Neoclassical style cottage project. Antiquity and neoclassicism: the apartment building on Bolshaya Ordynka is recognized as an architectural monument. Bathroom design in neoclassical style

The building is made in the neoclassical style, which is characterized by the features of ancient architecture - pilasters (overhead columns adjacent to the facade), bas-reliefs with expressive detailing, protruding bay windows and a pediment crowning the roof.

The residential building at the address: Bolshaya Ordynka Street, building 9/4, building 2 was recognized as an object of cultural heritage of regional significance. The building was built in 1915 according to the design of the architect Capitol Dulin (1836-1933) as an apartment building with comfortable apartments.

This building - shining example apartment building of the early twentieth century in neoclassical style, which is characterized by the features of ancient architecture. The most artistically decorated is the central part of the building, where the architect placed a colonnade of paired columns and pilasters of the Corinthian and Ionic order, as well as relief compositions depicting ancient characters. Completes the composition of the main facade decoration sixth floor, which is also designed using elements of ancient architecture. A classic frieze (decorative horizontal stripe) runs along the façade, and the vertical visual axes are continued by four decorative flowerpots.

“The main façade of the building faces the red line (the building boundary. — Chernigovsky Lane, but the house begins to be clearly visible from Pyatnitskaya Street. This location formed the basis of the architect’s design concept. The author successfully used the prospect of opening up a small Chernigovsky lane from Pyatnitskaya Street and designed one of the turns of Chernigovsky lane, building a six-story apartment building in its depths. The architect also gave the design of the building facades great importance, completing the appearance of the main facade in neo classic style, where the composition and proportions are maintained in balance between static and movement,” said the director.

Layout interior spaces building on Bolshaya Ordynka is also original and once again confirms the skill of the architect: when designing the house, he took into account small sizes of the property and took the T-shape as the basis for the configuration of the building. This made it possible to place additional window openings in the apartments and avoid the close adjacency of the house to neighboring multi-storey properties.

According to Alexey Emelyanov, today the building has an almost pristine appearance both outside and inside. The interiors have well-preserved decorative decoration of the front and back staircases, the steps of which are laid out of natural stone, and the design is represented by metal gratings of marches with the rhythm of stylized harps, echoing the antique façade motifs.

The status of a cultural heritage site of regional significance provides the building of an apartment building on Bolshaya Ordynka with state protection. It is prohibited to demolish it, and the historical appearance of the building cannot be damaged either. Any repair or restoration work is carried out only under the control of the Moscow City Heritage and after agreement with it.

In June, the Krasheninnikovs’ residential building, built at the beginning of the 19th century on Kozhevnicheskaya Street, was recognized as an architectural monument. An object of cultural heritage of regional significance is.

Also recently, another ensemble of a city estate of the 18th-19th centuries became an object of cultural heritage of regional significance; it is located in. The two-story main building of the estate, the gatehouse and the stone fence with a gate are recognized as architectural monuments.

Already during the Renaissance, harmony began to emerge between architectural parts, decor, drapery and furniture. In the 17th century this became common for mansions in France, England and Holland.

The first books with samples of engraving, ornament, architectural style began to appear in the 16th century. The main attention was paid to such architectural details such as mantelpieces or decorated ceilings, but later, they began to write more and more about furniture.

At the beginning of the 17th century, famous architects and designers of Italy were invited to all European countries, for decoration with refined Italian decorative details. By the end of the 17th century, France took the leading place both in the art of design and in craftsmanship. This was most reflected in the splendor of Versailles. Throughout the 18th century, France continued to have the strongest influence on interior design.

The desire of the rich for the most fashion trends contributed to the rapid spread of such movements as neoclassicism, baroque, and rococo. As long as these styles were used only by circles of the highest aristocracy, there were few national differences between them. Meanwhile, reaching the less wealthy classes, the style began to be supplemented by national differences, and then local ones.

Neoclassical style in Germany

Furniture makers in Germany accepted the strict lines of neoclassicism without enthusiasm. In some objects of the style of the 1770s, tapering legs are present next to the Rococo curves, rectangular shapes frame. Sometimes neoclassical ornament was attached to older forms. However, by the end of the 18th century, classical rectilinear forms, decorative motifs have become universally accepted in furniture interiors.

