Rating of the best dishwashing detergents: which is the safest detergent to choose. Review of the best baby dishwashing detergents Best dishwashing liquid

Many parents undeservedly ignore the issue of purchasing detergents for washing children's dishes, continuing to use the usual classic gels. In order to understand the importance of using a separate detergent for your child’s dishes, let’s look at their composition and how they differ from products from general lines such as Fairy or Sorti. Perhaps the rating will help parents determine which baby dishwashing detergent is best for them.

All products intended for washing dishes contain two main components:

  • Surfactants (surfactants). They represent the basis of the product and ensure its foaming and removal of contaminants from the surface of the dishes. In total, there are three types of surfactants: anionic, cationic, nonionic, but most often the first two types are used in combination;
  • Excipients. They include salts and enzymes of various types that ensure the breakdown of complex contaminants and enhance the cleansing effect. This group also includes fragrances, dyes and softening components that make products more attractive to potential buyers.

The most aggressive components of detergents that may cause concern are diethanolamine and chlorine. They are the culprits that sometimes cause a headache or burning sensation in the eyes when washing dishes. Despite the fact that the content of these components in certified products is within acceptable limits, it is still highly undesirable for a child’s body to become familiar with them.

Differences between children's dishwashing detergents and classic ones

In order to protect the growing body from the consumption of chemicals, manufacturers change the composition of children's products.

The main criteria for a truly safe baby dishwashing detergent are the following:

  • Safe surfactants consisting of natural components;
  • Lack of aggressive components such as phenols, parabens, phosphates and others;
  • The absence of strong fragrances and pungent odors, a light pleasant aroma is allowed;
  • Safe disinfectants that can fight bacteria;
  • Hypoallergenic property;
  • High level of washability of the product.

Each of these criteria is important and must be met by a baby detergent. But since manufacturers in ongoing advertising campaigns can exaggerate certain properties of products, and sometimes even hide them, we suggest considering the rating of children's detergents of the most popular brands that meet the requirements.

Rating of baby dishwashing detergents

Every mother wants to choose the best detergent for her child, but when faced with an assortment of products in the store, she may doubt the correct choice, especially if she is purchasing a detergent for the first time. And, despite the fact that the range of children's detergents is much narrower in comparison with classic ones, it is still represented by several brands, including both local and foreign manufacturers.

  • Frosch;
  • Eared Nanny;
  • Lion Mama.

Every parent has their own idea of ​​what is really good for cleaning dishes and pots used for the child. In order to select a safe detergent that suits your criteria, it is worth considering each individually.


High quality product German manufacturer Werner & Mertz GmbH. Positions itself as absolutely safe remedy for washing children's dishes. The thick, colorless and odorless product is presented in a transparent container with a volume of 500 ml. It’s especially nice to know that the company uses only recycled materials for packaging.


  • The surfactants included in the composition are of plant origin;
  • no fragrances or dyes;
  • economical consumption due to high concentration of the product;
  • presence of vitamin B12;
  • safe pH level.


  • higher cost of the product compared to competitors.

Eared nanny

Very popular and familiar for its bright yellow packaging color Russian manufacturer children's goods. The product has a thick, colorless consistency with good cleaning properties.


  • no dyes;
  • the active ingredients are chamomile and aloe;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • copes with dirt even in cool water;
  • affordable price.


  • taller, but permissible level pH is alkaline;
  • the presence of a slight, but still smell.


One of the best means for washing children's dishes. The Nuk brand, which came from Germany, quickly and firmly gained popularity in the children's goods market, which undoubtedly speaks of its quality. This brand of baby dishwashing detergent is different high quality and safe composition.


  • the components are organic in nature;
  • complete absence of flavors and dyes;
  • can be used for washing plastic, glass, silicone;
  • washes off easily and without residue;
  • does not dry out the skin of the hands.


  • The consistency of the product is quite liquid, more like water than gel. In this regard, consumption may not be particularly economical.


Possibly a lesser known but still good detergent Russian production. The transparent product is available in a convenient container with a dispenser. The components in the composition are positioned as natural. Generally a good product in the price-quality ratio.


  • no harmful chemicals;
  • good cleaning properties, even in low temperature water conditions;
  • The product can be used for washing not only dishes, toys and pacifiers, but also vegetables and fruits.


  • There is a slight smell, which may be a minus for some.

Lion Mama

Not only German and Russian baby detergents are popular among parents. The Japanese product Lion Mama is familiar to many mothers. It has two types: with the smell of lemon and green tea.


  • cleanses food residues and other contaminants well;
  • does not harm the skin of the hands;
  • Available in a convenient transparent bottle;
  • economical consumption.


