Correct connection of the hydraulic accumulator to the well pump. Diagrams for connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a water supply system. Installing a submersible pump and connecting it to automation

If supply country house Since water is supplied from a well or well, and not from a centralized system, in most cases water supply schemes with a hydraulic accumulator are used. This allows you to ensure uninterrupted supply, good pressure in the network and extend the service life of pumping equipment.

This article will describe in detail the advantages of using a hydraulic accumulator and options for connecting it to the system. As well as options for laying in-house pipes.

Why do you need a hydraulic accumulator?

Both the well and the well may have insufficient flow (see). In other words, they are not always able to dispense as much water as you need at one time. Sometimes this problem does not arise immediately, but after several years of operation of the source.

It is logical that in this case there should be a supply of water in the house. But not in buckets and cans, but in the system itself. And this can really be achieved if you include a hydraulic accumulator or storage tank in the water supply scheme.

Advantages of a hydraulic accumulator

A storage tank is, as they say, “ last century" It is inconvenient and not practical.

Judge for yourself:

  • It must be installed above water consuming rooms, that is, in the attic. This means that it needs insulation, otherwise the water will freeze in winter.
  • Nobody cancels the risk of leaks and tank overfilling. It's rare, but it happens. The consequences are easy to imagine.
  • Water from storage tank enters the devices under pressure of its own weight. And this is not enough for the normal operation of plumbing fixtures and especially household appliances– washing machine and dishwasher.

This leads to an obvious conclusion: it makes sense to include storage capacity in the system only in small houses for summer use, not equipped modern devices. If you live in a house permanently, a water supply scheme from a hydraulic accumulator is more suitable for you.

And that's why:

  • This is a more advanced device - it allows you to adjust the pressure in the system according to your needs;
  • The hydraulic tank should also be in a warm room, but this problem is easier to solve, since it does not need to be raised to the highest point. The basement of the house and any technical room are suitable for installation;
  • Accordingly, possible leaks are not so terrible: water will not wet the ceilings or damage repairs and furniture.

How does he work

The hydraulic accumulator is a sealed container, internally divided into two sections. A rubber diaphragm or a hollow “bulb” can act as a separator.

Water enters one section, and the other contains air, which, as the first section fills, is compressed, creating pressure on the diaphragm.

As the tank empties when dispensing water, the air pressure drops. When it reaches the minimum limit value, the pressure switch is activated, which starts the pump. He pumps water into the tank again until the pressure reaches maximum.

As a result:

  • We have a constant pressure in the system;
  • The pump does not turn on every time the tap is turned, so its parts wear out less and last longer;
  • The hydraulic accumulator water supply scheme allows you to always have a supply of water in case of large amounts of water and the inability of the source to supply the required volume at a time.

The volume of the tank is selected based on the needs of the family. It can be either 5 or 500 liters.

What does the system consist of?

Now let's trace the entire path of water from the well/borehole to the tap farthest from the source.

We bring water into the house

So, we have a water source not far from our house. From there it is laid underground into the house water pipe. It must lie below the freezing level of the soil or be laid together with the heating cable.

It is important. When choosing a place for a well, make sure that the septic tank at the dacha outdoor toilet and other objects that pollute groundwater, were at least 30 meters away from him.

The pipe from the source is connected to the pumping station. Or, if there is a hole in the well, to a hydraulic accumulator. Always installed in front of the pump check valve so that the water from it does not flow back into the source.

If water is needed not only in the house, but also in the yard, after the hydraulic accumulator, a tee with a tap is installed on the pipe coming out of it. The home pipe leads to a water purification system, at the outlet of which a tee is again installed, separating the flows into cold and future hot water.

Now let’s learn more about how to properly connect a hydraulic accumulator with your own hands. It can be stand-alone or part of a pumping station, depending on whether you are using a submersible or surface pump.

Even with explanations to the picture, it is quite difficult to understand what the assembly consists of and what the purpose of each fitting is.

Let's explain:

Fitting Connection sequence

The first is an adapter from a hose to a diameter of 32 mm.

Next, a tee with a tap is screwed onto it, allowing you to drain water to repair the system.

This element is necessary if it is necessary to turn the pipe to the station.

The coarse filter traps sand and small stones, preventing them from entering the system. Without it, all subsequent elements can quickly fail.

In the case of a submersible pump, a check valve is installed on the suction pipe. If you are using a pumping station with surface pump, then its place is immediately behind the filter.

