Planets in signs online. How to find out the personal code and planet of the patron of your destiny

Aries is considered the first in the zodiac, since at the time when Greek astronomy was created, the Sun entered this constellation during the spring equinox. The constellation is not particularly remarkable; it consists of stars of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th magnitudes. Main star Aries - Hamal- navigation star.

The cult of the sacrificial lamb (lamb) has passed through millennia. The symbol of a white meek, innocent creature, sacrificing itself to people for the sake of their good and atonement for their actions - this is the idea of ​​​​the hieroglyph of the constellation Aries.

Supreme god of Egypt, sun god Amon-Ra, whose sacred animal was the ram, was often depicted with a ram's head, and its horns were curved like this. that he could not protect himself with them. On the additional horns of Aries the disk of the Sun shines - a symbol of cosmic wisdom.


A large constellation of stars of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th magnitudes. 1st magnitude star Aldebaran yellowish-orange color - navigation star. One of the most beautiful stars in our sky. Around Aldebaran there is an open star cluster - Hyades. To the right and above Aldebaran is a closer group of stars - Pleiades. In the constellation Taurus there is an amazing crab nebula - the remains of a supernova that erupted in 1054.

In Egypt, the cult of the sacred bull (calf) Apis flourished for thousands of years. He personified strength, the power of reproduction. Therefore, images of Apis are a symbol of creative power.


The constellation consists of stars of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th magnitudes. The head of Gemini is marked by two beautiful stars: Castor- a whitish-green star of 2nd magnitude and Pollux- 1st magnitude star, orange-yellow navigation star.

The names of the stars marking the heads of Gemini reflect the elements Greek mythology- Castor and Pollux are twin heroes, sons of Zeus and Leda, who accomplished a number of feats.

The Egyptians gave this constellation their own interpretation.

Hieroglyphically depicts a standing woman, overshadowed by the star Pollux. The man walks opposite her. Above his head is the star Castor, left hand it is actively brought forward. The right hand is connected to the woman’s hand, which symbolically indicates the harmonious union of these two principles: female potential energy and male – realizing energy.


A barely noticeable constellation: its brightest stars do not exceed 4th magnitude. The most modest of the zodiac constellations. Main star - Akubens. This constellation contains a star cluster Nursery. The Tropic of Cancer is named after the constellation sign.

Over two thousand years ago, the summer solstice fell on this constellation. The sun, like a mother, poured light and warmth onto the Earth. Therefore, the constellation is associated with the name of the goddess Isis, who personifies the idea of ​​motherhood, eternal femininity and earthly wisdom. One of the attributes of the goddess is Moon, and the constellation Cancer is dedicated to the Moon, and its symbol is depicted in the form of a crab, reminiscent of the Moon in shape. Hieroglyphically, the constellation means wisdom, which manifests itself in selfless love.


Occupies a large area of ​​the sky. Stars of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th magnitude. 1st magnitude starRegulus, or Heart of Lion, blue, navigational star. Its luminosity is 150 times greater than the sun! In the “tail” of the constellation there is a star of 2nd magnitude -Denebola.

Hieroglyphically this constellation depicts a lion- a symbol of courage and strength, it serves as a support serpent- a symbol of wisdom. Denebola is depicted as meek virgin- a symbol of highest wisdom. At the end of the serpent's tail - falcon- symbol of god Bargain. The god of knowledge sits above the back of the Lion with a scroll in his hand - a symbol of secret knowledge. Sioux who helped the creator god Atumu create the building of the world. The meaning of the hieroglyph comes down to the fact that at this stage of development a person reaches the full flowering of his spiritual and physical powers and strives for further improvement.


A large constellation of stars of 1st, 3rd, 4th magnitude. A 1st magnitude star is a bluish-white navigation star Spica, with a luminosity 740 times greater than the Sun. The autumnal equinox is currently located in the constellation.

Hieroglyphically, the Virgin is depicted here with an ear of bread in her hand - a symbol of the origin of life. She stands motionless, and this means that she is outside of time and space - eternal. Behind the Virgin is depicted one of the gods of the underworld - Anubis, in his left hand he holds a staff you- a symbol of power, inviolability, in the right - Egyptian cross- a symbol of life.

Anubis symbolizes the idea of ​​death as a transitory phenomenon and subordinate to life, so he follows Virgo and is smaller in size. The general meaning of the hieroglyph is that a person learns the idea of ​​Life and Death, their Unity.


A small constellation with stars of the 3rd and 4th magnitudes. Libra is a double star, the Arabs called it Zuben Elgenubi- Southern Libra and Zuben El Hamali- Northern Libra. More than two thousand years ago, the Sun was in this constellation during the autumn equinox, hence the emergence of a sign that “balances day with night and work with rest.”

Hieroglyphically, the sign means the next stage in development. Sagittarius - half-animal, half-man, having defeated Scorpio (sensuality), turns into thinking man who must think about his actions and be responsible for them; then the scales will be in balance, and the person will begin to be in harmony.