  • the product is concentrated;
  • the smell may seem harsh.

Children's products for automatic washing

Despite the fact that dishwashers are increasingly appearing in families and gaining the trust of parents, dishes and bottles for children under six months should be washed by hand. For older children, an automatic dishwasher is acceptable.

Means for dishwashers also divided into children's and general use. Among the best children's soap washers for vending machines are:

Folk remedies for washing children's dishes

For those who do not trust dishwashing detergents, even those labeled "children's", there are a number of time-tested cleaning products. The most popular of them are:

  1. Baking soda. A very effective remedy in the fight against dirty dishes. Copes with both light plaque and fat. A small amount of soda must be mixed with water to a mushy state and applied to the dishes with a sponge or cloth;
  2. Mustard. Not known to everyone, but effective method cleaning dishes. You must use mustard powder or a paste made by adding water to the powder.
  3. Vinegar. Used as an additional means for disinfecting dishes. If you use vinegar, you must thoroughly rinse off any remaining residue.
  4. Laundry soap. This brown soap has firmly won the trust of mothers and grandmothers. To use it for washing dishes, just rub a small amount of soap and dissolve it in hot water. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to add lemon juice to the resulting solution.

Laundry soap is a time-tested dishwashing detergent

Perhaps such traditional products will not be able to wash dishes or cope with strong grease as quickly as store-bought liquids, but you can be completely confident in their natural composition and safety.

Each of the products reviewed in the rating has characteristics suitable for use even by the smallest children. Will this product be intended for automatic washing or manual washing, will it be purchased or manufactured? traditional way, main criterion which must not be forgotten - it must be safe for the child.

Modern dishwashing detergent helps housewives quickly and efficiently clean kitchen utensils, greatly speeding up the solution to daily problems. You need to be able to choose household chemicals for the home, some products have an aggressive composition, cause allergies, and pose a potential danger to humans.

Types of dishwashing detergents

For cleaning kitchen utensils Housewives spend a lot of time, which can be spent on other important family matters. Inventive people have long sought to come up with a good product that would replace their usual soda, soap, sand and clay. Now at modern man Another problem is making the right choice in the store, which dishwashing liquid is best. There are several types of household chemicals, which need to be able to be divided by class and purpose.

Types of dishwashing detergents:

  • liquid preparations;
  • gels;
  • dishwashing detergents in tablet form;
  • powders;
  • salt;
  • capsules;
  • rinsing preparations;
  • balms.

When purchasing, it is advisable to inspect the packaging and become familiar with the chemical composition of the selected household dishwashing detergent. Transparent containers are preferable; you can see the presence of sediment inside and estimate the approximate thickness of the solution. Quality products are packaged in convenient bottles with dispensers and recesses on the sides to make them easier to hold with wet hands.

The main qualities of a good detergent:

  • effectively removes the most severe dirt;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not cause burns on the skin of the hands;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • does not leave a smell on the dishes;
  • foam residues are easily washed off with water;
  • produces acceptable foaming.

Liquid dishwashing detergents with a consistency no thicker than water are convenient to use in the kitchen. A tablespoon is enough to form abundant foam, normal cleaning of a couple of pots or a set of dishes for several people. The washing liquid is practical, dissolves perfectly even in cool water, and has a reasonable price. It is recommended to purchase the most harmless balms for sensitive skin that do not damage the skin and nails and have a neutral PH level.

Popular liquid dishwashing detergent:

For specially invented products in the form of tablets, which are easy to handle, are stored for a long time, and provide an excellent cleaning effect. It is advisable to keep them out of the reach of children; if grains of sand get into the eyes, the product can cause irritation and other allergic reactions. One tablet is enough to complete a full dishwasher cycle to clean thoroughly and safely until it shines. household dishes made of ceramics, stainless steel or glass.

Concentrates are called dishwashing detergents with a strengthened composition, which are diluted with water before use to obtain a clear liquid preparation with a normal cleaning effect. For example, the economical solution Sodasan Lemon is used in the sink at the rate of 4 ml active substance for 10 liters of water. For convenience, you can dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio, pour it into a suitable container, and use it in the kitchen as a simple liquid product.

Examples of dishwashing concentrates:

If you are concerned about the best way to wash dishes in the kitchen, then you should pay attention to thick and high-quality gels. This type, despite its thick consistency, dissolves easily, is instantly distributed over a large volume of water, and quickly begins to work on dirty surfaces. A bottle of gel lasts longer than a simple liquid detergent, which is why this dishwashing detergent is extremely popular among housewives.