This connecting element allows you to make the unit dismountable for quick replacement of any failed fitting.

Locking ball valve can be installed anywhere. It is used to turn the water supply on or off.
  • If a pumping station is used, all that remains is to connect the assembled unit to it, since a pressure gauge and pressure switch come with it.
  • If the pump is located in a well, then the next step is to connect a five-pin fitting through an American one. The diagram below shows what each pin does.

A fine filter or water treatment station is “placed” on the pipe leading to the hydraulic accumulator.

Advice. Before purchasing equipment and assembling it, have your water tested to see what kind of treatment it needs.

Now you can do the internal wiring.

Internal wiring

To supply water to all “consumers”, you need to buy pipes and all kinds of connecting elements. How many of them will be needed? A diagram indicating all elements of the system with distances marked on it will help answer this question.

But first you need to decide which connection method to use.

  • Serial connection is easier and cheaper. But with such a connection, when several taps are turned on simultaneously, the pressure at the furthest point from the accumulator will be low.

  • A collector connection involves connecting a separate line to each device. They all come out of a common manifold installed at the input. This scheme ensures equal pressure at all points of water consumption. But the cost of plumbing will be significantly higher.

The first method is only suitable for houses with a small number of consumers and a short length of water supply. The second is more practical and effective if we're talking about about the private house in which he lives big family and all necessary equipment is installed.

  • After the tee, dividing the total flow into cold and hot branches, into the pipeline cold water a collector is installed with the right amount conclusions. Each of them must have a shut-off valve.

  • The second pipe after the tee is connected to the inlet pipe of the water heater.

  • The pipe leaving the water heater is also equipped with a manifold, from which the lines diverge to individual consumers.

If you think through everything in advance and do the work carefully, the entire unit for pumping, cleaning, heating and distributing water can fit on small area– in the corner of the room, closet or niche.

The following illustrations will help you better understand how to perform different stages works:

Advice. To reduce pressure loss, try to make fewer turns and angles. For example, you can lay lines under the floor in a straight line from the collector to the water distribution device.


Schemes of water supply systems with a hydraulic accumulator will provide no less comfort in a private house than in an apartment with a centralized supply. If you know and understand the operating principle of the system, you can assemble it yourself. If you have everything necessary tools, it's not much more complicated than assembling a constructor.

To obtain additional information and the opportunity to see the process of connecting the most important nodes with your own eyes, watch the video in this article.

To ensure water supply to summer cottage, a hydraulic accumulator is required. It will provide the required level of pressure. This unit always has a supply of liquid, which makes the system autonomous. Installation of such an element does not require special skills, and the work can be done with your own hands.

Hydraulic accumulator.

Functions, purpose, types

The main function of the hydraulic accumulator is to ensure stable pressure. In the absence of a device in the system, the pump wears out; even the most reliable equipment quickly deteriorates under such conditions.

Moreover, the process also affects other elements of the system. When pressure changes, they experience water hammer.


The use of such devices to smooth out water hammer is the main purpose of their use. But they are also connected to the system to solve other problems.

For example:

  1. Ensuring stable pressure. To do this, two additional elements are connected - a pressure gauge and a pressure switch.
  2. Creating a small supply of liquid if the device does not work due to lack of electricity or other factors (for example, in case of failure due to breakdown).
  3. Increasing the service life of the unit by reducing the number of its starts.


The hydraulic accumulator is a tank made of either plastic or high-quality metal. The device is divided into 2 zones by a special membrane. It is made of elastic material.

Hydraulic accumulator design.

There are 2 types of membranes - in the form of a balloon (pear) and in the form of a “plate”-diaphragm. In the latter case, transverse fastening is practiced. And if we are talking about a cylinder, then it is fixed directly to the inlet pipe.

Depending on the purpose, there are types of equipment used in heating systems, cold and hot water supply. They are distinguished as follows: heating hydraulic tanks are red, and those intended for water supply are blue. Devices used in heating systems are cheaper and are produced in smaller volumes.

For a pumping station, devices cost more due to the membrane material. It is subject to higher requirements, since the water in the tap must be suitable for drinking.

Depending on the installation features, vertical and horizontal devices. Type 1 hydraulic tanks are equipped with a stand, but some versions are equipped with plates for wall mounting. When installing a water supply system with their own hands, owners often choose vertical models because they are more compact and require little space.

- A common type of equipment, but many systems use surface varieties. For them good choice There will be horizontal hydraulic accumulators. When installing them, the device is placed on top of the container to save space.