Neoclassicism in Russia

Neoclassicism in Russia took equally magnificent forms. Famous architects, representatives of neoclassicism, worked for many royal residences creating decorative design, furnishings.

Russian furniture craftsmen made furniture using elements of both French and English style. Almost all furniture of the mid-19th century is indistinguishable from European models - the only difference was in the use of domestic materials, for example, Karelian birch.

The use of light and dark woods produced a great effect. In some famous houses, furniture was often painted.

A characteristic feature of neoclassicism is the rectangular shape of the interior, a minimum decorative finishing, monochrome, calm color shades, a single space with separate zones, the central composition of which is the living room.

The living room should not be pretentious or flashy luxury. Exceptionally strict design, calm colors, clean lines. Whereas in furnishing it is permissible to use sophisticated chic. He expresses himself as dear upholstery materials And classical forms armchairs, sofas, poufs, chests of drawers, sideboards. No wardrobes, all furniture should be visually light and elegant.

The main idea that characterizes the neoclassical style of the living room is a clear center of the room, smooth symmetrical lines of interior items that complement and enhance this feeling.


  • the most common wall color is creamy, creamy, beige, light gray shades, successfully emphasized by stucco molding white and baseboards;
  • if you decide to make the lower part of the wall a dark color, then the upper part can be framed with classic white stucco; in the middle the wall can be decorated with wooden panels;
  • columns may well be reflected in stands, armrests, racks and cabinet ends.


  • in order to emphasize diffused, matte lighting, which will be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the room, it is best to use a large number of sconces, built-in spotlights and pendant lamps installed on different levels. Light bulbs in the form of candles and lampshades in pastel, light colors are also suitable;
  • The number of light sources you install in a room is directly related to the size of your room. For a large living room, 2 or 3 identical chandeliers on the ceiling will be enough, and if the room is small, one lamp in the middle of the room and two sconces, which can be placed, for example, on both sides of the mirror, are enough.


  • It will look good in sophisticated colors of dark wood or chocolate; light leather upholstery is also appropriate, which will go well with wooden decor.

Windows and doors

  • use curtains with several layers of elegant drapery. The color must be selected based on the predominant color of the furniture, for example, based on the tone of the upholstery of a sofa or armchairs;
  • if possible, replace doors with arched openings.


To add height and depth to a modestly sized room with a low ceiling, choose tension structure suspended ceiling light shade with a glossy effect. This will create the illusion of free space.


  • The style is loyal to natural as well as artificial flowers. Create a bright, chic bouquet of your favorite flowers, and you won’t need any additional decorations for your living room;
  • Do not overload the room with unnecessary decorations. Not appropriate here floor vases in combination with lush bouquets, big amount columns

The living room is a place for pleasant meetings with loved ones, family, and friends, so it should provide comfort for everyone present.

The peculiarity of a bedroom in this style is the design of part of the wall near the head of the bed. Ornate stucco molding made of polyurethane will add romance and sophistication to the atmosphere - this is all that neoclassicism requires in the interior.

Color palette

  • A range of pastel shades is ideal. To add emphasis, you can use rich tones;
  • To create an atmosphere of peace, lightness, and sophistication, use gentle undertones. All you need is to skillfully choose the shade, decorations, and furniture.


  • The best idea would be to purchase a headset that will allow you not to disturb the harmony of the style. Interior items with curved or straight lines are most suitable;
  • valuable wood species will not only bring luxury, but will give the bedroom coziness and warmth.


  • The bedroom should be provided with as much bright rays of daylight as possible, as well as artificial light.


  • The following will look charming and luxurious: stucco molding, columns, gilded vases, arches, paintings;
  • the bedroom should have items made of silk, velvet, cotton;
  • the center of the room will be perfectly accented with plain or patterned long-pile rugs.

Floor and walls

  • a great idea would be mirrored or glass walls, decorated with floral and antique ornaments;
  • A marble floor, walls or ceiling will highlight the decoration of the room favorably and luxuriously. A natural stone will give unsurpassed shine, as well as a luxurious gloss. A good option would be to use Venetian plaster.

