Connection diagram for heating radiators in a private home. Heating connection diagram in a private house. Single-sided connection, bottom feed

It forces you to solve a lot of issues, from choosing a wiring diagram to selecting equipment. How to make the connection to ensure high-quality and uniform heating of all rooms? To do this, you need to consider the basic diagrams for connecting heating radiators in a private house.

One-pipe and two-pipe schemes

The choice of radiator connection diagram depends on the area of ​​the heated premises, as well as on the pipe distribution system used. It can be single-pipe or double-pipe:

In a two-pipe heating system, unlike a single-pipe heating system, all radiators have the same temperature and heat the house evenly.

  • IN single pipe systems the coolant passes through the batteries in series;
  • In two-pipe systems, the coolant is distributed among the batteries via individual inlets.

Single-pipe systems are usually used in buildings not large area. They are easy to install and are extremely simple. The coolant leaving the heating boiler approaches the first battery, passes it and goes to next battery. After passing the last battery, the coolant is sent through a straight pipe back to the heating boiler.

The obvious advantage of the scheme is its simplicity - there is no need to make bends or spend money on extra pipes. Heating is cheap, although not always effective. The thing is that the coolant, passing through the batteries and giving off heat to them, cools down. And it will reach the last radiator already cooled down - it will be cool in the last room. This problem can be solved by installing a circulation pump, which will make the coolant circulate faster.

Two-pipe systems are designed so that each battery is connected by a separate pipe. A pipe with hot coolant runs through all the rooms, and branches are made from it to the radiators. After leaving the battery, the coolant is sent through another pipe back to the boiler. The advantage of this system is that all rooms will be heated evenly– it will be warm even in the farthest room.

The disadvantage of two-pipe systems is their complexity - more pipes are needed, more labor costs. It is also necessary to provide circulation pump, since natural circulation will not work here. In addition, users and experts note a reduction in heating costs - two-pipe systems are more economical.

Connecting heating radiators in a private house through individual taps, using two-pipe wiring, will help regulate the temperature in each room. This is not possible with single-pipe systems.

Options for connecting heating radiators in a private house

We talked about methods of laying pipes throughout the premises and found out that two-pipe systems are most effective, as they provide more uniform heating of the entire building. If the building is small, you can limit yourself to a single-pipe system - it will be cheaper. Now we will talk about how to connect heating radiators in a private house. The following schemes exist:

  • Side diagram;
  • Bottom diagram;
  • Lower for two-pipe systems;
  • Diagonal.

Let's look at ways to connect heating radiators in a private house in more detail.

Side diagram

The side connection scheme is often used in apartment buildings, when the coolant descends from top to bottom, passing through radiators in apartments. In order to partially compensate for the cooling of the coolant, a connection is made with a jumper. Radiators are also connected laterally in private houses, using a two-pipe scheme - the coolant is supplied from above, after which it passes through the radiator and goes down into the return pipe.

Sometimes the side scheme is called one-sided - in fact, they are the same scheme. It is recommended for use when installing large radiators for heating large areas.

Bottom diagram

When considering the diagrams for connecting heating batteries in a private house, one cannot fail to mention the lower diagram. In it, the coolant is supplied in the lower part from one side and exits from the other side. The circuit is quite effective, but it is aimed at single-pipe systems with radiators connected in series. In two-pipe systems such a connection is practically not used. This radiator connection scheme is often called a saddle connection.

Lower for two-pipe systems

Some radiators are designed so that their inputs and outputs are located nearby (usually in the lower part). Such batteries are intended for use in two-pipe heating systems. The circuit is not without certain disadvantages associated with uneven heating. That is, the furthest part of the battery will be cooler than the rest of the surface. Therefore, the use of such radiators is not justified.

Diagonal pattern

The diagonal connection diagram is one of the most common. Its main advantage is the uniform distribution of the heated coolant throughout the battery. The coolant itself is supplied from the upper right part and removed through the lower left part (or vice versa). Due to the fact that it flows diagonally (and always from top to bottom), uniform heating of the entire battery is ensured.

