Wall painting: types, techniques, examples. Artistic wall painting Ideas for painting walls in an apartment

Wall painting was very popular in the past: it decorated the walls of palaces and estates. Nowadays it can be seen less often, but modern technologies have allowed it to fit harmoniously into stylish interiors. We invite you to consider different kinds wall paintings, and also evaluate the most successful examples- we took some from our reports.

So, according to Image application techniques are divided into two types: traditional and modern. We will consider the latter - they are more relevant and occur much more often.

Acrylic painting

Painting with acrylic paints is the most popular type of painting on walls in the interior. For such a painting, it is very important to prepare the “canvas” well: the wall must be perfectly flat. They paint with acrylic on top of the top layer of plaster, after first applying a layer of acrylic primer so that the drawing sticks better.

Price acrylic painting quite high and depends on the complexity of the drawing and elaboration small parts. The price of simple drawings varies from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles/m2, medium in complexity (for example, detailed landscapes) - from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles/m2, and truly complex ones (portraits, copies of famous paintings) - from 15,000 rub./m2.

The artist must provide customers with a sketch from which he will create a panel on the wall, so that there are no surprises later.

Here interesting example work done by the guys from Studio 7, which paints walls.

During our reporting, we saw beautiful acrylic painting several times. For example, designer Masha Kolesnikova herself painted the bedroom wall for the birth of her daughter Zlata. The baby is already two years old, and she recently asked her mother where this fabulous tree came from in her room, and when she heard the answer, she exclaimed: “Mom, what a great fellow you are!” Masha recalls this incident with a smile.

We saw the most complex and at the same time the most interesting wall drawing in. Its n The first floor is dedicated to the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”.The pride of the owner is a painted library with a secret entrance to the Looking Glass. There are several references to the fairy tale on the panel: the book of the same name, a jar with the magic potion “Drink Me,” the Cheshire Cat and the queen’s chess piece.

I love my family and friends very much, and I wanted them to contribute something to our home. We gave them a task: to think about what kind of book they would like to write in their lives. And when the wall library was made, we “put” all these “works” in a closet: the artists painted a lot of books, and each family could choose the series, color and thickness of their volumes, and then write on them.

And a few successful examples.


Many people are familiar with airbrushing thanks to the painted cars found on the roads. But airbrushing is not necessarily associated with cars; it can also decorate interior walls. Airbrush drawings are made using a special tool - an airbrush. The lines are smooth, and thanks to the transparency of the layers, you can adjust the color. The price of simple compositions starts from 1000 rubles/m2, and complex ones, including even photorealism, start from 7000 rubles/m2. By the way, a popular trend is painting refrigerators using airbrushing.

Painting with invisible paints

Perhaps the most fantastic option from our selection. The painting is applied to the wall invisible fluorescent paint that only appears when turned on ultraviolet light(UV lamps). Sometimes such a pattern is applied to an existing acrylic, adding fabulousness to it, and sometimes designers choose a simple plain wall, which natural light doesn't even hint at the secret he's hiding. This is very convenient, since the drawing does not get boring.

In the photographs - the designer's projectSvetlana Krasnova.

Painting with luminous colors

Luminous paints containing a phosphor differ from invisible ones in that they are most often applied over an acrylic design so that it does not get lost in the dark. They store light during the day and then release it for another six to eight hours after dark.Such paints are rarely used in apartment interiors, since few people want the walls to glow at night, but they are very popular in the interiors of bars, bowling alleys and cafes.

This option is perfect for a children's room. Big photo see the project with Avatar.

Interesting option- paint not walls with this paint, but individual decorative items, such as vases or mirror frames - at least the accessories can be easily removed if their glow disturbs.


Street graffiti art, although rare, still finds its way into interiors. Most often, such wall painting is chosen by young, creative people who have a love for this species drawings.