Popular dishwashing gels:

  • Fairy;
  • Bio Formula;
  • FINISH Gel All in 1;
  • Helper;
  • "ECO";
  • Piatti;
  • Prodo;
  • BINGO;
  • DOSIA Gel Active Power.

Powders do an excellent job of removing scale on pots, deposits on sinks, taps or tiles. Abrasive particles help to better remove old and stubborn dirt. There are powders for manual cleaning and for dishwashers. This is an excellent antibacterial dishwashing detergent, but it has a significant drawback - micro grains of sand can get stuck in the smallest cracks and enter the body with food. It is strongly recommended that you thoroughly rinse all accessories several times after cleaning.

Kitchen dishwashing powders:

  • Gala;
  • Sarma;
  • Somat;
  • Finish;
  • Sodasan;
  • Bravix.

The best dishwashing detergent

For quick and the right choice For the best cleaning product, it is not necessary to buy and personally test the entire range of cleaning agents. You can study the rating of dishwashing detergents and read the reviews of numerous real buyers, which give a correct estimate of each trademark. You can easily find a dozen trusted foreign or domestic brands that produce safe and effective detergents of good quality at an affordable price.

The best dishwashing detergents:

  1. Fairy- a popular and high-quality remedy for famous brand, this manufacturer produces a lot of varieties of detergents with pleasant aromas, vitamins, and protective extracts for hands.
  2. Amway Home- expensive, but completely safe, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent.
  3. Sarma– good powders and gels for cleaning kitchen utensils at an affordable price.
  4. Frosch- a German product with an excellent cleansing effect, economical, the balms contain aloe vera extract.
  5. Prilexcellent remedy without dyes from Henkel, does not irritate the skin, copes with severe dirt.
  6. AOS– one of the best Russian-made detergents at a budget price.
  7. "Eared Nanny"– an affordable and high-quality product specially designed for children’s dishes.

Natural dishwashing detergents

Household chemicals are effective, save time and effort, and are easy to purchase, but they contain many potentially harmful substances. Trying to find a safe dishwashing detergent, many are starting to bring up old folk recipes, which require the simplest and most affordable components. The preparations obtained by this method are optimally suited for cleaning, they do not cause unwanted reactions and practically do not pose a serious threat to the body.

Folk remedies for washing dishes:

  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar;
  • sand;
  • ash;
  • lemon juice;
  • soda;
  • salt.

Washing soda

If you don’t have a store-bought cleaning product on hand, but urgently need to wash your household dishes, you can use affordable baking soda or soda ash. This substance is an excellent deodorizer and removes an unpleasant acidic taste from the surface. This is an environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent, but with abrasive properties. It can scratch objects, so use baking soda selectively on delicate objects. Soda ash has a strong alkaline composition; it should only be used with gloves.

Vinegar for washing dishes

Since ancient times, glasses, goblets, etc. have been wiped with vinegar. glassware, this substance perfectly disinfects the surface from viruses and microbes. Given home remedy for washing dishes, they are used together with baking soda to create good cleaning reagents according to folk recipes. If you take 50 g of soda, a teaspoon of vinegar and store-bought detergent, mix everything together, you will get an excellent cleaning paste for washing dishes. Vinegar copes with limescale deposits in the kettle, rust, and helps remove sticky price tags and labels.

Dish soap

This laundry soap does not contain petroleum products, fragrances, dyes or other harmful components. This substance can be used safely to wash dishes for a small child or a person prone to allergies. People use it for washing, cleaning dirty floors, sinks, and window sills. To make soap better remove grease from dishes, warm water add a little soda to soften the composition of the liquid. In this case, even heavy plaque, streaks and stains can be removed.

Manufacturers do not always correctly indicate the composition of cleaning products; often the use of untested cheap solutions or gels provokes severe allergy attacks in children. It is advisable for family people to use safe folk recipes, purchase “Eared Nanny” for washing dishes and other hypoallergenic products. Buy proven gels and liquids that you can safely use to treat contaminated food, toys, and a variety of kitchen utensils.

Good detergents for washing children's dishes:

  1. Gel "Children's"(TM “Nevskaya Cosmetics”) - without dyes and fragrances, it is normally suitable for processing dishes and various child accessories.
  2. "Eared Nanny"- eliminates germs, economical, bottle lasts for 50 uses, tested by professional dermatologists.
  3. Babyline(“Babyline”) – safe, gel-like consistency, does not leave aroma on dishes, convenient dispenser, does not dry out the skin.
  4. Ecover(“Ecover”) - the liquid is made from plant extracts and does not contain harmful components.
  5. Frosch Baby– a German product without artificial colors or fragrances, hypoallergenic, approved for the treatment of pacifiers, toys and pacifiers.
  6. "Our mother" - universal remedy, works in cold water, with a light aroma, perfectly removes dairy residues.
  7. Green GreenGerman remedy without phosphates, preservatives and other harmful substances, universal, average consumption up to 4 mm per 5 liters of water.