A large constellation with a very beautiful grouping of stars of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th magnitudes. Heart of Scorpio - reddish-orange star of 1st magnitude - Antares- one of the most beautiful stars in our sky. Navigation star. The curved “tail” of the constellation with a “sting” is marked by two stars of the 2nd magnitude.

Hieroglyphically, Scorpio represents the sensuality that Sagittarius must whiten in order to move further along the path of inner growth and improvement.


A large constellation of stars of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and two stars of 2nd magnitude. Lies in an area rich in star clusters and nebulae. The main star is called Alrami. Nowadays the winter solstice point is located in the constellation.

Sagittarius is located east of Scorpio. The development of Pisces continues - it is already a creature with the body of an animal, the torso and head of a man, the conqueror of the four elements, which are depicted: earth - in the form barges- supports for the front legs, which will later become human ones; water is given in the form of a complex symbol “sky” (“lord”), resting on a stream of water - a support for the hind legs; the wing symbolizes air, and the arrow with which Sagittarius will defeat Scorpio for its further advancement is fire.


The constellation consists of stars no brighter than 3rd magnitude. On the “forehead” of this hieroglyphic animal is the main star Giedi- double. Each of its constituent stars is in turn triple. The name of the Tropic of Capricorn is associated with the sign of the constellation.

The hieroglyph for Capricorn means that as a result of evolution, the Fish turns half into an animal, retaining only part of the body as a fish. God is depicted above Capricorn Gore, V right hand him ankh, in the left you. He patronizes Capricorn and its further development. Horus, according to the ancient Egyptians, is a benefactor god who is in an eternal struggle with the god Seth, the personification of evil.


A large and complex constellation. Consists only of stars of the 3rd, 4th, 5th magnitudes. Almost entirely lies in the southern hemisphere. It contains a beautiful planetary nebula.

The zodiac constellation hieroglyphically shows that Pisces, having begun the path of its development, is subjected to various trials and sufferings. This is depicted in the form of fiery streams pouring onto her from two vessels, the symbolism of which is testing and encouragement.


Big zodiac constellation from stars of the 4th, 5th magnitude. It lies almost entirely in the northern hemisphere of the sky. The main star of Pisces is a beautiful double star El Risha. Now in the constellation there is the point of the vernal equinox.

The two symbolic fish shown in the figure are connected by a cord. A small rectangle with waves, placed between the fish, carries the idea of ​​primordial water - the beginning of all living things. The lower fish is under the streams of water in its usual environment. In the circle below her stands a woman holding a boar - an object representing the god of darkness - Sega. Top fish, patronized ajat- through the eye of Horus, depicted in a small circle above the fish, she broke out of her usual environment and, driven by a thirst for knowledge, rushed into the unknown.


For users of XMPP systems: zodiak<город>;<время>

Time input format: Day/Month/Year/Hour/Minute

Be sure to take into account that the speed of the Moon’s movement is quite high. In one day (24 hours) this is about 12-13 degrees.

Since the planets in the signs will be located the same for both Chita and Kyiv, the city is needed here only to determine the offset relative to Greenwich. This offset is determined automatically using virtually infinite Google features API.


Let's calculate where the planets were at the time of June 22, 1941 at 4 a.m. at the time of the German invasion of the USSR, Moscow time.

zodiak Moscow;22/06/1941/04/00

It will produce a table with the results obtained. Please note that the time in hours and times must be local. The program will automatically determine the offset, standard time and Greenwich Mean Time.

Be sure to take into account that the program shows not only what sign a particular planet is in, but also gives the exact angle of the planet’s location in the specified sign.

It is enough to move the mouse cursor to any of the names of the zodiac sign indicated in the table.

We are all under the influence of one planet or another. Some people walk under the Sun, others under Mars, but in any case, the ruler leaves her mark on the character and destiny of a person, and, as is usually the case, every coin has two sides: good and bad.

How to recognize a planet

Finding out which planet rules your life is simple - add up your full date of birth to a single digit. For example, you were born on September 5, 1980, your number is 5. We got it by adding 5 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5. Under the number 5 we have the planet Jupiter.

“So what does that matter to me?” - you ask. The thing is that each planet gives a person both advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you can balance yourself, put emphasis on strengths and strengthen the weak.

Number "1". Sun

This planet contributes to almost all endeavors. People who walk under the Sun are determined; they love to be in sight, in the center of attention. There was also a “fly in the ointment” - inflated conceit, a desire to rule over everyone, which crosses all boundaries and transforms into despotism, exorbitant arrogance. People of the Sun rise high, but they often fall painfully.

Number "2". Moon

The moon symbolizes the unconscious, human intuition. People ruled by this planet are emotional, like an ocean raging in the wind, they are easily hurt, they take everything to heart, they are family-oriented. They also have shortcomings, which the Moon so generously bestowed - inconstancy, they are passive and capricious. Often Moon people suffer from a victim complex all their lives and all they do is complain about their neighbors, relatives, colleagues, the president...