Graffiti drawing spray paint in spray cans or special markers. The advantage of this paint is that it dries instantly, applies to almost any surface (from wood to brick), and such a design costs much less than acrylic painting (from about 1000 rubles/m2).

3D painting

3D technology has firmly entered our lives. It's hard to find someone who's never seen a movie worth putting on 3D glasses for. So this fashion has reached wall drawings. Such drawings are usually made with acrylic paints and differ from ordinary acrylic paintings only in the approach to painting the paintings themselves. The cost of work depends on the complexity, prices vary from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles/m2. 3D drawings on the walls can visually enlarge the room; for this you need to choose a plot with perspective.

In the photo: three-dimensional abstractions by artist Denis Kovalenko.

Photos: 4living.ru, stenomir.ru, pinterest.com, stenopis.com, Vanyantseva Elena

Are you planning a renovation and looking for original ideas that you can bring to life with your own hands? Pay attention to the technique of applying various patterns on walls and ceilings. It requires certain skills, knowledge and abilities, but at the same time it allows you to create unique and unexpected solutions.

Beautiful and original drawings on the walls enliven and decorate any interior, give unique comfort room.

A beautiful wall can be made using ready-made templates that will match the furniture, interior and give the room coziness and integrity.

Before you start creating a pattern on your wall, decide which wall you need to highlight so that it attracts the eye and is the main decorative element in the room. Although you can use a drawing to hide imperfections (disguise them) in an apartment.

Stages of painting

The technology must be strictly followed. So, you have already decided which wall the drawing will decorate. Next, you need to choose the drawing itself (you can seek help from a professional designer, artist, or find it on the Internet).

Application technology:

  1. Preparing the wall. This stage is the simplest; you need to get rid of old wallpaper and other finishing materials (for example, plaster, if it is of poor quality) on the wall. Re-plaster the walls.
  2. Select materials: paint and brush. Experts recommend purchasing water-dispersion paint with acrylic base. It is easy to apply and can be washed off if necessary.
  3. A general background is applied to the wall. It can completely coincide with the rest of the walls.
  4. A sketch (contour) of the future drawing is made on the wall. This is one of the most important points.
    It is advisable to draw in stages: put several elements or contours on the wall, look at how it turned out, if you didn’t like something, erase it and draw it again, and so on.
  5. AND final stage- This is painting the wall. At first you can use a wide brush, after which you need to correct the details with a thin one.

Unfortunately, not every person has talent and not everyone can draw a picture on the wall on their own. And contacting specialized organizations is quite expensive.

For such cases, there is a solution - stencils. You can make them yourself or buy ready-made ones.

What to choose? Ideas and mood

It is necessary to approach the choice of a future drawing consciously and carefully. The painted wall should ideally be in harmony with the interior and match the style.

An option here is to seek help from a professional artist or designer who will help you choose the right color, design, and take into account all your wishes. And the second option is to rely on your intuition and choose what is closest to you.

What you can pick up:

dandelion– in the corridor or opposite front door will look elegant and stylish;
creative black squares- an excellent solution for the living room;
sakura branch– decoration in any bright room;
birds on wires– drawing for the bedroom;
tree with ladybugs– a positive drawing for a children’s room;
branches blossoming apple tree or cherries– an excellent solution for a bedroom or living room;
night city– solution for bachelor’s quarters.

Choose what you like best, don’t be afraid to experiment!

Creative drawings

Drawings on the walls are the best option for those who want to change their usual interior, making it more comfortable, interesting, and exclusive. Here you can experiment, creating not just one element, but painting an entire wall.


Drawings of trees are one of the favorite images of designers. Indeed, depending on the purpose of the room (living room, children's room, hallway), absolutely any wood pattern can be selected that will harmoniously fit into the entire concept of the room.

So this would be great:

  1. For the living room– a drawing with a tree under a gust of wind, a branch of cherry blossoms, a plum tree, an apple tree.
  2. For the bedroom– drawings of trees in Art Nouveau style, flowering tree.
  3. For children's– drawings of a flowering tree, a minimalist plot with birch trees and animals, trees with colorful birds, a twig with small green leaves.


