The best oriental zodiacs for families. Husband by zodiac sign. Who is the best family man? The best husbands by zodiac sign

When we create a family, we imagine how we will arrange a home, raise children, organize friendly family gatherings and build strong, mutually beneficial relationships. However family life- this is a constant balancing on the brink of love and passionate battles, claims and compromises, manipulations and selfless dedication. For quality family relations influenced by the signs of the zodiac, which largely determine a person’s character, and, accordingly, his line of behavior in the family.


In the family, Aries is the only leader. He decides how to organize everyday life, spend money, raise children or relax. It is difficult for him to accept disobedience or a different point of view of family members. In moments of disagreement, he can be aggressive and uncompromising. However, this is not a reason to label him a tyrant. He needs such pressure to immediately resolve the problem, and only then look for those to blame. Aries are caring and hospitable, so their closest friends also often become their family.


Taurus is a wonderful family man. He is a faithful husband, a caring father and a zealous owner. There is rarely a financial crisis in his family. Perseverance in business guarantees his loved ones confident material well-being. But in building family relationships, Taurus’ perseverance can border on stubbornness. It is almost impossible to convince him to choose another way to solve the current problem or to persuade him to compromise.


In family relationships, Gemini prefers to solve all problems peacefully, and therefore avoids any conflicts in every possible way. He does not tolerate people raising their voices, teaching him life lessons, or criticizing him. There is only one way to manipulate a Gemini - through recognition and voicing of his true merits. Misunderstandings in the family of this sign often arise due to its optionality and inconstancy. If he fulfills what he promises, it is in his personal interpretation, which often does not live up to expectations and lets family members down.


The alliance with Cancer is one of the strongest. He senses the mood of his loved ones well and is always ready to sacrifice himself for the good of his family. Material care for his beloved relatives comes first for him, so he is very economical in finances. He will always have money for new shoes for his child, but it is unlikely that his budget is designed for entertainment. Cancer is very dependent on gratitude for his selflessness. He may hold a grudge for a long time if family members do not praise his work.

a lion

The atmosphere in Leo's family depends entirely on his mood. He may well be a soft, affectionate and playful kitten, but only as long as the family does not deviate from the rules he has established. As soon as one of the relatives puts commanding notes into his voice, or without approval takes on decision-making, organizing family leisure time and everyday life, he instantly turns into an aggressive predator. It is possible to establish family relations with him only through recognition of his unconditional leadership.


Practical Virgos are a godsend for family life. Their home is always clean and their relationship is comfortable. All family members are tasty and healthy fed, treated kindly and provided with everything that will make their life comfortable. Thanks to a balanced approach to problems and a lack of panic, you can always rely on Virgo in everything, enlist support and gain the energy of peace. However, her practicality often goes beyond the norm, and then family discipline can develop into army discipline.


Libras are tolerant and compliant in family relationships. A sense of tact and diplomacy allow them to smooth out conflict situations. Playing the role of peacemaker, Libra pursues personal gain - to be in authority with all family members. For this, they are forgiven for some character weaknesses, including the inability to competently manage finances. To make an impression, they are capable of sacrificing family budget for the sake of a magnificent banquet for friends or to give away the last money in perpetual debt.


The Scorpio family is dominated by an authoritarian form of government. He makes all decisions alone, without particularly listening to the opinions of other family members. Scorpio is sure that he is always right. Perhaps that is why he can afford to cheat and justify it with compelling reasons. Another side of the categorical nature of this sign is its reliability and ability to defend the honor of the family at all costs. In a relationship with Scorpio, you can feel like you are behind an armored wall.


Starting a family with a Sagittarius is like staying at Disneyland forever. A joker by nature, he does not let anyone in his family become discouraged or bored. All his problems are solvable, because he takes life lightly and does not get hung up on situations that upset him. Sometimes his jokes and excessive fun go beyond all limits, and then conflicts arise in the family. But even here he manages to beg forgiveness from his relatives by buying everyone expensive gifts or throwing a holiday for no reason.


Capricorn takes building family relationships extremely seriously, so all family members unconditionally trust him with the reins of government. He greatly respects traditions and is a fan of the classic distribution of roles: the husband provides material well-being, the wife raises children and creates comfort. But if necessary, he is ready to temporarily take on any responsibilities, just so that everyone in the family feels happy.


