Homemade air conditioner in a car: our experiment. We make a car air conditioner with our own hands Homemade air conditioner for the home from a car

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With the onset of summer comes the heat, which becomes truly unbearable on the road. Sitting in a traffic jam for many hours, when the asphalt literally soars, is every car enthusiast’s worst dream. And if the built-in air conditioner is acting up, then it’s time to shower yourself cold water and ice to somehow alleviate my condition.

Although a huge number of gadgets that operate from a cigarette lighter have already been invented for cars, air conditioners for cars remain a mysterious topic and incomprehensible to many. On the market and on the Internet you can find a bunch of different gadgets called with a serious word - air conditioning. However, to understand whether they have something in common with your favorite office oasis, let’s look at the operating principle of these devices.

The principle of operation of a car air conditioner

An air conditioner installed in a car at the manufacturer's factory works on the same principle as office units. That is, it absorbs heat through the evaporator, cooling the interior of the car. In this case, the “exhaust” air is discharged into environment(outside).

The air conditioner itself is a sealed system filled with freon and compressor oil. Oil reduces friction, partially removes particles released during operation and circulates in the air conditioning system.

Based on this, it becomes obvious that a car air conditioner can only be a unit that can utilize air outside. And of course, such a device cannot cost 3,000 - 5,000 rubles.

The Chinese air conditioner from the cigarette lighter to the car looks and functions more like a regular fan. Such a device does not cool the air, but only passes it in a circle, creating a light breeze. Manufacturers go to great lengths and proudly call such products 12 volt car air conditioning, but in fact in nature such units are so far produced only for trucks. These large devices, operating on 24 V, cut into the roof of the cabin and cost about 85,000 rubles.

Nevertheless, as they say, “the pain of invention is tricky” and if you really need an analogue as close as possible to an air conditioner, then you can make such a device yourself.

How to make a mini air conditioner for a car with your own hands

You can make something similar to an air conditioner in a car using a cigarette lighter yourself. To do this you will need:

  • a new or old plastic refrigerated container (aka cooler bag);
  • heater radiator of appropriate size;
  • several fans (you can buy the same ones as for computer video cards);
  • wires;
  • pump (you can take an aquarium pump or from a glass washer barrel);
  • old car charger for cell phone.

The pump must be secured at the bottom of the cooler bag, and the wires from it must be brought out. On the inside we make a square cutout with a diameter the size of the prepared radiator, and with outside cut two round holes under the fans.

After this you need:

  • Screw the fans and combine them into the wiring.
  • Install on inner side remove the radiator cap by lowering the hose downwards.

    Car air conditioner powered by cigarette lighter

    To prevent it from falling off, you can additionally strengthen it with silicone.

Healthy! If you have piano hinges lying around in the garage, you can use them to connect the lid and body of the container.

  • Connect the pump outlet and the radiator inlet to the cover. To prevent water from disturbing you while driving, you can also attach some kind of hose to the radiator outlet.
  • Route the wires to the old charger.
  • Ready.

This installation may not look the most presentable, but it copes with its functions. Before you connect homemade unit To the cigarette lighter, you need to fill the container with ice and fill it with water. As soon as the air conditioner turns on, the pump will begin to pull cold water from the container into the radiator, and the fans will blow the resulting cold air throughout the car interior.

The advantages of such a device are its environmental friendliness and low cost. If we talk about efficiency, then a homemade air conditioner can also boast of this. An hour later, when the ice has melted, you just need to add a new portion and the unit will again saturate the hot car with coolness.

In custody

As you can see, unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers only confuse motorists by issuing regular fans, unable to cool the air, for full-fledged air conditioners operating from a 12 V network. If you take a closer look at the control buttons on such gadgets, you will see that there is not even close talk about cooling. Usually there are only "fan", "off" and "on" buttons. But air conditioners for trucks are not a fiction, but real, expensive and difficult to install units.

Climate control system

Climate control systems are either included as standard in the car, or can be installed at an additional cost. Installing climate control on a car is a rather complex and labor-intensive operation in engineering terms.

In any case, it is better to trust her professional specialists this area, otherwise you risk money and the comfort of driving your car - you never know what you can do there on your own.
Not all car models, even the most modern ones, are convenient for installing climate control, let alone older models.

The definition of an automatic climate control system includes two fundamental concepts - we will call them “brains” and “hardware”.
The “hardware” that is hidden under the hood - a condenser, a compressor, connecting hoses, etc. - is part of any air conditioner from the initial to the most advanced levels. But another “hardware” is important to us - which is the air conditioner heater unit under the dashboard.

