The most interesting minecraft mods. The best mods for Minecraft

Modifications- these are add-ons for the game that are created by ordinary players and MC fans. They are divided into a large number of categories depending on their purpose. There are small additions that only slightly change, for example, the game interface, and there are global mods for Minecraft that add a bunch of new interesting content. An example of such a modification could be one of the coolest and most popular addons - . It adds a new system for researching items and objects in the game.

Mod categories

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of categories of such add-ons. First of all, all mods for Minecraft, which you can download for free from our website, are divided into categories depending on the version of the game.

Categories of mods depending on the version of the game

Categories depending on purpose

In addition, they can be classified into different categories based on their purpose. Some Russian mods add new items, maps, structures, Minecraft biomes, etc. Other additions simplify the interface and the entire gameplay. For example, a convenient mini-map in the upper left corner of the screen will help you navigate more easily on an unfamiliar generated map.

It’s convenient to download mods for Minecraft on our website!

On our website you can download any addon you like as quickly as possible. No registrations, sending SMS or links to file hosting services. Only free mods in one click.

Under each addition there will be detailed description which will help you get to know him. The video shows a more detailed review of the mod. You can also read about how to install any mod on the corresponding page of the site.

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There are mods that have millions of downloads, they are very popular and you yourself probably don’t think about how many players use them. And today we present our own TOP 10 best Minecraft mods according to the website version. We can assure you that there is a 100% chance that you have used at least one of them. Mod genres are quite broad from technical mods to new worlds. Of course, the top will be updated, you never know if more worthy competitors will appear. As of July 2015, you see the following leaders:

10th Place:

Zan’s Minimap ( , ) - Adds a mini map in the upper right corner, this is very useful for many, because you can set special marks on the map so as not to lose it, for example a nice place or just your home. But markers are not the only setting, there are quite a few of them: such as displaying mobs, cardinal directions, your coordinates and level above the sea. There is an analogue of Rei's Minimap, which is very similar, so you can choose that too. There is a slight criticism of the mod, since the display, for example, of mobs, looks at least like cheating, you always know where they will come from - that's why only 10th place.

9th Place:

Inventory Tweaks ( , , ) - Using just one button, you can organize your inventory. All items will be sorted out in a split second beautiful order, all identical blocks will be stacked. For people who love cleanliness and order, this mod will come in handy; there is no need to go through the hassle of arranging it yourself. Only 9th place, due to the fact that the mod does only one not to say big function, there are more global mods in which a lot of work has been done.

8th Place:

The Lord of the Rings ( , ) - The famous world of the Lord of the Rings has been transferred to Minecraft! The developers spent a lot of time adding so many objects from the film to the game, because there really are a lot of them - places, weapons, monsters. Want to see Gondor? It's easy, you just need to take the cards and start traveling like a group of hobbits from the Shire (By the way, there is one too). Can you defeat Sauron in Minecraft? Well, try it, it's not that easy! After all, there are many on his side various types creatures that only the best weapons take, which you have to craft and of course, crafting will require a lot of resources that you will look for throughout Middle-earth. You will definitely have to spend a lot of time to become the strongest in the completely new world of Minecraft.

7th Place:

Millenaire (, ) - Standard villages in Minecraft are very simple and uninteresting, there is nothing special to do in them, this mod is aimed at adding new interesting features to NPC villages. The mod adds a normal trading system for residents, villages can develop by building new buildings, you can complete missions for local residents, and in villages you can find different races of inhabitants. And the coolest thing is to create your own village and start developing it different ways, very funny feature.

6th Place:

Mo" Creatures ( , ) - Are there few mobs in the standard version of the game? Really, if you compare it with the real world, in our beloved Minecraft there is not even 1% of all species, and this is not acceptable, which is why this mod was created. It adds new types of mobs, of course not as much in quantity as in real life, but definitely more than we have now. At the moment, there are 31 types of new mobs and varieties in the modification. And these are: Wyverns, Elephants, Mammoths, Monitor Lizards, Golems, Snails, Insects and many others.