Number "3". Mars

Mars is drive, activity, determination, energy, passion. On the one hand, it is easy for such people to build a career and do business, but, on the other hand, they can be simply unbearable. Mars makes them decisive, energetic and sexy, but at the same time aggressive, confrontational and daring. Such qualities do little to promote friendship or even relationships with a loved one—few people would agree to live on a powder keg.

Number "4". Mercury

Mercury is inextricably linked with the intellect. People who walk under Mercury are smart, inquisitive and sociable, and love to travel. But even here there is a “fly in the ointment” - such people are fixated on material gain and are ready to go ahead towards their goal, regardless of moral principles, to betray and deceive. What can I say, this planet “gave” the world many famous scammers...

Number "5". Jupiter

Jupiter - personal growth, training, opportunities. People of Jupiter, on the one hand, are incredibly lucky, because they are optimists, they are lucky in life, and money literally falls into their hands. But on the other hand, such favor of fate makes them inveterate egoists, they are insensitive and cruel, arrogant and lazy. Jupiter people often rise to the top of their careers, but remain there completely alone.

Number "6". Venus

Venus is responsible for beauty, love and harmony. It is not surprising that people who are under the auspices of this planet are in great demand among the opposite sex; they have no end to fans who, to the chagrin of their neighbors, serenade them under their windows all night long. The other side of this coin is capriciousness, excessive craving for glamor and obsession with one’s own appearance, laziness. They love “expensive and rich,” which turns them into real magpies, whose chatter few can stand.

Number "7". Saturn

Saturn makes its “wards” purposeful and disciplined. People who walk under this planet are strong in spirit, know how and love to work, and never give up. back side medals - secrecy and silence, which reach the point of recluse, distrust, and aversion to change. Even at a young age, they lead the lifestyle of ancient old men.

Number "8". Uranus

Uranus is the planet of revolutionaries. People who are under its control are resourceful, they think outside the box, they love freedom and change, and are ready for it. But on the other hand, they are so prone to anarchy that they wreak havoc wherever they appear, and on the way to their goal they go ahead, unprincipled and cynical. The people of Uranus only know how to destroy, not build.

Number "9". Neptune and Pluto

Neptune symbolizes spirituality, mysticism, a certain connection with the Cosmos, and Pluto makes dreams come true by helping with action. People who walk under these two planets are revolutionaries, they are capable of changing the destinies of entire countries. The only thing that can stop them on the path to their goal is a departure from reality, a thirst for power that overshadows the right path. They are capable of anything, even ready to destroy people's lives for the sake of a ghostly goal.


The sun in the horoscope. A star named "I"

Zodiac sign Leo. The sun gives us the light that brings life. It is not surprising that in astrology the influence of our luminary is considered enormous. In the horoscope, the Sun is responsible for what constitutes the basis and essence of a person - his personality, his spirit, his ego; his health and vitality, his potential. The sun in the horoscope helps to manifest a bright individuality, develop creative abilities and limitlessly expand one's horizons. The motto of the life-loving Sun: “I am! I want!".


Zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo. Mercury is the winged messenger of the gods, he flies to us on his light wings and encourages us to talk and argue with each other. This planet in the horoscope is responsible for intelligence, learning abilities, way of thinking, logic and reasoning, as well as for any kind of intellectual connections and communication between people. And, of course, for trade. Mercury's motto: “I am interested!”


Zodiac signs: Taurus, Libra. Venus's motto: “I love!” Since ancient times, Venus has been called the planet of love and beauty, but astrologers say that in fact its influence extends much wider. Venus is the planet of human feelings and motivations in all the bright diversity of their manifestations. Venus in the horoscope is responsible for sensuality, sensitivity, beauty, charm, grace, inner harmony and, of course, love. Love for yourself, for the people around you and for the whole world.


Zodiac sign Cancer. Of all the planets that influence the signs of the Zodiac, the Moon is closest to the Earth. It is not surprising that it sometimes has a much stronger influence on our lives than others. Ruler of the ebb and flow of the tides, the Moon is also the ruler of our emotions. Luna's motto: “I feel!”


Zodiac signs: Aries, Scorpio. Mars in astrology is a planet of great energy and great passions. His motto: “I act!” Mars controls a person’s emotions, his passion, thirst for activity and thirst for life, as well as violent emotional impulses. The planet Mars, named after the god of war, has masculine character, capable of generating outbursts of anger and aggression. However, in fairness, it must be said that it is Mars in a person’s horoscope that gives his character activity and strength, so that, despite any obstacles, he can boldly move forward towards his goal.


Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Pisces. Jupiter in astrology is an abundant, generous planet that gives people joy, satisfaction, support and protection. Jupiter's motto: “I enjoy!”


Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius. Saturn knows for sure: nothing in the world comes easy. This is the firm conviction of the planet, which plays the difficult role of the strict boss of all the signs of the Zodiac. It is at the behest of Saturn that everything that is marked with the word “Must” happens in our lives: discipline, organization and self-organization, responsibility, study, duties, work... Work and work again.


Zodiac sign Aquarius. Uranus is the planet of independence and initiative, which encourages you to look at familiar things from a new angle, expanding your consciousness and worldview. The energy of Uranus pushes us into the future - forward, to new achievements, discoveries and new horizons. The desire to find your own path, be it the path of an individual person or the path of all humanity, is characteristic of those in whose horoscope the influence of Uranus is strong. Uranus' motto: “I go forward!”

Each of the Zodiac Signs has its own patron planet. In many ways, it is on the basis of changes in its position that astrological forecasts are made.

Just like the elements of the Zodiac Signs, cosmic objects are their permanent symbols. This once again reminds us that everything in the world is interconnected and connected by invisible thin threads, through which we feed on the energy of our patrons.

Why is it important to know your cosmic patron?

By the behavior of planets and other comic objects, you can learn about how energy waves will propagate across the cosmic fabric and how they will affect our lives.

The mood of the Moon, Sun or any of the planets of the Solar System directly affects our luck. Monitor their condition, paying attention to your energy “mentor”.


Let's start with Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun. It is very hot and cold at the same time, so it symbolizes a kind of harmless duality. This planet is the patron saint of all people who were born under Virgo sign.

Mercury is fast, agile and has a special temperament. Virgo learns from him, but the main task of this planet in astrology is guidance on the right path. Roughly speaking, Mercury changes what any Virgo's brain produces. He tries to correct the situation before problems arise. This is where the great caution of people born under this constellation originates.

This planet is closest to the Sun, so Virgos have the easiest time life lessons. We are talking, of course, about wisdom, which is strong point such people.

When it comes to duality, we immediately remember Twins. Yes, yes, Mercury - and their planet too. They have not one, but two faces, so it is twice as easy for them to go through life as for representatives of other Zodiac Signs. They can be angry and calm at the same time, love and hate, so they always have a choice.


The second planet. It is also called the Earth's twin. The fact is that Venus has almost identical dimensions. This is one of the most unusual planets Solar System, since it moves in the opposite direction, and one day on it lasts more than an earthly year.

Venus is a symbol of beauty and Have a good mood, so people- Scales, who are patronized by this planet, know a lot about grace, style and adore art. This is why there are so many musicians, actors, writers and critics among Libras.

This is a female planet, but this fact does not mean that only women are lucky. On the contrary, Libra men are successful businessmen and have big success among women.

Venus also patronizes Taurus who always look at the world with an appraising gaze. Sometimes they think in simplified categories, which saves them in many situations. A banal assessment of everything from the point of view of “like or dislike” saves them time, effort and energy. These people are also not lacking in taste, so you are unlikely to find a pretentious or tasteless Taurus of any gender.


On the other side of the Earth, space begins with Mars. This red little planet patronizes two Zodiac Signs - Aries And Scorpios. The first are as warlike as Mars himself. Aries cannot even bear the thought of being defeated or wrong. No one is covering Mars because it is close to Earth. This is why Aries are so impenetrable and often overly self-confident.

As for Scorpios, they inherited from Mars his desire to live. Their patron wants to be the best and does not tolerate restrictions. Scorpios are the same: in order not to get into trouble, it is better not to cross the road for them. Mars is also essentially a loner, so you are unlikely to find a person who, having this planet as a mentor, will ask for help in difficult situation. Both Aries and Scorpios are proud and vain people.


It is the largest planet in the Solar System. It has a positive effect on the perception of the world around us and on emotions. This is why in its normal state Jupiter does Streltsov And Pisces calm and reasonable. They rarely pay attention to signs. Their strength is themselves.

Having Jupiter as their energy mentors, Pisces and Sagittarius can boast of incredible intuition. The sixth sense helps both Signs get away with it in any situation. Despite this, these people’s logic and learning ability are also fine. The only difference is that Pisces are more influenced by emotions, while Sagittarius is more likely to rely on reason.


Saturn is beautiful, wise and great. He is patient, strong-willed and does not shy away from difficulties. The same can be said about Capricorn With Aquarius, which depend on Saturn.

The energy of these people may not be strong, but it is surprisingly persistent and impenetrable. A very interesting fact is that, in fact, Capricorns and Aquarius are two extremes of the same essence. They want to be respected and successful, but the former choose the path of wisdom and orthodoxy, and the latter choose the path of dynamics and new skills. This is why Capricorns and Aquarius are often good friends who always find ways to learn something important friend at a friend's place.

moon and sun

Moon patronizes Raku. This is the same case when you can determine how successful a particular day will be based on the state of the Moon. The Moon is closest to the Earth, so its energy is most understandable to us. Astrologers around the world agree that Cancers, like the Moon, are an open book, but only to their loved ones. The night luminary shows us only one side of itself - just like Cancers.

