Spelling of case endings. Video lesson “Spelling unstressed case endings of nouns”

Which unstressed endings need to be checked, and which ones you just need to remember. You need to check the unstressed endings -е, -и in nouns of the genitive, dative, and prepositional case. You should remember unstressed endings in nouns in the instrumental case.

1st declension: -th reminder(s), village.

2nd declension: -th year, field.

For check correct definition The case of the unstressed ending of a noun must be determined. Then determine the declination. Next, we remember the ending of the noun of a certain declension in the required case.


In the summer the children swam in the lake.

The guys were swimming(where? in what?) In the lake, which means it is the prepositional case.

Lake(it, mine) is a neuter noun, has the ending -o, which means it belongs to the second declension. Second declension noun in prepositional case has the ending -e. So, let's write down:

The guys were swimming(where? in what?) PP 2nd class, -e) In the lake.

Another way to check the ending of a noun is to insert instead of a noun with an unstressed ending, substitute a noun of the same declension and in the same case, but with a stressed ending: the guys swam in the river, in the lake.

Now let's look at the spelling unstressed endings nouns in all cases.

The declension of a noun is determined by nominative case .


A noun in the genitive case answers questions whom? what? (from where? where?). Prepositions used: from, to, from, without, at, for, about, with.


1st declension: -i, -s.

2nd declension: -а, -я.

3rd declension: -i.

Example: The sheep has soft long wool. → Wool(who?) at the sheep- 1st declension.


A noun in the dative case answers questions to whom? what? (where? where?). Prepositions used: to, by.


1st declension: -e.

2nd declension: -у, -у.

3rd declension: -i.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: The boy ran to the lake. → fled(where? to what?) to the lake- 2nd declension.

In the genitive case, nouns of the first declension have the ending -i, in the dative case - the ending -e.

Nouns of the third meaning in both cases have the ending -i.


noun in accusative case answers the questions whom? What? (where? where?). Prepositions used: in, on, for, through, about.


1st declension: -у, -у.

2nd declension: -а, -я.

Example: You can often find a heron in the swamps. → Meet(whom?) heron- 1st declension.

Nouns in the genitive and accusative cases can be distinguished by prepositions. In the first declension, the nouns in these cases differ in endings.

Instrumental case.

A noun in the instrumental case answers questions by whom? how? (where? where?). Prepositions used: with, behind, under, over, between.

1st declension: -оу(-и).

2nd declension: -om(-em).

3rd declension: -yu.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: Fish is caught with a fishing rod. → They catch(how?) fishing rod- 1st declension.


A noun in the prepositional case answers questions about whom? about what? (Where?). Prepositions used: o (about), in, on, with.

1st declension: -e.

2nd declension: -e.

3rd declension: -i.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: We talked about autumn. → They talked(about what?) about autumn- 3rd declension.

Russian language lesson in 4th grade on the topic

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. /write down the number and great job.

Guys, I would like to start our lesson with a proverb:

“Every day of life adds a piece of wisdom.”

How do you understand it?

Children. We learn something new.

You know that our knowledge is wealth that we put in a chest, and when necessary, we take it out and use it. Today in class we will need this chest.

2 . Repetition of covered material.

Look at the blackboard. The words are written here.

In_gon, b_let, everywhere, freedom, wealth, landscape, p_trouble, k_strulya.

What are these words? (Vocabulary)

Find the extra word. Why did you make this choice? What do all the other words have in common? (These are nouns)

What have we learned about nouns? What part of speech is this?

Just a minute of penmanship we will have an unusual event today . I suggest you solve the test and write it down beautifully the right option answer. And then we'll check everything.

Test: /on pieces of paper/

1.) The initial form of a noun is the word:

2.) Nouns change according to:

b) numbers.

3.) Decline the noun...

a) change it by case

b) change by numbers

4.) In Russian there is:

a) three types of declension

b) two types of declination

5.) The first declension includes nouns

Let's check...

What else can you say about a noun?

