Calculation of a house made of OSB panels. Construction of a frame house from OSB boards: advantages and disadvantages of the material, foundation structure, construction features. Step-by-step algorithm for installing an OSB frame


If you have bought a plot of land and you need a small but beautiful temporary shed, which can later become a guest house, you have come to the right place. From this post you will learn how in a couple of weeks you can independently build a house from OSB with your own hands, which can later be converted into a small guest house.

Look step by step photos from the construction site, determine for yourself a plan for future construction, using this material as a basis. You can have your own house dimensions, the main thing is to understand the principle frame construction. I give you an idea, and you can modernize something for yourself. Plus, as a bonus video, I’ll show you how we built a frame frame on our site (video at the end of the article).

The OSB house was made by hand, built frame method. This is the fastest and most economical construction option. My husband and I are also supporters of this type of structure - both on a budget and one person, even without assistants, is able to build a completely functional house in a season.

DIY OSB house - dimensions and materials

3.6 x 3.6 m, wall height 2.5 m, height to ridge 4.5 m.

The frame is wooden, in the corners and in the area of ​​the doors you will need a beam of 10 x 10 cm. Then, along the contour, install racks in increments of 60 cm with a section of 2.5 x 10 cm. The front and rear walls are made with a pediment.

In one wall, where windows are installed, thicker racks will be required - a double board 2.5 x 10 cm. Roof rafters are installed in increments of 60 cm, the ridge is made of timber with a section of 5 x 15 cm. A lath of thin boards is nailed across the rafters.

Upon completion of the work, the walls of the house should be sheathed on the outside with OSB sheets, insulated from the inside with mineral wool, and covered with clapboard or OSB, windows and doors should be inserted. The floor of the house is made of boards along joists, also insulated with mineral wool.

The inside walls of the house are sheathed with sheets of plywood or clapboard. Between outside and internal lining should be laid roll insulation. If desired, you can use a more expensive material - drywall.

You can make the ceiling from sheets of plywood, or you can sheathe the roof slopes from the inside along the rafters with plywood, having previously laid insulation. As insulation, you can use sheets of foam plastic, penoplex or any roll insulation.

If desired, the attic can also be used as a bedroom - if you make small beds for sleeping and a ladder to the top. At the entrance you can make a small canopy with a porch

The process of building a house from OSB with your own hands

We build a house from OSB with our own hands

Installation of the end shield frame. Assembly was carried out on the floor, which was assembled first. The floor is already insulated and fully assembled.

DIY OSB house - end walls

Fastening end walls temporary jibs, adjusted to levels.

Do-it-yourself OSB house - installing a wall frame

Fastening the side walls of the house. All sides were assembled on the floor, separately, and only then mounted. 2.5 x 10 cm boards were used in the work. This is a universal construction board, which we also use in the construction of our buildings.

DIY OSB house - the box is ready

The box of the house is assembled. Fastening was done with 100 mm nails.

DIY OSB house - installation of floors

Installation of ceilings. A 2.5 x 15 cm board was used for the ceiling.

DIY OSB house - ceiling covering

Fastening of ceilings and ceiling coverings.

DIY OSB house - installation of rafters

Installation of roof rafters. As you can see, everything is easy and simple. The board is the best building material, and when placed on edge, with a small pitch, it can withstand significant loads.

DIY OSB house - wall cladding

Covering the house with OSB sheets. Enough a budget option, and it will be just right for the warm season.

DIY OSB house - installing doors

Stained glass doors look very beautiful. But you can also make a standard blind door if the house is on a separate plot.

DIY OSB house - siding

Finished house covered with siding. Not quite a temporary one, but it can be installed quickly enough. In the future, after the construction of the main housing, it can be used as a guest house.

How we built a frame country house from OSB

This video shows the stages of construction of our country house. This season we managed to sheathe the outside of the house with OSB, cover the roof, hang the door, and lay the subfloor. We will continue next season...

The second part - wall insulation - do-it-yourself OSB house

The desire to get a home in the shortest possible time and at an affordable price will be the main factor when choosing this type of housing construction. In all countries of the world you can find houses made of OSB, because many people do not have enough money to build a mansion from other materials. Living in them is comfortable due to the fact that they have all the basic characteristics and are almost as good as houses built from, for example, brick or aerated concrete.


One of the disadvantages is the operating time. It is less than that of buildings made of strong materials. Housing will be of high quality for at least 50 years.

