We write a letter to a friend in English. How to end letters to leave a good impression

Title How to write a letter to a friend correctly

Yes about anything. I just don’t know in what style - “Hello, Kolka!” or “Hello, Nikolai.”

The task itself is strange, because now children communicate with all their friends via the Internet - social media. networks, instant messengers and so on.

As an example. Sand wherever you see fit.

Well, you can also add that they say add yourself as a friend on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, and Skype.

The moderator chose this answer as the best

Education is education. Post offices have not yet been closed, so schools teach children to write letters and design envelopes. - 3 years ago

I have three schoolgirls. We had to do this task three times already))) What did we write? Well, firstly, any letter begins with a greeting, then we described some event that was relevant to us, asked how things were with a friend, sometimes described the weather, and at the end we said goodbye. The result was something like this letter to a friend:

“Hello, Dashulka! Finally got around to writing you a letter, because so many things have happened to me since we didn’t see each other!

Everything is fine with me, I finished the school year with a certificate of merit, so my parents gave me a bicycle, you know - it was my dream. Now I'm spending my holidays with my grandparents in the village, there is no computer here, but there are so many interesting things! Every day I ride a bicycle, with my friends I go to the forest to pick mushrooms, I often go to the river with my grandfather, I also fulfill my duties - in the evening I graze geese in the meadow, feed the chickens, pick grass for the rabbits, and help my grandmother in the kitchen. I really like it here!

How are you doing there? Did you participate in the “Young Virtuoso” competition this year? How are your brothers, have they grown up, what can they do now? Come visit us, relax and gain strength for the new school year.

I'll be waiting for you! In the meantime, see you soon, write! Your friend Elya.”

To write a letter to a friend, you need to buy an envelope from a bookstore or post office.

Ask your friend for the address, namely:

The name of the city where the friend lives;

Street name;

House number;

Apartment number;


And also find out your mailing address from your parents and fill out the envelope according to this sample:

Take a piece of notebook paper and first of all write a greeting to your friend.

For example: Hello Kolya!

Write to Kolya what you would like to tell him.

For example: I received your letter today or I looked at the photographs today. and decided to write to you, etc.

There is not much to write about your life.

For example: today I went for a walk with my friends. with parents to the park, circus, etc. They bought me a cat and a dog. that is, write events that you wanted to share with a friend.

The next sentence will be convenient to ask Kolya: How are you doing? How are your studies? and a couple of questions about Kolya’s hobbies.

After asking questions, end the letter with the following sentence: “I am waiting for an answer from you” and write “Goodbye” or “See you later.”

And write the date of the letter and your name.

You can also include a small drawing or postcard in the letter.

In my opinion, a letter can start with a greeting, then describe your life and the interesting things that have happened in it recently. And finally, ask your friend about his life and news.

For example, you can write a letter like this:

Hello, dear friend Yura. Summer is a lot of fun in the village. My grandmother has a cow and I drink warm milk every day. She also has chickens, a cockerel Petya and two cats: Matvey and Vasily. A river flows not far from my grandmother’s house and I go swimming every day. I have made a lot of new friends here, we play catch, hide and seek and war games. Recently, Grandfather Timofey and I went fishing and I caught a huge carp. My parents also bought me a new bicycle and I often go riding along the field road. True, I fell hard once, but in future I will be more careful.

And how are you? What do you do in your free time?

Write do not forget. Bye. Is yours best friend, Ruslan.

A letter to a friend should be written easily, as if you were writing a letter without thinking about the plot. Then check and, if anything, rewrite any inaccuracies where there was a break in thought.

Can you remember a small funny story and tell a friend in a letter how you overslept for class and had to lie that you were stuck in the elevator, but the next day you really were stuck, but the teacher didn’t believe you anymore, and so it turns out that the truth always becomes known. Here we remember the famous hero Denisk Korableva, how he poured semolina porridge out the window and thought that no one would find out, but it turned out like you did with the elevator.

Write the truth, but like a real writer, embellish your story a little.

If you need to write a letter to a friend, then here you need to write about friendship, about mutual help. Remember how we used to often write letters to our acquaintances and friends in other cities?

At first I came up with a beautiful greeting. Next, I remember writing to my friend about the weather, about why I was happy, about how I missed personal communication with her, about what was bothering me, about what I was going to do in the near future. She also asked how she was doing, what was bothering her, how she lived and what the weather was like in her city. At the end, I made sure to say hello to her parents, wrote that I was really looking forward to letters from her, and said a beautiful farewell.