The sun is an incredible force. It either shines or hides behind the sky, that’s why Lions the same. They are sometimes kind, sometimes they are not. They can be selfish and give everything they have to others. When the earth is in turmoil magnetic storms, then they are inspired, since the Sun is also active during these periods.

Remember that in this world main role plays what you think. If you want to depend less on the stars and the energy of the planets, then use affirmations for every day, which will help you set your thoughts correctly. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.02.2017 05:36

Space objects influence our luck and life in general. Each planet has its own character...

Retrograde of planets is a very important phenomenon that must be taken into account when planning affairs for each Sign...

All the planets of our Solar System carry a certain energy. In astrology, Mercury has been considered the patron of numbers since ancient times...

Each of us has our own ruling planet. In many ways, it determines the personality qualities, abilities, talents and capabilities of an individual.

When compiling a personal horoscope, astrologers pay attention to Special attention specifically on the patron planet, since by it one can judge life path, determine a person’s priorities and find out his essence.

By date of birth and zodiac sign

The most reliable and proven way to determine your ruling planet is a horoscope. Each constellation has its own patron planet. She has similar characteristics to her Sign.

In our solar system there are only 10 planets (astrologers, for convenience, also include the Moon and Sun in this term). And, as you know, there are 12 constellations. It turns out that two signs of the Zodiac have the same ruling planet. Which planet corresponds to your horoscope?

Sun. Our daylight luminary patronizes Leo. Under its influence, representatives of this constellation become bright, gifted, active and talented. The sun gives them energy, promotes creative development and guides them on the right path.

Moon. Cancers are under her influence. This celestial body gives them mystery, enigma, emotionality and sensitivity. Under the auspices of the Moon, Cancers find it difficult to open up to people. They want to be accepted for who they are.

Mercury patronizes Virgo and Gemini. This ruling planet is a symbol of communications and trade. It is these abilities that Mercury bestowed on the representatives of these constellations.

Venus takes Libra and Taurus under its wing. The planet of love gives them the ability to appreciate the feelings of other people. Also, under the influence of Venus, people of the constellations Libra and Taurus have a craving for art and aesthetic beauty.

Mars. The militant planet is the patron of Aries. Its influence is felt in almost all character traits of this sign. Aries tends to be aggressive and firm. He is purposeful and principled.

Jupiter. It is no coincidence that Sagittarius received the patronage of this planet. According to legend, in Ancient Rome there was a god with the same name. He always kept his promises, fought against injustice and called for honesty and conscience in other people. Those born under the constellation Sagittarius possess these same personality traits.

Saturn. This planet extends its influence to Capricorns. Representatives of the sign have all of it best qualities. They are responsible, rational, pedantic and pragmatic.

Uranus. The planet rules Aquarius. She empowers them with creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, creativity and inventive abilities. In addition, Uranus bestows the willpower that Aquarians need to achieve their goals.

Neptune. The planet got its name in honor of the king of the sea. That is why Pisces, ruled by Neptune, are often immersed in their inner world, as if in the depths of the ocean. Neptune activates intuition, promotes the development of clairvoyance and psychic abilities.

Pluto. This planet is ruled by Scorpios. It endows the representatives of the sign with mystery, leadership qualities, cruelty and lust for power.

In numerology

You can find out your planet by date of birth using numerological calculations. This calculation, in fact, turns out to be more accurate than the zodiacal one, since it determines the planet not by the period of birth, but by the exact date.

Human character is multifaceted, therefore, regardless of your planet according to the horoscope, personality traits can be determined by the planet that patronizes your number in numerology.

Unlike astrology, numerology uses only 9 planets, not 10. This is due to the fact that in numerology only single-digit numbers from 1 to 9 are interpreted. All others are deciphered taking into account the meaning of their constituent numbers.

In numerology, each number has its own characteristics and properties. Astrologers also determined for the planets character traits. If you compare planets and numbers, then each number ultimately finds its planet in spirit and characteristic features.

To calculate and determine your planet using numerology, you need to find the sum of all the digits of your date of birth. Zeros are not taken into account. The resulting value must consist of one digit.

For example, date of birth 05/15/1991 (1+5+5+1+9+9+1 = 31 = 3+1 = 4). Four in in this case will be the number of the planet.



Calculating your patron planet will help you find out compatibility in relationships and marriage. Planets, like the signs of the Zodiac, have their own similarities with each other, likes, dislikes and differences. To determine the compatibility of planets, astrologers divided them into several groups, depending on their properties and sphere of influence.

  • Activity: Sun, Venus and Uranus.
  • Subconscious: Moon, Neptune, Pluto.
  • Determination: Saturn, Jupiter.
  • Communications: Mars, Mercury.

In accordance with this division of planets, we can identify those that are most suitable for each other in temperament and way of thinking. Planets located in the same group are a priori compatible. People whose planets coincide by date of birth can always find mutual language. They have similar goals and dreams. Now let's look at the relationships between these groups.