(Constant signs - gender (m., f., middle gender, common gender, indeclinable nouns), cases, what it appears in a sentence, etc.)

Vocabulary work

I ask you to return to our words. Write them down in your notebook and mark the spellings.

Let's check...

4 . Updating knowledge.

Connect the cards so that you can make word combinations from them.

    Sailing without daughter

    Met at college

    Go out into the river

    Study with a cap

What word combinations did you come up with?

Name the missing letters, where are they located?

Determine the topic of our lesson. "Spelling unstressed case endings nouns"

Remember the algorithm for determining the unstressed case ending.

1. Determine case.

2. Determine the declination.

3. We recall the ending or substitute a word with a stressed ending of the same type of declension and in the same case.

Write down the phrases, changing the endings of the nouns.

Determine their case and declension / post the table on the board/

Let's check...

5. Work according to the textbook.

Do the exercise. 241 yourself.


Name the spellings at the roots of words.

Name nouns with unstressed endings. Explain its spelling.

Parse the word SPIRCE according to its composition.

6. Physical education minute.

Stand up, everyone. I will name nouns. If the noun belongs to the 1st declension, clap your hands, if to the 2nd - hands up, if to the 3rd - hands to the sides.

(Winter, frost, blizzard, blizzard, bullfinch, fur coat, drops)

Which word was the odd one out? Why? (Kapel – refers to spring theme, and all other words - to winter.)

7. Consolidation of the studied material.

Exercise for working in pairs.

Let's remember the rules for working in pairs. (Work together, listen to each other’s thoughts and not make noise)

Today we will correct mistakes, that is, we will work as proofreaders. (a person who works in a publishing house and corrects errors)

am And . To the top And And ? He hid about barely.

What errors did you find? (we check along the chain). Raise your hands if you agree with them.

What spelling are these errors?

(For spelling unstressed endings of nouns

Let's check...

Snow - ohm, -T.p.2 sk.

In the den - P.p., 1 cell.

At the top – P.p.1 slope.

In a fur coat - P.p.1 sk.

Near the spruce – R.p.3 sk.

8. Creative work.

Guys, I have prepared cards for you.

What's wrong with them?

Restore the text, insert appropriate nouns.

We work in pairs.

Who finished? Continue.

Emphasize unstressed case endings

(Two students read).

Which words have unstressed case endings? (snow, on a branch, on top).


9. Checking homework.

10. Lesson summary.

11. Control and self-test of knowledge.

Now we’ll conduct an express survey to test your knowledge of spelling unstressed case endings.

Just three questions.

1. Indicate the error at the end.

A) on a rocking chair;

B) for the feeder;

2. Where was the case of the noun incorrectly determined?

A) about the house – P.p

B) without fear – V.p.

3. In which line do the nouns have the same ending?

A) from notebooks_, about carrots_, about birch trees_;

B) to my uncle_, on the bed_, by the road_.

Let's check:

12. Homework.


a) in singular, V nominative case

b) in the singular, in the accusative case

b) numbers.

a) change it by case

b) change by numbers

a) three types of declension

b) two types of declination

A) female With endings -A, -Z

b) feminine and masculine with endings –A, -Z.


1. The initial form of a noun is the word:

a) in the singular, in the nominative case

b) in the singular, in the accusative case

2. Nouns change according to:

b) numbers.

3. Decline the noun...

a) change it by case

b) change by numbers

4. In Russian there is:

a) three types of declension

b) two types of declination

5. The first declension includes nouns

a) feminine with endings -A, -Z

b) feminine and masculine with endings –A, -Z.


1. The initial form of a noun is the word:

a) in the singular, in the nominative case

b) in the singular, in the accusative case

2. Nouns change according to:

b) numbers.

3. Decline the noun...

a) change it by case

b) change by numbers

4. In Russian there is:

a) three types of declension

b) two types of declination

5. The first declension includes nouns

a) feminine with endings -A, -Z

b) feminine and masculine with endings –A, -Z.


1. The initial form of a noun is the word:

a) in the singular, in the nominative case

b) in the singular, in the accusative case

2. Nouns change according to:

b) numbers.