To write a letter to a friend, you will need to remember some incident or adventure that happened in your recent past and follow some rules for writing a letter. First of all, an appeal. Start your letter with a greeting and greet your friend the way you usually do in life. Then the main part. This is what you want to talk about in the letter. And the final part. Draw a conclusion, ask your friend a question and say goodbye. Remember, there are no rules when writing a letter to a friend. You can write about whatever comes to mind first.

A letter to a friend should be written in free form, allowing for an abundance of exclamation marks. Start with a greeting, then describe your last news, end with questions to the reader, that is, your friend. At the end, write your wishes. For example:

I haven't seen you for a long time! I miss you - what a passion! I’m doing well, not just one C in a quarter, can you imagine. My parents gave me a dog. How I have dreamed about her for a long time. Called him Barbos. He is so good and obedient! Come and look at him, let's play football.

Write, see you soon, I’m really looking forward to our meeting!

Letters have been written since time immemorial and continue to be written to this day. They serve as a tool for communication between people, helping to clearly convey the essence to the interlocutor, which was the reason for writing it. In this article we will look at several types of business correspondence and learn how to correctly compose business letters.

To correctly compose any business letter, you need to be able to clearly state its essence and correctly structure it. Business correspondence is conducted on company-approved letterhead with your own logo and address. In the upper right corner, fill out a header consisting of the position and name of the head of the recipient company. At the end of the header is written brief information about the sender. The next stage of writing a letter is writing an appeal. It may sound different depending on the degree of familiarity with the addressee. If you know him personally, then you can address him like this: “Dear Sergey Yuryevich!” If the addressee is a stranger, the address may look like this: “Dear Mr. Ivanov!” It must be borne in mind that in these cases it is unacceptable to abbreviate the word Mr. or put initials instead of last name and first name. To convey the essence of the letter in a concise form is the task of the preamble. Most often it consists of one paragraph. After reading the preamble, the recipient should already have a brief understanding of the content of the letter. After it, the main text begins, containing several paragraphs. The text should succinctly express your thoughts about the situation. It is advisable that the main text does not exceed four paragraphs. The letter should end with a conclusion, which briefly summarizes the results of the letter, puts a date and a signature indicating the name and position of the sender. Depending on the reason for writing the appeal, sometimes it is appropriate to end it with the words: “Sincerely yours!”, “With hope for further cooperation,” etc. One of the common types of business letters is a letter of guarantee. In its main text, the author guarantees the fulfillment of one or another promise, announces the end date for the fulfillment of guarantees and establishes the amount of the penalty that he will have to pay in case of violation of warranty obligations.

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Letters of gratitude are also a type of business, but already from the category of personal. They can be issued on company letterhead or a greeting card. The main text should include congratulations to the addressee, indicating the event that gave rise to the letter and listing the recipient's outstanding achievements.

On our website.

Letters of recommendation Most often they are drawn up for an employee of an enterprise on behalf of the manager. They contain information about best qualities employee, his merits and achievements. Typically, in such letters, the previous employer is ready to vouch for his employee to the future employer.

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It's not just organizations that have to lead business correspondence. When looking for a job, you must also follow Business Etiquette. The applicant needs to be able to correctly compose a resume and a cover letter, in which a brief address to the employer is written, indicating the source of information about the desired vacancy, the name of the applicant and his telephone number.

Are you sure that among the hundreds of emails that the recipient views, your letter really stands out? Career development experts and marketers talked about how to correctly indicate the subject of an email to ensure that the recipient opens it and responds to it in a timely manner.

1. Always include a subject line

Ignoring the subject field of an email is the biggest mistake a sender makes when hoping to receive a timely response. The subject line of an email typically tells the recipient the content of the message and forces him to decide whether to open the email or not. An email with an empty subject field will most likely be deleted immediately because it will irritate the recipient, who will have to open the email to find out what it is about.

2. First enter the subject of the letter, and then start writing the message

Many people believe that the subject line of an email is a secondary concern after writing it. However, Amanda Augustine, a career consultant at The Ladders, emphasizes that the topic of the letter is the author's priority. Firstly, it is the topic that sets the tone of the message, and, secondly, it does not allow you to be distracted by other topics.

3. Be brief

While when you open your inbox on a computer monitor you can see 60 characters in the subject line, on a smartphone you can only see 25-30 characters. Therefore, keep the subject line of your email to 6-8 words. This will be more than enough.