This scheme is intended for use in two-pipe systems. In single-pipe systems, the presence of excess bends will cause an increase in hydraulic resistance.

Choosing a suitable scheme

Which heating radiator connection diagram is suitable for certain cases? If you are creating a water or steam heating system in a small house, feel free to choose single-pipe wiring with a bottom connection - other methods will not work here. Such heating systems are created in one-story one-room and two-room houses, as well as in small-sized country houses.

If you need to organize a heating system in big house, you should choose a two-pipe wiring diagram. To connect heating batteries, two schemes can be used at once:

  • Lateral - when the heating pipes pass from top to bottom and you only need to connect one battery;
  • Diagonal - the recommended scheme for large multi-room houses. In this case, the coolant will enter from the top of one side of the battery and exit from the bottom of the other side.

As for the bottom scheme for two-pipe systems, it is only effective when the pipes are hidden in the floor. But even in this case, we recommend using a careful diagonal connection.

First you need to decide which steel radiator needs to be connected - with a side or bottom connection.

A steel panel heating radiator is connected in the same way as aluminum and bimetallic radiators. A steel radiator with a bottom connection has two terminals at the bottom - supply and return, which should not be confused.

Radiator side connection diagrams

There are three main schemes for connecting pipes to a radiator:

1. Diagonal connection- the most preferred option for maximum heat transfer. In this scheme, the supply pipe must be connected to the upper pipe of one side, and the outlet pipe to the lower pipe of the other side of the radiator. In this case thermal power at the radiator - maximum. When connected in reverse - the supply pipe is from below, and the return pipe is from above, the heat transfer from the radiator will decrease by 10%.

This scheme is preferable for long radiators and radiators with more than 12 sections. The best option from an aesthetic point of view would be the option of laying suitable pipelines in the wall (in a groove, or behind a false wall).

2. Lateral one-way connection- the most common case in apartments. IN this option The supply pipe is connected to the upper pipe, and the return pipe is connected to the lower pipe, on the same side of the radiator. In this case, the maximum power is 2% less than in the case of a diagonal connection. By reconnecting the supply and return piping, the power is reduced by another 7%.

3. Bottom connection. This option for connecting a radiator is most often used when laying main pipelines in the floor or along a wall, when it is not possible to hide the pipes in a groove.

The maximum heat transfer of the radiator is 7% less than with a diagonal connection.

Connecting a steel panel radiator with bottom connection

Steel radiators with a bottom connection must be classified as a one-way connection scheme, because all wiring (upper and lower pipes) is made inside it.

It is also necessary to remember that when piping a steel radiator with a bottom connection, you cannot swap the supply and return lines. The return pipe is always the first from the near corner (see picture).

All steel radiators with bottom connections are universal, that is, they can be connected through the lower pipes or the second option, plug the lower pipes with plugs and unscrew the upper built-in thermostatic valve. Connect the supply pipeline to the valve location, and connect the return pipeline to one of the lower side pipes.

How to connect a steel heating radiator

A steel heating radiator with a side connection is mounted in the same way as any sectional radiator. In most cases, it has an outlet with a 1/2-inch internal thread into which the following are screwed: a plug, a Mayevsky tap and control valves.

Steel radiators with bottom connections are in most cases wrapped in copper, metal-plastic pipes or cross-linked polyethylene. To connect pipes to the radiator, as well as to isolate the radiator from the system, bottom connection units (angled or straight) are used.

The nut is tightened 3/4 external thread radiator, the pipe is connected to the lower connection unit via a 3/4 Eurocone.

Some steel radiators the inlet fittings have a 1/2-inch internal thread; to connect such a radiator to the bottom connection unit, you must use special 1/2 x 3/4 nipples for the Eurocone.

In addition, such radiators can be connected using conventional thermostatic valves.