It is possible to use OSB boards in different versions. They can be partitions between rooms, main walls, or used when installing the roof. This is a virtually waste-free material, since after dismantling it can be used as formwork.

The slabs have a huge number of advantages: they are easy to drill, quickly sawed, quite durable, and moisture resistant. Various types of finishing materials are easy to apply and attach. Walls with a minimum thickness of 9 mm will be reliable and of high quality; it is recommended to install slabs of 12 mm or more on the floor.

What type of foundation should I choose?

An excellent solution would be to use a strip foundation. It is made in-depth. A shallow foundation can be used when the soil freezes no more than 80 cm. With several helpers it will be quite possible self-build foundation and house. To save money in last years developers are increasingly relying on their own strength and building the frame themselves.

Main stages of foundation construction:

Additional types of foundation

On stable ground columnar foundation would be an excellent solution; a columnar-ribbon type is also possible. In the first option, the main advantage will be ease of construction and cost-effectiveness. In the second, dressings with a grillage between the supports will be used. The construction is based on the same principles. The pillars can be made at a factory or at home using asbestos-cement pipes.

It is possible to achieve high strength during foundation installation by using screw piles. Each support is installed below the ground freezing level, this helps to increase reliability. The best solution there will be piles measuring 89 mm in diameter and 2-2.5 m in length. Installation of supports is not complete without a hydraulic drill based on an excavator. This fact should be taken into account and the area for the operation of this equipment should be provided in a timely manner. Using technology to save money manual installation, but it is an order of magnitude more difficult and is not always possible.

Assembling walls using OSB boards

Roof installation

  1. Having designed the type of roof, we begin construction. The main principle during work can be called the order of installation of rafters, namely a two-sided view. You cannot build one side of the roof and build the other; they must be mounted in parallel.
  2. The rafters are fastened with brackets to the beams, and to the central base with self-tapping screws.
  3. Sometimes the length of the rafters turns out to be less than the roof slope, so a special overhead beam with a width similar to the rafter board is used.
  4. Next, the gables are installed. You need to stretch the rope between the rafters (the so-called orientation cord).
  5. Next, the roof is sheathed with OSB boards. When installing walls, use any type of fastening: vertical or horizontal. When making a roof, it is necessary to lay the panel along the slope with the long side.
  6. The final stage will be covering the gables.

Floor insulation and wall covering

For high-quality operation, it is important to leave a gap of more than 2 mm when constructing walls; this will allow the slabs to freely expand and contract under the influence of climatic conditions. The walls are completely installed from the foundation to the roof. Openings remain for installing doors and windows. Then you need to start insulation. The most popular materials for thermal insulation nowadays remain polystyrene foam or mineral wool. They often talk about the harmfulness of the substance styrene, but it is released only during the smoldering of polystyrene foam. In other cases, it is completely safe for human health and life.

The main disadvantage of mineral wool is the loss of its qualities when exposed to water. Need to provide high-quality ventilation, for this you will need to build a frame of wooden blocks on which the wool itself will be installed. It is necessary to carefully monitor the laying of the material, preventing the formation of cold bridges.

When choosing polystyrene foam as a thermal insulation material, gaps always remain. They need to be blown out polyurethane foam. By laying mineral wool in two layers, you can cover the joints of the first, which will allow you to achieve High Quality. Having completed the insulation, carry out the sheathing interior walls. The roof of the house is insulated in the same manner. If the floor covering is in the foreground, this will make it possible to work more comfortably during the construction of walls. Insulation occurs using polystyrene foam. It is laid between the beams, and the top is sewn with durable and moisture-resistant plywood.

The final stage of finishing outside and inside the house

  1. The main materials for flooring can be considered parquet, linoleum and laminate. Thanks to excellent quality OSB boards It is permissible to use ceramic tiles in the toilet, bathroom and, of course, in the kitchen. In recent years, the installation of a system called “warm floor” has become popular, which will not in any way affect the reliability of particle boards. They, of course, can be varnished, but for this procedure it is necessary to first sand the surface.
  2. There are many different types of building materials for working with interior walls. OSB walls can be painted and primed well. It is not recommended to use plaster.
  3. Outside the house, slabs are used very rarely, but if there is a shortage Money they are installed. After priming and painting the walls, they are trimmed with bars and painted in a different color.

When choosing a façade finish, you can use any type of material. By building a house from OSB boards, you will save a lot and be able to make a high-quality finish.

