Dyeing of products made from natural and artificial fur. How to dye fur at home

The portal contains addresses and telephone numbers of Moscow studios where you can order fur dyeing. Prices for the service are presented in tables convenient for comparison. Thus, you can compare the cost of services in different studios and find best option. The portal contains reviews from visitors who have already contacted the studio or salon. This will help you find really decent seamstresses and tailors.

Which studio in Moscow is best for fur dyeing?

Fur dyeing helps restore the former beauty of hats, fur coats and fur capes, eliminates yellowing and fading, and renews the appearance of the product. If the fur on an old fur coat has a good finish, but the color has already become ugly, it is better to contact good master and carry out restoration, and not throw away or put the thing in a distant closet. Where can you dye fur with high quality, and how much will it cost?

Prices for painting fur and deadlines for completing the work

Fur products are dyed in the studio different ways, the most expensive is a gradient, and the cheapest is toning. In the first case, two-color painting is used; not every master can make a beautiful transition between colors. For difficult work You shouldn’t skimp on a specialist. A simple option is tinting, which simply gives the fur a more saturated shade and restores its shine. Such restoration can be ordered at any specialized studio for working with fur products.

Average prices are:

  • Toning: from 1700 rub. for hats, from 1500 rub. for collars and cuffs, from 3500 rub. for vests and capes, from 5000 rub. for fur coats
  • Coloring is calculated individually, but if there is no color change, then prices are approximately 100-200 rubles. more expensive than tinting.

Dyeing natural or faux fur takes a little time, on average 1-2 hours, it depends on the skills of the artist and the area of ​​the product. It is faster to dye a small hat than a large, voluminous fur coat.

Unfortunately, in many studios in Moscow there are queues of clients, especially for competent furriers, so it is better to make an appointment in advance. In the table you can find the company closest to you, its opening hours and contact phone number.

What is important for the customer to know?

There are a number of cases when companies refuse to paint a client, and this is due to compliance with technological standards. The restoration goes like this:

  • The lining is ripped out and the condition of the fur is checked. If the reaction is normal when moistened, then the item will be taken to work; if the subcutaneous part of the skin begins to peel off and deform, then the master will refuse. Most often, they do not take into work products that are more than 15 years old.
  • It happens that after painting there is shrinkage, and you need to recut it according to your figure. The specialist should warn about such things, since for the client this is from 2 to 10 thousand additional expenses.

Alas, over time, the fur on our favorite fur coats loses its original appearance, changing in color and shape. But you don't have to run out for a new product. The first reason is that it is far from cheap, and the second is that we will tell you how to dye fur at home. Of course, it should be rightly noted that not everyone decides to paint at home. Most are simply afraid of ruining the fur and prefer to entrust the product to professionals. This, of course, has its own meaning. But with our recommendations, you will not only not spoil the product, but also breathe into it new life. The fur will regain its shape, the fibers will become soft, and most importantly, the color of the product will be like new again. It needs to be cleaned before painting. Without this procedure, painting may result in unpainted areas, which will only worsen the situation.

Cleaning the fur

For cleaning we need:

  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • ammonia - (25%) -3 g;
  • detergent – ​​1 g;
  • soda – 2 g.

Mix and soak the product in the resulting solution for at least an hour. Next, squeeze and rinse well under running water. It must be completely dry before painting.

How to dye natural fur at home

For painting we will need:

  • fur dye: in relation to original color, you need to choose a darker shade;
  • fatty cream (glycerin will also work);
  • vinegar.

Fur dyeing at home

  1. After we have cleaned the pile with the solution, we need to stretch it on the board and secure it. This will prevent the fur from shrinking.
  2. In order to avoid drying out the product, it reverse side it is necessary to coat with fatty cream or glycerin.
  3. We wet the pile a little and paint it.
  4. Mix warm water and vinegar.
  5. We place the fur coat after dyeing.
  6. The product should be dried without using a hair dryer.

As we can see, dyeing fur at home is not very difficult. You just need to follow the rules: before painting, be sure to clean the product with a solution small area check how the pile reacts to paint and coating the core with glycerin.

How to dye arctic fox fur at home

Painting the Arctic fox is carried out according to the same principles. It is necessary to clean it with a solution. If there are stains on the product, they can be removed with a solution of one teaspoon of ammonia and three tablespoons of salt dissolved in one liter of water.

Must be painted on damp pile. After the paint has settled, wash it off in the shower. This type of fur can be dried with a hairdryer.

How to dye fur at home with hair dye

It would seem that there is another way to dye fur at home. Turns out it's great for this. regular paint for hair. The advantages of this method are that it produces rich color and ease of painting. The downside is that such a rich color does not last that long, about six months.