3. Decline the noun...

a) change it by case

b) change by numbers

4. In Russian there is:

a) three types of declension

b) two types of declination

5. The first declension includes nouns

a) feminine with endings -A, -Z

b) feminine and masculine with endings –A, -Z.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow am . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow am . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow am . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow am . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow am . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow am . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow am . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow am . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

Creative work

Winter _________ is like ________.

Soft ________ covered __________ with fluffy __________.

Slender ___________ covered herself with soft ________.

The ________ stand mysteriously, wrapped in warm ________.

_______ is fussing about on the _________ pine trees.

How beautiful winter _________!

Creative work

Winter _________ is like ________.

Soft ________ covered __________ with fluffy __________.

Slender ___________ covered herself with soft ________.

The ________ stand mysteriously, wrapped in warm ________.

_______ is fussing about on the _________ pine trees.

How beautiful winter _________!

Creative work

Winter _________ is like ________.

Soft ________ covered __________ with fluffy __________.

Slender ___________ covered herself with soft ________.

The ________ stand mysteriously, wrapped in warm ________.

_______ is fussing about on the _________ pine trees.

How beautiful winter _________!

Creative work

Winter _________ is like ________.

Soft ________ covered __________ with fluffy __________.

Slender ___________ covered herself with soft ________.

The ________ stand mysteriously, wrapped in warm ________.

_______ is fussing about on the _________ pine trees.

How beautiful winter _________!

Creative work

Winter _________ is like ________.

Soft ________ covered __________ with fluffy __________.

Slender ___________ covered herself with soft ________.

The ________ stand mysteriously, wrapped in warm ________.

_______ is fussing about on the _________ pine trees.

How beautiful winter _________!

Creative work

Winter _________ is like ________.

Soft ________ covered __________ with fluffy __________.

Slender ___________ covered herself with soft ________.

The ________ stand mysteriously, wrapped in warm ________.

_______ is fussing about on the _________ pine trees.

How beautiful winter _________!

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Target: derivation of the rule for writing unstressed case endings of nouns, development of the ability to write words with an orthogram - the letter of an unstressed vowel at the end of a noun, graphically designate it and explain the spelling based on an algorithm.

Lesson type: a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge.

Planned results

Personal UUD:

  • develop the ability to show your attitude, express your emotions;
  • evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation;
  • to form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


Regulatory UUD:

  • develop the ability to independently set new educational tasks;
  • develop the ability to determine the most effective ways achieving results in accordance with the task and the conditions for its solution;
  • develop the ability to independently monitor educational activities;
  • develop the ability to independently make the necessary additions and adjustments to a learning activity based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made;
  • develop the ability to realize methods of action leading to success or failure.

Cognitive UUD:

  • develop the ability to establish analogies;
  • develop the ability to build simple reasoning based on supporting information;
  • develop the ability to define a concept based on recognizing objects, identifying essential features and generalizing them;
  • possession of search and creative ways to solve educational and practical problems.

Communication UUD:

  • develop the ability to determine a common goal and ways to achieve it;
  • develop the ability to focus on other people’s points of view, different from one’s own, in educational communication;
  • develop the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in various types joint activities;
  • develop the ability to adequately assess the behavior of others while solving a joint learning task;
  • develop the ability to adequately assess one’s own behavior while solving a joint learning task.


  • perform phonetic analysis, analysis by composition, morphological analysis available words, parsing simple sentence within the framework of what has been studied;
  • see the studied spelling patterns in words based on identifying features, correctly write words with the studied spelling patterns, graphically indicate spelling patterns, indicate the conditions for selecting spelling patterns;
  • find and correct errors in words with studied spellings;
  • perceive statements by ear, highlight the topic of the text, keywords;
  • create coherent oral statements on a grammatical or other topic.

Educational technologies: problem-based dialogue learning, health-saving technology, information and communication technology.

