Rybalko developmental and differential psychology. Rybalko E.F. Age and differential psychology: Textbook. allowance. Developmental and differential psychology

The famous American author, professional speaker, organizer of leadership seminars and consultant John Maxwell is the author of more than ten books on the so-called “modification” of oneself. His works discuss methods of personal self-improvement that produce amazing results. Maxwell's popularity is not limited only to the United States, but absolutely deservedly extends to other countries of the world. “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” is one of best books this author, in which he clearly distinguishes between the concepts of leadership and management, which other thematic writers often sin by substituting. For example, even one of the apologists of the genre of personal self-improvement, Jack Welch, in his creation “Winner”, devotes a tiny part of the space to the actual issues of leadership. For the most part, these same questions are expressed through management methods. It is clear that in " pure form“All the rules and techniques are absorbed by the reader much easier and faster.

In his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell discusses 21 rules or personal skills of leadership that can be developed and improved. These rules or, as the name suggests, laws are presented by the author in a very accessible manner and are supported by a number of examples, which greatly helps their qualitative understanding and “assimilation.” The leadership rules identified by Maxwell include the laws of “ceiling”, “influence”, “process”, “navigation”, “Hutton”, “solid ground”, “respect”, “intuition”, “magnetism”, “connection”, “neighbor” circle", "empowerment", "reproduction", "full trust", "victory", "impulse", "priority", "sacrifice", "timeliness", "leapfrogging" and "legacy". Accurate implementation of these rules, according to author John Maxwell, will allow every person who aspires to be a manager to become a strong leader. For those who already have experience in managing people in various positions, this work by Maxwell will help improve their professional skills, support their ambitions with action, and reach a new qualitative level.

The book “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” is one of best works famous American writer and consultant John Maxwell. It is great for introduction and practical application, both experienced managers and people just getting started in this field. For the latter, it can act as a kind of springboard for a jump towards creating a successful career.

You can download the book “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” by John Maxwell by clicking on the button: (PDF version )

John Maxwell

John Maxwell


25 key principles building relationships with people

John C. Maxwell. Winning with people (Discover the people principles that work for you every time)



Some people know the secret

It all starts with people

More than an addition



Your magnifying glass is yourself

Who you are determines what you see

Who you are determines how you see others

Who you are determines how you look at life

Who you are determines what you do

Five things that define who we are

1. Genetics (heredity)

2. Self-image

3. Life experience

4. Life positions

Questions to Discuss the Magnifying Glass Principle

THE MIRROR PRINCIPLE Before judging others, you should pay attention to yourself.

Rose of a different kind

White spot

Look carefully

Mirror test

The first one I need to study is myself: self-knowledge

The first person I need to improve my relationship with is myself: self-image

The first person who causes my problems is myself: being honest with yourself

The first person I need to change is myself: self-improvement

The first person who can change something is myself: responsibility to myself

Look in the mirror

Questions to Discuss the Mirror Principle

PAIN PRINCIPLE Offended man he hurts others

My new pen pal

What's hidden beneath the surface

Pain does no one any good

1. There are a lot of offended people

2. Offended people often cause suffering to others.

3. Offended people often suffer from others

4. Offended people often inflict suffering on themselves.

How to find an approach to offended people

Don't take the blame

Look for the problem in depth

Take a broader view of things

Don't multiply someone else's pain

Help them

What to do if you are the one causing the suffering?

Questions to Discuss the Pain Principle

HAMMER PRINCIPLE Never use a hammer to kill a mosquito on the other person's forehead.

If I had a hammer...

1. Whole picture

2. Timing

4. Temperature

Replace the hammer with a velvet glove

Leave the past in the past

Ask yourself, “Is my reaction part of the problem?”

Remember that actions are remembered long after words are forgotten.

Never let a situation mean more to you than the relationship.

Give your loved ones your selfless love

Admit mistakes and ask for forgiveness

Questions to Discuss the Hammer Principle

THE ELEVATOR PRINCIPLE In the process of relationships, we can lift people up or down

A new type of club

What type of person are you?

1. People who bring joy to the lives of others

2. People who take something away from life are the ones we tolerate.

3. People who multiply something in life - we value such people

4. People who share something in life - we avoid such people

Elevate others to next levels

Lifters Commit to Encouraging People Every Day

"Lifters" know how small the difference is between causing harm and helping

“Lifters” create positive trends in a negative environment

"Lifters" understand that life is not a dress rehearsal

Questions to discuss the elevator principle


THE PRINCIPLE OF THE WHOLE PICTURE The entire population of the earth - with one minor exception - consists of other people

Everything looks different from here

1. Position

2. Maturity

3. Responsibility

How to take in the whole picture of the world

Get out of your own little world

Leave your ego at the door

Understand what brings you satisfaction

Questions for discussing the principle of a holistic picture of the world

THE PRINCIPLE OF EXCHANGE Instead of putting others in their place, we must put ourselves in their place.

Visit to the President

The Power of Perspective

We don't tend to look at ourselves and others from the same point of view.

When we fail to see things through the eyes of others, we destroy relationships

The ability to see things from other people's point of view helps us achieve success in the area of ​​relationships

How to make an exchange

1. Leave “your place” and visit “their place”

2. Acknowledge the validity of the other person's point of view.

3. Check your position in life

4. Ask others what they would do if they were in your place.

Questions to discuss the principle of exchange

THE PRINCIPLE OF LEARNING Every person we meet has the potential to teach us something.

"Cool" at home

What is your position in life?

No one can teach me anything - arrogant attitude

Someone can teach me everything - a naive position

Everyone can teach me something - the attitude of someone willing to learn

How to learn from others

1. Make learning your passion

2. Value people

3. Develop relationships that have growth potential.

4. Identify people's unique qualities and strengths

5. Ask questions

Questions to discuss the teaching principle

THE PRINCIPLE OF CHARISMA People show interest in a person who is interested in them

Six Ways to Make People Love You (With Thanks to Dale Carnegie)

1. Show genuine interest in people