  1. In order to radically change the color, the fur coat should be lightened using an oxidizing agent.
  2. Paint evenly with a special brush.

If you like experiments, try dyeing your fur coat in tonic. It will give a temporary shade, and you will definitely understand your preferences.

We figured out what and how to dye fur at home. After painting, special care is required. You can apply hair balm dissolved in water and rinse it off the product. The fur will get a special color and the product will last much longer. We wish you good luck!

A chic fur coat made of natural fur is a must-have in every woman’s wardrobe. But after 5–8 years of wear, such clothes usually lose appearance– the paint begins to rub off from the fur. And as a result, an expensive fur coat begins to look bald. But a couple of bald spots is not a reason to run to the store and shell out your salary for a new “skin.” You just need to learn how to dye a fur coat at home. It's quite simple if you remember all the nuances.

How to dye a fur coat at home?

Treating a fur coat before painting

Undoubtedly, it will be much easier to take it to the dry cleaner or to specialists. Then the fur coat will definitely not deteriorate under any circumstances. However, you can do this yourself, but at your own peril and risk. When painting or changing the color of this type of clothing, it is worth considering many factors - the age of the fur coat, the density of the seams, the possibility of the skin drying out. Is it possible to paint mink coat? Answer: of course. But first it will have to be processed.

For this you will need:

· glycerin;

· ammonia;

· special remedy for washing fur products;

It is necessary to carefully coat the inside of the skins themselves (not the lining) with glycerin. This is necessary so that they do not dry out after getting wet.

And the fur itself should be treated to remove dirt using an alkaline solution, which consists of three teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of ammonia and a similar volume of detergent. All this needs to be poured into one liter warm water and add a pinch of soda. Then stir thoroughly.

All this must be applied to the fur coat, laid out on the floor without folds, from the front side, thoroughly brushing the fur with a brush. This procedure will clean it of dirt, due to which the paint may lie unevenly. After this, the fur should dry on its own.

How to dye a fur coat yourself?

Now you can paint.

1. To decide how to dye your fur, you will need several packages of high-quality hair dye (depending on size and thickness) and a large ceramic bowl.

2. The paint must be diluted in it according to the instructions on the package.

Over time, any fur products begin to fade. Learn how to dye fur at home and you can restore it to its original color.

Preparing for painting

In order for the fur to be dyed well, the product must be pre-treated, clearing it of dirt and dust. To do this, you will need a solution of 15 g of salt, 15 g of soda, 5 g of ammonia and 7 ml detergent. Mix all these ingredients and apply with a brush to the fur product. Rinse off any remaining solution. If the necessary ingredients are not at hand, prepare a solution of vinegar, alcohol and water (proportions 1:1:1). Treat your fur with the resulting mixture, and then wipe it with a clean, damp brush.

Don't forget to treat before painting and inner side products. To prevent deformation during work, wipe the backside with greasy cream or glycerin.

Paint for fur products

Because the natural fur similar in structure to human hair, it is recommended to dye it using hair coloring compounds. Don't save money. The higher quality and permanent paint you buy then best results you will succeed. Try to choose a shade 1-2 shades darker than the existing base color. Trying to paint colors that are too light can give the most unexpected results, so if you want to achieve a more light color, it’s better to turn to professionals.

In order to return the natural color to white fur that has yellowed over time, first lighten it before dyeing. To do this, treat the villi with hydrogen peroxide. Do not over-expose the peroxide, otherwise the villi may deteriorate.

Fur dyeing

Test the dye on a small area, and if you are satisfied with the test result, proceed to dye the fur. Put gloves on your hands. Dilute the paint according to the instructions on the package. Apply the composition with a brush to the entire surface, and then rub it with your hands. This will allow you to paint the fur more evenly.

Let the paint soak in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and then rinse with warm water and vinegar. This will allow you to consolidate the result. You can additionally add silkiness and shine to natural fur. Using a brush, apply hair conditioner to the dried fur and leave it to absorb according to the instructions. After this, rinse the product thoroughly, removing any unabsorbed product residue, and dry again. The results of such painting will last for about six months, after which the procedure should be repeated.

If you need to paint only the tips of the fur fibers, then take suede paint, sold in aerosol cans. Spray it from a distance of 60-70 cm. Do not keep the can in one place for too long, otherwise the product will be painted unevenly. Brush the fur immediately with a brush to prevent the hairs from sticking together.

Have you ever thought about how to dye fur at home? But surely every modern fashionista has a vest, sheepskin coat or fur coat made of natural or faux fur in her wardrobe. During use, the fur can change its original appearance, fade in the sun, and perhaps you will come up with the idea of ​​​​changing the appearance of the old thing. Today, service organizations, represented in sufficient numbers, provide a full range of fur dyeing services, but, unfortunately, with an impressive cost, they do not always meet customer expectations. That is why the question of how to dye fur at home, whether it is even possible to carry out this procedure yourself, is very common today. We will talk about it within the framework of this material.