5 Place:

Buildcraft ( , ) - The mod simplifies the extraction of minerals and the transportation of liquids. If you need to get a lot of resources for the IC2 mod or just resources, then now you don’t have to worry anymore. You just need to learn a fairly simple crafting system, and simply place quarries where you see fit.

4 Place:

DivineRPG ( , ) - One of the largest modifications created for Minecraft, greatly expanding the boundaries of the game. Many new dimensions are being added, with their own structures and biomes, their own resources and mobs. New system player development, not as primitive as from the main developers of Minecraft. It will be possible to equip yourself with armor in a more interesting way; different varieties will appear: light and heavy, each with its own advantages. The game will become much more interesting, as new opponents and goals will appear. And each of the creatures you meet will have its own characteristics and skills.

3rd place:

Galacticraft ( , ) - Have you dreamed of space? Introducing a mod that adds space and, of course, the resulting opportunities. Firstly, you can craft space rockets and use them to colonize other planets. Moreover, each planet has its own gravity, suitability for life and the presence of life (Indicates whether there are other living beings on the planet - mobs). And of course, there are new blocks and crafting.

We have compiled a list of the twenty most useful mods for, which will not only make your life easier, but also make the game more fun!

Different modes require different mods. In order to properly install and launch the mod, carefully read the description for it, and loaders such as Modloader or Magic Launcher will help simplify the launch process. Now let's get to the review!

The best mods for Minecraft

1. Unbelievable Shaders Mod

This mod adds a little “soul” to the static world: the grass sways and the trees rustle under gusts of wind, softer rendering is used and the lighting system is improved. The authors of the mod also added shadows and greater depth of drawing of the world, which makes the game much more enjoyable for all graphics lovers. Graphics settings will also appear in the game menu, which you can adjust manually.

2.Water Shader

This mod is suitable for all those who can tolerate cubism, but are unable to look at the same type of water surfaces. By installing the Water Shader, the surface of the water will come to life and the waves will sway over the mirror surface. The mod will require more performance from your PC than the previous one.

3. Optifine

Another mod that takes the graphics to a new level. The mod has several current versions, but any of them will help you add richness to the picture. The mod is very flexible and is suitable for both casual players with weak machines and hardcore players with powerful computers.

4. Crafting Table 3

Minecraft lacks a user-friendly graphical interface. For example, crafting items is a dark art that requires excellent memory: otherwise you simply will not collect the desired item. The Crafting Table 3 mod simplifies this process: they will immediately show you what kind of ingredients you have, what can come out of them, what is the recipe for preparing this or that item. The mod also automates the process of creating items: just prepare all the data and press one button.

5. Inventory Tweaks

Another weak part of Minecraft is its inventory. It is not designed to store anything; it rather resembles a woman's handbag, in which even a Manhattan can get lost. The first thing Inventory Tweaks is designed for is automatic sorting of all items and elements into groups, according to generally accepted rules. The second thing the mod can do is put items into slots, change them when needed and put the contents in a backpack on the chest.

6. REI's minimap

The original Minecraft doesn't have an on-screen minimap for one simple reason: it's an exploration game. However, by installing REI's minimap mod, you can not only look at the territory around you, but also put marks in multiplayer modes. The mod also automatically saves your location in case of death and you can easily return to where you were killed.

7. Death Chest

This mod removes one of the main commandments: when you die, all the contents of your inventory disappear. Yes, perhaps you will make it before the honestly stolen property disappears, but this is unlikely. The Death Chest mod will create a special box near the place of your death, which will contain all your things (or most of them) so that everything will be completely safe. It should also be remembered that this box cannot accommodate thousands of items.

8. TooManyItems

This mod will put all the game items and elements into your inventory, so you don’t have to spend your youth playing the game, trying to find some rare item. In addition, you will have the opportunity to change day and night, control the weather, and change the difficulty level.

