The principle of unity of command. Managed by one person

The principle of purposefulness


The essence of this principle is that every managerial action must be purposeful, that is, have a clear and specific goal. This principle applies to all types of management, from managing the activities of an individual or group of people to public administration.

The problem of vision of goals and the ability to determine priorities in activities is relevant not only in management practice, but also in the life of any person. It is no coincidence that they say that a person who does not have his own goals in life lives to achieve the goals of other people. However, the leader is obliged to clearly represent the goal, because he, by definition, “encourages subordinates to active behavior and activity

to achieve the set goal." If a person does not know the purpose and the results that can be expected from an activity, any action, any action can lead to unpredictable and possibly conflicting or destructive consequences. Therefore, the goal-setting function comes first in the list of management functions, and the principle of goal-oriented management is rightfully recognized as one of the primary ones in

activities of the leader.

Of course, in organizational, and even more so in public administration Along with strategic goals, a set of interrelated auxiliary tasks subordinated to tactical goals is constantly being solved. Therefore, a leader must be able to determine priorities in the selection of tactical goals, establish their order and choose the right solution methods, without losing sight of the main strategic goal. This is where the art of management comes into play.

This principle is necessary to ensure the manageability of the organization, team and employees. It has been proven in cybernetics that the more control centers there are in any system, the less predictability and, accordingly, the controllability of this system. And management practice shows that the more bosses a subordinate has, the less effective his work is, and, in fact, the less responsibility these bosses have for their managerial actions.

The principle of unity of command establishes that the powers of the management of a company, organization, division, etc. are concentrated in the hands of a specific person - the manager, who is responsible for his management decisions and actions. Moreover, each employee is directly subordinate to only one manager and must receive

orders and follow the instructions of your immediate supervisor. This gives the manager the opportunity to establish and control the priority in solving a set of tasks by employees, defining priority and secondary tasks.

The principle of unity of command increases management efficiency and

responsibility of each specific manager at any managerial level for his own management decisions and the final result, without giving him the opportunity to share this responsibility with other managers, for example, explaining the failure of an employee to complete a given task by third-party management intervention.

It should be noted that the principle of unity of command does not exclude collegiality in the discussion of draft decisions, but establishes that subsequently it is the manager who makes (approves) these decisions who bears personal responsibility for them.

in management theory - granting the head of any body, institution, enterprise the powers necessary to perform its functions, etc. establishing his personal responsibility for the results of his work.

Excellent definition

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an organizational form of management in which the head of an institution or enterprise is one person (minister, chief, director, manager, manager), who alone manages this institution or enterprise, resolves all issues subordinate to that body, and is responsible for its activities.

Under the conditions of the Soviet system, an unconditional and strict unity of will is necessary to guide the joint work of the builders of communism. E. and the establishment of strict liability for each employee serves the interests of the most successful solution to the problems of building a new society. The question of strengthening Europe was raised more than once at party congresses and congresses of Soviets. Numerous statements about E., its combination with collegiality in. discussions of subordinate issues and the need to strengthen the responsibility of executors for implementing the decisions made are contained in the works of V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin.

The need to concentrate all power in the hands of managers requires the establishment of strict responsibility of the manager for the assigned work.

E. does not exclude collegiality in the discussion. draft decisions that are made individually and for which the boss bears sole responsibility. “Colleges are necessary,” Lenin wrote back in 1918, “but collegial administrations should not become an obstacle to practical work” (Works, vol. 28, p. 355).

Soviet economics combines the concentration of full power and responsibility among the bosses with the consistently implemented democratic requirement to rely on the collective of the institution or enterprise, on the party organization, the trade union organization of this institution or enterprise, to put for preliminary discussion the issues of organizing the work of the institution or enterprise, issues of the production program, plan etc. But “Collegiality, since it takes place in the process of discussion or decision, must certainly give way to individualism in the process of execution” [VKP(b) in resolutions..., part 1, 6th ed., 1940, p. 333].

E. relies on the trust of the people in their leaders. “Under our Soviet system,” teaches J.V. Stalin, “...economic leaders have every reason to enjoy the trust and love of the people, since they manage the economy not for the sake of the profits of a handful of capitalists, but for the sake of the interests of the working class, for the sake of interests of the entire people" (Lenin V.I. and Stalin I.V., On socialist competition, 1941, p. 227).

E. in production means the exercise by the director, under the direct supervision of the ministry or department of the executive committee in charge of which the given enterprise is located, of all his powers, the right to represent the enterprise, to dispose, within the limits established by law, of all the funds and property of the enterprise, to carry out on its behalf all operations included within its terms of reference, requesting permission from the ministry (or department of the executive committee) only in cases specified in the law, to carry out day-to-day monitoring and verification of execution. The director is responsible for the implementation of the plan, compliance with financial and contractual discipline and economic management of affairs. Primary party organizations of the production type exercise control over the activities of the enterprise administration and thereby help the administration strengthen socialist legality, order and organization in the enterprise.