Robot protection

This is where warm air turns into cold air and vice versa. And the main difference between climate control devices different types precisely in the principles of control of this unit and in the design itself.

Drivers who use a climate control system are spared the hassle of constantly moving damper levers - with climate control, you just need to set the temperature you want. The microprocessor device is guided by information coming from various sensors and automatically selects, sets and maintains the desired temperature mode, regardless of what is happening on the street at that moment.

It is also worth noting that the above-mentioned microprocessor device would be worth nothing if it were not endowed with intelligence, that is, a corresponding program - an algorithm that takes into account all the diversity familiar conditions comfort for different climatic conditions.

Of course, a complete automatic system should not require human intervention, but it cannot exclude it either - if necessary, the driver can set the appropriate climate mode himself.

Portable mini air conditioner for car 12 volt

Vehicle characteristics: The dimensions of the car are as follows: length - 3389, width - 1100, height - 1511 mm. The wheelbase is 2133 mm. Ground clearance 183 mm. The car is equipped with a hybrid power unit. The 2-cylinder engine is equipped with a system that provides engine power output.

Mini air conditioner in a car 12 volt - true or a scam?

There are 4 valves per cylinder. The diameter of one cylinder is 71 mm, the piston stroke is 76 mm. The engine crankshaft accelerates to 8000 rpm. Maximum torque is maintained up to 5000 rpm.

Posted by admin: at the request of Alberic

Views: 2133

Watch the VIDEO about how to make an air conditioner in a car with your own hands in a Kamaz.

Rating from a car owner named Nikodim: The car has 5 main seats and 2 additional seats under the rear row of seats, the interior ceiling is high to make it easier to get into the 3rd row, while the backrest of the 1st row passenger seat folds forward, the backrest of the 2nd row right side also folds forward - this creates a cargo area 2.8 meters long. In this situation, 3 people were traveling on the left side plus a sofa: a base, two backs, two sidewalls, of course the right mirror was not visible. In short, I would call Zafira a summer resident’s dream. I don’t recommend mushroom hunting with a deep track, since the ground clearance under the crankcase protection is 12.5 cm. Frankly speaking, the car is designed for high-speed and comfortable driving on good roads, maximum passport speed is 197 km, if possible I drive in places in the absence of photo greetings 160 km, while the handling is excellent.

Original title: Hoe om te maak lugversorger in die motor met hul hande in die KAMAZ

Release date: September 17, 2015

Duration: 3:05

Quality: Blu-Ray

Laughter on the topic: At a reception at the American Embassy, ​​the US Ambassador boasted that, they say, they have a sorcerer in the state of Alabama - he raises the dead. V.M., who was present at the reception. Molotov calmly noted that in the USSR there is a wonderful athlete who runs ahead of an airplane. N.S. Khrushchev, having heard about this fact, summoned Molotov. “Why are you wagging your tongue, Mikhalych?” Well, will they demand to present a miracle athlete? - First, we will demand that they present their necromancer. - And if they do? - We will demand verification, let him raise... Stalin, for example. - Well, what - will he raise? - Then you, Nikita, it’s not like an airplane, you can outrun a rocket!

Video instructions: how to make an air conditioner in a car with your own hands in a Kamaz

Car mini air conditioner: is it any good?

Should you install air conditioning in your car?

Air conditioning in a car can be installed not only at the factory. This device can be additionally equipped with almost any car. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of such tuning, and also find out which cars can be equipped with air conditioning.

Pros of installation

The main purpose of the air conditioner is to cool the air in the cabin. With its help, you can easily and quickly cool down a car that has become hot under the hot sun. The second action is to dehumidify the interior air, which helps to effectively combat glass fogging, for example, during rain.

In many cases additional installation air conditioning will cost less than purchasing a new car with this option.

And most importantly - this convenient system It can even be installed in cars where it is not provided at all, for example, in the VAZ “classic”.

Disadvantages of installing an air conditioner

The air conditioner is very complex system, consisting of many large and small elements. They are located both in the cabin and in the engine compartment, noticeably “eating up” space. When an air conditioner is installed in a car that is not suitable for this, there is a danger of engine overheating due to blocking the free space around it.

But the most important drawback, which will certainly appear when the air conditioner is turned on, is a drop in engine power. It is believed that a running compressor takes up to ten horsepower from it, which is especially critical for weak engines. In this case, it is better to turn off the air conditioner when going uphill and overtaking in the oncoming lane.