9.More Creatures

This mod will diversify the inner world of the game with the help of sheep, kittens, dogs, turtles, and so on and so forth, including inhabitants of the air and underwater depths. Of course, each creature will act according to its instincts: the wolf will want to kill you, and the ostrich will immediately run away.

10.More Villages

Before the advent of trading in Minecraft, villages were not of particular interest to the player. Now their number is too small for you to calmly spit on the ceiling by selling gaming rubbish to a huge number of people. By using the More Villages mod you will increase the number of villages several times, thereby directing stable income game currency in your pocket.

11. Matmos Sound Mod

System sounds that Mojang prepared? overall quite good. However, if you're going to improve the graphics, why not improve the audio? The Matmos Sound Mod will add a bunch of atmospheric sounds: bird songs during the day and eerie screams at night, sounds of weapons (for example, the pulling of a bowstring or the ringing of a sword), and underwater sounds will become more authentic. When you are left alone with the game, a magical transformation will occur and it will sound new.

12. The X-Ray mod

This mod is somewhat reminiscent of the famous “X-Ray vision” of Superman. Using it, you will be able to see through walls, in the dark, and also calculate the location of ore deposits. It's worth a try, don't you think?

13. Single Player Commands

Many people find it strange that online players have much more control over their worlds than single-player players. This mod corrects this misunderstanding, although it is more suitable for novice players, because in essence, this mod allows you to cheat. For example, you can change time or stop it, turn damage on or off, teleport, and even kill everyone in the area with one button.

14. Compress Anything

Experienced players know a simple way to get rid of tons of various cheap ores (sand, coal, gravel, etc.). To do this, use the Compress Anything mod. You make nine blocks of whatever you need to compress and place it on your crafting table. The mod then creates one "compressed" block. There can be a total of 574 such compressed blocks in one slot. Not bad, right?

15. Natural Disasters

Want to increase your adrenaline levels? Then feel free to install the Natural Disasters mod, thanks to which a natural disaster will befall your world at a random time and in a random place! The mod adds troubles such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, meteorite bombardment and monsters. Just remember that the elements can rage and cause serious damage to the newly rebuilt world.

16. Dragon Mounts

Riding a boomer dragon has always been an interesting experience. By installing this mod you will receive dragon eggs. Place one of them on the ground and right-click on it to summon a dragon. If you have a saddle, you will automatically be on the dragon. You will learn to operate it yourself, but remember that it may well burn down a village or two. And the villagers, when they see you on the dragon, will be shocked.

17. Weather and Tornadoes

This mod adds destructive tornadoes and strong winds to your game world. You probably shouldn't use them in something you spent hundreds of hours creating: the consequences of using this mod are terrible. What can I say, look for yourself in the video below:

18. Somnia

Producing metal ingots and growing crops takes a very long time. The Somnia mod significantly speeds up everything production processes. That is, if in the evening you just planted wheat or mined ore, then in the morning you will receive wheat grains or pure ore ingots.

19. MCMap

Screenshots you can get in the usual way do not allow us to convey all the splendor. The MCMap mod allows you to take the kind of shots of your game world that you could only dream of. It consumes quite a lot of computer resources, but rest assured: it's worth it!


Construction has always been a given. But using the Buildcraft mod you will get such a set of new industrial “bricks” that you will spend more than one week studying it. In particular, the mod adds the resource oil, and since there is oil, then we will extract and process it. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance: building a production cycle will take more than one day.

What mods for Minecraft do you use?

In this review, we invite you to consider the most best top mods for the game Minecraft. Minecraft is a game that at first glance seems incredibly simple and even childish. However, the longer you play it, the more you become fascinated by this world that you create yourself. Various modifications can diversify this world, which not only add new elements to the game, but also give it a new direction. Also, some modifications can contribute to learning in various branches of science.