4. Put the most important things at the beginning of the subject line

Dmitry Leonov, vice president of SaneBox, said that about 50% of letters are viewed from mobile phones. Take this into account and write the most important things at the very beginning of the subject line. Otherwise, in 50% of cases, important parts of the message may simply be cut off by mobile devices and not read by recipients.

5. Avoid unnecessary words

Do not clutter the subject line with unnecessary phrases such as “Good afternoon”, “Nice to meet you”, “Thank you” and so on. First, they mean nothing to the recipient. Secondly, you can safely use them in the letter itself, which will be even more logical.

6. Be clear and specific in the subject line

The subject line of the letter should indicate exactly what the letter will be about. It is the subject of the letter that the recipient must prioritize and decide when exactly he needs to respond to it. For example, a message in the subject “Do you have free time now to solve my question?” very vague, as it does not give the recipient an understanding of what exactly they want from him, and forces him to open the letter. Therefore, if you send a resume, then feel free to write your name and the name of the vacancy for which you are applying in the subject line. And if you want to ask a question about the current project to your colleague or partner, then indicate the name of the specific project in the subject line.

7. Keep your subject line simple and call to action.

This tip will be especially useful for marketers and those who send marketing emails. Hub Spot Vice President Kip Bodnar advises writing a subject line that calls the recipient to action and gets him interested.

8. Use keywords to further search and filter

Many email professionals have themed folders and actively use filters to search for specific emails. Therefore, if there are no such tags in the subject of your letter, then your letter will most likely simply not be noticed. Therefore, it is very important to use keywords that reflect the subject of the letter, so that in the future the recipient can easily find it through the search system.

9. Please indicate if you require an answer.

When a person receives a letter, it is also important for him to know whether he just needs to read it or whether he needs to respond to it. So, says Amanda Augustine, put "Please Reply" or "Please Read" in the subject line. You can also use the expression "FYI". It is used to let the recipient know that the message will be of interest to him. In business email correspondence, it emphasizes that the sender wants to inform the recipient, but the message is not an order and does not require the recipient to perform actions directly related to the message.

10. Indicate the deadline in the subject line of the email

If you are sending a lot of information in the body of the letter, but you need a response to it within a certain time frame, then indicate them in the subject line of the letter. This will significantly increase the chances of reading and responding to the message in a timely manner. For example, you could say, "Please respond to this email by close of business on Friday."

11. If anyone referred you to this recipient, please let them know.

If the recipient's contact was given to you by a partner, client, or colleague, then indicate his name directly in the subject, and not in the letter itself. First, a familiar name will attract the recipient's attention. Secondly, it will give the recipient an idea of ​​the project or issue you may be approaching them with.

12. Highlight what you want to offer

If you send a cold email, you don't know whether your recipient will be interested in your offer. Therefore, indicate in the subject what you offer, and also tell us about bonuses - discounts, special offers.

13. Enter the recipient's name or company name

You must know who you are sending the letter to. And the recipient should also immediately realize that this letter is intended specifically for him. Kip Bodnar states that one of the best ways to show this is to include his name or company name in the subject line. For example, you can write like this: “Vladimir, look at these numbers: the company’s sales have increased by 25%.”

14. Use words that limit the time frame for responding to the letter.

If you want to attract someone's attention and convince the recipient to respond to you, then indicate the deadline for your offer in the subject line of the letter. For example: “Registration is required today,” “The number of places is limited - hurry to sign up for the event.”

15. Don't start a sentence in the subject line that ends in the email itself.

If you start writing a question or sentence in the subject line of the letter, then end it right there, without continuing in the letter itself. This annoys the recipient because it forces him to open the letter and continue reading. Think, maybe a messenger or even a call would be more suitable for a short question?

16. Re-read the message in the subject line

Amanda Augustine advises re-reading the subject line before sending. Why is this? Very often, when a sender sends a whole “stack” of letters to different recipients, he forgets to change the name or company name in the subject line of the letter. This may irritate the recipient or even offend you. Therefore, before sending the letter, re-read it and check for inconsistencies.

17. Don't write in uppercase

Using words written in uppercase draws attention, but in the wrong direction. This method makes the letter difficult to read and makes the recipient worry on a subconscious level. Instead, you can use dashes and colons to draw a line between words and emphasize something.

Translation of the article was prepared by Ekaterina Nikitina based on materials from Business Insider


Choose a message depending on the age of the person you are writing to. It is customary to address a child under 16 years of age as “you”; when communicating with a stranger older than this age, the rules of good manners require the use of the pronoun “you”. In this case, it is quite acceptable to call the young man by name without a patronymic, for example, “I know, Alexander, that you ...” or “I decided to write to you, Natasha ...”. A middle-aged or older person is addressed by his first name and patronymic. If it is in character and addressed to an official, regardless of age, call him by his first and patronymic names.