Planets located in the Activity group get along well with the Communication group. In this case, partners are united by the desire for success, prosperity, and common interests. They are never bored with each other. Moreover, such couples often experience an emotional shake-up that strengthens the union.

It is difficult for active planets to come to a common opinion with the Subconscious group. The planets in these two groups are very different in their characteristics. They will constantly compete with the planets of Purposefulness.

Planets of the Subconscious group are compatible with the Purposefulness group. Partners with these planets will complement each other and support each other. With active planets it will be difficult to find common points contact. There is a fairly strong emotional connection with the planets of Communications.

The planets of the Purposefulness group are suitable for the planets of the Subconscious. In such a couple, passion and tender feelings do not fade away for a long time. They take care of each other and easily compromise in controversial situations. With communicative planets, the union will be bright, but short-lived. Partners often have different goals and life guidelines in this case. They have poor compatibility with active groups - in a pair, everyone will fight for the place of head of the family.

The Planets of Communications are friends with the group of the Subconscious. People who are patronized by the planets of these groups will always have something to talk about. In addition, they have good compatibility physically. It is not recommended to deal with people ruled by Activity planets. Despite the possible passionate beginning of the relationship, such a partnership is doomed to failure.

The patron planet is a landmark in a person’s personal horoscope. Its influence is so great that sometimes other aspects in the horoscope cannot correct the fate and character of a person.

Planets of the zodiac signs

Zodiac Signs > Characteristics > Planets of the Zodiac Signs

Usually the position of representatives zodiac horoscope determined by where the Sun is located. It is this that reveals the most obvious traits of appearance and character. It's like our ego. But it happens that these characteristics are not so noticeable or that others appear instead. What's the matter? The bottom line is that everyone also has a personal planet, the features of which may contradict the solar ones, which are noticeably diminishing.

Planets and their meaning for character

The zodiac horoscope is a constant, standing in one place. But life moves, and this activity is represented by the planets, which take turns visiting everyone. Therefore, it is so important to know what rulers (major planets) exist and what they mean.


In total there are 10 patrons who influence the formation of our destiny. Sun displays vital energy and revival. This is the ability to dominate oneself and others. The Moon is emotional and mental depth, knowledge of secret and intimate thoughts, the habit of withdrawing into oneself. Mars makes the zodiac warlike, courageous and courageous. Moreover, the gender of the carrier is unimportant, since the planet will declare itself in the heat of an argument or scandal. Mercury is calculating and thinks everything through in advance. Venus always brings love, a desire for beauty, creative impulse and art. Jupiter makes the sign fixate on inner spirituality as well as outward expansion. Uranus provokes change, revolution, and the collapse of stereotypes. Neptune encourages daydreaming and illusions. And Pluto is a dictator, stimulating the zodiac to strive for power and suppression.

Power of planets in zodiac signs

The strength of celestial bodies directly depends on their position. The zodiac itself is inert and releases its properties only when a planet stops in it. At the moment of communication, their characteristics coincide. The ruler will receive maximum power, because he is in his home territory. In addition, its power and influence also depends on its position in the hierarchy. For example, Neptune will be able to perform better in Pisces, but its potential will increase if it moves to Sagittarius.








Gemini, Virgo

Sagittarius, Pisces


Taurus, Libra

Scorpio, Aries


Aries, Scorpio

Libra, Taurus


Sagittarius, Pisces

Gemini, Virgo


Aquarius, Capricorn



Pisces, Sagittarius

Virgo, Gemini


Scorpio, Aries

Taurus, Libra

But the planet may weaken, and then the sign will take control into its own hands. This happens during a period of exaltation. The weakest position is “exile.” This happens when a sign resists the influence of a celestial body. This refers to the lowest position in the hierarchy. Then she is pushed into a hostile zone, where she is not allowed to express herself. There is also a “fall” when she feels discomfort when opening. But to understand yourself, you need to understand how to identify a planet.

How to recognize a planet in a zodiac sign

There is no need to invent a wheel and turn to astrologers, since each sign is connected to celestial bodies, and there is a special table that demonstrates your situation in detail. In it you will find your zodiac, as well as the influence of the planets and their position (strong or weak). In accordance with this, you can understand how this will affect your behavior in a given period and what character traits are inherent to you.

The location of the planets in the zodiac signs

You can also check the clear arrangement in Natal houses provided by natal chart. These are 12 sectors corresponding to the zodiacs. It is important to know which planets are located in specific houses. The point is that control objects, as well as any combination, affect various life circumstances and the degree of our self-realization. This is an individual destiny card that can be created for everyone. To do this, you just need to know the date, time and place of birth. The table calculates everything itself and shows not only what is inherent in you, but can also predict the entire subsequent path.