For Aquarius, democracy and equality between all family members are important. He is capable of building harmonious relationships only in a friendly environment. He never imposes his point of view, and would rather give in in a family dispute than prove that he is right. Aquarius is very dependent on comfort, so his house is stuffed to the ceiling with modern technology, which frees up time for his family.


Pisces need a family to realize their enormous potential of love, care and tenderness. They don't want to lead. For them, it is much more important to obey the wise head of the family, take care of everyone and create a cozy home environment. For Pisces, family is the center of their own Universe, so they are not too willing to let strangers in, even if they are close friends. But if the family wants guests and a noisy holiday, Pisces will give up their beliefs.

Nowadays, people thoughtlessly get married and get married, often dooming themselves to suffering, don’t you want to be one of them? We will help you choose the ideal partner according to your zodiac sign for family life!

12th place - Aquarius

12th place goes to Aquarius for their truly outstanding cunning and penchant for mimicry: they pretend to be ideal family men the same way they do everything else - with enchanting talent. As they say, a mosquito won't hurt your nose. The most interesting thing is that Aquarius manages for decades to show off not only those around him, but also the family itself. So those closest to them also sometimes don’t realize that Aquarius needs only one thing from his family: to finally be left alone and not to trample on his tender psyche with dirty boots. As a rule, questions play the role of boots: “Can you help me with math?”, “What’s for dinner?” and “Where the hell is the salary?!”

11th place - Leo

Thanks to Aquarius, Leos rise to 11th place, but this, to be honest, does not save the situation: their family men are still even worse than bullets from a well-known substance. The fact is that Leos are accustomed to ranking others according to a very simple principle: There is loyal vassals who should be grateful for admission to the divine body, and there are unwanted lackeys, who should stay away and not offend the royal gaze with their appearance. Of course, Leos place household members in the first category, but that doesn’t make it any easier, because Leos entrust the family with a super task: not to disgrace the royal family. And this means that they won’t even dream of peace: if Leo finds out that someone close to him has cast a shadow on his good name, he will get out of the other world and start a scandal.

10th place - Pisces

Pisces is the most mysterious sign of the zodiac, and the family life of Pisces is no exception: in principle, fish mature quite early, but in the family they remain fry until old age. This means that all the attention of the household should be focused on their precious person, otherwise the fish will go “wa-wa”. “Wa-wa” performed by Rybka sounds like there is no need to take out the saints - they are taken out on their own. On the other hand, if you remember that Rybka is an eternal child and treats her accordingly, you can live with her for a long time and happy life and die in one day. You just need to keep in mind that you will have to die one day in any case, even if you haven’t planned to yet.

9th place - Aries

Hard case. Classical astrology tells us that Aries in the family are tyrants, despots and tyrants, but we categorically disagree with her. Aries is even worse. Because tyrants, despots and tyrants are usually at least predictable, but Aries is not. So family life with Aries is life on top of an active volcano: no one knows when it will explode and for what reason. True, Aries’s loved ones quickly get used to the fact that they need to evacuate to a safe place quickly - while the match is burning: those who didn’t have time are late. But the latecomer will get all sorts of goodies as an apology. Aries are quick-tempered, but easy-going and, most importantly, conscientious. So their family members are usually a little nervous (their eyes twitch), but in good spirits.

8th place - Gemini

Gemini very easy and pleasant to love, everyone knows that. It is also very pleasant for Geminis to give birth to children, because Geminis know how to be friends with children and not raise them at all, but raise them every time good people. But it is not necessary to live with Gemini - unless, of course, you want to completely poison yourself for the last half century. Because all these half a century will have to maintain ORDER. Not cleanliness and order, but once and for all established order in the Gemini’s house, more like the collapse of civilization. It is not known why Geminis cling to things so much - perhaps this helps them to remain in this world and not fly away into their inner Chaos - but you can’t touch anything! Just throw away a dried tea bag and that’s it, it’s a scam: it was a valuable thing, it was inspiring!

7th place - Scorpio

Connecting your life with Scorpio means selling yourself into slavery, this needs to be understood. On the other hand, it will the most comfortable and enjoyable slavery in the world: firstly, Scorpios are unusually sensitive to their loved ones and are always ready to help, support, console and take them in their arms; secondly, Scorpios are generous, and they love money, so the slave is guaranteed a golden collar (and a personal slave for the slave, too, because Scorpio’s personal slaves do not have to bother); thirdly, Scorpios are enchantingly talented in bed and at the same time, as a rule, are faithful to their half. They also love children and generally sweethearts. Exactly as long as we are sure that the slave does not secretly dream of freedom.