Introduce yourself and give some information about yourself.

Briefly summarize the essence of your letter. Inform the recipient whether you want to tell him something, ask him for something, or apologize for something. For example, “I think you will be interested in the fact that you have relatives in Belarus” or “Circumstances force me to turn to you asking for help.”

State the information you want to convey to the recipient. Try to write concisely, avoid ambiguous phrases and expressions: the person does not know you, does not know what to expect from you, so there is a possibility of being misunderstood.

At the end of the letter, specifically formulate your request or wish so that the addressee has no doubt about what you really want from him. If you make a request, accompany it with an apology for the inconvenience.

Say goodbye politely. Thank you for your attention to your message.

Re-read the written letter and make the necessary adjustments.

Helpful advice

You should be especially sensitive and thoughtful when writing a letter of request. If doing what you ask requires significant effort, the recipient's natural reaction will be to refuse you. In such cases, it is necessary to think about what could serve as a motive to a stranger, who does not owe you anything, to take actions in your interest. Unobtrusively appeal to high feelings: responsibility, compassion, etc. Sometimes, on the contrary, such incentives as the desire to receive material gain and become famous turn out to be more effective. Support the request stated in the official letter with justification for its legality and references to the law.

Technical progress led to the fact that the epistolary genre has long ceased to be relevant. Why write letters when you can call, send a text message, or click on ICQ. Meanwhile, the ability to write good letter worth a lot. Some young men are tormented because they don’t know how or what to write to a girl, and yet there’s nothing complicated about it.


For a young person, having to write a letter can be an insurmountable challenge. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, how to do it, what words the girl will like, and what words will inadvertently repel her. But there is no need to panic. Let's look at a few situations. The girl may be your favorite, just an acquaintance, or one whom you have never seen before and want to impress her. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you have with, but if you decide, then you have good reasons for this.

Helpful advice

When planning to write a letter asking for help, you must make sure that the person you are contacting can really help you, that it is within his power with the powers with which he is endowed.

Ability to briefly compose information about to myself– a valuable skill that will come in handy, for example, when writing a resume to apply for a job. How to do it right? To do this, you need to remember a few simple rules.


First, you need to provide your details: last name, first name and patronymic. This information should be immediately obvious, so make it bold. Date of birth and/or number of completed years are required. This information will allow you to form an opinion about your suitability for the position for which you are applying.

The employer may need information on how to contact you if necessary, so include your contact information in the information: home and postal addresses, including zip code, email address. Indicate contact phone numbers, not forgetting to explain which one is home and which is work. It doesn’t hurt to check the time when it’s most convenient for you to call.

If you send your resume by email, please include the same email address, from which you are sending the letter. Otherwise, confusion may arise during correspondence.

The resume must contain an indication of the position for which you intend to apply. In this case, the indication of the position must coincide with the wording that is indicated. A formulation like “I want to be useful to your company in some way” can cause nothing but bewilderment.

The company is looking for a specialist for a very specific position, so you should not indicate several vacancies at once that you are targeting. This will reduce your chances of success.

In the section related to your educational level, indicate the year and what educational institution you graduated from, specialization in. If you have an academic degree or title, also include it in the information about to myself. Information about your completion of advanced training courses, even if they were short, can be valuable.

One of the main sections of a resume is related to a description of your professional activities. Indicate places of work with the name of the enterprise and position, length of service in each position. It is important to write about the reasons for leaving a particular position. This characterizes you in the eyes of a potential person. It is customary to list places of work in reverse temporal order.

For more information about to myself should write about ownership foreign languages indicating the level. Experience with computers and office equipment and the ability to use the Internet can also be important in our time. Indicate in the description whether you have a driver's license and driving experience.

Provide personal details only when necessary. The basis of the resume should contain data on those personality traits that are important for fulfilling future professional responsibilities and characterize yours. Try to be more modest when describing yourself.

In conclusion, we note that it is impossible to make a brief statement for all occasions. What to indicate and to what extent depends on specific situation and related conditions.


  • How to properly compose (write) a resume?
  • write about yourself on your resume

Anonymous messages are mysterious. You always want to guess who wrote the unsigned letter and why they chose to remain anonymous? There are several ways to do this.


If you can't, please read the letter carefully. Sometimes it happens that a person simply forgets to indicate his name or, having deliberately not done so, being afraid to sign the message, still leaves a clue for the addressee. It could be something that he often uses in, a hint of something that only you two know. Try to find something in the text that will bring you closer to the solution.