Summer is a traditional season not only for vacations, but also for installing heating systems. In our latitudes reliable support heat is the first issue when building and renovating a house. It is solved in the following order:

  • choice heating system;
  • determination of battery installation locations;
  • choosing a heating radiator connection diagram;
  • selection of class, type and model of devices.

There are two ways to install water heating: one-pipe and two-pipe. Let's take a closer look at them.

Model one

In a single-pipe heating system, the coolant heated in the boiler rises upward and, displacing the column cold water, arrives one by one to all heating devices. And then lowers, entering the boiler for subsequent heating. The method is economical and is often used for heating multi-storey buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this scheme are ease of installation and low pipe consumption. However, there are significant disadvantages:

  • when several radiators are connected in series, the difference in temperature between the first and last will be significant;
  • The heat supply is not regulated. The heat transfer of a single-pipe system is determined by the design norm laid down in the project;
  • Only bottom connection of batteries is possible.

Methods for overcoming shortcomings

There are a number of techniques to compensate for the disadvantages of a single-pipe system:

  • each subsequent unit must consist of more sections than the previous one;
  • you can increase the number of batteries in the room;
  • be the first to connect the rooms with the greatest heat losses;
  • install valves when connecting radiators diagonally;
  • equip the system with a circulation pump.

Model two

With a two-pipe system, hot water is supplied through one pipe, and cooled water is discharged through the other. In this type of circuit, heating devices are connected in parallel.


The advantages of this connection scheme are the following factors:

  • all heating devices heat up equally;
  • It is possible to install valves in front of the radiators to regulate the amount of coolant supplied.

There are only two disadvantages of the system: a larger number of pipes are required for the installation of risers and supply lines, and, accordingly, the labor costs for installing the system are higher.


The exact number of radiator sections is determined during thermal engineering calculations. A correctly performed calculation will make up for heat loss and increase energy efficiency. Basic data for calculation - heat loss value for each separate room and heat dissipation power of the battery section.

Let's consider the calculation of sections using the example of Condor radiators

The total heat output of the batteries must compensate for the heat loss. Also during the calculation, the required pipe cross-section for each section of the system is determined. Exist standard options placement of heating devices.

Placement principles

It would be correct to place additional radiators in corner rooms and on the outermost floors: heat loss in these rooms is much higher than in the middle of the building. This is due to the presence of surfaces in contact with the external environment: cold walls of corner rooms, floors and ceilings of the outermost floors.

The traditional location of radiators is under windows, the main sources of heat loss. This allows you to create protection (screen) from cold air.

The heat lost through the light openings as a result of air exchange is immediately replenished, thereby preventing drafts and significant temperature changes.


The types of heating system do not affect the location of the batteries: they are installed according to building regulations. The main thing is to ensure effective air circulation around the battery. This will allow more heat to be transferred from the coolant to the room.

Parameters for the location of radiators in a niche, ensuring normal air circulation:

  • 10 cm from the bottom of the window sill;
  • 12 cm from floor level;
  • 5 cm – gap between the unit and the wall or thermal insulation layer.


The coolant of the heating system - water - can circulate naturally or forcedly. Natural circulation occurs due to displacement by the column warm water cold coolant - this happens according to the laws of physics.

Natural circulation

This correct solution where there are frequent power outages, as it is energy independent. Branch length natural system circulation is limited. To operate a forced heating system, it is necessary to install a pump near the heating boiler or to have a pump in its structure itself.

Techniques for forced circulation

The connection of heating radiators depends on the length of the heating main and the characteristics of its passage. If there is a circulation pump, the following schemes can be used:

  • one-sided;
  • sitting;
  • diagonal;
  • lower

First type

A lateral or one-sided connection assumes that the inlet pipe (supply) and outlet pipe (return) are mounted on one side of the radiator (to one section). The lateral connection is effective when the number of sections is no more than 15. The disadvantage is poor circulation in the distant sections, as well as rapid clogging, which will further aggravate the situation.


