T Tkachenko phonemic perception formation and development. Tkachenko T. A. Speech therapy notebook. Sounds and signs. Difficult to pronounce consonants

HOMONYM, -a, m. In linguistics: a word that coincides with another in sound, but is completely divergent from it in meaning, as well as in the system of forms or in the composition of the nest, for example. ""leak"" and ""leak2"", ""mow1"" and ""mow2"". || adj. homonymous, -aya, -oe and homonymous, -aya, -oe.

View value HOMONYM in other dictionaries

Homonym- M. Greek one and the same word, in which there is more than one sense, meaning; eg braid
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Homonym- homonym, m. (from the Greek homos - identical and onyma - name) (linguistic). A word that is identical to another in sound form, but different from it in meaning, for example. "hail" is a city and "hail" is a meteorological phenomenon.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Homonym- -A; m. [Greek homos - identical] Linguistic. A word that coincides with another word in sound and spelling, but diverges in meaning and system of forms (for example: course - direction.......
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Homonym— Borrowing from French, where omonyme is from the Latin homonymus, which goes back to the Greek homonymos, literally meaning “of the same name” (homos - “identical, one and the same”, onyma - “name”).
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Homonym- One of two or more words with identical pronunciation and spelling, but different etymology and, therefore, different meanings; for example, a key (which is used to open........
Psychological Encyclopedia


Words that have the same spelling as another word or with other words, but have different meanings(in linguistics).

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of words and what HOMONYMS are in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    - (from the Greek homos - identical and onyma - name) - words that are the same in sound and spelling, but different in ...
  • HOMONYMS in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    [Greek] - words that coincide with each other in their sound but have a complete discrepancy in meaning. Example - "bow" (weapon) - "bow" ...
    (from the Greek homos - identical and onyma - name) different, but identical sounding and spelling units of language (words, morphemes and ...
    (Greek homonyma, from homos - identical and onyma - name), identical sounding units of language, in the meaning of which (unlike ...
  • HOMONYMS in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek homos - identical and onyma - name), different in meaning, but identical sounding and spelling units of language (words, ...
  • HOMONYMS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [Greek] words that sound the same but different meaning(for example, a scythe is a tool for making hay, a scythe is made of hair, a scythe...
  • HOMONYMS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HOMONYMS (from the Greek homos - identical and onyma - name), different, but identical sounding and spelling units of language (words, morphemes...
  • HOMONYMS in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - cm. …
  • HOMONYMS in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (gr. homonyma homos identical + onyma, onoma name) words that have the same sound but different meaning, for example, scythe (a tool for ...
  • HOMONYMS in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [gr. homonyma words that have the same sound but different meaning, for example, scythe (mowing tool) - scythe (from ...
  • HOMONYMS in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (from the Greek homos - identical and onyma - name), different, but identical sounding and spelling units of language (words, morphemes and ...
    Homonyms in which not all forms have the same sound. Weasel (animal) - caress (show of tenderness) (diverge in the genitive case...
  • FULL HOMONYMS in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    (absolute). Homonyms in which the entire system of forms coincides. Key (for a lock) - key (spring). Forge (blacksmith) - forge (wind ...
  • CHRYSANTHEMUM in the Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    In the minds of the Japanese, chrysanthemum and the Sun are inseparable. The words denoting these concepts are homonyms, they sound the same - “kiku” and are depicted ...
  • SYNONYMS in the Dictionary of Literary Terms:
    - (from the Greek synonymos - same name) - words that are identical or very similar in meaning, but are not the same root, for example: enemy, ...
  • PARONYMS in the Dictionary of Literary Terms:
    - (from the Greek para - near and onyma - name) - words with the same root, similar (but not identical) in sound, but ...
  • ANTONYMS in the Dictionary of Literary Terms:
    - (from the Greek anti - against and onyma - name) - words that are opposite in meaning, helping to better convey, depict contradictions, ...
  • HOMOFORMES in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    homonymous (see Homonyms) forms of a word or different words; words that coincide in their sound only in certain forms, for example. noun "oven" ...
  • LANGUAGE (MEANS OF COMMUNICATION) in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    spontaneously arose in human society and developing system discrete (articulate) sound signs (see linguistic sign), intended for communication purposes ...
  • WORD (UNIT OF LANGUAGE) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    the most important structural and semantic unit of language, which serves to name objects, processes, properties. Structurally, S. consists of morphemes (including ...
  • VOCABULARY COMPOSITION OF THE LANGUAGE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    the composition of a language, all the words (vocabulary) of a language (including neologisms, dialect vocabulary, jargon, terminology, etc.). ...
  • SEMANTICS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (French semantique, from Greek semantikos - denoting, sema - sign) in linguistics, 1) one of the aspects of the study of signs in semiotics...
  • HOMOFORMES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    homonymous (see Homonyms) forms of words; words that coincide in their sound only in separate forms (the same part of speech or ...
  • HOMONYMY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    a concept that plays an important role in logic, logical semantics and semiotics and is a natural generalization of the corresponding linguistic concept (see Homonyms ...