When you know your email, you can try to find out who is writing to you using it. In many in social networks provided by email addresses, use it. Don’t forget about search engines, sometimes they help you find out information of this kind.

Think about what goals you were pursuing when you wrote the unsigned message. Agree, this is, as a rule, of no use to friends, but even more so to strangers. There are times when a person chooses a role to communicate something that is not entirely honest, or when he is afraid that his message will disappoint the recipient.

Lovers love anonymous messages. It is difficult for them to admit their feelings; they try to make inquiries about the object of their passion, including by corresponding with him. Take a closer look at your surroundings: perhaps among your friends there are unlucky Romeos. By the way, it tastes not only of Romeo, but also of Othello. So, if you have recently separated from your partner, it makes sense to suspect that he is the letter writer.

If you can’t figure out who the author of the letter is, ask him himself (if, of course, he left contact information). In cases where this is impossible to do, you just have to rely on your own intuition. Become a detective. At least for a couple of minutes. If you don’t find out who wrote the message, at least force your brain to work: training will never hurt it.

Communication is a natural need of any person. This fully applies to writing letters. Today you rarely see a person writing letter with pen and paper, but the ability to write interesting letters has not lost its importance. In fact, does it really matter whether the recipient receives the message in an envelope or by email? The main thing is that it is interesting for him to read your message.


When writing a letter, always remember and consider who exactly you are addressing. The style of writing a letter to a friend or close relative, naturally, may differ from a letter to a business partner with a proposal for possible cooperation. When communicating with people, you can allow yourself greater openness and sincerity, but even in a purely business letter you can fully demonstrate your creative abilities.

Write with optimism. When addressing people close to you in a letter, use warm words that for some reason we are all embarrassed to say in a personal conversation. Start letters as if the recipient is your interlocutor and is one step away from you. Imagine that you are simply continuing a conversation that was briefly interrupted. “What a shame, the tea is already cold. And I was just about to tell you about a funny incident that happened at work...”

The degree of frankness of the letter should depend on how much you allow it in live communication with this person. Maintain confidentiality. Don’t try to write or send personal letters when you have free time at work. If you are caught doing this, it can be an awkward situation. Or be prepared to have to cover the text with your hand.

If suddenly it doesn’t occur to you what to write about what you promised letter, don't be embarrassed. Open any news resource and you will definitely find a suitable topic. Share with an invisible interlocutor your thoughts and feelings regarding some event that is significant for both of you. Let letter will be a little emotional, just be careful in expressing your emotions. Don't overuse exclamation marks. If you are writing an email letter, it is appropriate to communicate your emotions by inserting an appropriate smile along the text.

Don't be lazy to paste in letter a couple of jokes, an anecdote or a humorous poem. A questioning insert can add attractiveness and intimacy to the letter, for example: “Isn’t it great?”, “Not a bad idea, agree?”, “How do you like this turn of events?” This style of writing will create in the interlocutor a feeling of inclusion in the topic of the letter and direct participation in an interesting dialogue.


  • The art of writing letters

Sometimes relatives find themselves far away, and letters remain the only way to keep in touch with them. However, the epistolary genre is almost forgotten today, and I really want to please my loved ones with a warm message that they will read with interest. How to do this?


It matters who your message is addressed to. It is better for young people to send an email supplemented with photographs and a variety of emoticons. The older generation, as a rule, prefers paper letters. In this case, choose an elegant envelope. In addition to a letter, you can put a photo or a pleasing postcard with pictures of flowers or beautiful landscapes in it.

Decide on the main subject of the letter. It could be something an important event, for example, a story about a journey, or the first day on new job. Sometimes there is no main topic, and you have to consistently share a variety of news and impressions. In this case, the ability to clearly express your thoughts will be especially useful to you.

Be concise. After the traditional greeting and polite questions about health and life in general, move on to the main thing. Think about what is most interesting to your recipient. If specific information is expected from you, such as how you settled in your new place, start there. Then move on to secondary issues.

Try to write in such a way that letter gave a complete picture of your life. And it consists not only of important news, but also of impressions. Relatives You will probably be interested in who you are friends with, what films you have watched lately, and what you are planning to do this coming weekend.

If you have to deliver sad news, be sensitive. Don't end or start with them letter, let everything unpleasant be somewhere in the middle, and at the end of the message, support your loved ones, tell them that you love them, wish them all the best. Completing the paperwork letter, put the date.