Diagonal connection of heating radiators can provide heat to batteries with big amount sections. Feed is carried out from above, removal is carried out from below diagonally. This scheme ensures uniform distribution of coolant inside the radiator and maximum heat transfer. A plug is installed in the lower pipe of the section into which water is supplied, and a Mayevsky tap is installed diagonally.

Heat loss with diagonal connection does not exceed 2%. When indicating battery power, this type of connection is meant. The only drawback diagonal connection – appearance: The pipes come from both sides and are difficult to hide.


Side connection of heating radiators is carried out in cases where the heating pipeline is hidden under the floor. The supply and return pipes are connected with different sides to the lower branch pipes of the sections. The disadvantage of this option is uneven distribution coolant, and, as a result, low heat transfer.

Despite significant heat losses - 10-15% - this connection is used quite often due to the ability to hide almost all pipes. The lower connection is similar to the seat connection, but the supply and return pipes are located side by side in the lower part of the radiator. The efficiency of this scheme is even lower than the previous one.


All of the above schemes can be applied in a private home. If desired, you can use two heating sources: a boiler built into the stove and a gas or electric boiler, which is connected in parallel.


Let's consider the correctly executed sequence of installation of a single-pipe heating system in a private house:

  • installation of a heating boiler;
  • finishing the walls where the battery is installed, thermal insulation if necessary;
  • installation of radiators on walls;
  • determination of places for attaching pipes and tapping branches;
  • filling the system with water and performing a test run.

The connection of heating radiators can be flow-through and with closing sections. The first method is simpler, requires less materials and labor, and is used for small systems. The second method allows you to regulate the coolant supply for each individual radiator, but requires the installation of additional bypass sections - bypasses. Additional shut-off valves are also required here.

In the cold weather of the off-season and severe frosts in winter period The heating system must provide the most comfortable temperature in all areas of the house. Correct installation heating network depends on many factors: the total length of the structure, the area of ​​the house, the number of batteries and the methods of connecting them to the central risers. It turns out that an individual heating system is selected for each building. Many homeowners, especially those living in apartment buildings, often wonder: how to connect a heating battery correctly?

Two types of heating systems

House heating systems are divided into two types: single-pipe, which is a more economical option, and two-pipe, which has more advantages. Let's look at them and name the main differences.

Single pipe system

In a one-pipe system hot water moves through the pipes from top to bottom. It is evenly distributed throughout the heating device and exits through another pipe, again falling into the same pipe. This type of heating network is more typical for houses with many floors. It is easy to install and does not require a large amount of materials. The system has its drawbacks:

  • Temperature of radiators on the first floors apartment building significantly lower than on the upper ones, since the water entering them is no longer so hot.
  • It is not possible to change the heating level in individual apartments.
  • To eliminate a leak as a result of an accident and replace the battery on one floor, the entire riser has to be turned off.
  • To install autonomous heating for a separate apartment, it can be difficult to disconnect from the general system.

When thinking about how to connect heating radiators to keep the apartment on the ground floor warm, you can use a circulation pump that distributes hot water to all radiators. For the owners of their home, we can advise increasing the number of sections in heating devices in the back rooms, which will increase heat transfer.

To avoid stopping the heating along the riser, which occurs as a result of a blockage or leak in a separate device, they are installed with a bypass - a jumper between two wirings.

Two-pipe system

Correct connection of heating radiators with a two-pipe system is often used to heat a private house or cottage. Its advantage, compared to a single-pipe one, is that all radiators, including those remote from the boiler, have the same temperature.

The effectiveness of this system is reflected in its higher cost. After all, you have to install two pipe circuits. The first brings hot water to the radiator, which is drained through the second. The batteries in such a system are mounted in parallel. The advantages of this pipe installation:

  • the hot coolant is distributed among the radiators most evenly;
  • it is possible to regulate the temperature in each room;
  • If an individual battery is repaired, the rest of the heating system continues to operate.

Basic diagrams for connecting radiators to a thermal system

It is sometimes unclear to a non-specialist how to connect the battery correctly and why the radiator is connected to the pipes different ways. The bottom line is that different connection options work differently, giving their own percentage of heat transfer heating device, direction of coolant flow and its intensity.