Basic concepts: noun, case ending, spelling, unstressed vowel.

algorithm diagram, ending table.

Organization of space: frontal, individual, group.

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys! (Slide 1) Today in class I would like to show you several reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists. Look carefully and tell me what time of year is depicted on them?(Winter)

(Slides 2-10)

Do you like winter? What kind of person born in Russia doesn’t like snowy Russian winters? Winter is a source of inspiration not only for artists, but also for poets and composers. There are many proverbs, sayings, and omens collected about this time of year.

2. Language warm-up Read and sayings about the winter months. ( December pleases your eyes with snow, but hurts your ears with frost. There are big frosts in January, and snowstorms in February.)(Slide 11)

Explain the meaning.

Find and name only nouns with the spelling “Spelling of an unstressed vowel in the root of a word that is not checked by stress.”

Write down the words in the initial form, put emphasis, underline the letters whose spelling you need to remember. (Slide 12)

Test yourself. (Slide 13)

3. Updating knowledge. Statement of educational problem

Read the proverb, how do you understand it? ( P......I would play the button accordion..., yes...I froze my fingers in the ban....)(Slide 14)

What do you think can be done in this task?

Okay, write it down, inserting the missing letters, and mark the spellings. (Two students write down: “I would like to play the accordion e, yes, I got frostbitten fingers and got banned And” and “I would like to play the button accordion And, yes, I got frostbitten fingers and got banned e”)

Let's check how the task was completed on the board and on the screen. (The words “in the bathhouse”, “on the button accordion” are written differently, with the letter e or and at the end)(Slide 15)

Was there one task? (One)

How was it accomplished? (Differently)

Why did this happen? (We don’t know and can do everything yet)

What do we already know? (We know how to check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, in a prefix)

How can you check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word or prefix?

What don't we know yet? (We don’t know how to check an unstressed vowel in the case ending of a noun)(Slide 16)

You already know how to write unstressed vowels in the root of a word and in prefixes. It's time to learn how to write unstressed vowels in endings.

4. Formulation of the problem (theme and objectives of the lesson), planning activities

What question arises? (How to check an unstressed vowel in the case ending of a noun?)(Slide 17)

What is the topic of today's lesson? (Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns)

What remains to be discovered? (What needs to be done to determine which letter to write in the unstressed position at the end of a noun)

What will be the purpose of our lesson? ( Withdraw general rule(algorithm) for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns)

What are we going to learn? ( We will learn to write words correctly with a new spelling)

5. Finding a solution (discovering new knowledge), formulating a rule

On the screen you see columns of words, they will help us discover a new rule. (Slide 18)

What hypotheses do you have? (They offer their versions frontally)

I suggest you conduct an observation and independently deduce the general rule for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns in rows. Each row has its own task card, work in pairs.

Take a card with columns of words. Read the assignment. Decline nouns and add stress. Compare the endings in each case. Draw a conclusion. (Do the task in pairs)

Let's hear from the first group. (Slide 19)

What were the nouns? (First declension nouns saying, moon, earth)

What needed to be done?

What did you notice? (The endings in stressed and unstressed positions are the same)(Slide 20)

How do we act if an unstressed vowel is at the root of a word? (We check the stress, select a test word)

What hypotheses and suggestions did you have about how you can check an unstressed vowel at the end? (Using the stressed case endings of the 1st declension, you can check the unstressed endings of nouns of the 1st declension)

What words can become helper words? (Moon, earth)

Why can these words become helping words for you? (They have stressed endings)

Make a conclusion about the spelling of the endings of nouns of the 1st declension. (Formulate a conclusion)(Slide 21)

Let's hear from the second group.

What were your words? (2nd declension nouns field, horse, window)(Slide 22)

What was the task? (Inflect nouns, put stress, compare endings)(Slide 23)

What did you notice? Your conclusion. (The endings in stressed and unstressed positions are the same. Using the stressed case endings of the 2nd declension, you can check the unstressed ending of nouns of the 2nd declension)(Slide 24)

(Horse, window. Shock endings.)