Whatever you write about, be sincere. Don’t try to come up with special speech patterns, express your thoughts simply and clearly, without being pretentious, and don’t neglect the rules of spelling. Then you the best way You will be able to convey to your loved ones everything that is in your soul.

To begin with, dear readers, let's define the goals of our lesson. So, we must define what a personal letter is and how it differs from business letter, study its structure, and most importantly, learn how to independently write a letter to a friend in English using ready-made templates.

People use letters as a way to exchange information around the world. Letters can be written to friends, relatives, acquaintances or people with whom we are unfamiliar, for example, business partners. It is the person to whom your letter is addressed that determines whether it belongs to business or personal correspondence, and the form, structure and style of writing your letter depends on its affiliation. You could familiarize yourself with the rules for writing business letters in our previous article, letter in English, and now we will get acquainted with the features of writing personal letters in English.

So, friendly or personal letters are usually addressed to people you know personally (friends, relatives, loved ones). The language used to write such letters may be colloquial. For example, 1st and 2nd person pronouns (I, you) are used very often. It is possible to use dialect words, slang words, exclamations, interjections, colloquialisms, modal verbs, affectionate forms, etc. In personal letters, you can freely express your opinion, i.e., a subjective assessment of any situation is not prohibited. Personal letters can have a strong emotional overtones. As you can see, friendly correspondence does not have such strict stylistic restrictions as business correspondence.

As for the structure of a personal letter in English, its form is practically no different from a business letter; it’s just that some points can be neglected at your discretion. You can familiarize yourself with the structure of a letter in the article “Learning to write letters in English correctly.” If you have to write a personal letter to a friend in English, for example, during an exam, then of course the form of the letter cannot be neglected.

Step-by-step letter structure with template phrases

So, a personal letter to a friend in English must, according to all the rules, include 5 points:

The first point is the “header” of the letter, i.e. the sender’s address and date. (Heading: address and date)
The address is written in the upper right corner and has the following sequence: house number with the street name, separated by a comma, apartment number. The next line shows the city and postal code, and the next line shows the country. Do not put any commas or periods.

46 Riverview Park
New York 542 210
15th February, 2008

On the next line or every other line immediately below the address, the date is written. Several spelling options are possible:

May 12, 2014
May 12th, 2014
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014

The 2nd point is “appeal”. (salutation or greeting) The appeal is written on a new line on the left. After the address, as a rule, a comma is placed.
Very often the address begins with the word Dear + the name of the person to whom you are writing.

Dear Rima, Dear Karan
Dear Daddy, Dear Mammy
Dear Uncle Ray
Dear Mr. Green

Various options are possible. It all depends on who you are writing to.

My dear Jim
My darling
Or simply - Hello, my dear Olya

The 3rd point is “the main text of the letter”. (body/message)
The first paragraph of the main text is an introduction or an opening sentence, where you can thank your friend for the previous letter, tell him why you haven’t written for so long, or simply write that you were very glad to hear news from your friend. It roughly looks like this:

I’m writing to (thank/ tell/ ask/ congratulate/ apologize/ etc.) - I am writing to you to (thank, say, ask, congratulate, express regret, etc.)
I’m writing to thank you very much for the nice post card... - I am writing to you to thank you for the wonderful postcard...
Many thanks for your letter… — Thank you very much for your letter...
I was very glad to get your letter... - I was very glad to receive your letter...
Thanks for your recent letter. It was good to hear from you... - Thank you for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you...
I've been meaning to write to you for ages but somehow just haven't been able to find the time I really should have written sooner…- I was going to write to you a long time ago, but somehow I never found the time, I really late with the answer...
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been really busy with... - Sorry for not writing for so long, but I was really busy...
I must apologize for not writing earlier... - I must apologize for not writing earlier...
I’m sorry I’ve taken such a long time to reply to your last letter... - Sorry that it took me so long to answer your last letter...

In the second paragraph you can answer your friend's questions. If you are writing a letter to a friend in English as an assignment for an exam, the assignment will usually include questions that you must answer.

You are asking me about... I"ll do my best to answer your questions. - You asked me about... I will try to answer your questions.
That's about all I can tell you on this problem. - That's all I can tell you about this.

In the third and fourth paragraphs, you talk about events in your life, share news and ask your questions to a friend.