Batteries in two-pipe and one-pipe systems are connected in several ways: side, diagonal, bottom and others.


The most common connection method. It consists in the fact that one pipe with hot coolant, the supply, is connected to the upper pipe, and a return pipe is connected to the lower pipe, through which the slightly cooled hot water leaves. For such a connection, there is a limitation on the number of sections in the radiator; there should not be more than 15.


This method of connecting the battery to the heating system is used for long radiators. The coolant is connected as follows: the supply approaches the upper pipe on one side, and the return is located on the lower pipe on the other side. Hot water has the ability to be distributed most evenly throughout the heating device.


This connection method is found in houses in which the heating system pipes are hidden under the floor. It can be installed not only in single-pipe heating systems, but also in double-pipe heating systems for low-rise buildings in the private sector. This connection method is not the most efficient. Often it is necessary to add a circulation pump to the system.

There are other ways to connect radiators. For example, a one-sided bottom one, in which the supply and return are located next to each other. Pipes in such a scheme are almost invisible, but for good heating Batteries with a large number of sections are required.

When deciding how to properly connect heating batteries, you need to pay attention to the efficiency of the connection method. When calculating the power of a heating device, various coefficients are used, increasing and decreasing. They are directly related to the method of connecting the radiator with central riser. Various schemes have the following indicators:

  • lateral - K is equal to 1.0;
  • diagonal - K is equal to 1.1-1.2;
  • lower - K is 0.7-0.9.

As you can see, a heating radiator can have the highest efficiency coefficient if it is connected correctly using the diagonal method. But each homeowner decides independently which type of connection to use.

Battery Installation: Necessary Factors


Connecting heating radiators in an apartment or house usually occurs according to certain rules. You can place batteries anywhere in the room. It depends on the wishes of the owners. But it would be more advisable to choose a location where there are heat losses in order to reduce their magnitude and get a feeling of comfort.

The most noticeable heat loss occurs through window glass. And what modern technologies nor used in the creation of the latest double-glazed windows, their heat loss will be greater than that of the walls. Therefore, in apartment buildings, radiators are located in rooms under windows, where they limit the area with cold air.

When installing a radiator, the following requirements are usually observed:

  • the distance from the window sill to the top of the radiator should be at least 5-10 cm;
  • to the wall - 2-5 cm;
  • to the floor - 8-12 cm.

Before correctly connecting heating batteries in an apartment, you should calculate the length of the radiator or required amount sections. This can determine whether the room remains warm and cozy on very cold days. There are several methods for such calculations, based on complex formulas and coefficients.

A non-specialist who owns or lives in an apartment can do more simple calculations. You just need to know the parameters of your room and the power of the selected batteries. 100 W of radiator power can heat 1 m² of room well. We multiply the area of ​​the room by 100. The value of the total battery power is obtained. We divide the value we received by the power of one section indicated in the documentation. We get required quantity sections.

There is also a simpler old rule for correct connection heating radiator. The battery section is designed to heat 2 m² of a room whose ceiling height does not exceed 2.7 m. When calculating the number of sections, we round up. This scheme is not suitable for corner apartments and private houses with large rooms And high ceilings. There the calculation is made individually.

Battery installation step by step

Before you properly connect a heating radiator in an apartment, you need to consider whether it is worth installing a system for possible regulation of the heat supply. It can be created automatically or manually.

No need to skimp on installation hand-held devices, ensuring additional safe operation of radiators: faucets, gate valves, valves. They will help you quickly turn off radiators in critical situations. They are also irreplaceable during the repair of individual batteries, then there will be no need to stop the heat supply to the entire house.

When deciding how to connect the heating battery correctly, you can use these instructions:

  1. First, make the necessary markings before attaching the brackets, then mount them to the wall.
  2. Mayevsky cranes are installed on the batteries, special devices, helping to bleed air from the batteries in cases of air locks.
  3. They install plugs and regulators for heat supply, valves and other mechanisms.
  4. Having placed the radiator on the brackets, level it horizontally relative to the floor.
  5. Connect the battery to the general thermal system using adapter fittings.
  6. A preliminary test of the battery is carried out to check its reliability with the start-up of the coolant.