Neoclassicism in the kitchen interior

The interior of a kitchen in the neoclassical style will never lose its relevance. After all, kitchen facades made from natural materials never go out of style. The following materials are used in neoclassical kitchen decoration:

  • marble;
  • a natural stone;
  • tree.

In kitchen design, it is advisable to use natural colors in light shades. A white kitchen will look good.

Arrange furniture and select household appliances it is necessary in advance to include everything in the kitchen design project kitchen set.

Interior in American neoclassical style

The American neoclassical style is the most popular. In the USA, this style is most common; it is often used to decorate rooms, apartments or houses. That is why in other countries it is known as “American” neoclassicism.

This type of finishing is most ideal for large rooms, high ceilings, wide windows. The interior of an apartment in the neoclassical style involves minimalist solutions, the use modern materials, which give classic, traditional forms grace and lightness. It can be used both for rooms with large area, and for small apartments.

This style is characterized by sophistication, harmony, love for light tones, especially white, and romantic details.

The American neoclassical style is a mixture of simple, austere furniture with monochromatic and massive furniture. The best flowers for this there will be white, olive, blue, blue. Colors that will create an accent in a white space. For this style, both expensive natural materials and artificial ones or a combination of both are allowed.

Light, delicate colors will add tenderness and lightness to the decoration of the room, and the use of gilding on fabrics, trim, frames, etc. Wealth and prosperity are emphasized.

Details such as arches, columns, sculptures, stucco molding, tall floor vases with gilding, paintings with antique scenes, mirrors in luxurious frames, elegant chandeliers, lamps or candlesticks will help to emphasize the connection with antiquity. However, do not forget about a sense of proportion - don't overload space with unnecessary details. Of course, all this should be in moderation. In combination with minimalism, these elements will especially attract attention.

Interior of a wooden house

The neoclassical style will especially appeal to fans of minimalism, since space in light colors visually increases the area of ​​any room.

The main condition for consistency in the neoclassical style will be a symmetrical composition of the interiors of each room, elegant furniture in the Napoleonic Empire style, Greco-Roman columns, pilasters, friezes, candelabra and chandeliers.

Choose warm and cool colors, but be careful not to disturb the harmony. If in the interior of the main elements of furniture, floors and walls you use warm colors, shades, then accents should be made with colors of cool shades. For example, if the furniture and flooring are brown, then use caramel or gray shades for the walls. This will be especially good for small rooms on the north side of the house.

Important! Under no circumstances use lemon, light green, acrid pink, or bright yellow tones. You should limit yourself to 2-3 shades.

Colonial motifs are also required condition most houses created in the English style. A tradition dating back to the Middle Ages suggests mandatory presence V big house hearth, stove or fireplace, which will create special coziness and comfort. IN modern conditions apartments can be installed artificial fireplace, with finishing, for example, from specially aged brick or stripes.

Each piece of furniture should harmoniously complement each other's luxury. It is very important not to disturb the harmony of style.

If you decide to give preference to the neoclassical style, do not skimp on the little things. This style does not give in to the whims of fashion, and elite materials for decoration and furniture will serve you for decades.

He built it in 1910 on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, 4, building 1. This was the last, third house that he built for himself and, perhaps, one of the most perfect creations of the architect in the classical style. Shekhtel built the previous mansion for his family on Ermolaevsky Lane in 1896 in the pseudo-Gothic style that was in fashion at that time. In 1910, the time came for other styles, and he built a house in the neoclassical style. The result was an ensemble of two houses - along the red line was the owner's residential building, and in the courtyard there was a two-story residential building. Initially, a workshop was designed in the courtyard with large window, but circumstances forced the architect to make a residential building with two 4-room apartments instead room apartments on the first and second floors. His wife’s sister, an employee of the Rumyantsev Museum, Vera Timofeevna Zhegina, and their niece, the artist Vera Aleksandrovna Popova, began to live with the architect’s family.