The deeper chemical and technological developments penetrate into our lives, the more often we think about safety and turn to the experience of our ancestors. For example, if we talk about safe dishwashing detergents, it is useful to remember what our mothers and grandmothers used to wash cups and glasses.

To keep the dishes clean, they used “penny” available means: baking soda, mustard powder, laundry soap, table vinegar, and also knew a lot of secrets that allowed them to wash away grease, soot, and limescale. Today is one of the most simple ingredients If you wish, you can make your own eco-friendly dishwashing detergent by hand. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Let's go back to history

Cleaning products like “Fairy” appeared on the market in the mid-to-late 90s of the last century. Then it was a breakthrough! With one drop you could wash off a mountain of dishes that had accumulated after your birthday. And the smells: spring bouquet, citrus mix, green apple... However, today the issue of safety is higher than efficiency, economy and pleasant aroma. Expensive environmentally friendly products are increasingly appearing in advertising. But instead of overpaying for foreign innovative developments, it is worth remembering what Russian women successfully used.

Do you remember how in K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief” Fedora called the runaway dishes home and promised to clean them with sand and pour boiling water over them? This is one of the ancient ways of washing dishes. In the old days, dishes were rubbed with sand, sedge, nettle, washed with lye (water infusion wood ash). By the way, sand and grass are still used by tourists.

Later, laundry soap, baking soda, and mustard appeared on the sinks of Soviet women. These products, which can always be found in any kitchen, perfectly wash dishes, while being completely safe. They are the ones you should focus on if the housewife is concerned about the safety of the detergent.

Magic soda and essential mustard

Baking soda is the most popular solution for removing dark plaque from various dishes and cutlery. Having a fine-crystalline structure, it has a soft abrasive effect and cleans to a shine and a pleasant squeak. Baking soda can be used in two ways:

  • dissolve baking soda in water and wash (if necessary, soak) dishes in it;
  • pour baking soda onto a sponge and scrub away dirt.

After treating dishes with soda, rinse them thoroughly and wipe dry.

Baking soda can be successfully used to wash mugs, tea cups, and glass glasses. It perfectly removes dark stains from tea and coffee. Many people are familiar with the situation when glassware with a corrugated pattern ceases to shine and becomes covered with a layer of dust remaining in the recesses.

Wine glasses, shot glasses and cut glasses will acquire their original shine if you go over the design with a sponge dipped in soda slurry and then rinse the dishes with water. The same method will help rid the plates of dark marks that usually appear on their lower parts over time if daily washing is not thorough enough.

Tip: baking soda works great with grease, but use it to clean dishes with non-stick coating it is forbidden.

Mustard powder has properties similar to soda. It can be used in the same way: in a solution or directly applied to a sponge. However, it is worth noting that mustard is more expensive than soda. But if you don’t have baking soda on hand, then mustard becomes indispensable as an effective natural dishwashing detergent. Crystal shine and fat removal are guaranteed.

Vinegar for shine

Table vinegar is another resident of any kitchen that is always ready to help in the fight to keep dishes clean. For daily washing It is not used on plates and cutlery, but if you need to restore the shine of glassware, rid it of limescale or disinfect it, there is no better way to find it. Prepare vinegar water from:

  • 1 l. warm water;
  • from 3 tbsp. l. up to 200 ml of table vinegar. Depends on the purpose: 3 tbsp is enough to add shine to the glass. l., and for disinfection you can take more.

For a shine, rinse clean glassware with vinegar water. By treating with an aqueous solution of table vinegar, you can also restore the shine to steel pots, ladles and frying pans. To do this, you need to wipe them with a sponge soaked in vinegar water, if necessary, rubbing the contaminated areas more intensively, and wipe dry with a towel.

An aqueous solution of table vinegar (1:5) can disinfect such kitchen appliances, such as cutting boards, a container for storing cutlery, a tray for drying plates, etc.

Making your own dishwashing liquid

If you want to wash dishes with your usual “detergent”, and not just lather a sponge with laundry soap and sprinkle with soda, you can prepare it yourself. At the same time, it will turn out to be safe and not too expensive. We offer two options:

  • liquid product;
  • cleaning paste.