Along with a drop in power, an increase in fuel consumption is observed.

Air conditioners for cars from the cigarette lighter in Krasnodar

On average, it increases by 0.5 - 0.8 liters per 100 kilometers. Another minor drawback will be the increased noise of the car due to the running compressor and fan on the condenser.

Is air conditioning harmful to health?

There is an opinion that air conditioning in a car is a direct path to a cold. In part, this is true. But here everything depends on the correct use of this system. Many drivers turn on the air conditioning for a long time, which causes the air in the cabin to become very cold. When getting into a car on a hot summer day, a person is dressed in light clothing and will most likely catch a cold from the temperature change. To avoid this, it is enough to use the air conditioner more carefully, without turning the car interior into an ice cave.

If it is difficult to constantly monitor the operation of the air conditioner, there is the option of installing an automatic control unit. In this case, you get almost climate control. This device will control the air conditioner for you, maintaining the set temperature.

Another nuance of the air conditioner that affects people's health is bacteria. During operation, moisture condenses on the evaporator (installed under the dashboard) and creates perfect place for the reproduction of special microorganisms – legionella. They are carried into the cabin by the air flow and can lead to the development of pneumonia in people. Particularly vulnerable in in this case those with weak immune systems, as well as older people and smokers.

To prevent the growth of bacteria inside the air conditioner, manufacturers use bactericidal filters or appropriate evaporator coating. You can also carry out antiseptic treatment of the air conditioner. This service is provided in many car services where car air conditioning is refilled.

It is noteworthy that evaporator treatment is not included in the scheduled maintenance work that is carried out on new cars by the dealer. Thus, those who want to take care of their health will have to pay extra work. As always, everything related to health is not cheap - cleaning an air conditioner is estimated at 2,500 - 3,000 rubles.

How is the air conditioner installed?

In most cases, installing an air conditioning system is a very complex undertaking. Especially on machines that are not designed for this. In each case, you need to install a compressor, a clutch, an evaporator, a condenser, connecting lines, electrical elements, lay the wiring. And also - to “make friends” all this with the standard interior heating system, since the same air ducts are used.

In Russia, the most common car air conditioners are made in Italy, Japan and Israel. The most popular brands are Alex Original, Autoclima and Unicla.

What cars can it be installed on and how much does it cost?

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, you can install air conditioning in almost any car. Car service centers successfully install air conditioning systems in Niva, Volga, Zhiguli and, of course, foreign cars.

The cost depends on the level of complexity of the work and the class of the car. For example, work on installing an air conditioner on an average foreign car is estimated at $2,500. For a VAZ-2110 - 1,300, and for a Volga or Niva - 1,400 dollars.

Comfort and climate in the car interior are important to every car enthusiast. A car air conditioner is an indispensable part of the climate control system in the interior of a modern vehicle. To ensure optimal interior temperature, modern cars are equipped efficient systems climate control. Today, the car enthusiast is accustomed to feeling comfortable in any weather. in winter optimal temperature in the cabin is achieved thanks to the proper operation of the stove; in summer, the climate in the cabin is controlled by air conditioning.

Of course, the owner of a car in fully equipped you will hardly have to think about self-production air conditioning, but the interior of early car models often requires modifications. You can ensure proper comfort in the hot interior of an old car by making a simple air conditioner with your own hands. The manufacturing technology of the device is quite simple, but very interesting.

How to do car air conditioner with your own hands?

In order to make an air conditioner you will need enough free time, necessary tools and materials. To make an air conditioner we will need:

  • Sealed container. Preferably an old portable refrigerator or other container.
  • Stove radiator. The simplest one will do.
  • Old car charger.
  • Liquid pump.
  • 1-2 fans.
  • Tubes, wires.

Stages of work.

1. Install the water compressor at the bottom of the container. As a compressor, you can use an aquarium pump or a device from a car glass washing tank.

2. We make a hole in the lid of the container of the required diameter to install the fan.

3. Glue the interior radiator onto the back of the cover. For proper fluid circulation, the outlet tubes must face down.

4. Connect the pump outlet to the radiator inlet. To ensure quieter and smoother operation of the radiator, you can connect a drain hose.

Above is an approximate technology for making a climate control device with your own hands, which can be subject to modifications. For example, in order to free up access to the on-board network for other devices, you can connect the air conditioner power via USB. Thus, you can ensure the operation of the air conditioner and GPS navigator at the same time.

How does he work?