6th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius occupies a central place in the horoscope - family men are both terrible and wonderful. Who goes out in slippers to take out the trash and stumbles home at three in the morning a week later? Of course, Sagittarius. Who, in their fifth year of marriage, acts like they just fell in love with their better half? Of course, Sagittarius. Who doesn’t know where the forks are kept in the house and makes a huge scandal about it? Who will take children, including a baby, on the best hike in the world and teach them everything they need to know in this life, and in such a way that the children will be delighted? Of course, Sagittarius. In general, it is unclear how to live with this, but it is clear for how long: not for long. Sagittarians, as a rule, try to create and make 5-6 families happy. Well, okay, at least 3. And they succeed. Regardless of what gender Sagittarius is, by the way.

5th place - Capricorn

It is important to remember the most important thing: There can only be one owner in the house, and that is Capricorn. As Capricorn says, so it will be. On the other hand, Capricorn is the master of the house only as long as he is there, and as soon as he leaves the apartment, you can open Satan’s sanatorium there with blackjack and goodies: Capricorn, even if he finds out, will not fall into a rage, but will accept the guilt to myself. I didn’t keep track, didn’t check, didn’t guide me on the right path the way I should have guided you. Wherein Capricorns trust their family and friends unconditionally, and therefore it is not difficult to hide any bacchanalia from them. In all other respects, Capricorns are completely flawless. So, in general, living with Capricorn is easy and pleasant. Especially if he is constantly on business trips.

4th place - Virgo

They barely made it to the top three of Virgo, who should be set as an example to all other signs. Because only Virgos criticize loved ones just for appearances, but in reality have a habit of literally deifying their family- both the better half and the children. Well, because Virgo couldn’t choose some hat as her life partner and raise the wrong babies. No, this is impossible! Virgo is the smartest, so she has the best family, period. What’s interesting is that this is what actually happens most often. The secret, apparently, is that Virgos really cannot stand only one type of people - those who are easier to kill than to re-educate. But in principle there are not many of them, and in Virgo families they are almost never found (well, unless Virgo gives birth to an Aries, of course).

3rd place - Taurus

The honorable third place goes to Taurus, who in principle, unable to fully exist without a family. Therefore, as soon as Taurus grows out of the parental family, they immediately start their own and live in it, as a rule, until death separates them from their household. So it’s better for household members to understand and accept the main thing in advance: Taurus's house is a castle, Taurus himself is a feudal lord, and everyone else is his loyal vassals. If Taurus is allowed to calmly play the role of a cheerful baron, he will conquer a couple of neighboring lands for the family, build another fortress, fill the treasury with gold, and the cellars with wine, and everyone, in essence, will live well and joyfully. If you pay the baron's taxes on time, of course. That is, present gifts on time and arrange a feast for the whole world whenever Taurus deigns to be bored. Then Taurus may not even execute anyone. Today, anyway.

2nd place - Cancer

If Taurus is not able to fully exist without a family, then Cancer is not capable at all. At all. If Cancer is deprived of his family, he will sigh, cry quietly in the bathroom (so as not to disturb anyone) and quietly go to die behind the sofa. Because family is not just the meaning of Cancer’s life, it is his life, and harmony and happiness in the family mean happiness in life. The only problem is that There is never constant harmony and happiness in Cancer families. And this splendor is disrupted by... guess who. Cancers always have difficult relationships with their relatives, because Cancers are too scared for their relatives. And if in general the Cancer family condescendingly and lovingly endures the Cancer’s overprotection, then in particular, sometimes heavy objects fly into Cancer’s head. Because few people are ready to feel like Koshcheeva’s death in an egg all their life.

1st place - Libra

Honorable first place! Libras are truly ideal family men, because only Libras truly know how to live easily and, most importantly, make the lives of everyone they love easy. This means that the Libra family can be anything, but the most important thing about it will remain unchanged: every day will be like a holiday. Or, at least, to wait for tomorrow's holiday. But still, in this barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment, which spoils all the joy (not for Libra, but for all other signs): Libras very often choose Libra as their life partner. “Let those who didn’t get us cry,” yeah.

The location of the planets during the birth of a child lays down not only character traits, but also the possibility or impossibility of building a happy marriage with one or another representative of the zodiac pantheon. And if people thought more often about astrological compatibility, there would be many more happy marriages. Today we’ll talk about which signs are best suited to each other.