Both products can be stored, so they do not need to be prepared each time before washing dishes. Both recipes contain soap as ingredients. For liquid soap you will need:

  • water - 0.5 l;
  • laundry soap (72%, 200 g piece) - 1/8 piece;
  • liquid glycerin - 5 tsp;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • medical alcohol - 4 tbsp. l;
  • bottle with dispenser.


  1. Grind the laundry soap. This can be done using a grater or a sharp knife. Transfer the shavings to a saucepan.
  2. Place the saucepan with soap in a water bath. Gradually add water to it. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients from the list. Mix well and pour the product into the bottle.

To prepare a cleaning paste with soap you will need:

  • hot water - 1 glass;
  • laundry soap - 1 piece;
  • 6 tbsp. l. baking soda;
  • storage container, such as a plastic container.

Tip: when calculating the ingredients, when you take soap in the amount of 1 piece (200 g), you get a lot of product. If you prepare this pasta for the first time, it is better to proportionally reduce their amount by 2-3 times.


  1. Grind the laundry soap using a grater. You can also cut it into small pieces with a sharp knife.
  2. Place the laundry soap in a saucepan and place in a water bath, gradually adding water. You can simply pour hot water over the chips and let it brew, stirring from time to time. But this will take more time.
  3. When the soap mixture becomes homogeneous, add soda to it. Beat with a mixer or whisk and transfer the paste and soap into a container.

A few secrets for pure glow

If the owner decides not to use store supplies, full of chemistry, and switch to soap, soda, vinegar and other natural products, she should know a few secrets:

  • Darkened cutlery is well brightened by the water remaining after boiling potatoes. Soak forks and spoons in it for 6-8 minutes. Then they will need to be rinsed under water and ground.
  • If you don’t have a brush at hand, you can clean a bottle with a narrow neck by placing it in eggshells and some water. It needs to be vigorously shaken, and then the water and shells are drained.
  • A glass carafe whose bottom has turned white from limescale can be cleaned with vinegar essence (70%). 1 tsp is enough, which you need to add to the water and fill the carafe to the contaminated area. After a few minutes, the solution must be washed off and the carafe rinsed thoroughly with water.
  • if in enamel pan something is burnt, you should pour 3-5 tbsp on the bottom. l. baking soda and pour hot water just above the burnt area. Bring water to a boil and leave until cool. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Table vinegar will help clean a burnt frying pan. Pour 200 ml of vinegar into it and add water so that it covers the burnt area. Boil for 5-10 minutes, then wash the pan with detergent.

When the question arises of what to wash dishes with so as not to harm your own health, it is useful to remember the good old laundry soap, soda and vinegar. You can also cook special remedy for washing dishes - the most natural thing, in the naturalness of the ingredients you can be 100% sure!

Reading time: 7 minutes. Published 09/13/2018

According to statistics, every year one person drinks about 0.5 liters of detergent left on the dishes.

Getting a large amount of a substance into the body can lead to adverse consequences. It is not surprising that the composition of the detergent is of interest to the consumer.


A good detergent usually has the following positive properties:

  • Foams well.

This is the main property that allows you to thoroughly and economically wash off particles of food, grease and dirt from dishes. The better the gel foams, the more surfactants it contains.

  • Does not cause allergies.

Some synthetic components can negatively affect the skin, causing allergenic irritation and redness. This property is usually absent in environmentally friendly dishwashing detergents, which contain nonionic surfactants.

  • Moisturize and care for the skin of your hands.

The composition of such dishwashing gels includes nutritional elements, creams and aloe oils, which are contained in natural plant extracts.

  • Safe packaging.

It prevents children from accidentally opening the bottle and pouring out or swallowing the harmful product. The cap of such packages is sealed, and to open it you need to pull the cap firmly.

  • Nice smell.

Different types of detergents may have citrus, berry, and fruity scents.


There are several types of detergents that differ in their degree of effectiveness in washing away grease:

  • The cheapest and oldest is laundry soap.

It can be purchased at a low price, but the quality of washing out dirt is also very low. In addition, laundry soap contains alkalis that are not safe for gastrointestinal tract, and dries out the skin, causing dermatitis.

  • Powder products perfectly wash congealed, difficult-to-remove fat thanks to microscopic granules that scrape off dirt at the micro level.

But in this same property lies their disadvantage: small particles can get clogged into cracks, which requires diligent rinsing of the dishes. Another negative aspect of such products is the toxic component that is included in the powders.

  • Watery gels are the most common and frequently used type.

A small drop of the mixture forms a large amount of foam, which perfectly removes fatty deposits even in cold water.

Gels often contain special components that moisturize the skin of the hands, as well as pleasant-smelling fragrances. A surfactant based on methanal makes them most effective in removing traces of food.

