several repeated errors after one incorrect press).

TypingMaster does not allow you to deviate one step from the given program and is somewhat reminiscent of dry language grammar courses. However, this cannot be called a disadvantage, rather - characteristic feature of this simulator, which will either hold the user or push him away.

Stamina - freedom of action

After getting acquainted with Typing Master, Stamina turns out to be the most “frivolous” simulator in the review. The program will not appeal to users who find the developer's sense of humor inappropriate and at the same time are entirely committed to learning the ten-finger typing method. Lack of seriousness begins with help, all kinds of comments and ending with voice acting. There are special complaints about the sound expressed by visitors on the program's home page. This point can be fixed with a patch or through the “Censorship” option in the Stamina settings.

Despite the above, you should not draw hasty conclusions and ignore the simulator. Just pay attention to the variety of training modes - “Lessons”, “Phrases”, “Letters”, “All symbols” and “External file”. Of greatest interest are the lessons that are divided into basic exercises, letter combinations, numbers and symbols. Regarding the lessons with the numeric keypad: the developer states that he “did them without really trying” and invites users to participate in the development process themselves (quote: “Can you do something smarter?”).

Unfortunately, the author of Stamina placed the program with its wide capabilities in an inconvenient shell, so when starting the simulator it is not entirely clear how and in what sequence all this functionality should be accessed. On the other hand, the help quite clearly explains the course methodology, basic concepts, typing techniques (position of fingers on the keyboard, etc.). Special attention is given alternative method finger placement on the keyboard.

The keyboard simulator can also be recommended for working with the Ukrainian or Belarusian layout (this is something you won’t find in other simulators). The basic distribution contains lessons in Russian, English, Ukrainian, and it is possible to include phrases in other languages.

Thus, main feature Stamina is the freedom of action given to the user. Therefore, you can perform the exercises in any order and create your own course. The downside of the method is that it is unknown how quickly concrete results can be achieved with this approach.

Klavarog - online training

Klavarog is a self-sufficient online simulator, indicating that the project can exist and develop through donations. And the development progress is actually noticeable if you look.

In Klavarog, similarly to Stamina, there is no set sequence such as step-by-step exercises from simple to complex. The simulator fixes errors and adds problematic words to each generated line of text (the principle of operation is similar to both Stamina and VerseQ).

It is convenient to navigate the keyboard layout using the color scheme; it can be enabled in the program settings (the “fill” icon). A very useful hint in the form of a hand is which finger to press the desired key (a similar feature was noticed only in Typing Master). Experienced users can turn off all hints or switch to Zen mode, where there are virtually no distractions.

In addition to standard courses with Russian and English layouts, there are courses on digital layouts, Esperanto, and the programming languages ​​PHP, Python, SQL, XML/XSLT. Dictionary exercises are especially challenging: you need to enter the correct translation of a word from available options. If the word is chosen incorrectly, you must enter it three times. This way, you can kill two birds with one stone: your keyboard and language skills improve at the same time. True, due to the fact that the set of words is generated by the program, guess correct option translation is quite easy.

Unfortunately, this keyboard simulator does not allow you to record results, track statistics and skill development. In general, it would be nice to be able to create an account on the site - technically this can be done.

You can make your suggestions for the development of Klavarog on the page.

Bombina: a simulator for the little ones

“Bombina” occupies a free niche where there are no competitors. This simulator is intended for teaching schoolchildren (or rather even younger children) school age) blind ten-finger typing method.

The program shell is “cartoonish” and should be evaluated by children. However, adults may also have reasonable complaints. The interface is not intuitive in all places, and it will seem inconvenient that the navigation elements or, for example, the “Start” button at the beginning of the exercise are not clearly marked enough: you have to look for them. For example, who would have thought that the image of a rag is the local analogue of the “Exit” button.

Questions arise about the method of operation of the simulator: how training occurs, what parents and children should pay attention to. It turns out that there is quite detailed help that exists separately from the program. It is recommended to start “Bombina” with introductory course, where the placement of fingers on the keyboard is explained in detail and a description of the keys is given. Then you can move on to the exercises. If in other simulators the emphasis is on transitions and keyboard chords, here you need to pay attention to the jumping “chips” and repeat their movements.

Bombin has difficulty levels that affect the number of mistakes allowed in the exercise. You can activate automatic transition from one difficulty level to another: it will work after successful completion exercises with a high score at least three times.

As a result, given that the program has many interactive elements and modes (there is even a logic game), it can be recommended for teaching children computer basics. At least Bombina would be a smarter choice than the endless string of casual games.