Flowers allow you to create a festive spring, warm mood in the room.

You can paint the walls with flowers both in the bedroom and in the living room - such a pattern will look harmonious in any room.

3D drawings

3D drawings on walls are becoming more and more popular every year. This method allows you to enliven the room with various effects. Using this technology, you can imitate glass, stones, trees, and fabrics. 3D drawings can be created on walls, ceilings and floors.

A color scheme

If you have decided on a design and are selecting a color scheme, you must clearly understand that there are colors that go well with each other, and others that do not suit at all.

Therefore, if you cannot decide whether the colors you have chosen are in harmony or not, it is better to look before purchasing color solutions(pictures) on the Internet.

You can use special programs that can automatically combine colors and tones.

In the nursery

Drawings in a children's room are a bright and colorful decorative option. Here you can implement any solution. That is, simply apply a drawing to the wall or combine it with pieces of furniture, appliqués, and toys.

Such stylistic decisions make the room truly fabulous and childlike.

Any cartoon graphics or funny fairy-tale characters will look great in a children's room.

When choosing a picture for a children's room, remember the main rules: children do not like monochrome, contrast - such a painting can frighten the baby and become a source of fear for him.

All characters on the wall should be colorful, kind and positive.

The color scheme must also be selected carefully, as too bright, dark, burgundy shades negatively affect the baby's psyche. It is advisable to make the children's room in light, pastel shades.

Manual drawing techniques

If you want to create something unusual, exclusive and unique, then pay attention to creating drawings on the walls using manual techniques. This can be painting walls with brushes, markers, graffiti, airbrush, or a combination of several techniques.


One of the classic, but at the same time original options is to decorate a wall with a painting. Before you buy a work of art, you should understand that paintings can be completely original and those that are created according to a specific template.

It is better to give preference to exclusive paintings that are not similar to each other.

Before choosing and purchasing, especially if it is difficult to choose or navigate huge selection paintings, it is better to seek help from a gallery consultant or designer.


Another great solution to apply a drawing or image to the wall is printing. The printed design can be applied to any surface. Varieties of such equipment can be posters, photo wallpapers, printed pictures.

If we talk about the advantages of printing, then, naturally, it is low cost.

Minus - it cannot be compared with a drawing that is applied directly to the wall, and it is also impossible to stick a print on uneven wall, corner, niche.

Stencil painting

A stencil is a special sheet with cut-out decorative elements, figures. They can be reused many times.
Drawings on walls covered with wallpaper, plastered or painted can be made using stencil painting. The stencils are quite easy to use.

The essence of this technique is to apply paint through the holes of thick cardboard or other material.

With the help of properly selected stencil painting, the walls will become bright and some imperfections will be hidden.

In order to decorate the walls of your apartment with stencil painting, you do not have to have artistic talents. It is enough to buy, order or make your own stencil, with which you can easily apply the design to the wall.

The best material for a stencil is thick cardboard, in addition to which you will need a brush with fine bristles.

Before you start painting the walls, the stencil must be secured. For this you will need masking tape.

The best pattern and paint option would be calm tones that match the wall decoration. This pattern will not bore you. It's also best to choose lightweight templates, but don't overdo it! Choose a drawing that you like and work on it with pleasure.

A correctly selected pattern on the wall, in addition to its decorative function, can visually enlarge or expand the room.

If you choose a picture for the kitchen, it is better to give preference to such scenes that make the room more comfortable - it could be an ancient city, still lifes.

For more creative people, you can consider the option of a winter landscape with wild animals.

If you paint on the wall in the living room, then a special approach is needed. After all, this room is a relaxation area for the whole family, a place where you invite your friends and family. When choosing a drawing, look at panoramic landscapes, famous works of art, and optical illusions.