Excellent definition

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The principle of unity of command is that at the head of each link in industry - the ministry, the all-Union industrial association, production association- a manager is appointed who has sufficient rights and bears full responsibility for the work of the unit he heads. This principle requires a clear delineation of rights and responsibilities between managers at various levels of management. At the same time, high demands are placed on the production manager.

The principle of unity of command also presupposes collegiality and a close connection between the leader and the masses, and the performance by him, together with public organizations, of a number of management functions. Collegiality in management means receiving consultations and authoritative advice, collective discussion of management issues, comparison various points view and identifying common opinion. The leader makes the decision himself. Thus, the responsibility of the manager is sole.

The principle of unity of command presupposes a close connection between the leader and the masses, and the implementation of many management functions by public organizations together with the director of the enterprise.

The principle of unity of command is based on a clear delineation of duties and responsibilities between managers of various levels of management in industry; he places high demands on the production manager.

The principle of unity of command is the basis for the management of socialist enterprises. The essence of unity of command is that at the head of each production site there is a certain person responsible for the work of this site.

The principle of unity of command and collegiality is one of the main problems of organizing management. This principle determines that each area of ​​work is headed by one person - a manager. All employees of a given team unquestioningly obey him alone.

The principle of unity of command is an indispensable condition for the implementation of democratic centralism in transport management. Unity of command means the personal responsibility of the economic manager for the work of the department entrusted to him, but this does not exclude, but presupposes, collegiality in work.

The principle of unity of command is useful, and even necessary for a construction project of this scale, but it is bad when the unity of command ceases to accept criticism. Loginov could be rude to people, unrestrained, hot-tempered, and, knowing this behind himself, he even started a rosary.

The principle of unity of command meant that management decisions were made individually by a specific official within his competence, the second important principle - the principle of hierarchy - predetermined the strict distribution of management functions between structural units, as well as the responsibilities of officials of all ranks. Violation of duties entailed a specific measure of liability determined by law.

The principle of unity of command assumes that subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers without bypassing their immediate supervisor.

This principle of unity of command applies to all our enterprises. He strengthens the management of Soviet enterprises, creates firm and clear routines and production discipline. While giving managers greater rights, unity of command at the same time imposes on them greater responsibility for the work of the production area entrusted to them.

Unity of command is the most important principle of the formation and functioning of troops.

1. Unity of command as the basis for centralized and sustainable control of the army and navy.

2. The comprehensive strengthening of unity of command is the duty and responsibility of every serviceman of the Russian Armed Forces.

The Charter of the Internal Service determines that unity of command is one of the principles of building the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, their leadership, and relationships between military personnel.

It consists in vesting the commander (chief) with full administrative power in relation to his subordinates and assigning personal responsibility to him for all aspects of the life and activities of the military unit, unit and each serviceman.

Unity of command determines the construction of the army as a centralized military organism, the unity of training and education of personnel, organization and discipline and, ultimately, the high combat readiness of troops. It should be noted that it the best way ensures unity of will and action of all personnel, strict centralization, maximum flexibility and efficiency of troop leadership. Unity of command allows the commander to act boldly, decisively, and show broad initiative, placing on the commander personal responsibility for all aspects of the life of the troops, and contributes to the development of the necessary leadership qualities in officers. It creates conditions for high organization, strict military discipline and firm order.

Centuries of experience allows us to assert that commanders can successfully carry out the tasks facing them only in conditions of constantly strengthening unity of command, concentration in their hands of all functions of leadership and management of the activities of military collectives.

The history of the Armed Forces of our Fatherland has convincingly proven the effectiveness of unity of command both in peacetime and in war time. The sole commander, having full administrative power in relation to the troops entrusted to him, is solely responsible for their condition, training, support and activities.

Unity of command ensures unity of will, flexibility and efficiency of troop control;

freedom of action of the commander during the execution of assigned tasks; organization and discipline of troops; targeted training and education of personnel; effective control over the implementation of orders and regulations (cm. diagram 1).

Unity of command in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is aimed at increasing the combat effectiveness and combat readiness of army and naval forces, and instilling high moral and psychological qualities in soldiers. The more complex and difficult the situation and the tasks being solved by the troops, the stronger the unity of command should be. Moreover, troops cannot successfully carry out combat missions without firm unity of command and strong military discipline.

Only strictly centralized command and control of troops can ensure success in battle, where speed of decision-making and immediate implementation, and clear coordination of troop actions become important.