Nice is some news about... - I have news about...
I think you are studying hard now. Have you already chosen the university where you are going to apply? Will it be difficult to study there? “I think you’re studying hard now.” Have you already chosen the university you will attend? Will it be difficult to study there?
How has your summer been? - How was your summer?
What have you been up to? — What interesting happened to you?
Are you playing any sports? — Do you do any sports?
Have you been traveling? -Have you traveled?
I am preparing for entrance exams to the university. — I am preparing for the entrance exams to the university.
We are going to travel to Turkey. — We are going to go to Turkey.

The fifth paragraph is the closing sentence, where you bring your message to a close and can wish success, ask for something, or express hope for something. You can also write that you are in a hurry somewhere or it’s time for you to go somewhere.

Anyway, I must go and get on with my work. - In any case, I have to go on working.
Well, got to go now. - Well, that's all.
I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight. — I have a whole bunch of homework for today.
I must finish my letter because it is very late and I must go to bed (because my Mum is calling me / because I have to do my homework). — I’m finishing my letter because it’s late and it’s time for me to sleep (because my mother is calling me / because I need to do my homework)
Hope to hear from you soon. “I hope to hear from you soon.”
Drop me a line when you are free. - Write me a few lines when you are free.
Looking forward to hearing from you. - I look forward to hearing from you.
Write soon. - Write as soon as possible.
See you soon! - See you soon!
Do keep in touch! - We'll be in touch!
Don't forget to write! - Don't forget to answer!
Looking forward to seeing you. - I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Write back to me soon. - Answer as soon as possible.
Let me know what happens. - Let me know what's going on.
I hope this advice is of some help to you. — I hope that my advice will be useful for you.

The 4th point is the final polite phrase (subscription/ closing). A comma must be placed after the final phrase.

Best wishes,
All the best,

The 5th final point is your signature. You put your signature on the next line under the final phrase without a period.

So, as you noticed, a letter to a friend in English has the same structure as a business letter. The main difference lies in the style of the language. This is why template phrases for personal and business letters are completely different.

I want to give you a couple more tips for successfully writing a letter to a friend in English. To ensure that the text is complete and sounds good, use linking words and conjunctions: just now, and, at all, but, that’s why, also, as for me, maybe, though, so, not only, to tell the truth, besides, now, first, also, finally, but, however, so that, such as, for example as, because, when, while, Well, Right… Use short forms of verbs: I've, there's, I'd...

If your English vocabulary is not that great, you can still easily cope with a task such as writing a letter to a friend in English. To do this, you will have to visually remember the structure of the letter and memorize a ready-made template, which will need to be supplemented with a couple of sentences.
You can create a template yourself using the phrases we have selected for each item.

Letter template to a friend in English

46 Riverview Park
New York 542 210

My dear Jim,
Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been really busy with…
You are asking me about… I’ll do my best to answer your questions. (answer questions)
Nice is some news about... (telling the news)
What have you been up to... (ask your questions)
I must finish my letter because it is very late and I must go to bed. Hope to hear from you soon.

Here's how to easily write a letter to a friend in English using template phrases! All you have to do is add a couple of sentences and the letter is ready!

Study the following letters to a friend in English with translation in order to better understand the structure of such letters.

Examples letters in English with translation

46 Riverview Park
Dublin 23

Dear Jim,
How are things in Wicklow? I have not seen you for ages so I decided to write and give you all the news from Glentown.
The football team is doing really well this season. We have reached the semi-final of the Cup. The new goalkeeper we got after you left is great. He has not let in a goal in the last three matches.
My sister, Sandra, Has just had a baby girl, so I am now an uncle. Maybe I will be able to make some money from baby- sitting and then I can come down on the train to visit you.
Write soon and let me know all the news.

Your friend,

46 Riverview Park
Dublin 23

Dear Jim,
How are things in Wicklow? I haven't seen you for ages, so I decided to write to you and tell you all the news about Glentown.
The football team is really doing well this season. We have reached the semi-finals of the Cup. The new goalkeeper who joined us after you left is great. He hasn't conceded a single goal in his last three matches.
My sister, Sandra, just had a baby girl, so I'm now an uncle. Perhaps I can earn some money as a nanny and come by train to visit you.
Reply to me as soon as possible and tell me all the news.

Your friend,

12 Hill Drive
Co. Meath

Dear Susan,
I hope everything is well with you. It has been ages since we saw you here in Meath.
I am writing to ask you to come and stay with us the weekend of the 6th June. We are having a little get together because John is going to Australia for a year. It would be lovely for him to see you before he goes, you are his godmother after all. Let me know if you can make it, don’t worry if not, any weekend before then is fine.
We are all in good form here. Very busy trying to get John organised. I will miss him while he's away.
I do hope all the family are well.