Let's hear from the third group. What were your words? (3rd declension nouns joy, oven, steppe)(Slide 25)

Which task? (Inflect nouns, put stress, compare endings)(Slide 26)

What did you notice? Your conclusion. (The endings in stressed and unstressed positions are the same. Using the stressed case endings of the 3rd declension, you can check the unstressed ending of nouns of the 3rd declension)(Slide 27)

What words can become helper words? Why? (Oven, steppe, because stressed case endings)

The groups worked with different materials, but what general conclusion did they come to? (Stressed and unstressed endings of nouns in the same declension and case are written the same way)

Formulate a general rule for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns. (Unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns must be checked with stress in the same declension)(Slide 28)

Let's check the rule in the textbook, page 20. (That's right)

Are there any other hypotheses or assumptions?

What do we do if there is an unstressed vowel in the prefix? (Choose a word with a stressed prefix or remember the prefixes)

Is it possible to remember the case endings of nouns? (Yes, you can)

Review the ending table. (Slide 29) The endings that need to be paid special attention to are highlighted in large bold letters in the table. In other endings, errors are much less common. You will perform the first few exercises, constantly looking at the sign, and then there will be no need for this. The most insidious cases are genitive, dative and prepositional.

How is it easier to remember the endings in these cases? (In the 2nd declension there can only be an ending E. In the 3rd declension there can only be an ending I. In R.p. there can only be an ending I)(Slide 30)

Try to determine for yourself how to proceed in order to check the unstressed ending of a noun with a stressed ending in the same declension. Restore the algorithm. If the task is difficult for you, use words for reference. (Discuss in pairs, complete the task on the card)(Slide 31)

Tell us according to the diagram how to proceed in order to correctly write the ending of a noun. (Slides 32, 33)

Knowing the new rule, let's go back to the beginning of the lesson and correct the mistakes on the board. But first, let's try to apply this algorithm and insert the desired ending. (Slides 35, 36)

What vowel should be written in place of the unstressed ending in the words “on the button accordion”, “in the bathhouse”? Correct the mistakes on the board. (Slide 37)

How is spelling indicated graphically?

6. Development of skills - application of new knowledge

Physical education minute (Slide 38)

I will name nouns with prepositions with stressed and unstressed endings. If you hear a word with a stressed ending, you squat; if you hear a word with an unstressed ending, raise your arms up.

At my sister’s, in the yard, up to the grove, in the thicket, in the camp, from wool, near the pier, in the sky, from oil.

Let's complete the tasks.

Can you guess what we will learn by completing these tasks?

Can you guess what knowledge is needed to solve this learning task?

Do you like writing dictations? I am not suggesting that I write you a dictation now. You will be teachers, which means you will check the dictation and correct mistakes.

Take a dictation card. You will work independently. Choose a card that corresponds to the level of mastery of the material (on the green card there is a task for the required level, on the yellow card there is a task at an advanced level). (Slides 39, 40)

In the snowy 2 kingdom, in the cloud 3, a snowflake 2 was born from a drop of water. The wind whirled her in the air 4. Behind the first snowflake, flocks of white stars flew to the ground. Some landed on the branches of a birch, siren, spruce 1, aspen. Others sat on the roofs of the hut, covering the tracks on the paths in the yard with fluffy blankets.

Read the text. What does the text say? How would you title the text?

Let's check which endings the students chose at the required level, and what mistakes the students corrected at the required level. elevated level. (Slide 41)

What skill did you develop while doing this exercise?

Did everything work out for you? Why? Give reasons for success or failure.

How to find a way out of a situation of failure?

Perform parsing. (Slide 42)

What skill did you develop while completing this task?

7. Lesson summary

  • What was the problematic issue? (Slide 43)
  • What answer, solution did we find?
  • Which (whose) version was confirmed?
  • Identify the key words for the lesson. (Slide 44)
  • How do you evaluate your work?

8. Reflection

Continue your statements. (Slide 45)

Today in class:

  • I found out...
  • I learned...
  • It was interesting to me...
  • It was difficult for me...
  • I like it...