Table 1. Comparison of keyboard trainers by functionality

Name of the simulatorTerms of distributionKeyboard supportTraining modes
SharewareRussian, English, German, Italian, digitalWarm-ups, tasks, exercises, exam
TrialRussian, English, GermanExercises
TrialEnglish, Spanish, German, French, ItalianExercises, games, tests
FreewareEnglish, Russian, Ukrainian +“Lessons”, “Phrases”, “Letters”, “All symbols”, your own text
DonationwareRussian, English, digital, Esperanto, phonetic +Training, initial, speed, vocabulary, programming
Freeware (1 user), shareware (multi-user version)Russian, EnglishExercises, games, your own text

Keyboard trainer- This computer program, or online service designed to teach or improve touch typing skills. Improving touch typing skills means increasing typing speed and reducing the number of typing errors.

Touch typing or the ten-finger touch typing method is quickly typing text on the keyboard with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard. The blind ten-finger method has been invented for more than 120 years in America. Using touch printing you can achieve printing speeds of up to 1000 characters per minute! This is, of course, a super-record speed, but there is no limit to perfection!
Anyone can learn touch typing. For this purpose, keyboard simulators have been developed, which our website is dedicated to.

Keyboard trainer? Which one to choose? This question is faced by many users who want to learn high-speed, error-free touch typing. In this article we will look at 7 keyboard trainers that I consider the best. If you don’t like my selection, you can find a lot of other keyboard trainers on our website.

The criteria by which we will choose a keyboard trainer:

  • Price. There are paid programs and there are free ones. Of course, all keyboard simulators on our website can be downloaded and used for free, but this is a matter of your conscience;
  • Availability of guidelines- if you are learning from scratch, you need a keyboard trainer with guidelines; to develop speed, you can use gaming keyboard trainers or programs without guidelines;
  • Language- This article mainly contains Russian-English keyboard simulators, but there are exceptions;
  • Number of exercises and training time- some developers of keyboard simulators promise that you will learn to type quickly in a certain time;
  • Contents of the exercise.
  • Program settings.
I’ll say right away that I won’t write here and disassemble each keyboard simulator in detail “for spare parts.” Let's briefly consider each one according to the criteria; I know that not everyone can read tons of text. Keyboard simulators for children are not discussed in this article.

1. Keyboard Solo 9 is the most popular keyboard trainer:

  • Price: - paid, 600 rubles one language, course 3 at 1,900 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Language: Russian and English(in version 3 in 1 which can be downloaded for free on our website);
  • 100 exercises, training time is individual and depends on the time of training, if you practice 1-2 hours every day, it will take about 1-3 weeks;
  • Contents of the exercises: in exercises Keyboard solo
  • Yes.

  • Price: - free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator there are , are in the program help;
  • Language: Russian, Ukrainian and English(you can download additional language packs on the official website);
  • Number of exercises and training time: exercises in basic mode 17, training time individually;
  • Contents of the exercises: The exercises are mostly text-based, there are audio jokes, you can switch between lessons at will, there are several modes;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    3. Keyboard solo 8 - an early version of "SOLO" but no less popular:

  • Price: - paid, the disc costs 800 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the program itself;
  • Language: Russian and English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 100 exercises, training time is individual and depends on the time of training;
  • Contents of the exercises: in the exercises you can find a lot of things, tests, humor, videos, letters from readers, quotes, tips. You cannot switch upward between exercises in any order (you cannot skip classes);
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.


  • Price: - paid, 170 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the certificate;
  • Language: Russian, German and English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: the number of exercises is infinite, the program generates exercises with problematic symbols;
  • Contents of the exercises: you immediately start practicing;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes, A little.

    5. Rapid Typing Tutor:

  • Price: free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present
  • Language: multilingual program;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 4 difficulty levels, training time depends on you;
  • Contents of the exercises: you immediately start practicing, you can switch between exercises at will;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes, a lot of.

  • Price: shareware but without restrictions ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are located in the keyboard simulator itself;
  • Language: Russian English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 100 exercises, training time individual;
  • Contents of the exercises: theory and practice, you can switch between exercises at will;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    7. Virtuoso - Hard Keyboard Trainer:

  • Price: free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the certificate;
  • Language: Russian English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 16 exercises, learning time - until you learn;
  • Contents of the exercises: practice, the difficulty is very high, in order to move on to the next task you need to complete the previous one well;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes;
  • Typing quickly on a keyboard is a very useful skill. I’ll tell you which program I chose to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard with 10 fingers.