Environmentally friendly liquid dishwashing detergents without chlorine do not corrode the skin of your hands, and parts that may remain on dishes if not washed properly are less harmful to health than other products.

  • Safe and environmentally friendly clean way Cleaning dishes is using baking soda.

Its only disadvantage is that it breaks down fat rather poorly. At the same time, soda is easily removed with water and does not contain chemical compounds harmful to health.

Convenient packaging

Typically, thick liquid detergents are packaged in plastic containers.

A transparent bottle helps to better assess the amount of gel, its thickness and viscosity, as well as the presence or absence of sediment at the bottom.

Convenient recesses on the sides allow the bottle to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand, and the roughness prevents it from slipping out.

A special donor, which is present on some packages, helps save product by squeezing a drop onto the sponge.

The donator may have a small opening lid or have a retractable cap. The second type of lid is more difficult to open.

The powder is often sold in cylindrical packaging, the lid of which contains several large or small holes.

Small holes better help to estimate the amount of powder that is poured onto the sponge, while large holes can spill out an excessive amount of powder with a sharp movement.

Many products are sold in plastic bags, which help save on liquid packaging.


Let's talk about septic tanks. This is a purification system Wastewater, which is used most often in country houses.

Septic tanks use special bacteria that break down fats and prevent sediment from appearing at the bottom. sewer pipes and remove unpleasant odors.

For home owners whose sewage system has this type of treatment, it is important to choose dishwashing detergents that are not harmful to septic tanks.

The safest is Shpul-S - a mild detergent that washes greasy kitchen utensils well without leaving streaks. At the same time, it is completely safe for bacteria in the septic tank and economical.

Many housewives now trust household appliances to wash dishes and choose

Additional tool for dishwashers, it improves the drying of dishes and adds shine, as well as eliminating gel residues, is a rinse aid.

Rinse aid is consumed approximately 0.5-0.7 liters per 10-12 cycles. It creates a harmless film on the surface of the dishes, which helps the dishes clean.


It's time to talk about the harmful substances that make up dishwashing detergents. These are surfactants. There are three types:

  • Anionic. The most harmful elements, which consist of petroleum products, due to which they perfectly remove fat and are very cheap. Have a bad effect on environment, are harmful to health.

Ampholytic surfactants can be either harmful or harmless. It depends on the type of chemical compound they enter into.

  • The safest surfactants for human health are non-ionic ones.

Environmentally friendly products exclude anionic surfactants from their composition. The chlorine in them can be replaced with organic acids and other components that are harmless to health, such as aloe and lemon extracts.

Harmful components in detergents:

  • phosphates;
  • sodium hydrochloride;
  • chlorine;
  • petroleum distillates;
  • acids;
  • alkalis;
  • bleaching agents.

Environmentally friendly

The solution to this problem was the appearance on the market of environmentally friendly dishwashing detergents, the essence of which includes chamomile, whey and other natural plant and mineral components.

Benefits of using safe dishwashing detergents:

  • You can wash dishes without using seals and without worrying about liquid getting on your skin.
  • There is no harmful film-patina left on the surface of the utensils, which could enter the body with food.
  • environmentally friendly gels do not pollute the environment.

We offer you simple, everyday tips that will help you use your dishwashing detergent optimally:

  • It is better to change the dishwashing sponge more often and, in addition to them, choose products with a strong bactericidal effect.
  • In order to prevent harmful surfactants from entering and corroding the skin, it is better to use rubber gloves.

To improve cleaning properties and break down stagnant fat, it is recommended to drop ammonia into the soap solution.

  • To clean traces of tea leaves from a kettle, a soda solution is suitable, which can be poured into the kettle for a day, which will allow the scale to come off.
  • Rinsing the thermos with vinegar will remove the unpleasant odor.

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It’s nice when dishwashing detergent dissolves fat in cold water in a few seconds, the foam is washed off perfectly, the skin of your hands does not suffer, and the bottle lasts a long time. Combined with a low price, a non-pungent aroma and a minimum of harmful surfactants, such a product can be considered ideal.

The presented rating of detergents contains the most popular options that can be found on sale today. They differ in the degree of environmental friendliness, ease of use, cost, and user reviews talk about their effectiveness.

Do you use dishwashing detergent?


Made on the basis of natural ingredients, it flawlessly destroys greasy food residues, tea and coffee deposits, without leaving a dangerous chemical residue on kitchen utensils.

Does not irritate upper layer epidermis. Gives perfect shine to crystal, porcelain and silver items. Detergents are made from starch, sugar and coconut oil. This mixture amazingly removes dirt and softens hard water.