You need to know this! Unauthorized transfer, installation and connection of heating radiators can subsequently create many problems, both for the owner of the apartment where these actions were carried out, and for neighbors whose thermal conditions of the premises will be disrupted. This work is carried out only with permission management company and after an examination by a specialist.

Useful tips for those who connect heating batteries themselves

Some owners consider the methods of connecting radiators to the heating system of the house not so important fact like the material, what they are made of. Thus, heat transfer is higher bimetallic batteries than those made of cast iron. But if the connection diagram is incorrect, such radiators will have a lower heat transfer coefficient. If bimetallic heating devices are connected to pipes the bottom way, then heat loss will be 12%, which will affect temperature conditions premises and fuel losses.

Experts recommend how you can increase heat transfer if you connect the heating radiator correctly. To do this, a reflective panel is attached behind it. Its role can be played by an ordinary piece of plywood or fiberboard wrapped in aluminum foil. But in this case, the distance from the wall to the battery should be at least 1.5 cm.

It is recommended to install regulating and locking mechanisms on the connections to the heating device. This is required both for balancing and for the possibility of removing the radiator in case of replacement and washing.

One of the reasons for the poor performance of the heating system in the house is improper installation of heating batteries, incorrect calculation of the number of sections in the battery, or incorrect location of radiators in the room and throughout the building. Therefore, indicated in the passport specifications batteries will not be satisfied. Correct installation of heating radiators involves the use of several schemes, and you need to know them before choosing the most optimal one.

How does a radiator work?

Structurally, any radiator is an assembly of heating sections combined into one unit (positions No. 1 and No. 2 in the figure below) by a manifold. There can be any number of such sections in one radiator, but usually the maximum number is 10-12 pieces. Sections can be added or removed, as they are connected to each other by thread. Some radiator models are made non-separable, which complicates their maintenance-free operation.

  • 1 – collector from above;
  • 2 – collector from below;
  • 3 – vertical sectional channels in the radiator;
  • 4 – radiator housing, working as a heat exchanger.

The vertical channels are connected to each other (position No. 4), and hot water moves through them. Both collectors have an inlet and an outlet (in the diagram for the collector on top these are B1 and B2, for the collector on the bottom these are B3 and B4).

The supply of heated water from the heat generator is connected to the input, and the return pipe (“return”) is connected to the output. Unnecessary holes are closed with threaded plugs. When purchasing a new radiator, everything necessary details for assembly, including plugs, are included in the basic package. Exactly correct installation heating radiators and the connection diagram of the collectors determine the efficiency of the heating system. A Mayevsky tap is usually installed on one free outlet, which is also included in the kit. Effective installation of heating radiators includes two main schemes - 1-pipe and 2-pipe methods for connecting heating radiators. The choice of circuit determines how the supply and return will be connected to the system. Within the chosen scheme, the connection of pipes with coolant can be upper, lower, diagonal or lateral.

Attention: The figure shows a simplified diagram of the radiator design. A specific model will differ in design features.

Single pipe heating system

Such schemes for connecting heating radiators in a private house are considered the simplest and are used even in high-rise apartment buildings, despite their low efficiency. The popularity of the single-pipe circuit is explained by its low cost and simple installation. Therefore, connecting batteries according to this principle is one route that runs from the supply to the “return” connected to the boiler. For one floor, a single-pipe heating connection diagram in a private house looks like this:

It is clear from the figure that the return pipe of the previous battery is the supply pipe of the next radiator. There is only one drawback of this scheme - in each subsequent radiator the temperature will be lower than in the previous one. In addition to the horizontal connection of the pipe with hot water there is a vertical scheme, and this too good connection. This scheme is usually implemented in apartment building, it is mounted in two versions - “a” and “b”:

  1. According to scheme “a”, the pipe with the coolant is supplied from above, and the water is directed downwards.
  2. According to scheme “b”, the bottom connection of heating radiators is implemented.