Construction houses from osb panels- this is a new new technique for the rapidly developing building materials market.

OSB panels are a building material that consists primarily of wood chips.

OSB panels are made by pressing under high pressure, with pine or aspen wood chips folded in a cross shape.

The cross placement of chips, in combination with their deep flattening, gives special reliability and flexibility to the entire material. According to its own resistance to different influences Mechanics Oriented Strand Boards plate much better than slabs from plywood.

Sandwich panel houses made from OSB panels can be installed in just a couple of weeks, without the use of heavy construction machines and tools. When implementing the construction technology, houses made from sandwich panels are very warm, able to withstand temperature changes, and are not afraid of dampness.

The facade of the house, its internal surfaces and the roof made from OSB panels do not need to be further straightened before the process finishing. A house made of sandwich panels with an area of ​​200 m2 will cost a little more than one million rubles.

The low price of installing houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels is caused by reduced costs associated with the low cost of a ready-made set of OSB panels for a house produced on factory equipment.

Let's consider the advantages of this construction method:

  1. For the construction of this type of house, a relatively inexpensive foundation is prepared;
  2. There are no extraordinary costs; a house made of sandwich panels is made at a factory in fully equipped and is packaged in boxes, without the need to purchase additional building materials;
  3. Reduced delivery costs, the starter kit for a house made of OSB panels is in most cases transported in one go;
  4. Reduced installation and installation costs, the house is built by a team of several people;
  5. Those. construction control at home by frame technology .

Oriented Strand Board Cladding

The construction technology of this type of house has good feedback in most countries. In the Russian Federation, this construction technology for houses made of sandwich panels is not yet particularly developed. There is an insufficient number of factories and companies involved in construction for the production and production of ready-made kits of houses, offering good and good assembly. The service sector for the production of parts and components is not very developed. Nowadays it is popular to build brick houses or solid wood.

Positive qualities of construction technology from OSB panels

OSB boards have a high degree of water resistance, strength, and lightness. These material characteristics do much more positive traits before other construction materials used in construction using wood. This makes it much easier construction stages houses made of OSB panels.

Below we consider the main advantages of such construction:

  • in order to carry out the main construction work there is no need to use a very expensive lift;
  • houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels have good fire-resistant properties;
  • wall cladding is a lightweight, waterproof finish that does not require the construction of an expensive foundation;
  • when constructing the roof, they use light, even and water-resistant building materials, which facilitate its insulation and coating with a special material that protects from external hydrometeors;
  • kit houses using frame technology made of OSB panels fits into a pair of heavy-duty vehicles;
  • the cost of building a house using OSB panels is reduced when compared to building a house with stone.

Main types of OSB panels

During the construction of houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels, 4 types of panels are used that have varying degrees of strength and resistance to moisture, and therefore have a low price. Depending on the current parameters, slabs can be combined in a variety of areas, achieving great savings in resources.

Safety of construction from OSB panels

Projects of houses made of sandwich panels and their construction from osb panels in the Russian Federation undergo a detailed examination in accordance with all the necessary requirements of construction legislation. Since 2012, construction examination has been introduced, carried out by a state or private company.

That’s why the developer, when choosing finished project has the right to demand evidence general security future home according to another very important parameters:

  • home safety when using it;
  • quality, reliability and durability of houses made of OSB panels;
  • justification for the use of building materials;
  • validity rational use construction resources;
  • specific level compliance architectural projects and structural strength.

The main types of frame house construction

Nowadays, several are used construction technologies houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels.

  • The first method is the use of OSB panels to cover the entire frame, erected as load-bearing parts of the structure. This technology is used during the construction of various hangars; other buildings do not require additional insulation, without any artistic requirements.

Often the frame, covered with OSB panels, is subsequently insulated with a special mineral heat insulator. The side that is inside houses using frame technology OSB panels should also be sheathed. The disadvantages of this technology are the imperfection of the insulation system; there are “cold bridges” at the connecting points and corners of the entire structure.

Quality of construction in in this case is not sufficiently controlled, and depends on the quality properties of building materials acquired at different times, mainly this concerns boards of load-bearing parts.

Insufficiently dried wood changes its configuration and greatly reduces thermal insulation the entire building. At the beginning of construction, wood must be treated with specialized impregnations and antiseptics to make it resistant to fire, which requires a significant amount of time and reduces the speed of construction.