If the systems are connected vibration pumps, then vertical or horizontal models can be connected.

Operating principle of a hydraulic accumulator.

When there is air inside the structure, the standard pressure is 1.5 atm. When the pumping equipment is turned on, water is pumped into the container. The more fluid enters, the more the free space of the hydraulic tank is compressed.

When the pressure reaches a given level (for 1-story dachas - 2.8-3 atm.), the pump is turned off, which stabilizes the work process. If you open the tap at this time, water will flow from the tank until the pressure level in the water supply drops to 1.6-1.8 atm. After this, the electric pump turns on and the entire cycle starts again.

If the water consumption is high, the well unit will pump water in transit, it will not enter the hydraulic tank - it is filled only after the taps are closed.

Automation is responsible for switching on depending on the specified indicators. This is a pressure gauge and pressure switch, thanks to which the operation of the equipment is optimized.

Large tanks

Hydraulic tanks with a volume exceeding 100 liters are considered large. Although the operating principles will be the same as described above, there are slight differences.

The membrane is attached at the top/bottom so that you can deal with air jams in an aquatic environment. In such tanks, an additional valve is installed that automatically releases air.

How to choose tank volume?

The tank contains a supply of water when the pump is turned off, so when choosing, you need to proceed from its consumption indicator - for this, the average liquid consumption at each intake point is summed up. For a house where 2 people live, a 25 liter tank is enough.

The value indicated in the technical documentation is a general indicator for the container, and the liquid in it will be half as much.

What should be the pressure in the accumulator?

The air when supplied in the hydraulic tank has a pressure value of 1.5 atm. These are factory settings and do not depend on volume.

The maximum value is reflected in the technical documentation. It is determined by the characteristics of the membrane itself.

Preliminary check and pressure correction

After connecting the accumulator to the system, be sure to check the pressure in it, since the correct operation of both the relay and the system depends on this. It is convenient to monitor the indicator using a pressure gauge, which is installed at the top or bottom of the tank, where it becomes a piping element.

What air pressure should be

The pressure must provide normal work all connected household appliances. The average is 1.4-2.8 atm. Here you also need to take into account the presence of a membrane. To prevent it from deteriorating, the pressure inside the system should slightly exceed the pressure inside the tank, by 0.1-0.2 atm.

Pressure in the accumulator.

These are the levels for a 1-story dacha; for a 2-story house, the pressure increases taking into account the height of the high point water intake

How to choose?

Regardless of where the pump is located, in a well or well, the hydraulic accumulator is selected taking into account the characteristics of its membrane, since it bears the main load.

The material from which it is made plays an important role, since it affects the service life of the equipment. Food grade rubber is considered the most suitable for the membrane.

As for the case material, it does not matter. It is better to choose a flange from a stainless alloy or galvanized steel.

Connecting the accumulator to the system

IN standard version The water supply system of a country house includes, in addition to the pipeline, components such as a pressure switch and one that prevents the flow of water into the well. It must contain a pressure gauge, a pump and a hydraulic accumulator.

Connection to the system.

Features of connecting all of these elements come down to the choice of connection - with a fitting or in a more complex way.

With or without five-pin fitting

When a surface pump is connected, the hydraulic accumulator must be installed near it, while the check valve is placed on the suction pipes, and the rest listed components mounted in 1 bundle.

The connection is made using a five-pin fitting. It is a device with leads different diameters corresponding to the elements listed above.

But the process can be carried out without a fitting, and fittings and pipe sections will be used instead. But this option is considered more labor-intensive and less reliable.

With a 1-inch diameter outlet, the fitting is installed on the tank so that the pipe faces downward, and pressure control devices are connected to the 1/4-inch outlets each. Then the remaining elements are added.

How to install two hydraulic tanks on one pump

Sometimes, during the use of the structure, water consumption increases and the equipped hydraulic tank is not enough. In such cases, you can install 1 more tank in parallel.

No system reconfiguration is required. The pressure switch must monitor the indicators in the accumulator in which it was originally supplied. But the reliability of the system increases - if 1 tank fails, the 2nd one will continue to work.

When an additional connection is made to a hydraulic accumulator, you need to install a tee at the input of the existing one, connect a pump to any of its outputs, and connect a new tank to the second one.

For continuous quality work Hydraulic accumulators with submersible pumps are often used in dachas and private houses without a centralized water supply. Next we will talk about the advantages of using a hydraulic accumulator.

For recognition, hydraulic accumulators have different colors: red ones are for heating; blue - for cold and hot water supply.