Lucky combinations of zodiac signs

The mutual attraction that arises between some zodiac signs is not yet a guarantee of a harmonious marriage. And we often fall in love with those who are completely unsuitable for us. So, for example, Leo is magnetically drawn to Pisces, but a happy family life between them is possible only in one case - if Pisces indulges Leo in everything and never looks the other way. And Cancers often fall in love with Sagittarius, but are extremely unhappy when they manage to throw in their lot with these “eternal wanderers.”

So, what signs are great for each other?

An ideal union between Aries And Leo . Leo generates ideas, and Aries brings them to life. These two are never bored with each other, as their “fiery” essence does not burn at half strength. Outbursts of jealousy add spice to relationships, but rarely become the cause of a real quarrel, since these two are so confident in their uniqueness that they seriously do not allow the idea that they can cheat.

A successful union between two Aquarius . And indeed, who else besides the representatives of their own sign can understand the contradictory and at the same time subtle nature of Aquarius. These two have a well-developed sense of duty, so everyday problems such as who washes the dishes or takes out the trash do not arise. They also have similar views on raising children, and their shared desire for everything beautiful pleasantly diversifies their leisure time.

Another option for a harmonious marriage between representatives of the same sign is Gemini the Twins . In general, it is difficult to get along with Geminis. Their character is too difficult. And two Geminis under one roof are like fireworks in a powder warehouse. They both receive the whole gamut of emotions in the family, so they are no longer drawn to the side. Geminis need scandals - for them it is self-expression and play. And two Geminis turn the showdown into a show, after which it’s so sweet to make peace.

A happy family can be built with Gemini And Scorpios . The basis of such a marriage is sexual relations and, paradoxically, independence. These two lead their own separate lives. They come together under one roof in order to feel at home for a moment, rejoice in the fact that they have a place to return to, and then plunge back into their business. And at the same time, they miss each other and value their family much more than if they constantly spent time together. And this is the key to their happy family life. They never get bored with each other, and every meeting is like a first date.

Happy together Aquarius and Taurus . Despite the fact that they belong to different elements, these two harmoniously complement each other. The down-to-earth Taurus deals with their “daily bread”, that is, making money, while the airy Aquarius arranges their life so that it is cozy, beautiful and tasty. And it doesn’t matter which of them is a man and which is a woman. The main thing is that each of them feels needed, respected and, of course, loved.

They make a good couple Pisces and Capricorn . They both know how to set a goal and achieve it with all their might. accessible ways. And if this goal is common, then there is no force that can stop this tandem. The romanticism of Pisces softens the pragmatism of Capricorns. They are both laconic, do not like to admit their feelings often, but they prove their love with their actions.

A happy union is achieved between Pisces and Scorpio . The intuitive perception of life and at the same time the difference in temperament makes the life together of these signs interesting, sometimes mysterious, but most often harmonious. Pisces extinguishes Scorpio's outbursts, and these two can compete in sarcasm from morning to evening. In general, Scorpios are difficult people, and it is quite difficult to adapt to them. Pisces, with their angelic patience, does this wonderfully. And they, in turn, receive from Scorpios those bright emotions that they lack in everyday life.

A wonderful marriage awaits Libra and Leo . Libra's tactfulness neutralizes Leo's emotionality, and Leo, in turn, gives Libra vitality. The ever-doubting Libra simply needs the impenetrable optimism of Leo. And Libra cooks so deliciously... But Leo is a recognized gourmet. True, there is one pitfall in such a marriage: these two are eternal children, so they will periodically share “toys”. But they buy them together, without reproaching each other for unnecessary spending.

Sagittarius , despite their love of freedom, find family happiness with Aries . However, it is worth considering the explosiveness of both characters, otherwise the scandals that initially stimulated the relationship can become traumatic. However, if each of them finds a worthy occupation in life, and there is no time left to sort things out, then they will live to see the golden wedding. Moreover, “soul to soul.”

Virgo-Leo – a happy couple with excellent chances of living a long married life. Despite the seemingly huge gap, these two can literally turn into Siamese twins over time, especially if they don’t kill each other in the first year of their life together. Virgo will make Leo more disciplined, and Leo will teach Virgo to love life as only he can. The main thing in this couple is to take the best from the partner.

Get along well with each other Taurus and Cancer . It is important for both of them that the house always has everything that should be there. Together they organize their lives, work with children, and maintain family traditions. True, from the outside, such a marriage may seem boring, but these two have their own value standards, so they can quietly have fun on the side, but at the same time they will never hurt their other half.