Option “b” is used to save materials, since this scheme has the main disadvantage - the temperature on each subsequent radiator drops even more than in option “a”.

Two-pipe scheme

Before connecting a heating radiator, you need to study the 2-pipe option, which is considered more efficient, simpler and capable of adjusting the temperature in each heating device. But connecting a heating radiator to a two-pipe system will require greater consumption of building materials and higher labor costs.

The advantage of implementing such a scheme is obvious - in each radiator the temperature is maintained as efficiently as possible, at a constant and stable level, and the location and distance of the heating devices from the heat generator does not matter. Two-pipe connection Heating batteries are also installed in multi-apartment high-rise buildings. The supply and return are plugged from above, and the result is a connection of two vertical collectors running in parallel.

In practice, other schemes are also used two-pipe heating– collector, also known as “radial” or “star”. But such complex wiring is used mainly for installation hidden wiring, for example, under the floor. It is clear from the figure that you must first assemble the collector itself and distribute heating pipes from it throughout the premises of the house.

Before you correctly connect the heating battery, you need to understand which circuit will be most effective for a particular room and its geometry. Often batteries are connected using two schemes - 1-pipe and 2-pipe - even in the same room.

Radiator connection diagonally with top supply

Option “A” (see figure below) is considered the most effective. If the batteries are connected using this option, then in the calculations of the heating system a correction factor of 1 is introduced for the circuit, and for other connection options - corrections in one direction or another. Heated water passes through the pipe line unhindered, the pipes are filled to 100%, and there is no air in them. As a result, the heat exchanger heats up evenly over the entire area, which leads to maximum heat transfer to the room.

  • A – diagonal connection of heating radiators with top supply;
  • B – one-sided scheme with top feed.

Option “B” is traditionally implemented in a 1-pipe circuit. This scheme is most widely used when connecting risers with coolant supply from above in high-rise buildings or when connecting pipes with supply from below on downward heating lines.

Positive point: the circuit works most efficiently if there are few sections in the battery.

Negative point: with a large number of heat exchange sections, the pressure in the system may not be enough to push water through the uppermost ring. Therefore, water can flow through the nearby vertical sections of the battery, which will cause stagnation in certain sections of the heating main.

Approximate number of radiator sections per room - table:

BrandThermal outputRoom area, m2 (ceiling height 2.7 m)
8,0 10,0 12,0 14,0 16,0 18,0 20,0 22,0 24,0 26,0 28,0 30,0 32,0 34,0 36,0 38,0 40,0
Required number of sections
Aluminum radiator A3500,14 b7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Aluminum radiator A5000,186 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Aluminum radiator S5000,201 4 5 b7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Bimetallic radiator L3500,14 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Bimetallic radiator L5000,19 b7 8 9 AND12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Even standard sizes Heating batteries will cause heat loss of up to 5%. And with an increased number of sections, heat losses on each radiator can reach 10%. Therefore, when connecting heating radiators to the wiring diagram, it is better to install batteries using the first method - “A”.

Radiator connection options

Water supply from below with one-sided pipe connection

The circuit has low efficiency, but at bottom connection coolant supply pipes are used very often, even in high-rise buildings. The option is justified by its ease of installation, economical use of building materials and low labor costs.

Disadvantages of connecting using this option:

  1. The appearance of a zone of stagnant water, which will lead to cooling of the furthest radiator.
  2. Heat transfer losses can rise to 20-25%.

Double-sided bottom feed

This option is used both in private houses and in multi-apartment high-rises. This scheme allows you to disguise the pipe line in the wall or under the floor. The efficiency is low, but it is precisely because of the possibility of secretly laying pipes that the option is popular.


  1. Heat transfer losses can rise to 10-15%.
  2. The upper sections of the battery sections will heat up less due to the counter flows of the cooled coolant, as hot water will tend to move through the lower collector.