  • The second method is construction houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels using 3 layers of SIP panels as the fundamental element (they are also called Sandwich panels), 2 layers consist of OSB panels, and the 3rd layer is artificial latex between them. These panels have a specific, unusual key fastening design. The panels are produced in production using very high-tech technologies. Building a house from sandwich panels from OSB panels will not be difficult for a construction team.

Ready-made house made of SIP composites

Construction technology from OSB sip panels

The positive qualities of this method of quickly erecting a house are quite clear.

  1. It is possible to build a house up to three floors;
  2. Various architectural problems can be solved during the construction of houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels;
  3. You can build these houses in the most different zones climate of the planet, their application begins on the day of construction of key walls, roofs, floors;
  4. Material costs for home maintenance will be minimal. With a properly built foundation, there is no shrinkage of walls, distortions, or other inevitable disadvantages of newly constructed houses.

Foundation on stilts for sip house

Base during construction houses using frame technology- this is the foundation. For a house made of OSB panels, a screw base is considered an excellent base. A deep pile, below the freezing point of the ground, will provide sufficiently strong support that is not subject to the entire structure being pushed out of the soil.

The foundation on a strip basis has some disadvantages, which can be easily solved with proper and competent planning of the lower room and inputs sewer systems, water, gas and electricity.

After finishing the foundation laying and its high-quality waterproofing, a specialized support board is laid along the perimeter of the entire foundation, which easily repeats the configuration of the future houses using frame technology. The width of such a board will match the width of the groove of the OSB panel. Basic rule of construction houses using frame technology from OSB panels - this is the use of sealing support boards and panels connected with screws when connecting.

Installation of house walls

Vertical guides that ensure high-quality connection of OSB panels are bars. The width of the block will be equal to the width of the groove, thanks to which the combined boards fit freely into the groove. A strong connection is ensured by a non-standard fastening with outside and inside the groove.

Angles houses using frame technology OSB panels can be formed by connecting a board to the edge of a corner OSB panel into the groove of an adjacent corner panel.

For ceiling surface They use narrow panels that are designed to increase vertical loads.

This construction technology is becoming more in demand in the Russian Federation. A large number of people want to live in a new home right away, without painful and many years of waiting for construction. Frame-panel houses osb to some extent cheap, and if they need to move to another city, the family can very easily be convinced of the maximum quick sale Houses.

Construction of a frame house. Rules for installing OSB boards

Building a house yourself takes a lot of time and labor. Wanting to save money, time and effort, people compare different variants construction using modern materials and construction technologies. In our article we will tell you how to make a house from OSB with your own hands in the shortest possible time, with minimal financial costs.

Economical construction

The cost of constructing a building from scratch can fluctuate over a wide range and depends on the prices of the building and construction materials used. Decoration Materials. Today it is considered the most accessible and reliable frame house from OSB boards.

To build such a house, there is no need to hire a team of professionals. Construction is reminiscent of assembling a large construction set, the elements of which are ordered at the factory according to the developed project.

The advantages of building a house from OSB are obvious:

  • A clear definition of the cost of the future structure.
  • There are virtually no unexpected expenses.
  • The developer pays only for the materials he needs.
  • Each purchased panel has its own place in the building and there are no surpluses or unaccounted expenses, which allows you to save up to 25% of the cost.
  • The developer will save a decent amount of money on the construction of the foundation structure, since for frame house no need for a massive base.
  • Perfect smooth walls buildings do not require expensive finishing work.
  • Insulation materials are laid inside the walls, which makes the house especially warm and reduces the cost of the building heating system.
  • The prices for the material used are significantly lower than the cost of bricks.

OSB boards are used both for installing formwork for the foundation and for the construction of all walls, partitions, floors and roofs.

For walls, slabs with a thickness of 9 mm are used, and for floor installation - 12 mm.

Instructions for building a house from OSB boards

Stage No. 1. Foundation. For a frame house the best option is a strip foundation. The depth of laying the foundation for a house depends on the climate of your region. If the soil freezes no more than 80 cm, the foundation is made shallow. For its construction there is no need to attract additional labor.

Sequence of work:

  • Level the construction site, make markings and planning.
  • Dig trenches for the foundation.
  • Level the bottom of the trench and compact the soil.
  • Lay water-repellent membranes or roofing felt as a waterproofing layer.
  • Cover the bottom of the pit with a five-centimeter layer of sand and a twenty-centimeter layer of crushed stone. Tamp down well.
  • Install formwork from OSB boards.
  • Install the reinforcement cage.
  • Pour concrete into the base of the house.