The facade of the house consists of two parts: on the left there is a one-story volume with a passage arch and a two-story right part, asymmetrical in composition. The decor of the facade is a hymn to the Moscow Empire style early XIX century. The right side of the two-story volume is decorated with a solemn portico of four attached semi-columns of the Doric order, between them there is a large three-part portico window with an elegant glazing. This window and the living room-hall behind it are the center of the composition of the facade and the entire building, a kind of temple of art. The idea of ​​the eternal and absolute significance of art is stated not only in the composition, but also in the frieze with ancient figures, which is located above the arch. It is very reminiscent of the frieze of the Panathenian processions of the famous Parthenon temple on the Acropolis. In the center of the composition, made according to a drawing by F.O. Shekhtel Athena Pallas. The muses of painting, sculpture, music and architecture march towards it on both sides. The entire composition reminds us of the strict majesty of post-fire Moscow. The static nature of the façade is contrasted with the dynamics of the internal composition. It is built around a gigantic, two-story hall-living room, where exhibitions of the works of the architect’s children were often held. There were also works of his artist friends hanging on the walls here. The living quarters overlooked the courtyard, which was adjacent to the courtyard of the building of the Moscow Architectural Society, headed by Shekhtel.

The Shekhtels often visited this mansion with their friends, artists, writers and merchants. Vladimir Mayakovsky was friends with his son Lev and daughter Vera. Here they prepared the first collection of his poems “I”, illustrations for which were made by Lev Zhegin and his friend Vasily Chekrygin, who also lived here in the Shekhtel family. This book was unique because it was made by handicraft and not by printing.

In 1918, the house on Bolshaya Sadovaya was nationalized, and the architect and his family were evicted. Over the last eight years of his life, Shekhtel changed three addresses. The revolution deprived him of everything. After 1917, he no longer built anything. The young republic did not need the skill of the great architect. Shekhtel was seriously ill, huddled with his wife and eldest daughter in the apartment of his daughter Vera on Malaya Dmitrovka and died of stomach cancer on July 7, 1926.

After the revolution, a major military, public and statesman Robert Petrovich Eideman. In the mid-1930s, in the courtyard wing there was a workshop of the sculptor I.D. Shadra.

In the 1990s, homeless people lived in the house. They lit the fireplace with the remains of unique furniture and wood paneling walls The interiors of the mansion were restored by the Strategy Foundation, which has owned the house since 1993.

Winckelmann argued: “The only way for us to become great and, if possible, even inimitable, is to imitate the ancients.”

NEOCLASSICISM (French Le style Neoclassique, German Neoklassizismus from the Greek Neos - “new”; see Classicism) - the revival of principles and creative method Classicism after the formation of this artistic movement in the art of Italy at the beginning of the 16th century. (see Roman classicism), at the end of the 16th century. Main characteristic features Neoclassicism is lightness, sophistication and straightforwardness. The pioneers of neoclassicism were Robert Adam and John Soane, who with an unusual approach created architectural ensembles based on ancient Pompeii and Rome, bringing to them the lightness and grace revered by their contemporaries.

Neoclassicism according to the rules. Laws of style from designers:

Law 1. Neoclassicism is characterized by an appeal to antiquity, with its light, refined straight lines. Typical decorations are leaves, shells, architectural pediments.

Law 2. Refined forms of furniture combine perfectly with delicate color solutions, thereby forming a very harmonious overall picture of the decor of the room.

Law 3. Neoclassicism does not tolerate overload with stylistic elements, but gravitates towards minimalistic simplicity of lines, seasoned with classical softness

Law 4. The space in the neoclassical interior seems to flow from one to another: from the hallway or hall there is a view of the living room and beyond.

Law 5. Monochrome colors create a calming mood, pastel shades predominate, and overload with floral patterns is unacceptable.

The neoclassical interiors at the Petit Trianon (Versailles) are a miniature fantasy world; It is symbolic that neither Versailles, nor Paris, nor villages are visible from its windows. In ten minutes you can walk around the palace, and yet this tiny space is much more important for Marie Antoinette than an entire kingdom with twenty million subjects. Located on a square site, the building rests on a plinth, above it rises a floor and an attic, which ends with a balustrade that hides the roof in the Italian style. Due to the uneven terrain, the basement level is visible only from the side of the façade facing the Main Courtyard, as well as from the side of the Temple of Amur.