To compile an accurate and detailed horoscope person, determining whether it is worth starting any important business on a certain day, you need to know in which sign certain planets were or will be on the day you need. You can find out this with the help of a professional astrologer, or you can do it yourself.


To determine the sign in which a particular planet is located, you will need the most accurate geographical coordinates, date and time accurate to the minute and second of the desired event: the birth of a child, the start of a court hearing, etc. If exact time it is impossible to establish, use as close as possible - there are methods for subsequent adjustment. Geographic latitude and longitude are determined using atlases and maps. You will also need ephemeris tables for the required period. Ephemerides are published both as separate publications and as supplements to astrological magazines. There are ephemeris tables for a century, a decade, a year, all that remains is to select the desired period of time. Make a template for a cosmogram, where you can mark the found values ​​for all the planets in order - Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and others. It will also help you immediately establish connections, oppositions, squares and other aspects of the horoscope. Draw a circle on paper, divided into twelve sectors along the diameter line, 30 degrees in each. The sectors correspond to the zodiac sign, starting with Aries (first from the left under the horizon), and go counterclockwise in order. For convenience, you can sign them immediately. Each sector is divided, in turn, into decades - three equal parts of 10 degrees. The strength of its influence often depends on what decade the planet is in. As a result, on the template, the tip (beginning of the sector) of Aries, corresponding to the point of the vernal equinox (March 21), should point to the East and be the point of origin. Degrees of absolute longitude (from 0 to 360) are also plotted directly across the sectors in the same counterclockwise direction. Each sector, in turn, is divided into degrees of its relative longitude (from 0 to 30). Thus, 13 degrees Gemini (relative longitude) would be equal to 73 degrees absolute longitude. After the geographic coordinates of the place have been found and a template for the cosmogram has been prepared, proceed to calculating the time of the event relative to Greenwich Time, because the ephemeris tables are oriented at zero longitude. Let's say a person was born on December 4, 1975 at 13:00 in Moscow. After the required day is found in the ephemeris table, the calculation of the time of birth (beginning of the event) begins: 1) We take 13.00 as a basis (00 Greenwich time + 13 hours of birth); 2) Degrees of longitude are converted into hours and minutes - the geographic longitude of Moscow is 37′ 30″, and one degree of longitude is 4 minutes, you need to add 37x4=148 and 30x4=120; 120/60=2; 148+2=150 minutes or another 2.5 hours. The result is 15 hours 30 minutes3) It is important to take into account maternity time (if a person was born after 1930, when the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was adopted and all time in the country, with the exception of Bessarabia and the Baltic states, was moved forward one hour). Here it is necessary, so it turns out already 16 hours 30 minutes4) Summer time on the territory of the former Soviet Union was adopted only in 1980, this amendment can be ignored here. But if the date of birth is later than October 24, 1980, you need to add another 1 hour. If the total amount is more than 24, for example, 30, you should subtract a day - 24 hours, and in this case take 6 o’clock in the morning of the next day as the time of birth.

Using the ephemeris table, it is necessary to determine the speed of movement and direction of each planet - this is easy to do by comparing the desired day and the next (calculate the difference between its movements). Depending on the speed of the planet, using simple arithmetic operations, calculate its location at the time of birth. After this has been done with all the necessary planets, the map will be ready for decoding. Some planets can move backwards - this is necessarily indicated in the ephemeris. It is important to take this into account, especially noting it on the template.


How to find out which sign is which planet

Planets and Astrology

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The interpretations work in the free and paid versions of astroservices:

  • Position of planets in zodiac signs

Planet in Sanskrit means "graha", which means "invader", that is, one of the many astral forces that have the ability to take possession of you and establish their power over your entire being.

The function of a planet is akin to the zodiac sign in which it is located. These are the responsibilities and work of the planet. The quality of a planet is akin to the House in which it is located. This is already a character, behavior, property.

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Planets in the horoscope are divided into:

Analysis of planets in signs

To identify a person’s psychology, the date, month, year, time of birth of a person (not necessarily exact) is enough. This is quite enough to understand human psychology. This produces 120 characteristics that answer the questions of human psychosynthesis. These are planets - 10 (ten planets), zodiac signs - 12 (twelve), and many aspects.

A sign is always the planet’s habitat. The planets pass around the Earth and look one by one into the signs of the Zodiac (as if through windows). These windows different color(palette, shades) - of different quality, different energy (inherent in the nature of the element).

In astrology, all planets are always moving forward, or stopping (stationary), or going backward (retrograde planets) except the Sun and Moon - but the Zodiac always stands still. The planet is the center of the human psyche and his motivations. The entire environment of the sign will be activated by the planet passing through it. Planets in a sign determine decisive role sign, changes its characteristics - brings changes to the sign. If the planet were completely colored by the quality of the sign, but did not influence it itself, this would lead to the depersonalization of the planet itself. It should also be borne in mind that the moral and spiritual qualities of a person are largely independent of the position and aspects of the planets.

Rules: basic laws of synthesis.