Bottom diagonal connection

The most ineffective installation of heating batteries, but there may be cases of forced installation of just such a scheme.


  1. As mentioned above, the pressure in the line may not be enough to warm up the upper rings of the heating system as much as possible.
  2. In addition, resistance and temperature difference play a role. Therefore, if a radiator with more than the calculated number of sections is installed, a stagnation zone may appear under the coolant return pipe.
  3. Heat losses when installing heating according to a similar scheme are ≤ 20%.

Top connection on both sides

Before you connect the radiator correctly, you must understand that this option is ineffective. Flaws:

  1. The coolant is supplied through the upper collector, which means it will not flow down, and the lower part of the battery will always be cold.
  2. This option is also used in exceptional cases when there are no other solutions. Connecting tall radiators using this scheme can be considered more or less effective.

Optimizing the battery connection - options

If you already have piping, you don’t want to change it, but often this option is more profitable than replacing the radiator or changing the entire battery connection diagram in the system. The connection of pipes directly connected to the battery can be optimized if the heating radiator piping is changed geometrically (see figure below):

Companies that manufacture heating batteries and radiators, almost always produce models designed for connection via different options sidebars, but most optimal solution connection, at least in Moscow, is considered a diagonal option, which is indicated as the most effective in the device passport. Also, the operating instructions (and possibly on the device itself) indicate the correct flow direction and other useful parameters. If it is not possible to purchase the above radiator, heat transfer is optimized using a valve.

Such a valve is mounted between sections, blocking the intersection nipple. Inserted inside the valve heating pipe, supplying or removing coolant - this depends on the selected battery connection option.

Another option for optimizing heat transfer is a flow extender. This is a special pipe Ø 16 mm, which is inserted into the upper collector of the heating battery. If the Ø 16 mm thread does not fit the radiator or battery, then you can buy an extension cord with a different thread diameter or connect it to the battery through an adapter coupling.

The extension cord is most effective if it is connected diagonally to the battery from above in a one-sided version. In this connection option, the coolant through the cavity of the extension cord enters the upper remote edge of the battery and from there moves diagonally to the lower opposite end of the radiator. Thus, a variant of the coolant is implemented diagonally from top to bottom, in which all sections of the heating device are evenly heated.

Video about the operation of a 1-pipe heating system

Video about the operation of a 2-pipe heating system

Radiator location in the room

Even the most expensive radiator will not give the desired effect if it is connected incorrectly or installed incorrectly on the wall. Standard options mounting radiators - under window openings, next to the entrance doorways, in places where there are unremovable drafts. But there are also standard requirements for mounting heating batteries on walls and other surfaces:

  1. Under the windowsill. There is always room for a battery under it, since other interior items are simply not needed there. All drafts from the window are minimized by the heat flow from the radiator. With this arrangement of the device, its total length should not be more than ¾ of the width of the entire window. If this rule is observed, the thermal output will be maximum. The radiator should be mounted in the center of the window, the tolerance to the left or right should not be more than 2 cm.
  2. Between the window sill and the radiator there must be a height distance of at least 10 cm (or at least ¾ of the thickness of the heating radiator), but no more than 15 cm, otherwise the plane of the window sill will retain the entire heat flow or not reflect it when mounted high.
  3. The distance between the battery and the wall on which it is mounted should not be less than 2 cm. A smaller distance provokes the accumulation of debris and dust, which, in turn, reduces the heat transfer of the device.

These requirements are not enshrined in GOST, therefore they are advisory. If there are no other recommendations from the manufacturer, then it is best to take these tips into account when attaching any radiator. But most often, the manufacturer in the radiator’s passport indicates the optimal scheme for installing it on the wall, which should be used.


After considering the main options for connecting heating devices to the heating system, their main disadvantages, as well as the advantages of each connection option, clearly emerge. In addition, the considered options for optimizing heat transfer can be applied to any scheme, and recommendations for mounting radiators are always needed when installing a heating system in an apartment or in a private house.