A hydraulic accumulator is a metal container divided into two conventional parts by a membrane: a diaphragm or a cylinder.

Hydraulic tanks with a diaphragm membrane consist of:

Hydraulic tanks with membrane balloon type consist of:

Hydraulic tanks are designed for:

  • cold water supply;
  • hot water supply;
  • heating systems.

There are horizontal and vertical hydraulic accumulators.

More often for country houses Vertical hydraulic tanks are used. They have legs, as well as a special mount on the body for hanging on the wall. They take up little space.

Horizontal hydraulic tanks are most often used in pumping stations with external pumps. In this case, the pump is installed on the tank, which saves a lot of space.

A hydraulic accumulator with a membrane has a longer service life than a galvanized steel hydraulic tank

Is a hydraulic accumulator necessary for a submersible pump?

If the accumulator is not installed, the pump will turn on constantly as soon as the tap is opened. In this regard, the likelihood of water hammer increases. Water hammer is formed by an abrupt increase in pressure, which appears due to frequent inclusions.

Therefore, the importance of the hydraulic accumulator is obvious. The hydraulic accumulator has several names; it is called a hydraulic tank, expansion tank or membrane tank.

Normal pressure in the accumulator is from 1.4 to 2.8 atm. The pressure in the system must exceed the pressure of the tank by 0.1 atm. If you need to calculate on your own what pressure in the accumulator needs to be adjusted, then use the following formula:

Hydraulic tank pressure = ( Maximum height parse points +6) / 10

Connection diagram for hydraulic accumulator

The water supply system includes: a pump, a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure switch, a check valve, steam valves, a filter system, a pressure gauge, a pipeline, and, of course, electrical power.

The check valve allows water to accumulate in the hydraulic tank from the submersible pump.

Installed on the pump before connecting the entire accumulator circuit in the following sequence:

  • We lower the pump into the well;
  • It is necessary to secure the safety rope that holds the pump;
  • We connect all the elements of the circuit using a five-pin fitting;
  • It is necessary to configure the pressure switch.

Pressure switch

The pressure switch plays an important role in the operation of the accumulator, as well as the entire home system. For efficiency and correct operation of the relay, it is necessary to configure it.

To do this you need:

The water supply diagram with a submersible pump and hydraulic accumulator, after connection, works like this:

How often your pump will turn on directly depends on the volume of the accumulator. Remember to take this into account when choosing a container.

Connection diagram for several hydraulic accumulators to a submersible pump

If, when using a hydraulic accumulator, you need another capacity to store water, then it is possible to install several more hydraulic tanks in parallel, of a suitable volume for you.

The second and subsequent tanks are connected simply using a screwed-in tee. A pump (five-pin fitting) is connected to one input, and a new hydraulic tank is connected to the other.

When connecting several hydraulic accumulators, there is no need to reconfigure the system.

Also, the largest number of hydraulic tanks will extend the life of your pump, because... it will have to be turned on less often.

For home autonomous water supply It is important to ensure stable pressure in the network. This will reduce inefficient pump operation. Also, when you open the tap, water will flow immediately, without any delay.

Water hammer should not be allowed to occur in the water supply system. Such phenomena destroy not only the water supply system, but also adjacent units, for example, the boiler heat exchanger, or damage dishwashers. To get rid of any negative factors, you need to know how to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump.

Hydraulic accumulator design

As a rule, the exterior of these devices is painted blue or a light blue tint to distinguish it from expansion tanks that have a red outer surface. Components hydraulic device are the following elements:

  • metal case;
  • membrane made of rubberized material;
  • a lid with a valve for filling the cavity with liquid;
  • nipple assembly used for injection compressed air;
  • legs with holes for mounting bolts to ensure stability on a level platform.

Hydraulic accumulators are usually called metal hollow vessels that have a membrane inside, fixed to inside housings. It is a water storage device. The membrane cavity is filled either clean air, or a mixture of inert gases. To know how to choose the right hydraulic accumulator for a well and water supply, you need to consider that the operating pressure inside the filled membrane is about 1.5 atm. This value is maintained throughout the entire period of operation of the device.

Design diagram

Before connecting the accumulator to the system, it is filled with inert gas or simple air. This operation is performed using standard car pump. If there is a pumping of the value, then it is enough to bleed off excess air through the nipple.

When water enters the tank, the bulb is prevented from bursting. It also helps regulate systemic pressure.