9. Homework

Homework to choose from (slide 46):

  • P.28, ex. 1. Make a diagram for the rule on page 20.
  • Mini-essay “Landscape from a window in winter”

Observe the winter pictures that we can see from the window. Maybe some of you will notice something in nature that no artist has yet seen. Tell us what you can see from the window of the room or classroom. Maybe you will find or select words from fiction to describe the smoke from a chimney, an icicle, an ice slide.

Imagine that you are the ending of a noun. Tell about yourself. Write down your story.

Thank you for the lesson! Well done! (Slide 47)

Topic: Spelling of case unstressed endings of nouns.

Objectives: generalization and systematization of the studied material “Spelling of case unstressed endings of nouns”;

Educational objectives of the lesson :

    generalize students' knowledge about constant and inconstant features of a noun

    consolidate the ability to determine case, declension of a noun;

    practice the ability to correctly identify unstressed case endings;

    improve the ability to justify the writing of unstressed case endings of nouns.

Developmental objectives of the lesson:

 develop oral and written speech students, self-control and mutual control skills.

 develop spelling vigilance.

Educational objectives of the lesson:

 fostering cognitive interest, caring attitude towards birds, broadening students’ horizons, and aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Methods and techniques: dialogical, research, algorithmic, visual, practical.

Forms of work: frontal, pair, group, individual.


 table of questions, prepositions, and endings instrumental case;

 algorithm for checking unstressed case endings of nouns;

 show slides on a multimedia device;

 task cards; Security Question.

During the classes:

Ι. Org. moment. Slide No. 1

- Guys, we have guests today.

- Let's greet the guests, smile at them. Now smile at each other. And give me a smile. After all, a smile gives everyone good mood. We can do this.

ΙΙ. Minutes of penmanship.

Guys, in the Russian language lesson we learn not only to write correctly, but also beautifully. Slide No. 2

Let's start the lesson with a minute of penmanship.

- What methods of connecting letters in the combination oro do you know? (top and bottom)

I show it on the board.

- Write down alternately.

On the desk:

One hundred and forty and one hundred and forty two hundred and forty.

- Read the sentence to yourself. Is the statement true?

- What can we do?

- Write it down, pay attention to the oro connection. Evaluate yourself.

ΙΙΙ. Knowledge updating and creation problematic situation. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. Slide No. 3

— Guys, guess the riddle::

Powdered the paths

Decorated the earrings

Finally you have come

A sorceress is coming to us... (winter).

- Look at the picture, what a beauty winter is! How much snow has fallen! Even our poem.

On the desk: In the silvery and damp fog...

The clearing is light and empty...

From the winter cold... and snowstorms...

The birds have long since flown away.

- Read (one student reads aloud)

— How can we help wintering birds? (make feeders for them, feed them).

- Which letters are missing? Prove it.

— Why did we check these endings? (they are unstressed)

What will we talk about in class today? (about unstressed case endings of nouns) Slide No. 4

— What task will we set for ourselves (to write unstressed case endings correctly?) Slide No. 5

— Tell me how to write unstressed case endings correctly? Slide No. 6

Step 1 - determine the case

Step 2 - determine the declination

Step 3 - either substitute the word - key, or remember the ending.

IV. Repetition of constant and inconstant features of nouns. Slide No. 7

- Name from the quatrain the words of 1st declination (clearing, cold, bird), 2nd declination (fog), 3rd declination (blizzard). Slide No. 8

— How to correctly determine declination? (be sure to put the noun in initial form)

— What is declination? (Changing nouns by questions, or changing by cases and numbers)

— How many cases are there in the Russian language?

- Let's remember the case questions. (I show a hint picture, name the case, question, prepositions).

— Is change by case a constant or inconsistent feature of nouns?

- Name the unstable characteristics of nouns. (case, number) Slide No. 9

— Constant signs? (gender, declension, animation, inanimateness). Slide No. 10

V. Graphic dictation

- Let's check. How we can determine cases.