In the hall

The hallway is the first room that your loved ones, family and friends who come to visit you see. This is where people get their first impression of you when renovating.

When thinking through the interior, pay special attention to this room, consider decorating the walls with patterns. Drawings in the hallway can visually expand the walls or dissolve the ceiling in the sky and clouds.

The hallway is perfect place to create an illusion. Ornaments, wall paintings, and various patterns are suitable for a large hallway.

Wall paintings are not innovative, but still original solution to decorate your apartment or house. Wall painting can create an atmosphere that will highlight your individuality and make the room unique and cozy.

Sep 16, 2017 Sergey

The sinusoidal fashion trend is a well-known concept. The artistic painting of the walls was no exception. Using this decoration technique, you can decorate any interior; children will be especially delighted. Let's look at where to start painting on walls, and which paints are most suitable for this purpose.

Painting walls with acrylic paints boasts a lot of advantages.

  1. The solution does not emit toxic fumes or an intoxicating odor in the room, does not cause allergic reactions, does not negatively affect the respiratory system of the body, and is diluted with ordinary water.
  2. Paints for painting on walls and ceilings dry out quickly.
  3. Acrylic paints for artistic painting are presented on the market in a wide range of color spectrum: the largest number of colors among all paints.
  4. The applied layer of the substance forms a durable protection, reminiscent of a plastic layer.
  5. High-quality materials guarantee a service life of over 15 years.

The acrylic-painted walls in the apartment are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and frost, and are especially durable. Specific properties allow the material to be used to cover both interior and façade walls.

Types of suitable paints

What colors are used to paint on the walls? Most often done acrylic wall painting. Most mixtures contain the following components:

  • coloring pigments;
  • water;
  • the components are bound by acrylic resin;
  • modifying modifiers and stabilizers.

It is always possible to select a paint with the required properties. Today's range includes the following mixtures:

  • Simple paints on an acrylic base.
  • Fluorescent mixtures glow under a directed ultraviolet beam. Paint and varnish material you can’t create a masterpiece; often the contours are simple, the figures are not ornate. Popular ornaments include butterflies, flower bouquets, and unique patterns.
  • Invisible solutions are not visible during the day and become noticeable only under ultraviolet light. The purpose of applying such a coating is to create a surprise effect.
  • Mother-of-pearl paints are distinguished by their shine and tints.
  • Shiny paints and their prototype - metallic mixtures.
  • Luminescent patterns emit light at night, due to the energy accumulated during the day.
  • For rooms with high humidity(for example, swimming pools) paints with water-repellent properties are suitable.

Related article: How to choose decorative paint for walls?

Also used for wall painting oil paints, which can be purchased in specialized stores like “everything for artists”. Such a product is often used only by a professional; it will be extremely difficult for novice artists to paint with such paints. The result is picturesque landscapes and unusually finely drawn images of life, everyday life, and nature. The material is rarely used due to the following reasons:

  • Increased difficulty of application; the technique requires professional skills.
  • Expensive cost of the component.
  • Long drying time.
  • The solvent in the composition creates a repulsive odor during drying.

Oil paints allow you to detail an image to an extent that can never be achieved with other paints and varnishes.

Additional Ingredients

The original colors of acrylic can be corrected with tinting paste. Functional scope of products:

  1. Pastes are colored basic foundation into a different shade (for example, it’s easy to get all the colors from white).
  2. Solutions are assimilated into any type of acrylic and combined with each other in any proportions.
  3. The instructions for using the paste recommend adding it to the total mass in a proportion of 1/10: no more than 10% of the amount of base paint. The ingredient is not aimed at radically changing color to a deep and rich new shade.

Pastes are most organic when creating pastel tones or intricate color combinations. The maximum dose of a single concentration is indicated on each tube of the substance.

Paints of famous brands

The range is extensive, and certain materials are especially loved by domestic consumers:

  • "Maimeri", made in Italy. The brand's products are intended for all types of surfaces. It has earned positive marks for its resistance to mechanical damage and excellent hiding power. The range of colors is varied.