When located construction site On stable, dense soil, you can install a columnar foundation, which is advantageous in terms of efficiency and ease of work. Many developers install a column-and-strip base for a frame house. The supports are tied with concrete tape - a grillage.

Stage No. 2. The walls of the house are made of OSB. Place a waterproofing layer on the foundation.

Sequence of work:

  • Place a beam measuring 15 * 15 cm on the concrete strip and strengthen it with metal brackets. This will be the bottom harness.
  • Mark the location of window and door openings.
  • Assemble the frame of the house from vertical posts. For this purpose, boards 3 cm thick and 15 cm or 20 cm wide are provided. A narrower board is suitable for the southern regions, and a wider one for the northern regions. At the junction of two walls, in corners and doorways you need to install double boards.

A thicknesser will help make the board smooth with the same width and thickness. Before starting to assemble the building frame, all structural elements must be treated with an antiseptic.

The boards must be installed so that the ends are outside and inside the building. To attach the upper and lower trim with boards, use metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Upon completion of the assembly of the frame of the first floor, proceed with installation ceiling and construction attic floor or installation of a rafter system. The faster the roof is erected, the less likely it is that installed frame will suffer in case of bad weather.

Stage No. 3. Rafter system. Build the farm according to the design of the house from OSB boards. The sides of the truss are installed simultaneously on both sides. Attach the structure to the ridge with self-tapping screws, and to the floor beams with staples.

If the rafters are shorter than the length of the roof slope, it is necessary to double the slopes and connect them with an overlay beam equal in width to the rafter board. After installing the roof truss, begin work on the gables.

Sheathe the roof with OSB slabs, laying them so that the long side is along the slopes. Once the roof sheathing is complete, begin installing the slabs on the gables.

Stage No. 4.

It's time to sheathe the walls.

The installation of the slabs must be done so that there is a 2 mm gap between them.

Wall covering can be started from any angle from the foundation and upwards. You can sheathe one wall first, and then start working on another, or sheathe it at the same time external walls. Window and door openings remain open.

Insulate an OSB house with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. If cotton wool is used, it is necessary to outside arrange a ventilated façade. Make a sheathing for the entire house using wooden blocks. It is on the sheathing that the decorative material will be installed.

Bookmark thermal insulation materials must be carried out very carefully so that there are no cold bridges.

Mineral wool can be laid in two layers to cover joints. When using polystyrene foam to insulate the walls of a house, the cracks are filled with polyurethane foam. When the thermal insulation layer has been laid on the external walls, you can begin cladding the internal walls.

Stage No. 5. Ceiling and floor covering. Many developers first sheathe the floor and only then start working on the walls. To insulate the floor, foam plastic is used, laying it between beams hemmed with transverse bars or sheets of moisture-resistant plywood.

The same cladding technology is used for the ceiling.

Stage No. 6. Internal and exterior decoration. Any materials can be used to decorate interior walls. The only thing that is not recommended is plastering. OSB boards are in excellent contact with primers, varnishes, and paints.

The floor is covered with porcelain stoneware, parquet, laminate, polyvinyl chloride board, linoleum. Particle boards have an excellent, smooth surface, which allows for high-quality masonry ceramic tiles. You can even install a heated floor, which will not affect the thermal conductivity and strength of the slabs.

The facade has an excellent surface. It is enough to cover it with a primer and paint it in any color. Use bars of a different color and make a half-timbered finish. This is the most cheap option finishing. More expensive materials can be used.

Windows and doors are installed both wooden and metal-plastic. There are no restrictions. It all depends on your personal preferences and tastes. Choosing a project for construction frame structure With OSB boards, you will be moving into your own home very soon.


We invite you to learn about the features of assembling a house frame from OSB using Scandinavian technology.

The rapidly developing construction market has given us many new building materials and technologies for constructing buildings. Among these innovations are OSB panels, or oriented strand panels. More than 90 percent of the material consists of wood chips, but is obtained by pressing under high pressure crosswise folded chips from aspen or coniferous trees.

What is good about OSB technology?

Thanks to the cross arrangement and deep flattening, up to the interpenetration of wood fibers, with a minimum of binding impregnation, the panels gain strength and flexibility. The resistance to mechanical stress of the boards is the same or even greater than that of plywood analogues.