  • washes in any water;
  • copes with severe pollution;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • is used sparingly;
  • no cloying scent;
  • no dyes.
  • can only be purchased online;
  • high price.

Review from Alena, 26 years old. I always try to use environmentally friendly solutions that do not irritate the respiratory tract and skin. SODASAN prescribed via the Internet. A little expensive, but economical. For moderately soiled cups and mugs, just one click on the dispenser cap is enough. I believe that the qualities declared by the manufacturer correspond to reality.

Excellent removal heavy pollution. The actively formed foam penetrates the structure of the dirt and cleans kitchen utensils in cold water, without pre-soaking. Removes unwanted odors from fish, meat, smoked meats.

Special ingredients protect the delicate skin of your hands. It rinses off quickly and leaves porcelain, crystal and glass sparklingly clean without streaks. Does not damage kitchen utensils and prevents corrosion. Reliable and airtight bottle.

  • dissolves fat in cold water;
  • washes off without residue;
  • neutralizes bad odors;
  • concentrated, economical;
  • convenient bottle;
  • affordable price.
  • small instructions;
  • contains harmful components.

Review from Olesya, 37 years old. It is important for me that the product dissolves old oil in pans. I also don’t like to overpay. AOS meets these requests. Cleans everything perfectly liter bottle It lasts me a year and a half.

One of the most environmentally friendly effective products without borates, formaldehydes, phosphates and organohalogens. Removes grease and dirt using natural ingredients. Brings shine to porcelain, metal, glass, clay, enamel dishes, frying pans and pots.

Organic surfactants have the property of being rapidly degraded at the biological level. Preservatives and flavorings are in minimal quantities. Lemon peel extract is used as an organic detergent. The manufacturer does not test its products on animals.

  • effectively removes grease and dirt;
  • created on the basis of plant components:
  • pleasant, fresh lemon aroma;
  • washability complies with GOST;
  • ecologically safe product;
  • does not have a negative effect on the epidermis.
  • watery, not economical;
  • strong aroma.

Review from Violetta, 27 years old. I bought green lemon to try. The fragrance is gentle, not chemical. For plates, spoons and forks I dilute 2 ml. in five liters of water. I wash pots and pans with undiluted detergent. Cleans well, but runs out quickly.

The gel-like mixture includes chamomile and aloe, and is successfully used for washing children's dishes and toys made of plastic, silicone, glass, and earthenware.

Removes all dirt without residue in cold water. There are no traces after him. At the same time, it fights pathogenic microorganisms. Can be used at any frequency without fear of hand irritation. Without artificial colors, the aroma is light and almost inaudible. Due to its thick consistency, it is used economically.

  • perfectly cleans surfaces;
  • convenient bottle;
  • does not dry out the skin of the hands;
  • is used sparingly;
  • fights germs;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • affordable price.
  • fragrance remains after use;
  • Surfactants are available in small quantities.

Review from Marina, 37 years old. I have been using “Eared Nanny” for five years. This is the standard for me. I’ve tried other similar products, but I don’t like the fragrance or the soapiness is not enough. Everything is fine here. I'll bring it to perfect condition not only sets and pots, but also toys, a crib, . No allergies, affordable price, washes great.

Using a liquid based on natural raw materials, you can wash not only cups, but also vegetables and fruits. The main active ingredient is an extract from charcoal obtained after processing pine. The valuable absorbent and cleaning properties of coal allow you to absorb the persistent taste of smoked meats, fish, onions, and garlic.

At the same time, the components and minerals of coal protect sensitive skin from irritation and dryness. At the bottom of the bottle you can see sediment in the form of microparticles of pine charcoal.

  • components from 100% plant materials;
  • foams well;
  • perfectly cleans and dissolves dirt;
  • destroys microbes;
  • completely biodegradable;
  • can be used for toys and children's equipment.
  • unusual color;
  • not sold everywhere.

Review from Tatyana, 33 years old. I can’t stand strong chemical fragrances, I’m tired of using soda, I decided to try an eco-friendly liquid without surfactants with charcoal. The impressions are the most positive. Does not stink, is not liquid, dissolves fat, cleans tea mugs until they shine. You can work in the kitchen without rubber gloves; it does not dry out your skin. The only problem is that I haven’t seen such a company in the nearest markets.

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An economical gel with a convenient dispenser, thanks to which you can pour it drop by drop and control its consumption. Effortlessly washes off the surface without leaving any traces. Quickly eliminates persistent unpleasant odors from fish, seafood, spoiled food. Thanks to antibacterial components, it kills influenza viruses and other pathogens.