  • "Raphael", made in France. Combines good quality and relatively inexpensive cost. The brand is not replete with an abundance of shades; it is presented in pastel colors.

  • “Ladoga”, production – Russia. Representative of the inexpensive dye segment. The properties of the pigment have been confirmed by many years of use by many domestic consumers; the solution perfectly resists mechanical stress. The tubes are presented in basic colors, plastic jars– a variety of basic and combined shades: from phosphorus white to blue-black.

Related article: Creating a decorative Provence style with your own hands

On video: which paints are best to choose for wall painting.

Technological process

Before painting artistic masterpieces, the surface must be pre-treated and determined which paints are used in similar conditions.

Preparatory work

The order of priority manipulations to ensure high-quality drawing on ceilings and walls:

  1. Before preparing the wall, the structure to be finished earlier should be cleaned: remove the wallpaper and the painted layer, wash off the whitewash and loose plaster.
  2. The wall should be degreased, ensuring future adhesion of finishing materials to the surface. Degreasers can be white spirit or a special primer.
  3. The next step is to level the surface by plastering according to the level. Finish putty mixture will completely level the wall.
  4. After drying, go over the base with emery cloth and better remove the resulting dust.
  5. Using a roller or brush, treat the surface with acrylic primer. The primer will provide additional quality indicators of the final picture: it will fix the base, prevent shedding, and provide a high coefficient of adhesion of the coloring pigment to the wall. After hardening, the wall can be considered prepared.

The same primer is not suitable for a dry room or a room with high humidity. In damp room It is better to use moisture-resistant mixtures with an antiseptic effect. A dry room requires preliminary impregnation with an acrylate solution, after which artistic painting of the interior or external walls acrylic.


The technology is divided into certain stages; in order to know how to paint a wall correctly, you should adhere to them:

1. Initial – selection of the ideological orientation of the drawing.

2. The artist sketches with his own hands and decides on the final version of the wall painting; after approval, you can draw.

3. The basic contours are transferred to the wall and drawn linearly.

4. As soon as you have drawn the contours, draw selective spots of the picture along them. Afterwards they add volume to the image, the final part is detailing. Similar division technological process at specific stages allows you to record the integrity of the image and instantly correct defects with painted localizable areas, in order to ultimately obtain a picture that would be called ideal.

Related article: How to putty drywall?

5. After completing the application of wall paint, the surface should be coated with an invisible matte acrylic-based varnish. Varnish was used to increase the resistance of the layer to environmental influences.

In theory, the technique of painting walls is quite variable:

  • Drawings on the walls, which occupy huge areas, are easier to bring to life with an airbrush (a slightly modified spray gun) or with paints in aerosol cans.
  • It is advisable to paint on the walls with your own hands using flat or round synthetic or natural brushes (made of squirrel hair or pork). In the creative process, when we draw with our own hands, artistic spatulas, rollers, tape, pieces of foam rubber, and rags help.
  • You don’t have to be a skilled artist to bring a painting to life on the wall—it’s enough to use the designated tools to work with a stencil or blank.

Finishing with acrylic paints is called the best option for decorating walls in the interior with your own hands. Decorative materials show a “master class” among coatings of similar purposes. A person who is able to paint walls well using paint is not always called an artist or designer; special specialized education is not the most important criterion to carry out work. Using diligence, you can also draw simple ornaments on the wall and paint the wood with your own hands (in the case of combined works).