1. It is advisable to place columns along the perimeter of the central room of your house (living room or hall) or to mark the boundaries of the space with friezes. The column sets the tone for the entire space. But don't get too carried away by the trappings of the classical era!

2. Neoclassicism is good because in this style you can build the proportions yourself. Do almost everything minimalist interior with a hint of classics, or bring notes of minimalism into the classic atmosphere of the room, indicated in individual interior items. The main thing here is peace and harmony!

3. Neoclassicism does not welcome the abundance of textiles in the interior. However, in one or two rooms, carpets with graphic designs in non-contrasting colors are appropriate. Silk is suitable for bedspreads and curtains. Well, as upholstery for upholstered furniture ideal light skin.

“When working on this project, we did not just reconstruct the house and decorate the interiors, but tried to create a kind of harmonious environment as a whole. For more comfort increased the usable area both inside and outside the house. Also developed landscape design plot with several areas for outdoor recreation."

Various are used in landscape design conifers, differing in the number and length of needles, as well as in shape. They alternate with deciduous ones, fruit trees, ornamental shrubs, herbs and flowers

The house is located in the village of Millennium Park near Moscow. The construction here is typical. The cottage that the customers bought - a family with two children - was a bare box, inside - load-bearing partitions and ceilings, outside - controversial decor on the facades and an empty area.

The authors of the project, Yulia Mikhailova and Alexander Kutsenko, had to seriously work on engineering, functionality, appearance buildings and territory. There was a catastrophic shortage of footage, so a block for a garage, an inventory room and a large dressing room was added to one side of the house, and a covered carport was installed on the side of the front entrance in case the owners or guests wanted to leave the car outside.

Armchair, Christopher Guy. Dinner table, chairs, Galimberti Nino

A separate building was built on the site for guests. More usable area it became inside. Non-residential attic floor insulated, equipped with powerful waterproofing and turned into a spa area with a mini-pool, sauna, home cinema, wine library and small kitchen. The architects have known their clients for many years.

Sofas, Desiree. Table, Christopher Guy. Chandelier, sconce, Sylcom. Desk lamp, Marioni. The portal is made of a large slab of Rosso marble

“We made an apartment in the Art Deco style for this family,” says Yulia. - For the basis of the interior country house this time we took it, but in a lighter, modern version: after living in the apartment, the owners were a little tired of the too dense decor and wanted a familiar style, but not so loaded.”

Kitchen, table, Aster Cucine. Chairs, Cattelan Italia. Chandelier, Sylcom

Architects abandoned gold and complex combinations of textures and textures

The walls and ceilings are decorated with plaster decor in an extremely delicate manner. Moldings, classic half-columns and panels with diamond-shaped patterns give surfaces relief and create a play of light and shadow. At the same time, due to the light shade of cocoa, the planes are not so active and act more as a neutral background for bright, expressive interior items.

The steps and railings of the staircase are made of light beige Daino Reale marble

It deserves special attention. Architects built a theme park on the site. The semantic center became a large functional, equipped summer kitchen with an open hearth, fireplace and standing on the shore of a pond. The pond looks especially picturesque: aquatic plants in shallow water, boardwalks, slides with waterfalls and streams.

Externally, the pond looks very much like a natural body of water, but in reality it is nothing more than a swimming pool

A bowl is dug into the ground, equipped with a water purification system so that it does not stagnate and remains clean, unlike a regular pond. Not far from the house is Japanese garden stones with bonsai composition and wooden flooring for yoga classes,” continues Yulia. “It is hidden from prying eyes on one side by a pergola covered with grapes, and on the other by a hawthorn hedge.

Hanging over babbling brooks weeping willow gives the garden a romantic mood

In the center of the site there is a lawn framed by a composition similar to an English garden. The plants are selected so that flowering does not stop throughout the season. Something has faded and something else has bloomed. But the most important thing is the color. We also used various shades of burgundy, which dominate the interior, in the landscape. Against the background of greenery, they look contrasting and impressive; in the fall, foliage is added to the flowers, and then the garden looks simply fantastic, immersed in crimson-golden tones.”