1. Similar qualities of the planet are enhanced by similar qualities of the sign.

2. If the properties of a sign are opposite to the qualities of the planets, they are modified or neutralized (mutual destruction is possible).

The environment of the sign will be activated by the planet, i.e. the qualities of the sign will change. In signs of fall and damage, the luminaries are weakened and therefore, along with positive properties, they will show and negative traits. A comprehensive sign is that strong planets show strength, and weak planets show negativity.

So, the position of a planet in a sign endows it with certain qualities, figuratively speaking, colors its action.

In harmonious aspectation and signs of control and exaltation, the predominantly positive properties of the luminary from a psychological point of view appear in the subject’s character. But even with damaging aspects, not only negative traits can appear, but also positive ones.

Moreover, the negative characteristics depend to a large extent on which luminary is damaging a given planet: good, neutral or evil. The negative characteristics of a damaged luminary can be associated either with the excess of its functions, the excessiveness of its manifestation, or with the lack of its energy. In particular, aggressive manifestations, as a rule, are associated with an excess of energy and function of the luminary, and such qualities as idleness, weakness and laziness are associated with a lack of its energy and function.

Harmonious aspects represent the golden mean: there is no excess, no shortage, everything in moderation, exactly as much as needed.

Occult meaning of planetary symbols.

Nature of the planets:

  • Givers of energy - Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus;
  • Energy takers - Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune;
  • Neutral energy - Mercury.

Planetary energy:

  • Good - Jupiter, Sun, Venus;
  • Evil ones - Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus;
  • Neutral - Mercury, Moon.

Dummy points

  • Lilith, Black Moon
  • North Node, South Node
  • Fortune, cross of fate, vertex

Quality aspects:

Table of planets by rulership and detriment, exaltation and debilitation

Position of planets in signs

  • SUN in ARIES
  • URANUS in Aries (1927-1935)
  • NEPTUNE in ARIES (1861-1874)
  • PLUTO in ARIES (1822-1851)
  • URANUS in TAURUS (1935-1942)
  • NEPTUNE in TAURUS (1874-1887)
  • PLUTO in TAURUS (1851-1883)
  • URANUS in GEMINI (1942-1948)
  • NEPTUNE in GEMINI (1887-1902)
  • PLUTO in GEMINI (1883-1912)
  • SUN in PAKE
  • MOON in PAKE
  • MARS in PAKE
  • URANUS at PAKE (1949-1955)
  • NEPTUNE in PAKE (1902-1915)
  • PLUTO in PAKE (1912-1939)
  • SUN in LEO
  • MOON in LEO
  • VENUS in LEO
  • MARS in LEO
  • URANUS in LEO (1955-1962)
  • NEPTUNE in LEO (1915-1928)
  • PLUTO in LEO (1939-1957)
  • SUN in VIRGO
  • URANUS in VIRGO (1962-1968)
  • NEPTUNE in VIRGO (1928-1942)
  • PLUTO in VIRGO (1955-1971)
  • SUN in LIBRA
  • URANUS in LIBRA (1968-1975)
  • NEPTUNE in LIBRA (1942-1957)
  • PLUTO in LIBRA (1971-1984)
  • URANUS in SCORPIO (1975-1981)
  • NEPTUNE in SCORPIO (1957-1971)
  • PLUTO in SCORPIO (1983-1995)
  • URANUS in SAGITTARIUS (1898-1904,-1988)
  • NEPTUNE in SAGITTARIUS (1970-1984)
  • PLUTO in SAGITTARIUS (1748-1762,-2008)
  • URANUS in CAPRICORN (1904-1912,-1995)
  • NEPTUNE in CAPRICORN (1820-1834,-1998)
  • PLUTO in CAPRICORN (1762-1777,-2023)
  • URANUS in AQUARIUS (1912-1919,1995-2003)
  • NEPTUNE in AQUARIUS (1834-1848,-2011)
  • PLUTO in AQUARIUS (1777-1797,-2043)
  • URANUS in PISCES (1919-1928,2003-2011)
  • NEPTUNE in PISCES (1847-1861,-2025)
  • PLUTO in PISCES (1797-1822)

Position of planets in horoscope houses

Your birth horoscope may include the following planetary positions in signs and houses!

Each planet in a horoscope exhibits both positive and negative qualities. Even damaged, weak, evil planets have positive traits. The implementation of a horoscope depends on culture, upbringing, spiritual level and level of personality development!

The nature of the planets, the position of the planets in the signs and houses of the horoscope, aspects between the planets highlight psychological characteristics personality and life spheres, in which these features will manifest themselves.

In the event sphere, they show the peculiarities of the manifestation of events, give color to events, but are not responsible for the events themselves! The possibility of the realization of a particular event is indicated only by connections between the houses of the horoscope - and the time of birth must be known to the minute!

You can see what events await you in the Event Indicators section.

Most interpretations were developed by our astrologers based on lecture courses at the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy.