Preparatory activities

The success of the “operation” largely depends on how well the preparatory measures are carried out. When you decide to update the shade of your fur or radically change it, do not forget to clean it, because dirt prevents deep penetration dye, accordingly, affects the result of staining.

To clean, you will need an alkaline solution made from a liter of water, 2 teaspoons of soda, 1 teaspoon of any dishwashing detergent and 1 teaspoon of ammonia, which can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. All components must be thoroughly mixed together until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To prevent drying out, apply a rich cream, such as baby cream, to the inner layer (the bottom layer of the skin). Then, armed with a brush with stiff bristles, you should apply an alkaline solution to the fur, distributing it over the entire surface, and then rinse the product thoroughly under running water. running water and lay in a horizontal position to dry.

What to paint with?

If you don’t know how to dye fur at home or what products to use, you’ve come to exactly the right place. Today, specialized stores offer quite a few professional dyes and compositions, but hair dye is still no less effective and affordable. You can find it in any supermarket at affordable price, and the variety of shades allows you to satisfy the taste preferences of every fashionista.

So, for dyeing you will need paint, a brush with which you will apply the composition to the fur and, of course, rubber gloves - an indispensable tool protection. When choosing a brush, give preference to one with stiff bristles.

Arctic fox fur

How to dye arctic fox fur at home? Luxurious vests made from arctic fox skins have been a trend for the last few years. They will be relevant in the near future, which is why owners of such luxury need to properly care for it: update the shade of the fur every season, clean it. In addition, modern dyes allow, if necessary, to radically change the color of a fur product. So why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Deciding on the shade

If you do not know how to dye natural fur at home, in particular, arctic fox fur, it is important to become familiar with some of the nuances of the procedure. They are primarily associated with the structural features of the fur. Of course, the choice of shade lies on the shoulders of the owner of the fur product, but professionals strongly recommend dyeing arctic fox fur in dark shades. If, on the contrary, you want to lighten the product, you will have to pre-treat the fur with hydrogen peroxide.

Let's start painting

To get maximum results, wet the arctic fox fur with water, then begin applying the coloring composition, paying attention to each area. After the entire composition has been applied, it is necessary to maintain the time indicated on the packaging. After this, it is enough to rinse the product under running water and dry it, placing it in a natural horizontal position.


Mink hair is identical in structure to human hair, which is why the choice of dye for mink should be more demanding. The same hair dye is perfect, but it is better to give preference to the professional series, which will give the most natural shade possible, and will last much longer than budget analogues. But some people recommend using aerosol paints. IN in this case The paint must be applied from a distance of 60-70 cm in several layers. Don’t be afraid to layer the paint - this technology will allow you to achieve an expressive and deep noble shade.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to dye mink fur at home, use general rules, working with any fur. In all respects, the dyeing procedure completely repeats the procedure for transforming arctic fox fur described above.

Mouton fur

This once most popular type of fur is still relevant today. Its popularity is largely due to the warmth and comfort that a product made from mouton fur gives. But not everyone knows how to properly care for fur, which is why, over time, there is a need for additional coloring.

Mouton products are rightfully one of the most unpretentious, but when it comes to coloring, you should be patient, be extremely careful and careful. How to dye fur at home with paint in the case of a mouton. The pile of such fur is quite thick and dense, which is why it is so important to distribute it evenly. coloring composition over the entire surface.

And one more thing: test before painting a small amount of pigment on a small area of ​​a fur product - if stains and bald spots appear, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​dyeing it yourself and entrust it to professionals.

Artificial fur

Do you think only natural fur evokes admiration and admiring glances from others? For several years, faux fur products: bright, sometimes extravagant and quite affordable models, have been revolutionizing the entire idea of ​​fashion, beauty and luxury. If you have a jacket or bag made from this material in your wardrobe, update it with dyeing. Want to know how to dye faux fur at home? We'll tell you about it.

For coloring is suitable the same hair dye - in the case of faux fur, you can experiment, give preference to brighter, acidic shades. For preliminary preparation An ordinary soap solution is suitable, which is applied with a sponge over the entire surface of the product.

In order to get an ideal result, before painting, do not just lay the product in a horizontal position, but also stretch it well. This will help avoid the formation of bald spots.

Let's sum it up

We tried to figure out how to dye fur at home, and listed several of the most effective ways. With proper approach to the procedure, use quality materials and tools you can achieve amazing results. In addition, dyeing fur, both natural and artificial, at home will not take you much time and, most importantly, money. We hope that you will appreciate the information presented and be sure to take advantage of our tips and recommendations.