The gel is successfully used for cleaning clothes and washing hands from oil stains, even if it is not possible to heat the water. The manufacturer has reduced the cost of its products through economical packaging. You don’t have to throw away the bottle with the dispenser, but fill it with solution from refillable bags. No protective gloves are required when using Mama Lemon.

  • convenient bottle with dispenser;
  • possibility of purchasing replacement packaging;
  • copes well with fat;
  • washes off without problems;
  • foams well;
  • lasts for a long time;
  • does not dry out the skin;
  • environmentally friendly composition.
  • strong smell;
  • high price.

Review from Maria, 39 years old. I often try something new. Mama Lemon was attracted by the fact that it is harmless and destroys bacteria. Foams and cleans dishes and pots on top level, washes off easily. Concentrated, can be diluted without compromising the cleaning effect. I plan not to throw away the bottle, but to buy it in soft packaging for refilling.

An ideal choice for people prone to allergic reactions. Can be used for children's equipment and toys, fruits and vegetables. Abundant foam is quickly removed running water, does not leave a film. Not aggressive to the skin of the hands, eliminates unwanted odors. Ergonomic packaging with dispenser.

The texture of the product is gel-like, the color is transparent. Refers to environmentally friendly, biodegradable, odorless products that do not harm natural resources and human health. The bottle is made from recycled materials.

  • natural ingredients;
  • high cleaning effect;
  • lack of aroma;
  • no dyes;
  • does not damage the skin of the hands;
  • convenient capacity;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • neutralizes unpleasant odors.
  • ends quickly if not diluted with water.

Review from Galina, 37 years old. I am allergic to many detergent ingredients. I have been using PURE WATER for three months without any health consequences. To make it last longer, I dilute it half and half with water. I use it for washing fruits and vegetables, it perfectly cleans the multicooker bowl, leaves no odor and no soapy taste. good natural remedy for the right price.

One of the best detergents for washing dishes, fruits, toys, and children's equipment. Removes bad odors and degreases surfaces at low temperatures. Surfactants of plant origin were used in the manufacture of the product.

Completely decomposes and has no negative impact on nature. Manufactured in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Has a light lemon aroma. Convenient container with a nice design made of biodegradable plastic.

  • ergonomic packaging;
  • good washability;
  • not aggressive to the skin of the hands;
  • cleanses greasy surfaces;
  • intensive foaming;
  • You can wash fruits and toys.
  • not economical consumption;
  • pungent aroma.

Review from Valeria, 28 years old. When I'm very busy, I wash kitchen utensils in the dishwasher, but more often I do it by hand. Synergetic cleans greasy surfaces well and rinses quickly. There is an unobtrusive aroma of lemon. I didn’t wear gloves and didn’t notice that the gel dried out my skin. Good effect when washing apples and carrots. It does its job perfectly, this is mine good helper in the kitchen.

When a consumer chooses which dishwashing liquid is best to buy, the first thing that comes first is its ability to perform its direct function. Even the most natural and safe product will be a waste of money if the kitchen equipment remains dirty. For many years now, Fairy has been the leader in efficiency, successfully removing dirt of any intensity.

For supporters of environmentally friendly products, BioMio and PURE WATER are suitable, which can be used to wash root vegetables and fruits, children's accessories, and toys.

Expert advice

Mikhail Voronov

Specialist in the field household appliances, electronics, construction tools, goods for cars, sports and recreation, beauty and health.

Synergetic Gel and Eared Nyan perform their function perfectly and are highly safe to use, but they leave behind a slight aroma that not everyone likes. For those who want to radically discover New Product, we can recommend Lion Chamgreen with charcoal. Mama Lemon has many fans. You should not throw away the bottle, but buy the washing mixture in soft, economical packaging.

What is the safest dishwashing detergent?

Adherents of eco-products expect to purchase a cleaning product that will be classified as safe for humans and nature. These products are made from raw materials of organic origin. It should not contain phosphates, formaldehydes, or various dangerous surfactants.

Detergents are biodegradable, do not have a negative effect on the skin of the hands, and do not cause irritation to the respiratory tract. At the same time, they wash away dirt well, leaving no traces or odor behind.

Such eco-products include SODASAN Lemon, Frosch Green Lemon, Lion Chamgreen Charcoal, PURE WATER, Synergetic Gel, BioMio. These products are used for cups, pacifiers and bottles that are intended for children. The use of rubber gloves is not necessary.

Manufacturers warn that even the most environmentally friendly products must be used strictly for their intended purpose and used according to the attached instructions. Household chemicals should be stored in places inaccessible to children.

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