In general, it must be said that Cancers are almost an ideal partner for marriage. Almost all representatives of the zodiac pantheon find family happiness with them. The only exceptions are those signs for which family values ​​are not fundamental. So, for example, Leos, with all their respect for Cancers, howl with them out of boredom, Sagittarius are constantly trying to escape from obsessive nepotism, and Aries are furious from suffocating love. We talked about Cancer in such a general way so as not to return to this sign again. They are the best family men. And period.

But let's return to happy marriages between representatives of other zodiac signs.

The couple has an excellent chance of living a long and happy family life Aries-Capricorn . These two are ambitious, active, not accustomed to resting on their laurels, and at the same time attach great importance to their social status. Therefore, they always have something to talk about with each other, their home is usually full, and the careers of a man and a woman in such a union are much more successful than when they build a family with representatives of other zodiac signs. Capricorn and Aries spur each other on, and the element of some competition adds spice to the relationship.

By the way, despite the fact that it is quite difficult for Capricorns to choose a mate, they are very well suited to Virgo and Libra as a marriage partner. However, Capricorns (as well as Aquarius and Gemini) get along best with representatives of their sign. Two Capricorns - one of the most harmonious and happy couples in the zodiac pantheon. Capricorns are “born adults” and only with time begin to “get younger.” That is why they start a family quite late. But then they make up for lost time. And it is best to do this with a person who has the same unique property.

Naturally, we did not mention all favorable combinations, we simply identified the most harmonious of all possible ones.

Ideal couples according to the eastern horoscope

In general, as practice shows, for a happy and harmonious marriage, zodiac compatibility alone is sometimes not enough. The character is influenced by both the year of birth of a person and the planets that were in one or another sign at the time of his birth. Combinations of planets in natal chart- the destiny of personal astrology, that is, for each person it is necessary to compile individual horoscope. So let's just list which signs eastern horoscope perfect for each other.

Ox-Rat - an excellent union, everyone gets what they want.

Rooster-Ox – complete harmony, the Rooster shines, the Bull provides the rear.

Monkey-Rat – love and forgiveness on the part of the Rat will make the marriage happy.

Rabbit-Monkey - all life is a continuous holiday.

Dragon-Monkey - a wonderful union - the Dragon will protect, the Monkey will advise.

Tiger-Dog – they will not get bored in each other’s company.

Dog-Pig – mutual respect and understanding.

Snake-Rabbit – they value relationships and admire each other.

Rat-Rat - a wonderful couple, they love each other dearly.

Horse-Horse – they are very good together, but they do not strangle each other. This is why they are strong.

It is worth adding that if representatives of the same zodiac sign are not so often happy together (with the exception of Gemini, Aquarius and Capricorn), then people born in the same year almost always make up a harmonious couple. Naturally, in the presence of other favorable indicators. The only exceptions, perhaps, are Roosters and Goats (Sheep).

In general, according to by and large, any representatives of the zodiac and eastern horoscope can get along together and be happy. The main thing is to take into account the astrological characteristics of your partner’s character and have a desire to compromise. However, it is not easy. And only true love can overcome the contradictions inherent in us by the stars.

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The best family man according to the zodiac: which zodiac signs are created for marriage and fatherhood?

Marriage is a serious step, as is the decision to have a child. Prompt correct solution Astrology is capable - it’s worth listening to it to find out which men are suitable for marriage!

a lion

Leos are known for their pride and self-sufficiency. They feel like leaders, energy overwhelms them and forces them to constantly be on the move, never to remain idle. To dispose, to command, to manage - these inclinations are characteristic of Leos.
How to marry a Leo man? Leos demand respect and recognition of their authority from the fair sex. Next to a Leo man, a woman must live by his rules and resign herself to his will. In this case, Leo will be the real head of the family, thanks to whom there will always be stability, constancy and order in the house. Leo's opinion as a father should also be respected.


Virgos look at life, including family life, with an objective, sober, unvarnished look. They are hardworking, reserved, reasonable and always take a very responsible approach to starting a family. Children do not always fully feel the parental love of Virgos - representatives of this sign do not treat them very warmly.
How to marry a Virgo man? The choice of a wife for Virgos is always very thorough, so the girl must show herself in every way the best side, which can take a lot of time. The future wife should not pretend to be the head of the family - Virgo will not be able to get along with a woman who suppresses him with her character. However, if the choice turns out to be successful, Virgos will always be ready to share household chores with their wife - best husbands Zodiac sign.