— 7 phrases.

1. Lost in the forest;

2. Jumped over a puddle;

3. Came out of the gate;

4. Walks along the path;

5. They were worried about their son;

6. Answered at the blackboard;

7. We approached the spruce tree.

— Let's check ( Slide No. 11)

-Who has mistakes? Which room?

— Why did we conduct a graphic dictation? (To correctly determine cases).

- Why do you need to correctly determine cases? (to correctly write case unstressed endings)

VI. Preparation for the main stage. (Vocabulary dictation)

- Now let's remember the spelling of dictionary words.

— Write down the nouns in the correct case.

1 bear – P.p,

2nd alley – D.p.,

3 birch – R.p,

4burn – V.p,

5 village – P.p.,

6 Moscow – D.p.

-What word did you not write down? Why? (burn is a verb, verbs are not declined according to cases)

- Check again, highlight the endings.

-What word is missing here? (Moscow)

- Why? (the ending is stressed, the rest of the endings are all unstressed)

- Let's check what endings you wrote. Slide No.12

— What do we need to know to write case endings correctly? (correctly determine case, declension, correctly substitute the key word)

Slide No. 13

Conclusion: Case unstressed endings of nouns are written in the same way as under stress.

VI ΙΙ.Work in pairs. Recognition of features of nouns.

- Guys, our textbooks are boring.

— On page 133, we found exercise 262 (2 proverbs). Explain the meaning.

- Let's play Telephone.

- Write down the highlighted words.

- Determine their phone numbers from the first two proverbs.

- We work in pairs, according to the table.

- Let's check. Slide No. 14

- Who has other numbers?

— We worked very well in pairs.

Conclusion: What should we be able to do and know in order to write unstressed case endings correctly? (must be able to correctly identify cases, declension)

Parts of speech




Role in sentence

1 Noun

1 The only thing

1 Female

1 – oh

1 Nominative

1 Subject

2 Adjective

2 Plural

2 Male

2 — oh

2 Genitive

2 Addition

3 Average

3 — oh

3 Dative

3 Definition

4 Accusative

5 Instrumental

6 Prepositional

ΙX. Physical education minute. Slide No. 15

- Guys, I'm cold, let's remember summer.

X. Group work.

Guys, now we’re working in groups. Let's remember the rules of group work. (Work together, listen to everyone)

— Today we will correct mistakes, that is, we will work as proofreaders. (a person who works in a publishing house and corrects errors)

Read the text, find errors. Sign the key words at the top.

How beautiful the winter forest is! The trees are all silver. Everything around is covered with fluffy snowam . It's very quiet in the forest. A bear sleeps in a den And . To the top And A squirrel is hiding in a tall pine tree. And here is a hare in a white coat And ? He hid about barely.

— What errors did you find? (we check along the chain). Raise your hands if you agree with them.

- What spelling are these errors?

Conclusion: We again worked on spelling unstressed case endings.

XΙ. Introducing a new word. Slide No. 16

—What do trees dress up in in winter?

Silver. A sign is posted.

- This is a new vocabulary word. Write it down, put emphasis on it.

- Where is the unchecked unstressed vowel located? (in the first syllable). Check.

- What does this word mean? Precious metal of grayish-white color with shine.

- Find words with the same root, mark the root.





- Make up phrases. (Silver hoof, chain, buy silver, silver with frost, in the sun).

— The word silver is used in Russian and in a figurative sense, when we talk about something sparkling, shiny.

The picture opens on the slide. Slide No. 17

— Make up sentences based on the picture using a new vocabulary word.

— We’ll write one sentence on the board. (1 student works at the board)

- Name the spellings? (silver is the unstressed vowel e in the first syllable).

— Perform parsing. (The trees are covered with silver frost.)

Conclusion: Which letter do we remember in the word silver? (letter e in the first syllable)

XΙΙ. Creative work.(Work based on the painting " Winter forest») Slide No. 18, music

- Guys, I prepared cards for you, winter has decided to play a joke on you again.