There are three most popular groups of hydraulic accumulators:

  • Cold. Used on highways with cold water. Works effectively in protecting against wear and during smoothing out water hammer.
  • Hot. Performs all the same functions as cold, but is able to withstand aggressive temperature environments.
  • For heating. This type is relevant only in closed-type heating systems.

Battery performance

The hydraulic accumulator connection diagram includes a chain of a water supply pump, a main pipeline and the fluid accumulator itself. Water is supplied directly into the rubber membrane located in the cavity metal product. The procedure stops after achieving parity in pressure values.

As a rule, the values ​​​​on the pressure gauge in such a situation are 1-3 atm. Having entered the generator operating mode, the automation turns off the pump.

When a consumer opens a tap or starts a dishwasher, the water accumulated in the accumulator cavity moves into the water supply system, since the pressure there has become less than in the accumulator. This happens gradually, and at the stage when the pressure level in the cavity has reached a certain set point(the setting is made by the manufacturer or consumer of the product), the relay is turned on, connecting the make-up water pump. Through it, the membrane is again filled with water. Such cycles occur almost constantly. Before setting up the accumulator and relay, you should read the detailed instructions.

Interested in how to properly connect a hydraulic accumulator for water supply, many forget about the importance of its volume. Big sizes tank allow you to use the pump less often, because with low water flows there is no refilling every time. The pressure difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is quite large.

Application of surface pump

To know how to properly install a hydraulic accumulator in a water supply system, it is worth studying the step-by-step auxiliary instructions:

  • It all starts with checking the air pressure inside the gas cavity in the battery. The value must be brought to such a figure that it is 0.2...1.0 less than the minimum set by the relay manufacturer.
  • Work is being done with a fitting that has 5 outputs, since the hydraulic accumulator will need to be connected to a pressure gauge, relay, and pump. The last exit is relevant for connecting a water pipe.
  • The fitting allocated for the procedure is connected to the tank. To do this, you will need a rigid hose that has an air bypass valve in its design.
  • We tighten the remaining devices with the necessary force so as not to strip the threads.

After installation, the module must be tested under high pressure to identify possible leaks in connections.

Before setting up the hydraulic accumulator and connecting the relay responsible for regulating the pressure to it, you will need to familiarize yourself with the installation marks on the latter. The contacts are labeled “network” and “pump”. It is undesirable to make mistakes with the electrical connection, so as not to damage the unit.

Since the vessel operates under high pressure, it is necessary to maintain maximum sealing in all threaded connections. For this purpose, the use of FUM tape or the use of technical flax is suitable. They are capable of maintaining a connection up to several atmospheres, which is typical for household hydraulic systems.

Model selection

There are models of household hydraulic accumulators on sale from 24 liters to 1000 liters. You need to start from what fluid flow needs to be provided, as well as whether the system is used for irrigation.

As a rule, a capacity of 24 is enough for the needs of two people. The kitchen, toilet and watering of a small area are taken into account. For increased requirements, it is recommended to use cavities of 50 liters. In this case, the number of consumers is calculated. The container can be changed at any convenient time to a larger one, because the connecting nodes of most models have the same thread parameters.

Use of pumping stations

If it is not possible to collect individual elements in the chain, you can purchase a pumping station. This is a fully assembled unit, which includes:

When connecting the hydraulic accumulator, it is necessary to completely de-energize the equipment. Operating pressure is 2-2.5 atm, after injection of which it is necessary to check the equipment for leaks and proper switching.

Why do we need another hydraulic accumulator?

An additional hydraulic accumulator ensures the most optimal operating mode. The fact is that a centrifugal pump, like any other, when turned on more than 6-7 times a minute, fails 3-4 times faster. The built-in hydraulic accumulator is designed to equalize the difference in pressure between the unit being turned on and off, while the additional one will compensate for the difference, stabilize the operation of the equipment when turned on frequently and increase the pressure in the system.

Vertical or horizontal?

The design of both vertical and horizontal hydraulic accumulators is absolutely identical, so the choice of any of them is a purely personal matter. Whichever one fits certain conditions needs to be installed. At small amount free space vertical is preferable.

Where do you buy pumps, pumping stations and components?

All elements necessary for water supply are sold in construction and specialized stores. It is also fashionable to order them online, but carefully check the performance of the equipment.

Be sure to obtain a warranty. Complex instruments, including surface and deep well pumps, often fails for reasons beyond the control of the consumer.

VIDEO: Why is there a hydraulic accumulator in the water supply system?