Polite and tactful Libra always creates good impression. This helps them to properly behave in society, because they do not tolerate loneliness. Thanks to this lifestyle, it is easy for them to find mutual language, compromise and avoid conflicts - this is especially important in a family where there may be several children.
How to marry a Libra man? Family for Libra is an integral part of life that everyone should have. Therefore, they do not feel afraid of marrying their chosen one, who should please her with her behavior in society, her ability to present herself and communicate on a variety of topics. Girls who prefer solitude are unlikely to be made for communicative Libra.


Scorpios always have a good understanding of people, and thanks to their insight, they quickly determine character. They most often represent strong-willed individuals who are guided only by their own opinions. Stealth is another well-known Scorpio trait.
How to marry a Scorpio man? It is necessary to establish a trusting relationship with Scorpios in order to get closer and avoid that very secrecy. If a girl manages to gently overcome the detachment that Scorpios are characterized by, then such a man will see in her a patient wife who will go with him through life until the end.


Fickle, addicted - this is how Sagittarius can be called. At the same time, Sagittarius men are initially confident in the ideals of family life, but do not always meet them in reality. However, an optimistic attitude in life helps them survive this and move on.
How to marry a Sagittarius man? Any Sagittarius will be admired by the girl for whom love and family have sublime meaning. At the same time, the feeling of personal freedom is no less important for Sagittarius, so it is worth allowing such a man to feel independent in his actions. It is precisely such a girl who will meet the requirements of a wife for Sagittarius.


Impeccably right life Capricorns need it most. Observance of decency and adherence to etiquette are important to them. And in family life they value traditional customs and practices, and they approach marriage responsibly.
How to marry a Capricorn man? A woman who wants to become the wife of Capricorn must be ready to accept the patriarchal structure of the family. His views, his opinion become undeniable in such a family, his worldview is difficult to change. It’s not only the wife who has to come to terms with this, but also the children, who, on the contrary, are receptive to everything new.


Thanks to their activity, Aquarians easily deservedly become the head of home life. The value of personal freedom does not allow you to quickly decide on marriage - marriage happens only when deep feelings arise. By nature, they are prone to original, unusual decisions that may relate to family life and raising children.
How to marry an Aquarius man? As creative and extraordinary people, Aquarius needs a girl with a twist who stands out among others as bright personality. Inaction in a relationship will depress the active Aquarius, so the future wife needs to be not a diligent girl, but a girl ready for activity.


Rapid mood changes are characteristic of Pisces, because they are particularly sensitive and emotional. They know how to sympathize and support, and never refuse help. In a family, it will be easy for both wife and children to be around such a person who has a gentle character.
How to marry a Pisces man? With Pisces, you don’t have to skimp on expressing your feelings - they, being sentimental natures, will only support the conversation about emotional experiences. Pisces like women with a strong character who can instill self-confidence in them. However, even with them they will be sensitive, understanding husbands who love their wife with all their hearts.


Aries have long had a reputation as strong, self-confident individuals. Independent in nature, he will at the same time reliable protection and support, like a real man. But Aries cannot be deprived of their natural amorousness and tendency towards hobbies, which should be treated with caution.
How to marry an Aries man? It is not difficult to please such a fickle man, but it is more difficult to keep him. Do not forget that he always prefers to do things his own way. If the chosen one does not limit the independence of the Aries man, then he will appreciate this understanding in her and, perhaps, decide to start a family with her. As a father, Aries will be a role model for children - thanks to his determination and strength of character.


Taurus are people for whom they are very valuable home comfort and warmth. These gentle and kind personalities most often have a conservative attitude towards family matters. This does not prevent them from treating children with special love. Taurus are also distinguished by the fact that they do not like change and are not ready for decisive action.
How to marry a Taurus man? Bold and original proposals will not win the heart of Taurus. With such a man, it is better to share traditional views on family life and show yourself as a practical and economical girl. Reliability is valued by Taurus and can become the basis for a future marriage. However, the calmness of Taurus often turns into passivity - in this case, you need to take the initiative and motivate the man to act (is taking initiative in a relationship good or bad? Opinions are divided).