The container must be filled with ice in order for the pump to direct the flow of cold water into the radiator. At this time, the fans will blow cold air out, thereby restoring the optimal climate inside the vehicle.

Given the relatively simple device and the availability of components, every vehicle owner can make an air conditioner with his own hands. In practice, a self-made air conditioner has proven to be quite effective and economical. However, due to the simplicity of the design, several obvious disadvantages arise: relatively large dimensions and a short period of productivity. After an hour of work in the hot summer, the ice melts and needs to be renewed in a timely manner. There is no particular need to secure the device in the car interior, since the air conditioner is quite stable and will not be used all year round.

The considered air conditioner manufacturing technology can also be used for home network 220V. In this case, you can make the device larger and more productive.

Making your own air conditioner can be a rewarding and interesting experiment.

Happy making!

I won’t write about the residents of the cities of the European part of Russia languishing from the abnormal heat, because this boyan is a bandit. If you personally don’t belong to them, or you love the heat and feel great among hot concrete and asphalt, then just don’t read this post.

So, it's getting hot. Not everyone can afford a “real” air conditioner, and it’s not just about money. The queue for the installation of split systems is scheduled as much as a month in advance, and a floor-standing air conditioner that does not require installation is an agrammatic noisy fool that will stupidly and uselessly occupy the precious space of a city apartment for 9-10 months a year. Fans are of little use, because... They continue to drive the same hot air, which does not bring relief.

But, as you know, the new is the well-forgotten old. There is such a thing - an evaporative air conditioner, which, due to the simplicity of its operating principle, can be built with your own hands. There are descriptions of such homemade air conditioners on the Internet, but the proposed designs are relatively labor-intensive to manufacture, and a modern metropolis resident has so little free time... And not everyone dares to drill, saw, plan, and paint in their apartment.

But there is a way out! Being an equally busy city dweller, I came up with and tested an evaporative air conditioner, which is molded from shit and sticks of scrap materials in literally 15 minutes. Tools you will need:
- hands - 2 pcs.;
- screwdriver - 1 pc.
- exhaust duct fan- 1 PC. (purchased at any construction market);
- flexible corrugated aluminum ventilation tube- 1 PC. (bought there)
- wire with plug - 1 pc. (again there).
The total budget is several hundred wooden ones.

Use a fan with maximum performance. I found the most powerful of the household ones at 300 cubic meters per hour, all the more powerful ones were industrial, and therefore noticeably more expensive and noisier. Please note that it must be exhaust, i.e. blow in the direction where the pipe connects to it.

So. We slightly stretch the pipe and bend it as shown in the photo (it bends, stretches and holds its shape perfectly). We attach the raised end of the pipe with tape or self-tapping screws to some kind of stand (I used cardboard box from under the same fan). We connect the wire to the fan and insert the fan into the pipe.

Pour some cold water into the pipe and loosely place cotton rags in the water. When they are saturated with water, add water so that there is a little water above the rags. In total, the layer of water and rags I got was one-third to one-half of the cross-section of the pipe. All. Let's turn it on!

After half an hour of work, when the water had cooled, the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the pipe was as much as 5 degrees - the improvised air conditioner lowered the temperature from 31 to 26 C! Pouring snow and ice scraped from the walls of the freezer into the pipe on top of the water gave another 1 degree. YES!!!

In pursuit. It is impossible to drag a pipe with water inside (it bends), so it makes sense to improve the design by securing it to some kind of stand. You can simply tape everything to a suitable board, or you can come up with a more elegant holder - it all depends on your imagination.

Yes, as you know, cold air, when left to its own devices, goes down, so it makes sense to direct the outlet section of the pipe a little upward, and place the structure itself not on the floor, but on a table or bedside table, in order to cool not only your feet.

With a pipe diameter of 150 mm, a length of its part filled with water of 450 mm and a fan of 300 cubic meters per hour, my device, of course, was not able to cool the entire room. However, it is quite capable of creating a comfort zone around the workplace or bed. Now I’m sitting at the computer in a pleasant coolness :)
How to improve productivity if necessary? You can increase the length and cross-section of the pipe, install a more efficient fan, or assemble several devices into a battery. In addition, I have not yet experimented with the amount of water and rags and their material. Overall, there is great potential for improvement!

I give you an idea! Coolness is close - just 15 minutes of moving your hands! :)

For those who like to craft in their spare time, making an air conditioner for a car with their own hands is a real challenge that simply must be accepted. Especially if it is unbearably hot outside and your car is not equipped with a climate control system. A homemade air conditioner for a car is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The most important thing is to know the operating principle of this device and stock up on all the necessary equipment, because the design of the future portable car air conditioner depends on the available means.