Master classes on creating a drawing (2 videos)

Interesting ideas for painting (26 photos)

The first examples of wall paintings can be called rock paintings of the Neolithic period. Even leading a primitive lifestyle, man sought not only to capture what he saw around him, but to make these pictures a decoration for his home. Each design was based on only four colors, the pigments of which could be obtained by simple processing natural materials. They mostly depicted hunting, since this process took the lion's share of time primitive man and became the meaning of his life. There are also magnificent examples of early abstractionism: chaotically located handprints on arches and walls, creating a single artistic composition. Man improved, and the skill of painting developed along with him. The real “cradle” of this art form was Ancient Egypt. The frescoes were executed in a laconic manner, which was compensated by the monumentality of the buildings they decorated. The Egyptians were hardworking and thorough people. The secrets of painting compositions and the basics of this science were carefully preserved and passed on to subsequent generations. The central figure of the wall paintings was a person or a deity in his guise. The latter were distinguished from mere mortals by animal heads and paraphernalia that helped them fulfill their destiny (the feather of Maat, the rod of Anubis with a dog’s skin).

The main motive in painting the walls was the relationship between gods and people, as well as battle scenes. The everyday side of life did not fit into the sublime style of drawing of the ancient Egyptians. If she was depicted, it was only for ritual purposes. IN Ancient Rome and Greece began to create more down-to-earth paintings. The deities had a completely human appearance, and everyday life began to be mentioned much more often. Bas-reliefs appeared that combined painting and sculpture. Interior wall painting began to appear more and more often in the homes of wealthy citizens. At the same time, signs began to be used that indicated the prototypes of modern cafes and other public places. In the Middle Ages, church painting began to develop. Interior decoration temples and cathedrals were impressive in their scale and detail. Nowadays decorative painted walls not so often they decorate the interiors of rooms in ordinary apartments. This trend emerged after photo printing appeared, which made it possible to produce wallpaper with any images. Many people mistakenly believe that only a professional can handle such an exclusive interior solution, and this will inevitably involve additional expenses. In fact, even a novice designer can independently master the basics of this art form. As a last resort, there are templates that will make your work much easier. Let's try to understand the intricacies of the process and choose the optimal technique for a beginner.

Technology and features of wall painting in the interior

By using modern technologies people have learned to imitate many expensive materials and replace labor-intensive manual work with a quick process carried out by machines. The decor is usually standard and stamped. To avoid seeing a similar design in a neighbor’s house, many decoration The walls in the house are created with your own hands. Of course, this process will take time and require certain financial and labor costs, but the interior will turn out to be unique and original. That is, among hundreds of rooms with standard decor, your home will become an unusual island of originality. Artistic painting can be used in any room; it is universal. Since there are no limits to human imagination, this method also opens up limitless possibilities for the creator. A drawing made with high quality looks natural and three-dimensional. With its help you can “replay” the incorrect geometry of the room. With the right selection of colors, painting can visually expand the space. Limits on size and stylistic decisions are set only by you. Naturally, this element will become the center of the design picture, so no interior will tolerate “hackwork.” However, it is important to observe moderation even in such beautiful decor. The best option is to design only one, accent wall in room. Its surface must be properly prepared before work.

Preparing the wall for interior painting

The preparatory stage of the surface is conventionally divided into several steps:

  • Removing a layer of old coating;
  • Covering cracks and leveling defects. Degreasing and plastering;
  • Primer after the surface has dried. This layer will provide good adhesion between the paints and the wall;
  • Final leveling using putty and applying an additional layer of primer.

After the wall has dried, it will be ready for painting.

Paints for painting walls in the interior

Several types of paints are used to paint walls, each of which has a special composition that determines the characteristics of the substance. Gone are the days when artists independently selected and mixed pigments, and recipes were carefully protected from the encroachments of competitors from the art world. So, the following types of paints are used for painting:

  • Oil-based, where the binder is drying oil or oil. They are gradually becoming a thing of the past, since working with them will require certain skills. The technology of mixing them is also not amenable to everyone. The oil will “live” less on the surface than modern analogues. The reason for this is lime and alkaline salts contained in the wall material. They break down the oil over time. They don't like colors dark rooms and quickly turn yellow without light, but fits well on wooden surfaces. The main advantage of the oil is its long drying time. Since this process stretches over several days, the artist can make adjustments to the drawing if necessary.
  • Tempera (binder - emulsion). The paints dry quite quickly, and several layers allow you to create the effect of a three-dimensional composition. It is recommended to coat tempera with varnish on top to obtain deep shades. The latter, by the way, lighten slightly after drying.
  • Acrylic (binder - acrylic resins). Modern material, which is popular. The paints dry quickly, do not contain toxic substances and form a durable film on the surface. It is similar to a plastic protective “crust”. Acrylic is not afraid of light or its absence. If the paints are of high quality, the drawing will last at least 10-15 years. In addition to the usual compositions, luminescent and fluorescent additives are used. They also produce mother-of-pearl or metallized acrylic.

Before purchasing expensive paints, take advice from a professional on how to choose them. So, for example, it is recommended to start with acrylic and practice with gouache, which is vaguely similar in work.

Don't forget to purchase a set of brushes. They will be needed to create any paintings except abstract ones. It is recommended to pay more for brushes made of pony or squirrel hair, as they are softer and do not leave marks of fallen hairs on the surface. The set should contain tools of different thicknesses to create individual elements of the composition.

Techniques used to create the painting

The painting can be created in various techniques, among which the most popular and spectacular are noted:

  • Fresco and alsecco close to it;
  • Three-dimensional painting (similar to bas-relief) and sgraffito;
  • Airbrush;
  • Fluorescent acrylic paintings;
  • Grisaille. It will require high skill, as it is performed in one color of different saturation. The technique is similar to graphics.

Separately, it is worth noting the method using stencils. This option is ideal for beginners who are not confident in their abilities and are afraid to put the first touch on the prepared wall.


In this technique, instead of brushes and paints, an airbrush can is used. It sprays the contents over the surface, even its name translates as “drawing with air.” Dyes in airbrushing use liquid and powder, but water-soluble acrylic is more popular. The composition applies to any surface, even wallpaper. You will have to work in a respirator. Few people will be able to master the technique from the first “zilch”. Before painting you will have to practice to get used to in an unusual way. The airbrush allows you to draw even tiny details, thereby providing highly detailed drawings. By the way, even ancient artists used a similar technique, blowing dye from special tubes.


The fresco technique has been used for interior decoration since the Middle Ages. The essence of the method is to apply paints to the plaster that has not yet dried. It contains lime, which forms a strong calcium film on the surface of the pattern. The disadvantage of this method is the need to work very quickly. For this reason, it is not recommended to resort to the technique for novice artists who are just mastering the art of painting. Water-soluble paints are used for work.

Alsecco is like a fresco. Paints are applied to an already dry but newly moistened surface.

Painting with fluorescent paints

Fluorescent paints have the peculiarity of glowing in the dark. Use transparent or colored compounds. The first ones are generally invisible during the day, just like the drawing. Colored in daytime look like regular paints, with which the painting was done, and at night they transform the walls with a pleasant glow. Quite often, drawings made in acrylic or tempera are decorated with fluorescent compounds. They highlight accent elements. The fluorescent composition is absolutely safe for humans; it does not emit toxic substances. These colors are recommended for depicting simple landscapes without an abundance of small details.

Volumetric painting

The volumetric technique combines the process of sculpting with painting. First, plaster or plaster is applied to the prepared surface. Relief elements are formed from the material that has not yet dried. Then, after drying, the “stucco molding” is painted. There is another technique called sgraffito. The method comes from Italy. Several layers of colored plaster are successively applied to the wall. After it dries, they begin to scratch out the design with a special sharp tool. The result is a relief image, which, as practice shows, will last for many years.

Using stencils

Stencils are the best help in situations when the imagination draws fantastic landscapes, but hands cannot replicate them. The device is also used when it is necessary to depict many similar elements in order to reduce work time. Stencils are usually made of plastic. The plates are washed after use and are ready for reuse.