Unity of command in the Armed Forces Russian Federation has a clear the legal basis, which consists of laws, military regulations, orders and directives. These regulations formalize the internal relations of the army, the rights and responsibilities of military personnel. They ensure both the legal status of commanders in command and control of troops, as well as the civil and personal rights of military personnel.

Unity of command involves the issuance by the commander (chief) of orders, orders and instructions, which are mandatory for strict execution by subordinates.

In the armies of all countries of the world, the procedure for issuing and carrying out orders is strictly regulated, but there are common principles that have proven the need for their strict implementation.

First of all, before issuing an order, the commander is obliged to comprehensively assess the situation and also provide measures to ensure its implementation. He is personally responsible for the order given and its consequences, compliance of the orders given with the law, as well as abuse of power. In the Russian Armed Forces, it is not allowed to issue orders and instructions aimed at breaking the law, or setting tasks that are not related to service.

The order must be formulated very clearly for the subordinate, exclude double interpretation and not raise doubts. As a rule, it is given in order of subordination, but if absolutely necessary, a senior military commander can give an order to a serviceman, bypassing his immediate superior. At the same time, he himself informs his immediate superior about this or orders his subordinate to report it himself. The serviceman must carry out order 50 accurately and on time, and must report to the commander about the implementation of the received instructions.

In order to successfully complete the assigned task, a serviceman is obliged to show reasonable initiative. It is especially necessary when the received order does not correspond to the dramatically changed situation, and the conditions are such that it is not possible to receive a new order in a timely manner.

Strengthening unity of command in the army and navy of the Russian Federation has its own specifics, since it has nothing to do with simple administration, since in his practical activities the commander relies on public organizations, takes an active part in their work, is closely connected with the personnel, and supports them initiative, mobilizes to carry out training and combat missions.

Life convincingly demonstrates that without implementing the principle of unity of command, it is impossible to achieve the level of discipline necessary for firm command and control of troops.

The principle of unity of command obliges the commander to use all the power of his influence, all his power, so that the decision he makes is certainly carried out by his subordinates. Only in this case will military discipline be maintained at the proper level. The principle of unity of command allows the commander to constantly mobilize and direct the efforts of all his subordinates to successfully solve the problems of combat training and everyday life, and strengthen military discipline.

Experience shows that success is achieved by those single commanders who systematically teach subordinate officers, warrant officers, and sergeants the ability to combine the method of persuasion with coercive measures, to correctly use power, without allowing distortion of the requirements of the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces.

Unity of command is closely connected with military discipline and has a decisive influence on its condition. The experience of advanced commanders clearly demonstrates that the consistent implementation of the principle of unity of command at all levels of the army body has a beneficial effect on strengthening discipline.

The comprehensive strengthening of unity of command is one of the most important responsibilities of commanders.

Main directions in the work to strengthen unity of command are: continuous improvement of professional training of commanders; development of high moral qualities in them; style improvement practical activities; education of all personnel in the spirit of respect for commanders, unquestioning obedience and discipline; active work of public organizations to maintain the authority of commanders (see diagram 2).

Particular attention must be paid to training officers, warrant officers and sergeants in the methods of organizing preventive work to strengthen military discipline and prevent offenses. Analysis of the state of discipline in a team allows us to understand in detail the moral atmosphere in which military personnel live and serve, the nature and root causes of disciplinary offenses.

The most important condition for strengthening military discipline is the education of subordinates in the spirit of unconditional and exact fulfillment of all requirements of the regulations without exception. The general military regulations set out the rules that clearly regulate the organization of service, training and living conditions of troops. A solid statutory order is the basis for increasing the combat readiness of a unit or unit. It covers the organization educational process, operation and maintenance of equipment, order in barracks and military camps, military vehicle parks, guardhouses, training centers. It presupposes strict adherence to the daily routine, clear organization of the life and leisure of soldiers. The statutory procedure serves not only the most important condition maintaining high military discipline, but also a powerful factor in education, is, as it were, an organic continuation of educational work.

A vital role in maintaining the statutory order belongs to the commander-in-chief. They have sufficient rights, bear personal responsibility for the combat and mobilization readiness of units and ships, subunits and services, and are obliged to serve as an example for their subordinates of strict observance of laws, moral standards, and compliance with the requirements of the military oath and military regulations. And those commanders who use a wide variety of forms and methods to educate military personnel in the spirit of high discipline and diligence do the right thing. For this is the key to success in solving combat training problems.

The personal example of a commander has an important educational and disciplinary influence on subordinates. They strive to imitate the commander in everything, to be equal to him. As a rule, warriors learn from their commander not only combat skills. They adopt his behavior. That is why a single-commander must be an example for his subordinates in everything and hold his authority high. Life convincingly confirms that the high authority of a commander helps to successfully lead personnel in any conditions.