It takes 2-3 weeks to build a frame house from OSB boards, and no heavy construction machinery is needed! If the technology is followed, these buildings turn out to be very warm and can withstand temperatures in the range from -40 to +40 ° C, and they are not afraid of dampness. Facade, roof and internal surfaces from the slabs in front finishing not leveled.

A panel house is relatively inexpensive, since the price of a ready-made factory set of all elements is low, lightweight design, and installation is simple.

Other benefits:

The technology has many fans in Canada and the USA. Panel housing in a short time sheltered millions of displaced people from European countries, destroyed during the Second World War. In Russia, OSB houses are not yet being built so widely, as if overseas, because there are still few organizations involved in the production of slabs from this material. The infrastructure for the production of components is poorly developed, and there are few firms specializing in assembly. Meanwhile, OSB houses are successfully used even in the Russian Arctic.

Due to its moisture resistance, strength and lightness, the material greatly benefits from other building materials that are used in the construction of wooden buildings.

Other advantages are as follows:

  • No need to use expensive lifting equipment.
  • High fire resistance of houses.
  • Ease of insulating the roof and covering it with material that protects from precipitation.
  • A set of plates fits into one or two trucks.

Types of slabs

There are four types of slabs that differ from each other in strength, moisture resistance and price. Depending on the specified properties and competent combination slabs significant resource savings are achieved.

There is no consensus on which slabs to use for the construction of external walls. In the Russian Federation, OSB-3 is more often used for this.

Construction safety

Projects of houses made from OSB panels in Russia are subject to examination in accordance with the norms of the construction legislation of the Russian Federation. Since 2012, construction examination can be carried out by both state and private companies. When choosing a suitable project, the developer has the right to require confirmation of the safety of the future structure, taking into account the following criteria:

Compliance with SanPiN, environmental requirements and fire standards are established when purchasing panels in hardware store according to the accompanying documents for the goods.

Frame house construction

There are at least two technologies for constructing frame buildings from OSB panels.

The first is covering the frame with panels, which plays the role of a load-bearing element. This technology is used in the construction of hangars and other buildings that do not require insulation and for which there are no requirements special requirements in terms of aesthetics.

Sometimes a frame covered with OSB panels is insulated using mineral insulation. Inner side slab buildings are also clad.

The downside of the technology is the imperfect insulation system: “cold bridges” remain in the joints and corners of the structure. Even in this case, construction is insufficiently controlled due to the difference in the quality of building materials purchased at different times, this mainly applies to lumber of load-bearing elements . Due to insufficient drying wood, it is possible to change the configuration, reduce the level of thermal insulation. Before use, wood is treated with antiseptics and given fire resistance, as a result of which additional time is wasted and the speed of building a house is reduced.

The second technology consists of construction using three-layer sandwich panels (SIP panels) as a load-bearing element, which consist of two layers of OSB panels and a polyurethane foam layer between them. These panels have a special original design fastenings Slabs are being made industrial methods using high-tech equipment.

Technology capabilities

Advantages of our method construction of prefabricated low-rise buildings are obvious:

Building a house from OSB panels

The main thing is to make the foundation correctly. For our case, the best foundation is a pile foundation. A pile buried below the freezing point of the soil will ensure strong support and the structure is not susceptible to being pushed out of the soil. U strip foundation there is a significant drawback, which, however, can be easily eliminated with the right basement design, sewer inlets, water supply systems, electricity and gas supply.

After installing the foundation and waterproofing it, a support board is laid along the perimeter of the base, repeating the configuration of the future building. The width of the board should match the width of the panel groove. One of the basic rules for building a house from OSB boards is to use sealant when connecting panels and support boards and fastening corners and joints with self-tapping screws.

Vertical guides, which ensure a strong connection of the plates, are bars connected in pairs with self-tapping screws. The width of the block corresponds to the width of the groove Therefore, boards joined flush fit into the groove. The connection is ensured by fastening the groove with self-tapping screws from the inside and outside with a pitch of 15 cm. The corners of the slab house are formed by connecting the board to the edge of the corner slab into the groove of the adjacent corner panel. Narrow panels are used for the ceiling and floor, which are designed for increased vertical loads.

The construction of prefabricated houses is gaining popularity in Russia. Why not? The house is being built in as soon as possible and convenient. So, in case of moving to another city, a young family who has chosen housing made of OSB boards will receive a roof over their head very soon!