— What’s wrong with your cards? (All nouns have disappeared).

— Restore the text, insert appropriate nouns.

Winter _________ is like ________.

Soft ________ covered __________ with fluffy __________.

Slender ___________ covered herself with soft ________.

The ________ stand mysteriously, wrapped in warm ________.

_______ is fussing about on the _________ pine trees.

How beautiful winter _________!

Who finished? Continue.

— Emphasize unstressed case endings

(Two students read).

Which words have unstressed case endings? (snow, on a branch, on top).

- Underline.

XΙI Ι.Control and self-test of knowledge.

- Now we’ll conduct an express survey, test your knowledge of spelling unstressed case endings.

Just three questions.

1. Indicate the error at the end.

A) on a rocking chair;

B) for the feeder;

2. Where was the case of the noun incorrectly determined?

A) about the house – P.p

B) without fear – V.p.

3. In which line do the nouns have the same ending?

A) from notebooks_, about carrots_, about birch trees_;

B) to my uncle_, on the bed_, by the road_.

— Let's check (put + and -).

- Who doesn’t have mistakes?

Which number did you make a mistake in? (Tomorrow we will work on the same topic again, we will analyze all our mistakes)

XΙV. Homework.

    Exercise 263, answer questions, prepare for the test.

    A task of increased complexity: prepare a test on these questions (small)

XV. Lesson summary. Reflection.

- What did we talk about in class today?

— How do you evaluate your work?

Tell me according to the diagram:

- learned...(new vocabulary word, better understood the topic, new proverbs, proofreader got acquainted with new words)

Today in class I learned... (to write endings, cases, declensions correctly)

- I can praise myself... (I wrote beautifully, without errors, answered a lot)

Spelling unstressed case endings of nouns

In this lesson we will learn how to avoid mistakes in spelling unstressed case endings of nouns.

Let's look at the text:

Let's look at words with highlighted endings. They all answer the question “who?” "What?" and are nouns. The vowel at the end denotes a sound in an unstressed position. The forms of the nouns are different, this tells us that they belong to different declensions. In order not to make a mistake about which letter to write in the unstressed position at the end of these nouns, you need to choose a noun in the same declension, but with a stressed ending.

There are universal helper words for each of the declensions.

For the first declension: nouns moon, earth.

For the second declension: nouns horse, window.

For the third: nouns oven, steppe.

Using these helper words, we will determine the correct spelling of the highlighted endings of the words from our text.

For example, take the word (in) circus.

1. Let's determine its declination. To do this, we put the word in the initial form (I.p., singular): what? circus. This is a 2nd declension noun.

2. Let's take an assistant word of the same declination - horse. We put it in the same form: about whom? - about the horse. The emphasis falls on the ending, where the vowel - e is clearly heard.

3.Consequently, in the word (in) circus we write the same ending as the helper word - e.

We use this approach to determine correct spelling unstressed endings for nouns of other declensions from the above text.

First declension nouns include the words: monkey, acrobat.

For second declension nouns the word: (in) number.

Third declension nouns include the words: (in) roles, (on) horses.

Let's select the corresponding helper words, put them in the same form and, based on their stressed ending, determine the unstressed ending we need.

To summarize the lesson, remember that spelling unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns can be difficult. In this case, unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns are checked using the stressed endings of helper words.

List of used literature:

  1. Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. – M.: BALASS, 2012.
  2. N.D. Kucherenko. Russian language tests. – M.: List, 1998.
  3. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. - M.: LLC "ITI Technologies", 2003.
  4. Russian language. Textbook for 4th grade in 2 parts / Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. – M.: BALASS, 2012. Russian language: To the secrets of our language: A textbook for 4th grade general education. institutions. In 2 parts / Soloveichik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. – Smolensk: “A
  5. Russian language lessons in 5th grade: A book for teachers: From work experience. – M.: Education, 1991.
  6. Khalikova N.V., Ledeneva V.V. Tests and tests in the Russian language. – M.: Bustard, 2001.