    Today we have to spend a lot of time at the computer and, of course, type various texts, commands and messages. I answer messages every day in social networks, By e-mail, I take notes, write articles, draw up various documents.

    Everyone needs touch typing skills.

    It turns out that every day I type several pages of text on the keyboard, both in Russian and in English language, and it takes at least two hours.

    Probably many of you do too. There is work that is directly related to documentation and, accordingly, printing, and there this activity takes up almost the entire working day. But still, for many of us, touch typing with 10 fingers on a computer remains a dream, not to mention fast typing at a speed that suits us.

    I used to think that it took a lot of time to remember the layout of the keyboard keys and learn to type quickly. At our computer science school we had a couple of lessons on how to quickly type on a keyboard. I don’t remember what programs there were, but they did not bring the final result. Several times I started practicing using various training programs for training typing speed. But I didn't have the patience to go through all the levels by typing certain letters and symbols over and over again. To pass each level you need to type quickly and, as a rule, without errors.

    I remember how I spent several hours trying to complete the next level. It was difficult for me, it took a lot of time, I gave up and abandoned training without achieving results. Over time, I began to type faster, but I was constantly looking at the keyboard. And yet it is very inconvenient, especially in poor lighting, I got confused and lost my thoughts. Fast typing with all fingers for a long time remained my dream.

    And recently, literally two weeks ago, I came across a wonderful quick typing tutorial - the VerseQ program, which was very different from all the others. I really liked it and decided to try it again. And this time everything worked out!

    Already on the first day I started typing on the keyboard and not looking at the keys. It turned out that fast touch typing with 10 fingers on a computer is not such a difficult matter. Now I don’t really think about where each letter is. Lately I continue to train regularly and want to increase my speed.

    What programs am I comparing with?

    • " ". This is the program I tried to learn from before. It is paid, costs 600 or 900 rubles.
    • " " - free.
    • “All 10” is free, online, similar in principle to Solo.
    • "FastKeyboardTyping" - free, online, similar in principle to Solo.
    • "klava.org" - free, online, training of individual words.
    • "keybr.com" - free, online, for English.
    • "Online VerseQ" is free, online, but it is different from VerseQ.
    • "" - free, online, you can compete with other people, you need to choose dictionaries for training.
    • “type.slovelas.ru” - free, online, letters fall, you need to have time to type them.

    There are many others, for example “Bombina”, “RapidTyping”, “iQwer”. This is where I will end my list.

    Why I chose VerseQ

    VerseQ is a tutorial. In this program for fast typing on the keyboard, you immediately memorize all the letters of the alphabet and practice typing them. It may seem difficult at first, but you get used to the keyboard pretty quickly. In other simulators, it often happens that while you are training a new combination of letters, the old ones are forgotten and the speed of typing them drops. Due to this, you can memorize all the letters on the first day, and in the future you just need to work on your speed and it will gradually increase.

    Each time the algorithm selects a combination of letters characteristic of the selected language, this helps to quickly memorize the most common key combinations. There are no lessons, no exercises, no need to waste energy on studying and memorizing, you just type a series of letters. If you make mistakes, you won't have to repeat that line again, the program will simply correct the next one, and thus you will quietly work on your weak points.

    You study at a comfortable pace, after each printed line you can take a break and look at the statistics. While typing, the statistics are hidden and do not distract you. This speed typing training program has good instructions, from which, among other things, you will also learn something interesting about sleep. Training languages ​​– Russian, English, German; for Russian there are as many as 3 levels of difficulty. I also really like the interface - nothing superfluous and pleasing to the eye.

    Try to exercise regularly, every day. Now I train 2 times a day for 20 minutes. I recommend not to worry about typing speed in the first stages; it will come on its own with time. It is very important to type without errors, and to do it with high rhythm.

    You can probably already imagine how the ability to type quickly will change your life. Here are just some of the advantages that quick touch typing with ten fingers on a computer gives:

    • - you will save a lot of time;
    • — increase your productivity and efficiency;
    • - you will be less tired;
    • - your hands will finally be able to keep up with your thoughts.

    The record for typing speed on a keyboard is about 1000 characters per minute. Anyone can learn to type at a speed of 300-400. We all have different learning abilities, some reach this level in a week, others will take several months.

    How to get this program

    The official website of the VerseQ program is www.verseq.ru. You can download it there. You can use the program for seven days for free. During this time you will be able to evaluate its effectiveness. Then it needs to be registered. The program costs 170 rubles.