Industrial craft 2

This is a global modification that adds many new features to the game. With the installation of this modification, your Minecraft will become not just a game about building houses and excavating mines, you will receive a whole set of various innovations. Metallurgy, electrical engineering, agro-industry. These branches of human activity allow you to plunge headlong into building new machines to improve your world. New blocks, materials, trees and plants, tools. All this is aimed at more detailed exploration and conquest of the world. WITH Industrial Craft 2 you will experience all the subtleties of industrial work.

Project red

Who doesn't love creating incredible mechanisms in Minecraft? A whole bunch of different farms producing everything your heart desires. And all this works with the help of redstone. However, redstone itself is not so simple thing, since its use is often complicated by the game mechanics. The red projects modification corrects this problem and makes it easier to work with redstone as a conductor of energy to fuel mechanisms.

Divine RPG

From the name of the modification it becomes clear that it brings a greater RPG component to the game than what was intended by the developers. Having once decided buy minecraft key and install this mod, new full-fledged dimensions with their own rules and ecosystem will appear in the game. You will fully experience the spirit of pioneering. Divine RPG also adds many new armor and weapons that will make exploring new worlds easier. And perhaps the most important innovation is a more detailed system for developing your character with branches and levels.

Build Craft

This modification adds an improved resource extraction system to the game. Using this system, you can develop entire quarries to extract vital resources. Since resource extraction in Minecraft is an important aspect, and sometimes because of it you have to forget about other much more interesting things, the Build Craft modification will contribute to the improvement of your world and create a real technical revolution.

Computer Craft

Many children, and not only children, under the influence of the computer, wanted to become programmers. This is an easy way to create something of your own without extra investment that other people will use. One of the best mods - Computer Craft will contribute to these desires. It will add full-fledged computers and robots to the game, which can be programmed to perform a variety of actions. All programming in the mod is done in in simple language Lua.


This modification will bring a mysterious aspect to the game. Ancient magic capable of casting damage, throwing fireballs, and enchanting oneself with various auras. All this helps create a magical atmosphere, which in turn will help you feel like real wizards. New magic runes, magical books and much more will lead you along a narrow path through the nooks and crannies of magic. New bosses and locations will be added to the game, which will help in the practice of using magic and the emergence of an adventurous spirit.


Since Soviet times, children who grew up watching the feat of Yuri Gagarin dreamed of becoming cosmonauts. Yes and in modern world this dream has not faded into the background. Millions of people around to the globe They dream of flying into space and exploring other planets. The Gakacticraft modification can make these dreams come true in the world of Minecraft. The game adds the ability to create space rockets, with the help of which you become subject to space and its unknown distances. New planets may have an unfriendly environment, or, on the contrary, may be uninhabited. With Galacticraft you will feel like a real space colonizer.

Big reactors

Most technological modifications require energy in one way or another. The various mechanisms and machines you create require constant energy supply. In this case, the Big reactors modification comes to the rescue. The entire nuclear potential is in your hands, because this modification adds to the game nuclear reactors, which produce a fantastic amount of energy. Big reactors is compatible with most technological modifications of Minecraft.


Traditionally, technological modifications bring many new mechanisms and tools to Minecraft. But, they all work on energy. The PneumaticCraft modification corrects this shortcoming and allows you to create new mechanisms that will work from internal pressure air. Since pressure is a dangerous thing, the modification requires accurate calculation of the construction of all mechanisms. Any mistake can lead to an explosion that will reduce all your efforts to zero.


Some people like to explore uncharted distant lands, some like to gnaw on the granite of science and create new mechanisms incomprehensible to the average mind, some like to extract resources, delving further into the depths of mines, and some love Agriculture. This is what’s great about Minecraft; there’s something for everyone here. The Forestry modification will improve the gameplay for those who love farming. This modification adds to the game many new agricultural mechanisms and blocks that will help in breeding animals. Also appears new opportunity- bee breeding. Create your own apiary and all the honey in the Minecraft world will be yours.

We reviewed the top 10 best mods for minecraft, we hope you liked it! See you again!