Painting with acrylic paints

Acrylic is considered the most convenient material for beginning designers. Its color “assortment” is rich, and its composition is completely safe for humans. Acrylic can be washed off if necessary if you need to correct individual details of the painting. Gradually, after you start getting better at it, it is recommended to use combinations of techniques to improve your skills.

Select a pattern

The drawing must correspond to the stylistic decision and color palette rooms. Special attention pay attention to its location. The perception of the entire interior depends on which wall will be the accent wall. In the loft they use “smoky” paintings and graffiti on brick walls. Painting is done using airbrush technique. The romantic Provence style loves plant motifs. Bouquets of wildflowers, peonies, roses, lilies will be the best addition to the interior of the French countryside. In Art Nouveau, masterpieces of painting are often repeated, which at one time decorated ladies' boudoirs and luxurious salons in a manner characteristic of the style. Inimitable Art Deco gives preference to fine ligature and ornate patterns. Japanese style and minimalism, which is close in spirit, allows for thematic for their home country painting: orchids, pagodas, sakura branches. There are practically no restrictions in the ethnic direction. If the interior imitates a bungalow in the tropics, then images of the sea and palm trees will be very useful, but for African motifs in the painting they use trees with characteristic crowns, elephants, and a “dried” landscape. In addition to style, it is worth considering functional purpose premises.

In the living room

In the living room, painting usually corrects imperfections. For example, for a small room it is important to use a drawing with perspective: paths, terraces or paths going into the endless distance. Painting can replace the installation of columns or pilasters, and at the same time ennoble the classic design. The fireplace is the cozy center of any room. It is not always possible to establish even its imitation, let alone the original. A painted element on the wall with realistic flames will be a wonderful interior addition.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is used exclusively for relaxation, so every piece of furniture in this room should be designed for comfort and relaxation. Natural motifs usually prevail in painting. Landscapes, panoramas of the water world, green lush grass or heads of bright flowers will help you calm down and prepare for a good sleep. As a rule, the wall above the head of the bed is painted, since in most cases it is an accent wall. In the same room, the ceilings are often decorated in a similar way. It is not recommended to resort to dark tones, which will make the room visually smaller and will put psychological pressure on the owners.

With the help of paint and improvised means that can be found in every apartment, you can change the interior beyond recognition. And there are many ways to paint walls that will not only transform the space, but also bring a lot of pleasure to those who will participate in this process.

Escape boredom

Using paint on the wall you can create an exclusive design that is not found on wallpaper. This allows you to make the interior special and different from others. You can experiment with colors and shades, shapes, textures. When using several colors, it is worth remembering that in this case it is better to combine:
Different shades of the same color;
Related shades;
Contrasting colors that go well together.

Gradation, blots and mold

Today it is fashionable to experiment not only with color scheme. Increasingly, designers are trying bold wall design options. For example, they age a wall, create the effect of mold or a damp wall, but use blue, pink, and green shades. Large blots, stains and stains look bold and extraordinary. It is appropriate to use such decor on one of the walls to highlight a certain area in the room or make it the compositional center of the interior.

Bold DIY effects

To create such effects you don’t have to be a professional designer, artist or painter. Yes, and special tools are not needed in this case. You can make a wall unusual using an ordinary sponge, a clothes brush and a rag. To create textured reliefs, it is recommended to use adhesive or glazed paints. You need to work with them only after the base paint has completely dried.

Marker and chalk to help

Increasingly, painted walls and furniture appear in modern interiors. slate paint. This allows you to make notes on the surface and draw all kinds of images. So the interior is always updated depending on the mood of its owners.

Innovative types of coatings also include marker paint. After it has completely dried, which occurs within seven days, you can draw on such a surface with dry erase markers.

Using stencils

In an unusual way, you can paint a wall using stencils, buying them at a hardware store or making them yourself. For self-made For the stencil, thick paper or cardboard will be useful. You can also get an interesting effect if you wrap a piece of rolled rag around a roller and paint the wall with it.