First, let's figure out what the essence of the device is. mobile air conditioner for cars. There are two types of air conditioners: compressor and evaporative. To manufacture the former, special equipment is required, as well as various expensive parts and perfect knowledge of cooling systems. Another thing is relatively simple evaporation systems. It is on their principle of operation that the design of homemade cooling devices is most often based. The trick is that to evaporate water, such a cooler-humidifier requires a large amount of heat, which it takes from the environment.

You can design an evaporative air conditioner for a car without special costs. To do this you will need:

  • the simplest plastic container (an unnecessary cooler bag will also do);
  • interior heater radiator;
  • two computer cooler with dimensions suitable for the container;
  • bilge pump;
  • hoses and wires;
  • fasteners;
  • cigarette lighter plug.

Then fans are installed, one of which is designed to blow air through the compressor of our car air conditioner, and the second to blow out coolness. To collect warm air Several holes are drilled on the sides.

Installing all of the above homemade devices is carried out in any part of the car interior - the main thing is that the air flows exactly where it is needed.

We can conclude that constructing an air conditioner for a car with your own hands is a very simple and not at all expensive task. So if you're looking affordable way to save yourself and your passengers from the heat - a homemade cooling system is just what you need.

Video “DIY car air conditioner”

After watching the recording, you will learn what parts a car air conditioner consists of, how to assemble it and how to care for it.

Driving in a car without air conditioning in hot weather is unpleasant and undesirable for a number of reasons. Heat inside a car can not only cause the body to overheat, but also increase the risk of trouble on the road, as the driver becomes less alert when overheated. We can add to this that no one likes to sit in a hot car.

The problem of air conditioning is especially acute for those situations, and when you have to stand in traffic jams for many hours, the oncoming air flow in open window missing here. Therefore, the homemade water conditioner, which is presented below, is quite simple in design and inventive idea, although low-power, but for some time it may be useful for you on the road for the car and its passengers.

Details on video slides

It operates using ice, so it does not work for long, about 1 hour. This refrigerator-air conditioner for a car can be improved using Peltier elements. Their effect is that when voltage is applied, one side of the element will heat up and the opposite side will cool. As a result, we can cool the water in the air conditioner. Therefore, it is worth considering improving the design presented below.

What do we need to make an air conditioner?

A plastic container, or, as it is otherwise called, a cooler bag. Small water pump with 12 volt power. Suitable for an aquarium. Car heater radiator. Several pieces of wire. Pipes for connecting the pump. A pair of fans. Dremel, silicone, piano hinges, plug for connecting to the cigarette lighter.

Act one. We install the pump on a homemade air conditioner.

First you need to strengthen the pump; it must be installed at the bottom of the container. The wires from it need to be brought out to connect to the power source. In this case, 12-volt PC coolers are used as fans. They are placed in the cover of the device. Since it has two layers in plastic containers, it needs to be done from the inside square hole according to the size of the coolers. WITH reverse side You need to make two holes using a Dremel. Fans will draw air from inside. Let's secure the cooler with its original screws.

Step 3. Install the radiator.

We will install it from the inside of the lid. The pipes should be directed downwards. To install the radiator we use silicone. In addition, you can plant hot glue or epoxy resin.

Step 4: Complete the creation of the air conditioner.

For ease of lid design and quick replacement of ice, you can use a piano hinge. We connect the radiator to the pump using a hose. The outlet hose from the pump is connected to the radiator inlet. To avoid the sound of water, it is advisable to also put a hose on the outlet pipe.

Next, we connect all the elements to the vehicle’s on-board network. If the coolers and pump require less than 12 volts to function, try using a cell phone charger. In the author's model, the source is a 12 volt output through the cigarette lighter.

For homemade working condition simple air conditioner Ice is placed in a plastic container and water is added. When the power is turned on, the pump will pump cold water through the radiator. At the same time, the coolers will remove cold air from the container into the cabin, cooling it. Naturally, when the air conditioner is operating, you need to close all the windows and doors of the cabin.

It will be cool inside the car for at least one hour. For example, in a traffic jam, this air conditioner will be a salvation from the heat. There is another option that people sometimes want to do - (the link leads to an article about a Peltier device), which is unlikely to be effective in a car.

About where to buy at the best price low prices goods for cars, .