Reasonable people who do not allow feelings to prevail are Geminis. This can also apply to love affairs. All their actions are thought out in advance, while their attitude to life remains light and carefree. The desire for change and reluctance to stay in one place distinguish Gemini.
How to marry a Gemini man? The Gemini mind is so mobile and fast that they do not notice the feelings of others, so you should not bother a Gemini man with your experiences. They may like a woman’s rational approach to business, her willingness to work together towards change. Such agreement between a woman and a Gemini man may well lead to marriage. However, to have a child, they will need even more time to think about it.


Cancers are emotional people who take everything to heart. They are not used to sharing their feelings and rarely trust anyone with them. Cancers are also non-conflict people who try to avoid quarrels, and manage family affairs in such a way that harmony is always maintained in the house.
How to marry a Cancer man? Cancers avoid women with a strong, bitchy character. If your chosen one is Cancer, remember 8 signs of a bitch so that you never show them. Vulnerable Cancers may not be able to withstand the pressure that such individuals are capable of. Cancers are close to soft, non-temperate women who can maintain their peace of mind. They will always be faithful to such a wife, and they will always try to create comfort in the family.

We all know, and have repeatedly noticed from personal example, that the interaction between different signs The zodiac does not develop equally smoothly. This factor is especially important when starting a family. And as the popular saying goes, forewarned is forearmed!

We present to your attention a rating of zodiac signs based on family parameters; be sure to take note of this information to create strong relationships.

Aquarius is ranked 12th

Incredible, but true - Aquarians completely imitate outstanding fathers of the family. And we must give them credit for this acting they have no equal. But you cannot deceive your inner nature. Even if at first glance everything is perfect, to create such an appearance, Aquarians have to step on their own throats.

The biggest dream of Aquarius, who is in the family hearth, is the opportunity to be in a state of peace. They make enormous efforts to ensure that the audience of their performance called “ perfect family"believed in verisimilitude. Relatives need to take this feature into account and at least sometimes leave Aquarius alone with their thoughts.

In 11th place in the rating Leos

Leos fell just short of the title of worst family man. Well, the king of beasts was not created for a trivial life, he would have a harem, a retinue for the king of the clear sun. But since certain reasons require, including the presence of a family to maintain status, Leos start one.

And a poor family at the same time. These people will not have a moment of peace. After all, they must meet the high bar that Leo sets. Children must be the best, and in the categories that Leo defines. Accordingly, most often nothing good comes of this.

If royal ambitions are alien to relatives, the relationship will lead to conflict. Only a strong personality will be able to curb Leo’s constant desire to dominate and control in everyday life. For comfortable life With this sign, we can advise you to be patient and pay less attention to the royal manners.

In 10th place in the Pisces ranking

Mysteriousness and Pisces are synonymous words. Their dreaminess and lack of pragmatism reflect poorly on the realities of family life. Pisces men do not want to grow up and take full responsibility for the material well-being of the family.

Pisces do not know how to save, they are subject to momentary weakness, and spend everything to the last penny. The family is left with nothing. Yes, they are undoubtedly fun, they are always young at heart and inventive in terms of entertainment, children adore them.

If you want paradise in a hut, then this is for Pisces. It is rare that, against the backdrop of creative abilities, the Pisces themselves or their companions manage to turn creativity into income. But if this works out, the wife will need to closely monitor the Muses, who will begin to fly to the faithful. Stock up on something heavy to ward them off.

Aries is ranked 9th

Astrologers unanimously accuse representatives of this sign of tyranny, despotism, obstinacy and tyranny, we do not agree with them, the situation is much worse. This is due to the fact that the listed negative qualities are usually inherent in people who can be predicted, influenced, and ultimately manipulated. Aries disrupts all strategy and tactics of interaction with their unpredictability.

If you want bright passions, an adrenaline rush in the family, be sure to choose Aries as your companion. It will provide maximum thrash in abundance. It's good that their explosive nature has the ability to cool down quickly. Well, as a bonus, their conscience may torment them. Aries can compensate for remorse with jewelry. So the other half will be on antidepressants, but with diamonds.

In 8th place in the rating Gemini

Geminis are a very comfortable sign in relationships, this fact is known about them. Giving birth to a child from such a father is a pleasure from the beginning to the very birth; they are able to empathize and carefully care. They get along well with children, raise them without reproaches, in an easy playful way.

Otherwise, a woman risks turning into a servant who is obliged to strictly follow the rules invented by Gemini. There will be no other way. Geminis value a variety of rubbish very much. A woman who dares to throw away her favorite cup, which is cracked, may get a divorce.
The cause-and-effect relationships of such logic are very difficult to trace. Geminis live in their deep inner world.