12 Hill Drive
County Meath

Dear Susan,
I hope you are doing well. It's been forever since we've seen you here in Meath.
I am writing to ask you to come and stay with us on the weekend of June 6th. We're all getting together because John is going to Australia for a year. It would be great for him to see you before he leaves, after all, you are his godmother. Let me know if you manage to come, if not, don’t worry, you can come any weekend before he leaves.
We are fine. Constantly busy trying to get John ready for the trip. I will miss him very much when he leaves.
I really hope everything is okay with your family.

With love,

12 Hilly Drive
Co. Meath

Dear Susan,
I am writing to say thank you for the lovely flowers. I can’t believe you remembered my birthday! You are so thoughtful.
We are all in good form here. I do hope all the family are well. Paul is starting a new job next week. I hope to get down to Cork to visit you soon.
Thanks again.

12 Hill Drive
County Meath

Dear Susan,
I am writing to thank you for the beautiful flowers. I can't believe you remembered my birthday! You are so attentive.
We are fine. I hope everyone is doing well too. Paul starts a new job next week. I'm thinking of coming to visit you in Cork soon.
Thank you very much again.

With love,

46 Riverview Park
New York 542 210

Hi Sophie,
I'm writing this from the cutest little cafe in New York! Mum’s been making sure we don’t miss one sight in the whole city, so we’ve been walking almost all day. So far we’ve seen Times Square, Broadway, Central Park and The Plaza. I caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty but we’re going to go and see it properly tomorrow!
The streets are super busy here and everyone looks amazing in their winter coats and hats. I had to buy mittens today! I miss being able to feel my fingers!
Hope you're enjoying your holidays.
Miss you times a million, see you back in Adelaide on the 20th!


PS: I’m bringing you back a souvenir!

46 Riverview Park

Hi Sophie,
I'm writing to you now from the cutest little cafe in New York! Mom does everything possible to ensure that we never miss anything interesting in the city, so we spent almost the entire day on our feet. So far we have already seen Times Square, Broadway, Central Park and the Square. I caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty, but we're going to explore it properly tomorrow!
The streets here are super busy and everyone looks amazing in their winter coats and hats. Today I had to buy mittens! I'm losing the ability to feel my fingers!
I hope you enjoy your holiday.
Miss you like crazy, see you again in Adelaide on the 20th!

With love,

PS: I'll bring you a souvenir!

12 Tulip Road
Dublin 20

Dear Sally,
How are you settling down in your new school in Cork? Our class is quite different since you left. It’s much quitter for a start. All the teachers are remarking on it!
We had an English test yesterday. WhenMrs. Byrne came in today with the results she was so mad there was nearly smoke coming out of her ears!
Phil Martin and Sandra Byrne have split up. Phil is really down in the dumps. But otherwise everyone is in great form. We are all going down to the club in the Sports Center on Friday night. It’s a pity you won’t be with us.
Write soon and tell us all about Cork. Goodbye for now.

12 Tulip Road
Dublin 20

Dear Sally,
How have you settled into your new school in Cork? Our class has changed a lot since you left. Many people have become lazy. All teachers notice this!
Yesterday we had an English test. When Ms Byrne came in with the results today, she was so angry she thought she was about to have smoke coming out of her ears!
Phil Martin and Sandra Byrne fled. Phil is now walking around like he's lost. But in all other respects we are fine. We're going to the club at the Sports Center on Friday night. It's a pity that you won't be with us.
Write as soon as possible and tell us about Cork. Well, bye.

With love,

2 West Road

Dear Joe
Greetings from Cork! Now that we have settled in our new house I am having a house- warming party to celebrate.
I am inviting some of the gang from Dublin and some of my new school friends from Cork.
The fun begins at 9 pm on Saturday, 3rd March. Why not come down on Friday night and stay for the weekend? I have asked Sandra and Brian to stay over also.
The train leaves Dublin at 4.15 pm and arrives in Cork at 7.30 pm.
My dad will meet you at the station.
Let me know as soon as possible if you can come.

2 West Road
County Cork

Dear Joe,
Greetings from Cork! Now that we've settled into our new home, I'm going to celebrate with a party at home.
I'm inviting some of the crowd from Dublin and some of my new school friends from Cork.
The fun starts at 21:00 on Saturday, March 3rd. Why don't you come on Friday night and stay the weekend? I asked Sandra and Brian to stay too.
The train departs Dublin at 16:15 and arrives in Cork at 19:30.
My dad will meet you at the station. ( 37 Votes: 4,27 out of 5)