The organic unity of administrative power and the individual qualities of a commander has a decisive influence on all aspects of the training and education of subordinates, including the strengthening of military discipline.

The authority of the commander is an effective instrument of his disciplinary power. An authoritative commander's subordinates serve with great diligence, take comments and reproaches to heart, are proud of praise and strive to earn his kind word.

The commander is called upon to steadfastly overcome the difficulties and hardships that inevitably befall the personnel himself, while demonstrating high fortitude. All great commanders were well aware of this axiom. , for example, he voluntarily shared with his subordinates all the hardships of campaigns and battles. He was always with the soldiers, in conditions no different from those in which his miracle heroes fought. On marches, exercises, and in battles, he endured the same loads as his troops, and was exposed to dangers just like everyone else. And for this alone, the soldiers idolized Suvorov and followed him into the thick of battle.

The ability to demand does not come naturally. You have to learn this patiently. The desired results in their work are achieved by those commanders who deeply know their subordinates, their inclinations and

requests, individual characteristics of their characters, motives for actions. At the same time, all this should not reduce demands, but, on the contrary, promote choice best forms its presentation.

In order to demand from his subordinates, the commander must know exactly the boundaries of the power granted to him by his position and military rank. Otherwise, he does not fully exploit all the possibilities or risks exceeding his power, which is also unacceptable.

Power should be used carefully, precisely proportioning the severity of the punishment to the degree of guilt of the subordinate, taking into account his previous behavior and the circumstances under which the violation was committed.

The disciplinary charter does not indicate for which violations certain penalties should be applied. The commander, within the limits of his authority, chooses the type of punishment that, in his opinion, should have the maximum educational impact on both the person to whom it is applied and the unit as a whole. Excessively strict or, on the contrary, too lenient punishment, as well as indiscriminate punishment of persons not directly involved in the offense, reduces the educational impact of punishment and undermines the authority of the commander, who, in the heat of the moment, ineptly applied his rights. Undeserved punishment hurts a person’s pride, reduces his initiative and diligence, and gives rise to the habit of playing it safe.

Demanding is not established on its own. She receives “citizenship rights” when work to verify the execution of orders and instructions is clearly organized. And in this work, the sole commander is obliged to set a personal example.

The complexity of the tasks solved by the Russian Armed Forces in modern conditions, requires commanders to creatively use various forms, methods and techniques of educating military personnel, taking into account the individual characteristics of each subordinate.

Working with everyone means taking into account both the positive and negative qualities warrior, to know his thoughts, mood, desires, all aspects of life and behavior.

Deep knowledge of the personal qualities of subordinates is one of the main responsibilities of the commander and chief, provided for by the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Reasonably using the method of individual approach to subordinates, commanders form from different levels of training, spiritual disposition and physical development young people are friendly military teams united by common goals.

The sole commander occupies a special position in the military team. However, he should not be afraid of simplicity and cordiality in relations with people just because someone can use it to the detriment of his service. A commander's benevolent attitude towards people must be combined with high demands on them, and the commander's availability must be combined with the ability to subordinate the will of all subordinates to his will. Only then can the commander gain authority among all personnel.

High authority among his subordinates is enjoyed by the commander whose politeness does not prevent him from being uncompromising towards any violations, and whose tact does not reduce his integrity. The last thing this commander wants is to instill fear in his subordinates. What he values ​​most is their respect.

To be sensitive and attentive to people, to show fatherly concern for them, to resolutely affirm the statutory order, military discipline, to in every possible way increase the combat readiness of subordinate units, ships, subunits - this is the duty and responsibility of every single commander.

Thus, the rights and responsibilities of the commander are organically interconnected: the wider his powers, the higher the degree of responsibility for the assigned work. The ability to practically organize work, achieve real high results in combat training, in strengthening discipline and organization of personnel - characteristic sole commander.

By revising first question it is necessary to pay attention to the disclosure of the essence of unity of command as necessary condition sustainable management of units, ships and subunits, the main forms in which it is carried out, and its influence on the successful solution of combat and combat training tasks, as well as tasks of everyday life.

By revising second question attention is focused on the main areas of work to strengthen unity of command, while the forms and methods of activity of officers and warrant officers to maintain the authority of commanders and the formation of a healthy public opinion are revealed in detail. Separately, issues related to the direct influence of unity of command on the strengthening of military discipline and organization are reflected; the need for conscious and strict compliance by each military personnel with the requirements of laws, military regulations, and orders of commanders should be especially emphasized.

1. Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1994.

2. Fatherland. Honor. Debt/Tutorial on public and state preparation. Issue 1. - M., 1997.

3. Unity of command and military discipline. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1988.

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