Scorpios are ranked 7th

Everyone who lives with them clearly understands that family life is slavery! But on the other hand, Scorpios treat their slaves well, take care of them, support them, and can take them in their arms. Scorpios are also very generous, and they love money. All slaves are given a chain according to their status, but a gold one; the wealthiest slaves can get help around the house to do dirty work.

We almost forgot, Scorpios are gods in bed, and most often they are faithful. And lyrical feelings for children are not alien to them. In general, this is a normal option as long as Scorpio is sure that the slave does not dream of escaping to freedom.

In 8th place in the rating Sagittarius

Sagittarians are exactly in the middle in the ranking. Evil and good are balanced in them. Representatives of this sign can easily go take out the garbage in home clothes and return home closer to three o’clock in the morning, in seven days.

After a decade of marriage, they are able to treat their missus with the passion of the day they met, and will be absolutely sincere. This sign is capable of enchanting scandals, for example, about the search for one sock that lies in the most visible place.

Sagittarians are great organizers active rest with children, and even babies can be trusted with them. Mom will receive her children back safe and sound, with absolutely happy faces. In general, everything is great, if not for one BUT. Sagittarians are able to make several families happy at the same time. Maximum 5, especially talented ones, maybe 8, but this is an exception, don’t be alarmed.

In 5th place in the rating are Capricorns

Someone dreamed of a “real man” - Capricorn. But be prepared for back side medals, Capricorns are tyrants. His orders and instructions must be carried out quickly and unquestioningly.

The interesting thing is that if Capricorn is not near you, he doesn’t care what you do, he will be to blame. He didn’t warn, didn’t control, didn’t take into account, it’s all his fault. We reveal the main secret - he is infinitely trusting of close people, take advantage of it!

By and large, family life with a representative of this sign is simple and carefree. This especially applies to the period of his business trips.

In 4th place in the Virgo rating

This sign fell slightly short of the top three. Virgos deserve to be used as an example for other signs. If they fool their relatives, they do it out of extreme necessity. In fact, they dote on their significant other, the kids.

Virgos are very thoughtful about choosing a life partner, they are smart, they need a woman who will raise quality heirs of both sexes. Virgo should have the best family, this is not discussed.

This sign is a born educator; they do not tolerate people around them who are difficult to succumb to this process. And due to the fact that there are no such people in the Virgo family, they can be sincerely and openly proud of their family. Unless Virgo gets Aries as his heir.

In 3rd place in the ranking are Taurus

Taurus on a bronze pedestal. They are very homely and cannot imagine their life without a large family. This sign, more often than others, as soon as it flies out of the parental nest, immediately acquires its own and quite extensive one.

They lived happily ever after and died on the same day - this is about Taurus. And woe to the family member who disrespects the way of house-building. Taurus will not tolerate attacks on the family idyll.

Representatives of this sign have a tendency to hoard and are very fond of pantries filled to the brim with various useful supplies. One thing needs to be taken into account: it is important for Taurus to be entertained. Just throw a feast for the whole world sometimes, and you will be happy. By the way, a holiday is a reason for Taurus to cancel the execution of a guilty household member.

In 2nd place in the rating: Cancer

Taurus are somehow capable of existing without a family; Cancers are incapable of such a feat. The loss of a family for Cancer is equivalent to death; accordingly, he will fight and protect it to the last drop of blood, whereas in other circumstances he may be the last rag.

And yet, in a strange way, families of representatives of this sign rarely experience harmony and happiness for a long period. The culprit of this coincidence is Cancer. Relationships deteriorate through the manifestation of hypertrophied guardianship and care; you see, he is afraid for them.

Guardianship is always difficult and leads to overheating of the body, as in the case of a child who is not bundled up for the weather. But sometimes Cancers annoy everyone so much that you want to throw something heavy at them. Please note that common sense and persuasion will not help.

On 1 Libra pedestal together

The fanfare of victory sounds to Libra! Representatives of this sign are capable of living easily and attracting relatives to this state. The main thing is that you are a loved member of the family.

For their loved ones, Libra tries to turn every day into a holiday. There is a fly in the ointment in this bowl of honey; according to statistics, Libra most often creates a family with Libra. So your chances of getting the best family man as your partner are significantly narrowed. But it’s still worth striving for an idyll in life, in case it works out.

Based on materials from