    Homoforms, homophones, and homographs should not be confused with lexical homonyms themselves. If lexical homonyms coincide in sound, spelling and belong to the same part of speech and coincide in all grammatical forms, then we will not see this in homoforms, homophones, homographs.

    If we consider them from the point of view of spelling and sound, the difference will be as follows:

    1. Homographs - have the same spelling and differ in sound (atlas and atlas, castle and castle),
    2. Homophones - the same in sound and different in spelling (pond and twig, burn and burn),
    3. Homoforms - coincide in spelling and sound only in indirect forms (glass (from noun glass) and glass (past tense, zh.r.), we see (1 l., plural) and we see (short. prikh.)).

    We will show the similarities and differences in the spelling and pronunciation of types of homonyms in a summary table.

    Homonymsabsolute homonyms+ + coincidence in spelling and sound in all grammatical formsbraid (hair, tool),
    boron (wood, chemical element)
    Homographsgraphic homonyms+ differ in word stresshot - hot,
    bees - bees
    Homophonesphonetic homonyms+ differ in spellingflu is a mushroom
    code - cat
    Omoformsgrammatical homonyms+ + coincidence in spelling and sound only in certain grammatical formsI fly high - I fly people,
    shard of glass - water glass

    They are discussed in more detail on the pages: homoforms, homophones, homographs.


    Homonyms appear in Russian for various reasons:

    1. Borrowing words from other languages ​​with borrowing their lexical meaning (kok - hairstyle and kok - cook on a ship);
    2. Isolating one of the lexical meanings of a polysemantic word into an independent word (braid - hair styling, braid - sandbank, scythe - agricultural tool);
    3. As a result of word formation (ambassador - the position of a diplomat, ambassador - pickling vegetables, mushrooms).


    Note. Polysemy is not studied in school curriculum. If you do not need knowledge of this concept, then skip the paragraph.

    The study of homonyms in linguistics is called homonymy. A concept close to homonymy is polysemy. A number of philologists distinguish between the concepts of homonymy and polysemy based on the origin and primary meaning of the words. For example, the word bor (forest and chemical element) are classified as homonyms, since the words have different origins: in the meaning “ Pine forest» - Slavic origin, meaning “chemical element” - Persian. The word ether (meaning " Chemical substance") and ether (in the meaning of "radio broadcasting") are classified as polysemy, since both are of Greek origin.

    Words similar in sound and spelling different parts speeches are clearly classified as homonyms and not polysemy.

Homonyms (from the Greek oμoς - identical and ονομα - name) are units of language that are different in meaning, but identical in spelling (words, morphemes, etc.). The term was introduced by Aristotle.

Full lexical homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings. For example, onion(plant) and onion(for shooting). There is also partial homonymy, in which only certain forms of words coincide, for example, lived(verb live) And lived(noun lived). Along with homonyms, there are homographs - words that have the same spelling but different stress ( flour - flour).

Our dictionary contains homographs-homographs, i.e. forms of different (although often close in meaning) words that have the same spelling. The accent is not taken into account, the letter e not used - as is usually the case in written text. For example, I'm running (run, run), take (take, takes(headdress)). We called them homonymous word forms. The dictionary is organized in such a way that word forms are on the left, and lexemes (dictionary words) to which these word forms relate are on the right. Parts of speech marks are indicated in brackets.

A complete list of homonymous word forms was obtained by generating all word forms from the computer version Grammar dictionary A.A. Zaliznyak (*) in the department of the Machine Fund of the Russian Language of the Institute of the Russian Language Russian Academy Sci.

From full list For this publication, matching word forms of the following words were excluded:

  • - participle - adjective
  • - verbs like pull out - break out
  • - nouns like boot - boots
  • - type spelling options bypass - bypass, beaver - beaver

and some other words close in meaning.

Identification of parts of speech:

With- noun

ms- pronoun

union- union

P- adjective

number- numeral

intl- interjection

G- verb

ancestor- predicative

often- particle

n- adverb

proposal- pretext

bb- introductory word
